Xenophobia Vindicated: a movie review By The Narrator Note: as this is the middle of summer and with so much heavy political subject matter on the table I thought I’d offer something a little lighter yet still relevant. It’s a review of a twenty-year-old film. Actually, as I lay out the entire plot below, it’s more than just a spoiler free review. It’s, admittedly, a bit of an oddball film, but after viewing it again recently for the first time in years -as well as reading some reviews of it, (plus the fact that I’ve not seen it mentioned on other pro-Western sites) - I went ahead with a write up of it as it struck me as just how pro-nativist the film actually is. THE BURBS (1989) ‘The Burbs’, a somewhat obscure 1980’s oddball comedy staring Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher met with mixed reviews and mediocre box office success upon its release twenty years ago, yet its theme is hardly abstract or uncommon. The story is set in the Midwestern, middle-class (all White), cul-de-sac of Mayfield Place. Its residents consist of the “rational” straight-man Ray Peterson (Hanks) and his wife Carol (Fischer), pudgy gossiper Art Weingartner, gung-ho war veteran/gardner Mark Rumsfield and his scantly clad wife Bonnie, cantankerous “old guy” Walter Seznick and (of the featured neighbors) nosy teen, Ricky Butler. It’s the kind of traditional neighborhood where everyone is local and they all know one anothers quirks (such as Ray walking the dog as an excuse to smoke cigars as his wife won’t let him smoke in the house. But all the neighbors know better anyway). It is thoroughly modern, yet quaint and safe in its familiarness. Into this scene of middle American homogeneity come the new neighbors, the Klopeks. Little is known of them, accept for their name, yet most seem to have heard, and gladly exchange in, disturbing rumors about them. These rumors are exacerbated by the strange noises coming from the Klopek home at night, and the fact that they are only seen coming and going after dark. The exception to the gossiping is Ray, who consciously works not to notice anything out of the ordinary, as he “vacations” around the house for a week in the world he chooses to perceive. Ray Peterson is a very recognizable character in the modern West. He is a good family man, smart, intuitive and a natural leader. Yet his focus is on not rocking the boat as he has found the only acceptable niche for someone like himself today, which is that of the taxpaying, subservient, consumer-minded, WASP. And of course (though he tries hard to convince himself otherwise) he is miserable. The most revealing line in the film comes from Ricky Butler who, having invited his girlfriend over to sit on the porch with a bag of popcorn and watch the neighbors (because its better than a movie) says of Ray, “he’s basically grounded in reality and doesn’t want to admit that his neighbors are up to anything sinister, because if they were then he’d have to deal with it.” More bizarre incidents follow (everything from ‘attack bees’ to a “foaming squirrel”) leading up to the mysterious disappearance of “old guy” Walter. His absence is noted after the others break into his home (from a combination of nosiness and concern) and find what, to them, are signs of a struggle; a tv still on, an upturned chair and Walter’s displaced wig (“these old guys never leave the house without their hair!”) At the insistence of the wives, the group (leaving behind troublesome Art) decides the best tactic is to simply invite themselves into the Klopek home and get to know them directly. Thus we finally meet the Klopeks, who consist of a father and son and the father’s brother. And though their names are Hans, Werner and Ruben they are hardly German in appearance. In point of fact they have the appearance and accent of a certain ethnic group historically clustered in eastern Europe, yet constantly “persecuted” and thus moving from one place to the next. And it’s not Slavic. A running joke throughout the film is the repeated question by various neighbors, “Klopek? Is that Slavic?” When the question is directly put to one of them they reply with a firm, “No.” Yet as the Midwest is famous for its high percentage of German settlers (in fact two of the featured neighbors in the film have German sounding last names) the Klopek name would hardly draw the question were it also German. Which kind of narrows it down. Indeed, during the uncomfortable meeting, Mark, the Vietnam vet, asks the younger Klopek his name. The fellow replies that it is Hans, to which Mark says, “Well that’s a fine Christian name….what are you Catholic?” Hans mumbles, “I don’t know”, before bumping into a table, knocking a picture to the ground and thus avoiding the question all together (subtle hint). The head of the Klopeks, the father, Werner, is more charismatic and even has a fondness for abstract paintings (another subtle hint). He informs his “guests” that he works nights at the university (we find out later he is a ‘well respected’ pathologist) and that they never get to know their neighbors as they are always moving from one place to another (another subtle hint). As this is all going on, the portly Art, using the chitchat “distraction” to snoop around the Klopek property, falls over a tripwire triggering searchlights and alarms around the Klopek home. It seems the Klopeks are as suspicious of their “WASPy” neighbors as those neighbours are of them. (yet another subtle hint) Embarrassed, the group apologizes to the Klopeks and return to Ray’s house where they “democratically” decide (at the wives insistence) that the Klopeks are clean. Art and Mark object and Ray leads them into the study to “reason” with them in private. Once in there, Ray reveals to the other two that he actually found evidence to back up their suspicions in the Klopek home. Namely, Walter’s wig and some of his mail. Ray, now having reached a turning point, informs the other two that when the Klopeks leave the next day, he intends to invade their property and find Walter’s remains, dramatically stating, “nobody knocks off an old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it!” Now at this point we all know (or think we know) where the film is going. The “white-bread” residents are about to let their prejudice and xenophobia get the better of them and make ironic and comedic fools of themselves. We “know” that, though they are strange, the Klopeks are just the sort of offbeat and whimsical family Hollywood has been telling us for decades is the modern ideal, completely innocent of any shenanigans. We “know” that it is not the Klopeks who are strange but those bigoted and nativist “WASPy” neighbors. In fact the climax of the film