What price the sellout of ethnic enfranchisement?

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 08 July 2006 20:59.

Everyone knows the game:  There are the rich guys, mainly land owners, who are eating the potential children of the young guys by selling out their jobs to foreigners.  They didn’t mean to eat those potential children—they just got greedy and now they’re standing with a knife and fork in their hands, blood running down their chin and a partially eaten—but not yet dead—victim trying to figure out whether to fight, flee or die.  In panic over realization, usually subconscious but nevertheless pressing for consciousness, of the monsters they have become the rich guys are increasingly intent on doing away with the young guys altogether via total disenfranchisement in favor of foreigners (and women) before they get their just deserts.  The young guys are dropping out of college and if they find anything to do they generally find crime or military duty.  Thus we see the development of a very critical measure of how much value young men place on ethnic enfranchisement by dividing white males graduating from college by the sum of white females plus nonwhites.  This gives us some idea of how motivated young white men have been historically by ethnic enfranchisement.  But there are others.  Let’s take for example the young man fighting Germany during WW II.  How motivated would he have been to give his life if he had been forced go to high school for a year in a typical US public school of today?  Indeed, how motivated would the men who built the railroads, opened the land to cultivation and built the most powerful industrial nation on earth have been if they knew it was all going to be given away to foreigners, gangstas, pseudo-libertarians and neocons?  We can rest assured that the US would not have been developed nearly as much as it was.  The young men of those generations would have been just as demotivated as the young men of today by such a vision of the future.  So the question arises exactly how much do the men who have profited from this sellout of heritage owe sacrifices of prior generations of young men and the demotivated young men of today for violating their sacred trust?  Is triple damages adequately punitive?  And what about criminal punishment?




Posted by On Holliday on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 23:42 | #

“Is triple damages adequately punitive?”

No, that is insufficient.

“And what about criminal punishment?”

Yes.  I favor - assuming nationalist forces are ever victorious - legally convened Nuremburg-style tribunals to hear these cases, with the range of potential punishments being the same as was dispensed after WWII.


Posted by allotmentkeeper on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 00:33 | #

I count myself lucky to be one of the few Brits to have a copy of Wilmot Robertson’s ‘Disposessed Majority’ and after The Occidental Quarterly recently offered an obituary for the man, I discovered his Instauration magazine. By chance I read this online today,

Washington DC Racial Realities Instauration 1997

The leading member of one such Christian clan I know has a sprawling executive office that enjoys a grand view of nothing less than the White House itself. Educating his children in the comfortable privacy of mid-town academies, this fellow is the perfect example of the liberal double-talker who wants racial integration for you and them, but reserves his private world for him and his. In his office one recent afternoon, I was shown the contents of a finely-tooled velvetlined strongbox containing a lethal custom-made pistol, the family’s pasports, several undated airline tickets to Europe, permanent visas for entry into Switzerland and enough cash to support a small duchy. “These contents,” he averred, “are for that day when the blacks finally come over the walls. When that happens, we’re outta here.”

I don’t think the real baddies will stick around James. They are much better informed/unscrupulous/positioned than the uninformed, or even informed masses.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 05:47 | #

Even Yahweh’s pet tribe of swindlers and killers wont hang around for long when their oft-heralded plan for the US starts to fructify. Those alien wreckers holding American-issued travel documents will be heading for Israel faster than Woody Allen can say ‘Nazi’.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 06:47 | #


Mayor Bloomberg: Native-Born Americans Lazy And Stupid</h3>
          <div class=“meta”> [Patrick Cleburne] @ 1:18 pm [Email author] [Email This Article] [Print This Article]</div>
          <div class=“storycontent”>

                NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s appearance at Senator Specter’s Pro Amnesty jamboree in Philadelphia on Wednesday was fawningly and extensively presented by the MSM. He needed their help. A more careless account by the rabidly gung-ho-immigration New York newspaper Newsday allowed this foot-in-mouth comment to appear:

Bloomberg brought the world-view of a city of 8.1 million residents, many of them immigrants, legal and illegal.
  He spoke of the importance of immigrants to the city’s vitality, and even urged the senators to expand the number of visas for temporary workers to fill jobs requiring both “elbow grease” and “intellectual capital.” [VDARE.com emphasis]

  (Mayor’s stand on immigration by Tom Brune July 6 2006)
  His fellow Americans will no doubt be flattered at the implications of this statement, the corollary of which is my headline.
  Newsday condescendingly dismisses far more valuable testimony:

Hazleton, Pa., Mayor Louis Barletta brought a small-town view to the table. His city of 31,000 residents wants a crackdown on undocumented immigrants.

