Why the GOP Must Nominate Ron Paul

Posted by James Bowery on Tuesday, 02 October 2007 19:04.

Herein is a copy of the email I sent out to my historic kith and kin many of whom are under the neocons’ spell.  Yes—it is stark.

You know, it would be funny if it weren’t so tragic, how people will point to the Islamics as the big threat when Jews have so promoted feminism within the US that Islam is increasingly the only way that many families can be sexist enough to make babies.  So we’re supposed to go hang out in the middle east defending Israel until we’re subject to the same suicide bombers, and then get hysterical about the Islamic threat.

Sorry.  I’m willing to fight a war but it will be here—first for Ron Paul and failing that, for my people whose government has been hijacked by the neocon policy of invade the world, invite the world and go in hock to the world.

I pray I don’t have to kill my kin during the coming civil war.


posted October 2, 2007

Why must the Republican Party nominate a 72-year-old grandfather from
the Gulf Coast of Texas, until the past few months little known
outside his district, as its 2008 standard-bearer? Very simple: the
alternative is eight years of President Hillary Clinton. That ought to
be enough to get the attention of every conservative who happens upon
these words, so let me explain.

It should come as no big revelation to anyone inside or outside of the
Republican Party that the GOP has lost touch with its conservative
roots. Massive deficit spending that would make Bill Clinton or Jimmy
Carter blush; foreign adventurism beyond the wildest dreams of Woodrow
Wilson or Teddy Roosevelt; more big government programs than FDR or
LBJ (Google “Medicare expansion” for a massive example) ... the
Republican Party of the early 21st century is clearly not your
father’s or grandfather’s GOP.

There are no more Robert Tafts, no more Barry Goldwaters, not even any
more Ronald Reagans (as imperfect as he turned out to be after
reaching the White House) ... except one: Ron Paul. Dr. Paul (an
OB/GYN who has delivered more than 4,000 babies) is the last, best
hope for the GOP to reclaim its once-upon-a-time status as the party
of limited government.

It isn’t his status as the leading advocate of limited, constitutional
government that makes Ron Paul a must-nominate for the GOP, though. It
is true that in the long run, the Republican Party needs him to help
it reclaim its spirit, and this indeed will be his lasting legacy.
But, in the short run, the party needs him to win the 2008 election
and save the country from another Clinton presidency that would be far
worse than the first. (Unlike Bill, who was apparently mainly involved
in politics to get the attention of the ladies, Hillary is a true
believer in socialism; and, with a Democratic majority in Congress,
she will have an excellent opportunity to expedite its widespread
implementation in America.)

Fact one: Hillary Clinton will win the 2008 Democratic nomination. She
is an experienced, cut-throat politician with deep ties in the party,
and can take Barack Obama down pretty much any time she wants to. And
John Edwards is not serious about pursuing the nomination. He is just
positioning himself to be the VP nominee again, because in the wake of
the 2006 Congressional elections he believes that Hillary will win the
Presidency by taking a few key states where John Kerry fell short.
Long story short: forget the others - Hillary is the woman to beat in

Fact two: The 2008 election will be won by the candidate who most
credibly addresses the growing anti-war sentiment that has been
embraced by the majority of the country’s voters. (Google “2006
mid-term elections.) 70% or more of Americans want out of Iraq, and
for many of them, it is the defining issue of the campaign. You may
agree or disagree, but it’s a fact and it’s going to decide the 2008
Presidential election.

If it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. any of the “establishment”
Republican candidates, she wins by default. She may have voted for the
war originally, but she will continue to claim that she was misled by
the Republican administration, and that we should trust her to make
things right. (Of course she won’t really get us out of the Middle
East mess, but Joe Six-Pack won’t figure that out until after she wins
the election.)

If any of the supposed “front runner” Republican candidates (Rudy
Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Fred Thompson) wins the GOP
nomination, Hillary Clinton is essentially a lock. Not only will she
win over a sizable portion of the independent vote with her
(perceived) status as “the anti-war candidate,” but - simply put - the
GOP will not turn out its base in sufficient numbers to win.

Nominate Rudy Giuliani? Conservative, red-state voters are not going
to turn out to support a gun-grabbing Northern liberal faux Republican
who dresses in drag and is a charter member of the Wife-Of-The-Month
Club. The social conservatives, along with the fiscal conservatives
and the key swing voters (libertarians and constitutionalists) will
either stay home on Election Day or vote third party. Rudy won’t even
carry his home state, and ask Al Gore how that usually works out. Slam
dunk, Hillary wins.

Nominate Mitt Romney? You get basically the same result as Giuliani
without the (bogus) “America’s Mayor” 9/11 cachet. Conservatives in
the South and West won’t turn out for the former governor of
“Taxachusetts” who has flip-flopped on virtually every issue they hold
dear. The fact that Romney is a Mormon won’t help him with the
mainstream Christian base, either. He probably can’t win the GOP
nomination, but even if he does, Romney is toast in the general

Nominate John McCain? Not gonna happen. His campaign has taken a nose
dive from which it will be virtually impossible to recover. As of the
end of the second quarter, even (supposed) long-shot Ron Paul had more
cash on hand - and, when the third quarter numbers come in, McCain
will be even further behind in the money game. He probably won’t even
be in the top five on the GOP side. Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
And even if he could pull off the apparently impossible and come back
to win the Republican nomination, he loses to Hillary on the war and
many domestic issues as well.

Fred Thompson? He’s the last hope of those Republicans who are looking
for a “mainstream” candidate to save them from looming, seemingly
inevitable defeat in 2008. On the surface, he appears to have more of
a chance than the previously mentioned “big three.” After all, he has
the “actor factor.” It worked for Reagan and, more recently, Arnold
Schwarzenegger in California - couldn’t it work for Fred, too? Well,
no, not this time around.

Like Ronald Reagan, Fred Thompson is reasonably good at reading a
script. Unlike the Gipper, though, Fred is just awful at speaking
extemporaneously. In case anyone was wondering why Thompson waited so
long to declare his candidacy, it’s obvious to those who know anything
about his abilities and liabilities: he wanted to avoid as many
debates as possible.

Like Obama on the Democratic side, Thompson is an empty suit. He looks
reasonably presentable, but sooner or later he has to open his mouth,
and when he does he doesn’t say anything of substance. The less he
speaks in public (especially with other candidates around to rebut
him), the better for Fred. Unfortunately for Thompson, while he has so
far been able to duck any direct confrontation with his GOP rivals, he
won’t be able to avoid debating Hillary if he wins the Republican
nomination. And about five minutes into the first debate, with no “Law
and Order” writers to put words in his mouth, it will be over. Game,
set, match, Hillary.

When you look at it objectively, there isn’t a single one of the “Big
Four” GOP candidates who can beat Hillary Clinton head-to-head. And
none of the “second tier” candidates (Huckabee, Brownback, Hunter,
Tancredo, et al) have stepped up to the challenge. Really, there is
only one remaining viable Republican candidate: You guessed it, Ron

Only Ron Paul can take advantage of the Internet the way Howard Dean
did before he imploded four years ago. Indeed, he has already captured
the Internet ... the Ron Paul Revolution is already in full swing
online. It sure was nice of Al Gore to invent the Net for Ron Paul
supporters to take over, wasn’t it?

Only Ron Paul can outflank Hillary Clinton both to the left on the
war, and to the right on everything else ... which is the only winning
strategy the Republicans can plausibly employ in 2008.

Only Ron Paul, who is truly pro-family (married to the same woman for
over 50 years, with five children and 18 grandchildren - no “trophy
wives” here) can motivate the socially conservative base to actually
turn out and vote.

Only Ron Paul, who wants to eliminate the IRS (and a host of other
federal agencies) and stop the Federal Reserve from devaluing our
money through runaway, printing-press inflation, can motivate the
fiscally conservative base to cast a GOP ballot in 2008.

Only Ron Paul can keep the Libertarians and Constitution Party members
from splintering off to support their own third-party nominees rather
than another neo-con, Bush clone Republican. (In fact, the 2004
nominees of the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party, Michael
Peroutka and Michael Badnarik, have both already endorsed Ron Paul’s
candidacy.) While the LP and CP may command only a small fraction of
the overall vote, that may well be enough to turn the tide in a
crucial state or two. Ask Al Gore if he could have used a few thousand
of Ralph Nader’s votes in 2000….

Yes, when you look at things objectively, there are only two
candidates who can win the White House in 2008: Hillary Clinton and
Ron Paul. The contrast could not be more stark, nor the results for
the future of America more divergent. If you are a social or fiscal
conservative, a libertarian, a constitutionalist, or just a concerned
independent ... now is the time to consider your options and act
accordingly while there is still time to affect the outcome.

The Ron Paul Revolution has begun.

Joe Dumas
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)




Posted by GT on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 21:49 | #

“I pray I don’t have to kill my kin during the coming civil war.”

James, stop worrying about “civil war.”  Just find one or more wealthy ‘racialists’ who are willing to bankroll a White advocacy group and maybe the group can win back the Old Republic in 25-50 years without us having to do any fighting.  We can assist the group’s efforts by infiltrating the regime’s institutions undetected and subverting these wherever possible. There is no need to discuss alternative institutions, alternative exchange systems, the acquisition of local civic legitimacy, strangling the cities, or secession.  Prof. MacDonald and Jared Taylor have shown us the way.  So, no more of this scary talk, okay?


Posted by Melba Peachtoast on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 22:22 | #

Teams of mutant wallabies infecting your cities with ultraspores…don’t think that nobody is planning to win. We are and we will. All your city lies in dust.


Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 22:24 | #

“When you look at it objectively, there isn’t a single one of the “Big
Four” GOP candidates who can beat Hillary Clinton head-to-head.”

What an awful thought!!!

If Hillary Clinton acually gets elected President, that would be absolute proof the USA—and what it was intended to be by it’s Founding Fathers—is finished. The only reason I don’t think Ron Paul has a chance to win, is the media will smear him into oblivion if he moves up into the top tier. His policies of limited government are viewed by the MSM as anti-Semitic, anti-women, and anti-minority. I included anti-Semitic because I once had a Jew accuse me of being anti-Semitic simply because I want tax cuts and an end to the welfare state! I never could get him to explain to me how that was anti-Semitic.


Posted by Johnny Anonymus on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 23:12 | #

That was a great analysis of what’s about to happen in the US.  Ron Paul is our only and last hope.


Posted by Down under on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 00:37 | #

Slightly off-topic but here’s some news from Australia. As you may be aware we’ll be having an election in the next few months. Our current conservative (in the mainstream sense) government is behind the more-left Australian Labour Party in the polls. This kind of action leads me to think that these guys KNOW what people want to happen. It’s like a secret weapon for when they’re in dire straits. How can anyone not re-elect them when it seems they’re listening to the problems of the community and doing something about it. Or… maybe they are genuine. But I doubt it.

No more African refugees: Andrews
Wednesday Oct 3 05:00 AEST
By ninemsn staff

Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews has announced that no more refugees from Africa will be allowed in the country until July next year.

In a statement that has been labelled “simplistic” by opponents, Mr Andrews said the humanitarian refugee program’s quota for Africans had already been filled.

He also gave no guarantee any African refugees would be allowed in during the next intake.

“We won’t be considering any new applications until June or July next year,” Mr Andrews told the Herald Sun.

Australia is expected to accept about 3900 African refugees this year for immigration. This makes up 30 percent of Australia’s humanitarian refugee intake.

The percentage of Africans allowed in the country has significantly dropped in recent years, with a 50 percent quota of refugees coming from Africa in 2005-06 and 70 percent in 2004-05.

Mr Andrews said the reason for the cuts on African refugee intake is because of concerns for their ability to integrate.

“Whether we leave it at 30 per cent or take it up or down will depend very much on whether we are having success in terms of their integration into the broader community, and what other humanitarian refugee needs there are around the world,” he said.

Among the African nations, he singled out the Sudanese as having the most problems integrating in Australia.

“They tend to have more problems and challenges associated with them. Their level of education, for example, is a lot lower than for any other group of refugees,” he said.

“They’ve been in war-torn conflict for a decade, many of them. Many are young ... and many have been in refugee camps for decades.

“It doesn’t make much sense to me to acknowledge you have a problem ... but not actually slow down the rate of intake until you’ve dealt with it,” he said.

But senior federal Labor MP Alan Griffin slammed Mr Andrews for what he calls “a simplistic approach”.

“I think the real issue here is what’s being done in terms of support services, and I think this Government’s been pretty ordinary when it comes to providing support services.”

“The nature of refugees is that there are almost always going to be issues,” he said.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:29 | #

I think you’re looking at the political situation in America the wrong way.  First of all, while it is nice to think about a Paul victory, this scenario is very, very unlikely.  I’m not trying to sound conspiratorial but even if Paul did get the nomination, he’s much to big of a threat to the power structure and any nomination would most likely result is some sort of “accident” for Dr. Paul. 

Personally, I’m hoping for an Obama win.  North America is soon to be Unionized.  With this union, will come more beatings, displacement, loss of jobs, rapes, and demonization of White people and White culture.  When this happens, its better that a “black face” is present while working and middle class Whites feel their world changing for the worse.  It especially helpful that Obama belongs to a black supremacist church, since this would be a prime indicator that the political standards granted to minorities is different than the one granted to Whites. 

