Confessions of The Central Park Five

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 05 March 2017 00:30.

Important Update, 8 June 2019, it has been called my attention belatedly that this PBS documentary was highly inaccurate:

Just as I cannot imagine fabricating confessions to convict innocent kids, I cannot imagine a media that would put out so dishonest a story that it led to four guilty kids being awarded 41 Million dollars. It is reminiscent of feudalism, but now where different, preferential rules, laws and “news” apply to blacks.

Not being a journalist by trade - in fact, looking upon the news section as a chore to be relegated to the background of theoretical concerns - the strategy enlisted here, rather, for getting at the truth of the matter on news stories, is to encourage comments to correct mistakes and oversights in postings (to be distinguished from ad hominem attacks aimed at destroying me and the platform because this platform doesn’t allow final say from those who promote Christianity, Jewish interests, Hitler/Nazism, race mixing, scientism, or bizarre conspiracy theories). Unfortunately, because those interests are not included in this platform, the site has become a no-mans land, even though it is an eminently reasonable platform, I am confident to argue, the most reasonable and best platform for the advocacy of European peoples.

Goodness knows our advocacy is necessary when the media can be this biased against Whites and in the promotion of black interests.

Apologies to the NYPD and the prosecutors. A social constructionist approach to getting at the truth does work but can be quite belated in its corrections if people don’t participate in getting at our truth but are rather motivated by the hope that I fail as I do not follow their A gods, Abraham, Adolf and sundry other Absurdity.

See Ann Coulter’s article, linked here and in comment number 6, below:


NYPD coerced confessions and prosecutors Lederer and Fairstein railroaded five kids (4 black, 1 Puerto Rican) for the 1989 rape and near murder of Trisha Meili (White), an investment banker who was jogging in Central Park. Despite my prejudices, I cannot imagine myself scripting confessions to a serious crime for some black kids to sign. The kids spent years in jail for a crime that they did not commit. As it turns out, a likely suspect, a Puerto Rican/Mulatto serial rapist at the time named Matias Reyes, had committed the crime and could have been pursued, since there was plenty of evidence that could have led NYPD to find him the lone perpetrator. While Reyes was a DNA match that could have been corroborated at the time, Lederer and Fairstein are confronted with the fact that they forced the prosecution through, despite not having a DNA match in the case presented them by the NYPD, aslo despite its coerced confessions made evident by the contradictions that existed between those “confessions.”









Posted by It happens to Whites too: Norfolk Four on Sat, 25 Mar 2017 11:18 | #

FRONTLINE’s, “The Confessions,” 22 March 2017:

The story centers around the so-called Norfolk Four: Eric Wilson, Joe Dick Jr., Derek Tice, and Danial Williams.

The “Norfolk Four,” four U.S. Navy sailors who were wrongly convicted for the 1997 rape and murder of Michelle Moore-Bosko, were fully pardoned on Tuesday by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

The pardon brings to a close a 20-year legal battle that brought national attention to the issue of false confessions. The four men were all arrested within a year of 18-year-old Moore-Bosko’s murder, sentenced and kept in prison, despite DNA evidence linking another man to the crime. Danial Williams, Joe Dick Jr., Eric Wilson and Derek Tice have maintained for years that they falsely confessed to the crime following hours of intimidating police interrogations.

Williams was the first of the four to be arrested, after a friend of the victim indicated to police that they should take a closer look at him. He was charged with rape and murder less than 24 hours after Moore-Bosko’s body was found. He confessed to the crimes after more than 11 hours of questioning.

“It was just unimaginable to myself at that point, but I had confessed,” Williams told FRONTLINE in the 2010 investigation of the case, The Confessions. A detective named Robert Glenn Ford interrogated Williams, and eventually, the other three men. Ford was later found guilty of two counts of extortion and one count of lying to the FBI in separate cases, and sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in prison.

“Ford is a very intimidating person,” Williams said in The Confessions. “He’s not a big person, but he’s like a bulldog. Once he gets his teeth into you, he doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants from you.”

Despite lacking any evidence connecting Williams to the crime, the Norfolk police developed a theory that he was one of several men involved. Soon Dick, Wilson and Tice would also be arrested and interrogated, resulting in more confessions they said were coerced under intense pressure.

Tice said Ford kept “leaning towards me, yelling at me, calling me a liar, telling me I was going to die.” He asked for a lawyer, but never got to talk to one in the 11 hours before he confessed. When asked why he would confess to a crime he had no part in, Tice recalled how Ford kept telling him he was going to die for lying.

“After the nine hours, my thinking was my only options are to tell him a lie, tell him what he wants to hear and live, or keep telling the truth and die.”


Posted by Guess who really did it? on Sat, 25 Mar 2017 15:30 | #

The Norfolk 4. Guess who did it? By himself.

