Black Lives Out of Control: mobs shake-down Chicago, chant “shut-it-down”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 November 2015 11:44.

CSM, ‘Black Lives Matter protests meet Black Friday shoppers,’ 28 Nov 2015:

Black Lives Matter protesters hit the streets in Chicago, Seattle, and Portland, Ore., disrupting shopping on Black Friday.

Chicago police blocked off roads to accommodate the march down Michigan Avenue, and officers in some areas formed a barrier of sorts between protesters and stores and helped shoppers get through the doors. But protesters succeeded in blocking main entrances on both sides of the street for more than three blocks.

When one person tried to get through the front door of Saks Fifth Avenue, protesters screamed at him, shouting, “Shut it down! Shut it down.” Entrances were also blocked at the Disney Store, the Apple Store, [removed], Tiffany & Co., and Neiman Marcus, among others.


With “Black Lives Matter” protesters shouting “shut-it-down” (block freedom of association and movement), the Soros backed movement is becoming increasingly volatile and dangerous ...devolving toward black mob action and shaking—down (i.e., extorting) Chicago.

                                                    ....lets hope it instigates more and more racial separatism.



Posted by Black lives trump Trump on Sun, 29 Nov 2015 12:28 | #

Black lives trump Trump ...he be a chump.


Posted by Chicago, Chicago on Sun, 29 Nov 2015 16:34 | #

.... it’s a helluva’ town.


Posted by Mobutu on Sun, 29 Nov 2015 17:24 | #

Niggers out niggin’.  Saw some dumbass whites schmucks there as well…


Posted by suspect in Illinois murder on Fri, 04 Dec 2015 11:40 | #

NWI, ‘Calumet City police are hoping the public can help identify the man in this artist’s rendering, who is wanted in connection with the September homicide of a woman there’ 2 Dec 2015:

Police seek help ID’ing Calumet City homicide suspect

Interim Police Chief Tom DiFiori released a sketch of the suspect Wednesday morning. Witness in Cal City homicide ‘uncooperative,’ police chief says.

CALUMET CITY | Calumet City police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man wanted in connection with a September homicide there. An investigation into the shooting death of a 21-year-old Calumet City woman has been complicated by an “uncooperative witness”

Police responded on Sept. 16 to the 300 block of Pulaski Road for a report of a woman shot multiple times. The woman was later identified as Samantha Springer, 21.

Springer was transported to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn where she was pronounced dead.

A witness told police the suspect ambushed Springer as she left her vehicle, which was parked in front of her home. The suspect fired four to five times, the witness said, then fled on foot.

Samantha Springer


Posted by Ryan on Sat, 12 Dec 2015 12:49 | #

While our main focus is on demographics the biggest issue which the powers behind the scenes in America are pushing towards is curtailing firearms usage. To attempt to enforce draconian gun restrictions would lead to violent disobedience: ‘from my cold dead hand’ being the commitment by many gun owners.

A few soundbites by Trump and everyone forgets his history. Trump has been a long term enemy of gun ownership. He socialised and did business within New York metropolitan circles. He is a long term friend of Hilary Clinton. While past ‘rogue’ candidates like Ron Paul and Pat Buchannan are ignored by the media Trump gets invited on and is given a free platform. Pro-Whites/Conservatives justify it as him having so much money but so did Mel Gibson and he was completely shut off; Trump is not.

What Trump running does, or be framed at doing, is making White American interest far more vocal. The portion of the White population of America who are implicitly Pro-White (State Rights, Gun Ownership, ‘Christian values’, anti-immigration, oppose Welfare) are placing its last hopes in the traditional political system into the basket of this one billionaire based only on words.

Trump will not get elected. His persona will stumble, he will decide to drop out, he will admit it was a rouse to show “the deep seated hatred still within America”, the Republicans will not give him the nomination, electoral fraud will take place or quite simply the American electorate at around 40% non-White alongside the plethora of indoctrinated Whites will vote for someone other than Trump.
However this Trump persona trips up there will a lot of White anger which will of course be reported in the media, the main organ of information and propaganda.

There will be ‘events’ to varying scales of a White backlash. Whether these be rogue individuals, the work of security services or something in between will provide a favourable context for those who seek change.

