New Observer, “8,606 Fake Refugees Invade Europe in first 37 Days of 2018”:
At least 8,606 nonwhites pretending to be “refugees” invaded Europe in the first 37 days of 2018, meaning that 232 invaders landed every day, according to new figures released by the United Nations’ International Organization of Migration (IOM).
The IOM figures show that 7,795 of the nonwhites invaded Europe by sea, and 811 by land as of 7 Feb 2018.
At least 186,768 nonwhites invaded Europe this way in 2017, and 392,879 in 2016, the IOM added.
The main nationalities of the invaders are, in descendant order, as follows:
To Italy: Nigeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh, Mali, and Eritrea;
To Greece: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and Algeria;
To Spain: Morocco, Algeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, and Syria;
To Bulgaria: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Pakistan.
In the period from 1 February 1 to 7, 11 nonwhites invaders landed in Cyprus, and in the same period, 10 nonwhites demanded “refuge” in Hungary.
At the same time, 29 nonwhites demanded “refuge” in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
In 2017, at least 92 percent of the invaders landed by sea (172,362) to Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus. The remaining 14,406 invaded Europe by using land routes to the Spanish enclaves Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa (6,293) and from Turkey to Greece (5,551) and Bulgaria (2,562).
The IOM also revealed in its “Flows Compilation Report” for Decemebr 2017 that under the “EU Relocation Scheme”—through which that organization moves nonwhites from the countries of landing to other EU nations, another 106,000 nonwhites were moved from their landing points in Greece and Italy to elsewhere in Europe.
To date, 25 countries have committed to make places available under the scheme, namely Austria (50) Belgium (1,530), Bulgaria (1,070), Croatia (316), Cyprus (205), Czech Republic (50), Estonia (396), Finland (2,128), France (6,940), Germany (13,250), Ireland (1,152), Latvia (627), Liechtenstein (10), Lithuania (1,160), Luxembourg (545), Malta (205), the Netherlands (2,825), Norway (1,500), Poland (100), Portugal (3,218), Romania (2,182), Slovakia (60), Slovenia (579), Spain (2,500), Sweden (3,777) and Switzerland (1,530) with an overall number of 47,905 places.
An additional 54,000 nonwhites claiming to be Syrians were flown out of Turkey for “resettlement” in Europe.
Posted by Sellner and Pettibone arrested, blocked from UK on Mon, 12 Mar 2018 05:27 | #
Tommy Robinson interviews Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone after they were arrested for attempting to enter The UK, jailed and deported. Pettibone was coming to the UK to interview Robinson and Sellner was coming to the UK to deliver a speech on the topic of free speech.