build right to that point as Ray and Art break into the Klopek home and dig through their basement. Art, serving as lookout, doesn’t see the Klopeks pull up the street, observe the movement in their house, then turn and leave, returning a little while latter with the cops. Ray thinking he has found the crypt containing Walter buried in the basement strikes a gas line next to the Klopeks unusually large furnace. Moments latter the house explodes, but not before “Old Guy” Walter shows up at home (having had a heart attack and been rushed to the hospital by his family and thus unobserved by the neighbors). We now see the crestfallen faces of the Klopeks. Their expressions clearly speaking of their sadness and disgust at, once again, being unjustly targeted and run out of town by their bigoted neighbors. Paramedics and more cops arrive and naturally they take the side of the Klopeks (one of the lead cops being a black guy in the only minority speaking role in the film). Art though, being ever the “loudmouth” refuses to back down and informs them that he and Ray had found suspicious things in the Klopek home. His prodding of Ray (who survived the explosion and is singed and bandaged) causes Ray to explode into a tirade in which he informs Art that it is them (the “WASPy” residents) who are the strange ones, with their constantly mowing their lawns, washing their cars, up-keeping their homes and so forth, not the Klopeks. He then jumps into an ambulance, throwing himself onto a gurney, and insists on being taken to the hospital. A few moments later the door opens and closes and Ray turns around to find Mr. Klopek sitting next to him. At this point Mr. Klopek admits to being a murderer, even killing the previous residents of his property, the Knapps. He informs Ray he tried to buy it from them, but “you know how old people are. They grow so attached to things.” He then pulls out a syringe and attempts to kill Ray. They struggle and the gurney rolls out the back of the ambulance and down the street, striking the Klopek car. Ray jumps up and announces he’s making a Citizens Arrest. Mr Klopek feigns innocence as a cop informs Ray that he has no proof. At this point the car trunk snaps open (having been struck by the gurney) and inside are revealed to be numerous bones and skulls. Of course this was the big twist ending that disappointed many a leftist critic and audience member. The “xenophobia” and “nativism” of the middle class White neighbors was vindicated. The Klopeks looked different, acted different and behaved different from the native residents. They were loud and disturbing of the peace at night. Their property was an eyesore (crumbling home, lifeless tree, scorched brown grass) in the otherwise well-attended street. Being three fatherless men they were the antithesis to the White nuclear family. In other words they were everything our elite loves. Yet, they were the bad guys. As an addendum and just for fun, I would add that the three main characters, Ray, Art and Mark could, arguably, be seen as archetypes of the three classical strata of Indo-European society, only set in the confused modern age. Ray represents the warrior class sidelined to the cubicle. From the get-go the others look to him for leadership in dealing with the interlopers. And though reluctant at first, by the end of the film he has not only taken the lead but has also surpassed the others in zeal to expose the Klopeks and defend his turf. He goes from being the mild mannered “go along to get along” post modern Westerner to emerging as Hero, literally fighting it out with the enemy in front of his fellow residents in the middle of the street. Mark, the gung-ho army guy, represents the agrarian class forced to take on the Warrior Class role in absence of the actual Warrior class. Naturally, he looks the fool. And this is illustrated in the juxtaposition of his military dress and behavior with the fact that he spends much of his time working on (and worrying over) perfecting his lawn and garden. When it comes to actual “militaristic stuff”, he proves to be silly and bumbling, deferring to Ray’s leadership. Art, the portly gossiper, represents the displaced Priest class. He is a reservoir or local lore and is the first to hear and spread rumors of the Klopek history. At one point in the film he presents Ray with a book on Satanism, insisting that the Klopeks are obviously sacrificing to the Devil. He tells Ray, “We gotta get down to the religious supply store. My cousins a priest, he can get us a deal.” It is through his persistent “nagging” that, in the end, Ray is pushed into action. It is only when the three take on their proper social roles that the Klopeks are brought to justice and their threat removed from the neighborhood. Was any of this intentional on the part of the writer (Dana Olson) and director (Joe Dante)? Possible, but doubtful. There is, however, that subconscious undercurrent that sometimes surfaces in films (Blade Runner being another example) in which a pro-White and anti-multicultural sentiment becomes implicit, if not outright explicit. And there is another interesting juxtaposition that comes halfway through the film. Ray, having been chided by his wife Carol for the undue stress and paranoia his rather un-urban hypocritical prejudices of the Klopeks has caused (the latest being that the Klopeks abducted Walter for Satanic Sacrifice), flips through the channels on the TV and comes across Hollywood’s “entertainment” for middle-America, which includes, in order, ‘The Exorcist’, ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ and ‘Race With The Devil’ (a film about hapless tourists stumbling upon a Satanic Sacrifice). After a nightmare filled night of restless sleep, Ray awakens the next morning to the Mr Rogers Neighborhood theme song, ‘It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood’ playing on the still running TV. Comments:2
Posted by Q on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 00:35 | # Excellent review. I enjoyed the movie when it first came out but only on a superficial level. Now I feel compelled to go out and purchase it just so I can view it this time knowing it has deeper philosophical messages. 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 01:21 | #
It does not take those exclusively cut from the Rambo cloth to make a highly effective professional army, or militia for that matter. Our armies are the best in the world because of the overall genetic quality of our people. Certainly only a small minority of our people, ever, qualified as what you seem to be hinting at, an Aryan Killing Machine. Learning to soldier, in the context of a militia, is I think a worthwhile endeavor for Joe Average.
