Black hyper-assertiveness, lack of impulse control, predatory aggression & liberal natural fallacy

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 04 March 2017 17:45.

Maybe she should be “sifted-out”, or maybe the naturalistic fallacy is cuck narrative itself.

- that nature can and OUGHT to take care of these matters unmediated by cultural (social rules) intervention.

Thank you for your understanding and support, acru ballist. I realize that unfortunately a huge percentage of Whites are used to this Jewish viral symbiosis - it seems at this point as if it is almost written into the genetic code of a huge percentage, now expressed as the Trump voter and Alternative Right - wherein Whites become more and more assimilated to Jews themselves - inasmuch as they remain HuWhite, compliantly accepting their role of being cows to breed stock that blacks and Jews can, in turn, breed with at their discretion.

But I think that this argument veers in the direction of passive naturalistic fallacy:

acru ballist: Maybe, this is evolution of the White People. A sifting out of the weak-minded, the ‘mud-sharks’, the gullible, the order-takers. Is the parasite controlling this process? It definitely does not need the strong, healthy and rebellious.

A naturalistic fallacy that Jews and Jew advocates like Brett Stevens would want us to accept as prescription - good right wing dolts, “nature” decides what is exactly good and true for us, unmediated by human, cultural intervention. At one time, when mudharkery was a rarity, I might have been more susceptible to arguments that it was me who isn’t being naturally tough enough, but then, as it became commonplace and you began to see women who could not be considered merely something for the scrap-heep, the idea of merely letting “nature” weed out those without loyalty, judgement, intelligence, whatever it is that they are supposed to lack became more obviously an insufficient position to take.


Continuing with my response to Stevens article, next he goes on to say:

Brett Stevens: Whether or not Jews are a symptom of this problem, they are not its source.

DanielS: One can and should say that they are not the only source, but one should also add that they are a predominant source of our problems who should clearly be looked upon as another people and NOT among our “friends”, to say the least.

Brett Stevens: Even more, whipping people up in a fury against them fails because it both distracts us from the actual cause, and inspires people to do ignoble things like genocide. We do not need to kill those who might appear to be our enemies; we need to fix ourselves, which includes excluding everyone else.

DanielS: I never said that it was our objective to genocide Jews or anyone else. Our objective is separatism from them and other non-European peoples, and sovereignty. That implies fixing our own problems for ourselves, thank you very much. We just need the Jews to butt-out.

Brett Stevens: It is the same way with the African-Americans. Some wish to blame them, but the actual cause is diversity, which in fact gets more deadly if it involves “nice” groups because then your people hybridize with them, erasing the original population. This type of soft genocide leaves behind a civilization capable of none of the great acts of the old.

DanielS: As I have said in many places, “Diversity” has been a Jewish red cape: because in a straight forward sense it would mean that different people co-exist in respect of each other maintaining their differences. However, in light of the Jewish marketing campaign of “Diversity” and the reaction to the reality of it in Jewish practice - which means imposition of alien integration against those goyim looking to maintain their difference - Jewish media disingenuously altercasts rights of display to suckers like Pat Buchanan who would argue against “Diversity” and, in effect, for integration (as opposed to “the sewer of multiculturalism and diversity” we should all speak English, be Christians, etc). Integration used to be the straight forward Jewish agenda back in the 60’s and 70’s but now they hide that agenda behind “diversity” and get Whites to react against diversity and into integration.

As far as the “nice” blacks go, I have long argued that the Uncle Tom and the Oreo are more dangerous than the ghetto thug in the long run because the thug is didactic whereas the Oreo and Uncle Tom, in “being so nice”, open the gates for the pattern, which is more the thug and destructive to Whites. As far as this leaving behind a less capable populace, well, your Jewish friends would know, that’s why they have imposed “diversity” and integration on our patterns while prohibiting it in Israel and among their more orthodox diaspora.

Katzenbach imposing integration upon Whites, in the days before that agenda was hidden behind the Jewish red cape of “diversity.”

...and yes, just as we can “blame” (i.e., recognize) in Jews their inborn biological behaviors, uncaring and exploitative of our people to an extreme, and thus see the need to discriminate against them and separate from them, so too can we “blame” (i.e., recognize) in blacks an inborn lack of impulse control, along with an inborn tendency to aggression and hyper-assertiveness - translating to group predatory behavior as expressed typically in this episode in South Africa; and hence the need for “artificial selection”, i.e., cultural rules of discriminatory separatism.

If you notice, at the beginning of this clip, the woman and her son were completely relaxed, had inculcated and cultivated no instinctual rules in vigilance for the inborn pattern of predation that would manifest in that moment: the anti-apartheid conditioning had worked that far to their detriment.

Predators sensing prey.

Predator signaling to pack that the coast is clear for the attack. White woman’s son can now be seen in left of screen.

Predator pulls-out his weapon.

They start to attack the mother.

When the son tries to protect her, they try to hold him and aim for the back of his neck.

While they hold the mother, the son begins to put up a valiant fight.

Outnumbered, they are subject to more beating before escaping (this time).

White man and his mother subject to the natural state of black predation.



Posted by Diversity comes home on Fri, 22 May 2015 17:55 | #

Establishment mentality experiences the rich texture of black culture:

Daron Dylon Wint tortures and murders family and house keeper


Posted by Impulse control and lack thereof.. on Tue, 07 Jul 2015 16:07 | #

Florida State University quarterback De’Andre Johnson grabs an unidentified woman just before hitting her [Tallahassee Democrat]


Posted by Hyena man on Mon, 28 Nov 2016 15:30 | #

  NPR, “‘Hyena Man’ Had Sex With 100 Girls And Women, Gets 2-Year Sentence”, 23 Nov 2016:

  Malawi’s ‘Hyena’ Men: Paid By Parents To Have Sex With Their Daughters

A man who was paid to have sex with more than 100 young girls and women in Malawi is receiving two years of hard labor as punishment.

Working as what Malawians call a “hyena man,” Eric Aniva had sex with children and widows as part of a custom believed to offer ritual cleansing after a first period or widowhood. Though he is HIV-positive, Aniva did not wear condoms during sex. Now some women’s organizations in Malawi are calling his sentence inadequate.

“It feels like a missed opportunity to send out a strong message,” says Anber Raz, the deputy director of Donor Direct Action, an international women’s rights organization. “Having said that, it’s even great he got convicted. Often in cases such as this, you see complete impunity.

Raz says the light sentence is due to a lack of witnesses willing to testify against Aniva. Malawi’s president, Peter Mutharika, publicly supported prosecuting Aniva for defilement of young girls. But no girls came forward to testify, Raz says. So instead, Aniva was tried for “harmful cultural practice” for having sex with the widows, a lesser charge under Malawi’s Gender Equality Act of 2013.

The girls abused by Aniva are difficult to identify, Raz explains, because they’re reluctant to talk about their experiences.

Women’s groups in Malawi are pressing for the sentence to be reviewed. Raz says they might succeed because of the international attention this case has received. But whether or not the sentence stands, she believes that people should not excuse abuse in the name of tradition.

“Calling [these activities] ‘cultural practices’ kind of masks what this is,” Raz says. “Underneath it all, it’s pure and simple violence against women and girls.”


Posted by Italian camera crew attacked by blacks on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 15:28 | #

Diversity Macht Frei, “Italian camera team attacked by African Negroes”, 19 March 2017:

In this Italian TV segment, the presenter walks through a market, describing how counterfeit goods are being sold there, many by African Negroes. As he persists, the Negroes start attacking him and his crew, smashing their equipment and forcing them to flee.

Post by DanielS


Posted by What ends up a riddled, bobble-headed Sphinx? on Wed, 21 Jun 2017 10:07 | #

What starts out like an all knowing, cocky, aggressive black and winds up like a riddled, bobble-headed Sphinx?

“Suck my dick, suck my dick, suck my dick, suck my dick.”

“Suck my dick!”

“Suck my dick!”

Hey, record that!”

“I’m only”...

“I’m from New York”

“and I’m out here by myself.”

“Fuck these niggers!”


Posted by Don King on Sat, 29 Jul 2017 13:48 | #


Posted by Reagan Tokes on Sun, 13 Aug 2017 19:53 | #


Posted by Burned on Sun, 20 Aug 2017 11:50 | #


He tried to burn to death this woman who is an army officer and his supervisor.

He set her on fire and while she was on fire he stabbed her with a knife and some scissors;

and while she was on fire he put his foot on her throat and tried to stab her some more.


Posted by German emergency doctor attacked by migrant on Sat, 23 Jun 2018 22:19 | #

Voice of Europe, “Migrants attack German ambulance crew: Emergency doctor suffers traumatic brain injuries”,

Two migrants have attacked the crew of an ambulance in Ottobrun. The emergency doctor suffered a broken jaw, brain injuries and lost several teeth, Abendzeitung reports.

The emergency vehicle drove up to the nursing home on “Ottostrasse” to assist emergency responders and responders from the Ottobrunn fire brigade, who were treating a life-threatening illness there.

While the emergency services of the fire brigade was in the building, the emergency ambulance vehicle of the hospital Neuperlach arrived.

At that moment, a 20-year-old African migrant attacked the vehicle and threw a full bottle of whiskey on the window on the passenger side of the vehicle from about one and a half meters away.

The bottle broke through the window, hit the emergency doctor sitting in the car in the middle of the face and knocked out several teeth.

She suffered a broken jaw, traumatic brain injuries and facial cuts. The paramedic who drove the vehicle, suffered light cuts from the splintering of the glass.

The migrant duo, who were violent earlier that evening, are a 17-year-old Ethiopian and a 20-year-old Eritrean who are said to be unaccompanied ‘refugees’.

Before the ambulance incident the men wanted to enter the youth centre in Ottobrunn after 8 pm with a trolley filled with alcoholic beverages. When a supervisor barred their entrance, he and a colleague were attacked.

The migrants fled and later attacked the ambulance. The men were arrested but the police faced heavy resistance from people who wanted to help them.

Unconfirmed reports say, that besides the perpetrators, several other people were arrested at the scene. The bottle thrower will meet the local magistrate on Saturday.


Posted by Her body found in a suitcase on Thu, 12 Jul 2018 10:18 | #

Her body found in a suitcase; black male arrested.—Lecture me again about lynchings.

The truth is that, while lynchings are immoral, most blacks lynched in American history were guilty of vile and heinous crimes. They were not innocent victims plucked from street corners by sheet-shrouded white men with a lust for black blood. Rather, victims were men like Steven Stallworth, 27, who is suspected in the brutal murder of a 31-year-old mother whose decomposing body was found in a suitcase in the woods.

There are monuments honoring the likes of Stallworth; victims of lynch mobs. There are no monuments honoring the victims of lynching victims. Note also that about one-third of lynching victims in the United States were white. Then note that fake feminists are silent.

From ▼

A Pleasantville man has been charged with murder in connection with a woman whose remains were found in a suitcase in a wooded area behind the former Shore Mall in Egg Harbor Township.

Steven Stallworth, 27, who lives in Noah’s Landing, was arrested Tuesday morning, Atlantic County Prosecutor Jim McClain said.

Tara Rogers-Alicea’s body was discovered inside a suitcase by an off-duty Margate police sergeant Jan. 5. The 30-year-old Gloucester County woman was identified through tattoos.

She was asphyxiated through strangulation, according to the autopsy.

A joint investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office and Egg Harbor Township police led to the arrest of Stallworth in Mays Landing. Pleasantville police assisted.

Investigators were seen at his Pleasantville residence Tuesday morning, taking out evidence.

No motive has been released.

Stallworth, who has two drug convictions, according to courthouse records, is charged with murder and desecration of human remains. He is in the Atlantic County Justice Facility on $2 million full cash bail.

Rogers-Alicea had visited the Atlantic City area before, and her Facebook postings included pictures and statuses about it.


Posted by father of 43 a too late term abortion on Wed, 18 Jul 2018 02:51 | #

ABC News, “Father of 43 children found beaten in West Side home”, Sunday, July 15, 2018 10:31PM

A 63-year-old father of 43 children was found beaten to death Sunday afternoon in his home on Chicago’s West Side.

The body of John Hearring—known as Nicholas—was discovered with head trauma in his upstairs apartment in the 1000-block of North Leamington Avenue in the South Austin neighborhood.

Multiple family members confirmed that he had 43 children.

Hearring was a long-time resident there and well-known in the neighborhood.

“He was the nicest man you’d ever want to meet. I don’t get it. All this killing is so senseless and now they are targeting the elderly,” said Gwen Bridgeforth, his daughter-in-law.

Police were investigating and had made no arrests Sunday.


Posted by Dark burning Nantes on Sat, 21 Jul 2018 05:03 | #

New Observer, “Nonwhites Attack Nantes, France: Schools, Libraries, Town Hall, Clinics and over 500 Vehicles Torched”, 7 July 2018:

The sale of jerry cans, gasoline and fireworks were today banned in Nantes, France, after thousands of nonwhites attacked the city center, burning down over a dozen buildings—including schools and libraries—and torched over 500 vehicles after an accidental police shooting killed a North African resisting arrest earlier this week.


According to French media, the ban on the sale of jerry cans, gasoline and fireworks will be in force until July 13.

“The prefect of Loire-Atlantique has signed two orders to prevent the risk of disturbances to public order in the agglomeration of Nantes, caused by the use of fuel and fireworks,” reports said.

The first order concerns the purchase and transportation of fuel and states that the “purchase and retail sale, removal or transportation of any fuel, jerry cans, containers, cans, flasks or other assorted containers are prohibited in all distribution points located in all municipalities of Nantes metropolis to with the exception of products specifically intended for the supply of individual heaters.”

The second order concerns fireworks. Until July 13, “any sale or sale of fireworks of any kind” is prohibited.


The nonwhite rioters—consisting of blacks and north Africans—have Africans have been attacking the city every night since the shooting, which occurred when a French policeman accidentally discharged his firearm during a brawl with the North African, named as Aboubakar Fofana.

The nonwhite violence was initially contained within the suburbs in which they were the majority, but have gradually spread into other parts of the city, reports said.

During the night of Thursday July 5 to Friday July 7, eight buildings were burned down, and 52 vehicles torched, police and municipal sources said.


In the Quartier Bottière, the Léonard-de-Vinci High School was damaged by arson, as was the Urbain-le-Verrier nursery school.

The nearby service station on the Sainte-Luce road was also attacked with Molotov cocktains, and in the Quartier Vieux-Doulon, a restaurant was burned down.


In Nantes center, an underground parking was targeted by a fire and more than 200 vehicles were set alight. A Molotov cocktail was thrown against a police van in the courtyard of a police station in the suburbs of Nantes.

Since Tuesday evening, several businesses, the library, a job center, the town hall annex, the court house, and a medical center were set on fire in Dervallières. At Breil-Malville, a medical center and associated premises were destroyed by the flames.


In Malakoff, the local town officers, (including a library/toy library) were destroyed by flames, along with the post office.

At the Château de Rezé, the Barakason auditorium and two shops were burned down, and another 200 vehicles were torched by the nonwhite mobs.


The attacks started after Fofana was pulled over in his car by officers for an inspection. He was identified as a wanted suspect for drug trafficking, but was not carrying any identification.

After he provided a false name, the police tried to apprehend him. The nonwhite refused to surrender, and an altercation ensued. At some point in the struggle, an officer’s firearm went off, fatally wounding the nonwhite.

Riots also flared up in the Paris suburb of Garges-les-Gonesse where Fofana had previously lived.

The nonwhite attacks have been almost completely ignored by the English-speaking media, or, where there has been coverage, the racial aspect has been covered up and has been presented as “protesters”  objecting to “police violence.”


Posted by Penn State Quarterback on Sat, 21 Jul 2018 15:39 | #

Schellenger, the victim is White; White, the suspect, is black.