These events will not plunge America into an abyss, for the most part day to day things will go a long as normal. The favourable context however would allow further legislation to be passed which can curtail present day gun ownership as well as provide the basis for further firearms curtailment. This would be similar to the ‘Patriot Act’ passed over a decade ago which allows the government to legally undertake draconian actions.

*Correction: When Pat Buchannan and Ron Paul were running for President.


Posted by Chicago Police display Israeli training on Sat, 12 Dec 2015 15:41 | #, ‘Chicago Police Adopt Israeli Tactics’, 11 Dec 2015:

Exclusive: The Chicago police slaying of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, like other recent police killings of blacks, may resemble the actions of an occupation military, in part, because Chicago and other U.S. cities have learned from Israel’s occupation of Palestine, writes retired JAG Major Todd E. Pierce.

After more than a year of stonewalling and what some might call obstructing justice, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel issued an apology for the horrific execution of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason van Dyke. Laquan McDonald was the black 17-year-old who was shot 16 times by the police officer on Oct. 20, 2014. The video showing the shooting was only released by Chicago officials when they were ordered to do so by a judge in late November 2015.


Posted by TT critiques Daily Stormer on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 13:55 | #

TT comments on an article re-posted from SBDL at the Daily Stormer:

Terrible Tommy Says: Would this White victim have voted for acquittal if he had been on a jury in which you were charged with a hate crime? Rabble rousing is fine and [The Daily] Stormer is good at that

[Anglin observed that the Blackburn murder, thus 17 other black on White murders if you include her unborn child, had occurred this year in the same city, Indianapolis; further emphasized that this was not a matter of wrong place at wrong time - it was a matter of blacks doing what they do and Whites not acknowledging the reality]

TT, Ibid: “but these tactics have been around for many decades and haven’t contributed to any sizable or productive result. The reason is most people of any race are sheep and are herd thinkers. They are mostly cowards as they always have been. Observe wildebeest in Africa. Lions crocodiles and other predators take them down by the thousands with almost no evolutionary change in their collective survival methods. The only way they survive is by multiplying much like blacks do today. Even now only a percentage of blacks actual commit most of the crimes. When our forefathers understood their nature it was simple to control them - a shot to the head or hanging them. The rest you simply isolated to be separate from you.

The white ruling class did it out of convenience to carry on uninterrupted business. White survival increasingly was linked to money making by predatory capitalists, one had to take the lead. That’s why the only logical method today is Lone Wolf. Pretty much a one on one payback by very inelegant people otherwise continue to suffer the same fate as the wildebeests. But don’t expect mediums like [The Daily] Stormer to effect any sizable change to the wildebeests other than a brief period of anger or possibly kicking the dog..TERRIBLE TOMMY

The article:

SBDL, ‘Another Black-on-White Murder in Indianapolis: White Male Drops $150 in Lottery Winnings,17-Year-Old Black Male Picks Money Up and Kills Him Over the Cash’... 18 Dec 2015:

    David Bowman was shot and killed Saturday at the Phillips 66 gas station located at 2401 Lafayette Rd.

  Cameron Tibbs, 17, turned himself in to police this week for the shooting.

  Prosecutors are charging Tibbs as an adult for the murder.

  “(Bowman) had a passion for soccer as well as a passion for people, having fun and he was just a very fun loving kid,” Bowman’s father, William Bowman, said about his son.

  Bowman played soccer at Speedway High School all four years and went on to play in college at Oakland City University on a scholarship. He worked at the FedEx Distribution Center at night and cut hair during the day.

  Bowman also enjoyed playing the lottery, according to his brother Michael Bowman.

  Saturday night, Bowman went to cash two winning tickets at the gas station totaling $150. On his way out, he dropped the money and someone else picked it up. When Bowman went to get the money back, he got shot.

  “It just doesn’t make sense you can kill someone over $150,” Michael Bowman said.

  “I would given him my house if they wouldn’t have shot him,” William Bowman said.

  The Bowman family said they hope David’s death does not go in vain and his murder can serve a larger purpose.

  “I’m pretty much going to dedicate the rest of my life to seeing if I can’t make a difference,” William Bowman said. “If we save one life or make one of these not happen for the rest of my life it will be worth it, because no one should have to go through what we are going through right now.”

  A friend of David Bowman, Sheena Bannon, started a GoFundMe page on behalf of the family.