And they fight for ZOG. So what good does that do us? Could it be that those with the “warrior gene” are just as morally corruptible as the rest of our people? 4
Posted by GenoType on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 03:13 | #
No it doesn’t, but that wasn’t the point. The point is white urban company men are not “warriors.” Inflated but fragile egos, vestigial fat, lack of upper body strength, poor cardiovascular fitness, etc., eliminates this type from the candidate pool at the onset. Sorry, but Narrator’s analogy is bogus. I know it irritates, but there it is. Sometimes reality sucks. 5
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 03:16 | # Captainchaos writes: Could it be that those with the “warrior gene” are just as morally corruptible as the rest of our people? They have morals—its just that their morals were handed to them by an alien priest caste. If your priest caste says “Its immoral to be incorruptable.” then what do you expect? 6
Posted by GenoType on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 04:13 | #
No doubt. Men have always been a minority of the population. Men of military age even smaller. Nevertheless, a smaller proportion of white men qualify as genuine warriors than ever before. That is very unfortunate. It doesn’t bode well. Don’t give me any b.s. about fewer warriors being necessary in this day and age. Not true in a fight for survival. A fight for survival. Real fighting. Real maiming. Real killing. Right next door. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions dying. That is what we’re talking about, right? Our militias must be comprised of genuine warriors - not overweight members of the California state militia. Not overweight members of the Mississippi National Guard. Not overweight, elderly, self-elected “Colonels” in the militia “movement.” So come on, Cap’n, think. Ray of the cubicle-locked “warrior class?” Mark the bumbling agrarian “army guy?” Sheer feel-good fantasy. You know better. Goodnight. 7
Posted by Thunder on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 05:16 | # Enjoyable review if only a bit of fun. Thanks Narrator. 8
Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 07:27 | #
Maybe. The reason I doubt that though, is that the antagonists of the Anglo-Saxon Ray Peterson could not be more implicitly Jewish (unless they were wearing a star of David and refereed to one another as rabbi). Ordinarily Hollywood prefers the “too normal” looking (usually blond haired) White family as their “sinister” foil. The kind of film you’re describing is more of the ‘Arlington Road’ type. Wherein a normal looking White Anglo-Saxon suburban family is, in reality, anti-government terrorists and its up to the lone and isolated hero to stop their machinations. .
