Who The English Are: correcting the definition and the warrant. Comments:2
Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 16 Apr 2019 19:24 | # I first became aware of an assault on English identity in the early nineties, as academics were questioning the traditional understanding of the migration period (also known as the Dark Ages). The emerging consensus was that the Anglo-Saxons consisted of a small warrior elite who swiftly took control of the confusion left by the withdrawal of Rome to establish their cultural and economic supremacy. The existing British population simply adjusted to the new regime, hence the “Anglo-Saxons” were in fact “Celts”. I’m not delving that far into the past, preferring to leave that argument to liberal “Celts” on the one hand and those who believe they are the sons of Hengest on the other. Instead, I’ll recommend a book, the best and most evenhanded I’ve read on the subject, for those who are interested enough - “The Origins of the Anglo-Saxons” by Donald Henson (Anglo-Saxon Books, 2006/ 2010 ISBN 9781898281573) Three years later and we arrive at, oh, great Millennial Woes, when the question of British and English identity was on everyone’s lips. At least on the television and radio. Radio 4 broadcast what has become a high water mark in anti-English paranoia, when they invited William Hague and Jack Straw to discuss what it meant to be British. On the programme, Straw described the English as “potentially very aggressive very violent” before adding “As we move into the new century, peoples sense of Englishness will become more articulated and that’s partly because of the mirror that devolution provides us with and because we’re becoming more European (lol Islamic, surely?) at the same time”. Conservative Hague opined that “English nationalism is the most dangerous form of nationalism that can arise within the UK, because England is five-sixths of the population of the UK” . Neither addressed the elephant in the room. The elephant being that ninety five percent of immigrants to the United Kingdom choose to live and work in England and perhaps that is the reason why an English Nationalism might be dangerous? Of course, if you look back over the twentieth century, evidence of English nationalism is rather thin on the ground, if not to say invisible. For example the British Fascists were founded in 1923 by Miss Rotha Lintorn-Orman (that’s correct. The first fascist party in these sceptred Isles was founded by a woman). Then there was the British Union of Fascists, founded by..y’know, for the life of me I can’t remember his name… then in the post war years the British National Party and the United Kingdom Independence Party. Maybe that’s the problem Jack and Bill. You were scared of the wrong people… Not to be outdone, television weighed in with a short series on what it means to be English by none other than Darcus Howe, like we need a magic negro to explain it to us. Now old Darcus, like every other person of colour I’ve ever conversed with, was well aware that white and English are synonymous. Although he did like to play the Devils Advocate sometimes. As funnily enough, so do I. Here is a short clip from the programme “White Tribe”. You can rest assured that when someone like Lammy hyper-asserts that he is English, he is trolling and no more than that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b30juWbP_TU There will now follow an intermission. You can fill in the time listening to some light music, such as “Greensleeves”, “Heart of Oak” or if you prefer something quintessentially English “Stairway to Heaven”. 3
Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:02 | # “This business of petty inconvenience and indignity, of being kept waiting about, of having to do everything at other peoples convenience, is inherent in working class life. A thousand influences constantly press a working man down into a passive role. He does not act, he is acted upon. He feels himself the slave of mysterious authority and has a firm conviction that ‘they’ will never allow him to do this,that, and the other.Once when I was hop-picking I asked the sweated pickers (they earn something under six pence an hour) why did they not form a union. I was told ‘they’ would not allow it. Who were ‘they’ I asked. Nobody seemed to know, but evidently ‘they’ were omnipotent.” George Orwell, “The Road To Wigan Pier”. We live in a different time and nobody can say that ‘they’ haven’t done their best to change the conditions of the English working class. ‘They’ have cleared the old slums and provided new ones. Closed the factories the working class toiled in, outsourcing those mundane jobs to those less fortunate overseas. Emasculated their unions and provided zero hour contracts. Encouraged them to become cosmopolitan by inviting the world and his cat to live amongst them. Saved them rent by making them homeless, weaken’d their identity and many more acts of kindness. Yet still, the English working class refuse to think, do and say as they are told. Despite being constantly warned about the danger of “falling off a cliff edge”, whether through romantic notions of being free born Englishmen or pure bloody mindedness, the English working class were the largest demographic to vote to Leave the European Union and moreover were happy to leave without a deal. Like they didn’t know how much damage that would do to the City of London? Unfortunately during the following General election, most of the working class returned to their partisan habits and voted Labour, perhaps without realizing that Corbyn represents a greater existential threat to their own interests than does the EU. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Apr 2019 23:36 | # I’m no poet, but this one time, given the subject matter ... My father’s feet were washed by brine 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 19:26 | # James Bowery wants to start an army and he needs you to send him money. All you fairies will do is send poetry. Send the money Lulz 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 21:01 | # OK, I’m not great, bard-wise; but CC, you’re truly awful. 7