When this happens, the Republicans are going to have two choices.  They can go on like they do now and pretend that the issue of race is insignificant and bothersome, or they can start championing for White interests.  They’ll most likely choose the former, which will show the White population that they have no one to turn to for the racial issues they face. 

While Whites are being laid off from their jobs, beat, raped, and dehumanized, the Republicans are going to prove their worthlessness as they continue with their Israel First position.  This is when White racialism will have its chance, which means that we need to be ready.

We need to continue developing a coherent ideology that makes it clear to the White populace that they DO have another option.  One of the first points we need to make clear to Whites is that WHITE PEOPLE HAVE LEGITIMATE INTERESTS AND THAT THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO PURSUE THEM!  We need to make White people think about what life will be like when they are the minority in this country.  Most importantly, we need to marganilized the Nazis, extremists, and other assorted trash out of our movement. 

So don’t worry about who’s going to win the election.  And stop talking about “civil war.”  Trust me when I tell you, that the last thing you ever want to see happen in this country is open warfare.  If the United States erupted into civil war, the global economy would stop and the world would fall into global depression.  We need to change things with our arguments.  You have to remember that WE ARE RIGHT!  The only thing stopping us is the inability to get are position into the public debate.  As things get worse in this country, we will have the opportunity to join the debate and this will result in our victory.  Only people who have no legitimate argument want war.  We need “armies” of writers, scholars, lawyers, financiers ,and thinkers not armies of fighters and trouble makers.  Nature doesn’t tolerate falsehoods, since we represent the truth, and the enemy represents lies, we will win.


Posted by zusammen on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:56 | #

Obama has less chance than Paul. Imagine, then plan for America with another Clinton in office. Here is how Americans will be blackmailed to vote for Clinton.

The surtax would be “a percentage of your tax bill,” said House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey, D-Wisconsin. “And if you don’t like the cost, then shut down the war.”

The measure—sponsored by Obey, Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, and Jim McGovern, D-Massachusetts—would require low- and middle-income taxpayers to add 2 percent to their tax bill, while higher-income taxpayers would add 12 to 15 percent, Obey said.



Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:32 | #

People who claim that there won’t be a race war in the US have the burden of explaining why they think it won’t happen. Race war seems to be inevitable.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 03:28 | #

One of the reasons that Reagan won so handsomely is because of the ‘Reagan Democrat’ phenomenon whereby blue collar White males and probably their wives deserted a Democratic Party which had become too liberal and ‘un-American’.

Perhaps the Democratic Party’s standoffishness towards its former stalwarts and a nation-wrecking tendency to woo non-Whites will result in sufficiently sizeable defections as to cause a repeat of 1980.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 03:43 | #

2R, I didn’t describe the scenarios resulting in civil war but it isn’t like there will be any options except surrender and resulting de facto extermination unless policies change to allow freedom of association and the best hope of that, forlorn as it may be, is Ron Paul’s nomination.

Authorities consistently and grossly underestimate the rapidity of the demographic changes.  The feet on the ground increasing our oppression grows with government support despite the halt in its legalization.  Meanwhile resentment of the government grows even as government fulfills Machiavelli’s rule that a tyrant, once he has neglected men in their necessity, cannot relent during challenges to his authority lest the men he seeks to win attribute the bettering of their circumstances to the challenger.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 05:26 | #

“People who claim that there won’t be a race war in the US have the burden of explaining why they think it won’t happen. Race war seems to be inevitable.”

When most people describe a civil war in America they usually describe it as being against a totalitarian regime.  In order to win a civil war in this scenario you need the support of the people.  If Whites have the support of the people, war will be unnecessary because the people will demand what they want.  If 1% of the White population in America today started lobbying for their interests, we would have the freedom of association that we all want.  If this 1% started writing their representatives, doing “million man” marches, and demanded their freedom, the White race would have no problems.  So if White people continue to not care about their displacement, the law of nature says that we will be exterminated.  If they do start caring about their displacement, a war would be unnecessary because the power structure would change just to keep their jobs.  The only reason that the White elites don’t allow us our freedom is because White people keep voting for them.  Because the White population gives the White elite no problems and gives them no demands, they just concentrate on kissing up to the minorities in order to win their favor.  The White elite are not idealistic people.  They’re politicians who care about power. 

I guess the problem is I can’t figure out the situation or scenario in which this “war” would come about?  How would this happen?  Please explain?


Posted by GT on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 06:23 | #

“Authorities consistently and grossly underestimate the rapidity of the demographic changes.”

Oh come now, James!  You know as well as I that the situation isn’t THAT bad.  Whites still are the majority of the population.  As the situation worsens all we have to do is persuade 1% of them to:

1.  Call their representatives.
2.  Write letters to the editor.
3.  Demand Ron Paul-type candidates from the major parties.
4.  Flyer communities.
5.  Bankroll White advocacy groups.
6.  Organize “Million Man Marches.”
7.  Infiltrate the regime’s institutions.
8.        Increase their Internet activism.

For the life of me I don’t know why these things have not been tried for the past 50+ years.


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:12 | #

“James, stop worrying about “civil war.” Just find one or more wealthy ‘racialists’ who are willing to bankroll a White advocacy group and maybe the group can win back the Old Republic in 25-50 years without us having to do any fighting.” (GT)

In 25 years, “Whitey” will be a minority in this country.  Sorry GT, but “taking back the country” via the ballot box and restoring the “Old Republic” ain’t going to happen for a number of reasons that I have already touched upon here at Majority Rights some weeks ago. 

We are going to see a massive demographic change in the next 25 years as the so called “Baby Boomers” begin dying off.  Remember, they constitute the largest pool of white voters and once they are gone, who will replace them given the catastrophic drop in the white birth rate coupled with the ever increasing growth of the non-white population? 

There is nothing “scary” about what James Bowery has stated.  Remember, demographics is destiny and our enemies know it.  If an explicitly pro-white candidate is not permitted to run and cannot get elected today, imagine what it will be like in 25 years!  Granted, a civil war is but one possible outcome, however, it is something that we should take into serious consideration.

Honestly, I feel sorry for those of you who have their heads stuck in the sand and refuse to face the unpleasant facts of reality.  But facts are facts, A is A, what is, is.  Given that it was the democratic election process that brought us to the edge of the precipice in the first place, what makes you think it will save us? 

Take a look at history.  After subscribing to “democracy”, ancient Athens destoyed itself in less than a 100 years.  No doubt, we are following the same script.  Our Founding Fathers warned us explicitly about such dangers and we have all of history spread before us yet choose to ignore it.  Remember Franklin’s words: “A Republic if you can keep it”?  For the record, the Old Republic is gone and it will not be resuscitated in the manner you mentioned.

Ron Paul certainly has my vote if he manages to secure the Republican nomination but even a victory on his part will only secure us a bit more time before the inevitable given the demographic catastrophe that has befallen us.  My advise to all is take full advantage of the 2nd Amendment while you still have the opportunity to do so.  When the SHTF, you’ll be damn happy you took my advise.  Strength and honor!

Scipio Americanus


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:01 | #

Here’s a little piece I’ll call: Why the GOP WON’T nominate Ron Paul.  The GOP, like the Democrats, is a part of the bourgeoisie.  Illegal immigration is in the interest of the bourgeoisie, for several reasons:

1. They are an unlimited source of cheap labor- this means that wages can be driven down to below the level needed for the workforce to reproduce.

2. Their status allows them to be a perfect scapegoat to distract from US aggression and imperialism.  Everyone gets caught up in Mexico-bashing and forgets who is responsible for this mess.

Also, what is this nonsense about feminism being “promoted” by the Jews, and being responsible for the decline in childbirths?  If you actually looked into the history of feminism, early feminists(if you could call them that, since the term was later corrupted by identity politics wackos), fought for equal pay for equal work.  In addition to this, they fought for certain concessions for motherhood- in other words, they fought so that they could work AND have babies, instead of just work in dangerous conditions as they usually did around the turn of the century.  Women have always worked, the main difference is that with the advent of capitalism, the means of production are no longer small-scale and in the home.  The wife who stayed home and spun clothes was forced out onto the factory floor, for less pay and long hours. 

Do some research next time.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:38 | #

“Also, what is this nonsense about feminism being “promoted” by the Jews, and being responsible for the decline in childbirths?”

What, precisely, is your objection to such a statement? Even feminists themselves have no problem in declaring that the rise of feminism has meant that women tend to delay marriage by many years, put off having children, use contraceptives, abort unwanted foetuses, etc; all of which, uncontroversially, tend to reduce the number of offspring significantly.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:41 | #

“Illegal immigration is in the interest of the bourgeoisie…”

Define “bourgeoisie”. Given that you probably consider yourself in “conflict” with the bourgeoisie, do you therefore oppose illegal immigration?


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:58 | #

“Bourgoiesie” is a marker for Slavy’s entirely abstract but pure Leninist creed, I suppose.  Ultimately, he does not comprehend the limits placed on Man by his nature.


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:17 | #

Steve Edwards:  Don’t bother debating this entity who refers to itself as “Slavyanski.”  This son-of-bitch is bloody red to the bone.  A straight up Marxist-Leninist from the pits of hell.  The history of the 20th Century along with the corpses of well over 100 million victims of this Jewish ideology attests to the evil notions that this fiend promotes.  Please take a gander at this creature’s web site if you doubt the veracity of my statements.  All I can say is it’s a damn shame Operation Barbarossa (Unternehmen Barbarossa) didn’t succeed!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:36 | #

Rounding up and deporting millions of illegal aliens will provoke a strong reaction from hispanics. Then there are the asian colonizers of Silicon Valley and other parts of California. And it is not just California. At at certain point in time, no on will be able to deny that huge tracts of US territory have been lost. So the question arises,  how will the majority of White Americans react to this new order of things. It will be very difficult to take flag waiving seriously anymore. F-22 raptors? What would be the point.

I beleive that White Americans are in a psychologically entangled state at the present. both massive denial and creeping acute awareness that something terrible has gone wrong. Over time, there will be a very large population of Americans with White Children who have no future in America. I don’t believe that White Americans will give their allegiance to the current order of things. Their will be no longer be any incentice to do so. When this point in time arrives, there will be no incentive to be tolerant of non-whites.

Once White Americans pass through the cognitive dissonance stage….big things can happen, such as expeliing post-1965 non-white colonizers and invaders.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:42 | #


No doubt about it. The rapidity of the demographic change is being underestimated by nearly everyone. The situation is much worse than most people believe.


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:54 | #

Oh we got some live ones here!!!

“What, precisely, is your objection to such a statement? Even feminists themselves have no problem in declaring that the rise of feminism has meant that women tend to delay marriage by many years, put off having children, use contraceptives, abort unwanted foetuses, etc; all of which, uncontroversially, tend to reduce the number of offspring significantly.
Posted by Steve Edwards on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 09:38 AM | #”

Capitalism is what delayed the marriage age, because more bodies were needed to fill factories.  If you look at the Soviet Union’s answer to the problem, they created nurseries in the workplaces so that women could both have children and work, in addition to other methods.  Improved medical care also drastically reduced infant mortality, which is universally recognized.

“Define “bourgeoisie”. Given that you probably consider yourself in “conflict” with the bourgeoisie, do you therefore oppose illegal immigration?
Posted by Steve Edwards on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 09:41 AM | #”

Bourgeoisie, the ruling class.  This is the class of those who derive their living primarily from the ownership of means of production, exploiting the labor of those who have no means of survival save for the sale of their labor power on the labor market.

““Bourgoiesie” is a marker for Slavy’s entirely abstract but pure Leninist creed, I suppose.  Ultimately, he does not comprehend the limits placed on Man by his nature.
Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 09:58 AM | #”

Appeal to nature fallacy.  Human nature is changing, and has changed throughout history.  Don’t believe me?  What would you think about marrying your 12 year old cousin?  If that disgusts you, it shows just one of many ways in which human nature changed throughout history.

“Steve Edwards:  Don’t bother debating this entity who refers to itself as “Slavyanski.” This son-of-bitch is bloody red to the bone.  A straight up Marxist-Leninist from the pits of hell.”

Well, Phoenix IS pretty damn hot.

”  The history of the 20th Century along with the corpses of well over 100 million victims of this Jewish ideology attests to the evil notions that this fiend promotes.”

Oh no, please debate me, start by providing credible demographics to back up that 100 million claim, then continue by defining “Jewish ideology”.

”  Please take a gander at this creature’s web site if you doubt the veracity of my statements.  All I can say is it’s a damn shame Operation Barbarossa (Unternehmen Barbarossa) didn’t succeed! “

Wow, what a PRO-WHITE thing to say!! The success of Operation Barbarossa would have led to the death of 80 million “white people”.  Where did I get that calculation?  That was the Nazis’ own estimate. 

Oh yeah…NO NAZIS HERE!!!


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:56 | #

Frank McGuckin is. of course, correct. The great and soon to be immediate difficulty will be the prevention of ‘the usual suspects’ following White people into White America’s future lebensraum..