Well I was speaking of the traditional three, archetypes, you might say; The Priestly Class, The Warrior Class and the Agrarian Class. All three produced soldiers from time to time, but it was the Warrior Class that produced the leaders. And to be of the Warrior Class you had to be born of it, as in, by blood. It was not something you could aspire towards through hard work and training. I’m reminded of what is perhaps the most explicitly pro-White film ever made, ‘Equilibrium’. In that film the White lead (played by Christian Bale) is sparring with his newly assigned black partner in a training room. ... 9
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 11:57 | # Interesting you mention films one a noticed had a lot of hidden references was Watchmen. It’s interesting they gave Nixon a big Jew nose which I think was deliberate stab at him for his remarks against Jews revealed in secret tapes. The two scenes with Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias in his office are very interesting where we see the twin towers predominantly in the background with two air blips the one on the left moving towards the towers. Later scene when an assassin is sent to kill Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias the two blimps are there again but static and as he is walking away from the window a huge pink elephant blimp passes across the window. There’s others two that the final scene Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias scientists have start of David or Masonic emblems on there uniforms and the area where he plans the fate of the world looks like the Israeli supreme court (not exactly the same of course but it has the same pyramid atop of the building and the Egyptian Obelisk). I wish it was possible to post pictures in this comment section to show what I am referencing. I could also go into the main storyline itself which I will probably discuss in a later comment. 10
Posted by nonracist on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:14 | # What do you think about the destruction of the former European colonial empires, which was helped along by the involvement of both United States of America and Soviet Union? I think it was a good and wonderful thing. Those empires deserved to be dismantled. And this is not about “colonial guilt”. I don’t subscribe to the stupid thesis, supported by some, that European/white people bear some eternal guilt because of the imperialism of yore and that they thus rightfully deserve to be ethnically replaced in their homelands. I am talking about the matter from a historical perspective. Was it good and just? I think it was. And I think that is one of the examples where USA played a good and constructive role in the world politics. Euro-“whiteys” were rightfully punished for having spread the superficial Western materialistic civilization, wherein quantity reigns supreme (Guenon), into the entire world. As I said, the “punishment” (a just one, in my view) consists of European powers having been ousted from the world stage (some are still moderately powerful, but incomparably less than prior to the Second World War) and European colonists expelled from Asia and Africa. I am not speaking about the current demogreaphic trends (in reverse direction). 11
Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:37 | #
I’m guessing you posted this in the wrong thread. That’s okay, happens to us all every now and again. But, for the heck of it. The United States and the (former) Soviet Union are/were both empires. The US itself was fashioned from a colonial empire as was Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Brazil and every other central and south American nation. But the very use of the language is biased against Whites. When Whites move about the globe it is referd to as “colonization” and “imperialism”. When non-White move about the globe it is called “migration” and “looking for a better life”. (kind of like how when Whites are pushed out of an area or city they are portrayed as bigoted with their movement derided as “White Flight”, yet when the same thing happens to non-Whites it is called ethnic cleansing) Those who fret over European Colonialism over the past 500 years generally choose to forget that in the (roughly) 2,500 years prior to then, Europe was constantly being invaded, colonized and/or occupied by non-Whites: The Persians, Carthaginians, Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Berbers and Turks. At one point or another over the past 2,000 years, around two-thirds of Europe fell under foreign occupation. In 1492 Spain was finally, completely, back under control of native Europeans for the first time in centuries. Many today have a rather uninformed historical perspective. The Spanish Inquisition is another obvious example.
. Less than 100 years ago a large part of Europe (the Balkans) was still under foreign occupation. And even today (in 2009) Constantinople, a European city, is still under occupation by the Turks. I’m opposed to any Empire as they, generally, relegate tribal/ethnic/racial concerns to the subjugation of totalitarian enforcers of the State dogma of “equality”. When empires fall and peoples are free to define themselves they usually do so by segregating themselves along ethnic lines. That very thing happened when socialism collapsed in eastern Europe in the early 90’s. The Soviet Union broke into fifteen different nations based, primarily, along ethnic lines. The same happened with Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (which is now around 6 different nations). In fact, come to think of it, you really can’t have an empire that isn’t colonial to one degree or another. ... 12
Posted by nonracist on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 14:52 | # @The Narrator Empires generally suck. My question was related to a trend observed among some “racialists” who seem to deplore the breakdown of the “good old”, pre-second world war, Europe, with its colonial empires (I think O’Meara wrote something along those lines, among others), at hands of the “evil” USA and USSR. The Turkish sack of Otranto is very well known in history, I don’t know why you are bringing it up as a piece of “forgotten history”. I didn’t say those premodern colonizations of Europe were good. I was just referring to the strange nostalgia of some new-rightists and/or racialists for the good old days of Europe’s “glory”, given the fact that it was European colonialism that created the globalized world as we know it today, which led straight up to the present day immigration (or reverse colonization, if you wish) and race replacement, “race mixing” etc. Soviet Empire collapsed in 1989, some grotesque mini empires (Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc) as well. There is still one left. We’ll see what happens with it. 13
Posted by Q on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:21 | # A warrior need not posses the fighting skill-set of a Navy Seal to be an effective killing machine. The most important thing he/she needs is the unwavering motivation to fight against an enemy. Americans felt a twinge of such motivation right after 9-11. That scared the hell out of the ruling elites. They immediately went into propaganda mode and flooded the airwaves with images such as this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_5XIOn68Hk in order to tamp down feelings of revenge. Its fear mixed with hate which are the main factors that brings forth the motivation to fend off the aggressor. Of course the means to carry out action is a necessary factor also, that’s where the Second Amendment enters into the equation. Remember: “God made man but Samuel Colt made them equal” 14
Posted by Dasein on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:00 | #
Why the scare quotes? 15
Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:15 | #
You’re talking about a specified thing that varies in the context of the conversation. It seems you are continuing on a conversation here that began elsewhere. If I’m following you correctly, I’d use the analogy of…...I sometimes miss much of the kind of films that were made during the “Golden Age” of Hollywood. But that doesn’t mean I yearn for the Studio System wherein marriages were arranged for publicity and Mickey Rooney is inexplicably a Star. Another example would be that I lament many things European Colonialism wrought, yet enjoy the romanticized notions of seafaring lore inspired by that era such as Horatio Hornblower and the like. Following the line of logic you present, every time someone brought up the glories of the airplane or automobile we’d have to solemnly reply, “yes but they were invented during the era of European colonialism.” There was a whole other world of Western life going on between 1492 and 1945 besides colonialism. And much of it is admirable and pleasant to (collectively) remember -for lack of a better expression-. .
