USrael’s Nuclear Bailout of AIG and Tata’s Taj Terror

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 27 November 2008 15:46.

“Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

So if we depend on Samuel Johnson’s rule, what are we to make of reports that:

Even as it gasped for breath, American insurance giant AIG was lobbying the United States Congress hard to get the Indo-US civil nuclear energy deal cleared, reports Business, it would appear, runs politics in the United States.

American International Group, or AIG, is supposed to have spent over $5 million lobbying in favour of the nuke deal. AIG deployed its own in-house lobbyists, but also employed five lobbying firms, to influence bills and other policy matters in Washington, claimed the ProPublica report.

The signing of the bill by President George W Bush in October signalled a new chapter in Indo-US ties. With the clearance of the deal, India has been released from the 30-year-old sanctions during which it was not given any civil nuclear technology to ramp up its energy needs. The ban was imposed soon after India first tested a nuclear bomb at Pokharan, Rajasthan in 1974.

So why was AIG so keen?

Or, as Samul Johnson might ask:  “So why was AIG’s mind so wonderfully concentrated on India’s nuclear capabilities by its imminent bankruptcy?”

Here’s a plausible explanation that also tends to explain the current terror attacks on Tata Group’s assets in Mumbai:

As has been previously reported, international fraud rings have penetrated the financial centers of the US and we should expect that along with the rest of the Fortune 1000, AIG’s main vulnerability to such international fraud rings is via India’s takeover of US financial information technology.  Those of us who have seen the information industry in the US sold down the river know that Israel has played no minor part.  Indeed, it is entirely plausible that it was the historic feud between Hinduism and Islam that made USrael sacrifice the uppity US technologists on the alter of an alliance between USrael and India in the middle East.  It seems unlikely that any major-league financial con could be pulled off by the Indians without the knowledge if not consent of the Mossad.

With lame-duck Bush leaving office, the prospect that the US might not be as reliable an ally of Israel in the hands of a protean Kenyan and Iran ramping up its enrichment capability to 500 centrifuges, now would be the time to close the deal with India:  arming it to the teeth with nuclear weapons.  This will require money—not a lot in the whole scheme of the financial catastrophe—but enough to be noticeable without such a cover.

India has population to burn and a lot of urban areas in serious need of new infrastructure—and a Brahman caste traditionally more tied to the rural areas than are the current elites in the West.  The deal:  600 million Muslims for 600 million (lower caste urban) Hindus.  USrael gets to sit out the nuclear conflict, wringing its hands with furrowed brow.

If this money—less than $100 billion but probably more than $20 billion—were being funneled to India via AIG, how would it become observable?

One way might be for AIG’s primary partner in India to suddenly undergo a terrorist attack in the financial center of India.  So who is AIG’s primary partner in India?

The Tata Group

And what might be the Tata Group’s asset most vulnerable to terror attack while likely being currently involved in the the laundering of tens of billions for nuclear arms buildup?

Here’s a reasonable candidate:

When violent attackers besieged the Taj, as it is universally known, on Wednesday night and embarked on a murderous rampage, they targeted one of the city’s most sumptuous buildings and best known landmarks.

But they also went after something larger: a hulking physical embodiment of India’s deepening involvement with the world.

The Taj is where privileged Indians come when they want a world-class meal. It is where pinstriped foreign investors come when deciding whether to invest in India or outsource jobs here. It is where Mick Jagger, Liz Hurley, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt come to make their homes away from home.

And it is owned by a conglomerate, the Tata Group…

Oh, and don’t forget the Israelis.




Posted by John on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 12:10 | #

I agree with you that there’s a huge conspiracy angle here (it’s likely imo that this false flag op had multiple objectives—plausibly deniably killing Hemant Karkare chief among them), Almost as interesting to me is the hay that the BNP will be able to make of this.


Posted by John on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 12:28 | #

Hemant Karkare was known for fair investigation

NDTV Correspondent - Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad’s chief Hemant Karkare was
gunned down when he was leading an operation at Mumbai’s Taj Hotel
against terrorists on Wednesday. He was hit by three bullets in his chest.

Karkare (54) was gunned down when he was leading an operation at
Hotel Taj against terrorists who had taken 15 people, including seven
foreigners, as hostages. He was hit by three bullets in his chest.

Karkare was probing the September 29 Malegaon blast case. He was an
IPS officer of the 1982 batch, who had served with the Research and
Analysis Wing (RAW) for nine years in Austria.

He was a man known for his discipline and fair investigation.

Mumbai massacre: We must heed the warning

NO matter how much the media tries to muddy the waters with its array of alleged culprits for the massacre in Mumbai, there is only one defining motivation behind the slaughter - Islamic expansionism.