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:14 | #

Slavyanski writes:

Appeal to nature fallacy.  Human nature is changing, and has changed throughout history.  Don’t believe me?  What would you think about marrying your 12 year old cousin?  If that disgusts you, it shows just one of many ways in which human nature changed throughout history.

La la land…


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:22 | #

Al Ross writes:

The great and soon to be immediate difficulty will be the prevention of ‘the usual suspects’ following White people into White America’s future lebensraum.

If the proposition for which men fight is freedom of association then the natural consequence will be peaceful territorial reallocation between human ecologies as routine.  This will sort itself out as assortative migration makes clear the various hypotheses being tested by voluntary subjects of their associated experimental ecologies.

The issue of the “stolen goods” consequent to the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 is secondary to this but must be addressed if there is to be any sort of lasting Pax Freedom.  Failure to recognize the Right of the posterity of the Founders of the US to the soil they brought to fruition—the carrying capacity they’ve created—will result in further war.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:35 | #

2R writes:

I guess the problem is I can’t figure out the situation or scenario in which this “war” would come about?  How would this happen?  Please explain?

When the bill comes due for the multi-decade decadence, there will be an attempt to, as usual, shift the burden onto the Posterity of the Founders of the US—folks who were disenfranchised from the government during this multi-decade party.  They won’t have the monetary resources, having been disenfranchised as a population long ago so severely that they are demographically collapsing.  They will, however, still have some of the human resources that built the wealth of the US to the point that it was a juicy takeover target.  They will have men like myself who have built much of the nations infrastructure only to be deprived of the resources to form a family, deprived of a career by corrupt ethnic nepotistic immigration and who are literally facing death due to deprivation of subsistence under the weight of the economic crisis.  Men who you really don’t want to have as an enemy and who will have literally nothing to lose—life itself having been made hell for them.  This will combine with the “surprise” that the immigration problem has been a lot worse than we have been lead to believe to create an explosive situation with the government instituting martial law to forceably extract blood from us on behalf of the immigrants and foreign creditors, etc.


Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:56 | #

“I’m willing to fight a war but it will be here—first for Ron Paul and failing that, for my people whose government has been hijacked by the neocon policy of invade the world, invite the world and go in hock to the world.”—- James Bowery

Here’s an interesting development. Both the liberals and the right wingers are getting together to formulate a strategy to rid themselves from the oppressive Federal Government. Check this out:

Southern & New England secessionists meet to plot split from USA…



Posted by Steve Edwards on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:58 | #

“Capitalism is what delayed the marriage age, because more bodies were needed to fill factories.  If you look at the Soviet Union’s answer to the problem, they created nurseries in the workplaces so that women could both have children and work, in addition to other methods.  Improved medical care also drastically reduced infant mortality, which is universally recognized.”

I’m not sure what you mean by this. The median age of first marriage has varied significantly since the advent of “capitalism”, trending both up and down at different periods. For US statistics, see here: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005061.html

Attributing the increased median age of first marriage to “capitalism” is simply unfalsifiable, and, essentially, worthless, because it has no predictive utility (I may know this for certain upon your reply, which I am prepared to go out on a limb and say that it will be littered with auxiliary hypotheses that, self-destructively, mean to firewall the original one from refutation; at the conclusion of the debate, I will predict that you will continue to maintain the truth of Thesis A in lieu of this; you are welcome to prove me wrong). On the other hand, there has been a significant increase in the peacetime median age of first marriage, which, as I pointed out before, correlates nicely with the Second Wave of Feminism.

“Bourgeoisie, the ruling class.  This is the class of those who derive their living primarily from the ownership of means of production, exploiting the labor of those who have no means of survival save for the sale of their labor power on the labor market.”

My girlfriend is a business woman who currently employees three people. She is, under your definition, a member of the “ruling class”. In other words, anybody who, say, rents a piece of land to build or sell something, and pays other people to help them, must be a member of the “ruling class”. What, then, exactly, do you mean by “ruling”? What is this terminology meant to explain, precisely?


Posted by Steve Edwards on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 15:05 | #

PS - I still do not have an answer on the race-replacement question.

Does Slavyanski favour it, or not?


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 15:12 | #

Steve, my definition of a communist is someone who takes a legitimate complaint about the allocation of the costs of government and turns it into a more centralized government.  Their legitimate complaint is that the beneficiaries of government are those whose net assets in excess of subsistence (homestead/family business) are so great that the taxes they pay (discounted for public choice supports they acquired as rent seekers) are less than a reasonable cost of the protection of their non-subsistence property rights.  Most yeomen class businessmen, even those employing several people, don’t have enough net assets compared to their tax burden to qualify as a legitimate complaint by the communists, but the history of the communists killing off the “kulacks” shows they don’t care about these minor distinctions.  The mass destruction of the yeomen is what you can look for whenever Jews rise to power, whether under communism or capitalism.  Feminism has allowed many female “yeomen” to survive primarily as a means of establishing a pecking order similar to the rise of females to middle management during the years of female boomer fertility… just under the glass ceiling.  This makes a nice big harem supported by corporate profits.  Women and minority owned small businesses are part of this system.


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 15:44 | #

Well Steve, we can do more to draw a link between capitalism and the conditions it creates in regards to negative trends in birthrates than we can “feminism.” 

And your girlfriend would be considered petit-bourgeoisie.


Posted by GT on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:39 | #


“In 25 years, “Whitey” will be a minority in this country.  Sorry GT, but “taking back the country” via the ballot box and restoring the “Old Republic” ain’t going to happen for a number of reasons that I have already touched upon here at Majority Rights some weeks ago.”

James knows I’m having some fun.

Most of the MR commentariat are aware that I’m an advocate of microcommunities, alternate production-distribution-exchange systems, local political organizing and independent campaigns, rural empowerment & urban encirclement, and secession.

No, we’re not going to win back the Old Republic via ballot box, non tax-deductible White advocacy groups, “Million Man Marches,” Internet “activism,” or by a “march through the institutions.”

New America will be comprised of the Pacific Northwest including northern California(water), the Ohio-Mississippi River Valleys (ore), and the North-Central breadbasket through Canada to the Arctic Circle(grain).

The regime is illiberal.  Bullets will birth New America.  Alternate systems will birth the bullets.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:42 | #

James Bowery said:

“When the bill comes due for the multi-decade decadence, there will be an attempt to, as usual, shift the burden onto the Posterity of the Founders of the US—folks who were disenfranchised from the government during this multi-decade party.  They won’t have the monetary resources, having been disenfranchised as a population long ago so severely that they are demographically collapsing.  They will, however, still have some of the human resources that built the wealth of the US to the point that it was a juicy takeover target.  They will have men like myself who have built much of the nations infrastructure only to be deprived of the resources to form a family, deprived of a career by corrupt ethnic nepotistic immigration and who are literally facing death due to deprivation of subsistence under the weight of the economic crisis.  Men who you really don’t want to have as an enemy and who will have literally nothing to lose—life itself having been made hell for them.  This will combine with the “surprise” that the immigration problem has been a lot worse than we have been lead to believe to create an explosive situation with the government instituting martial law to forceably extract blood from us on behalf of the immigrants and foreign creditors, etc.”

This scenario is dependant on the premise that the bill WILL come for “the multi-decade decadence.”  So in order for this to happen, there will need to be some sort of economic crises.  I don’t think the power structure will allow such a crises to happen for that exact reason.  No, the power structure will make every attempt to keep Whites fat and happy on beer and football for as long as they can.  Absent the economic collapse that would be necessary for this scenario, my fear, or I should say, frustration, is that Whites won’t even think twice about their own displacement.  The power structure knows it can’t push too hard or the situation in which you describe will become reality.  Either way, war or no war, in order for our people to survive, there’s going to have to be a major shift in the world-views of White men.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:02 | #


Do you really think THEY are intelleigent enough to manage this very complicated economic system in a way that avoids catastrophes?

They were shit scared when that Connecticut Hedge fund -LCTM-went belly-up.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:05 | #


Human nature changes at the speed of evolution.  It has not “changed throughout history”.  You are speaking of that which is acquired ... enculturated ... exists in Personality.  The example you raise is not an example of change in human nature, but in mores.  I hope that’s clear.

Here is the real ruling class.  Read and learn, and then plan a revolution that achieves something better than Cambodia Year Zero.

Your creed is Judaised liberalism MkI.  It failed.  MarkII, the cultural version, is doing better.  Or, for those of us of the West, worse.


Posted by GT on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:22 | #


“No, the power structure will make every attempt to keep Whites fat and happy on beer and football for as long as they can.”

For a while, at least, until a critical mass of Whites no longer pose a threat.

That is why it’s important to make realistic preparations in this period of fat, dumb and happy but gradually escalating societal entropy.

Realistic preparations include the development of alternate systems that allow us to capture the loyalty of increasingly marginalized Whites and free us from the tyranny of the JudeoConomy.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:44 | #

Frank, precisely.  Even if this were a phenomenon based on “conspiracy” (rather than merely involving conspiracies as well as many other organizing principles) as some believe and as our adversaries wish us to believe or at least as they wish us to be perceived by our constituency as believing, there are too many variables at play changing too rapidly for the “cognitive elite” to figure our what is going on.  Bottom line, it is just stupid to do what they have done to their base of support and to the planet because of the high risk to critical assets.  But reality speaks of a more baleful circumstance:  We are victim to a virulent anthrosystem, a complex of genes and memes coevolved over millenia of horizontal transmission between human ecologies, that is just as stupid as it is brilliant in its Machiavellian “red in tooth and claw” way.


Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:20 | #

We are victim to a virulent anthrosystem, a complex of genes and memes coevolved over millenia of horizontal transmission between human ecologies, that is just as stupid as it is brilliant in its Machiavellian “red in tooth and claw” way.

Stupid, wasteful, and thus misanthropic.  Hostis humani generis, indeed.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 23:19 | #

James Bowery said:
“We are victim to a virulent anthrosystem, a complex of genes and memes coevolved over millenia of horizontal transmission between human ecologies, that is just as stupid as it is brilliant in its Machiavellian “red in tooth and claw” way.”

I hope you’re right.  Because I personally can’t imagine any people purposely acting as our current antagonists do?  Especially when these actions have been resulting in similar outcomes over the same millenia that you’ve described.  It would seem to make sense that they JUST CAN’T HELP IT?  Its what and who they are.  The question is:  Do they realize that this is what they’ve doing?  Or, does this come so natural to them, that they don’t even realize that there is indeed a big problem here?


Posted by 2R on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 23:24 | #

Frank McGukin said:
“Do you really think THEY are intelleigent enough to manage this very complicated economic system in a way that avoids catastrophes?  They were shit scared when that Connecticut Hedge fund -LCTM-went belly-up.”

Yes, but when that happened, their friends in government came to the rescue and bailed them out.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 00:21 | #

Or, does this come so natural to them, that they don’t even realize that there is indeed a big problem here?

There has been a great deal written about evolutionary self-deception and it even forms a major theme within Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy.  Its really almost inevitable when you think about the nature of genetic evolution vs cognition.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 00:24 | #

Yes, but when that happened, their friends in government came to the rescue and bailed them out.

Yes, as I predicted a little over a year ago.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:07 | #


Alan Greenspan came to the rescue. And he did it just in time. What happens when there are multiple Hedge fund failures?

Where you able to predict the crash in 1987?

The bigger issue:the creation of a large population of young White American Males earning ten dollars an hour. No Home, no wife. No wife ,no kids. None of the above…....day of reeckoning time.

Do you think a large population of young economically redundant White males-no home wife and no gene-line-will tolerate twent-somthing sunil,sanjay gao and chung with home,wife,gene-line and golden retriver walking down the street with wife,gene-line in stroller and golden retriever on a leash? And in Bill Gates and Larry Ellison pursuit of short term profit maximazation, and demigod status, economically viable White Males are not part of the game plan


Posted by DavidL on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:18 | #


Thanks for mentioning the FAEM site in one of your previous replies.
Though it’s no longer active - only an archive, being able to read
some of Maguire’s articles but especially Eric Thomson’s thoughts
was very thought provoking.  Thanks again and don’t hesitate to
mention any other worthwhile sites !



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:31 | #

Frank McGuckin’s comment a couple above is powerful and a bullseye.  I and all sane people pray for no violence of course, but people are going to get very angry before this is over.


Posted by Capitalist Pig on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:40 | #

“Yes, as I predicted a little over a year ago.”

Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 11:24 PM | #

LMAO, Ive been hearing that since the great bull market started in 1982 (when the Dow was around 800). It’s a good thing I ignored it. I wouldn’t be financially independent today. Heck, I’ve increase my personal wealth by 10% in the last six weeks alone due to the buying opportunity the stock market correction afforded us. Sure the dollar is decreasing in value against foreign currencies, but the positive side is that American companies’ products are more competitive in foreign markets… that translates into higher profits. That’s good for stocks!

Btw—good new for Ron Paul, he’s racking in some serious cash for his campaign.



Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:22 | #

Dear “Capitalist Pig”, you will notice that I did not predict a stock market crash—merely a _threatened_ crash which would be bailed out by Fed opening the discount window.  Unlike your mid-bogglingly upside down history, in 1982 the Fed was squeezing money so tight it filled the dumpsters to overflowing behind the abortion clinics:

For some right-side-up history look at this graph:


Posted by Capitalist Pig on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:48 | #

“Unlike your [mind]-bogglingly upside down history, in 1982 the Fed was squeezing money so tight it filled the dumpsters to overflowing behind the abortion clinics: “

No, James, the reason there were overflowing dumpsters filled with abortions behind abortion clinics was due to advanced-liberalism and it’s ‘Rosemary’s baby’: radical feminism.


Posted by Ernest on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 03:39 | #

Ron Paul Odds Have Been Slashed to 6 to 1: Now Favored Over Romney

Public pushes Ron Paul odds down even further this week

Forget those political polls.  Throughout time (at least the last decade), oddsmakers have had an uncanny knack for predicting political races.  It’s not so much that they have a crystal ball, rather the lines adjust based on public action.  When it comes to political betting, the public action is presumed to represent votes.  The theory being that someone who is likely to vote on Mitt Romney probably won’t bet on Ron Paul winning.

The gambling public seems to believe that 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul stands a very good chance of winning, so much so that this past week odds on Dr. Paul have been slashed further from 8 to 1 down to 6 to 1, with the potential payout of $600 for every $100 bet.  (see betting odds at Sportsbook.com).

This gives Ron Paul shorter odds than Mitt Romney.  He’s only slightly trailing behind John McCain (5 to 1 odds) and Rudy Giuliani (5 to 1 odds).  Fred Thompson is the favorite among Republicans with odds of 4 to 1. 



Posted by GT on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 04:15 | #


“Thanks for mentioning the FAEM site in one of your previous replies.”

No problem and thanks, I’m glad you found FAEM interesting.  I wish Maguire would continue his “White Leadership Academy,” but he’s presently devoting almost all of his free time to home-built, metal-smelting furnaces.

www. faem.com


Posted by torgrim on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 04:20 | #

“For some right side up history look at this graph.”

The graph makes it clear, they almost lost it back in 1980. Mexico, Argentina, Brazil all owed Billions to the Banks and were threatening to renounce payment of debt.

James is right.

I remember 1980 real well, it was the year I went from employed builder and home owner to travel trailer owner with wife and children. A lot of us in the Trades, changed jobs, divorced, took up serious drink…..I just lost a house, which was the accumulation of twenty years of pounding nails, but, hey….just a white guy in the bluecollar trades….no story there. The home today is worth 1.1mil. I gave it away for $140K. You see the interest rates were so high they killed the Savings and Loans, like the one that had my construction/mortgage, Northern California Savings and Loan, no small player either.

So today, the original pioneer decendants of that area of California have been replaced with trust funded adolescnts, their parents all mostly from New York, LA, Hollywood or in the case of my replacement-an exec. from a New Jersey trucking co., put the final salt in the wounds, stiffed me for another $10,000.

As for having more children, well living in a travel trailer with two adults and two children for years just plain put my wife off to having anymore children.

This story was repeated many times by the white tradesmen in the 1980’s.


Posted by 2R on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:15 | #

Mr. Bowery, for the last hour I’ve been reading your website.  I’m glad you on “our” side.  Anyway, like I said earlier, my fear is that the displaced Whites you speak of, may be too demoralized to challange their own displacement. 

Guessed Worker has spoken maybe one of the most important truths regarding our people. That before anything can be done to reverse our extermination, White men must first ask themselves what life is worth living for?  They must feel some sort of inspiration inside that compels them to act for something bigger then themselves.  Something that they can totally delicate their lives too, and come to the understanding that life is more than the NFL or Thursday night bowling.  They must come to the understanding that they are men of the West, and to allow themselves to be pushed aside by pygmies or Mestizos is worse than death. 

When it gets to the point that their cutting the lawn of the rich mulatto who has the blond wife in the subdivision by the lake, what makes you believe that they’ll stand up and act, instead of going downtown to buy a bag of chemical amusement aid from this same mulatto’s uncle?  Is there something genetic that exists in all humans that at some point forces them to fight?  Or can a healthy people be driven to ethno-masochism which there is no turning back?


Posted by GT on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 06:25 | #

“The bigger issue: the creation of a large population of young White American Males earning ten dollars an hour. No Home, no wife. No wife ,no kids. None of the above…....day of reeckoning time.”

I agree with Scroob.  McGuckin’s has hit the bullseye.

Furthermore, it is our responsibility to provide these young men with skills, jobs, community, and direction.  They will not receive these things from the Capitalist Pig representatives of the JudeoConomy.


Posted by GT on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 07:31 | #


The history of South Bend Lathe, recently closed down after 103 years, is worth reading:


The company was founded in 1903 by John and Miles O’Brien, Irish immigrant twins.  One worked directly for Thomas Edison.  John O’Brien wrote a famous book, “How To Run A Lathe,” that had much to do with South Bend’s success.  By 1930 South Bend Lathe Works was manufacturing 50% of the engine lathes in this country. The “South Bend Heavy” design came to set a standard in lathe design and construction that is still a bench mark today, and widely copied in China. 

With the closing of South Bend Lathe we pass another milestone on America’s decline into a Third World compost pile. A country which cannot manufacture the most fundamental industrial machine tool for itself will soon have no industry at all. What it will have are impoverished farmers struggling to maintain their own machinery using imported tools, plus teeming and effectively unemployed urban masses.  Frank McGuckin’s comments concerning young, under- and unemployed White males without homes or wives are especially relevant here.

I want to see older racialists take the lead in establishing an alternate production-distribution-exchange system for these young men and for rural families – one that promotes technical education and apprenticeship training at cost, energy independence, CNC equipment rehabilitation and cloning, material salvaging and recycling, and discourages speculation. 

Much copyright-free educational material is available here:

Another good site, here:


Posted by Riley DeWiley on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:38 | #

The big problem is that the GOP would rather see the Red Queen crowned, than to see Ron Paul elected.

RP’s biggest enemies are in his own party.

I wish him Godspeed.



Posted by Steve Edwards on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:58 | #

“Well Steve, we can do more to draw a link between capitalism and the conditions it creates in regards to negative trends in birthrates than we can “feminism.” ”

Yes, I thought so. Casting our minds back to yesterday, I made a clear, falsifiable prediction, by which I mean a statement which is open to any refuting data (actually, I made two - one with regards to the Second Wave of Feminism, and one with regards to you). It looks like BOTH of them checked out nicely, particularly this one:

“I may know this for certain upon your reply, which I am prepared to go out on a limb and say that it will be littered with auxiliary hypotheses that, self-destructively, mean to firewall the original one from refutation; at the conclusion of the debate, I will predict that you will continue to maintain the truth of Thesis A in lieu of this”.

Once again, we see that Marxism is an unfalsifiable religion that, in seeking to explain practically everything, proves precisely nothing.


Posted by Slavyanski on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 11:26 | #

“Yes, I thought so. Casting our minds back to yesterday, I made a clear, falsifiable prediction, by which I mean a statement which is open to any refuting data (actually, I made two - one with regards to the Second Wave of Feminism, and one with regards to you). It looks like BOTH of them checked out nicely, particularly this one:”

We all know what falsifiable means.  Given some of things you have posted here, and your claims about human nature, you aren’t really in a position to whine about things being non-falsifiable.  Incidentily, something being non-falsifiable does not automatically qualify it as a religion.

You want falsifiable?  Do a survey of women who put off or are putting off marriage, and see how many are doing so because of economic conditions or reasons, and how many because they subscribe to “feminism”.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 13:13 | #

There is of course a carrot and stick driving women out of the home during their fertile years.  The carrot is the ideology of “women’s liberation” promising all kinds of things but the most fundamental of which is by-passing a companionate monogamous relationship for direct access to money and the things it buys.  The stick is the drastically higher cost of reproduction visited on the baby boom generation compared to their parents and even compared to their older siblings—those born prior to 1950.

Several cultures (most Hispanic Catholics to most Orthodox Jews to some radical evangelicals to most Hindus, as well as most Islamics) are winners within the so-called “demographic transition” brought on by lowered real wages, not because they aren’t “capitalist” but because they are able to remain “sexist” despite their economic conditions.  Their cost of reproduction is lower due to lower demand for their fertile females resulting from the strictures of their religions/cultures.


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:36 | #

We are going to see a massive demographic change in the next 25 years as the so called “Baby Boomers” begin dying off.  Remember, they constitute the largest pool of white voters and once they are gone, who will replace them given the catastrophic drop in the white birth rate coupled with the ever increasing growth of the non-white population?

There is nothing “scary” about what James Bowery has stated.  Remember, demographics is destiny and our enemies know it.  If an explicitly pro-white candidate is not permitted to run and cannot get elected today, imagine what it will be like in 25 years!  Granted, a civil war is but one possible outcome, however, it is something that we should take into serious consideration.

Yes, but the upside of white demographic decline is the concomitant decline in non-white unity.  As the “anti WHITE nationalist” white NATIONALISTS here persuasively argue, non-majority groups automatically align with the non-majority coalition to dispossess the majority.  But what happens when they succeed?  Kumbayah?  Yeah, right.  When whites are dispossessed, the non-white coalition will dissolve and it’ll be every man for himself.  The added bonus will be the automatic alignment of whites to minority thinking and behavior.

Blacks and mestizos, Chins and Hinds, will set upon one another.  Without the golden goose, the whole thing will collapse.

The real trick will be how and where to draw the line of whiteness, because whites will still no doubt be suckers for their mulatto cousins.  One hopes they won’t be too significant a portion of the population.

Al Ross:
Frank McGuckin is. of course, correct. The great and soon to be immediate difficulty will be the prevention of ‘the usual suspects’ following White people into White America’s future lebensraum.

Agreed.  But, I think by then they’ll be willing to listen to reason, and maybe even conduct it.

Tommy G
Here’s an interesting development. Both the liberals and the right wingers are getting together to formulate a strategy to rid themselves from the oppressive Federal Government. Check this out:

Southern & New England secessionists meet to plot split from USA…

Indeed.  I find this item very encouraging.  It means, even at this early stage, these groups see the writing on the wall: that if they can agree on the fundamentals of liberty, our disagreements amount to nothing of import.  A HUGE coalition could be built on this kind of agreement.


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:56 | #

As for Ron and Hillary, personally I think if Ron gets into the ring with Hillary he’ll rip her a new one.

Lots of interesting stuff in the letter; the idea that Ron is the only one who can handle Hillary has a ring of truth, but I don’t know if I’m sold on that yet.  Something tells me Americans really don’t like Hillary.  She certainly doesn’t have her wife’s gift for gab.


Posted by torgrim on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 17:34 | #

“My fear is that the displaced whites you speak of may be too demoralized to challenge their own displacement.”

That may be true in the areas where the invasion of aliens has been most effective.

Young white men must leave these areas.

This replacement has been happening in certain areas of California long before the rest of the Nation. Those of us born before 1950 did have the advantage of having a childhood and young adulthood in a normal Euro culture. I have found that the years 1964-65 were the beginning of the end of Euro culture, especially in California.

Here are just a few of the “demoralizing” factors that brought this demographic collapse, 30,000 draftees a month as soon as the first of the “Baby-Boom” generation reached draft age, ie, eighteen, radical feminism, drug culture, riots with major cities burning, inflation, massive government debt-Vietnam, LBJ socialist welfare programs, and my favourite, 1965 Kennedy Immigration “Reform”....
55,000 dead in Vietnam and that number again wounded and at least that many self destructed later, which goes un-reported.

So I think that many have given up and the reasons stated above does not excuse the failure to resist, but is given as a cause of this malaise of spirit.
And make no mistake this is a spiritual issue, it goes to the soul of our people. If we are to turn this around it will come from inside US, not some savior or demigod but from the bottom up.

“Furthermore, it is our responsibility to provide these young men with skills community and direction. They will not recieve these things from Capitalist Pig representatives of the JudeoConomy.”
“I want to see older racialists take a lead in establishing an alternate production, distribution-exchange system for these young men and for rural families…”

I could not agree more. And have been doing what I can in education, and community building.
Local trade groups on the county level are excellent support structures for apprenticeship programes and I support one myself. Community comes from the grassroots and that is why we need to seperate away from the urban.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 21:11 | #

While I am saddened at the news about the Southbend Lathe company (I purchased a vintage 1919 Southbend, with its original manual, for rocket engine prototype work in 1996) there are starting to be more and more people like Maguire who are looking at the deeper problem.  Soon, instructions on how to operate a lathe will give way to “how to build a lathe”.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 22:56 | #

Torgrim’s sad tale made mention of high interest rates killing the savings and loans companies. While high rates did play a part, these usually sleepy enterprises were often run by mediocre management which fell prey to a Jew-invented financial instrument, viz., the junk bond. S & L companies were suicidally enthusiastic purchasers of junk bonds sold by Drexel Burnham’s Michael Milken, a grasping and scofflaw Jew (98 counts of insider trading and other breaches of securities law), who viewed America’s corporate laws as representing a restriction on free trading.

While there may be a place for junk bonds in the panoply of investment opportunities offered to high net worth investment groups, the S & L companies attracted the deposits of middle America’s small savers and should have been sufficiently risk averse as to show Milken the door.