I was attempting to juxtapose that with your question about colonization and how there is a general one-sided approach to it. And I doubt that the event is well known. Or at the least its connection to the Spanish Inquisition. .
That’s ridiculous. .
Just one? ... 16
Posted by James on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 20:16 | # First, I’d like to thank my white brothers and sisters for their intelligent comments. (What is race but extended family?) Second, I’d like to say great post on the Burbs and Xenophobia.
The white patriot’s Coat of Arms: gens alba conservanda est (the white race must be saved) —— T.S. Eliot: “white trash” is a white person who fornicates with a non-white. —— BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST EUROPEAN AMERICANS. Obongo has supported: (A) Reparations. Redistributing money from European Americans (whites) to blacks, mestizos, and Asians. (B) Criminalizing white parents who refuse to let their children practice miscegenation. (C) Using “hate crime” laws to silence any criticism from European Americans. (D) Using Third World immigration to overwhelm European American majorities. (E) Maintaining anti-white affirmative action programs (F) Creating a mandatory “America Serves” community-service program to indoctrinate and deracinate young European Americans From sociobiology email list: “Children of mixed, white-black, marriages identify 99% of the time as black and detest European Americans (whites). Why? Whites have recessive traits, so the children almost always look black (eye color, hair texture, nose shape, lips, skin color, etc.). Obama wrote: “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s white race.”” ————————- WHAT OBONGO AND HIS FRIENDS ARE SAYING
- Sonia Sotomayor “We remain a hunted people. Now you think you have a destiny to fulfill in the land that historically has been ours for forty thousand years. And we’re a new Mestizo nation.” “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes…” “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.” – Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, founder of La Raza “Around the year 2040, whites will become a minority in the United States and, believe me, it will be payback time.” - Pro-Immigration Activist, Jorge Sanchez “And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem.” - African Studies professor, Dr. Kamau Kambon “Blond hair and blue eyes are a biological defect.” “The white race is a disease, and the only cure is a bullet. The rule of whites is history. Soon they will be our serfs. It’s now the Age of the Brown Man.” - Hindu nationalist, Ramesh Sharma “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s white race.” - Barack Hussein Obama “Al-Qaida is not merely for the benefit of Muslims. That’s why I want blacks in America, people of color, American Indians, Hispanics, and all the weak and oppressed in North and South America, in Africa and Asia, and all over the world.” - Al-Zawahri “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Make no mistake about it we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” - Jewish studies professor, Noel Ignatiev
Posted by sk on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 01:08 | # There is not a cause and effect with European colonization and today’s effort at Genociding the white race. We have been demoralized by a re- education. Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.” “The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”
Posted by danielj on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:16 | # Outstanding reply there by The Narrator to nonracist’s extremely annoying question! I think it is encouraging that the Nonracist has stuck around. He or she will definitely come around to our side if he/she sticks around and stays open minded. 19
Posted by GenoSnipe on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 18:46 | # GT: A fight for survival. Real fighting. Real maiming. Real killing. Right next door. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions dying. That is what we’re talking about, right?
CC: It does not take those exclusively cut from the Rambo cloth to make a highly effective professional army, or militia for that matter. Right. Even a revolutionary hit-squad can be composed of sissies: does anyone think the Bolsheviks were Rambo-types? are the Pathans? was the Wehrmacht full of Rambos or did it have superb materiel and organization? “Rambo” is late American mythos; all wars have been won with ordinary men, not the super-soldier UFC farmboys of GenoType’s fantasy world. 20
Posted by Q on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:26 | #
In defence of GT, he ain’t talking about humans, he’s talking about insects. GT’ s alter ego is Dale Gribble. Please excuse him! 21
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:32 | #
GT envisions our militias as a latter day pan-European-American Waffen SS that will gain us an ethnostate on the North American continent as against ZOG (not a criticism). Where he goes overboard is in his penchant for “warriors,” to deny the fact that we will need every able bodied White man we can muster to the cause. It is very simple, if one will not join the militia and submit to the command structure and ideological indoctrination, one and one’s family will be denied the militia’s protection. Whites will need all the protection they can get in the coming dystopia. 22
Posted by Q on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:43 | # National Socialism. It is so wrong, but it feels so right: 24
Posted by danielj on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 04:12 | # We don’t need warriors. We need men that get up everyday and go to work sober and don’t cheat on their wives. 25
Posted by Harsh_Henry14W on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 17:44 | #