  Omar Ballard


Posted by Un-Fairstein comes to Weinstein's rescue on Thu, 16 Nov 2017 06:43 | #


NPR, “‘Times’ Reporters Describe How A Paper Trail Helped Break The Weinstein Story”, 15 Nov 2017:

Twohey: There was this Italian Filipino model who showed up to the Weinstein Co. for a business meeting with Harvey Weinstein. And within hours of leaving, she went to the police department here in New York and said that he had groped her and that she was willing to make a police complaint about it.

And it’s interesting to see in that situation there was a whole team that swooped in to help Harvey fight that in a counterattack effort. There were private investigators who were dispatched to basically dig up dirt on her. There were stories planted in the tabloids to basically disparage her background. There were high-profile attorneys who stepped up to Harvey’s side, including Linda Fairstein, the former sex crimes prosecutor here in Manhattan, who was willing to facilitate introductions to the current sex crimes prosecutor who was handling the case. And within weeks that case was dead.

On why it took so long for the allegations against Weinstein to become public

Twohey: There had been reporters who had tried to do this story for many years, going back many years, only to see those stories killed or die before they were published. And so there were people who we reached out to who had spoken to previous journalists for previous attempts at this story, and there was, I think, a level of cynicism that Harvey Weinstein kills these stories, that he knows how to stop them in their tracks. He’s either going to come into The New York Times and bully you out of this story, or threaten to sue you, or somehow kind of buy you guys off in some sort of fashion. ...


Posted by Teshera C on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 02:09 | #

Matias Reyes was Puerto Rican NOT Black, as the article above states. I think k that is very important to know and it needs to be changed ‘!


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 05:51 | #

Matias Reyes was Puerto Rican, and typically of Puerto Ricans, was black in significant part of his admixture.

Puerto Ricans are typically part Spanish, part Taino, part black (generally about 25% black according to National Geographic Gen. 2.0).

Therefore, in effort of racial categorization, “Puerto Rican” does not always help in honest short hand - there are still some Puerto Ricans who are mostly White or mostly Taino (or White/Taino mix with little or no black). Like “Hispanic”, it is a term that can function in disingenuous blurring of racial distinctions.

Matias Reyes is clearly mixed in significant part, and clearly has some black admixture.

However, The NYPD description of the Central Park Five who were falsely charged does make a distinction between black and Puerto Rican (4 black, 1 Puerto Rican).

Thus, your feedback is valid to point out that inconsistency, as I did not apply the distinction to the actual perpetrator.

Thank you for your feedback. In service of clarity. I’ll change the description to a “Puerto Rican/Mulatto” ...


Posted by Apologies to NYPD and Prosecutors on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 08:05 | #

Just as I cannot imagine fabricating confessions to convict innocent kids, I cannot imagine a media that would put out so dishonest a story that it led to four guilty kids being awarded 41 Million dollars. It is reminiscent of feudalism but this time, where different, preferential rules, laws and “news” apply to blacks.

Not being a journalist by trade - in fact, looking upon the news section as a chore to be relegated to the background of theoretical concerns - the strategy enlisted here, rather, for getting at the truth of the matter on news stories, is to encourage comments to correct mistakes and oversights in postings (to be distinguished from ad hominem attacks aimed at destroying me and the platform because this platform doesn’t allow final say from those who promote Christianity, Jewish interests, Hitler/Nazism, race mixing, scientism, or bizarre conspiracy theories). Unfortunately, because those interests are not included in this platform, the site has become a no-mans land, even though it is an eminently reasonable platform, I am confident to argue, the most reasonable and best platform for the advocacy of European peoples.

Goodness knows our advocacy is necessary when the media can be this biased against Whites and in the promotion of black interests.

Apologies to the NYPD and the prosecutors. A social constructionist approach to getting at the truth does work but can be quite belated in its corrections if people don’t participate in getting at our truth but are rather motivated by the hope that I fail as I do not follow their A gods, Abraham, Adolf and sundry other Absurdity:


The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline:



His ad never mentioned the Central Park rape, but talked about New York families—“White, Black, Hispanic and Asian”—unable to enjoy walks through the park at dusk. Of muggers and murderers, he said, “I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. ... They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”

According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — and Trump would have executed the poor lads! This is nonsense. They wouldn’t have been executed because the rape victim miraculously survived. Also, they weren’t innocent.

Let’s look at the facts of the case.

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a “white girl,” dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she’d lost three-quarters of her blood. Her case was initially assigned to the homicide unit of the D.A.‘s office because none of her doctors thought she would make it through the night.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger: Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise. All five confessed—four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them, despite aggressive defense lawyers putting on their best case.

But the media have a different method of judging guilt and innocence. They don’t look at irrelevant factors, such as evidence, but at relevant factors such as the race of the accused and the race of the victim.