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 06:39 | #

Al Ross;
“While there may be a place for junk bonds, in the panoply of investment opportunities offered to high net worth investment groups, the S&L companies attracted the deposits of middle america’s small savers and should have been sufficiently risk adverse as to show Milken to the door.”

Thank you, Al Ross.

Milken went on to raid not only small investors like myself, but he destroyed a timber company, with the help of another junk bond tycoon, by the name of Horowitz.
Pacific Lumber, *was*,a family owned company founded about 1890.
Sustainable yield was their program for logging. The town of Scotia, was a town dependent upon Pacific Lumber. There was a livable wage, as told to me, at least; and a “retirement” program for employees, that had been in place for some time, from what I have been told.

Horowitz, et,al, junk bonded the company with a takeover, in the ‘80’s. It was just another of many hostile takeovers of pioneer wealth.

Btw., the story of tree huggers in the California Redwoods comes from this event, that is, Horowitz began logging the Primal Redwood forest that Pacific Lumber had left intact. You see, Horowitz, needed to repay his huge debt due to 15%+ interest rates on his G.D. F*uking Junk Bonds!


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:35 | #

GT:  Please excuse my belated reply. Thanks for the clarification and follow-up.  I was hoping to find a home here at Majority Rights but I can see that this blog has an extremely liberal tolerance policy regarding trolls, disrupters, misfits and other trouble makers.  Case in point:  “Slavyanski.”  Only a truly diseased creature would sport pictures of the most notorious mass murders in world history and then attempt to deny the obvious results of their twisted ideology and hatred of civilization. 

Frankly, I have never understood why administrators and owners alike allow biological refuse such as this to stink up their discussion boards.  All these sh!t stirrers manage to do is drive away many intelligent, serious minded people who are looking for an outlet to share in some high level discussions with like-minded people - the kind the West needs in this desperate hour of struggle. I have seen the demise of some great discussion forums as a result of this policy of “tolerance” and always under the rubric of “free speech.”

Indeed, I’ve dealt with these types of degenerates many times, both face to face and in cyberspace via Internet discussion forums, and I have discovered time and again that it is pointless to declare to them that the sky is blue when they believe it to be otherwise.  They simply will not listen to facts and reason, regardless how academic, professional and well-worded the endeavor.  To these cultists, we are blind because we have eyes, deaf because we have ears and mentally unhinged because we have a cerebral cortex and a functioning rational faculty that has not been rotted-out by Marxist dogma. 

Indeed, Majority Rights strikes me as a microcosm of the West at large.  It’s like leaving the garden gate open to swine and then discovering that the hogs have dug up your flower bed.  Rest assured, if “Slavyanski” and his ilk were to gain complete control of the West and disarm its population, they would not hesitate to reintroduce the old Bolshevik method of dealing with nationalists,  patriots and dissidents alike:  introduction to a lime pit via a bullet to the base of the skull! 

Take a good, hard look at the victims of the Katyn Forest Massacre, the scores of German farmers who were butchered by the Reds in Poland or the decomposing remains exhumed from the Soviet NKVD flesh pits as well as countless other atrocities and you will see the work of evil that “Slavyanski” represents.  Nevertheless, while I won’t be posting here too often due to the board’s open tolerance of such biped vermin,  I’ll swing by from time to time to read the headlines and partake in discussions when the opportunity presents itself.  Best wishes to everyone!

PS:  For a very conservative estimate on the numbers of murdered victims of Communism, I refer all interested to THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM:  Crimes, Terror, Repression

“Communism did kill, Courtois and his fellow historians demonstrate, with ruthless efficiency: 25 million in Russia during the Bolshevik and Stalinist eras, perhaps 65 million in China under the eyes of Mao Zedong, 2 million in Cambodia, millions more Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America—an astonishingly high toll of victims. This freely expressed penchant for homicide, Courtois maintains, was no accident, but an integral trait of a philosophy, and a practical politics, that promised to erase class distinctions by erasing classes and the living humans that populated them. Courtois and his contributors document Communism’s crimes in numbing detail, moving from country to country, revolution to revolution. The figures they offer will likely provoke argument, if not among cliometricians then among the ideologically inclined. So, too, will Courtois’s suggestion that those who hold Lenin, Trotsky, and Ho Chi Minh in anything other than contempt are dupes, witting or not, of a murderous school of thought—one that, while in retreat around the world, still has many adherents. A thought-provoking work of history and social criticism, The Black Book of Communism fully merits the broadest possible readership and discussion.”—Gregory McNamee


Scipio Americanus


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 15:17 | #

What about the Black Book on Capitalism? Communist atrocities were never a concern of post WW11 policy planners. If Stalin didn’t exist, they would have to invent him.

Ho chi Minh and his fellow Vietnamese nationalist posed no threat to the United States.

The Cold War ideology has done terrible damage to Euro-Americans. Cold War ideology(mythology) went hand in hand with the 1965 immigration refrom act.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 15:25 | #

” Case in point:  “Slavyanski.” Only a truly diseased creature would sport pictures of the most notorious mass murders in world history and then attempt to deny the obvious results of their twisted ideology and hatred of civilization. “

Excuse me but what the hell are you talking about?

“Indeed, Majority Rights strikes me as a microcosm of the West at large.  It’s like leaving the garden gate open to swine and then discovering that the hogs have dug up your flower bed.  Rest assured, if “Slavyanski” and his ilk were to gain complete control of the West and disarm its population, they would not hesitate to reintroduce the old Bolshevik method of dealing with nationalists, patriots and dissidents alike:  introduction to a lime pit via a bullet to the base of the skull! “

You deserve it.

“Take a good, hard look at the victims of the Katyn Forest Massacre, the scores of “

Take a look at the far greater amount of Poles killed by the Germans, in Operation Tannenburg alone.  You keep whining as though Katyn hasn’t been bitched about for the past 50 or so years.  In fact it is constantly mentioned while few in America have ever even heard of Operation Tannenburg, which killed civilians as well, not just army officers. 

“German farmers who were butchered by the Reds in Poland or the decomposing remains exhumed from the Soviet NKVD flesh pits as well as countless other atrocities”

Far fewer of them than the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarussian farmers butchered by the Nazis in a war they started. 

” and you will see the work of evil that “Slavyanski” represents.  Nevertheless, while I won’t be posting here too often due to the board’s open tolerance of such biped vermin, I’ll swing by from time to time to read the headlines and partake in discussions when the opportunity presents itself.  Best wishes to everyone!”

TRANSLATION:  I can’t defend my beliefs so I’m going to take a Parthian shot and run away like a little girl.

“PS:  For a very conservative estimate on the numbers of murdered victims of Communism, I refer all interested to THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM:  Crimes, Terror, Repression “

Laughable, just laughable.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 16:06 | #

“What about the Black Book on Capitalism? Communist atrocities were never a concern of post WW11 policy planners. If Stalin didn’t exist, they would have to invent him.”

Of course a Black Book of Capitalism would look like a set of encyclopedias, and we would have to keep updating it every year.  This is particularly true if we were to use the ridiculous methodology used by the Black Book authors. 

These idiots never figure out that body counts aren’t the best place to start an attack on Communism, given capitalism’s ongoing brutality.


Posted by 2R on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 10:30 | #

Its really not worth arguing about what ideology has killed more people.  Communism is a bad ideology because it doesn’t work.  It’s inherently anti-nature and only appeals to the scum of the earth.  Its an ideology for losers and people who can’t compete.  Its anti-evolutionary nature causes the exact opposite of what its proponents claim, that being “progress.” 

In America, it mostly appeals to minorities and stupid college aged White kids.  Meanwhile, these same “revolutionary” White kids’ parents, pay for their educations with capital formulated within a capitalist system.  This doesn’t mean that its perfect, but compared to communism, there is no comparison.  Even leftists like Paul Krugman or Robert Reich admit that free enterprise is preferable over planed economies.  Arguing for communism is like arguing for religion.  It requires faith over reason.

To learn more I would suggest the documentary “Commanding Heights.”  Its available at PBS and is six hours long.  Its a film about the evolution of economic thought and practice for the last 100 years.  Just go to the PBS website and search “Commanding Heights.”  I think most people here would appreciate it.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:30 | #

The US economy is not really free market   There has been plenty of central planning in the economy for at least 65 years. If you are reading my post right now you are using a technology that came into existence as a direct consequence of decades of violating free market principles.

You don’t realy beleive Bill Gates is billionaire because of his heroic struggle in the free market do you? His parents certainly didn’t subject him to free market discipline as a child and teenager.

Free market discipline-thanks you kike bastard Jeffrey Sachs-has resulted in a population collapse in Russia.


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 15:11 | #

I going to assume that people who read this this we site are intellectually sophisticated enough to understand the elementary point that criticizing the US economic system is not and endorsement of Stalins mass murdering collectivization program. Right?


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 15:48 | #

“Its really not worth arguing about what ideology has killed more people.”

Technically it is, but the point is capitalism doesn’t have a leg to stand on in this respect.

“Communism is a bad ideology because it doesn’t work.”

What do you mean? It worked very well when Marxist-Leninst principles were applied in the Soviet Union and other countries.  Countries experienced more problems the more they introduced market reforms and other capitalist measures.

” It’s inherently anti-nature and only appeals to the scum of the earth.”

That’s what we call an “appeal to nature” fallacy.  Racial preservation is also against nature by those standards, because there is no natural reason why people should breed within their race.  As for the scum of the earth, well, you just attacked a huge percentage of your own race there.

” Its an ideology for losers and people who can’t compete. “

Given the record of socialist nations, I would say they competed pretty damn well insofar as they were applying Marxist-Leninist principles.  Ask Adolf Hitler.

” Its anti-evolutionary nature causes the exact opposite of what its proponents claim, that being “progress.”

No progress huh?  Compare early 50’s Soviet Union with the Tsarist empire.  Hell, compare the Soviet Union at the end of the 30s with the Tsarist empire. 

“In America, it mostly appeals to minorities and stupid college aged White kids.”

Yes, because the CPUSA turned totally revisionist by 1944.

” Meanwhile, these same “revolutionary” White kids’ parents, pay for their educations with capital formulated within a capitalist system.  This doesn’t mean that its perfect, but compared to communism, there is no comparison.  Even leftists like Paul Krugman or Robert Reich admit that free enterprise is preferable over planed economies. “

Most of those kids you refer to are either Trotskyists or Anarchists.  As for Paul Krugman, he has had a lot to say about capitalism, but the problem is that leftists like him seem to think there is some third system, where capitalists will help out the working class out of the goodness of their own hearts.

” Arguing for communism is like arguing for religion.  It requires faith over reason.”

Quite the opposite actually.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 15:50 | #

“I going to assume that people who read this this we site are intellectually sophisticated enough to understand the elementary point that criticizing the US economic system is not and endorsement of Stalins mass murdering collectivization program. Right?”

How was collectivization “mass murdering”?


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 16:33 | #

Of course a Black Book of Capitalism would look like a set of encyclopedias, and we would have to keep updating it every year….

There are no capitalists here.  We are supporters of organic community.

Once again, it is time to recommend R.H. Tawney’s “Religion and the Rise of Capitalism”.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 16:43 | #

Racial preservation is also against nature by those standards, because there is no natural reason why people should breed within their race.

Biologist Ernst Mayr sees the species as a small gene pool protected from too much variability by a reproductive barrier. In other words, the species is a population adapted to a certain niche, and if the members of different species could interbreed with each other, too much genetic variability would occur, reducing the success of the adaptation. “The basic biological purpose of the species,” says Mayr, “is the protection of a harmonious gene pool.”

The same applies to races.

Beyond that, there is the basic interest in the continuity of life.  That includes the continuity of the constituents of genes and combinations of genes in addition to genes themselves.  We have an interest in reproducing our genetic structures that is disserved by deliberate mutation through intermarriage.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 16:47 | #

Continuity of life of course, but preserving race?  Sorry. In fact it has been the policy of some empires has actually been to encourage interbreeding in order to subjugate or assimilate conquered peoples, such as the British in India or New Zealand.  Or what about Alexander of Macedon:  Married Roxana, mass married his generals to Asian women, encouraged assimilation of Asians into his army and culturally, etc?


Posted by GT on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 18:17 | #

“GT:  Please excuse my belated reply. Thanks for the clarification and follow-up.”

No problem.

“I was hoping to find a home here at Majority Rights but I can see that this blog has an extremely liberal tolerance policy regarding trolls, disrupters, misfits and other trouble makers.”

Yes it does, unfortunately.

“Case in point:  “Slavyanski.” Only a truly diseased creature would sport pictures of the most notorious mass murders in world history and then attempt to deny the obvious results of their twisted ideology and hatred of civilization.”

Slavyanski’ ideology is a projection of self-hatred.  His Tourette-style behavior with a keyboard indicates a severe inferiority complex.  Only in the “virtual world” of the Internet can this individual feign confidence - or manhood:

“I can’t defend my beliefs so I’m going to take a Parthian shot and run away like a little girl.”

It has not occurred to Slavyanski that rational men don’t argue with the irrational.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:09 | #

there is no natural reason why people should breed within their race.

