Yet Another Reason I Am An Oslo Accord Zionist: Israel’s Labor Shortage

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 04 August 2007 17:19.

We all know the theory, that Jews are parasites on other nations, has some corollaries such as their tendency to lack a Yeoman class (and therefore hype the mythology of the Jewish peasantry right when they are participating in the destruction of a nation’s family farms, and grabbing the farmers’ daughters, as they were during the entry of the baby boomers to female fertility).  It is therefore gratifying to see that Zionism as the cure for Jewish virulence seems to be paying off for the Jews:

Rise of Israel’s Orthodox Schools Sparks Fear of Army, Work Force Shortage
Study: One-Third of Jewish Students Will Receive Haredi Education in 2012

Daphna Berman | Fri. Aug 03, 2007
Jerusalem - Two recently released government reports have reignited scrutiny of ultra-Orthodox participation in general Israeli society.

A study released last month by the Central Bureau of Statistics predicts that one-third of all Jewish elementary-school students in Israel will be enrolled in the ultra-Orthodox education system by 2012. A week after the education study was released, the Israeli military reported that the number of eligible 18-year-old men not enlisting in the army had sharply risen to one-quarter, nearly half of them ultra-Orthodox.

The findings have alarmed many secular Israelis, who warn that the government-subsidized education system for ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, is creating a generation of students unequipped to enter the job market and unwilling to serve in the army.

It’s a different game entirely when you have responsibility for the country you occupy isn’t it?  What a relief it would be for Jews to face these realities, cast off the parasitic ways of the diaspora and become a true nation again!

PS: I did not see the entry on The Fjordman Project before setting forth to post this blog entry.  I make no bones about being hostile to the Jewish diaspora that sees itself as “the light unto the nations” while exhibiting virulence virtually unmatched by any other people and I call “coward” all those, such as “Fjordman”, supporting Israel who are not, thus, “anti-semitic”.




Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 19:06 | #

“I call ‘coward’ all those, such as ‘Fjordman’ “  (—from the log entry)

There’s certainly something wrong with Fjordman; whether it’s cowardice or something else I don’t know, but he refuses to mention race.  He talks only about Islam.  It’s very simple, Fjordman:  if Norway were innundated with Maghrebians (racially, Maghrebians tend extremely strongly to the mulatto) who renounced Islam on arrival would it be OK?  Or, not Maghrebians but, let’s say, Nigerians?  Or Chinamen?  Would that be OK?  How about Vietnamese?  Mexicans?  Norway’s population is, what — five million?  Something like that.  OK, I want two-and-a-half million non-Moslem Nigerians to move to Norway, be integrated there, shoe-horned in, marry Norwegians over a few generations, and leave Norway populated by mulattoes.  OK?  Or not OK?  If you say OK, Fjordman, you’re either a moron, dishonest, homosexual, or Jewish.  Those are the only possibilities:  there are no others.  So, what’s your answer?  (OK, OK, OK — I guess “coward” is a fifth possibility.  You win, James ...)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 19:08 | #

There’s a sixth possibility:  Fjordman’s a woman.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 19:10 | #

Which I don’t believe for one second, of course, but just exhausting all conceivable possibilities ... There are six.  No others.  None.  They are:  moron, dishonest, homosexual, Jewish, coward, or female.  He’s one of those.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 20:05 | #

Everyone, by the way, should carefully inspect the graphs and text in one of the log entry’s links.  Aggressively hindering the ability of the boomers to start families and, especially, to have more that one or two kids <i.tops</i>, was coldly calculated as government policy in the baby boom’s wake by dim-witted “experts” in collusion with dim-witted government bureaucrats who 1) feared world overpopulation, and 2) on the part of the Jews among them, simply hated to see the enemy ethnicity thriving and keeping its numbers up.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 20:30 | #

Fred, it was the combination of Jewish agitation for immigration, with the reduction in boomer female fertility (especially with their coethnic males) that resulted in the most unprecedented population destruction the West has ever experienced—and they did it against the people who saved their skins in WW II.

This isn’t sane group strategy—it is vicious, unconscious, genetic, ecologically unbalanced, evolutionary virulence driven by horizontal transmission.  It can only be considered sane in the Machiavellian sense, when there are habitats to which they may flee after destroying their current habitats.  Globalism has rendered that strategy nonviable.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 20:50 | #

“Fred, it was the combination of Jewish agitation for immigration, with the reduction in boomer female fertility (especially with their coethnic males) that resulted in the most unprecedented population destruction the West has ever experienced —  and they did it against the people who saved their skins in WW II.”  (—James B.)

That they did it “against the people who saved their skins in WW II” can, I agree, be taken as evidence of unthinking mechanistic inborn virulence following a pattern of horizontal transmission, since it would have to be insanity otherwise.  But if Charles Lindbergh and the America Firsters of the pre-war epoch were right, it can be taken, alternatively, as retrospective support for what they were saying, since if the Jews had to scheme to get us into the war, and if without their scheming we wouldn’t have been “the people who saved their skins,” they wouldn’t necessarily see themselves as owing us anything afterward:  we needed to be manipulated (by them) into saving their skins.  So, if this is the explanation for why they then did what they did to our female fertility, it “goes back and supports” what Lindbergh was saying, that they schemed to get us into the war.


Posted by gongstar on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 22:54 | #

There are lots like Fjordman bleating on behalf of Jews about a problem caused by Jews. They model themselves on Jews like Mark Steyn, Theodore Dalrymple and Melanie Phillips: attack the Islamic symptom, never the racial infections or the Jewish virus that weakened the West’s immune system and allowed them to set it.


Posted by Proofreader on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 23:51 | #

Following Bowery´s definition, Fjordman is a vectorist.

Although I suspect that he´s not even a Norwegian in the first place: my guess he´s an American Jewish expatriate living in Norway.
He reminds me of Spengler from Asia Times, blaming gentiles for everything that´s wrong in the West while denying it´s his own people who are behind many of our ills.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 00:22 | #

In the Wikipedia article on him they say he brings “a far-right viewpoint” to the debate on Moslem immigration.  Forgive me, but a “far right” viewpoint???  A guy who can’t bring himself one single solitary time in his whole writing career to mention race whatsoever, not even refer to it obliquely?  A man who believes if Norway were totally race-replaced with African Negroes, that would be fine and everything about the place would be exactly the same, “far right”???  Gee what must “far left” be, in that universe???

By the way, Spengler‘s Chinese, no?


Posted by Billy on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 00:23 | #

The 1949 Jewish Sing-Along Musical PLay on
Educating Jewish Children & Other White Haters:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear—
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade—
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late—
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be carefully taught!


And here all along you though it was a reproach to white people. No, it was a teaching aide for the children of left-wing racialists.


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 00:32 | #

By the way, Spengler‘s Chinese, no?

You´re joking. He´s absolutely kosher.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:22 | #

Proofreader, no, I was serious — my understanding was his identity was unknown but felt likely to include Chinese race.  Thanks.  I stand corrected.  (Has he said he’s Jewish?)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:29 | #

Billy, I wonder — if all this “teaching” has to be done in order to get people to prefer their own race, and if Jews don’t “teach” their kids this, how come Jews still go around ... preferring their own race?  Where did they get not only their caucasian preference but their Jewish preference, if they weren’t “taught to hate and fear before the age of six, seven, or eight” the way they imagine all the goy kids were?  I mean, maybe it’s just me but ... I’m here scratching my head over this one ... I wonder if the ADL or the SPLC has done a hate-study on this?