“We are talking because we want to make sure that race and class don’t overpower the truth and due process for Michael White.” he said. “This is a tragedy. But so far the coverage of it has seen people talking about how wonderful a person Sean Shellenger was because he was trying to help rebuild the inner city. That’s commendable. And it sends the message, “why would somebody want to kill him?”

We want people to know that Michael White is also a very good person.”

- Local NAACP President Minister Rodney Muhammad

None of the aforementioned story matters in the end. Sean Schellenger is dead, just another White man murdered by a black man in the USA.

Well, one important point from the story does matter: the black racial advocacy group the NAACP is committed to defending the black murderer and doing whatever is necessary to paint the White victim as the aggressor and villain in the story.



Posted by SBDL on Tue, 24 Jul 2018 05:01 | #

SBDL, Saturday, July 21, 2018:

His Name is Christian Broder: White Man from Washington D.C. Murdered by 17-Year-Old Black Teen at Exclusive Country Club in Atlanta

At one of the nicest country clubs in Atlanta (near Buckhead, an overwhelmingly white area of Fulton County the largely black police force of Atlanta have decided to no longer dispatch cops when shoplifting occurs at small businesses), a white man from Washington D.C. was just murdered by a 17-year-old black man. [DC restaurant manager dies after robbery, shooting in Atlanta,, July 21, 2018]:

WASHINGTON — Christian Broder, the general manager of Millie’s in D.C., has died according to a GoFundMe page that was set up by his friends and family.

  Rest in peace, Christian Broder

Broder was shot while waiting for an Uber with three others after attending a country club wedding on July 8 in Atlanta.

The group mistook a car that had pulled up as their ride. Instead, the group was robbed and Broder wound up being shot in the abdomen.

Jayden Myrick, 17, was arrested by the Atlanta Police Department and faces a slew of charges in connection with the crime.

The GoFundMe page that was set up to support Broder’s medical costs posted an update on Saturday mourning his passing.

Just another black Atlanta resident working hard to confirm stereotypes

“We are heartbroken to share that last night Christian passed away. He was comfortable with Molly by his side and surrounded by loved ones. We are so grateful for your love and support over the last two weeks as Christian fought so hard,” The page now reads.

  Broder had been listed in critical condition since the shooting.

Black on white homicides aren’t worth mentioning in local or national news, reserved for discussion only on web sites deemed offensive, bigoted, and intolerant for daring to point out unfortunate patterns in criminality we all know represent reality, but must be deemed fiction to keep the [racial commensurability*] illusion alive.

* Majorityrights editorial/educational substitution of the term “equality” for racial commensurability


Posted by Colorado Springs on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 18:10 | #

Colorado Springs, 13 Year old girl gang raped


Posted by Captainchaos's friends on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 18:19 | #

Amazing footage of black mob violence, rioting in Baltimore.


Posted by Esme Kenney, 13 on Sat, 28 Jul 2018 13:54 | #

Fox News, “Re-sentencing trial begins for serial murderer”,

Wednesday, July 25th 2018, 12:15 pm CEDT
Thursday, July 26th 2018, 1:53 pm CEDT


Should a convicted serial killer who raped and burned his victims live or die?

Jurors in the Anthony Kirkland re-sentencing trial heard arguments from both sides as testimony got underway Wednesday.

Kirkland, 49, was convicted in a 2010 jury trial of the murders of two girls and two women: Esme Kenney, 13, Casonya Crawford, 14, Kimya Rolison, 25 and Mary Jo Newton, 45.

Esme was the last person he killed and it was her brutal rape and killing that finally led to police charging Kirkland with multiple murders to keep him locked up for good.

He was sentenced to life in prison for the women’s murders and then sentenced to death for what he did to the girls.

But the Ohio Supreme Court tossed out Kirkland’s death sentence and ordered a re-sentencing due to statements made during closing arguments by Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.

Now, a new trial for the re-sentencing must occur so the decision whether Kirkland lives or dies can be made all over again.

Deters, who is seeking the death penalty, began his opening statement by describing how Kirkland killed and burned his victims. He also raped most of them.

Esme left her home the afternoon of March 7, 2009 to go for a jog around the Winton Hills reservoir.

Esme Kenney was 13 when Anthony Kirkland killed her in 2009. (Photo: Provided)

The seventh grader was never seen alive again after enduring “unimaginable horror,” Deters told the jury.

He plans to play them Kirkland’s taped 9-hour confession to Cincinnati police and previewed it in his opening remarks to the jury.

“He describes her gagging. He describes her vomiting,” Deters recounted. “He describes her digging her little fingers into the ground as she’s dying… and he chokes her to death and he completed his final obscenity.”

Video testimony also will be played during the two-week trial from Esme’s mother, Lisa Kenney, and Kimya’s father, Gary Rolison.

Earlier Wednesday morning, jurors went to Winton Hills reservoir to view the path where Kirkland first encountered Esme, who was a seventh-grader at the time, and then the spot where he took her life.

The defense will call medical professionals and Kirkland himself to the stand as they try to convince the jury to spare his life.

While his own lawyer has said Kirkland should never be free again, they contend he was abused as a child, suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and repeatedly tried to get medical treatment.

  NOW: #AnthonyKirkland jury viewing site of his last murder. @FOX19 Re-sentencing could start as early as this afternoon.
  — Robert Guaderrama (@FOX19Robert) July 25, 2018

Kirkland’s confession to police, which was played during his 2010 murder trial, is expected to be played over two days.

Two veteran and highly regarded Cincinnati police homicide detectives, Keith Witherall and Bill Hilbert, obtained the grisly confession in the hours after Kirkland was taken into custody for Esme’s murder.

He told them was walking near the reservoir when she ran into him, court records show,

She was apologetic, which only enraged him. He told police he punched her, called her names and demanded to know her name and what music she was listening to, the records state.

He chased her into the woods, where she tripped over a small fence. He continued to punch her and then choked her.

“I kicked her, punched her in the stomach, and stomped on her,” he told them.

Then, Kirkland told investigators he raped her.

She was a virgin, Deters told the jury Wednesday.

She promised Kirkland she wouldn’t tell anyone if he would just let her go., Deters recalled.

She tried to connect with him, asking him if he had children.

Her pleas for her life fell on deaf ears.

Kirkland strangled her to death with his bare hands and then a rag, Deters said.

When the girl was dead, Kirkland told police he propped her body up against a tree and stayed for two hours talking to her and apologizing, court records show.

He burned her lower body in what he described to police was a “ritual” and walked off with her iPod and watch, court records show.

Kirkland was spotted in the woods a short time later, sleeping about 100 yards from where Esme was found.

Her belongings were still in his pocket.

They have since been returned to her family.

In all, Kirkland has been convicted now of killing a total of five females.

He served 16 years in prison for the 1987 killing of Leola Douglas after she spurned his sexual advances. He also set her on fire.


Posted by Alpha Male and Butcher on Sun, 29 Jul 2018 05:00 | #

Paige Butcher has birthed Eddie Murphy’s ninth child of five different woman now.



Posted by Because she wouldn't give her number to a black on Sun, 05 Aug 2018 07:06 | #

Woman pulls into a gas station to buy a few things at the convenience shop and when she will not give her number to a random black guy who demands it of her, he jumps on her car hood as she’s pulling away and smashes-in her windshield. Then, when she gets out of the car because she can’t see through the smashed windshield and because she’s got glass fragments in her eyes, he attacks her.


Posted by Sandor Szabo on Thu, 09 Aug 2018 01:12 | #

White Tourist Dies After NYC Street Sucker Punch to the Head

                    —35-year-old Sandor Szabo died after being punched in the face in New York City. The Baco Raton, Florida man was in the city to attend a wedding.

Szabo is a common Hungarian surname that is the equivalent of Taylor (tailor) in Engish.

From ▼

A Boca Raton man has died after being assaulted in New York.

Family members of Sandor Szabo, 35, say he was in the city over the weekend to attend his step sister’s wedding.

He was leaving his brother’s hotel, looking for his Uber to get back to his hotel around 1 a.m. Sunday morning.

Police say he tapped on the window of an SUV, thinking his would-be driver was inside.

That’s when police say the suspect punched Szabo in the face.

Police say he backed up to avoid the punch, but the momentum compounded the blow.

Szabo fell backward and hit his head on the concrete, and the SUV took off, according to police.

Szabo was on life support and died from his injuries Tuesday night.


Posted by Another guy from L.A. on Sat, 11 Aug 2018 23:54 | #

Cab driver stabbed seven times.

Reports say Christopher Dunton was fatally shot after attacking a cab driver (Image: Facebook)—There is a reason why cab drivers often ignore black fares: The likelihood of being robbed, assaulted, or killed are elevated. No FBI statistics are needed to convince them. Urban cabbies live and work in an environment where reality diverges from the fake cultural Marxism notion that, somehow, cab drivers just don’t like black people; even black cab drivers.

Case in point: An Alton, Illinois cab driver was stabbed multiple times. The driver braked and accelerated to end the attack; an action that likely saved his life.

“I just put my foot down on the gas and took off. I hit the brakes and hit the gas to shake him loose from me. We came around the next corner and I just nailed it,” the driver said.

In an unrelated attack, a cab driver in New Bedford, Connecticut was placed in a choke hold during an attempted robbery, reports say. The armed driver managed to abort the attacker with four gun shots.


From (includes video) ▼

An Alton man is facing attempted murder charges Thursday for stabbing a cab driver 12 times.

The Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office charged 54-year-old Arthur E. Smallwood for attempted first-degree murder and aggravated battery.

Police said Smallwood stabbed the victim, a cab driver for Alton’s Best Cabs, over 12 times causing injury to the victim’s back, shoulder and neck.

The driver. who is an immigrant from Norway, said he recalls a passenger pulling a knife a few minutes after hopping into his cab.

“He jumps over behind me, grabs me around the neck and tells me to not do anything. Instinctively, I grabbed his hands and pushed it away from me,” said the driver. “I did not realize he had a knife until he stabbed me 5-6 times. I grabbed his hand trying to stop him.”

Quick thinking likely saved his life.

“I just put my foot down on the gas and took off. I hit the brakes and hit the gas to shake him loose from me. We came around the next corner and I just nailed it,” the driver said



Posted by Jacob Emerson on Mon, 13 Aug 2018 05:08 | #

Jacob Emerson, 25, was found shot dead in an apartment in the 1100 block of South Clinton Street on Thursday morning, according to the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office.

A woman named CJ, who Jacob had been dating for about a month, was also shot. She [was] taken to a hospital. Her roommate, who also in the apartment, was not injured.

“He was defending two young ladies,” Elizabeth Emerson said.

Elizabeth Emerson said it was early in the morning when CJ’s recently divorced ex-husband showed up with a tomahawk-style ax.

That man has been identified as Anthony “Angel” Darby.

“Angel had slit my son’s hand,” Elizabeth Emerson said.

Deputies were called for the assault, but Darby could not be found when deputies arrived. Deputies said they offered a hotel to the victims but they refused.

Darby returned with a gun about 90 minutes after deputies left.

“The world really is missing a lot from [Jacob],” a friend said.

Friends of Jacob Emerson said they will miss his smile and laugh most. The 25-year-old from Parker stayed busy working in landscaping and for a moving company.

Source, Kdvr

Anthony “Angel” Darby was found dead of a self inflicted gun shot.



Posted by African street sellers in Barcelona on Mon, 13 Aug 2018 19:26 | #

Yet another incident with the illegal African street vendors in Barcelona. This time they were attacking a tourist - an American tourist apparently, he was whipped by the street sellers because they were insulting a woman pushing a pram and he intervened to stop them. So they attacked him violently. He ran across the street to escape. They followed him. He ended-up having to go to the hospital.

Apparently the street traders are becoming more and more violent.

And there are so many of them. If you look at this footage from the metro and just on the streets of Barcelona, there are so many of them selling stuff everywhere; it’s just really unfair to the local people who are obeying the law. They have to run businesses. They’re paying their taxes, they have a lot of overhead costs like rental of business, their staff and everything like that; and we’re not even talking about someone who doesn’t own a shop but just maybe somebody who is self employed, “autonimo”, which is the self employed payment rate in Spain generally, has a flat rate of 250 Euro per month (there are some exceptions where its a bit lower); but you know even if they earn nothing in a certain month, they have to pay that money; and then, of course, they have to pay tax on their earnings as well.

So when you think of the amount that these illegal traders are getting-away with, not having to spend, while the honest people are having to lose customers to these illegals but also paying their amounts of money to the government on top of it, it’s just really crazy and unfair.

...I just can’t believe that so many of them are allowed to just sell their crappy goods all over the place.


Posted by A Man in his Twenties on Wed, 15 Aug 2018 09:24 | #


A terror suspect arrested after a car crashed into a barrier at the Houses of Parliament at high speed is not believed to be known to the security services, police have said.

At least three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta hit a group of cyclists and pedestrians waiting for traffic lights to change. Rooftop camera footage shows the car mounting a pavement on the wrong side of the road before, witnesses said, it travelled at up to 50mph for around 40 metres (130ft) and hit a bollard.

The man being taken away by armed police was arrested on suspicion of terror offences Credit: Sky News

The suspect is reported to be from the Midlands and it is believed that he might have travelled to London from Birmingham.

Westminster was in lockdown as armed police swarmed the scene. One witness said: “It looked intentional - the car drove at speed and towards the barriers.”

Images showed a man being led away in handcuffs after armed police surrounded the eight-year-old car.

A second image appears to show pedestrians hit by the vehicle at least 40 metres (130ft) away from where the car hit the barrier.

Mr Williams added: “There was about 10 cyclists waiting for the lights to change… he hit about four or five - one of the cyclists got up and was about to chase the car.”


Posted by Rape is a Black thing on Thu, 16 Aug 2018 05:10 | #


Posted by Murdered UM Prof stabbed 28 times on Sat, 18 Aug 2018 14:09 | #

SBDL, “His Name is Robert Sharp: White Retired University of Michigan Professor Brutally Murdered, His Body Mutilated by Black Parole”, 17 Aug 2018:

It’s something out of a horror movie.

Only it wasn’t an alien, a monster, or a hockey mask wearing psychopath who stabbed a white man, 76-year-old Robert Sharp, 28 times and then set him on fire.

It was a recently paroled black male. [Ex-convict charged in death of retired University of Michigan professor, Michigan Live, 6-29-18]:

A man paroled from prison less than a year ago is facing charges in the homicide of a retired University of Michigan professor.


        Rest in peace, Robert Sharp (inset, right)

Isom Hamilton, 29, was arraigned Friday, June 29, on charges of open murder, armed robbery, first-degree arson, first-degree home invasion and mutilation of dead body in connection with the June 11 slaying of 76-year-old Robert Sharp.

Sharp, a professor emeritus of chemistry at the university, was discovered deceased in the basement of his townhouse in the 3200 block of Alpine Drive. The Washtenaw County Medical Examiner determined Sharp was stabbed multiple times and his body then burned.

Police say Sharp had a daily routine where he would wake up and go to the Wendy’s restaurant near his home, located at 3100 Boardwalk Drive, to have lunch and feed a group of stray cats.

There, police say Hamilton was working at the restaurant and learned about Sharp. 

Hamilton had been on parole since November 2017 after serving four years in prison on one count each of assault of a police officer, possession of a dangerous weapon and first-degree arson, records show.

Investigators believe Hamilton had quit his job at Wendy’s when they allege he burglarized Sharp’s home. Police allege Hamilton then returned several days later to burglarize the home again. He encountered Sharp and killed him, attempting to cover his tracks by burning Sharp’s body, police contend.

Police were called to check on Sharp the morning he was found dead after a neighbor realized she hadn’t seen him all day and found that unusual, said Ann Arbor Detective William Stanford during a court hearing held Friday to request a warrant on the charges against Hamilton.