  Strangely,  Barletta’s account got very limited coverage except by small newspapers in his locality, notably this far more professional account:

  [url=“http://www.standardspeaker.com/index.php?opti>Different cities, different views: Barletta, Bloomberg testify before U.S. Senate committee </a>–By L.A. Tarone,  Standard-Speaker July 8,2006
  Not surprisingly, the heavily top-down edited news-selection service which is part of the Bloomberg media empire just published a major negative account of Pennsylvannia Senator Rick Santorum’s <a href=“http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2006/06/14/1403/”]use of immigration [/url]in his tough re-election battle:
  Santorum, Trailing in Re-Election Bid, Seeks to `Shake Up’ Race (July 7, 2006,Bloomberg.com.)
  It helps to own the Main Stream Media!

  It is sad that plutocrat Bloomberg puts his own convenience before the interests of his less wealthy countrymen (like other rich people), and sadder to get this sense of how he despises them. It is even worse to read he is thinking of running for President! (Could this have been why Arlen Specter invited him to testify?)
  Complain to Mayor Bloomberg.


Posted by On Holliday on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 10:36 | #

“The question is - do we also prosecute the academics, journalists, educators, etc, for being accessories to the crime?”

Yes, and some bloggers as well.


Posted by On Holliday on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 10:58 | #

Steve, it depends on how essential were the efforts of the minions and the enablers and also, can it be determined what their motives are?

What do we say about so-called scientists who - despite all the facts - insist that “race does not exist?”

If they are sincere, we conclude that they are merely incompetent, and in a fair society, this incompetence can be dealt with as other forms of incompetence are dealt with, not by punishment per se, but my allocating resources more towards those who are competent.

But, what if a careful examination of the facts leads us to conclude that the “race does not exist” mantra was intentionally promoted for a political purpose: to convince whites that nothing is lost by their displacement and to convince them that race-based activism is irrelevant?

In that case, punishment - at least jail - would be appropriate.  After all, in Europe, the politically incorrect are jailed for telling the truth; thus, it is not too harsh to jail the PC crowd for intentionally telling lies.

With respect to bloggers: those who constantly argue in bad faith against white interests should be critically examined.


Posted by Mark on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:29 | #

Why desire to be a wage slave competing with immigrants?  Instead of condemning immigration, why not start a business and hire them to work for you?  That’s the American way.  It’s native, white Americans who created the welfare/warfare state.

Let’s have open borders, little to no government, and let the cream rise to the top.  That’s the path to wealth.


Posted by JB on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 03:31 | #

a minor complaint: your entries on the blog are always worth reading but you should use paragraphs more often. In this case my choices would have been :

1st : “Everyone knows the game:...”

2nd: “Let’s take for example the young man…”

3rd: “So the question arises exactly…”


Posted by wintermute on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 20:25 | #

The question is - do we also prosecute the academics, journalists, educators, etc, for being accessories to the crime?

Journalists, especially, are the crime itself, though longtime readers here know that I have my own ideas about “primary instigators”.

Nuremburg precedent will be fine: Julius Streicher,  a man who had no connexion to the Party, was hung by the neck until dead, dead, dead. Crime? Publication of a magazine.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if that’s the standard empolyed by the ‘greatest generation’ in human history, who are we to question? It seems a good precedent to me, especially as the MSM seem quite unperturbed by the treatment of David Irving, et. al.

The Pulitzer Committee, for its role in the covering up the biggest genocide of the twentieth century: we’ll need a tumbrel for those guys. 