Posted by Anonymous species-hater on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 02:13 | #

it is therefore gratifying to see that Zionism as the cure for Jewish virulence seems to be paying off for the Jews…

Not to me. Who do you think pays for the multiplication of these scummy kike Haredis? The US taxpayer. 

Jews being more deadly to the human race than smallpox badly need quarantine. For that reason I am not a zionist and at most lenient a Madagascar-ist.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 03:02 | #

I’m not sure why you’re so hostile to the Zionist orthodox.  They aren’t the ones running around changing our immigration laws to give up our hard-won cultivated LAND to 6 billion foreigners.  Moreover, there is nothing inherent in Zionism that demands that others pay for it—although I think if Hitler had put his people’s might behind the Transfer Agreement rather than freeing Germans in Poland he would have ended up vastly ahead of the game for himself, Germans, Jews and all of Euroman.


Posted by Anonymous species-hater on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 03:23 | #

I’m not sure why you’re so hostile to the Zionist orthodox.

Because 1) Israel functions as a base of World Jewry’s operations. Examples? Mossad, Gusinsky, et al.; 2) Israel Jews easily exchange themselves with the Diaspora.

David Duke states that World Jewry make themselves the enemy of mankind by pursuing global dominion. This assessment, I believe, is correct.

An murderer often receives life in prison. What of this serial natiocider that is Judah? Madagascar is far, far too generous; maybe Christmas Island’s more befitting.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 03:39 | #

I’m not sure why you’re so hostile to the Zionist orthodox.  They aren’t the ones running around changing our immigration laws to give up our hard-won cultivated LAND to 6 billion foreigners.  Moreover, there is nothing inherent in Zionism that demands that others pay for it—although I think if Hitler had put his people’s might behind the Transfer Agreement rather than freeing Germans in Poland he would have ended up vastly ahead of the game for himself, Germans, Jews and all of Euroman.

So Jews, as a group, aren’t the problem?

It is individual Jews we have to worry about?

Well, in that case, it isn’t really a group of immigrants, niggers, or Asian cognitive elitists that are the problem either, but “individuals.”

They are one entity and monolithic and an inability to admit that is very “paleo.”


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:08 | #

Jews are an evolutionary product of horizontal transmission.  Deprive them of that and they will revert to real nationhood.

Now, I’m not saying depriving them of horizontal transmission is going to be easy nor did I say it wouldn’t require much hardship for the Jews and possibly for others.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:09 | #

I see.

I figured as much.

Just keeping yeah in check smile


Posted by Anonymous species-hater on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:31 | #

Now, I’m not saying depriving them of horizontal transmission is going to be easy

You mean quarantine the pathogen as one would smallpox. Then the question is, “Where?” If one believes “Zion” rather than Madagascar or Christmas Island, fine.

Or consider Friedrich Braun’s solution which is to mongrelize Jews with Bantus, doing to them what they are to us.

Or the purist WN position like the William Pierce/Matt Hale/Alex Linders who believe(d) in “vertical expulsion”.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:49 | #

I get as emotional about Jews as the next “anti-semite” but my more lucid moments let me see the group organism for its real metabolic pathways and evolutionary history.  I think the resulting strategies are more sound than the visions promulgated by Pierce, Hale and Linder.  Jews aren’t smallpox.  They are a people bred for virulence by horizontal transmission.  The conditions of that dysgenic breeding can be reversed but of course not without some serious reformation of the current Zionist strategies not to mention diaspora stragegies.  Most of all, Jews must give up their fantasies of supremacy—which will be very hard for them.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:52 | #

Danielj, you’re not keeping anyone in check—you’re merely revealing your abysmal reading comprehension if not character flaws.


Posted by Billy on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:00 | #

Fred Scrooby on Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 12:29 AM commented on the need for careful teaching. He made my point exactly….the South Pacific song first presented on the musical stage in 1949 was in fact a reminder to Jewish parents of the need to teach their children to hate us with great intensity.

Fundamentally, deconstructing songs like this one to lay bare its hateful message while masquerading as a remonstrance to us is always important to do. Almost all their product has at least two levels of meaning.

Jewish columnists and op-ed authors in particular lace their writings with two or more messages for particular reader segments. Oddly, the Jewish specific message is often clarified in the penultimate paragraph—don’t ask me why.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:31 | #

“the South Pacific song first presented on the musical stage in 1949 was in fact a reminder to Jewish parents of the need to teach their children to hate us with great intensity.”  (—Billy)

As a matter of fact, many Jewish parents do teach their children to hate Eurochristians with great intensity.  But as for those lyrics having been intended to serve as a tool for that hidden purpose ... gee I dunno, Billy ... I think here’s where Billy and I part company ...


Posted by PF on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:34 | #

Danielj, you’re not keeping anyone in check—you’re merely revealing your abysmal reading comprehension if not character flaws.

Come on James, not so bitter, please!

I’m not sure where I stand in this argument but when the Palestinians rail against Jews its always “Go back to Europe”.
If they dont have Israel, I’m afraid their coming to a country near you. Just a thought.

They are a people bred for virulence by horizontal transmission.

What is horizontal transmission?


Posted by Scimitar on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 06:28 | #

I must object to the Madagascar solution. Madagascar is a nice piece of real estate which we should acquire for ourselves. It has more potential that Israel itself. Why not leave them where they are now? Isn’t a patch of worthless desert smack in the middle of the Islamic world - surrounded by their fellow Semites - the ideal place for them? Personally, I couldn’t have picked a better place for them.

As a practical matter, we are not going to remove the Jews from Israel because of the Samson option. We can, however, arm their Islamic neighbors with nuclear weapons, which would at least contain their ambitions.


Posted by GT on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 06:28 | #

“Danielj, you’re not keeping anyone in check—you’re merely revealing your abysmal reading comprehension if not character flaws.”

Feel better now, James?

Daniel deserves an apology.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 06:42 | #

Proofreader, no, I was serious — my understanding was his identity was unknown but felt likely to include Chinese race.  Thanks.  I stand corrected.  (Has he said he’s Jewish?)

Spengler’s real name is David P. Goldman. He has been an investment banker and a musicologist and is a passionate amateur theologian. He is not Chinese, no.

Or consider Friedrich Braun’s solution which is to mongrelize Jews with Bantus, doing to them what they are to us.

When did Friedrich say this? I can’t think of a more just solution to the Jewish Question. Mogrelization with Africans has occured in the case of one “lost tribe”, the Lembda.

Or the purist WN position like the William Pierce/Matt Hale/Alex Linders who believe(d) in “vertical expulsion”.

Linder is a moderate on the issue of ‘solving’ the Jewish Question.

“Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.”

Most of all, Jews must give up their fantasies of supremacy—which will be very hard for them.

James, I think your fantasy that Jews will give up Judaism will die harder than Judaism itself. You are a scientist. The Catholics and their dungeons have given you a great deal of usable evidence regarding the tenacity of the cultural half of the race-culture “Judaism”. Will you do better? Sephardic crypto-Jews, who had forgotten their own identities but not their rituals, are rejoining Judaism after 400 years in South America, after DNA tests revealed the Cohanim Haploidal Marker. That’s pretty impressive, especially considering that we are talking about human beings and not spores here (one assumes). If they so passionately re-attach themselves to the host body after 400 years with no indoctrination, we are viewing something very strange indeed and should respect that. Principally by separating every Jew from any possible contact with any European ever again.