Yes there are at least three big reasons:

1) Governments are artifacts of men and it is governments that prevent men from defending their territory from other men.  If a man from Africa attempts to walk all the way into Scandinavia and breed with the women there, he will find that, in the absence of government protection, he is challenged to single combat to the death many times, not to mention the many times he is simply beaten up by men who don’t want him around the women.

2) Transportation technologies are artifacts of men and they enable the unnatural transport of people across distances and at speeds that dramatically enhance gene flow. 

3) Communications technologies are artifacts of men and they enable central powers, such as governments or theologians or movie moguls, to spread memes that benefit them at the expense of those receiving the memes.

All technologies have ecological impacts to some degree or other.  It is part of man’s burden to not only create these technologies but take responsibility for their ecological impact.  In the area of natural breeding patterns, said responsibility takes the form of eugenic policies—which must, as with any social experiment—take account of how little we really know about our natures and hence seek to preserve as much of our natural heritage as we can afford so as to avoid destroying something of critical value that we don’t even understand.

This is the essence of conservation and of conservatism, but it is also essential for liberalism to work for without experimental controls we can’t tease apart causal influences.


Posted by 2R on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 20:51 | #

“Given the record of socialist nations, I would say they competed pretty damn well insofar as they were applying Marxist-Leninist principles.  Ask Adolf Hitler.”

Ask Adolf Hitler? Look, I’m not Nazi, so don’t take this as if I am, but the Soviets relied on American industrial might for the equipment they used.  I’m sure you heard the story about the Russian’s receiving spam and thinking it was deodorant?  Had it just been the Soviet Union against Germany, the USSR would have been all done.

“What do you mean? It worked very well when Marxist-Leninst principles were applied in the Soviet Union and other countries.  Countries experienced more problems the more they introduced market reforms and other capitalist measures.”

Well of course they’re experiencing problems, they just went through 70 years of socialism. 

“That’s what we call an “appeal to nature” fallacy.  Racial preservation is also against nature by those standards, because there is no natural reason why people should breed within their race.  As for the scum of the earth, well, you just attacked a huge percentage of your own race there.”

Racial preservation is the highest expression of natures law.  All people build communities in order to provide a certain level of safety.  What makes more sense, building this community with people who share the same customs, languages, appearances, and history or with people who don’t?  In fact, the communists realized this so well that they outlawed expressions of culture.  Then, when they need it again, they reinstated it like Stalin urging Russians to fight for Mother Russia and bringing back the Orthodox church.

“No progress huh?  Compare early 50’s Soviet Union with the Tsarist empire.  Hell, compare the Soviet Union at the end of the 30s with the Tsarist empire. ” 

Now compare that with the progress made in North America where people turned a land that didn’t even have the wheel to what we see now.  Socialism does have some positives but in the long run, it always brings mediocrity, despair, boredom, and mile long bread lines.

I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with you.  This is no different than trying to explain evolution to an Evangelical.  How many nations freely signed up for communism?  Why did it require a wall to keep people in this “great system?”  Why when I go to Latvia do the people tell me stories about how bad it was under the USSR?  Why are all the buildings falling apart that were made during the communist era but the ones made 700 years ago are standing tall?  Why when given a chance, did the people of Eastern Europe fight on the side of Hitler instead of fighting for the USSR?  What way did the people of the Baltic States, the Ukraine, and the rest of Eastern Europe migrate at the end of WWII?  They went West, not East. 

Communism rewards the weak over the strong, and the ugly over the beautiful. You may want to think more about why this ideology appeals to you.  You might not like what you find out, but its better than going around in life in state of pure ignorance.  If you’re a worthless person who can’t make it, fight to improve yourself and your lot as this is 100 times better than appealing to a government to give it to you.  Socialist man is a not a man at all, he’s a child, who still needs mommy to take care of his every need.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 21:22 | #

How is “collectivization mass murdering”. That’s the way it worked out in Stalin’s Russia. I’m not debating the meaning of abstract nouns. In Stalin’s Collectivization program, mass murder was part of the blueprint.


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:36 | #

“It has not occurred to Slavyanski that rational men don’t argue with the irrational.”  (GT)

Correct GT.  Please note how the obnoxious interloper who calls himself “Slavyanski” attempted to hijack this thread and direct it away from its original topic with lies, distortions, ruses, red herrings and patronizing pronouncements.  For those of you not familiar with this disrupter’s blog, Eastern Star, it is filled with pictures of his mass murdering mentors at the bottom of the front page:  Karl Marx, “Lenin”, Stalin, etc, along with a collection of malevolent ramblings that one would expect from a delusional mind.  Given the blood-soaked history of communism coupled with the shear amount of documentation and data available attesting to this fact, there is simply no excuse for any rational person to engage him. None. Doing so not only takes us off topic but also grants the intruder a degree of respectability that is simply not warranted. Nor is there any excuse for board administrators to grant legitimacy to these death-worshipping types by allowing them to partake in civilized discussions.  I have nothing further to add regarding this issue. 

PS:  GT, I’m a BIG fan of Robert Frenz’s FAEM!  Maguire’s insights were impressive and thought provoking.  If you or any other like-minded person would like to correspond, please drop me a line at:  .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:40 | #

“I’m going to assume that people who read this site are intellectually sophisticated enough to understand the elementary point that criticizing the US economic system is not and endorsement of Stalins mass murdering collectivization program. Right?”  (Frank Mcguckin)


Right.  Two follow-up points should be noted.  First, capitalism and free enterprise are not synonymous and should not be confused with one another.  Capitalism is an economic system wedded to democracy and constitutes a perverted and degenerate form of free enterprise, much in the manner that democracy constitutes a perverted and degenerate form of republicanism.  Under capitalism, the means of production are increasingly centralized by large oligopolist/monopolist plutocrats who work in cahoots with government bureaucrats and politicians to grow their own base of wealth and power at the expense of their fellow citizens and nations.  The “bottom line” is all that matters to this mentality.  “Greed is good” is the capitalist system’s governing motto.  Needless to say, this system is not only incompatible with widespread competition in the economic and political spheres but down right destructive to common culture and heritage given it’s utter renouncement of national loyalties and the biological importance of race.  Ultimately, its own excesses will lead to its demise.

Second, it should be noted that capitalism and communism are really two sides of the same kosher coin. In fact, the word “capitalism” was originally coined by Karl Marx, a Jew who was subsidized by the capitalist Friedrich Engles to sabotage our civilization and usher in another Dark Age. Despite this fact, both “conservatives” and “libertarians” defend the central tenets of capitalism to the hilt. Indeed, both communism and capitalism are international in orientation and world outlook and thus are not only anti-Western but constitute a clear and eminent danger to our survival. This should not come as a surprise due to the nature of both system’s greatest advocates:  Jews.  After all, the Jews are the only truly international people, having spent the past 2,500 years embedded as parasites in host nations spread across the planet while maintaining their unique relationship with one another despite geographical barriers and distance. 

For the past one hundred years, the International Race has been simultaneously agitating from both the communist and capitalist perspectives.  A classic example of this occurred in the Weimar Republic when communist Jews with ties to The Soviet were agitating the German workers to rise up against their factory bosses while capitalist Jews from the London banking system were counseling the German business owners and managers to exploit the German worker!  Thus, German industrialists and workers were turned against one another in a manner that did not exist before the rise of Jewish power and influence.  This ability to turn various groups against one another within a nation constitutes the Jews’ modus operandi and primary weapon of defeating a nation from within.  Indeed, this is the root problem in the West today and we have seen it in action time and again.  In Germany’s case, the National Socialists, once in power,  were able to identify this element, isolate it and drive it from the country.  The economic recovery and stupendous successes experienced in Germany as a result of these policies demonstrate what our people are capable of achieving once the looters and parasites are identified and extricated from the system.  However,  National Socialist Germany was ultimately defeated in 1945 by the same collaborating forces on a far larger scale:  capitalist America and Britain allied with communist Soviet Russia.  Once again, we see capitalism and communism, supposed enemies, working closely together towards a common purpose.  Why?  Look for the common denominator and you will have your answer.  International systems ultimately ganged up on and defeated a nationalist system. 

The key question for us is how do we reconcile the alienated elements of our people?  Historically, in the West,  this role was performed by the aristocracy, which had always stood outside and above economic relationships and thus was in a position to direct things for the benefit of the entire nation as well as generate, exemplify and maintain cultural and moral standards for the society at large.  Indeed, Western man lived without these divisions until the rise of Jewish power during the 20th century.  That is why International Jewry had to target and eliminate the European nobility, as was witnessed throughout Eastern Europe and
Russia,  if they were to succeed in reshaping the world to suit their twisted projections.  Now, I do not deny that the European
aristocracy became decadent, corrupt and exploitative during their later years, but it still stood above the mercantile class while possessing authority over it which allowed it to reign in excesses when the mercantilists became antagonistic to the interests of the nation as a whole.  Ultimately, a form of spiritual leprosy weakened it and was merged with the plutocratic mercantilist class.

That is why the Jewish Bolsheviks first targeted the Russian aristocracy with such tragic results for the Russian people and their nation.  After all, it was Russia’s best and brightest among its political and intellectual classes that were first liquidated, followed by all others who did not embrace the anti-life philosophy of communism. All criticism against Jews was outlawed and punishable by death.  It’s interesting to note that all of the Russians I have spoken to regarding this issue in the United States have never mentioned the Nazis but they have spoken out, sometimes at great length, about those who were behind that blood thirsty communist regime that held power over them: Jews.

My tailor is an ethnic Russian. He knows that Boshevism/Marxism/Communism/Trotskism/Leninism are internationalist and Jewish to the hilt. And he also senses, to my amazement, the same forces at work in the United States under the ideology of Neoconservatism*. BTW, he has never mentioned the Germans but mentions the Jews every time I see him.

That Jews and communism go together like hand and glove should not come as a surprise. Winston Churchill, for one, warned in an article published in the February 8, 1920 issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald that Bolshevism is a “worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.” The eminent British political leader and historian went on to write:

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek—all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.”


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:43 | #


According to my own research, nearly 80% of the leading Bolshevik commissars who seized power in Russia in 1917 were Jews, the majority of them coming from New York City.  Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people. Are they looking to payback the Germans for Operation Barbarossa?  Nope. They know who their real nemesis is: International Jewry. That is why the United States, which is now infested with the Self Chosen People has encircled Russia and regard it as an enemy. Powerful Jews here in the United States coupled with their Anglo-American collaborators damn well know the Russians understand this fact. It’s not the American people, but the occupation government in Washington that controls the levers of power and now aims to introduce “democracy” [Jewish plutocracy] to the Russian nation.

With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were full-blooded Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party’s executive secretary and—as chairman of the Central Executive Committee—head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.

Lenin himself was of mostly Russian and Kalmuck ancestry, but he was also one-quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather, Israel (Alexander) Blank, was a Ukrainian Jew who was later baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church.  A thorough-going internationalist, Lenin, as well as Trotsky, viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. Both had little regard for the Russian people and took a spiritual delight in overseeing the extermination of the Russian aristocracy, the mass murder of Russian Christians as well as the brutal suppression of Orthodox Christianity.  Given Slavyanski’s “arrested development”, “envious malevolence,” and embrace of “impossible equality,”  it should not come as a surprise that he holds Lenin, Trotsky and Marx as intellectual role models. 

I believe the lack of an established aristocracy in the United States was the key factor which allowed internationalists, both Jew and gentile alike, to successfully corrupt the United States in such a short period of time. Of course, an aristocracy did exist in the South but it was destroyed by the Northern jihad in 1865,  Regardless, we are now confronted with a system that is equally destructive to the West as was organized communist efforts of the past. 

The ruling American plutocracy, which controls both parties and the entire political system, is populated by power-lusting mattoids who are increasingly disconnected from reality. This shouldn’t come as a surprise given that the members of this ruling clique hold true to a Judaic/Talmudic/Masonic value system and world view which can best be described as satanic in nature. They are also driven by an insatiable lust for greed and power which often blinds them to present day international realities. This Leviathan actively seeks to destroy what is left of our hallowed traditions and cultures while ruthlessly endeavoring to impose a New World Order on the planet where these self appointed “elites” will rule over the rest of mankind. They instinctively perceive the white population of the West as the only remaining force that can derail their efforts and thus actively seeks to suppress any revival of racial awareness and nationalism in this group while simultaneously promoting it in the non-white populations anchored in our lands. In other words, they are waging a genocidal dirty war via race replacement to keep the white serfs in their place. If they succeed, they will destroy what remains of the West and quite possibly the genetic material that made it possible.

In addition, it must be understood that this ruling plutocratic monster consists of two basic types of internationalist-minded personalities: the globalist communists [Marxists] and the globalist capitalists [Zionists]. While each ostensibly has different ideologies, both share the same fundamental world view which is totalitarian in nature. The capitalist types want open borders, cheap labor and unlimited access to foreign markets which they are building up at the expense of their own nation states. The “bottom line” and the size of their bank account are what drive these folks towards world domination. Since nationalist sentiments preclude them from achieving this aim, they actively oppose such “antiquated” notions. The communists types are driven by another factor besides their lust for wealth and power, which is equally as great as their capitalist counterparts, and that is DEATH! Death is the fuel that drives their collective ideology. If one doubts the veracity of this claim, simply look at the number of victims that were murdered by communist regimes in the 20th Century. The death toll, conservatively speaking, exceeds 100 million!  Death is what drives their collective, satanic soul. Incidentally, this also explains why the “Liberals” like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy and others fanatically support abortion [infanticide] which has murdered well over 50 million babies in the United States alone! DEATH is what drives these satanic creatures and there is simply no escaping this fact. Make no mistake about these professed tender-hearted “liberal” politicians—these so called “PINKS” are bloody RED to the bone!