Leni Riefenstahl was never allowed to make films again, though she took photographs and by the end of her life (60 years after the War’s end)  was able to release beautiful underwater film footage she had taken during years of diving. International bootleggeging of the film has forced limited availability in Germany, but not in America and the United Kingdom. Like the Irving Goebbels biography and Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together, certain primary instigators seem to have interfered with the distribution and availability of this film.

I got mine in Singapore.

She was never a Party Member, and spent the War Years making apolitical films in Spain and was blacklisted for life. Allied venom and German self-hatred are both equally fathomless, though behind both, I sense a group of ‘primary instigators’. As you judge, so shall you be judged. Is there a fairer rule than that?

Therefore: excepting secretaries and mailroom boys, all members of of the print and broadcast media, all well as the Hollywood studio system, will have their output examined and evaluated. Nonemployment in media for life seems a small price to pay for the damage they’ve done. For the higher-ups, hanging.

Exile to nonWhite nations seems appropirate for some: permanent exile to China seems just the right speed for JJR.

For businessmen who’ve hired illegals: nationalization of the business, the confiscation of the entire personal net worth of the miscreants in question, and then some mark, perhaps a dollar sign, affixed to their foreheads by branding.

As for our primary instigators, we need to reexamine Madagascar. By wise use of frozen assets, perhaps the natives will accept billions of dollars and be bought out. The Tribe, who were always meant to be a People Who Will Dwell Alone, will be transferred there, where they will be fed and prevented from leaving by a permenent naval flotilla.

I think, for their collective crimes, to never see a gentile face again, not even ‘til that day the sun goes nova, seems a just fate. That we shall feed and provide for them through in perpetuity will neutralize and fulfill the awful bargain they have made with the psychotic monster they worship, that they shall live off of gentiles for the remainder of their time on earth. And so they shall.

I would also include Aryan Nations, Noahides, British Identity, Christian Identity, and Messianic Yahvists on the boats to Madagascar, as undesirable racial elements. Regarding the Jewish Problem, those who have Chosen to be Jews or the slaves of Jews (Noahides)  are just as Jewish as anyone with a Cohanim Haploidal Marker. 

On the JQ, I’m no racialist.


Posted by wintermute on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 20:37 | #

Obviously, by “primary instigators” I mean the members of the only agency that was capable of creating and perpetuating this illegal, expropriative racket in the first place - the state.

This is false.

The state is an instrument. It is not a ‘primary instigator’.

The state in National Socialist Germany, for example, did not instigate race-replacement policies and viciously persecute the native population.  Nor did Pharaonic Egypt, for that matter.

The State as instrument is unarguable. The State as instigator is a dodge.

The State as “Primary Instigator” is a flat-out lie.

As self-appointed head of the Committee of Public Safety, I’m putting you on notice.

Wintermute, 21 Messidor CCXIV


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 21:06 | #


The ‘greatest generation’ was aged twenty at the time, and had fought its way across North Africa or Europe or the islands of the Pacific.

The Trials were the work of others.


Posted by wintermute on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:39 | #

I stand by my answer to the question as stated: by what measure they have judged, so shall they be judged.

This applies to my contemporaries, of course. I’m not some Israeli, who is going to hound 90 year olds to an isolation block or a gas chamber. 

Happily most of the members of the ‘greatest generation’ are now approaching the age of dementia, so they will be spared full cognizance of what they have wrought. They were certainly free to repudiate the conduct of Nuremburg at any time, and they were certainly free to see that educational institutions, such as, say, the grade school I was educated in, disseminated accurate information about the war, and not horror stories about living Jews being thrown into ovens while ordinary Germans went about their day-to-day business.

My only hope is that the soldiers of the German war understood that the unimaginable sacrifices their nation made were made to prevent the situation all Europe is perishing from now.

At any rate, for those who have promulgated the Holocaust stories, the fairness of Nuremburg, the demonization of Germany for a half century, the ongoing exculpation of Jewish evil, etc., I suggest Nuremburg standards at their trial, and in my support claim Poetic justice.

If you have a higher standard, now’s the time to bring it up. 


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Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sun, 24 Nov 2024 19:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:28. (View)