  Officers responding to the home found the front door ajar, Stanford said. The officers noticed heavy smoke and soot emanating from the home and called in fire crews.

Firefighters entered the home and discovered Sharp in the basement, under a pile of smoldering debris, Stanford said.

Police investigating the scene found blood in the kitchen of the home and drag marks leading to the basement, Stanford said.

Sharp began teaching chemistry at the University of Michigan in 1969 and served on the faculty for 39 years before his retirement in 2008.

His wife Maria Sharp recently died of cancer on April 20.

From Fox 2 Detroit: “He died of multiple stab wounds and the manner of death is homicide,” said pathologist Dr. Jeffrey Jentzen. “They were a total of 28 cutting or sharp force injuries, Seventeen of those were described as (slash) wounds and 11 of those were described as stab wounds.”

No, it’s no horror movie. It’s just life in 2018 America, where a white supremacist nation complete with a white power structure (full of implicit bias and structural racism) has catapulted this story to the front pages of every newspaper and cable news telecast nationwide.


If white privilege were real, we’d never stop hearing or reading about the gruesome murder of Robert Sharp by a black parolee. Instead, all we hear about is how racist the criminal justice system for locking up innocent black bodies and the need for immediate criminal justice reform to release innocent black bodies.


Posted by Brittanee Drexel on Sat, 18 Aug 2018 19:26 | #

…..Teen Who Disappeared Was Kidnapped, Raped, Fed To Gators – It Gets Worse

A teenage girl vanished seven years ago when she was on vacation in Myrtle Beach [South Carolina].

Brittanee Drexel was a typical 17-year-old girl. Unfortunately, she made some typical 17-year-old-girl mistakes, and those mistakes cost the teen her life. Now, the grisly details of her death have been made public.

Drexel was on spring break and told her mother that she was going to be staying at a friend’s house close to her home in Rochester, New York. Instead, Drexel went to South Carolina for the weekend with another group of friends. She left a friend in one hotel and went to walk back to her hotel where she was staying. She never made it, and was never seen alive again.

When her boyfriend back home in New York was unable to get in touch with her, he came clean and told her parents what was happening. They were also unable to get into contact with their daughter and called police. A massive search was conducted for the girl who seemingly vanished without a trace.

For years, there was much speculation about what happened to the girl. Some wondered if she ran away. Some wondered if she was abducted for sex trafficking. Some wondered if she simply ran into the wrong person and was murdered.

FBI agents said an inmate who was sentenced to 25 years for voluntary manslaughter in an unrelated case revealed that he knew her fate. Taquan Brown said that just a couple of days after her abduction, he saw her in a ‘stash house’ being sexually abused. Brown said he saw her try to run from the house, but she was caught, ‘pistol-whipped’ and brought back inside. He then heard two shots. Later, Brown saw the girl’s body wrapped up being taken away.

In an investigation into Brown’s claims, authorities found that Drexel was reportedly picked up in Myrtle Beach by 16-year-old Da’Shaun Taylor, who brought her to ‘show her off’ to his friends. She was passed around and forced to perform sexual acts with the men.

  The teen spent her last three days held prisoner by them while they gang-raped her. After the media frenzy over her disappearance ramped up, they felt keeping the girl was a liability, especially after she made a failed attempt at escaping. They shot her dead and fed her body to alligators.

Police said her cell phone last pinged 40 miles away from Myrtle Beach near McClellanville, South Carolina. This is around the area where Brown revealed the stash house to be.

Taylor, who was out on parole after being convicted in a McDonald’s robbery, was taken into custody.

All That’s Fab 31 Jan 2018



Posted by She Jus' a Ho on Sun, 19 Aug 2018 05:00 | #

More news from Myrtle Beach

Stars and Stripes, “Army soldier separated from service after being accused of murder found dead”

By ALEX LANG | The Sun News | Published: August 6, 2018

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (Tribune News Service) — The man accused of a January murder at a Myrtle Beach hotel killed himself on Sunday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Chandler Dunmeyer, a Fort Bragg soldier charged in the death of a South Carolina woman, has been found dead in his mother’s home.

Dorchester County coroner Paul Brouthers said Chandler Ari Dunmeyer, 19, shot himself in his mother’s home in the Summerville area on Sunday. His mother heard the shot and found Dunmeyer dead.

Dunmeyer was free on $50,000 bond from Horry County for the killing of Collee Muirhead.

Horry County Assistant Solicitor Seth Oskin previously said Dunmeyer and Muirhead were involved in prostitution and he killed her at the Beachcomber Inn, along Ocean Boulevard, following a disagreement. Muirhead was shot in the head from a distance of about 18 inches, the prosecutor said. Officers said Dunmeyer confessed to the killing, but his attorney said there are mitigating factors to the crime.

Myrtle Beach Police charged Dunmeyer with murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime.

Dunmeyer served in the U.S. Army Airborne’s 82nd Division out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, at the time of the killing. On June 22, Dunmeyer was “administratively separated” from the Army.

When a judge initially granted him bond one condition was that Dunmeyer was to be released into military custody at Fort Bragg. . Part of his bond conditions allowed him to live with his mother. That was later modified to allow him to live with relatives in Dorchester County. Neighbors said they saw Dunmeyer wandering the neighborhood “aimlessly” while on bond.


Posted by Voluntary manslaughter/ lack of impulse control on Tue, 21 Aug 2018 18:16 | #

The rubber hits the road with black hyper-assertiveness if you counter-assert against them.

Give them anything and everything they want - including what should be yours - and they might leave you alone.

The politicians and legislators are totally complicit with this extortion.

In this particular case, the court sites the black’s having been “provoked” as grounds to reduce what would normally be charged as a murder to voluntary manslaughter.

SBDL, “His Name is Fadil Delkic: White Bosnian War Survivor Murdered by Black Male in Parking Lot at Walmart in Suburban Atlanta”, 20 Aug 2018:

He survived the Bosnian War.

He didn’t survive an encounter with a black male in the parking of a Walmart in suburban Atlanta. [Bosnian War survivor identified as victim in Walmart parking lot shooting,, 8-20-18]:

GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. - Family members gave Channel 2 Action News photos of the man shot and killed at a Gwinnett County Walmart.

  Fadil Delkic, 49, was killed Sunday in the parking lot of the store on Scenic Highway in Snellville after a dispute with Troy Hunte, police said.

  Hunte was charged with voluntary manslaughter.

  “Everyone just started running. People were missing their family members, some kids were crying because they didn’t know where their dad was at,” a witness said.

  Family members said Delkic was a Bosnian refugee who survived prison during the Bosnian War in the 1990s.

  In a warrant for Hunte, a detective wrote Hunte killed Delkic under circumstances that would otherwise be murder but accused acted solely as a result of a sudden, violent, and irresistible passion resulting from serious provocation.

  Channel 2’s Tony Thomas reached Hunte’s girlfriend by phone but she didn’t want to talk about what happened.

  Delkic’s family insists he did nothing to provoke the attack.

  Authorities said the charges could be changed but so far no one else involved has been charged.

You have to wonder if in his final moments on earth, Delkic had an epiphany,  realizing being in Bosnia was far better than being a Bosnian war refugee relocated to metropolitan Atlanta..



Posted by Law student thrown off cliff on Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:43 | #

African “Migrant” Suspected of Throwing German Girl Off Cliff In Italy”, 27 Aug 2018

Attack on Europe

An African migrant is in custody, suspected of throwing a German girl off a cliff in Italy after possibly attempting to rape her, authorities say.

Law student Alena Sudakova, 21, was on holiday in Italy when she was discovered badly injured after a fall of approximately 230 feet from a cliff near the coastal town of Sanremo, according to reports, in an incident that occurred at the end of July but has received little media coverage until recently.

A 32-year-old North African man identified as Zied Yakoubi was also discovered at the scene, having reportedly fallen some distance himself, and was taken into custody under suspicion of attempted murder and attempted rape, investigator Barbara Bresci has confirmed.

Italian media reports that the suspect was in Italy illegally.

“A witness heard screams in the wee hours of the morning and witnessed a fight in which a woman was beaten,” reports HNA, referencing Italian media. “He did not contact the police.”

The suspect claims he and Sudakova had “spent the evening together,” enjoying drinks at a local bar before she fell from the cliff, his lawyer says, also asserting Yakoubi attempted to save her, but remembers little else from the evening.

An additional odd detail that has raised questions is that fact that Sudakova’s “long hair” had reportedly been “cut off” when her body was discovered, and accounts in Italian media indicate she may have been thrown off the cliff by her hair.

A video report posted by German media outlet HR Fernsehen and translated by Vlad Tepes blog offers further insight into the tragedy, as Alena was just recently revived from an artificially-induced coma, but remains unresponsive.

“Alena’s family believes she was abducted, raped and pushed off the cliff,” reports HR Fernsehen, adding the family fears Alena may never fully recover from her injuries, which include brain trauma, according to doctors.

Alena’s family hopes to soon transport her home to Germany and has also filed a criminal complaint there, which will hinge upon the findings of Italian authorities.


Tags: criminal immigrants German Italy migrant invasion violence against Whites violence against women


Posted by I just met this sexy a** White b****, and... on Fri, 31 Aug 2018 07:03 | #

Daily Mail, “Man Is Arrested and Charged with Murdering Playboy Model”, 29 Aug 2018:

A man recently released from prison was arrested Wednesday in the strangulation slaying of a model in one of Philadelphia’s affluent Main Line suburbs, authorities said.

Jonathan Wesley Harris, 30, of Johnstown, was arrested as he got off a bus in Pittsburgh, Lower Merion Township police and the Montgomery County prosecutor said.

Jonathan Wesley Harris

Harris, who reportedly has family in Philadelphia, was charged with first, second and third-degree murder along with robbery, theft and related offenses in the August 22 slaying of Christina Carlin-Kraft, 36, in Ardmore.

Officials said Kraft took a ride-hailing service to Philadelphia, met Harris and the two later returned to her Ardmore apartment, into which she had moved the previous week.

Authorities said a tipster pointed them to the defendant after surveillance images were released. The tipster said Harris had indicated in text messages that he had just met a woman and was at her Ardmore residence early on August 22.

Christina Carlin-Kraft

Kraft’s body was found in her bloodstained bedroom that evening after police went to check on her welfare. An autopsy indicated that her nose was fractured and she died of ligature strangulation.

According to CBS, Harris sent a text to a friend saying: ‘I just met this sexy a** white b**** at her house in Ardmore now.’

It was sent a 2.40am the morning she was found dead. He is thought to be the man who was filmed entering her home hours before she was found dead but never leaving on camera.

Authorities said Harris had been released July 15 from the State Correctional Institution-Greene. Court documents indicate recent drug and robbery convictions.

An attorney wasn’t listed for Harris in court documents. A listed number for him couldn’t be found.

Kraft’s modeling profile lists photo shoots for Vanity Fair, Victoria’s Secret, Playboy and Maxim.

Kraft was laid to rest at a funeral service in New Jersey on Wednesday.

Among the mourners was the 36-year-old’s father Stuart who greeted others outside the Ventor church after the service.

On Monday, pall bearers carried her out of the church in a white casket and placed it in a hearse adorned with flowers.

Kraft was murdered four days after being burgled by Andre Melton.

On August 17, the model went out and ‘blacked out’ after ordering an espresso martini at the Sofitel hotel.

The next day, she felt ‘extremely sick’ after waking up in the same clothing she had been wearing the night before.

She knew she ‘did not give anyone permission to enter her residence or permission to take her property’, according to Melton’s arrest warrant.

Surveillance footage from August 18 of her looking unsteady on her feet and being held up by a man as she returned home seemed to corroborate the story.

The video, according to police, showed her falling but being picked up and placed into the elevator to head to her second-floor apartment.

The man was then filmed leaving her home with a box of goods.

Melton was later charged with criminal trespass, burglary, and receiving stolen property when Kraft’s designer accessories and jewelry were recovered on his property. He has not been implicated in her death.

Kraft’s father told last week: ‘She was a happy-go-lucky lady, she loved life.

‘She loved to be around people and she liked to enjoy herself with people and that’s what I think occurred. I think that somebody saw her happiness and took advantage of that.’

Original Article


Posted by Ann Sterzinger raped by black on Mon, 03 Sep 2018 16:49 | #


Ann Sterzinger was raped by a black last weekend.


Posted by Billy apologizes to two White girls on Wed, 05 Sep 2018 07:49 | #

My apology to two White girls.

by Billy Roper

This is not addressed to ex-wives or to girlfriends. In fact, it’s not about something that I ever did, but for what I didn’t do.

Back in 2015, our family was living in Everton, Arkansas, when a mixed race couple moved in one house down across the street. At first, I thought it was just the buck and his dirty White skank, which was disturbing enough. They played loud rap music and had a lot of traffic in and out right off the bat. Then, a week or so later, I saw him drive two preteen White girls to the bus stop. That was even worse. Sadly, that was not the depth of the corruption, even yet. Not for Leslie Davis Turner.


Within a month I was startled early one morning to see several County police officers standing around in my front yard. Of course, I assumed the worst, and prepared myself psychologically and otherwise for whatever was coming. However, in this case they were actually there to do a good thing. Kind of.

You see, Leslie had failed to register with the County, as sex offenders must, when he and his bitch and her daughters moved there. He was in violation. They were looking for him to serve him paperwork. Although he wasn’t jailed for not registering, at least they had been open enough with me about his record for me to look him up. And to act.

We had to keep our kids inside, they couldn’t even play in their own yard, much less go to the park by themselves, any more. We aren’t the kind to not do anything in the face of evil, though. We started to talking to all of our other neighbors, with whom we had built up a friendly rapport. They were all grateful to be warned, and shocked at what had moved in. They asked us what we could do about it.

I created and printed off flyers with his mugshot and arrest report, listing his crime, address, and classification as a registered sex offender. My wife and I went from house to house all around the neighborhood, knocking on doors and alerting the community. We posted the flyers at the community center, at city hall, the grocery store, the post office, and everywhere else we could think of. Leslie’s mudshark would sometimes write “This is racist!” on them, even though race was not mentioned on the flyers at all.

Finally, we discovered through research that they were living too close, technically, to a small city park, and they were forced to move away. We counted that as a victory for our neighborhood, but not for wherever they landed next, or for the two little blonde girls.

Others in Harrison whom we spoke with found out that the “family” had moved there, and flyered their new community with updated information. Then, we moved, and frankly lost touch with the situation.

He had been arrested for failing to register in Pulaski County the year before, as a child sex offender. According to the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, which did not arrest him for failing to register when he moved in by us, even though they DID make him move, Turner is a level 3 sex offender. Here’s what they say that means:

Level 3: (Yellow)
High Level. These individuals usually have histories of repeat sexual offending, and/or strong antisocial, violent or predatory personality characteristics. Sexual compulsions are likely to be present, but may be kept under control when relapse prevention plans are followed and treatment is continued. The offense patterns of these individuals reflect a relatively high probability of re-offense and/or a risk of substantial injury to victims should re-offense occur.

I feel guilty. I am ashamed. I can never look them in the eye to tell them, but even so I am sorry.

I am so sorry for the little White girls. They both must be between 12 and 15 or so, now. I saw him with them, against their free will. I researched his facebook page and the woman’s, where he was pictured hugging all over them. I did what I could to get him out of the neighborhood and make people aware of what he was…but when it came to those two little girls, I passed the buck. I wrote them off. I let them down. I feel awful for that now, and let me tell you why.

Because now, Leslie Turner has been arrested again, for the same thing. And I can only imagine the hell those girls have been living in for the last three years. Telling them that I tried is not good enough. Saying that it’s their mom’s fault for being with him, won’t change the reality for them. Their lives are badly damaged, if not ruined.

Now, it’s not my place to tell you what to do, but…If you see something, don’t just say something. Do something.

Do something.