Television reports have meticulously avoided using the word Islam or Muslim. Instead they have talked about the perpetrators being International terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Mujahideen, Taliban, Jihadists and Pakistan . . . almost as if they are frightened of revealing the truth about those who are responsible. All these have just one clear motivation, Islamic expansionism, and to enlighten the public as to what is going on, the media should be making the situation clearer, not confusing it more. The BBC in particular seems almost desperate to introduce an international element to the tragedy, linking it to its favourite scapegoat Al-Qaeda, the convenient deposit for all the misdeeds of Islam.

Muslims in India make up around 15% of the population and they are constantly pushing for more space and more self-determination from the Hindu majority. These attacks are behind that campaign and that is the important warning that Britain should be heeding from what has taken place in Mumbai.

In Britain, Muslims currently make up 5% of the population and that total is increasing every year. The Islamic lobby here, as in India, is pushing, pushing all the time for more self-determination and our weak-kneed Government gives in every time. To avoid what is happening in India we need to stem the growth of Islam in our country NOW.

We need to stop all immigration into Britain.
Send all illegal immigrants back to their own countries.
Send all migrant workers home.
Oppose all planning applications for new mosques, conversion of buildings into mosques and expansion to existing mosques.

But most importantly, we must encourage through financial incentives Muslims living in Britain legally, to move to an Islamic country where they will be able to celebrate their religion with other Muslims. Britain is a Christian country and if we wish to keep it that way and for our people to be able to live free from fear of attack from within, then we must take steps now to safeguard our future.

BTW, why the PC “Mumbai”? Why isn’t the anglicized “Bombay” good enough for the BNP?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:36 | #

“Britain is a Christian country and if we wish to keep it that way and [etc.]”  (—from the excellent BNP statement pasted by John)

How sad that the official Christian establishment in Britain is busy stabbing those who express such sentiments in the back.

Patriotic Brits to Church of England:  “We love you and don’t want to lose you.”

The COE’s reply to patriotic Brits:  “All right, and in return for your love here’s a knife plunged straight into your back!”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 16:03 | #

I fully agree with John, by the way, about the PC name changes we’re expected to adopt every five minutes.  I don’t say Mumbai (I say Bombay), Myanmar (Burma), Beijing (Peking), Sub-Saharan African (Negro), East Asian (Oriental), feminism (women’s lib:  both terms, “feminism” and “women’s lib,” are sicko lies; why should I exchange one sicko lie for another every time the lesbians and Jews decide the new sicko lie has better PR value?  I’ll stick with the original sicko lie and not be their accomplice in their propaganda campaigns), South Asian (take your pick:  Indian, Hindu, Pakistani, Subcontinental), Ukraine (the Ukraine, with the definite article), Belarus (Byelorussia or one or two alternatives), Ms. (Miss, Mrs., madam, ma’am), Ho Chi Minh Ville (Saigon), Kaliningrad (Königsberg), Kaliningrad Oblast (East Prussia), Varanasi (Benares), Inuit (Eskimo), Native American (American Indian), and so on, and so forth.  For German speakers out there:  you may have noticed that the usual suspects are currently trying to get rid of the “ess-tsed” (ß) from the German alphabet.  I have no doubt whatsoever but that it’s the Jews and communists in Germany who’ve launched this crime against culture, against tradition, against identity.  (Some people never learn.)  As goes without saying, no one on the planet should go along with this crime.


Posted by zuwr on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 01:26 | #

How about something simpler:

AIG wants greater access to the Indian insurance market.  AIG makes a deal with the India government to lobby the US to give nuclear technology to India in return the India government allows AIG greater access to the Indian insurance market.  AIG’s partner in the India market is the Tata group.  The Pakistanis are pissed by the deal and attack the Tata’s groups properties in revenge.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 17:10 | #

So in Ockham’s terms, you would posit the “entities beyond necessity” in my conspiracy theory include the transfer of tens of billions via Tata for India’s nuclear arms buildup in exchange for the benefit of using India’s urban areas as a nuclear shield for USrael’s urban areas.

Such simplicity is attractive.

What would be the most likely observables to support the need for my additional entities?

Certainly the timing (transfer of power from the neocons and announcement of 500 Iranian centrifuges) is merely suggestive, not compelling.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 20:05 | #

Steve Sailer on the PC name-changing game (see my comment a few above):  turns out the Yupik Eskimos resent being called Inuits and want to be called Eskimos, and the Southern African Bushmen resent being called the Koi San, the name the thought police think suits them best.