  Bannon would like to use the money for a community outreach barbecue and to start a little league team.

  “Anything that gets a sense of community brought back,” Bannon said. “We have to find a way to make a difference.”

  William Bowman said he’d like to use the money raised to start his own, “Stop the Violence,” campaign.

  He wants to have t-shirts, wristbands and signs made in honor of David.

  “Everybody in this city is scared and everybody in the city is mad and people are tired of it,” William Bowman said.

According to the Indianapolis Public Safety Department, as of December 13, 2015, there have been 139 homicides in the 58 percent white/27.5 percent black city.

David Bowman… yet another white citizen of Indianapolis murdered by a black person

  50 of those homicides were a black victim - black assailant
  4 of those homicides were a black victim - white assailant
  54 of those homicides were a black victim - unknown assailant
  18 of those homicides were a white victim - white assailant
  17 of those homicides were a white victim - black assailant
  5 of those homicides were a white victim - unknown assailant
  1 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim - Hispanic assailant
  3 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim - black assailant
  4 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim - unknown assailant

Well, today, yet another black individual murdered a white person in Indianapolis, meaning just as many blacks in Indianapolis have murdered white people, as whites have murdered other whites in the city for 2015 (versus only 4 cases of a black victim and white assailant).

All over the white person winning $150 from two lottery tickets and dropping it as he walked to his car.


Posted by Life among blacks: a fitting punishment on Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:34 | #

Tommy Sotomayor blames black women for the inherent black pattern of single parenthood. While the neo-liberal and YKW welfare state has exacerbated the situation, the pattern is as much an expression of black male behavior as it is of black females - and it dates back to their selective and offspring strategies from prehistoric Africa to the present.

Tommy Sotomayor describes the extent to which black lives matter to themselves and are out of control as such:

This provides some understanding of why even blacks don’t want to live with blacks and how being forced to live with them will be a natural and fitting punishment for mudsharks.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 27 Dec 2015 05:24 | #

A fitting punishment indeed. After all, Rahm Emanuel is the mayor of Chicago now, so there is nothing funnier than seeing the black mob turning against its would-be masters. It goes to show that even he cannot control them.

Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel both come from the Chicago milieu of social organising, they are pretty good friends, to the extent that together they have always constructed a veal pen for dissenters to be trapped in.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 27 Dec 2015 22:53 | #

Ironic indeed, the Chicago school of “community organizing” a la Alinsky, Bill Ayers, is where Obama himself learned the ropes.

Emanuel, who bullied Obama to the point of telling him to “shut-the-fuck-up and listen”, is now getting his just deserts as chief community organizer of Chicago - it is funny indeed to witness him, the bully, having to grovel while trying to organize communities of “black lives.”

....radicalized feral bastard thug black lives.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals


Posted by intelligence analysis of "black lives matter" on Wed, 30 Dec 2015 23:29 | #

Cool Specter, an intelligence analyst and conservative activist.

Specter’s involvement with the Ferguson riots last year,

Cyberwarfare against the radical left,

The threat that #BlackLivesMatter represents to law-abiding Americans.

How to fight back (clue: with regard to government, the squeaky wheel gets the oil).

His inquiry revealed one Renita Lamkin running a church/black lives training ground

Renita Lampkin

...the complicity of Eric Holder and more.

Eric “My people” Holder; his people’s lives - only - matter to him.


Posted by Sara Mutschlechner on Sun, 03 Jan 2016 01:29 | #

                       —A 20-year-old student was shot dead after a hail of bullets pierced her vehicle as she drove on North Elm St. in Denton, Tex.

Sara Mutschlechner was shot in the head, crashed into a utility pole, and later died in the hospital.

  Witnesses told police there were five or six young black men in the SUV, which drove off. They recognized at least two of them from a big New Year’s Eve party on Crisoforo Drive.

The senseless act of violence occurred at 2 a.m. January 2, 2015 and may be the first fatality in the violent urban savage war against white people in the USA.

Denton Police say a 20-year-old University of North Texas student has died after being taken off life support following a shooting overnight.

Sara Mutschlechner was driving along North Elm Street around 2 a.m. Friday when a black Toyota or Lexus SUV pulled up next to her. Words were exchanged and someone in the SUV opened fire, police said.

Mutschlechner was shot in the head. She lost control of her car and crashed into a nearby electrical pole.