2 thoughts on “My apology to two White girls.”

September 3, 2018 at 8:56 pm

Great, great article, advice, & reminders! High levels of evil all around us constantly & ever increasingly!

And I know Our People- White People….REAL White People…know this…but guard your children! Even easier prey as this piece of scum Billy just relayed to us!! We MUST!

14WORDS and O.R.I.O.N.!!!

Ted Dunn
September 4, 2018 at 4:56 am

The suffering of the children is taking place all across the country in these sick mixed relationships. A neighbor of a friend committed suicide when his wife dumped him for a n****r. His three kids now are forced to call the ape man “Dad”.

This happened 10 years ago and I recently asked my friend, what ever happened to the three White kids and she said they were now high school drop outs and involved with hard narcotics.

Race mixing destroys White people!


Posted by Cincinnati Reds on Fri, 07 Sep 2018 01:22 | #, “Reds on Cincinnati shooting: ‘A terrible tragedy”, 7 Sept 2018:

CINCINNATI—Thursday morning’s shooting that left four dead and two wounded in the heart of downtown Cincinnati hit several Reds players hard.

“It’s just a terrible tragedy,” catcher Tucker Barnhart said before Thursday’s game vs. the Padres. “It really hits home.”

Barnhart pointed out that players who get called up by the Reds often stay at the Westin Hotel, which overlooks Fountain Square from the south. The shootings took place in a bank-office building on the north side of the site that has served as the focal point for celebrating the Reds’ past World Series wins.

“You think about everybody,” Barnhart said. “You think about your teammates. This really is a small city in the grand scheme of things. You see people around all the time that you recognize. You just hope that none of the victims are people you’ve developed a relationship with. It’s just a terrible, terrible tragedy.”

USA Today, “Cincinnati gunman armed for ‘bloodbath’ kills 3”, 6 Sept 2018:

CINCINNATI – A gunman carrying hundreds of rounds of ammunition opened fire in a downtown office building Thursday, killing three people and wounding at least two more before he was fatally shot by cops.

Police Chief Eliot Isaac said three or four officers exchanged gunfire with the shooter, identified as Omar Santa Perez. The 29-year-old Perez was armed with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol that was legally purchased, Isaac said.

No motive for the carnage had immediately been determined. Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley said the gunman appeared to target random people during the “horrific” attack.

“There’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country need to work on it,” Cranley said.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters told WLWT-TV that the rapid police response likely prevented many more casualties. He says officers immediately charged toward the sound of gunfire coming from the Fifth Third Bancorp’s 30-story headquarters along Cincinnati’s Fountain Square.

He says an investigator told him the suspect had enough ammunition to cause “a bloodbath beyond imagination.”

According to records available online, Perez was a North Bend, Ohio resident who previously lived in South Carolina and Florida. Police were searching his apartment in North Bend Thursday afternoon, looking for any clues about the attack or its motive.

Perez is a U.S. citizen born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, family members said Thursday. Yudy Martinez Perez broke down crying in the kitchen floor of her Forest Park, Ohio home Thursday afternoon when she learned that her nephew was the shooter.

“Oh, no, no, no, no,” the woman said as she slumped against the wall and spoke to Perez’s sister.

The reason Perez selected the bank tower for the shooting is unclear. But in the past, he has made allegations against at least one financial corporation.

In 2017, he filed a lawsuit against CNBC Universal Media, LLC and TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation, alleging that the two companies infiltrated his personal electronic devices, uncovered his identity and published private details about his life. A federal magistrate threw the case out of court, concluding that Perez’ claims were “rambling, difficult to decipher and border(ed) on delusional.”

Isaac said the rampage took place on the loading dock and then the lobby of the Fifth Third Center in the heart of downtown. A phalanx of police officers and ambulances rushed to the scene at the height of morning rush.

City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld was the first city official to reveal that the assault had resulted in deaths.

“Terrible shooting incident in the heart of our city this morning,” Sittenfeld said. “Multiple shot, and tragically there are fatalities. Details still emerging. Pray for our city.”

Killed were Pruthvi Raj Kandepi, 25, Richard Newcomer, 64, and Luis Felipe Calderón, 48, Hamilton County Coroner Lakshmi Sammarco, said.


Posted by Serena defends herself as a black man and stuff. on Tue, 11 Sep 2018 07:34 | #

Serena defends herself as a gorilla, er black man, er on behalf of black men, er on behalf of “women and stuff.”


“You owe me an apology! You will never ever, ever work on a court of mine as long as you live!” 



Posted by Williams dad: "Spirlea a big white turkey" on Tue, 11 Sep 2018 08:14 | #

New York Times, “Venus Williams’s Father Stands By His Remarks”, 1997:

One day after his daughter returned home from the United States Open tennis championships, Richard Williams reiterated his concerns yesterday about the values and views on the women’s tennis tour.

‘‘I wasn’t trapped,’’ Williams said, when asked whether he had been duped into published comments last week that raised the issue of racism on the circuit involving his two daughters, Venus and Serena. ‘‘I said exactly what I felt about it. I made those statements on my own. I really felt that was true.’‘

Williams has been an outspoken critic of the tennis establishment since his daughters began playing in Compton, Calif., seven years ago. His mantra: sports is not the way out of the ghetto.

‘‘It’s proven to be the wrong way,’’ he said by phone from his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.. ‘‘What happens to these kids when they speak, they speak terribly. When they’re out there, they make the same mistakes. When I look at young players on the tennis tour, it seems the better they are, the less education they have.’‘

Venus, the 17-year-old runner-up to Martina Hingis for the women’s singles title, and Serena, 15, were back in private school yesterday after an evening of shopping and a family dinner. But the commotion continued over last week’s cross-over confrontation between Venus Williams and Irina Spirlea during their spirited singles semifinal. In the aftermath of the bumping incident between the players, Richard Williams, from Florida, called Spirlea a ‘‘big white turkey,’’ and Venus and her mother, Brandy, had to distance themselves from the comments, which polarized opinion during the final two days at the National Tennis Center.





Posted by Irish Savant on Fri, 14 Sep 2018 09:02 | #

Irish Savant, “Chimpout extraordinaire”, 13 Sept 2018:

Well unless you’ve been living in a cave you’ve seen Serena Willaims’ epic chimpout in the American Open “Ladies” Final. At one stage I fully expected her to start throwing her own shit at the umpire. Nothing surprising about this because she has spent her whole career threatening and abusing opponents and court officials, in one case her blood-curdling threats induced an official to flee the court in terror.

And of course in every case she claimed racism and/or sexism as an excuse. (Now look lat this photo and savour for a moment the irony of “her” playing the gender card.)

And she’s always gotten away with behaviour that would have resulted in a lengthy ban for anyone else. She also has a track record of missing drugs tests, in effect taking the test when the ‘roid evidence has evanesced. Yet she and her army of drooling sycophants profess to believe that she’s always suffered from racism and sexism. Even after this latest instance of abominable behaviour.

JK Rowling was immediately off the mark - by the way JK, whatever happened to those refugees you were going to house in one of your many mansions? But the shriek-fest really went into overdrive after a brilliant cartoon appeared in an Australian newspaper. The mob claimed that Williams was made to look too black. Which is racism. And her opponent (also black) was made to look too White. Apparently that’s racism as well. Go figure.

No, she’s a spoiled, juiced-up feral half-man with a raging and totally unjustified sense of entitlement. Her latest outburst has underlined that and happily reader comments are heavily negative towards her. Which leaves me with the NY crowd. What the hell were they doing bellowing their support for this monster while booing both the umpire and her unfortunate opponent?


Posted by Phil Trenary on Sat, 29 Sep 2018 16:47 | #

SBDL, “His Name is Phil Trenary: Prominent White Memphis Businessman (Who Dedicated His Life to Elevating Black-Owned Businesses) Murdered by Black Male”, 28 Sept 2018:

Memphis Pushes To Level The Playing Field For Black Entrepreneurs: “We can never be the kind of community that we want to be until we have the minority firms have a much larger piece of the pie.”, Huffington Post, 6-24-18:

Institutional obstacles have hindered growth, particularly for businesses competing with white-owned firms, said Phil Trenary, the chamber’s president. Those hurdles have included hard-to-navigate requirements to become a city-certified minority- or women-owned business. To address that, the chamber recently created a universal, streamlined application process, and later this year it plans to launch an online portal to connect small, minority-owned firms with contractors and companies looking to fulfill diversity requirements.

Shot. Dedicate your life and your fortune to uplifting blacks in Memphis, only to be “randomly” murdered by a black male while… walking in Memphis.

The chamber also started a mentor-protege program last year. Thirty-two small firms have connected with more established businesses through the program, and Trenary said some of those companies are already seeing increases in the number of contracts they’ve landed.

Trenary said the new programs are helping break down old barriers. 

“We can never be the kind of community that we want to be until we have the minority firms have a much larger piece of the pie,” Trenary said. 

Similar economic development efforts have sprouted and died on the vine in the past. But Trenary said he believes the latest wave is likely to affect real change because the public and private sectors are finally aligned in the goal to help minority- and women-owned businesses. 

“The reason it’s going to work this time is because the business community has come together and agreed to lead,” he said.

Chaser. Phil Trenary, head of Greater Memphis Chamber, killed in downtown shooting, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 9-28-18:

The president and CEO of the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce was killed Thursday night in a shooting on South Front Street in Downtown Memphis.The death of Philip H. Trenary, 64, was confirmed by the Chamber and Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland.
“Like many of you, I’m shocked at the senseless loss tonight of Phil Trenary, a leader in our community. More than anything in these hours, my thoughts are with his family and Chamber colleagues,” Strickland said. 

Sometime before 8 p.m., Memphis police responded to the shooting at 579 South Front St. Police described a suspect as a black male with dreadlocks, wearing a blue shirt and driving a white four-door Ford F150. 

At the time of the shooting, the Chamber was hosting its annual 4-mile race, Move it Memphis, at nearby Loflin Yard.
Memphis business and civic leaders reacted with disbelief to the news of Trenary’s death.“Phil was not only a business giant, but he was really part of the heart and soul of the business community. He did everything he could to make sure we had a vibrant community,” said Carolyn Hardy, past chairwoman of the Memphis Chamber and CEO of Chism Hardy Investments. “The loss to this community is huge. It will be felt in every section, whether philanthropic, educational or business. He was a true visionary and he really believed in who we could become.” 

Michael Ugwueke, CEO of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, called Trenary a leader in the community and said his loss will reverberate throughout the region. 

“This is completely senseless,”  Ugwueke said. “He believed in Memphis. I can’t believe this has happened.  I don’t think we can recover easily from this tragedy.” 

Trenary has led the chamber since 2014, three years after stepping down as president and CEO of Pinnacle Airlines Corp. 

Trenary founded Exec Express Airlines, which would become Lone Star Airlines, in Oklahoma in 1984 and came to Memphis in 1997 to run a regional airline that morphed into Pinnacle, a $1 billion, 7,700-employee regional airline operator. 

AAfter he left Pinnacle in 2011, Trenary, an Oklahoma native, led EmergeMemphis, an incubator for entrepreneurs and startup businesses, when it was between permanent directors, and he consulted for University of Memphis interim president Brad Martin on projects that included a College of Education strategic plan and a proposed shift in management of Audubon Park from the city.
No matter how much time, effort, and money you spend to uplift Africans in America (dedicating your life and fortune to improving their lives exclusively), they’ll never build monuments in your memory, or name buildings/streets in your honor.

In fact, like Mr. Trenary, you’re just another white man hoarding all the privilege, keeping intact structural inequality and implicit bias negatively impacting the black community.


Posted by Joshua Kidd on Mon, 01 Oct 2018 10:07 | #

His Name is Joshua Kidd: White Air Force Tech Sgt. Murdered by Black Burglar Near Shreveport, Louisiana

SBDL, 30 Sept 2018:

It won’t come out for a few days, but the reality of who/whom is responsible for Tech Sgt. Joshua Kidd’s murder won’t surprise anyone who reads SBPDL.

Though no suspect is known to police, Kidd was shot early in the morning of September 24 in front of his home. [‘He loved his family deeply,’ uncle says of slain Barksdale airman, Shreveport Times, 9-26-18]:

  Kidd, 30, was shot and killed Tuesday morning in the GreenAcres Place subdivision in north Bossier City.

A rash of vehicle burglaries has occurred in the neighborhood recently, and residents have speculated that Kidd was confronting a burglar when he was shot. Police have said they don’t know but have not ruled out that idea.

He leaves behind a wife and young son.  [He was Captain America’: Metro East native remembers husband murdered outside home,, 9-27-18]:

From the Metro East to Louisiana, the friends and family of a murdered US Airman are rallying around his family.

Tech. Sgt. Joshua Kidd was murdered outside his home in Bossier City, LA Wednesday morning. His wife, Alyssa Kidd, is from Edwardsville and spoke with News 4 by phone.

“The best way to describe Joshua was he was Captain America. He was protecting us and on top of that, he was protecting our whole entire neighborhood, and that is just who he is, he doesn’t think twice, he just takes charge. He literally is real world captain America, unfortunately it didn’t end like it does in the movies,” she said.

Kidd said there were recent car break-ins in their neighborhood and they believe he was trying to stop the thieves when he was shot. No arrests have been made.

The two met overseas in Korea. Tech. Sgt. Kidd was assigned to Barksdale AFB Louisiana.

“He woke up every single day to serve this country and love that boy,” Kidd said about her husband’s love for his job and their son.

Kidd leaves behind his wife and their 2-year-old son Beckham. Already, the community in Louisiana and in Illinois have helped raise $31,000 for the family through a GoFundMe page.

In a few days, police will arrest a black suspect for the murder of Kidd. He will have an unpronounceable first name, and be just another black male who was “turning his life around” (he might even be an ‘honor student’).

But for Kidd’s young son, he will grow up without a father.

If white privilege was real (and a ‘white power’ structure existed in the USA, as we are constantly lectured by black power politicians/academics and their woke white allies), this story would be front page news nationwide. Instead, few outside of Kidd’s family and friends will ever read about his murder, and once a black suspect emerges, the story will be dropped from news coverage completely.


Posted by Brandon Arndt on Wed, 03 Oct 2018 14:00 | #

Tuesday, October 2, 2018, SBLD:

His Name is Brandon Arndt: White Man Who Helped Black Grandmother Executed by Her Three Black Grandchildren

Altruistic White guy murdered.

His name is Brandon Arndt.

He lived in a mobile home next to a black woman. He helped her maintain her home, picked up her groceries, and assisted with her medications.

The black woman had three black grandchildren. She had a medical emergency, and Brandon Arndt - her white next-door neighbor - tried to help. The three black grandchildren believed Arndt had harmed their grandmother.

These three black individuals executed Brandon Arndt

After leaving the hospital, they went to his home and executed him. [Authorities: Rochester Shooting a ‘Tragic Misunderstanding’,, 10-2-18]:

Rochester TV station KAAL reports that authorities say Brandon Arndt, the victim of a Sept. 10 homicide, lived a “quite life.” He was recovering from a medical condition and was not involved in any criminal activity.

Instead, they say his death was the result of a a tragic misunderstanding.

“Everything that we’ve discovered in this investigation points that this was a tragic misunderstanding of assumptions,” said Capt. John Sherwin of the Rochester Police Department. Arndt is described as a helpful neighbor to an elderly woman who recently moved in next door at Bob’s Trailer Court.

Since she moved in, Arndt had helped her with grocery shopping, with her medication, and did light maintenance in her home. The day before the shooting, the woman had a life-threatening medical emergency, and was found in her home by family members in a “disturbing state,” authorities said.

During the medical response, several members of her family came to her house. Arndt, too, went next door. He spoke with some of the woman’s family and told them he had been helping her. He even offered to call 911 for her, but she declined.