Transplanting them to Christmas Island will not reduce their virulence, though it will act as an effective quarantine temporarily. I support quarantine because it assures motivation and moral value in our descendants. If our descendants do not have the wit to heed our warnings, and go to the island, or seek to educate or ‘rescue’ its inhabitants, soon they will find themselves destroyed. There is a neatness and and appropriateness to that approach. It appeals to me.


Posted by GT on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 06:55 | #


“Sephardic crypto-Jews, who had forgotten their own identities but not their rituals, are rejoining Judaism after 400 years in South America, after DNA tests revealed the Cohanim Haploidal Marker.”

This is astonishing.  Do you have a source?


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:05 | #

GT -

Wintermute *is* a source.  Visit the Southwest some time.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:49 | #

James, I think your fantasy that Jews will give up Judaism will die harder than Judaism itself. You are a scientist. The Catholics and their dungeons have given you a great deal of usable evidence regarding the tenacity of the cultural half of the race-culture “Judaism”. Will you do better? Sephardic crypto-Jews, who had forgotten their own identities but not their rituals, are rejoining Judaism after 400 years in South America, after DNA tests revealed the Cohanim Haploidal Marker. That’s pretty impressive, especially considering that we are talking about human beings and not spores here (one assumes). If they so passionately re-attach themselves to the host body after 400 years with no indoctrination, we are viewing something very strange indeed and should respect that.

I’ll agree there are “spooky” influences at work in the world that require respect and the Jews are hardly an exception .  But I disagree that Jews cannot be separated from the more virulent, and supremacist, aspects of Judaism.  At least that’s my reading of Rich Faucette’s “Niche Theory” (see Winter 2006-2007 Occidental Quarterly), which is the origin of Jewish horizontal transmission.  What the Assyrians did can be undone.  Yes, it may require some form of quarantine but then the fundamental nature of freedom of association demands that “quarantine” of a sort be the foundation of all “human rights” in any way deserving the name.


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:14 | #


“It can only be considered sane in the Machiavellian sense, when there are habitats to which they may flee after destroying their current habitats.”

This may well be the case.
The current iteration of ‘Israel’ is visibly drawing to a close.  I think last year’s failed campaign against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon will go down as one of history’s decisive battles.  And the Jewish defeat occurred on precisely the front where the Zionists have historically had their biggest advantage: military intelligence.

It is well known the IDF has never been a casualty-friendly army.  Nor has their infantry ever been a leading arm within that army.  The Jews have rightly rated it last and least given the poor physical material they have to work with, the suspectibility of grunts to casualties and the extreme casualty intolerance of Jewish society.  They have instead leveraged their force by concentrating on air power and mechanized operations using the force multiplier of superior military intelligence and psyops.

Hezbollah chose to confront this with a deeply dug-in defense constructed on the Japanese Iwo Jima plan.  By itself this plan should have failed in the era of 2,000 lb JDAM bombs accurate to within 10 meters of programmed aim point.  It didn’t.  And the reason it didn’t is because Hezbollah managed to defeat the Zionists in the key ‘intelligence battle’ before and during the campaign.

Consider.  The IDF physically occupied this entire battlespace from 1982 until 2000.  The vehicular corridors of movement in southern Lebanon are few and well defined.  Hezbollah’s tactical force design around guided anti-tank missiles was also well known.  The fields of fire and possible firing positions to command these vehicular corridors with ATGMs were equally predictable.

Nor were the Jews lacking technical means to keep this area under almost continuous real time surveillance.  From 100% access to US satellite photography to uncontested reconaissance overflights to low level RPVs the Jews could have had inch by inch photography updated semi-daily. 

Simple photographic comparison of human activity and changes over time at analyzed probable ATGM sites would have revealed where Hezbollah was building its bunker complexes.

Instead the IDF entered a 1,000 square mile area - DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THEIR NORTHERN BORDER - and were as disoriented as if they had landed on a recently discovered extra-solar planet.  They had no knowledge of where to direct their vast - US provided - stockpile of heavy guided ordnance.  This ignorance neutralized the IDF’s air force more effectively than any air defenses could have done.

Nor was the IDF able to remedy this ignorance during the one month the campaign lasted, which they should have been able to do once these Hezbollah positions started unmasking themselves by firing.  With mechanized armored movement checked Hezbollah was able to force the Jews into fighting with their weakest arm - ground pounding infantry - on ground of Hezbollah’s choosing.

Jews who participated in this foot slogging campaign have - abundantly as always - written up the sad sack nature of it.

The tactical failure was compounded by strategic miscalculations of the first order.  Olmert’s government appears to have believed that a Hezbollah the IDF had failed to tactically defeat could be controlled by terror bombing of defenceless civilians, or by the Lebanese Army, or a UN-NATO force, if only enough pressure were exerted
by a random air and artillery campaign.

This outcome is a result of failure of human material in the precise area that was - formerly - the Zionists’ greatest tactical advantage. 

“Globalism has rendered that strategy nonviable.”

Not if Globalism itself is rendered non-viable.  The possible ‘global’ consequences of an attack on Iran have been well documented.  If your goal is to collapse globalism to cover a strategic retreat then these consequences are a tempting goal rather than a deterrent.  It’s long been obvious the reaction to Iran’s nuclear program is disproportionate to the potential threat even if the most extreme interpretations are placed on Iran’s real goals.



Posted by danielj on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:40 | #

Gaijin is not the same concept as Goy and thus makes Judaism an entirely different philosophy than that of standard “nationalism.” In fact, it is what makes it virulent in my opinion and I understand by the use of that term, that virulence requires eradication and/or neutralization through containment or another strategy.

Simple Oslow Zionism merely reinforces their status as a virus. The land doesn’t belong to them and the injustice done to the Palestinians needs to be righted.

The entire idea of Israel is to reinforce the incorrect stereotype of the Jew as a perennial target and persecuted minority. It serves the official narrative by stating that Jews deserve the “right” to a homeland and the simultaneous “right” to exist outside of their homeland. Zionist admit this when they state unequivocally that Jews, and Jews alone, deserve a “refuge” from their agitated hosts.

This is the reason I am not an “Oslow Accord” Zionist.

I’m afraid their coming to a country near you. Just a thought.

That is okay just as long as we have the guts to implement a plan similar in scope to this one: <a herf=“”> Defanging the Jews…</a>


Posted by danielj on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:42 | #

Sorry… Defanging the Jews…

For those that couldn’t figure out what to do with my jumbled tag.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:44 | #

If your goal is to collapse globalism to cover a strategic retreat then these consequences are a tempting goal rather than a deterrent.

If by “strategic retreat” you mean Jews retreating from Israel, then it would be very tragic because their retreat would be to Euroman territories. 