As you can see, Western patriots and nationalists alike are caught between a rock and a hard place. Given the American political landscape, currently both political machines are supportive of Zionist causes as well as that bandit state in the Near East. In terms of contemporary, practical American politics, Israel is the proverbial “third rail” which cannot be broached by any politician. To do so is tantamount to committing political suicide given the enormous power and strength of the Jewish lobby coupled with complete Jewish ownership, control and thus mastery of the American media and press. EVERY politician, including independent-minded mavericks such as Ron Paul, understand this fact and thus will not take an overtly anti-Israeli position while running or holding political office, regardless of their personally held convictions. In this day and age, American politicians are unprincipled on principle. This is something that many activist types who actually hold consistent beliefs fail to understand time and again. Indeed, a distinction must be made between the ruling political “elites” and the rank and file of each party.

Between the two, the communist types are worse due to their incessant worship of death coupled with their unappeasable hatred of Western man as well as their desire to destroy the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the U.S. Constitution which has prevented them from carrying out their blood-soaked agenda.  But the capitalist types, who often work hand in hand with their leftist counterparts, will destroy us as well via a thousand cuts that come in the primary form of legislative compromise not to mention their active collaboration in the destruction of our basic industrial capacity and standard of living via “off shoring” and “free trade.”  But neither will achieve victory. The Establishment has overlooked a number of important factors which will guarantee that their NWO project will end up in the dust bin of history where it belongs.

For starters, there are several wildcards on the international scene that have demonstrated themselves as obstacles to Pax Judeo-Americana. Succinctly stated, these are the Russians, the Chinese, and the Arabs. All three have different aspirations and are not following the NWO script. Secondly, the Establishment has overlooked the future destabilizing cost of importing so many non-whites into the U.S. while simultaneously supporting them at the cost of the most productive and intelligent part of their population. Egalitarianism ultimately downgrades standards and promotes the worst elements at the expense of the best. As the United States becomes darker and more violent, as inflationary pressures continue to squeeze more and more average wage earners, as more jobs are “outsourced” and as wages continue to fall, Americans will become fired up. The recent attempted sell-out of the American population via amnesty for illegal aliens by the Bush regime and the cabal of treasonous politicians on Capitol Hill has touched off a firestorm that could very well consume them all in a self-made revolutionary conflagration. It’s happened repeatedly throughout history. Given the ideological divisions in the United States coupled with the catastrophic destabilizing effects of legal and illegal Third World immigration, the United States of America is a tinder box that could ignite any moment. It’s not a matter of if, but when. No one can ascertain the exact moment of the first spark, but its outcome is a certainty. - Scipio Americanus

PS: Anyone have a pack of matches I can borrow? - Scipio Americanus

* Back in the 1960’s the New Left, following their Soviet masters’ directives and the USSR’s anti-Zionist foreign policy stance, redefined Israel as a “slice of the West” and began opposing any effort that would promote perceived Israeli interests. This antipathy towards Israel was the primary factor that drove the Trotskyite Marxists and their gentile lackeys from the Democrat Party. These Zionist Jews and other internationalist-minded allies simply repackaged themselves as “Neoconservatives,” ostensibly dropped their nihilistic proclivities and infiltrated the Republican Party. Since the NeoCons’ rise to power, they have been pushing Zionist-inspired interventionist schemes directed against their perceived nemeses abroad. Of course, to label Israel as a “slice of the West” is absurd but that is what the New Left believes and explains why they side with the Palestinians and other Arab causes against both Israel and the U.S. when it comes to American foreign policy concerning the part of the world currently designated as the “Middle East.”


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:45 | #

“RP’s biggest enemies are in his own party.” (Riley DeWiley) 

I entirely agree.  This is why I do not believe Ron Paul can win the nomination.  Vested interests will see to that!  Of course, I hope I’m proven wrong.  A debate between Ron Paul and the RED BITCH - Hilrya Rodhamovich Clintonov -  would be a hoot!


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:47 | #

“What about the Black Book on Capitalism? Communist atrocities were never a concern of post WW11 policy planners.” (Frank McGuckin)

Your question implies that I’m sympathetic to capitalism. I’m not nor was I engaging in Cold War styled theatrics.  Indeed, without American assistance, the USSR would have perished in the 1920’s!  My long winded reply above should answer your concerns.  But with all due respect, no such book exists on capitalism because for all of its faults, the capitalists are driven by the profit motive.  More consumers = more profits. That is the reason why American businesses desire a growing population and access to overseas markets.  On the other hand, communism is driven by DEATH.  Death is what drives the communist’s collective, satanic soul.  THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM is a 1000 page tome that conclusively documents this fact!  The capitalism/communism dichotomy is indeed false, but not for the reasons you suggest.  If you want to hold capitalism partly responsible for communism’s success and influence, you won’t get any argument from me.  After all, it was American and Western technology and financial aid to The Soviet throughout the 1920’s, 1930’s and WW II that kept it afloat. But again, keep in mind the common denominator between BOTH capitalism and communism.  What is meant by the term “capitalism” in today’s parlance really is a form on international socialism.  Look at the size and scope of the government in today’s Western nations and there can simply be no denying this fact.  In the United States, Uncle SAMstein has his nose in everything, both cultural and economic.  From our perspective, it is the internationalism of capitalism that is the biggest concern to us combined with it’s deracinated nature.


Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:53 | #

“Its really not worth arguing about what ideology has killed more people.” (2R)

You imply each system is equivalent to the other. That’s obviously not true.  Again, capitalism is driven by the profit motive.  More people = more consumers = more profits.  It’s elementary.  Communism is wholly evil because it’s driven first and foremost by DEATH.  It’s record of butchery is simply enormous and to attempt to compare the systems in this manner is to excuse the shear carnage wrought by the communists.  People get all caught up in theory and then try to compare the two on the same basis.  Capitalism’s threat to the West is different than communism’s threat.  And make no mistake about it, simply because The Soviet collapsed does not mean that communism is gone too. The Reds are still with us but in different form.  Ultimately, the substance is the same.  I’ll agree that in long run, both will destroy us, but to equate the two in the manner implied is fallacious.  Those who actually rule and call the shots under communism do not give a hoot in hell about Marxist theory.  In fact, they hold those who actually take that Marxist hogwash seriously with utter contempt!  Below is a link that EVERYONE must watch.  It’s a 30 minute interview of a KBG defector by the name of Yuri Bezmenov recorded in 1984.  It’s a eye opener to say the least!  PLEASE WATCH IT!  BTW, You tube yanked it—that should tell you something! 



Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:56 | #

Here’s part of the transcript of the Yuri Bezmenov interview:


ED GRIFFIN: Well, you spoke before about “ideological subversion” and that’s a phrase that I’m afraid some Americans don’t understand. When the Soviets use the phrase “ideological subversion” what do they mean by it?

1. YURI BEZMENOV: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open. You can see it with your own eyes…. It has nothing to do with espionage.

I know that intelligence gathering looks more romantic…. That’s probably why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond types of films. But in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first stage being “demoralization”. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism.

The result? The result you can see—most of the people who graduated in the 60’s, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can’t get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

In other words [for] these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society.

ED: And yet these people who have been programmed and as you say [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept - these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?

YURI: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of EQUALITY and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy [and] frustrated people, and Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the [ranks] of dissenters; dissidents. Unlike the present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. [Now] you can get popular like Daniel Elsburg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being a dissident [and] for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will simply be [he makes a squishy noise] squashed like cockroaches for criticizing the government. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful [and] noble ideas of EQUALITY. This they don’t understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it…. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

2. The next stage is destabilization…. It only takes 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. This time what matters is essentials; economy, foreign relations, [and] defense systems. And you can see it quite clearly that in some… sensitive areas such as defense and [the] economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.

Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system train another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime. False. United States is in a state of war; undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov of course - it’s the system. However, ridiculous it may sound, [it is] the world Communist system, or the world Communist conspiracy. Whether I scare some people or not, I don’t give a hoot. If you’re not scared by now, nothing can scare you.

ED: Okay, so what do we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?

YURI: Well, the immediate thing that comes to mind is, of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of REAL patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain [to] them the real danger of socialist, communist, welfare state, Big Brother government…. The moment at least part of [the] United States population is convinced that the danger is real, they have to FORCE their government, and I’m not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity, I’m talking about FORCING [the] United States government to stop aiding Communism…. and it is very easy to do; no credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognition…


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:47 | #

“Your question implies that I’m sympathetic to capitalism. I’m not nor was I engaging in Cold War styled theatrics.  Indeed, without American assistance, the USSR would have perished in the 1920’s!”


“But with all due respect, no such book exists on capitalism because for all of its faults, the capitalists are driven by the profit motive.  More consumers = more profits. That is the reason why American businesses desire a growing population and access to overseas markets.”

Their motives don’t matter- it kills.  That’s the same thing capitalists have been saying about Communism anyway.

”  On the other hand, communism is driven by DEATH.  Death is what drives the communist’s collective, satanic soul. “

Wow, now we’re really dealing with rational thought here.

” THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM is a 1000 page tome that conclusively documents this fact!”

No, actually it is rife with logical fallacies, inaccurate comparisons, faulty calculations, and the like.

” The capitalism/communism dichotomy is indeed false, but not for the reasons you suggest.”

No it isn’t, much to the dismay of Fascists, Anarchists, Libertarians, and every other attempted third way group.

”  After all, it was American and Western technology and financial aid to The Soviet throughout the 1920’s, 1930’s and WW II that kept it afloat.”

This is an old conspiracy theory.  In reality, the Soviet Union BOUGHT stuff from other countries; it was not given as aid. 

” What is meant by the term “capitalism” in today’s parlance really is a form on international socialism. “

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Cute.  That’s why the World Bank and WTO push neo-liberalism right? That’s why the IMF forces nations to privatize everything, even utilities?

” Look at the size and scope of the government in today’s Western nations and there can simply be no denying this fact. “

Socialism doesn’t mean “big government”.  It’s based on property relations.

” In the United States, Uncle SAMstein has his nose in everything, both cultural and economic.  From our perspective, it is the internationalism of capitalism that is the biggest concern to us combined with it’s deracinated nature.”

Again, none of this has to do with whether a country is capitalist or socialist.


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:53 | #

Scipio, your long rant was indeed hilarious.  In order to disect this idiocy in detail, and I would LOVE to do that, I am going to have to save this to my computer and post it probably on Wednesday.  I know that’s a long time, but with comedy gold like that, I’ll do it. 

My favorite is the “Lenin” was 1/4 Jewish.  So Lenin’s grandfather was 100% Hebrew blood, and for some bizarre reason, it was that heritage that made him embrace socialism?  Why is he a Jew and not a Kalmyk?  Far more Russians embraced socialism than Jews, and yet you do not consider him Russian.  Hilarious- but again I’ll go over that in detail.

I noticed you made a number of strawman arguments against me, such as that I advocate “absolute equality”.  I have had to explain to the rocket scientists on this board several times about what “equality” means, and how Marx never advocated such nonsense(neither did liberals). 

Lastly, it is indeed ironic that you refer to me as having “arrested development”, given the fact that for most of my life, when I too was ignorant, I was 100% on the side of people like you.  Oh well, chalk it up to youthful stupidity I guess.  When will you grow out of it?  Anyway, as I said, by Wednesday I will post a reply in detail and show beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed, mentally ill.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:59 | #

Scipio makes the good point (among others) that the true bipolarity of the world pre-1989 wasn’t communism at one pole and capitalism at the other, but (struggling) race/nation-state at one pole and (ascendant) anti-race, anti-nation-state international communism/capitalism at the other.  And this is exactly the polarity manifested in WW II.  What is happening to the Eurosphere today in terms of forced race-replacement was already being planned in the 1930s on behind-the-scenes drawing boards, by the same planners who united against Germany and pushed us into that war.  Our fathers and grandfathers died in that war in order to make the world safe for forced race-replacement.  That was the sole reason that war happened.  The two opposing sides in that war weren’t fascism and freedom or any other of the versions we’re taught.  The two opposing sides were race and race-replacement

We all know which side won.

By the way, that Yuri Bezmenov interview linked by Scipio is MUST WATCHING.  If you haven’t watched it yet, do so now or at the earliest opportunity.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:14 | #

Yuri Bezmenov interview.  Watch it, store the link, and if possible copy it — if it was taken off YouTube it’s only a question of time before it’ll be taken off its present site. 

Why was it taken off YouTube?  There’s nothing about race, Jews, or homosexuals in it. 

The answer is it exposes the mechanism by which we’re being race-replaced:  the techniques of demoralization he talks about.  They were applied to us not just in an attempt to turn us communist but in an attempt to race-replace us.  Communism fell through but the goal the other side considers more important than communism, in fact its reason for communism, namely race-replacement of Euros, is on track. 

