What, no Jews in BNP Britain?
The BNP’s lawyers have proposed that the party introduces an ethnic monitoring form, in line with the mad strivings after equality that afflict hundreds of public bodies in the UK. The idea of Evil Nazis monitoring people’s ethnicity is likely to occasion John Wadham and his anti-English colleagues in the EHRC rather more unease than schadenfreude. But that’s their outlook.
The draft form can be perused via the link at the bottom of this article (pdf). It is exhaustive on the subject of native British ethnicity - Archipel Normandian, anyone? But not so all the rest of the globe’s by no means migrationally economic and vibrant diversity, who hardly receive racially-equal treatment.
But one ethnic group stands out by it’s absence. Yes, it’s the one which never likes to be monitored - never mind named - yet defines itself obsessively night and day.
Looking at the available options to tick, I suppose Jewish must simply mean English to the BNP. Except it passes down the matrilinear line as some sort of jus judaicus. Or maybe Jewish is just a religion, and we needn’t take any account of it at all. The one thing that is certain is that leaving Jews off the form is intended as a sop, not a snub.
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 17:56 | #
The curious thing is though that Jews are considered to be a recognised racial group for the purposes of the Race Relations Act. The Board of Deputies has actively lobbied in Parliament to ensure that recognition of that status does not get forgotten.