What? More Pro-White then ‘Conan the Barbarian’?!?!?! John Milius was black-listed from Hebrew-Wood for that flick! National Socialst Black Metalist Hendrik Mobus declared Conan the 2nd greatest flick of all time, after Triumph of the Will in the book ‘Lords of Chaos’ and described it as a tale of an ‘Aryan Man of the North, adorned with a Sun Wheel, battling the semitic snake cult’. Also what about ‘Red Dawn’ (another Milius flick) and ‘Starship Troopers’??? ST is so extreme that only edited versions are allowed to be seen in Germany due to the aesthetics being to similar to National Socialisms. “The only good bug, is a dead bug!” Anyhow to be honest I haven’t seen ‘Equilibrium’ but Prozium at Occidental Dissent really likes it and so I figured I would pick up the DVD but I just haven’t watched it, maybe sometime this weekend will be good!!! 26
Posted by danielj on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 23:42 | # Starship Troopers in anti-war political satire. Apparently, Germans are stupid. 27
Posted by White Preservationist on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:47 | # Good review. I’ve noticed the film on racks at video stores before but I’ve never seen it - I’ll hopefully check it out soon. In terms of the generally negative effect which “White flight” to the ‘soft suburbs’ have had on many Whites worldwide, I recently commented along these lines in a post @ Occidental Dissent: Prozium - I fully agree with your assessment that far too many Whites have become snug, weakened, and ’soft’ because they’ve become too surrounded by the creature comforts of their all-White suburbs. While many American Whites remain safe and sound in their suburbs, near-feral non-Whites continue to run rampant across many other portions of the country causing mayhem and social/economic decline and degradation via their inferior capabilities at civilization-building. Jews keep on manipulating our White economies and mass-media from their urban skyscrapers or from behind locked doors (the FED) in Washington DC and elsewhere. Greedy businesspeople (many are Jews…and Whites, too) keep importing hordes of semi-Asiatic Hispanics to work various manual labor jobs that “Whites just won’t do” (not for Jewed SLAVE WAGES we won’t…damn straight!), and those semi-Asiatic Hispanic inferiors breed and breed and breed and thus begin to fill up many portions of the USA, which will in due time of course wreck those portions of the USA just as those semi-Asiatics have already done down there in Latin America. Other full-blooded Asiatics look greedily upon White territories in the Western USA/Canada as potential living-space for the surplus population of a disgustingly overcrowded Asia, and far too many Asiatics are immigrating to Western North America (it isn’t often spoken about by White racialists nowadays as much as it was in the past, but we must work to prevent the Western USA/Canada from becoming an Asiatic ‘beachhead’ AT ALL COSTS). Things are going to have to change - instead of continuing on the cowardly path of ‘White flight’ and avoiding these problems merely by removing ourselves geographically (and then only barely) from the immediate source of the many problems which plague our nation (most of which are related to the burgeoning population of non-Whites), we’ve got to start courageously confronting the ethnic/racial problems in our midst that are clearly causing the slow decline of this nation. All honest and right-thinking White men MUST realize before it’s too late that White nationalism is the only solution to the multitude of ethnoracial, socioeconomic, and political problems which threaten to cause the slow downfall of Whites in North America. If the White masses continue to reject White nationalism as they currently do, all that our intelligent and courageous White ancestors worked, fought, and died for in settling and building up this vast North American continent for the White race will have come to naught as it’s turned in to another Brazil-esque hellhole ruled over by totalitarian/plutocratic hostile Jewish elites…I’m not prepared to accept that sickening scenario, and so we Whites must stand and fight or else we better be prepared to endure the long, slow, and painful death of our race on this continent. In the future, once the pro-White movement begins to succeed (as it inevitably will as Whites become increasingly fewer in number, aged, and economically marginalized) we should do all that we can to re-ignite the natural White ‘pioneering spirit’ - this pioneering spirit still exists within us but is now merely latent after decades of comfortably safe suburban living. That strong White pioneering urge took Northern European-derived Whites from the confines of a rather overcrowded Europe to the far shores and deep interiors of North America, South America, Australia/NZ, Africa, and so on. There are still HUGE portions of White North America that are almost totally wild and unexplored, and the pro-White movement should take full advantage of those still wild, natural, and unspoiled spaces. Take the Canadian province of British Columbia, for instance. That province is MASSIVE, yet there aren’t even 5 million people living there at last count (which is less than the entire population of the comparatively tiny U.S. state of Massachusetts, for instance). Thus we could have many Whites go on exploratory expeditions, camping missions, hunting trips, and so on there in order to build up their toughness and pioneering spirit again, far away from the softening/weakening effects of White suburbia. We could even set up a network of pro-White towns and villages in those vast and empty spaces if we need to. The same applies to many of the Upper-Midwestern U.S. states like Idaho/Wyoming/Montana/etc, plus the rather thinly populated Pacific Northwest, along with other states like Alaska, etc. We definitely need more Whites to begin confronting the grittier side of life again so that they can again become inoculated against the passivity, weakness, and ’softness’ that all-White suburbia so often causes among the Whites who live there. We need to work to remove the White masses from their cushy suburban dens where they imbibe hour after hour of Jew-infested ‘talmudvision’ (TV), thus brainwashing them with hyperconsumerist attitudes and