Posted by Grandma Towler on Sat, 18 May 2019 19:08 | #
Posted by mancinblack on Sat, 18 May 2019 20:43 | # @7 Much has been made of the 4% of white Brits who are married or in a relationship with someone other than a white Brit by the advocates of “melting pot Britain” (and, indeed the American Alt-Right, who took delight in what they regarded as “cucked” Britain, while they were busy helping elect Trump). However, at 4% per head of population the white British are the least likely group in the country to “marry out” and the stats don’t reveal how many of the 4% who do are married or in a relationship with a non British white. Bradford is in West Yorkshire btw. Damn I’m good…. Speaking of Bradford, yesterday the BBC put a video on its website titled “Life as a young Rohingya Yorkshire man”, in which Sirazul Islam, who came to Britain in 2008 said that people in Bradford made him feel welcome (well a lot of them are Muslim) and wished “all of the Rohingya people had this opportunity” Don’t worry, Mr Islam, if Obi Wan Corbyn gets elected they will, they will. 9
Posted by Laura on Tue, 21 May 2019 18:36 | #
Posted by "Windrushers are not illegal immigrants" on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:15 | #
Posted by Merry Christmas from Laura Towler on Tue, 24 Dec 2019 16:27 | # 17
Posted by mancinblack on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 17:15 | #
Posted by mancinblack on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 17:24 | # Sarah Fine (King’s College London) “Refugees, Safety and a Decent Human Life”, draft paper for the Aristotelian Society, 15th Oct 2018. 19
Posted by Elitists need to hear criticism on Sun, 02 Feb 2020 01:58 | #
If you insert the word “international’ for them, before the term “left”, you do them the favor of undoing their unwitting complicity with Jewish interests; though in Greg’s case, he perhaps cannot help it, as doubling down saves him from the criticism and bad news that he claims his elitism should hear. Otherwise, some good thoughts in this conversation..
..... Related at Majorityrights: Elitism, secrecy, deception … the way to save white America? 20
Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:55 | # ‘Reclaiming St George’s Day’ - Morgoth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5K0tmcRUok Is it worth mentioning that the alternative English flag consists of a white dragon on a red ground? or that to the Anglo-Saxons the dragon wasn’t ‘evil’ (they didn’t even have that concept until after their conversion to the false god). Instead, the dragon was a guardian of treasure (although the Wyvern dragon would later become associated with the guardianship of children). Nor, looking beyond the myth for simpletons, was the treasure something to be held in the hand, rather the treasure was to be held in the mind. This was true of the ‘Indo-European’ world as far south as the Nagas of India. Anyhow, no dragon ever did me any harm… 21
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 23:58 | # manc@20 Unpopular opinion. I hate our flag. I think it is shit. The Saxon Wyrm was their battle flag, I believe. The dragon without back legs. I absolutely love it and wish it was our flag. Silver dragon on red. Gold on red. Silver on blue is my favourite. Gold on blue is amazing too. No dragon may have harmed you, manc, but I’m not so sure the Welsh wouldn’t if we tried to nick their dragon flag. I was going to post a link to the Englisc Gateway which I found originally through MR. But it’s 404ing which is a shame, although the forum had died. Weirdo regulars took over the joint and chased everyone else off and you had just the same dozen posters posting the same stuff, day in, day out. They knew about all this stuff there. You see them flying the Wyrm at protests and events, sometimes loads of them. They look stunning. We can save the St George’s flag for when we retake Constantinople. 22
Posted by mancinblack on Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:11 | # Dr E @21 I’m not keen on it either. However, it’s the exact same as the International Red Cross emblem and as the nation is making a new religion out of the Sainted NHS I’m afraid we’ll be stuck with it forever. Having said that, if the hand clapping pan bangers ever have to make a formal complaint because NHS staff have botched a procedure, their attitude would soon change, as the NHS can close ranks faster than Harold’s shield wall at Hastings. I don’t know that a dragon flag was ever used during the AS period. The earliest reference to one I’m aware of dates from the sixteenth century. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, you find this..