Witnesses told police there were five or six young black men in the SUV, which drove off. They recognized at least two of them from a big New Year’s Eve party on Crisoforo Drive.

Police encourage anyone with information about the party, the shooting or the SUV to call Investigator Eric Beckwith at 940-349-7974 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Friends said Mutschlechner was acting as their designated driver for New Year’s Eve.


Posted by Black lives takin' no mo on Mon, 04 Jan 2016 19:28 | #

...gonna kill dem all

WUSA9, ‘Md. man arrested for threat to ‘kill all white people’, 3 Jan 2016:

            Carlos Anthony Hollins, 20

LA PLATA, Md. (WUSA9) – A Waldorf man that took to his social media to make a threat against people in La Plata, Maryland has been arrested, police said.

Carlos Anthony Hollins, 20, was arrested Wednesday after the La Plata Police Department was alerted to a tweet written by him.

“I’m not gonna stand for this no more. Tonight we purge! Kill all the white ppl in the town of La Plata #BlackLivesMatter” Hollins posted on his Twitter account Tuesday.

Hollins is facing charges for threats of mass violence, police said.

Police have also added extra officers to patrol the area to protect the public.


Posted by Taylor+O'Reilly almost= 1 on BLM on Mon, 04 Jan 2016 21:01 | #

Jared, “they look huWhite to me” Taylor discusses “black lives matter” from his partly informative “name the black mostly and sometimes the mestizo” perspective:

Bill, “Obama, you’re a stand-up guy” (thank you for playing your role in the professional wrestling that is politics, but I’m on the side of Hulk Hogan, er, a Republican/conservative, Jewish, Zionist shill), O’Reilly manages to name some of the Jewish sponsorship behind it - at least naming Jewish fall-guy (old man) George Soros:

MRC, ‘O’Reilly Discusses ‘Black Lives Matter’ Funding

O’REILLY: Now the laughter you just heard came from MSNBC anchorpeople.

So, who’s funding Black Lives Matter?

One of the big donors seems to be George Soros, our old pal, who gives big money to affiliates of Black Lives Matter, groups that do direct business with them.

Also giving money directly to the group, entertainers Jay-Z and Beyoncé. There they are.

Joining us now from Washington, Kelly Riddell, an investigative reporter for the Washington Times. Is this just a fringe group or should we take them seriously?

KELLY RIDDELL: Well, I think you’ve got to take them seriously. I mean, look what happened to Martin O’Malley a couple of weeks ago at the Netroots convention, when he basically said all lives matter, and was practically booed off the stage, and then had to issue an apology. I mean —

O’REILLY: Well, he didn’t have to issue an apology. He chose to. But that’s O’Malley’s problem for even going to the Netroots convention.

RIDDELL: Well, Hillary Clinton has been there before. A lot of – Elizabeth Warren – a lot of liberal activists go to this on a yearly basis

O’REILLY: I understand that. But I don’t know whether this crew, Black Lives Matter, have any constituency other than the radical left, the real fringe nuts that run around the country saying crazy things. Have they made any inroads into a more established position.

RIDDELL: Well, I mean you’ve got to look, Black Lives Matter is really an umbrella slogan kind of group that encompasses a lot of social justice workers and a lot of social justice organizations. And it’s a group that was started by three women that work at Soros-backed organizations that are into community organizing, into kind of riling up activists.

And what all of the social justice groups have in common is basically three things.

The first is that they believe fundamentally that it’s social policy and “the man” and the professional political class that is out to get them with unjust policies — the basically all of their social woes, all of their economic woes, can be based on unfair policies.

Second, is that they’re very well organized. You have a bunch of different separate organizations that basically — there’s think tanks that put out the narrative, the narrative that is followed by all of these organizations. They have Twitter, they have Facebook, where they create an echo chamber, echoing each other. They’ve got professional protesters that go to places like Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston South Carolina, to basically rile up whatever the local vibe is there.

And then lastly, they are all, all of these organizations from a certain standpoint are funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I found that within one year, George Soros dedicated $33 million to these types of organizations. So there really well-funded.

RIDDELL: Well, I mean you’ve got to look, Black Lives Matter is really an umbrella slogan kind of group that encompasses a lot of social justice workers and a lot of social justice organizations. And it’s a group that was started by three women that work at Soros-backed organizations that are into community organizing, into kind of riling up activists.