Rest in peace, Brandon. Your benevolent attitude toward your elderly black neighbor led to your execution via her three black grandchildren

“When he spoke to some of these family members, they were not aware who he was, or why he had previous contact with the medical victim,” Sherwin said.

Some of those relatives believed that because of the way the woman was found, Arndt had something to do with her medical condition. Sherwin believes that was the motive for the shooting. “There were assumptions made about how this medical condition occurred, and from that, we have a tragic set of circumstances that unfolded,” he said.

After extensive investigative work, which included multiple interviews and review of surveillance video, police named Kielah Parson, Malcolm Woods, and Darien Klindworth-Woods as suspects.

All three have been charged with two counts of second-degree murder. All three are related to the elderly woman who lived next door to Arndt. Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem must now sort through hundreds of pages of reports and interviews to try and determine whether or not this murder was a result of anger or premeditation.

“What’s outlined in the complaint talks about ... a lot of family angst going on about a family member in the hospital,” he said. He said it is possible that a grand jury will be convened in order to bring first-degree murder charges. Authorities have two weeks after the suspects’ next court appearance to decide whether or not a grand jury will be convened.

So a white man tried to help his black neighbor, assisting her time and time again in routine chore, always prepared to lend a helping hand.  Even as she was having a medical emergency, he tried to help. For this altruistic action, her three black grandchildren executed him.

And outside of Minneapolis, no one will know his name.

His name is Brandon Arndt.


Posted by Joshua Grey on Fri, 05 Oct 2018 02:33 | #

“His Name is Joshua Grey: Young White Male Murdered by Two Black Teenagers in Richmond for His iPhone”

SBDL, 3 Oct 2018:

Shot. [‘He was a beautiful child’: Parents reflect on son who was shot, killed,, 10-1-18]:

    23-year-old Joshua Grey was shot and killed along Mechanicsville Turnpike on September 17th.

        Joshua Grey, far right, was murdered by two black males in Richmond, Virginia

It’s every parents worst nightmare and one the Grey family never imagined would happen to them. But on that day they received the call they’ll never forget.

  “It truly is the worst phone call a parent can receive,” said Josh’s mom, Diane Grey.

  A state of disbelief and shock took over Michael and Diane Grey when they received that news from police, “That’s when he told us that Josh had been shot, and passed,” Josh’s father Michael Grey recounted to 8News.

  Their fun-loving, always smiling son wouldn’t be coming home.

  “Vibrant, lived every day, loved the water,” said Diane about her son. “You know he was a beautiful child inside and out.”

  Josh had big dreams that were also cut short, “He wanted to model. He wanted his name and face to be out there.”

  Now, his family is just left with photos and memories.

  “That first few days was just numbness, shock, this is not possible, and you just expect them to call or come through the door,” Diane said. “It’s just, it’s unbelievable.”

  It didn’t get any easier with the people responsible behind bars either, “Their lives have been ruined. I can’t imagine what their families are going through. They’ve lost family members just as much as Josh,” said Diane.
        They murdered Josh for his iPhone…

  But they both want to see a change, “This is not just happening to us or to our family, it’s happening every single day.”

  The Grey’s have created a memorial fund through New Kent High School in honor of Josh.

There’s no chaser. Just another shot. [Teens arrested for killing man during iPhone robbery in Richmond: Crime Insider,, 9-28-18]:

  Authorities said two teenage suspects have been arrested after a man was fatally shot during a robbery outside a Richmond convenience store last week.

  Police said Tyshawn T. Andrews, 15, of the 1300 block of Coalter Street and Demeco T. Pressey-Robertson, 17, of the 2400 block of North 23rd Street were arrested earlier this week in the murder of 23-year-old Joshua A. Grey.

  Police said both suspects were charged with murder, attempted robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

  Since the juveniles were charged with murder in the commission of robbery or attempted robbery; they could face capital murder.

  “Prosecutors really exercise discretion when they decide what’s going to be a death penalty case and there’s lots of factors that are taken into consideration including family wishes, evidence and the strength of the case. So, this could be a death penalty case,” said CBS 6 legal analyst Todd Stone.

  Officials said police were called to a convenience store at the intersection of Mechanicsville Turnpike and Carver Street for the report of a person down at 1:36 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 17.

  When police arrived, they found Grey, of the 7200 block of Riverside Drive, in the store unresponsive. He had suffered an apparent gunshot wound and was pronounced dead at the scene.

  Police released surveillance video of the suspects earlier this week.

  Grey’s parents told CBS 6 Crime Insider Jon Burkett that an app used to sell items like furniture and phones contributed to their son’s death.

  Grey was shot and killed the same day a tornado outbreak spread across Central Virginia.

  “It was the day of the tornado and I called [Josh’s mom] and said did you talk to Josh today,” Josh’s dad said, who asked CBS 6 to hide his identity, said. “He had joined some app called ‘Letgo.’”

  Similar to Craigslist, Letgo is an app that helps you buy and sell items to people nearby.

  Josh Grey was lured to Mechanicsville Turnpike and shot dead, Crime Insider sources said.

  The man seen in surveillance photos released by Richmond Police robbed Grey of his iPhone, Crime Insider sources indicated.

  A wounded Grey crawled into a nearby convenience store and died.

  “It’s a senseless tragic crime,” Grey’s grieving father said. “It never should have happened.”

  Grey was buried Sunday. His mom and dad said he must have been smiling down from heaven as his beloved Washington Redskins won that day.

“... crawled into a nearby convenience stored and died.”

Murdered by two blacks for his iPhone.

His name is Josh Grey.

Do you understand now?


Posted by Charlotte Parker on Sat, 20 Oct 2018 16:46 | #

Clarion-Ledger, “Son dies awaiting justice in 27 year-old murder case”, 26 Apr 2017:

The slaughter of a Quitman County family of four by burglars 27 years ago is considered one of the most gruesome and heinous murders in the state’s history.

Today, family members of the victims are still waiting for justice and one died before he could see the convicted murderers punished.

Judge weighing decision on whether Anthony Carr is mentally disabled or will once again face the death penalty.
Special to The Clarion-Ledger

An attorney for Carr had appealed to the state high court based on a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said states cannot execute mentally disabled people. During Carr’s appeal in 2013, two psychologists disagreed whether Carr was competent, and Webster said it was “too close to call” and upheld Carr’s death sentence.

The state Supreme Court was unanimous in its reversal and remand, but differed on reasoning and the particulars of law as to how the lower court erred. The main opinion said the judge erred by “failing to balance and analyze (Carr’s) adaptive functioning deficits with his IQ score,” which was between 70 and 75. The lower court judge relied on Carr’s IQ alone and did not consider whether he also had behavior problems severe enough to deem him mentally disabled coupled with a low IQ.

Last week, state Supreme Court spokeswoman Beverly Kraft said Webster hasn’t made a decision yet. She said Webster is reviewing the transcript from a previous hearing on Carr’s mental ability to make his decision on the issues the state high court told him to consider when it sent the case back.

Last year, Carl Parker’s sons, Scott Parker and Dean Parker, came to the state Capitol to voice opposition to Carr possibly getting off death row.

“It makes me sick to my stomach that one of these men could get off,” said Scott Parker. “I want to see justice done. I know it won’t bring my family back, but it will ease the pain.

Dean Parker said it makes no sense where they are now after more than two decades. He said there was never a question about Carr and Simon’s guilt. He said they confessed to the crime and were caught with items from the burglarized home.

Less than three months after that interview, Dean Parker of Batesville died of natural causes, never getting a chance to see justice carried out in the death of his father, stepmother, and half-brother and half-sister.

In the long-running capital case, Quitman County had to raise taxes for three years in a row to pay for the defense of Carr and Simon.

In May 2011, Simon was only four hours away from being executed when a federal appeals court stopped it to consider his claim that he was incompetent to be executed because he fell and suffered a brain injury and had amnesia. A federal judge ruled that Simon was faking amnesia. and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2016 upheld that ruling, putting him back in line for execution.

Attorney General Jim Hood has called the murders “savage” and vowed to continue to fight appeals of their sentences.

Hood’s office officials said last week no hearing has been set by Webster on Carr’s appeal case.

        Charlotte Parker

Carl Parker, his wife, Bobbie Jo, their 12-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter, Charlotte, were murdered after returning from church to find two men burglarizing their home. The girl was raped. Her father’s finger was chopped off to steal his wedding ring. After shooting the victims, the killers set the house on fire, leaving the bodies to burn.

Anthony Carr and Robert Simon were convicted and sentenced to death in 1990, but neither has been put to death and a judge’s decision is still being awaited to determine if Carr is mentally disabled and should be removed from death row. In August, the Mississippi Supreme Court reversed Quitman County Circuit Judge Charles Webster’s decision that Carr was mentally able to be executed and sent the case back to him for further study.


Aug 15, 2016

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the state Supreme Court had reversed and remanded Anthony Carr’s death penalty sentence. It reversed and remanded a decision on his appeal that he is too mentally ill to be executed.

The Mississippi Supreme Court on Thursday reversed a decision that one of two men convicted of the gruesome murders of a Quitman County family in 1990 is not mentally disabled and can be executed, sending the appeal back to county circuit court.

An attorney for Anthony Carr in May had appealed to the state high court based on 2002 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling that states cannot execute mentally disabled people. During Carr’s appeal in 2013, two psychologists disagreed whether Carr was competent, and a Quitman County circuit judge said it was “too close to call” and upheld his execution.

The state Supreme Court was unanimous in its reversal and remand, but differed on reasoning and particulars of law as to how the lower court erred, with two separate opinions from the main one. The main opinion said the judge erred by “failing to balance and analyze his adaptive functioning deficits with his IQ score,” which was between 70 and 75. The lower court judge relied on Carr’s IQ alone and did not consider whether he also had behavior problems severe enough to deem him mentally disabled coupled with a low IQ.

Carr and Robert Simon Jr. were sentenced to death for the 1990 murders of the Parker family of Quitman. The Parkers returned home from church to find Carr and Simon burglarizing their home. The two shot Carl Parker, his wife, Bobbie Jo and 12-year-old Gregory and 9-year-old Charlotte multiple times. They raped the little girl and chopped the father’s finger off to take his wedding ring. The killers set the house on fire and left the bodies to burn. Charlotte Parker died of smoke inhalation while the others died of gunshot wounds.

Quitman County had to raise taxes for three years in a row to pay for the defense of Carr and Robert in one of the longest-running state capital cases.

In May 2011, Simon was only four hours away from being executed when a federal appeals court stopped it to consider his claim that he was incompetent to be executed because he fell and suffered a brain injury and had amnesia. A federal judge ruled that Simon was faking amnesia, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in March upheld that ruling.

Attorney General Jim Hood has called the murders “savage” and vowed to continue to fight appeals of their sentences.


Posted by Mel on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 00:21 | #

Good Podcast from Jim Giles, Radio Free Mississippi, 12 Feb 2010


Posted by Collateral damage Cathy on Thu, 25 Oct 2018 19:14 | #

Unfortunately, Dennis Dale is on the kosher bandwagon, and therefore he’s been misguided on the left/ right issue (“it’s all those lefties and their unreality that’s the problem”).

However, he has native common sense and good contributions to make to White defense despite that.

Such as the concept of “collateral damage Cathy”....Dennis asks: “How many White women have fallen victims to violent crime because of political correctness overriding their fear and instinct to call 9-11?”

        A case of “Collateral damage Cathy”, Ann Marie Presley.


Posted by Pays-off blackmailing 'lover' then killed anyway on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 17:23 | #

        Woman pays-off blackmailing former ‘lover’ then is killed by him anyway.

“Slain track star paid her killer $1,000 so he wouldn’t post compromising photos, police say she told them”

CNN, 26 Oct 2018:

Police: Utah man kills college track standout

Slain student told police about extortion

Lauren McCluskey, a 21-year-old senior from Pullman, Washington, was slain Monday night on the campus in Salt Lake City, police said. The suspect, Melvin Rowland, 37, killed himself hours later after a police chase, university police have said.

                      Melvin Rowland, 37, left and Lauren McCluskey 21, right

McCluskey told campus police on October 13 that she had gotten messages from Rowland, whom she’d met the prior month, or from his friends demanding money in exchange for not posting online compromising photos of her and Rowland, according to a timeline of McCluskey’s contacts with campus police that was released by the university’s communications office.

McCluskey told police she sent $1,000 to an account in hopes of keeping the photos private, the timeline shows. Police had assigned a detective to follow up on possible sexual extortion charges, it also notes.

McCluskey had made contact with university police regarding Rowland at least six times over the 12 days before her body was found in a car on campus, less than two hours after she vanished while she was on the phone with her mother, the timeline shows.

Amid questions over how campus police handled the case, the university’s president has vowed a “fully independent of the university review both of the campus safety task force and the work of our police department with independent experts.”

It’s still not clear who will lead the review or when it will begin, President Ruth Watkins said.

McCluskey met Rowland on September 2 at a local bar where he was working as a bouncer, and they struck up a relationship, according to the timeline.

Melvin Rowland, 37, was a convicted sex offender, according to the Utah Department of Corrections.

Five weeks later, on October 9, she decided to end the relationship after learning that Rowland was a registered sex offender and his age.

Rowland was convicted in 2004 on a felony charge of enticing a minor and attempted forcible sexual abuse, also a felony, according to the Utah Department of Corrections sex offender registry. He admitted to a history of manipulating women, and an attraction to teenage girls and vulnerable women, according to audio of the hearings released by the Utah Board of Parole and Pardons. In a later parole hearing, Rowland told officials how much therapy had helped and humbled him, and how he felt he squandered 14 years due to selfish and criminal thinking.

Rowland spent that night in McCluskey’s dorm room and “borrowed her car the following day to run errands,” the timeline states.

McCluskey’s mother contacted campus police the next day and asked them for a security escort to help her daughter get her vehicle.

McCluskey “initially declined the assistance, stating that Rowland was going to drop the vehicle at her apartment and she felt comfortable having him do that,” the timeline states.

A dispatcher told McCluskey that university security officers would be near the building “just in case” and asked her to call back, if necessary. McCluskey later called police to say her car had been dropped off at a parking lot and she needed a ride to pick it up. A security escort drove her to her car, the timeline states.

Troubling messages

On October 12, McCluskey called campus police to report suspicious messages she believed were from Rowland’s friends.

“The texts stated that Rowland was dead, and it was Lauren’s fault. She was able to determine by looking at social media that was untrue. The reporting officer asked Lauren if she felt in danger or threatened by the texts,” the timeline states.

“She stated she did not, but that she felt his friends were trying to lure her somewhere. The officer told her to not go anywhere that made her uncomfortable and to call back if she received additional messages or contact.”

The next day, McCluskey reported the alleged sexual extortion to campus police, who took a report and assigned the detective. A formal investigation started October 19, the timeline shows.

The day of the killing

Around 10:30 a.m. on Monday, McCluskey e-mailed police to report she’d gotten a text from someone claiming to be the deputy chief and requesting she come to the police station.

“University Police now believe the text came from Rowland with the intent of getting Lauren to leave her dorm room,” the timeline states.

Rowland spent that afternoon in a residence hall with some of McCluskey’s friends waiting for her, it shows.

Then, around 8:20 p.m., Rowland confronted McCluskey in a parking lot outside her residence hall as she spoke with her mother by phone.

“In the altercation, she dropped her cell phone and belongings,” the timeline states. “He dragged Lauren to a different spot in the parking lot where he forced her into the back seat of a car he had driven to campus. He shot her in the car multiple times.”

Not knowing his daughter’s fate, McCluskey’s father called campus police at 8:23 p.m. and told them what her mother had heard on the phone, the timeline states.

Police arrived at the parking lot eight minutes later and found McCluskey’s belongings. They searched her dorm and the area nearby.

“During a search of the parking lot, they found Lauren’s body in the backseat of a vehicle,” according to the timeline.