preventing them from becoming racially-conscious Whites who are proud of their dynamic ethnic/racial heritage. Once normal suburban Whites again begin to re-confront the grittier and more difficult side of life that they have tried to remove themselves from, the rise in White racial consciousness will inevitably follow…of that fact we can be assured. Thus I somewhat welcome the Jew-caused mini-depression and immigration invasion we are currently living through, as hopefully it’ll cause many more Whites to WAKE UP to the glaringly obvious ethnoracial chaos that threatens to eventually overwhelm the White race here in North America. - http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2009/07/28/cornpone-nazism/#comment-15870 —- Relatedly, I’ll also add that the White flight to suburbia in the post-WWII era has served to ’sissify’ far too many White American men. Suburbia is in many ways dominated by White females, and it’s increasingly matriarchal (it didn’t used to be like that…this is a rather recent development). Nearly all well-adjusted females of course crave the safety, stability, comfort, and routine of places like suburbia, and many White American suburban females just want to protect their nice and naive White children from being in contact with too many moronic, crime-prone, and semi-feral non-Whites and their gutter/anti-cultural mores. However, the safety, stability, and routine of White suburbia has served to stifle the strong White spirit of far too many White males - this applies ALL over the White world: in the USA/Canada, Australia/NZ, much of Europe, parts of Latin America, etc. As such we’ll have to find ways to remove everyday Whites (especially White males) from their fanatasyland suburban ‘utopias’ if we are to ever begin making real sociopolitical progress along pro-White lines. While many American Whites continue to ‘hide away’ in their all-White suburban enclaves, the country as a whole is declining all around them because of the increasing hordes of non-Whites running rampant across the land and sowing the seeds of eventual White dispossession in North America and elsewhere. This is also occurring in many other White nations around the world, and it clearly must change. That’s why in addition to being a pro-White activist/White nationalist, I’m also a ‘masculinist’ (fighter for male rights) and a bitter opponent of modern Jew-dominated ‘feminism’ (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_feminists). If the White nationalist movement is to start gaining any traction in the future, we’re going to have to begin strongly reasserting White male dominance/leadership over the gossipy gaggle of safety and security-obsessed White suburban females who are highly PC and thus dislike being ‘mean’ or ‘unfair.’ It goes without saying that many of these modern suburban White American females have been brainwashed by subversive Jew feminists, cultural Marxists, and ‘egalitarian’ leftists while they were in college or via the Jew-infested American ‘talmudvision’ (TV)…thus we must also work to remove them and protect them from those toxic environments/practices and inculcate within them higher, better, and more ethnocentric pro-White values and beliefs. - http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2009/07/28/cornpone-nazism/#comment-15871 28
Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:57 | #
I would say so. It’s set in the year 2072 It’s about a White man named John Preston (played by Christian Bale) whose job it is to hunt down “sense offenders” and destroy the illegal materials they keep. A sense offender is someone who has ceased taking the government issued drug Prozium and has begun to exhibit emotions. The ruling party is called The Tetragrammaton Council. (Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew word for “God”) Their police enforcers are called Grammaton Clerics. The illegal materials kept by offenders are Western Art (literature, music, paintings etc…) all outlawed, having been rated EC-10 (EC standing for “emotional content”). . In fact IF YOU DON’T MIND SPOILERS here is a review of it from Stormfront. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=96340&page=2&highlight=equilibrium 29
Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 06:14 | #
Like I said, it’s an “oddball” comedy with a self-conscience humor about it. In terms of pure entertainment it’s probably a love it or hate it kind of film. But I’d venture to guess that its the offbeat nature of the film that let its pro-nativist message slip through. . .
Interestingly enough, in The Burbs it is the wives who protest against suspicions of the Klopeks and attempt to push their husbands into declaring the new neighbors harmless. ... 30
Posted by Harsh_Henry14W on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 10:44 | #
Perhaps, perhaps not. It is all based on ones perspective. Personally I view Starship Troopers as one of the greatest militarist flicks ever but that is only my opinion. That and it also has Denise Richards. 31
Posted by Fr. John on Fri, 31 Jul 2009 15:03 | # “The Turkish sack of Otranto is very well known in history, I don’t know why you are bringing it up as a piece of “forgotten history”.” Anti/Non-‘racist’, I NEVER heard of this before. And I was educated in Catholic Parochial schools. I now know WHY the Inquisition happened, and (though not a ROmanist) am GLAD Ferdinand and Isabella did what they did. 32
Posted by Reader3 on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 14:16 | # Another movie that has a bit of a pro-White message to it is The Lion King, if you think about it. Interesting that it was the highest grossing traditionally animated film of all time. I assume everyone here already knows about They Live. 33
Posted by Frank on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:17 | # The Conan book was turned into a perverse video game. Is the book like that by chance? I loved that movie as a kid. 34
Posted by Harsh_Henry14W on Sun, 02 Aug 2009 12:21 | # Hey just watched that Equilibrium flick and was surprised at how good it was!