I never say Roma for gypsy, Sami for Lapp, Bronx for the Bronx (takes the definite article, same as the Ukraine), Kolkata for Calcutta, Muslim for Moslem, etc., etc., etc.  As for Sri Lanka, I think I often slip and say it, but when I have my wits about me I say Ceylon.


Posted by zuwr on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 02:43 | #

I like reading your stuff because it provides a different perspective.  That said, theories with unobservable parts are hard to disprove.  What I can do is comment on simpler alternatives. 

“international fraud rings have penetrated the financial centers of the US”  I searched this site for “transfer pricing” and didn’t find it.  Transfer pricing is international fraud to the tune of tens of billions of dollars a year.  A company books the profits to a non US subsidiary and the costs to the US subsidiary.  The non US subsidiary pays a low (maybe 5% or 10%) tax rate on its profits.  The US subsidiary would have paid at a 35% tax rate, but since it has only costs, it pays nothing in tax.  This process is observable by looking at SEC filings.  A company may book billions of dollars a year in profit, but only pay minimal US corporate income tax.  Labor arbitrage is commonly cited as an incentive for outsourcing, but tax arbitrage is also a major driver. 

If a company wants to bring those profits back to the US, it has to pay US taxes.  In 2005, there was a tax amnesty of 5.25% (instead of 35%) for companies wishing to repatriate their profits.

It seems to me that information technology is a comparatively easy thing to outsource, that’s why it went first.  Who benefits?  tax lawyers, corporate insiders and owners.  I have addressed outsourcing here, but Brimelow covered H1-B visa holders not paying federal income tax here:

My opinion is that the damage to our people from tax arbitrage, specifically transfer pricing, is greatly than the damage from international crime rings. 

Applying Occam’s razor:  Professional middlemen will exploit any gradient in pricing between two locations (or two points in time) for profit.  That is, technology transfers happen on the margin mainly for profit.

This source states, “India’s nuclear doctrine is “based on the principle of a minimum credible deterrent and no first-
use as opposed to doctrines or postures of launch-on-warning.” Then India would already has enough (40-50) nuclear weapons, but the source suggests that they may build up to 400.  You may be right about India undergoing a nuclear arms build up.  I counter that the same processes at work in the US defense industry, ie pork barrel politics and ego driven projects, also happens in India.

“historic feud between Hinduism and Islam”  One of the unique things about this set of people is their ability to exploit ethnic and/or religious differences for political power.  It really doesn’t matter as long as there are differences.  The founder of the Know Nothing Party got his seat in Congress by scaring Protestants about the Catholic immigrants.

There is a certain amount of geostrategy going on with Israel’s alliances.  Since Israel is surrounded by enemies, they look to the next ring of countries out to be allies with.  This surrounds their enemies and makes their enemies less likely to fight Israel because doing so would lead to war on two fronts.  Israel would like the US to intervene in Darfur because it would surround Egypt.  Israel’s interest in Eritrea gives it a military base with access to the southern flank of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  Israel’s interest in the old South Africa was similar.  South Africa can control shipping around the Cape which is important to Israel’s oil selling enemies.  Israel’s friendship with the Turks, Kurds and the Georgians give it vantage points on Iraq and Iran.  That said, Israel’s interest in India is about providing an Eastern flank on Pakistan and Iran and having a vantage point on shipping between the Middle East and East Asia. 

“What would be the most likely observables to support the need for my additional entities?”
The place to start looking for this evidence would be Neel Kashkari and Vikram Pandit’s emails.  But that’s not observable….I don’t know.


Posted by Sid on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:45 | #

As a resident of Mumbai (i’m ok with Bombay too) all i can say is that India is justified in its quest for upgrading it’s nuclear arsenal. Despite being militarily stronger than Pakistan, we have otten bullied mercilessly the past few years on various fronts, namely Kashmir, the Indus water treaty, etc. The flawed policy of the the US in the cold war era (Nixon, Kissinger et al) of siding with Pak against us didn’t help one bit. The latest attacks have confirmed the hand of Pakistan in causing mayhem in our cities, and i can safely say that that country is today’s biggest islamic hotbed, fed by its own unique brand of anti-India (or Hindu) hatred.

Nothing short of a declaration of war will appease most indians now, but with a government as weak kneed as ours, we know that’s not gonna happen.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:26 | #

A piece of circumstantial evidence for a conspiracy theory:

Sunday, 30 November 2008 14:46

With a traumatized nation and a paralyzed government, a core group of secular ideologues and Hindu nationalists are executing a ‘soft coup’ in New Delhi to bring to power hawks who want to pursue America’s agenda of grooming India as a regional policeman, sort out Pakistan and confront China.

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