Euroman needs Israel as a strategic asset—to convert Jews from virulent parasites to a nation.  However far Israel and Zionism is from that noble goal now, it remains the sole means of dealing with Diaspora parasitism extant.  Now, this isn’t to say that the way to achieve Israeli security is to subsidize Israel’s military and enable its poor relations with its neighbors.  Nazi Germany’s dealing with Zionists under the Transfer Agreement remains superior to the US’s current policies—but the Nazis failed also to realize the full potential of that Agreement to the detriment of all.  If the investments in the middle east were concentrated on building desalination plants and irrigation—increasing carrying capacity for the region—while supporting assortative migration and building better walls to maintain boundaries, the potential of that Agreement might yet be realized:  A place for Jews to go when we tell them, “Go home!”


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:55 | #

“The findings have alarmed many secular Israelis, who warn that the government-subsidized education system for ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, is creating a generation of students unequipped to enter the job market and unwilling to serve in the army.”

There has never been, and there can never be, a stable and purely Jewish National State.  The Jewish collective entity is evolved as a parasite and cannot possiby exist without a host to prey on.  There’s no material leverage in being a Jew when everyone is a Jew.

Thus we see the emergence and unchecked growth of a ‘Super Jew’ colony inside occupied Palestine.  In the absence of sufficient numbers of goyim this Super Jew strain has proceded to prey on adjacent Jews, in eactly the same way these other Jews prey on goyim in the rest of the world whenever they can reach them.

As an amusing aside, an actual “Neo-Nazi” and Skinhead movement is also spreading rapidly among secular Jewish youth in Palestine.  I have no idea why Don Black hasn’t already opened a “Stormfront - Israel” section for them.

Even ‘secular’ Jews are now discovering the immutable and eternal truth of this.  There is nothing new in this observation.  These results were fully predicted long in advance of 1947 by specialists in the Jewish Question.  The new part is we are physically witnessessing the fulfillment of that ‘prophecy’.

This evolutionary decay is reaching lethal potential at the same moment adjacent societies are finally evolving effective resistance against the virulent Jewish parasite planted in their midst. 

The shot clock is now running on this era’s Zionist experiment.  And the Big Jews of diaspora Jewry are well aware of this.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 18:22 | #

The Jews aren’t free-standing.  They require a host society to “stand on” (and then sooner or later run into trouble because as a group they’re unable to keep from trying to destroy the host society).  But I agree with James that they can evolve into a free-standing people/nation with time.  I’ll add that there are lots of aspects of the way Israel has been and is being run that I can’t understand, if one assumes their goal is indeed to become a normal free-standing society and nation over time.  Aspects of what they’re doing over there don’t conduce to that.  It may be that a big faction among them doesn’t see that as a goal, but (contrary to the original Zionist dream) sees Israel as just, as some here have said, sort of a “streamlined base of operations” for diaspora Jewry and not meant to evolve further toward becoming a real country.  It’s interesting because certain German National Socialists predicted the Jews would fail at establishing a viable Jewish country.  Nevertheless I still agree with James that it’s doable, but it will need plenty of clear sight and honesty to accomplish, not the superficially-reassuring self-deceptions and obfuscations the Jews are so expert at:  they’re going to have to take a hard look at reality.  Right now they’re in dreamland.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 18:28 | #

“Sephardic crypto-Jews, who had forgotten their own identities but not their rituals, are rejoining Judaism after 400 years in South America, after DNA tests revealed the Cohanim Haploidal Marker.”

This is astonishing.  Do you have a source?

Will Wikipedia suffice?

Recent genetic research, however, has shown that many Latinos of the American Southwest are indeed descended from Anusim (Sephardic Jews who were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism). Michael Hammer, a research professor at the University of Arizona and an expert on Jewish genetics, said that fewer than 1% of non-Jews possessed the male-specific “Cohanim marker” (which in itself is not necessarily endemic to all Jews, but is prevalent among Jews claiming descent from hereditary priests), and 30 of 78 Latinos tested in New Mexico were found to be carriers. DNA testing of Hispanic populations also revealed between 10% and 15% of men living in New Mexico, south Texas and northern Mexico have a Y chromosome that traces back to the Middle East.</b>[8]

More here:

Southern Colorado’s (Possibly) Hidden Hispanic Jews

Mike Atlas-Acuña began his quest shortly after his mother’s death. Since his teenage years in Catholic school, he had doubted the religion that his family had practiced for generations. He wondered how Jesus could be the Messiah. Although his family was “more Catholic than the Catholics,” Acuña’s great-grandmother taught her children and grandchildren that it was not right to pray to the saints. They went to mass on Saturday, never on Sunday. When he became engaged to Helen Atlas, a Jew faithful from childhood, his’s mother gave them her blessing.  “In fact, she was ecstatic that I chose to marry a Jew.”

When he and Helen adopted their daughter, Sara, Mike Acuña converted to Judaism. He wanted their child to grow up in a home that practiced religion, a family that “walked the walk.” Soon after Sara’s adoption, Mike’s mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

“I don’t want to die as a Catholic,” she told her son. On her deathbed, a local rabbi where she lived in California granted her wish and assisted her conversion to Judaism. That same year, 1990, Mike’s brother David converted to Judaism and another brother, Daniel, has subsequently begun studying for his conversion.

In one of the ironic results of the American “melting pot” with its loss of foundational cultural knowledge over several generations, the death of Mike and David’s mother made them want to know more about their heritage. They were especially puzzled and curious about their mother’s desire to convert to Judaism. Earlier that year, Mike had read about a culture called secret or hidden or crypto-Jews.

And here:

HOUSTON, Oct. 28 - When she was growing up in a small town in southern
Colorado, an area where her ancestors settled centuries ago when it was on
the fringes of the northern frontier of New Spain, Bernadette Gonzalez
always thought some of the stories about her family were unusual, if not

Her grandmother, for instance, refused to travel on Saturday and would use
a specific porcelain basin to drain blood out of meat before she cooked it.

In one tale that particularly puzzled Ms. Gonzalez, 52, her grandfather
called for a Jewish doctor to circumcise him while he was on his death bed
in a hospital in Trinidad, Colo.

Only after Ms. Gonzalez moved to Houston to work as a lawyer and began
discussing these tales with a Jewish colleague, she said, did “the pieces of
the puzzle” start falling into place.

Ms. Gonzalez started researching her family history and concluded that her
ancestors were Marranos,
or Sephardic Jews, who had fled the Inquisition in
Spain and in Mexico more than four centuries ago. Though raised in the Roman
Catholic faith, Ms. Gonzalez felt a need to reconnect to her Jewish roots,
so she converted to Judaism three years ago.

“I feel like I came home,” said Ms. Gonzalez, who now often uses the first
name Batya. “The fingerprints of my past were all around me, but I didn’t
know what they meant.”

And here:

Within weeks of becoming New Mexico state historian, Stanley Hordes started receiving some odd visitors. They would enter his Santa Fe office, close the door—and gossip about their neighbors.

“So-and-so lights candles on Friday nights,” they would whisper.

“So-and-so doesn’t eat pork,” they would say.

The young historian was intrigued. Though the people Hordes spoke with were clearly Catholic, they reported following an array of Jewish customs. They talked about leaving pebbles on cemetery headstones, lighting candles on Friday nights, abstaining from pork and circumcising male infants.

When Hordes asked why they did such things, some said they were simply following family tradition. Others gave a more straightforward explanation.

“Somos judios,” they said. We are Jews.