And what all of the social justice groups have in common is basically three things.

The first is that they believe fundamentally that it’s social policy and “the man” and the professional political class that is out to get them with unjust policies — the basically all of their social woes, all of their economic woes, can be based on unfair policies.

Second, is that they’re very well organized. You have a bunch of different separate organizations that basically — there’s think tanks that put out the narrative, the narrative that is followed by all of these organizations. They have Twitter, they have Facebook, where they create an echo chamber, echoing each other. They’ve got professional protesters that go to places like Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston South Carolina, to basically rile up whatever the local vibe is there.

And then lastly, they are all, all of these organizations from a certain standpoint are funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I found that within one year, George Soros dedicated $33 million to these types of organizations. So there really well-funded.


Posted by Farrakhan and "Black Lives" differ on Tue, 15 Mar 2016 10:51 | #

While Louis Farrakhan praises Trump for what he believes to be his independence of Jewish interests, “Black Lives Matter” demonstrated that black lives don’t necessarily matter if they wholeheartedly support Trump.

CT, “BREAKING: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters” 12 March 2016: African-American supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has died after allegedly sustaining gunshot wounds in the aftermath of Friday night’s chaos in Chicago.

Robert King Bullock, aged 37, was a resident of Chicago’s Evanston suburb.  According to Bullock’s friend, who also attended the Trump rally, Robert was an avid chef, and he recently obtained his Masters of Business Administration and planned to open a local restaurant.

This source spoke with CTN on the condition of anonymity, and asked to be referred to as “Terry.” He called for Bullock’s death to serve as a reminder to anti-Trump groups and the mainstream media.

“Rob was a black man, but he supported Trump because he got tired of Democrats saying his race was the thing holding him back,” Bullock’s friend told CTN.

“[Rob] lost his job because of Obamacare.  He lost his brother to black-on-black gang violence.  Now he lost his life because he believed in a white man.  His race didn’t have a damn thing to do with what held him back.”

Bullock and Terry were separated in the chaos that followed the protesters’ interruption of the planned Trump rally, which led to widespread violent scuffles and the event’s cancellation.  It is believed that he attempted to make his way to a nearby bar to charge his dead cell-phone and reconnect with Terry.

Multiple sources have confirmed that protesters and Trump supporters continued to clash as they moved from the UIC Pavillion to their vehicles and nearby locations.  It is believed that Bullock, at some point after leaving the event center, was confronted by protesters, beaten, then allegedly shot two times in the abdomen and left shoulder by a small to medium-size handgun.

The following picture allegedly was taken as police walked the crime scene north of the UIC Pavillion, where the Trump rally was held.

Terry says that the circumstances surrounding the events are still unclear, and he only learned of Bullock’s death when his business card was found in the victim’s pocket.  Terry says that Bullock asked for his contact information when the chaos erupted and he realized that his phone battery was dead.

Bullock’s body was discovered in the early hours of the morning by two homeless gentlemen.  He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead,

Terry says that two signs were also found next to Bullock’s body.  One read, “Stop The Racist Trump.”  The other was marked with, “Donald Trump = KKK.”

Farrakhan’s home base is in Chicago. He is the most respected black leader among blacks. If he likes Trump most among the leading candidates, it raises questions as to who might be behind “Black Lives Matter” (cough, Soros?) and the “organized and organic” disruption in Chicago…

Washington Post, “In Chicago, an organized and organic disruption of Trump”, 12 March 2016:

CHICAGO — The push to disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign rally began a week ago, when news first broke that the Republican presidential candidate would appear at the University of Illinois campus here on this city’s West Side.

Student leaders of campus organizations such as the Black Student Union and Muslim Student Association began organizing their own rally and march to the rally venue; a Facebook page publicizing the efforts attracted 11,000 people.

NYTimes, “Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles”, 11 March 2016:

CHICAGO — With thousands of people already packed into stands and music blaring to warm up the crowd, Donald J. Trump’s campaign abruptly canceled his rally here on Friday night over security concerns as protesters clashed with his supporters inside an arena where he was to speak.

Minutes after Mr. Trump was to have taken to a podium on the campus of a large, diverse public university just west of downtown, an announcer suddenly pronounced the event over before it had begun.

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