Rowland’s fate

Rowland, meanwhile, made his way off campus, calling a woman he’d met on a dating site for a ride.

“They went to dinner at a local restaurant, drove by the state Capitol and then went to her home in downtown Salt Lake City where Rowland took a shower,” the timeline shows.

College track star once dated her killer and had reported him to police, authorities say

“She later dropped him off at a coffee shop downtown. Subsequently, she saw news reports about the shooting, recognized photos of Rowland and contacted police. The woman is fully cooperating with the investigation and it is not anticipated she will face charges.”

University police identified Rowland as the suspect from campus security cameras that “recorded him in the parking lot outside the residence hall,” university officials said in a written statement. “Another video showed him getting into a vehicle that left campus.

Police also had the information relayed by her parents.”

Just after midnight, Salt Lake Police spotted Rowland chased him on foot to a church, where he shot and killed himself, the timeline shows.

Rowland borrowed the gun “under false pretenses” from an acquaintance, according to the university statement. The lender contacted law enforcement after hearing about the shooting and is fully cooperating.

“Rowland said he wanted to borrow the gun to teach his girlfriend how to shoot,” it states. “It is not anticipated that any charges will be filed.”

As the university launches its inquiry, questions are swirling about how campus police handled the case, including why the department didn’t contact Utah Adult Probation & Parole on October 13, after learning Rowland was a registered sex offender.

“University Police were investigating what was understood at that time to be an extortion case and did not yet believe there was enough evidence to share with other law enforcement. The current investigative process is to gather evidence that supports the claim and then to make contact with a suspect. It’s during this phase that police would have reached out to AP&P,” university officials said in their statement.

Another question is: Why didn’t University Police assist McCluskey in getting a restraining order?

“Rowland was threatening Lauren financially and reputationally, but there was no indication to University Police from Lauren that he was threatening her with physical harm,” the university said.

“I believe my officers and my entire department work in a very tough environment,” University of Utah Police Chief Dale Brophy said Thursday.

“Their actions were appropriate, and (they) worked very diligently that evening to do everything that they could to solve this crime and made every attempt to make sure that Lauren, throughout this process, if she felt physically threatened or she felt in physical harm that she needed to tell us so we could help her,” he said. “Unfortunately, that just didn’t happen for us.”


Posted by Ralph Harper on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 20:18 | #

“His Name is Ralph Harper: White Retired St. Louis Cop Murdered by Two Blacks Teens in “Robbery that Turned Violent”

SBDL, 1 Nov 2018:


  Rest in peace, Ralph Harper

CNN’s Lemon doubles down: ‘Evidence is overwhelming’ that white men are ‘biggest terror threat’, The Hill, 11/1/18:

  CNN’s Don Lemon doubled down Wednesday on his comment earlier this week that the “biggest terror threat in this country are white men.” Lemon said Wednesday that the “evidence is overwhelming” that the statement is true. The CNN anchor’s comments have been condemned on the right, a fact Lemon noted during his Wednesday show.

  “Earlier this week, I made some comments about that in a conversation with Chris [Cuomo],” Lemon said. “I said that the biggest terror threat in this country comes from radicals on the far right, primarily white men. That angered some people. But let’s put emotion aside and look at the cold hard facts. The evidence is overwhelming.”

  Lemon then referred to a Government Accountability Office report that says since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, right-wing extremists have killed 106 people in 62 different attacks in U.S., while Islamist extremists have killed 119 people in 23 different attacks.

  Lemon cited another story that showed “that for every eight deadly attacks by right-wing extremists,” there was one by left-wing extremists.

  “So people who were angered about what I said are missing the entire point,” Lemon said. “We don’t need to worry about people who are thousands of miles away. The biggest threats are homegrown. The facts prove that.”

  The defense comes after Lemon on Tuesday said that “white men, most of them radicalized to the right” were the biggest terror threat after urging people “to stop demonizing people.” “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban — you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?”

Chaser. [Two teens in custody for murder of retired St. Louis Police Officer,, 10-30-18]:

  Two teens are in police custody in connection with the murder of a retired police officer near Tower Grove Park. The former officer has been identified as 67-year-old Sergeant Ralph E. Harper.

  The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department says that a 15-year-old and 16-year-old boys have been placed in the juvenile courts. Their identities have not been released because they are not considered adults.

  St. Louis Metropolitan Police say the shooting took place around 7:30am in the 3100 block of Lackland Avenue. Harper was parking his car when he was confronted by a gunman. The former officer and the gunmen exchanged several shots.

  A 17-year-old has been charged with resisting arrest and 2nd-degree tampering.

  The Circuit Attorney’s office says they consider a Julian Mathews an adult. He was not involved in the homicide but his cash-only bond is set at $30,000.

  Court documents say that Mathews was riding in the homicide suspect’s stolen Honda Pilot. Officers chased the vehicle after the shooting near Tower Grove Park.

  The Honda Pilot crashed near 2610 Allen Street in the Fox Park neighborhood.

  They say Mathews ran from the crash and hid in a dumpster. 

  Harper was able to call for help and was rushed to the hospital. He later died at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

  Police are looking at the possibility it was an attempted robbery that turned violent.

CNN won’t talk about this story out of St. Louis, where two black males murdered a white male, the latter being a retired police sergeant.

No, CNN, white males aren’t the biggest threat to America.

A cursory glance at violent crime in Chicago, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, St. Louis, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Nashville, Baltimore, New York City, Boston or Indianapolis on a random Tuesday would show us the actual threat to America.

And clearly illustrate America’s great liability.

They happen to the same race of which two sterling members just murdered Ralph Harper.

Black males are the biggest terror threat to America.


Posted by Don Lemon on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 20:52 | #

Don Lemon’s Rant, 1 Nov 2018.

“We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is White men - most of them radicalized to the Right; and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them - there is no ban on, you know, they have the Muslim ban, there is no White guy ban. So what do we do about that?” - Don Lemon



Posted by Georgia: 90% blacks support black candidate on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 18:33 | #

SBDL, 3 Nov 2018:

In the Georgia Governor’s Race, Black Democrat Candidate Has Support of 90% of Black Voters According to Latest Poll



Posted by Kelly & Heather Jose on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 15:58 | #

His Name is Kelly Jose/Her Name is Heather Jose: White Couple Give Black Career Criminal Ride Home, End Up Murdered for Their Act of Kindness

SBDL, Tuesday, November 13, 2018

John Derbyshire provided a map - a set of rules governing white interactions with blacks - that if followed, will lead one to not just a high quality of life, but the opportunity for peace and prosperity.

If ignored, the consequences of inattentiveness to this map will lead one down of path of misery, chaos and high probability of loss of life.

        Offered to give a black man a ride and ended up dead…

Shot. [Friends of slain couple share reaction,, 11-9-18]:

People who say they were friends with the slain couple are sharing their reaction and thoughts to what happened. 

Friends from Church At Red River in Shreveport said Heather and Kelly Jose were known for their uplifting spirits and helping people.

“Full of enthusiasm and full of life. And just such a joy and peace about her. And a giving heart, that she would literally be that person to give the shirt off her back for you,” Lori Reed said.

“I wish I had one more chance to look Kelly in the eye and tell him I love you and I know Kelly’s spirit is with us and he knows I love him,” Paul Ross said.

They said Heather helped in the church’s kitchen and they would give people rides home sometimes after service. 

“Some people who come to the church are not able to get to their homes so she would take them and Kelly would be in the shot gun seat,” Jeff Hart said.

They say they’ll miss their joyful personalities the most.

“I’ll miss her smile and her encouragement and her love towards me and my family and everybody who knows her, I’ll miss her love,” Reed said.

His criminal history should have be enough to have him locked up for life, but in our country he was allowed his freedom to prowl the streets for more innocent people to victimize.

“Seeing their faces, seeing the kindness and goodness they give not only to myself, but others,” Hart said.

They said they just want the person who did this to turn themselves in.

Chaser. [SPD IDs couple found in burnt car, bond set for suspect,, 11-12-18]:

The Shreveport Police Department has released the names of the victims found burned in a vehicle on Thursday.

The bodies of Kelly Jose, 43 and Heather Jose, 33 have been preliminary identified as authorities wait for scientific identification results.

Their bodies were found in a burning vehicle on Penick Street on Thursday. Police believed the pair had given a ride to a man earlier in the evening.

Dewayne Willie Watkins, 34, has been charged in connection of the Jose’s deaths. He has been booked into the Caddo Correctional Center on a warrant charging him with two counts of second-degree murder, according to Shreveport Police Department.

Investigators believe that the couple were murdered after giving a man a ride when they were shopping at Mall St. Vincent.

Watkins was taken into custody following a nearly six hour standoff inside a home in Penick Street.According to SPD, Watkins was trying to escape by burrowing through the floor of the home.

Authorities from Caddo and Bossier parishes, Louisiana State Police, and the U.S. Marshals assisted in bringing Watkins into custody.
His bond has been set at $1 million dollars.

John Derbyshire tried to warn us all. For this noble act, he was cast away from polite society, banished from the pages National Review forever. Ignoring his roadmap to peace and safety, Kelly and Heather Jose are now gone, murdered by a black man while attempting to be Good Samaritan’s.


Posted by Brooke Joiner on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 09:18 | #

Well, these people did all the right things, were responsible, started a family, upheld a non-racist society, and…

SBDL, Sunday, November 18, 2018

Her name is Brooke Joiner: Young White Mother Murdered by Black Career Criminal in Southern Georgia

Lamentably, the era of social media allows us to peer into the private lives of those who momentarily are in the news.

People we would never meet in our lives become available to us, pictures (and sometimes videos) of all their years conveniently captured and catalogued for their family and friends.

Brooke Joiner was a 31-year-old white woman, a mother to a young boy.

31-year-old Brooke Joiner and her young son. She was murdered by a black career criminal

Her entire life is available on Facebook, with pictures of her young son at Halloween and Christmas, a reminder Brooke cherished her role of being a mother.

Brooke’s cover image was a black-and-white photo of her and her young son, walking hand in hand down a dirt road. It’s a classic southern image for this daughter of the great state of Georgia, but it’s important to remember the hand the young boy held will never be there to hold again.

His mother was murdered by a black career criminal. [ALLEGED KILLER ARRESTED IN VIDALIA, SOUTHEASTGEORGIATODAY.COM, 11-17-18]:

Less than 24 hours after a brutal murder in Vidalia, police jailed the man they suspect of the killing.

The face of criminal justice reform, a black career criminal who murdered a young white mother

Vidalia police say 29-year-old Tyrone Burns of Vidalia was apprehended Saturday morning about 11:20 o’clock in the neighborhood near Charles Wood Field by the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office.

Burns is charged in the shooting death Friday of 31-year-old Brooke Joiner, manager of the R.J. Pope Men’s Store at Palmer Place in Vidalia.  She was shot and killed in the back room of the store after Burns robbed the store.

Police say he is charged with aggravated assault, armed robbery, felony murder and malice murder and is being held in the Toombs Detention Center in Lyons.

Vidalia Police Chief Frank Waits says Burns has a one of the worst criminal records he’s encountered in his career.  The chief said his apprehension is a classic example of police cooperation.  According to the chief, 50 law enforcement officers worked throughout the night to solve the crime and he commended members of the Vidalia Police Department, the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office, the GBI, Georgia State Patrol and SWAT members for their support.

Middle Judicial Circuit District Attorney Hayward Altman says Burns’ first appearance hearing will be held Monday morning at 10:30 before Judge Cathy Palmer in Toombs County Superior Court.  He says he will oppose any request for bond due to the nature of the crime and because of Burns’ criminal record.

The Facebook cover photo of Brooke holding the hand of her young son’s hand as they walk down a dirt path toward the future together is almost impossible to look at, knowing how her journey in life ended.

She must murdered by a black career criminal, the type of individual we are constantly told - lectured at by those in power - represents are greatest asset.


They are the greatest liability to western civilization.

Rest in peace, Brooke Joiner.

If white privilege existed, your young son would get to pull the lever, ending Tyrone Burns life in state-sponsored execution. Instead, you were murdered by a black career criminal because the state refuses to deal honestly with black crime and anti-social behavior by blacks.


Posted by The worst word for blacks begins with N on Tue, 27 Nov 2018 22:10 | #


SBDL, “Her Name is Rebecca Pletnewski/ Her Name is Olivia Schneider: White Mother and Her Eight-Year-Old Daughter Murdered by Black Neighbor”, 26 Nov. 2018:

On July 14, 2016, then 39-year-old Rebecca Pletnewski changed her profile picture on Facebook to a statement.

It read simply: “Stop Killing Black People.

On November 20, 2018, she and her eight-year-old daughter were murdered by her black neighbor (who was stalking her). [Police: Suspect stalked Mayfield Heights woman before killing her and daughter,, 11-26-18]:

Neighbor of Mayfield Heights nurse stalked her for months before killing her and her daughter, police say.

Rest in peace, both of you

Police said Rebecca Pletnewski, 41, was stabbed to death before her home on Longwood Road was set on fire on Tuesday. Firefighters pulled her daughter, 8-year-old Olivia Schneider, from an upstairs bedroom. She was pronounced dead from smoke inhalation at the hospital.

The murder suspect, who stalked Rebecca…

Dominique C. Swopes, 27, faces two counts of aggravated murder and aggravated arson.

Shortly after the blaze, Swopes was detained for questioning and later released.“He became a subject of interest that day because what family and friends had told us, that Rebecca had warned them or told them of instances of potentially stalking by the neighbor,” said Police Chief Fred Bittner. “He became our primary suspect at the time after talking to family.”

Pletnewski’s family told investigators she had been worried about Swope’s unwanted advances for months.

“He just apparently had left her notes occasionally or talked to her outside. There were other advancements made through maybe social media, and she told him she didn’t want anything to do with him, she had a boyfriend,” Bittner said.

Pletnewski, an intensive care nurse at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, and Schneider, a third-grade student at Lander Elementary, were laid to rest on Monday. A candlelight vigil is planned for Thursday night.

Pletnewski leaves behind a 4-year-old daughter, who was not home at the time of the fire.

“Stop Killing Black People”

A curious Facebook post from Rebecca she posted on July 14, 2016…

Olivia Schneider should be preparing to write a letter to Santa Claus, listing what she hoped to receive for Christmas. She should be preparing to go down the steps on Christmas morning holding her little sisters hand as they saw the presents Santa had left for them.

Instead, she was laid to rest in late November 2018, the victim of a homicide few will remember and fewer will ever hear/read about. Was her mother afraid of appearing racist by going to the police and reporting Dominique Swopes for stalking her?

In the end, it doesn’t matter. Both Rebecca and her beautiful daughter Olivia are dead.

And few dare say, “Stop Killing White People.”



Posted by Reese Bowman on Wed, 28 Nov 2018 19:24 | #

Daily Mail, 28 Nov 2018:

‘I’m sick of this little b****’: Daycare worker admits killing eight-month-old girl by suffocating her with a blanket after complaining she wouldn’t sleep as CCTV shows dying child thrashing her legs to escape


- Reese Bowman was killed by Leah Walden, 24, at the Rocket Tiers center in Baltimore last May
- Walden suffocated Bowman with a blanket in the horrifying incident
- She pleaded guilty to the murder on Tuesday and was sentenced to 70 years
- The court heard she was frustrated at Bowman because she wouldn’t fall asleep


A daycare worker has pleaded guilty to killing an eight month-old girl by smothering her with a blanket because she wouldn’t go to sleep.

Walden (pictured) was said to have been frustrated at Bowman because the baby wouldn’t go to sleep

Leah Walden, 24, admitted the murder of little Reese Bowman, at Rocket Tiers Learning Center, Baltimore in May 2017, at a court hearing on Tuesday, wbaltv reports.

