Tom Sunic’s Homo americanus is published

Dr Tomislav Sunic’s new book, Homo Americanus is finally available at Amazon, price $15.99.
I will be reviewing it in the next couple of weeks. But I can tell you now that it argues the case for equivalency between Homo sovieticus and Homo americanus in every respect save one - where the former failed the test of time the latter has succeeded, but the answer to what succeeds him may be nothing.
American readers will be challenged by this portrait of American culture and Personality. But the honest reader will recognise its truths, and close the book a wiser man.
Posted by VanSpeyk on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:39 | #
Thanks for the heads up. I too am quite interested in it, not least because of MacDonald’s contribution to it. Not just that he wrote the introduction but also that he supports its message is what makes me want to read it. Unfortunately I don’t have a creditcard, nor do my folks, so does anyone know if you could buy it through paypal?