Historian William Camden (1551-1623) repeated his but added the detail of Cuthred capturing the Mercian standard which “was a portraiture of a golden dragon”. Only Camden would know how he knew this. The association of the Saxons with a white dragon is also fairly late, having first been made by Nennius in his ‘The Historia Brittonum’ in the ninth century. Nennius also wrote that the Britons were refugees from Troy. So, hardly reliable. Geoffrey of Monmouth repeated Nennius concerning the Saxon white dragon in the twelfth century. Dragons are mentioned in important AS texts though. In Beowulf, of course, in Riddles and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, which mentions the reported sighting of a flying dragon. I dunno what the monks had actually seen but suspect they had seen their first crane flying overhead and lacked a sense of perspective. A common mistake amongst the clergy. For example… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMiKyfd6hA0 Place names including the word ‘Drake’ (dragon) were plentiful over the centuries and recorded across the country eg Drakelow (Derbs., Beds, Worcs) meaning dragon mound, Drakedale (N Yorks) Drakehill (Surrey) Drake North (Wilts). Finally grave goods especially the Sutton Hoo ship burial and the iconic dragon decorated helmet. 23
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 00:25 | # Well, I guess there’s no point having a cool flag if you don’t have a country anymore. Thanks for the detailed reply though. The Englisc Gateway lads would have gone nuts at this. They were certain it’s the AS battle flag. I always suspected they were full of s**t! Last night I got the first comment in a Channel 4 YT video about Ramadan. I wrote - This will be your last Ramadan on English soil so you’d better make the most of it. This got lots of replies from UK Muslims threatening me, saying what you gonna do about it whiteboi, we’re taking over etc etc. And, despite seeing these aggressive replies I got a load more from, I presume, White Brits who were 100% on the side of the Muslims boasting about how they were successfully conquering us! Our new national flag should be the all white flag of surrender. That would be more honest and appropriate at this stage of proceedings.
Posted by Richardthelionheart on Sat, 18 Jul 2020 11:08 | #
Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 09 Nov 2020 16:25 | #
The Establishment equates English nationalism with xenophobia (sink the boats ). Scottish nationalism is viewed as inclusive (we want immigration. Och Aye ). I can’t help but feel that there must be a way to reconcile those two aspirations, if only I could put my finger on it… As for the Welsh, who cares ? there’s not enough of them to matter - unless they return to torching the holiday homes of wealthy Londoners, of course. 27
Posted by Manc on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 15:07 | #
Is David Lammy finally getting it ? erm..not really. 28
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 15:45 | # From your link, Manc:
What, exactly, was “testing”, then? Did they consult a panel of sane English people? And what went wrong with the Welsh? 29
Posted by Manc on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 16:56 | # That would be ‘brave’ rather than ‘sane’ English people then. It’s more likely they consulted black people in England. Lammy is an anomaly, I’ve only heard him and one other race activist describe themselves as English. I’ve even asked a few second and third generation Caribbean’s myself about how they define themselves and they invariably replied “Black British” or Jamaican. As for the Welsh, I suspect they surveyed Tiger Bay and members of Plaid Cymru. 30
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 20:29 | # I am sure you are right that the ONS would just consult blacks and Asians. That absolutely fits the Establishment model of ignoring and, if possible, spitting upon the opinion of our people. Encouraging, then, that these varieties of the racial Other think they have a British identity with which they are content and which they want to retain. I imagine that part of that might be hostility between West Indians and Africans. West Indians seem to resent the presence of the latter since Blair’s little clique threw open the borders in 2001. They likely don’t want to be merely black along with the West Africans and Somalis. They want to hang on to their precious distinction. For our part, we don’t want to have to fight any of them over our own identity. On Lammy being an outlier, I remember Sunder Katwala writing a piece for CiF perhaps fifteen years ago. In that he rolled out the “we’re here to stay and we’re as English as you” argument, which afforded me some sport in the thread until the inevitable ban. Today Katwala is the moving spirit behind the very racist British Future site, and naturally has access to all the media. Ministers too, probably. Identity-wise, we do seem to be safe for the moment. 31
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 04:41 | # The “as English as you are” nonsense could be easily negated by a patriotic UK media pointing out that the English people are an ethnic group and not a Nationality. The English are the victims of an alien - confected multiculturalism designed specifically to disadvantage them. 32
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 08:54 | # Same for every European kind, Al. The Four Horsemen of the 21st Century European Apocalypse: race-replacement, neo-Marxism, climate alarmism, Covid 19. Post a comment:
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Posted by Interlocutors on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 04:15 | #
It would be great to have GW and Mancinblack speak with her.