Walden was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the horrifying killing by Judge Althea Handy who sobbed as she handed it down.

In heartbreaking scenes, Reese’s father Justin Bowman wept as he told the court: ‘I will never see my girl take her first steps, hold her, kiss her, comfort her when she’s scared, hear her say “I love you”. I am devastated.’

Turning to Walden and pointing he said: ‘Reese Annette Bowman accomplished more in her short life than this woman ever will.’

Walden tried to explain her actions by saying she had snapped and had not been given appropriate training or assistance for her job.

Assistant State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess said Walden had told a co-worker, ‘Girl, I’m frustrated. I’m sick of this little b****. I hate this little b****. She makes me want to punch her in the face.’


Posted by Coal Pay-Toll on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 06:01 | #


Posted by Extensive list of black on White crimes on Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:09 | #

Violent Crimes: Black On White & White On Black

Black Violence - White Victims (PART I)

  (Main Menu Page For All Blogs Related To Black-on-White Violence) 

Part One  
Four Part Series

Please Take Note:: As of 2015, I am no longer adding white victims to my four-page victims list. There are just too many white victims! People need to understand that blacks attacking white people is part of the Black Supremacy Doctrine -  no doubt in my mind. Principle#1 states: “Harass all white people”.  “Includes violence”.  And the reason for the Supremacy Doctrine? Drive out white people. Then, what white people built, own, occupy…will become black e.g. jobs, homes, schools, neighborhoods, political systems.


In 1964 the American government’s legislature (House & Senate), made up of 99% white Christian males, decided to do something they no doubt thought was an altruistic as well as a magnanimous gesture toward the Negro race in America:: they gifted the Negro race “integration rights” into the working environments of white males. The Civil Rights Rights Act - creating compulsory integration for the black race -  ushered in a new era in human history: racial integration. 


  Total White victims from ALL four pages:
                  Dead = 2062
                Seriously Injured = 478
                                        Total = 2540


Black Violence - White Victims (PART II)

For those who may not be aware, racial Integration is NOT a U.S. Constitutional right. It was achieved primarily through three Acts of Congress :

Compulsory Integration Act 1964 (forced integration into white male established working environments) AKA Civil Rights Act
Compulsory Integration Act 1965 (forced integration into white male established political environments)  AKA Voting Rights Act
Compulsory Integration Act 1968 (forcing white males to allow black males to roam freely in their residential communities—created ‘white flight’ )  AKA Fair Housing Act


Posted by Amber Clark on Mon, 17 Dec 2018 16:59 | #

SBDL, “Her Name is Amber Clark: White Librarian Murdered by Black Male - Who was Banned from the Library - in Targeted Attack”, 16 Dec 2018:

Imagine getting ready to leave work at night to head home to your family

You walk to your car, unlock the door and get in the front seat.

But before you can even start the ignition, a black male points a gun at your head and pulls the trigger. [Library supervisor, 41, gunned down in parking lot months after altercation with suspect, police say, Fox News, 12-14-18]:


A man identified as Ronald Seay, 56, who was arrested early Wednesday, is suspected in the woman’s death, the report said.
Clark was sitting in her car around 6 p.m. Tuesday when a suspect approached and shot her with a handgun, according to police, the Sacramento Bee reported.

Authorities said Seay had caused a disturbance Oct. 13 at the library, where Clark worked as the branch supervisor. She interacted with Seay during the incident, according to police, who added that responding officers issued a no-trespass order to Seay, FOX 40 reported.

Sacramento Police spokesman Sgt. Vance Chandler said detectives believe Clark was targeted and are investigating the motive for the shooting, the Bee reported.

Chandler said Seay has lived a few miles from the North Natomas Public Library for several months and previously lived out of state.


Posted by Justin Lynch on Fri, 21 Dec 2018 15:04 | #

White Teen Executed With Single Shot to The Head, 21 Dec 2018: Two White teens were shot by a black boy. 16-year-old Justin Lynch died from a single shot to the head. His companion, Nathan Stanhope, was shot multiple times but survived.


Arrested for the crime is Robert James Evans, 17.

The murder occurred in Blackshear, Georgia and was reported December 12, 2018. The story has apparently been blacked out by Google. 


The tragic murder serves as a sober reminder that:

• The commercial Negros depicted on television are divergent from blacks we encounter in the real world.

• There is a reason why some Jim Crow laws prohibited blacks and whites from walking on the same sidewalk at the same time.

• There is a reason why lynch mobs killed blacks. Nearly all were guilty of heinous crimes, such as this.

• The media will hide senseless black-on-white murders but will project whites who defend themselves against black aggression as ‘racists’. Consider the Trayvon Martin episode.

• The notion that whites historically committed unprovoked attacks against blacks is true, with two exceptions: The attacks are black-on-white, not white-on-black and the attacks are not relegated to history, but continue today.

• It provides evidence that Google and the mainstream (far-left) media are lying by omission by refusing to report black-on-white violence. Try finding this story on Google. All we could find was one local news story that was available only to subscribers.


Posted by 4 British girls, teacher raped on Ghanan trip on Mon, 24 Dec 2018 11:04 | #

DM, “Four British girls, teacher raped at gunpoint on school trip to Ghana”, 10 Dec 2018:

Four teenage British girls and their teacher were sexually assaulted at gunpoint

Attack on Saturday was during a charity mission to Accra, Ghana’s capital city

Their security guard was shot and wounded as he tried to stop the ordeal

The girls - aged 16 and 17 - were flown home with their teacher on Sunday

A British newspaper, The Sun newspaper is reporting that four British school children aged 16 and 17, together with their teacher have been allegedly raped at gunpoint on a school trip to Ghana.

According to the publication, the victims were attacked in their hostel-style accommodation by a man with a rifle on Saturday night, December 8.

A security man at the hostel who tried to stop the attack was shot and seriously injured by the perpetrator.

The girls and their teacher, whose names have been withheld are reportedly recovering from their traumatic ordeal in a British hospital. They landed back in the UK in the early hours on Sunday morning.

The Sun newspaper indicated that the pupils flew to Ghana on a trip that was meant to give them the opportunity to experience life in a developing country. They were part of a larger group of ten schoolchildren who paid £1,200 each for the trip.

The school which wasn’t named by the newspaper, partners a West African volunteering charity that supports disadvantaged Ghanaian children.

The accommodation was close to the beach and the teens were staying in rooms of up to six at the site, where there was also a caretaker and security team.

The Foreign Office confirmed the ‘incident’ in the greater Accra area and said it was working with local authorities, The Sun reported.

Around 90,000 Britons travel to Ghana every year and the Foreign Office advises that violent crime is a possibility, particularity at Christmas time.

Civil unrest can breakout at any moment and there is a constant terror threat.


Posted by Ugandan Parliament on Tue, 25 Dec 2018 14:48 | #

Massive brawl breaks-out in Ugandan Parliament over Presidential age-limit


Posted by Marlin Newburn on Wed, 26 Dec 2018 20:50 | #

Colin Flaherty interviews former prison psychologist Marlin Newburn


Posted by John Dawson on Thu, 03 Jan 2019 06:01 | #

SBDL, Sunday, December 30, 2018:

His Name is John Dawson: White Man (a Veteran of World War II, Korean and Vietnam War) Murdered Defending His Wife of 72 Years from a Black Home Invader

Shot. [Veteran, 92, took his last stand defending his wife,, 11-9-18]:

COLUMBUS, Ga. (BP)—John Dawson served in World War II in the Pacific theater and in the Korean and Vietnam wars on crews that catapulted planes off the decks of five different aircraft carriers.

RIP, John Dawson

He died at age 92, however, by making the ultimate sacrifice for his wife of 72 years by battling a home intruder.

As a leader in his American Legion post, as a longtime churchman and as a father of two (Ricky and Peggy), grandfather of seven, great-grandfather of 16 and great-great-grandfather of six, he was “a truly remarkable man,” his pastor, Jerry Speer, said at Dawson’s Oct. 1 funeral.

“Everyone has focused on how he died,” said Speer, of Northside Baptist Church in Columbus, Ga., but “it is more important to know how he lived, where he is, and what that means.”

Dawson was killed on Monday morning, Sept. 24, at his home battling with a 27-year-old man who entered their home, according to the local Ledger-Enquirer newspaper.

The alleged assailant, Darius Jamar Travick, wearing only boxer shorts and shoes, stabbed Dawson multiple times and brutalized his wife Virginia, leaving her with a concussion and facial injuries, then attacked two neighbors after exiting the Dawsons’ home.
Travick was arrested when police arrived as he sat in the car of his grandmother, who lived nearby. He is being held at the local Muscogee County Jail without bond. A defense attorney told the media Travick will be examined for mental health issues.
Speer often addresses the “Why?” question regarding the horror inflicted on the Dawsons, who had lost a grandson in a murder a month earlier in California.

“There are whys that we will never know the answers to,” the pastor told Baptist Press. “What we need to focus on are the things we do know.”

The murderer…

“We do know that John was a Christian. We do know that he had a faith in a Savior who loved him and died for him.

“We know that those who accept Jesus as their Savior, being absent from the body [in death], are present with the Lord.

“We don’t make the instance of how he died the issue. We know that he died. And the truth is, if Jesus tarries, we’ll all die. … There are a lot of ways a person could die. Sickness is certainly one of them, and that’s how older people expect to die.

John Dawson went out fighting for his love, his wife…. Just knowing John, if you’ve got to die, that would be a favored way rather than laying in a hospital bed. 

“The important thing is: Have we made the right decisions to get us where we need to be when we die?” Speer said, noting that it’s

“Jesus who brings hope to the situation.”

Wife’s legacy continues

Speer said Virginia Dawson is “very grieved to be separated from the love of her life, not unlike most other people in a situation like this. She’s 89 years old. This will always be part of her life. But she had a remarkable sense of humor, she has a very strong faith and she knows God is going to take care of things.

“These were every-Sunday people,” Speer said. “When they were younger, they were every-service people” at Northside Baptist where they had been members since 1995. They held hands crossing the parking lot and gave each other a brief kiss before going to their respective Sunday School classes.

After being released from the hospital, Virginia has been staying with a granddaughter and is back in church.
“Her Sunday School class is staying in touch with her. The church is staying in touch her. She knows that we are praying for her,” Speer said.

John and Virginia “held everybody else in their family together” as their “refuge and strength” and a source of wisdom and counsel, the pastor added. “She is very much a part of that as John was.”

John, then 21 on a brief leave from the Navy, met 18-year-old Virginia as they were riding bikes in the Beallwood community of Columbus. According to a remembrance by a granddaughter, he proposed on the front porch of his future mother-in-law’s house a year later and they were married at a Baptist church with 10 people in attendance.

During his deployments, John kept in touch with Virginia through ship-to-shore ham radio in the early morning hours. When they were together, the granddaughter wrote, “They would dance all the time, by themselves in their home, in their children’s homes and grandchildren’s homes, and out on the town!”

Dawson retired after 26 years in the Navy with the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer and the recipient of several medals.
Speer, addressing Dawson’s character, said, “There was a time that he drank fairly extensively. When he became a Christian he knew that he had to separate himself from alcohol, which he did.

“But he saw the damage that alcohol caused in others so much that he determined he would do what he could to push people away from it.” 

When he became president of his American Legion post, located just across the state line in Alabama, “The men took a stand with him to not serve alcohol,” Speer said. “As long as he was a member, they did not serve alcohol.” In 2011, he was named as Alabama’s “Veteran of the Year.”

Chaser. [Man charged in elderly Columbus couple’s random deadly assault could be released on bond, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, 12-28-18]:

Read more here:

A judge has set bonds for the mentally ill man accused of randomly attacking an elderly Columbus couple in late September – punching the 89-year-old wife unconscious and fatally stabbing her 90-year-old husband before fighting a 69-year-old neighbor outside their Victoria Drive home.

Darius Jamar Travick, 27, is charged with murder and two counts of aggravated assault in the Sept. 24 death of John Dawson, the attack on Dawson’s wife, and the assault on the neighbor.

Police at Travick’s preliminary hearing Sept. 28 said Dawson’s wife told them her husband had come inside after doing yard work that morning and sat down to have a cup of coffee, while she folded sheets in a laundry room off their carport.

When she came back inside, she found a big man with a “crazy look” on his face standing in her kitchen, she told detectives.

“What are you doing in my house?” she asked him. “You need to go!”

He hit her, and she fell. When she came to, she went through the house looking for her husband, and couldn’t find him, police said.
When officers arresting Travick outside the house heard he had come from the Dawson’s home, one walked over to investigate.
At a side door, he saw a bloody, broken paring knife. Calling out to anyone inside, he went in and found Dawson dead on the living room floor, stab wounds to his torso and left ear. Hearing a woman call from the rear of the house, the officer discovered Dawson’s wife in a bedroom, apparently in shock: She had a concussion, a black eye and swelling where Travick hit her, police said.

The couple had been married 72 years.

Seeking bond

Because Travick has been jailed 90 days without being indicted, he is entitled to a bond under Georgia law. Deciding the amount of that bond Friday was up to Superior Court Judge Maureen Gottfried.

Defense attorney Stacey Jackson told the judge his client has a well-documented mental health history. Jackson said that on Oct. 31, he requested Travick undergo a psychological evaluation, for which Gottfried signed a court order Nov. 26.

Prosecutors have asked Columbus’ West Central Georgia State Regional Hospital to complete the evaluation in 90 days, but it has yet to be scheduled because the hospital needs some documentation first.

Jackson argued Travick has no previous felony record, and presents no threat to the public as long as he is on medication and monitored. He has relatives who are willing to care for him, including a mother in Fulton County, the attorney said.

Travick’s illness could make him a target, were he to remain in the Muscogee County Jail, where other inmates have been injured in recent assaults and “some very bad things could happen to him,” Jackson said.

How long Travick might remain jailed under an “unreasonable” bond was anyone’s guess, the attorney added, because prosecutors have been slow to present cases to a grand jury for indictment: “As the court is well aware, this has been a problem, to say the least,” he said.

Rest in peace, John Dawson.



Posted by Lindsey Nichols on Sat, 05 Jan 2019 06:39 | #


Posted by Lee Pomeroy on Tue, 08 Jan 2019 20:48 | #

White dad fatally stabbed on train in U.K.
—Lee Pomeroy is dead. The 51-year-old IT consultant was fatally stabbed on a train in England. He was murdered as his stunned 14-year-old son watched in horror.

Arrested for the crime is a 35-year-old black male; Darren Shane Pencille.

From ▼

“Lee took his son on a trip to London hoping to spend some quality time with him which was cut short by an horrific and pointless attack.

“Lee would have had his birthday today but did not get to see his presents.

“He was an honest, bright person, who loved music very much.

“He knew history and art and he was a bachelor of science in maths. He was a devoted family man and did everything for his family.

“He was a loving husband and father. He will be deeply missed by all his family.”



Posted by Marla Belin on Wed, 09 Jan 2019 10:48 | #

SBDL, 8 Jan 2018:

White Woman Murdered by Black Man in 60% Black New Orleans because She Refused His Sexual Advances

Her Name is Marla Belin

Previously on SBPDL: Confirmed: In 60% Black New Orleans, Almost 99% of Homicides and Nonfatal Shootings Committed by Blacks

Just another black on white murder you never heard about.

                                            RIP Marla Belin

Hard to imagine too many people in New Orleans heard about the murder of Marla Belin.

The New Orleans Times Picayune reports Belin refused his sexual advances… [Report: New Orleans talent agency owner dies after purse snatching, beating, The Advocate, 12-30-18]:

A 55-year-old woman was taken off life support Friday following injuries she received in a violent robbery several days earlier, according to the New Orleans Police Department.

The death raised New Orleans’ homicide count for the year to 145. 

Police said the woman was the victim of a 7th Ward robbery about noon Dec. 17, when a man tried to grab her purse and a struggle ensued.