A quarter century later, Hordes has a stirring explanation of how Judaism got to New Mexico. Like so many Jewish stories—the Exodus, David and Goliath, the Hanukkah story—it is an ancient and epic tale of triumph against overwhelming adversity.

Here is the New York Times article:

It is difficult to know precisely how many Hispanics are converting or adopting Jewish religious practices, but accounts of such embraces of Judaism are growing more common in parts of the Southwest. In Clear Lake, a suburb south of Houston, Rabbi Stuart Federow has overseen half a dozen conversions of Hispanics in recent years. In El Paso, Rabbi Stephen Leon said he had converted almost 40 Hispanic families since moving to Texas from New Jersey 19 years ago . . . These conversions are the latest chapter in the story of the crypto-Jews, or hidden Jews, of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, who are thought to be descended from the Sephardic Jews who began fleeing Spain more than 500 years ago. The story is being bolstered by recent historical research and advances in DNA testing that are said to reveal a prominent role played by crypto-Jews and their descendants in Spain’s colonization of the Southwest.

Here’s the money quote from the Times article:

“The results have just blown me over, reminding me of something out of Kaifeng,” Mr. Greenspan said, referring to the Chinese city of Kaifeng, where a small Jewish community persisted for about 1,000 years until the mid-19th century when it was almost completely assimilated. “Lots of Hispanic people tell me they’re interested in something Jewish and they can’t explain it. Well, this helps explain it.”

More detailed genetic questions examined at “Toward a Sephardic Haplogroup Profile in the New World”. You’ll have to google on the title, since it’s a .pdf and and MR’s software won’t let me copy the URL here.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 18:42 | #

I’ll add that there are lots of aspects of the way Israel has been and is being run that I can’t understand, if one assumes their goal is indeed to become a normal free-standing society and nation over time.  Aspects of what they’re doing over there don’t conduce to that.  It may be that a big faction among them doesn’t see that as a goal, but (contrary to the original Zionist dream) sees Israel as just, as some here have said, sort of a “streamlined base of operations” for diaspora Jewry and not meant to evolve further toward becoming a real country.

For people who understand the basic principles involved, predicting the future becomes pretty simple.

Here is a midcentury German on Jews and the ‘National Question’:

“For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central headquarters for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”

Look how carefully this statement made before the fact squares with Fred Scrooby’s observation after the fact. This is not clairvoyance at work. The principle here is explained by Mr. Spock in Episode 15(*) of Classic Trek, “If I let go of a hammer on a planet having a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact, fallen”.

(*)“Court Martial”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:05 | #

A genetic study I saw a year or so ago failed to support the self-identified Marrano heritage of a selection of centuries-old Mexican-American families in the Rocky-Mountain West and Southwest.  I haven’t kept the link but at the time, I posted the link in a comment (in I forget which thread) which I said was “for Ben Tillman.”


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:09 | #

“But I agree with James that they can evolve into a free-standing people/nation with time.”

But this is not their natural inclination and never has been.  And it never will be since it can’t fulfill their inbred ambition of every Jew a pasha ruling over teeming masses of goyim.

Implementing it would require the removal of the remainder of Disaspora World Jewry - which is and remains their largest population - to Palestine, and also an international political regime able to compel them to remain there. 

“If by “strategic retreat” you mean Jews retreating from Israel, then it would be very tragic because their retreat would be to Euroman territories.”

This is what I meant, and there is evidence of contingency planning along these lines in more than one direction.  But before they do so they will milk their North American dairy cow bone dry.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:31 | #

A genetic study I saw a year or so ago failed to support the self-identified Marrano heritage of a selection of centuries-old Mexican-American families in the Rocky-Mountain West and Southwest.

Perhaps if you were able to find that link, you could help sort out Wikipedia regarding their false beliefs about crypto-Jews in New Mexico, Colorado, and South Texas.

However, testing for the CHM is pretty standardized by now. If Hammer found it in 30 out of 78 tested New Mexican Latinos, that’s pretty solid.

Of course, your study might be arguing that 48 out of the 70 Latinos aren’t of Jewish descent, but that is hardly supported by the evidence, either. The study doesn’t say that the remaining 48 Latinos aren’t Jewish, just that they aren’t Cohanim. There are also, by now, rather large geneological efforts involving Inquistion records, which provide a second source of information about Sephardic descent.

You might also want to forward your data to the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (‘The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies was founded in 1991 in order to foster research and networking of information into the historical and contemporary development of crypto Jews of Iberian origin.’ ). They will be having their annual conference this year in Albuqurque, NM, August 5-7.

Other conferences that may be of interest:

The New Mexico Jewish Historical Society conference on:
Jewish Genetic Diseases and their Presence among Hispanic Populations in the US Southwest

August 5, immediately before the SCJS Conference.

The 4th Annual Sephardic Anousim Conference, August 10-12
Sponsored by Bat-Tzion Hebrew Learning Center
in conjunction with Congregation B’nai Zion (El Paso, Texas)


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:34 | #

This is what I meant, and there is evidence of contingency planning along these lines in more than one direction.  But before they do so they will milk their North American dairy cow bone dry.

Plenty are filing into Germany right now.

The number of Israelis moving to Germany is growing. Newly released German immigration statistics show that in 2006, 4,313 Israelis became German citizens, a 50 percent increase over the previous year. While foreigners can apply for naturalization after eight years living in the country, they generally must forfeit their former citizenship. Among the exceptions are Jews who lost their German citizenship due to Nazi persecution, as well as the children and grandchildren of Jews who fled Nazi Germany. Many Israelis fall into this category


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:34 | #

It is quite understandable that given men like Charles Murray Still Can’t Subtract many of our own can’t add.  There are two sides to the ledger and Jews vary in how much they contribute to which side.  Many Jews are capable of reform.  Most specifically Israeli Jews are more capable of reform, by necessity, than diaspora Jews.  Hitler’s prophecy of a parasitic Jewish state was partially self-fulfilling.  He should have put the might of the freed Germany people behind not only the Transfer Agreement but behind a revitalized Palestine.  VERY few Jews recognize themselves as virulent parasites.  They are, as are most “deeper” or “more dominant” (in my argot) cultures, doomed to buy their own material.  The payoff from such self-deception—hypocrisy—is only without prohibitive cost in diaspora.  It is only their diaspora circumstances that let them get away with not facing their own hypocrisy.  This is why Israel is such a basket case—much like a junkie in withdrawl is a basket case.  The last thing you want to do to a junkie who has, out of a sense of hubris, gone cold turkey, is let him leave the detox center.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:41 | #

From “Towards a Sephardic Haplogroup Profile in the New World”:

Table 31 summarizes the Y chromosome haplogroup findings for several of the studies we have discussed in the present analysis. Across these studies some substantial consistencies were found in the Sephardic New World haplogroup profile. First, across all the studies the R1b haplogroup was found to be predominant, with an average representation of over 55%. We also found strong and consistent support for the presence of the E3b and I haplogroups among communities of New World Sephardim, with overall averages of 10 % and 14 %, respectively. The collective J haplogroups averaged 7.5% across the New World Sephardic studies, and haplogroup G had a mean of 5.4%. There were also ‘trace’ levels of K and R1a1 in some of the samples. These patterns were borne out in those DNA samples specifically intended to assess Marrano/Converso/Anusim heritage, i.e., the Sephardim New Mexico, Anousim and Canadian Anusim Projects. Recall that the New Mexico Sephardim had an R1b proportion of 56.1% and I of 15.2%; the Anousim Project figures were R1b 72.3% and I 3.6% ; and the (small sample) Canadian Anusim Project had R1b of 28.6% and I of 14.3%. Across these three specifically Sephardic samples, then, R1b averaged 52.3% and I was 11%, remarkably close to the 55% R1b and 14% I found across the Canary, Azores, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico and New Mexico samples.