If videos such as this are left up they’ll help derail the other side’s success — too many people know how to add two and two, too many know how to connect the dots — so they can’t be permitted.


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:50 | #

“Scipio makes the good point (among others) that the true bipolarity of the world pre-1989 wasn’t communism at one pole and capitalism at the other, but (struggling) race/nation-state at one pole and (ascendant) anti-race, anti-nation-state international communism/capitalism at the other.”


”  And this is exactly the polarity manifested in WW II.”

No, WWII was about imperialism.  Millions of “whites” were murdered in order to create a contiguous German land empire.

  “What is happening to the Eurosphere today in terms of forced race-replacement was already being planned in the 1930s on behind-the-scenes drawing boards, by the same planners who united against Germany and pushed us into that war.”

Yes…shadow PLANNERS in dark, smoky room!!!  You people are rational.

  “Our fathers and grandfathers died in that war in order to make the world safe for forced race-replacement.  That was the sole reason that war happened. The two opposing sides in that war weren’t fascism and freedom or any other of the versions we’re taught.  The two opposing sides were race and race-replacement. “

Yeah I guess you are right, since the Germans wanted to replace the Eastern Slavic “race”.  That’s what REAL “race replacement is”.


Posted by 2R on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 15:05 | #

I’ve seen the Bezmenov video and agree its a good one.  In fact, Slavyanski is a perfect example of the useful idiot that Bezmenov described.  With lines like this:  “Socialism doesn’t mean “big government”.  It’s based on property relations.”  You can certain that Slavyanski has never had an original thought in his life.  Slavyanski’s belief in communism is an obvious attempt at avoiding the reality of his own inadequacies.  Slavyanski dreams of the next proletariat revolution to make time go by faster during the night shift at the fast food restaurant he manages.


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:03 | #

Nice fantasy 2R, but if you had done some research, you would have found that I was an engineering technician for three years before moving to Europe, first to Prague, and now Russia. 

Socialism is an economic system, where the means of production are socially owned.  “Big government” is too vague a term.  RESEARCH: DO SOME.


Posted by Capitalist Pig on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 20:09 | #

“Socialism is an economic system, where the means of production are socially owned.  “Big government” is too vague a term.  RESEARCH: DO SOME.”

Posted by Slavyanski on Monday, October 8, 2007 at 03:03 PM | #

Here are some memorable quotes for you, Slav:

Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.
Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993)

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - 2006)

Communism is like one big phone company.
Lenny Bruce (1923 - 1966)

Communism is like prohibition, it’s a good idea but it won’t work.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935), Weekly Articles (1981), first published 1927


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:09 | #

Socialism is an economic system, where the means of production are socially owned.

That doesn’t even make sense.  There’s nothing “economic” about that, nor does it describe any sort of “system”.

If there is a community, the “means of production” are—by definition—communally owned.  And they are, necessarily, also owned by the owners of the community:  the people.  And particular people have particular rights to particular means of production and the produce thereof.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:06 | #

Where, might one speculate, did this Jew-duped, political neurotic spend three years prior to “moving to Europe” ? My bet is Tanzania.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:34 | #

Here’s a pithy fact to add to Capitalist Pig’s collection of Commie codices.

All Communist regimes have killed far more people than the regimes which came before or after them.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:37 | #

“codicils” not codices, of course.


Posted by Slavyanski on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:26 | #

Looks like another freight train of idiocy arrived in the night:

First let’s look at this Appeal to Authority fallacy.

“Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.
Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993) “

Zappa was clearly any expert on socio-political systems.  Unfortunately, nobody ever told him that under socialism PEOPLE OWN STUFF. 

“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - 2006) “

Pithy, but wrong.  Exploitation is an actual economic concept.  It is possible to calculate the rate of exploitation.

“Communism is like one big phone company.
Lenny Bruce (1923 - 1966) “

Lenny Bruce- expert on politics and social systems.

“Communism is like prohibition, it’s a good idea but it won’t work.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935), “

Obviously Will Rogers didn’t see the Soviet Union in the 30s.

“That doesn’t even make sense.  There’s nothing “economic” about that, nor does it describe any sort of “system”. “

It makes perfect sense if you actually know something.

“If there is a community, the “means of production” are—by definition—communally owned.”

No, they are not.  They are privately owned.  In earlier society, they were privately owned, but generally small scale.  You owned your own tools, and as such you were entitled to all value you produced.  The harder you work, the more you produce, the more you sell, and the more money you make. 

Under capitalism, someone else owns the means of production, and then you hire labor to run that means of production.  But you own everything produced; the government ensures that your workers can’t just walk out of the factory with whatever you make, though they produced it.  Their wages are determined by the labor market.

” And they are, necessarily, also owned by the owners of the community:  the people.  And particular people have particular rights to particular means of production and the produce thereof.”

Sorry, the people do not own the means of production under capitalism.  What you are saying is basically that black is white.


Posted by Slavyanski on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:30 | #

“Where, might one speculate, did this Jew-duped, political neurotic spend three years prior to “moving to Europe” ? My bet is Tanzania. “

Yup.  You believe in a Jewish conspiracy, how they “dupe” people, etc.  But I’m nuerotic.  Glass houses.  Oh and where was I before moving to Europe?  Try the United States of America, the country incidentily, where I was born.

“All Communist regimes have killed far more people than the regimes which came before or after them.”

Demonstrably false.  Ironically most of the deaths attributed to Communism were due to conditions which existed for decades under capitalist regimes, such as famine due to backwardness of agriculture.  Under capitalism this was just unfortunate, but under Communism it amounts to killing people, even though it was the Communists who were trying to improve those conditions(and they did in many cases).  There were numerous, often consecutive famines in the Russian Empire.  What did the Tsar do about it?  Keep in mind for much of that time he had more or less absolute power, and didn’t lift a finger to improve these conditions.


Posted by hour45 on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:54 | #

Of course, the Tsar cannot be called capitalist.  Had the Romanovs turned capitalist in 1776 (or in 1812) Russia could have had as much food and prosperity as the US.  In any case, commune-ism is just mechanised feudalism;  which mechanization and technology the commune-ists had to acquire from the capitalists ....

The best to compare are West Gemany and East Germany
How many people were killed while trying to leave West-Germany ?
What was the standard of living ? the wage for factory workers ?

Or, perhaps, red China and republican China ...
How about Cuba before Castro and after Castro ...
Or, Etiopia under Selassie or under Mariam
How about Angola under the Portugese and under Castro/Chige Vara (sic)
Or, the blessed rule of Pol Pot compared to Sihanuk
How is life in S.A. under Winnie and Slovo ?

There used to be these dip-wads in West-Berlin who talked about how great marxism and commüne-ism is, but would never walk accross that wide open gate and enter into their paradise ....


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:47 | #

“Of course, the Tsar cannot be called capitalist. “

Some called the regime feudal, but that is inconsequential.

” Had the Romanovs turned capitalist in 1776 (or in 1812) Russia could have had as much food and prosperity as the US.”

Had this or that happened or not happened, LOTS of things would be different.  They didn’t happen. End of story.

  “In any case, commune-ism is just mechanised feudalism; which mechanization and technology the commune-ists had to acquire from the capitalists”

Uh…sure.  Where were the means of production supposed to come from?  The moon?


Posted by GT on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 20:51 | #

“Take a look at the far greater amount of Poles killed by the Germans, in Operation Tannenburg alone.  You keep whining as though Katyn hasn’t been bitched about for the past 50 or so years.  In fact it is constantly mentioned while few in America have ever even heard of Operation Tannenburg, which killed civilians as well, not just army officers.”


According to Wikipedia:

“The 1943 discovery of mass graves at Katyn Forest by Germany, after its armed forces had occupied the site in 1941, precipitated a rupture of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the Polish government-in-exile in London. The Soviet Union continued to deny responsibility for the massacres until 1990, when it acknowledged that the NKVD secret police had in fact committed the massacres and the subsequent cover-up.” [4][10]

[4] Decision to commence investigation into Katyn Massacre http://web.archive.org/web/20050527124420/http://www.ipn.gov.pl/eng/eng_news_high_katyn_decision.html

[10] Russian to release massacre files http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4102967.stm


Kennedy Hickman, author of World War II Europe: The Road to War, writes:

“With the conquest of Poland, the Germans implemented Operation Tannenberg which called for the arrest, detainment, and execution of 61,000 Polish activists, former officers, actors, and intelligentsia. By the end of September, special units known as Einsatzgruppen had killed over 20,000 Poles. In the east, the Soviets also committed numerous atrocities, including the murder of prisoners of war, as they advanced. The following year, the Soviets executed between 15,000-22,000 Polish POWs and citizens in the Katyn Forest on Stalin’s orders.”



So, who were those “activists” and “intelligentsia” arrested, detained and executed by the Einsatzgruppen?

Holocau$tian$ Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan Van Pelt provide the answer in their book Auschwitz,  (2002), pages 131-132:

Operation Tannenberg, Heydrich asserted in July 1940, was able to “deal heavy blows to those world movements hostile to the Reich directed by the émigré, freemason, Jewish and politically hostile ecclesiastical camp, and also by the Second and Third International.” [10]

[10] Gustav Freytag, “Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit,” Gesammelte Werke, 2d ser., 7 vol


Posted by itsanat on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:06 | #

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Posted by tom metzger on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:46 | #

Whoring after Ron Paul just wastes time from preparations for the tribal upheavel in Europe and North America. Having gone though several of these pie in the sky elections I can tell you its all been a waste of time and money. They only understand one thing. Guess what that is. Tom Metzger


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 19:11 | #

“In fact, the 2004 nominees of the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party, Michael Peroutka and Michael Badnarik, have both already endorsed Ron Paul’s candidacy.”  (—from the log entry)

I did not know this.  (Incidentally, I voted for Peroutka in 2004, casting a write-in vote, as his name wasn’t on the ballot in my state.)  This is just one further piece of the overall picture of a highly plausible Paul candidacy, one deserving of support. 

Let’s be honest about Paul’s major weakness, probably the biggest threat to his success:  on the personal level he lacks what politics junkies call “charisma.”  That’s why he simply can’t afford to be less than optimal in any other way, and why I wish he’d take a stand on race-replacement more in line with what the people of this country are actually looking for and would eagerly respond to. 

No, of course he doesn’t have to refer to it as “race-replacement.”  That’s NOT what I’m after.  But where the subject of immigration is concerned, his Brimelow interview was not what the people are after who have the numbers to put him over the top if only he’d give them a reason for enthusiasm.  There’s still time. 

If anyone reading this has contact with the inner workings of his campaign, tell them this, that there’s unaddressed anger out here over white America’s displacement through immigration and demographic change (totally unnecessary displacement and change which are no accident but are being systematically imposed by the globalists, for their own ends), anger which his Brimelow interview didn’t effectively tap into, which if effectively addressed could help assure Paul’s victory. 

If you’re not sure what I mean, browse this site and you’ll figure it out.  Given his lack of this thing political strategists call “charisma” he simply cannot afford to leave any stone unturned. 

You guys working for Ron Paul are working your hearts out, we know that.  Do yourselves, him, and the country a big favor and tune into white America’s resentment over what some of us call race-replacement (because that’s what it is), which he doesn’t appear to have grasped exactly. 

Look, the other day I was reading a Joe Klein column in Newsweek praising Country & Western star Merle Haggard for endorsing Hillary.  Yes, endorsing Hillary!  Merle Haggard!  That’s like Steven Rose endorsing David Duke!  Needless to say, Hillary is not the person the world of Country & Western Music should want as president!  In fact none of the GOP front-runners is either.  Merle Haggard’s endorsement of her never should have happened!  It’s completely ass-backwards!  Ron Paul’s handlers, are you saying what frustrated white Americans, including the world of Country & Western performers and fans, who happen to Paul’s biggest natural supporters and represent millions of potential votes, want to hear?  All of what they want to hear, including about being racially dispossessed by Bush’s policies (a concern of theirs which can be referred to using euphemisms)?  Are you getting the alternative message, the one you’re supposed to represent, across?  Please be sure you do, because there’s still time.  But time’s running out.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 19:42 | #

Sorry, it must have been Time, not Newsweek, because here it is online (forgive me, normally I never read either of those Jewish-controlled anti-Euro rags — this time I happened to pick an issue up in a waiting room and glanced through it).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 19:50 | #

That endorsement of Merle Haggard’s, born of his rightly being fed-up with George Bush and his neocons, should have gone to Ron Paul not Hillary.  That it didn’t but went to the diametrical opposite of everything Country & Western music is about is a failing on the part of Ron Paul’s handlers.  That one song he wrote endorsing Hillary could mean literally millions of votes.  Ron Paul campaign, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!  On race-replacement, get with what’s going on, and if you don’t already have a strong position on it, get yourselves one:  don’t try to go “moderate” on this, because trying to out-moderate the moderates will only make you out-lose the losers!  It’s not a winning strategy!  Tancredo is managing to get it right.  Take you lead from him, for crying out loud!  It’s not rocket science.  Duncan Hunter too.  You’ve got your models right in front of you.  Make use of them!

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