Sure that is an old classic but I have only seen parts of it, but I do know what it is about! It is certainly worthy of a mention!
There have been several Conan video games. Chances are you are talking about Conan 2007 which was pretty controversial for featuring ‘semi-clad’ females. Personally I didn’t find it all that perverse myself. Anyhow there isn’t just any one Conan book either, but one book and a series of short stories! Conan 2007 is in fact much more in-line with Robert E. Howards version of Conan then the ‘Milius Conan’ of the flick but that is just my opinion. Anyhow I am a total Conan geek so should probably just stop there… 35
Posted by Harsh_Henry14W on Sun, 02 Aug 2009 12:48 | # Oh and there was this review, recently posted at Occidental Quarterly Online, of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ that may be worth a look-see for Majority Righties! http://www.toqonline.com/2009/07/eyes-wide-shut/ My favorite flick though would be ‘Pump Up the Volume’! A Pro-Free Speech flick with a White Male main character who runs a pirate radio station. Anyhow some black guy wants to shut it down and is the only character in the flick to invoke the threat of violence! (so typical of Negroes!)
http://www.awesomefilm.com/script/pumpupthevolume.html Luckily though the White Male main character sticks to Freedom of Speech and continues despite the threats from the Obama wannabe! Yes find your voice White Man! 36
Posted by Frank on Sun, 02 Aug 2009 14:27 | # I think it was Age of Conan. I’d only read about it though. Equilibrium was pretty good - I hadn’t realised the ruling class could be seen as Jewish. That makes it better. Never heard of They Live, but it looks good.
I didn’t like how they had some nonwhites in that movie though. I’d read Lord of the Rings growing up but none of the Conan series. Will be sure to do that. I hope though it respects monogamy. A lot of folks in here seem to want to reject everything Christian, but monogamy preceded Christianity, even if people maybe weren’t as rigid about it. It makes sense that monogamy is good for society as a whole. 37
Posted by Frank on Sun, 02 Aug 2009 14:38 | # Northern Europeans in their blood are less perverse I think than other races. Brazilian high culture, let alone negro culture, is porn. Sex is all they think of. The same with the Jews whom everyone’s mad at - porn’s one of their specialties. 38
Posted by Harsh_Henry14W on Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:51 | #
You must not be very familiar with Conan! I will save you the trouble and ask that you just skip Conan and go back and re-read Lord of the Rings! Conan isn’t exactly monogamous! Anyhow the imposition of monogamy on some European Whites is in fact a relatively recent thing. My Norwegian Ancestors practiced Polygamy and Norway didn’t fully convert to Christianity until like 1100 C.E. If you are a fundamentalist Christian it might serve you well to remember that Charlemagne had numerous wives and concubines!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#Family Let not forget the pages of the Old Testament as well, were the Patriarchs of the Bible, all of whom had multiple wives, sinners!?!?!?!?!?! Anyhow I shall return to the flicks and mention that you should check out ‘They Live’ for sure, although the special effects are assuredly a little dated! 39
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 03 Aug 2009 12:57 | # For anyone who hasnt seen They Live - do so. You’ll be amazed it was even made! Don’t forget to call in on the Imdb discussion area for the movie. This is not the first time Ive suggested this, not for this movie but the Imdb talk boards generally. Its the usual array of left/liberals venting. One does what one can but its a lonely job most of the time. They believe, for example, that this movie is an attack on “yuppies”. 40
Posted by Frank on Mon, 03 Aug 2009 13:21 | #
Ugh, that’s what I thought, lol. Well that’s corruptive then. Monogamy wasn’t absolute, but it was practiced by most of the population. Whereas if you look at the rest of the world monogamy isn’t as common, except in East Asia. It has great societal benefits. In rebelling against Christianity and religion in general (Islam is scary/foreign/unwanted so all religion must be so), I fear Europeans are embracing corruptive values like this. This post-modern stuff is just as bad too. It’s not as simple as whether or not one is a superstitious believer in the Bible, even if that’s what society paints it as. Post a comment:
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Posted by GenoType on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 00:20 | #
I’m sorry but this sounds like a feel-good movie for the white urban company man who dreams of springing into action and saving the day, someday. The knowledgeable left has little to fear from a movie like this. The motivations and behavior of solid company men of white persuasion are not mysteries to the movie’s lefty lead, Tom Hanks, nor to the jews who produced the movie. Regarding Mark the gung-ho “army guy”: The majority of American military men are not warriors. Real American warriors are disproportionately found in the Army and Marine Corps’ combat arms specialties and in the Navy Seals. They are disproportionately white, small-town, agrarian-types from the south and Midwest. Hardly bumbling fools, as portrayed by Mark. Very much to be respected and feared, in fact. Regarding Ray the cubicle-guy: Real warriors never stay sidelined to cubicles. Never. Understandably, foundational conservatism finds this concept difficult to grasp for it is not flattering to the ego.