        These statistics are also relatively consistent with the figures obtained for the Cumberland Gap (R1b = 63.97, I = 16.6) and Melungeon (R1b = 65.5, I = 13.7) DNA Projects. Finally, we should compare these to the overall haplogroup distribution found in modern Spain, where R1b = 68%, I = 13%, E3b = 10%, J1,J2 = 3% and there are pockets of G,G2 in Northern Spain (8%) and K2 in Cadiz (10%).

    Given this pattern, we believe that it may be tentatively concluded that the majority of Sephardim present in New World communities were the descendants of converts drawn from the southwestern Atlantic and western Mediterranean regions of what are present day France, Spain and Portugal, and that, in general, the haplogroup pattern of the male New World Sephardim closely resembles that of modern Spain.

    From our earlier analysis of the available DNA data on Ashkenazi populations, we believe that it is likely that both of these major Jewish groups were initiated by Hebrew males carrying the J1 haplotype who migrated out of the Middle East from 500 BCE onward and spread to various parts of the Greek and Roman Empires. These Semitic-haplogroup-bearing males seem to have served as ‘seeds’ who established the Jewish faith and practices in several distant lands and attracted the non-Semitic-haplotype-bearing males whose descendants now compose the majority of both Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jewry.

    From a mitochondial DNA perspective, we believe that the data indicate that some New World Sephardic communities were established through extensive intermarriage with indigenous women, for example Puerto Rico and New Mexico, while others were founded by women who were likely already Jewish or Muslim and whose ancestors originated in the Middle East or Mediterranean, for example Cuba and the Cumberland Gap. It is important to recognize, however, that both these types of New World Sephardic community supported a Jewish/Crypto-Jewish culture, just as was the case in Jewish colonies in Europe, Asia, India and Africa from antiquity onwards.

    Indeed what the present DNA data show is the enduring vitality and perseverance of Judaism as a way of life and religious tradition – in all its myriad manifestations. One’s earliest Jewish ancestors need not have come from the Middle Eastern lands of Canaan, Judah or Israel in order to have played a significant role in the continuation of Judaism over the past 5000 or so years. For most modern-day Jews, including certainly the bulk of Sepharad, becoming Jewish was a choice made within the last 1000 to 1500 years – a choice in which all of us should rejoice.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:59 | #

Implementing it would require the removal of the remainder of Disaspora World Jewry - which is and remains their largest population - to Palestine, and also an international political regime able to compel them to remain there.

Actually, it is not necessary to repatriate all Diaspora Jews to Palestine and it is not even necessary for Israel to exist.  But it is necessary (short of a world war for supremacy—war of all against all) that the international political regime be reformed to compel, not “minority rights democracy” but “vote with your feet self determination”.  In that scenario Israel will be a natural self-determined nation state among vast numbers of new states—many of which will be real nations.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:59 | #

Many Jews are capable of reform.

That is a hypothesis awaiting experimental verificaion. As to the bulk of moral responsibility falling to Germany for not “doing more” regarding the Transfer agreement, what were they supposed to do? Get their own Jews to stop Jews in New York from organizing a worldwide boycott of Germany? Large scale internment did not begin with Britain and France’s declaration of war, but with war against the Soviet Union. Large farms were established in “Czechoslovakia” so that Jews would not be thrown, willy nilly, into nation building with no experience or knowledge that they required in order to survive. Germany’s Jewish population was extrememly urbanized, as are most Jewish populations. It would have been immoral to simply dump Jews into Palestine, because they all would have starved to death in short order.

You say that Germany failed to pursue the Transfer Agreement to the detriment of all, but if the Transfer Agreement was the pivot of world history, couldn’t have the United States and Airstrip One done even an eeensy little bit to aid them? Say, by not attacking their shipping, or organizing international boycotts, or spreading atrocity propaganda, or setting France against them? Extremely mild revisionists such as myself are accusing of holding a semi-religious torch for Hitler and the Nazis, but my experience is that the die-hard adherents to the Standard Model are the most invested in the idea of religious significance of the Nazis. It is they, and not I, who under duress cry out, “Why didn’t Hitler save the whole world?” but will never address British and American actions which might have interfered, in a small way, with that tiny objective, which, to an impartial observer, seems quite a burden to place on German shoulders when the might of four Planetary Empires - England, France, America and the Soviet Union, were arrayed against them. Morally discounting the actions of Britain and America while demanding that the Nazis have “done more” is special pleading bordering on lunacy. Digging themselves out from under the economic apocaplyspe imposed on them, in the midst of an international boycott and a worldwide propaganda campaign should count for something, to my mind.

That they also initiated the Nuremburg Laws and engaged in the Transfer Agreement and other co-operations with Zionists of the time is a sign of good faith and statesmanship. As the dual heirs to the Powers who signed their death warrant, it is fair for either of us to say, “they should have done more”?

Imagine if a Sherman partisan started criticizing American Indians for not ‘saving the environment’ and you’ll begin to see the faulty logic at work here.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 20:15 | #

As to the bulk of moral responsibility falling to Germany for not “doing more” regarding the Transfer agreement, what were they supposed to do?

Of course, I said nothing about moral responsibility.  My “should have” is simply a “hind-sight-is-20-20” statement of counterfactal pragmatism.

Get their own Jews to stop Jews in New York from organizing a worldwide boycott of Germany?

Practically speaking Germany demonstrated it did not need business from New York Jewry to build the greatest war machine the world had ever known up to then.  Indeed, Hitler himself said that the greatest accomplishment of his regime was the demonstration of economic might possible by removing Jews from their authority over our nations.  This is the might of our people freed from Jewish parasitism—and Hitler failed his role as leader of that might.  Now, this is not to say other “leaders” like FDR were even in the same league but it is to say that true leadership doesn’t look over its shoulder to compare itself against obvious losers.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 20:38 | #

Practically speaking Germany demonstrated it did not need business from New York Jewry to build the greatest war machine the world had ever known up to then.

I don’t mean to seem overly contrary today, James, so I apologize beforehand for saying this, but: the bit about “the greatest war machine the world had ever seen” is more ad copy from the Anglo-American propaganda machine.

Soviet tank forces enjoyed massive technological and numerical superiority. The bulk of the German army was supplied by horses (Soviet supply lines in contrast, were composed of thousands of American trucks). Fuel was so scarce the Germans had to invent engines that used diesel fuel, a partially unrefined petroleum product. Their navy, in a (20-20 hindsight) foolish concession to the British, was one third the size of the British Navy, according to treaty. And so on.

Germany temporarily prevailed due to tactics and morale. The “greatest war machine ever known” is more hot air from British Black Ops and the New York Press, created to make Germany seem belligerent and invincible, thus lending an undeserved glow to those brave Anglo, American and Soviet men who delivered our world into the hands of Capital and Jewry forever. It should be remembered that they, not the Germans, enjoyed the support of “the greatest war machine ever known to man”.