Unfortunately for Meili, she was guilty of being white, while her attackers belonged to the Brahmin caste: “people of color.” So, after waiting an interminable 13 years, the media proclaimed that the five convicts had been “exonerated” by DNA evidence.

DNA evidence didn’t convict them, so it couldn’t “exonerate” them. This was a gang attack. It was always known that other rapists “got away,” as the prosecutor told the jury, and that none of the defendants’ DNA was found in the jogger’s cervix or on her sock—the only samples that were taken.

While it blows most people away to find out that none of the suspects’ DNA was found on Meili, this is a sleight of hand. The trick is that we’re looking at it through a modern lens. True, today, these kids’ DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Cops wouldn’t have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.

The case was solved with other evidence—and there was a lot of it.

On the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana blurted out, “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s t*ts.” The cops didn’t even know about a rape yet.

Yusef Salaam announced to the detective interviewing him, “I was there, but I didn’t rape her.” Even if true, under the law, anyone who participated in the attack on Meili is guilty of her rape.

Two of Korey Wise’s friends said that when they ran into him on the street the day after the attack, he told them the cops were after him. “You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night? That was us!”

Taken to the scene of the crime by a detective and a prosecutor, he said, “Damn, damn, that’s a lot of blood. ... I knew she was bleeding, but I didn’t know how bad she was. It was dark. I couldn’t see how much blood there was at night.”

Wise also told a detective that someone he thought was named “Rudy” stole the jogger’s Walkman and belt pouch. The jogger was still in a coma. The police did not know yet that a Walkman had been stolen from her.

Wise told a friend’s sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn’t rape the jogger; he “only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f—-ed her.” Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise.

The night of the attack, Richardson told an acquaintance, “We just raped somebody.” The crotch of his underwear was suspiciously stained with semen, grass stains, dirt and debris. Walking near the crime scene with a detective the next day, Richardson said, “This is where we got her ... where the raping occurred.”

Santana and Richardson independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger.

Recall that, when all these statements were made, no one—not the police, the witnesses, the suspects, or their friends and acquaintances—knew whether Meili would emerge from her coma and be able to identify her attackers.

Sarah Burns, who co-wrote and co-directed the propaganda film “The Central Park Five” with her father (whose reputation she has now destroyed), waved away the defendants’ confessions—forget all the other evidence—in a 2016 New York Times op-ed, explaining: “The power imbalance in an interrogation room is extreme, especially when the suspects are young teenagers, afraid of the police and unfamiliar with the justice system or their rights.”

Far from trembling and afraid, as Burns imagines, the suspects were singing the rap song “Wild Thing” for hours in the precinct house, laughing and joking about raping the jogger. One of the attackers said, “It was fun.”

When a cop told Santana that he should have been out with a girlfriend rather than mugging people in Central Park, Santana responded, “I already got mines,” and laughed with another boy from the park.

One of the youths arrested that night stated on videotape that he heard Santana and another boy laughing about “how they ‘made a woman bleed.’”

They sound absolutely terrified!

In Burns’ defense, she knows so little about that case that she called the prosecutor by the wrong name in her op-ed.

The actual evidence doesn’t matter. Again, the victim was a privileged white woman (BAD!) and the perpetrators were youths of color (GOOD!). So the media lied and claimed the DNA evidence “exonerated” them.

This allegation was based on Matias Reyes’ confession to the attack—and his claim that he acted alone. His DNA matched the unidentified DNA on the jogger—proving nothing, other than that he was the one of the others who “got away.” He is also the “Rudy” who stole her Walkman, as Wise said at the time. How did Wise know Reyes—or “Rudy”—had taken a Walkman?

A cellmate claims Reyes told him that he heard a woman screaming in the park that night and ran to join the fun.

The “exoneration” comes down to Reyes’ unsubstantiated claim that he acted alone. Years of careful investigation, videotaped confessions, witness statements, assembling evidence, trial by jury and repeated appeals—all that is nothing compared to the word of an upstanding citizen like Reyes, a violent psychopath who sexually assaulted his own mother and raped and murdered a pregnant woman while her children heard the attack through the bedroom door.

That’s the sum total of the “exoneration”: the word of a psycho.

Note that Reyes faced absolutely no penalty for his confession—the statute of limitations had run out years earlier. Before he confessed, Reyes had been moved to Korey Wise’s cellblock. He requested a transfer on the grounds that he feared Wise’s gang. All he had to do was confess—with no penalty—and he got his prison transfer!

Not even this monster’s self-serving “confession” can explain away the five attackers’ other crimes that night—vicious beatings that left one parkgoer unconscious and another permanently injured. These attacks, the “Central Park Five” never disputed, and frequently admitted.

The SJW’s verdict: Award the criminals $41 million. Trump’s idea: Punish them.

And you still can’t figure out how he became president.

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Previous entry: Black hyper-assertiveness, lack of impulse control, predatory aggression & liberal natural fallacy

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