Consider the extra material with which the Americans were able to outfit the Soviets, who already had the T-34 tank:

The list 1 below is the amount of war matériel shipped to the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease program from its beginning until 30 September 1945.

Aircraft 14,795
Tanks 7,056
Jeeps 51,503
Trucks 375,883
Motorcycles 35,170
Tractors 8,071
Guns 8,218
Machine guns 131,633
Explosives 345,735 tons
Building equipment valued $10,910,000
Railroad freight cars 11,155
Locomotives 1,981
Cargo ships 90
Submarine hunters 105
Torpedo boats 197
Ship engines 7,784
Food supplies 4,478,000 tons
Machines and equipment $1,078,965,000
Non-ferrous metals 802,000 tons
Petroleum products 2,670,000 tons
Chemicals 842,000 tons
Cotton 106,893,000 tons
Leather 49,860 tons
Tires 3,786,000
Army boots 15,417,001 pairs

I find the provision of 15 million pairs of army boots an especially touching gift, as the German teens who fought in the Battle of the Bulge had their own freezing feet wrapped in rags.

I wonder if five million tons of food might have made a difference in the camp situation?

Or 15,000 planes for the Battle of Britian?

Or almost 400,00 trucks?

How would 7,000 tanks have assisted the initial stages of Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union?

Do you begin to see how hollow the claims of German invincibility are? The “greatest war machine the world has ever known” is the the inexhaustible wealth and industrial output of the North American continent, which was yoked to the aims of World Jewry and Capital. If Capital now decides that the people who elected it to world supremeacy are to be dispensed with, who are we to argue? Has not the victory of Capital and World Jewry been the work of our very own hands? Is there no duty to our conquerers to comply in their wishes? And if not, doesn’t a re-appraisal of our conduct and decision making - and therefore, our moral standing - now seem called for?


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 20:56 | #

Wintermute: Spengler’s real name is David P. Goldman. He has been an investment banker and a musicologist and is a passionate amateur theologian. He is not Chinese, no.

After reading this, no need to guess further:
What is my agenda? … It is to promote Judeo-Christian ecumenicism in the support of traditional moral values and the resolve to defend the West against its enemies

What about Fjordman? What does your Jewdar say?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 21:11 | #

Wintermute, I think it should be clear enough from my comment that I was referring to the era prior to Hitler’s invasion of Poland—as was Hitler in his comments about the greatest victory of his regime.  In that era men like Charles Lindbergh concurred that Germany’s emphasis on building air supremacy rendered it a genuine power to be reckoned with and Lindbergh was not intentionally agitating for war (although it is true he unintentionally had that effect on men like my father who decided that his country needed his help building the new Air Force).

As to “our moral standing”—it is clear that the biggest moral failure of the United States (if you mean the US by “our”) is the failure to put forth a clear means of secession from the Union.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 21:20 | #

What about Fjordman? What does your Jewdar say?

“The religious identity of the West has two legs: The Christian and the Jewish ones. It needs both to stand upright.”

He could be either. It’s not like the sentiment quoted doesn’t come out of the mouths of Americans thousands of times every day. I would have to read more of his works to get a real sense of where he is coming from, and frankly, I don’t plan to.

Spengler was easy to spot. His obsession with Franz Rosensweig was a big red thumb. Before encountering his articles, I was the only person that I knew of who was interested in Rosensweig, other than a few Jewish theologians. When I checked my bookmarked links, they all had a single author, Mr. Goldman. When his writing style was compared against that of “Spengler”, they proved a postive match.

Another clue, as if it were needed, was Spengler’s oft repeated contention that anti-Semitism sprang from Gentile jeoulousy of Jewish ‘immortality’. Like Rosensweig, Spengler takes very seriously the promises of Genesis and Isaiah. He sees Gentiles as mortal and perishable and in an existential crisis because of their mortality, for which they have concocted the ridiculous belief in a soul and an afterlife, which he contends are mere booby prizes for non-Immortals. Jews have no such existential crisis, because their Immortality is assured.

His intense hatred of Europe and especially, Ancient Civilization, are clear signs of Asiatic (but not Chinese!) origin.

When you examine who is at hacking at the roots of European identity, trying to replace Greece with ‘Black Africa’, you will find only Jews: namely Martin Bernal and Richard Poe. The only other person engaging Bernal is Mary Lefkowitz, and her chief complaint is that he doesn’t emphasize Phoenician input enough. A gaggle of Jews are found at the well trying to poison the water, no Gentiles are there to try and protect.

Hostility to the Ancient World is a partly-reliable indicator of crypto-Jewish intention (it is also a diagnostic for extremely narrow and anxious national identities). Another reliable indicator of Jewish intention is the urge to sever America from Europe.

We have Rumsfeld’s “Old Europe” routine, roundly echoed in the press by the Jews who cooked it up.

We have Spengler, in full Crypsis, explaining that America is a Christian rejection of Western Civilization, which is protected by Judaism from the downfall of Europe (“Within two hundred years, German will be a language spoken solely in Hell”).

Finally, we have David Gelernter’s new thesis “Americanism”, whereby everything brought forth by this nation is a result of Hebrew wisdom and goodness, etc. He even calls “Americanism” the “Fourth Great Western Religion”, after Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

That last is another sure ‘tell’ that the speaker is working for nonWhite and probably Jewish interests. Islam is not a Western Religion, and anyone who says that it is, is your enemy. You can take that one to the bank. Note how Razib constantly classifies Islam: a Western religion. He’s not Jewish, but he knows what side his bread is buttered on.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 21:31 | #

In that era men like Charles Lindbergh concurred that Germany’s emphasis on building air supremacy rendered it a genuine power to be reckoned with and Lindbergh was not intentionally agitating for war

James, my only point here was that the German war machine was not the “greatest ever beheld”. That’s a lot of hot air. They had inferior numbers and tech, and prevailed in France and Poland because of tactics and morale. Stalin supported Hitler in the full expectation that his invasion of France would be as prolonged and costly as the encounter of those two powers during WWI. For details, please consult Hoffman, Stalin’s War of Extermination. Stalin’s buildup of T-34 tanks along the border - in far greater numbers than even German intelligence had suspected - was in preparation to overrun an exhausted and helpless Europe. As Stalin was Hitler’s sole source of food and fuel, he would be able to cripple his enemy and strike the deadly blow simultaneously.

That only half of Europe was swallowed by Communism, is proof that the Germans did not ‘lose’ the war. Stalin lost his war and Jewry ‘won’ it. Outcomes must be judged in light of actual goals.

(although it is true he unintentionally had that effect on men like my father who decided that his country needed his help building the new Air Force).

My father also fought for America in WWII. Among other things, he was his division’s photographer. I was raised with hundreds of black and white photographs of the European theater of war. His memories of Charles Lindbergh’s fate are sitll quite vivid.

Lastly, I would point out that Lindbergh’s estimation of Germany as a ‘power’ is correct. Hitler had restored Germany from an utterly abject posiiton. However, any statement about the German Wehrmacht as the “greatest military force” etc. is both false and propagandistic. For details, please see my post, above.


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 21:53 | #

Thanks, Wintermute, for exposing Spengler.
From now on, I’ll read Fjordman looking for the clues you enumerated.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 21:57 | #

wintermute, are you saying that, at the time of Germany’s invasion of Poland, it’s military was weaker than the US’s then standing military?


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 22:00 | #

Weird, Fjordman is not blogging anymore…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 22:15 | #

That comment of 8:20 by WM has lots of illustrations of how the Jews harbor intense antipathy toward Europe and its nations and civilization.  There is a widening gulf between Jews and Europe, for which (both the gulf and its widening) Jews are responsible:  something is happening in today’s world along the lines of Jewish rejection of Europe, presumably preparatory to a return to their original mid-eastern Asiatic identity.  CvH hasn’t quite grasped this yet.

“you will find only Jews: namely Martin Bernal and Richard Poe.”  (—WM)

Martin Bernal’s great-grandfather may have been Jewish, which is too far removed to call him a Jew.  His father and grandfather were Catholic and his mother seems to have been Euro.  Poe, a Catholic, had, as those familiar with his writings know, a Russian-Jewish father, now deceased (and a Mexican Catholic mother).  Is Mary Lefkowitz’s religious background known?  Is Lefkowitz her maiden name?  Mary is an unusual Jewish first name:  you’ll rarely see it.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:02 | #

wintermute, are you saying that, at the time of Germany’s invasion of Poland, it’s military was weaker than the US’s then standing military?

James, that is an interesting hypothetical that I happily leave to the military historians here.

My sole point was properly name identification of the Wehrmacht as “the greatest military machine ever seen” etc. as a falsehood, and I trust that point has been made.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:19 | #

Martin Bernal’s great-grandfather may have been Jewish, which is too far removed to call him a Jew.

Please tell that to the scholarly community, where he is known as a Jewish Englishman or a European Jew.

Of course, Bernal’s own loyalty and identification are of interest here, too. In his case, just as with the Mexcian and Southwestern Jews we find that the ‘genes’ unerringly track themselves back to not only their home, but the purpose of place of origin.

Keeping the converso New Mexicans, Coloradans, and Texans who are re-converting to Judaism after 400 years - a behavior which I have already compared to quiescent spores that can re-activate after long stretches of historical time - and read Mr. Bernal’s account of his own ‘awakening’:

In his floundering, Bernal began to get interested in his scattered Jewish ancestry. Encouraged by Rutgers historian Alice Kessler-Harris, he started to learn Yiddish and Hebrew. “I was trying to figure out how to identify with something Jewish without taking on the two things-Zionism and the religious life-which are normally considered essential,” he says.

So, he reads, writes, and speaks Yiddish and Hebrew, and is trying to figure out “how to identify with something Jewish” while avoiding Zionism and religion - which is more evidence to my mind, as if any were needed, that BLOOD WILL TELL. Even the religion is inconsequential. All he needs is the blood - and if you are right, just a drop of it - and he is ready to dedicate his whole life to the proposition that Western Culture is wholly derived from the Negro.

As I said to James above, something distinctly not-normal is going on here, and we are bound to respect that by exercising extreme caution. We simply don’t know everything, and therefore should take as few chances as possible.

You are in a very exculpatory mood via our blood enemy today, Fred. I’m sorry to see that.


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:24 | #

Is Mary Lefkowitz’s religious background known?  Is Lefkowitz her maiden name?  Mary is an unusual Jewish first name:  you’ll rarely see it.

Though having her work featured in The New Republic is enough for me, let us hear it from the horse’s mouth:

Lefkowitz then wrote that she explained “that I had not attacked Martin in any medium, and that my being Jewish had nothing to do with my questioning certain claims made by Afrocentrist historians of the ancient world.”


Posted by Rnl on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:42 | #

I can see that at least two of us googled “Martin Bernal Jewish.” I showed up with this quote in hand and found it already here:

In his floundering, Bernal began to get interested in his scattered Jewish ancestry. Encouraged by Rutgers historian Alice Kessler-Harris, he started to learn Yiddish and Hebrew. “I was trying to figure out how to identify with something Jewish without taking on the two things-Zionism and the religious life-which are normally considered essential,” he says.

So his ambition to dethrone and discredit as “racist” the Aryan model of Greek origins evolved from his discovery of his Jewish roots. Cf. Wesley Clark.

More Bernal family history here:

Bernal self-identifies as Jewish, which is the most important point, though his mother was Gentile. She was the daughter of Alan Gardiner, the distinguished Egyptologist. Bernal’s father, a Marxist and Lysenkoist, was of Sephardic ancestry. Bernal rediscovered that heritage, and by his own account _Black Athena_ - an academic or pseudo-academic exercise in “getting at whitey” - was the result.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:51 | #

My sole point was properly name identification of the Wehrmacht as “the greatest military machine ever seen” etc. as a falsehood, and I trust that point has been made.

I’m happy to let that point stand but I believe it does little to clarify the issue of the virtue of Zionism and Hitler’s allocation of resources to military rather than the Transfer Agreement.


Posted by wintermute on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 00:13 | #

I believe it does little to clarify the issue of the virtue of Zionism and Hitler’s allocation of resources to military rather than the Transfer Agreement.

That’s fair. If you think there is something useful to be found in the German handling of the Transfer Agreement, why not blog on that topic? I am sure many readers here don’t even know what it is.

I can recall the stunned silence and hysterical denial that met my first mention of the Transfer Agreement over at the Phora. Appeals to Edwin Black’s standing as a respected author were in vain.

As I recall, Zionists were willing to join the war on Hitler’s side as late as 1941, after providing credit to the party in the face of international sanctions. From the German side, IIRC, there was a flag of Zion flying in Berlin, a “Zionist Youth” movement modelled on the Hitler Youth, and the farms to train Jews in tillage run at significant cost to the Germans in Czechoslovakia. If there was some significant refusal to fully take advantage of the agreement on the German side, I am not aware of it.

I can see that at least two of us googled “Martin Bernal Jewish.”

You make it sound so easy, Rnl. But I also had to google “Mary Lefkowitz Jewish”.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:56 | #

“A genetic study I saw a year or so ago failed to support the self-identified Marrano heritage of a selection of centuries-old Mexican-American families in the Rocky-Mountain West and Southwest.”

Those tested did NOT self-identify as marranos/cryptojews/anusim/conversos/nuevos cristianos.  They self-identified as Spanish.  And there were lots of methodological problems as well.  But those studies are relevant only to people who live outside the Southwest.

You don’t need a “study” to know that it rained in Corpus Christi on July 1; you can take my word for it.  Same goes for marranos in Texas.  I’ve seen them and known them.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 04:01 | #

“However, testing for the CHM is pretty standardized by now. If Hammer found it in 30 out of 78 tested New Mexican Latinos, that’s pretty solid.”

Just toclarify, these weren’t randomly selected New Mexicans; they were all from the same family named Sanchez.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 20:20 | #

Steinitz: Deport 100,000 illegal workers

New finance minister teams up with Immigration Authority to deal with problem ‘threatening Israeli workers’; comprehensive plan includes increased fines and indictments against employers

“It is unacceptable that factories are closing, Israeli workers are fired, Israeli fathers cannot support their children and meanwhile tens of thousands of foreigners are working illegally in Israel,” he added.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:35. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 01 May 2024 11:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 10:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:18. (View)