According to police, the victim chased the robber across the street in the 1700 block of North Dorgenois Street, at which point the robber body-slammed her to the ground, hit her head on the concrete several times and struck her in the face before fleeing with the purse.

Citing friends, identified the victim as Marla Belin. Belin is the owner of the talent agency NOLA Talent Entertainment, according to her LinkedIn page.

Police arrested a suspect in the case, Tyrone Fountain, 40, two days later.

Fountain was booked on counts of simple robbery and second-degree battery. His bail was set by a magistrate judge at $20,000, and he bailed out, according to the report, citing Belin’s friends.

A spokesman for the NOPD said homicide detectives are investigating to determine if additional charges are merited.

Fountain is scheduled for a court appearance Jan. 17, court records show.

The report said Belin’s talent agency focused on discovering and supporting local musicians. 

It quoted an agency employee as saying that Fountain and Belin both lived in the 7th Ward and knew each other before the attack.

If white privilege were real, we’d never stop hearing about this murder.

Have you even heard about his black on white homicide?


Then white privilege doesn’t exist.

And white lives don’t matter.


Posted by Austin R. Burroughs, 22 on Fri, 01 Feb 2019 05:01 | #

SBDL, 31 Jan 2018:

His Name is Austin R. Burroughs: White Air Force Airman Gunned Down by Three Blacks in “Senseless, Cowardly” Murder in Safe Suburb of Austin, Texas

A white enlisted member of the Air Force was gunned down in front of his wife by three blacks out with “the sole purpose of robbing people at gunpoint.”

Not one media outlet in Austin, Texas or even the funeral home where his memorial was held will admit he was a white male (not one telecast by the local media has shown his picture).

If white privilege exists, why is the death of a white male (Austin Burroughs) at the hands of three blacks not the biggest story in the nation? [Three are arrested in ‘senseless, cowardly’ killing of airman in Texas,, 1-28-19]:

Three people have been arrested in the shooting death of an active-duty airman, the Cedar Park Police Department announced Monday.

In not one local news story in Austin, Texas of the murder of Austin Burroughs is his picture shown. Why is the local media and the Air Force so afraid to admit he was a white male gunned down “randomly” by three blacks?

Police Chief Sean Mannix described the “senseless, cowardly actions” that took the life of Airman 1st Class Austin Robert Burroughs on Jan. 20 as a random armed robbery in a safe area of town.

“His life was taken by a group that appears to have gone out with the sole purpose of robbing people at gunpoint that night,” Mannix said. So far, the three are also connected to two other armed robberies on Jan. 21 in Austin.

Cornelius Martin, Darius Burdett-Hornsby and Elanna Wilkes, all of Austin, were arrested Jan. 24 and Jan. 25 and were being held in Travis County Jail. They will be transported to neighboring Williamson County, where Cedar Park is located and where all three suspects are charged with murder, Mannix said.

Cedar Park is a northwestern suburb of Austin with a low violent crime rate.

Mannix said in his six years with the police department, this is the first felony case with a death in which the individuals did not know each other. In 2018, only two homicides were reported, said Alicia Inns, police department spokeswoman.

Burroughs, a cryptologic language analyst, joined the Air Force on May 30, 2017.

He recently graduated from the Defense Language Institute at Presidio of Monterey, Calif., according to records from the Air Force Personnel Center. He was on temporary duty as a student with the 316th Training Squadron at Goodfellow Air Force Base near San Angelo, Texas, en route to his first duty assignment.

Burroughs and his wife are from Texas and private services were held in Pflugerville during the weekend.

On Jan. 20, police responded to a call of shot fired at 9:15 p.m. at the Lakeline Villas Apartments, and found Burroughs, 22, dead of a gunshot wound to the neck, Mannix said. He was pronounced dead at 9:30 p.m.

Burroughs and his wife, who lived at the complex, had just arrived there and he was shot as he exited the driver’s side of the vehicle, police said in the initial release of information following the incident. Mannix would not say Monday which suspect is believed to have pulled the trigger.

Video surveillance footage collected from a nearby business during the investigation showed a vehicle registered to Wilkes rapidly exiting the parking lot quickly after the time of the shooting, police said. The vehicle had a previous history of being connected to aggravated robberies, Mannix said.

Wilkes and Martin were arrested on warrants in a traffic stop in Killeen, Texas, on Jan. 24 and Burdett-Hornsby was arrested on warrants the next day.

Mannix, who said Burroughs had a “promising career in the Air Force,” wouldn’t comment on the condition of the Burroughs’ family, but he said the county’s victims services staff have been in contact with them.

“I’m proud of the collective effort that is helping to honor Austin’s memory by bringing those believed to be responsible to the justice system,” he said.

Austin’s memory is worth honoring, but why has not one media outlet shown us his picture?

The funeral parlor where Austin’s service was held has even removed the obituary (accessible via the cached page) and is not answering questions regarding when the funeral service was even held.

Austin R. Burroughs was a white member of the Air Force, who volunteered to defend his nation, never really knowing it was no longer his country, but one occupied by an elite undeniably hostile to white males.

Which is the main reason why his murder (and pictures of him) has been censored from public consumption.

Rest in peace, Austin.


Posted by Givensmedat on Sat, 02 Feb 2019 19:29 | #

Georgia News, 1 Feb 2019:

Emanuel County man charged in woman’s murder

Emanuel County, Ga. (WJBF) - A Swainsboro man in custody in connection to a murder.

It happened Thursday afternoon in the Dellwood Community.

Deputies say believe Tommy Givens, Jr. shot and killed 41-year-old Sarah Kay Akridge.

When police arrived they found her body in a car right off the roadway.

The GBI is investigating and believe this is a domestic dispute.

They believe Givens was in a relationship with the victim

He was found during a traffic stop and is now in the Emanuel County jail.

Gives faces several charges related to her death.


Posted by Joe Brown on Mon, 04 Feb 2019 16:46 | #

SBDL, “Joe Brown Weaver IV: White Man (and his dog) Murdered by Four Black Men in Home Invasion in South Carolina”, 3 Feb 2019:

A white man and his dog were getting ready to go to sleep on a Monday morning. Four black men named Polo, Muanah, Elijah, and Devonte broke into Joe Brown Weaver IV’s home, shooting both his dog and the white man.

Summerville police arrested 22-year-old Polo Keoki Salazar, 21-year-old Muanah Aruna Fortune Jr., 20-year-old Elijah Quinlin Green and 25-year-old Devonte Trevon Major. All were denied bond Monday afternoon.

Remember: if white privilege were real, we’d never hear the end of this story, where four black men murdered a white man and his dog in South Carolina.

Instead, black privilege equates to the media doing everything possible to keep this story barely localized.

Rest in peace, Joe.


Posted by race of black perpetrators ignored, as always. on Sun, 10 Feb 2019 22:39 | #



Posted by Colin Flaherty on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 04:55 | #

No Apologies: Colin Flaherty interviewed by Josh Neal


Posted by Chislton vs Brockler on Mon, 25 Feb 2019 09:49 | #

Defense lawyer punched by his own client IN COURT!

Sharing is caring!—Aaron Brockler was sucker punched in court. The defense attorney turned to speak with his client when he punched him in the face. The assault was captured on video.

Apparently David Chislton was unhappy with the prospect of spending 47 years in prison. Chislton was convicted of holding his girlfriend captive at gunpoint then torching an apartment complex.

Some individuals seem to have a problem with impulse control.

Spending years locked away as a cellmate with people like Chislton seems to be more grievous a punishment than merely being locked away.

From ▼

David Chislton, 42, struck Aaron Brockler in the face despite being handcuffed, leaving him with a broken nose and a concussion.

Chislton, wearing an orange jumpsuit, had just been told by Judge Nancy Margaret Russo he faces 47 years in jail after being found guilty of numerous charges.

He turns and takes a swing at Brockler, who is standing to his left. Using both hands he then punches his attorney, knocking him down.

Officials and others in the court then rush to pull Chislton away as other can be heard screaming. The police body cam footage then shows an officer as he holds down the defendant before he is led away.

Another officer can be heard telling him: ‘You calm? You know you messed up, right?’

In 2017 he held his girlfriend hostage at gunpoint and threatened to kill her. He then set fire to the Miles Landing apartment complex in Warrensville Heights which led to a police stand off.

After being told his sentence the Warrensville Heights man turned to hit Brockler before biting him during the violent outburst in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas courtroom, according to witnesses.

Brockler, who left the courtroom on a stretcher, joked ‘it was pretty fun’.


Posted by Neverland No-No's on Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:20 | #

...accusers of his pedophilia: 60 Minutes, Australia


Posted by Evie on Sun, 10 Mar 2019 10:16 | #

When Society Cares More About Michael Jackson’s Talent Than Children Being Sexually Abused

BY MARY MARGARET OLOHAN, of Evie on line, Mar 8th 2019

Michael JacksonHBO/Leaving Neverland

We should just come out and say it. Michael Jackson sexually abused at least five boys - and probably more. And it’s taken until 2019 and an HBO documentary for people to pay attention. So what if he was insanely talented? He was also a pedophile. To deny it any longer is not blind faith, it’s delusional.

The facts have been here all along. When Jackson was 34, he spent thirty consecutive nights sleeping with Jordie Chandler in his bed - in the boy’s house while the mother or father was there. He also shared beds with four other boys Jason Francia, Gavin Arvizo, Wade Robson, and Jimmy Safechuck - and “courted” their parents into allowing this by paying them, sending them on trips, giving them gifts of beautiful jewelry, houses, cars, and more.

Source, Evie


Posted by Teachers speak out against black school violence on Sun, 31 Mar 2019 08:54 | #

Teachers speak out against out of control black violence in schools.


Posted by simona on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 18:01 | #

The Wall Street Journal

Verified account @WSJ

Jul 13

Romania’s Simona Halep defeats Serena Williams in the Wimbledon final, denying the American her quest to tie the all-time Grand Slam titles record

Really good to see that woman, Serena Williams, denied the record by a European player, Simona Halep. In truth, one must ask if is it even fair to put a Serena Williams in the same weight class, even if you argue the same species as a European woman, deny entirely different physicality, metabolism, testosterone and so on…

See comment 37 above.


Posted by Kamala Harris on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 04:05 | #

Kamala Harris

America’s history of slavery and institutional racism continues to cause great pain and inequality toward communities of color—particularly Black males. We introduced a bipartisan bill recently to start a long overdue effort to confront the negative treatment of Black men & boys.

8:18 PM · Jul 28, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

Who can say anything to black males? What government program, institution or job isn’t aimed at discriminating IN THEIR FAVOR? To be forced into involuntary contract with blacks as Whites have been for decades has made White men slaves to blacks by definition. Black men have been indulged extravagantly at White men’s expense for decades. Black males owe Whites trillions in reparations.



Posted by Belgium: African migrant slugs transport controlle on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 13:58 | #

Voice of Europe, 3 Oct 2019:

Belgium: African migrant punches public transport controller in the face, breaking his nose


A public transport controller was sent to the hospital after he was punched in the face and had his nose broken by an African migrant who he caught without a valid transport ticket.

The attack occurred last Sunday morning around 11 am in Herentals, a city in the province of Antwerp, and was triggered when the controller of the transport company De Lijn was conducting a check of transport tickets on a bus at the station of Antwerp Herentals, SCEPTR reports.

After the man of African origin failed to provide the controller with a valid transport ticket, he was fined. It was then that the migrant became aggressive and punched the controller in the face. The controller was then transferred to the local hospital where doctors concluded that he had indeed suffered a nose fracture.

The man will reportedly not be able to work for several days due to the injury.

Following the assault, the African migrant fled the scene on foot and hasn’t been seen since.

The assault follows an incident which Voice of Europe reported on last week where a pair of African migrants carried out an armed robbery at a party in Berlaar, Belgium. The two are said to have threatened partygoers and staff members with knives before they were able to make off with 3,500 euros.

Both of the men were arrested shortly after the robbery.

Tips? Follow Arthur Lyons


Posted by Body slammed on Sun, 10 Nov 2019 11:00 | #

A 55 year old White woman argued with the black cashiers of a fast food restaurant, asserting that she should have a refund coming for an over-charge; in her frustration at the predictable disregard and counter assertion, she let the N word slip.

This, asserting yourself as a White against blacks, in the PC world that severely handi-caps White self assertion, is where the rubber hits the road of black hyper-assertiveness.

White abilities to compensate against black strength and quickness are largely prohibited while black lack of impulse control and hyper assertiveness is backed by narratives of collective White historical guilt, affording latitude to mete out punishment to Whites in the instant they attempt to assert their interests against blacks.

The woman is hideously body slammed for her attempted self assertion.

Meekly accept their having what should probably be yours and you may only be subject to a disturbing atmosphere of smug self satisfaction and at-homeness-in-this-world so alien to ours.


Posted by Democrats debate systemic racism on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 05:00 | #


Posted by Pregnant woman fatally shot: here's why. on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 07:29 | #—Had a 29-year-old black woman been shot to death by her white boyfriend, it would likely be national news. Had the victim been white and the suspect black, the story would be limited to local media and race would not be mentioned.

Cassia Renee Duval, 29, was seven months pregnant when she was found shot to death. Her unborn baby was also killed. Arrested is James Isaac Jones Jr. 33. Jones and Duval lived together, reports say.

Why was she killed? We can only speculate. Is it because she mated with an individual with low impulse control, low intelligence, low affective empathy, and psychopathic tendencies? We can’t say for certain.

Why do you think she was killed?

Read more here.


Posted by Arthur Lyons on Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:21 | #

Swedish woman mercilessly raped by African migrant while jogging in the forest

Voice of Europe, 22 Mar 2020

Swedish police are using a phantom image to pursue an African man who grabbed a female jogger while she was trail running in the forest, put a knife to her throat, and mercilessly raped her.

According to the authorities, the savage attack occurred between 12:30 and 13:10 on Tuesday, February 25th, when the woman was walking on an exercise trail not far from Sköndal’s bathing area, Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports.

The victim, after passing the unknown predator, was grabbed and overpowered by him before he dragged into the woods where he proceeded to rape her as he held a knife to her throat.

After thorough questioning of the victim, investigators produced a phantom image of what the rapist looks like.

In an attempt to catch the rapist, police are doing their best to get in touch with another female who was running on the same trail, just prior to the rape, who may have caught a glimpse of the attacker. The runner is said to have been wearing a pink hat at the time.

The victim has described the rapist in the following way: Dark-skinned, black-short-cut hair, dark beard, dark eyes, about 180cm tall, and as having been wearing dark clothes at the time.

On their website, Swedish police say, “There have been several rapes and attempted rape outdoors in southern Stockholm lately. There are similarities between the rapes but also differences.”

Follow Arthur Lyons on Twitter


Posted by Angela Summers, 45 on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:41 | #

Postal carrier shot dead; 21-year-old in custody


Posted by Tyler Wingate on Tue, 25 Aug 2020 11:00 | #

His Name Is Tyler Wingate: 24-Year-Old White Man Gets in Car Accident with Black Male in 83% Black Detroit… Black Motorist Beats Him to Death.

Paul Kersey for Unzreview 23 July 2020

Previously on SBPDL: A Black Mob Nearly Lynched (Yes, Lynched) Steven Utash, a 54-Year-Old White Tree Trimmer, in 83 Percent Black Detroit

What’s life like in 83 percent black Detroit for a white person? Even for a white man just passing through? [Video shows Berkley man beaten to death after early morning car crash on Detroit’s west side, Fox 2 Detroit, July 22, 2019]:

DETROIT (FOX 2) – A 24-year-old man from Berkley was brutally beaten to death after a seemingly minor car crash on Detroit’s west side early Monday morning. The crash and beating were caught on surveillance video from a nearby gas station.

Tyler Wingate is remembered for his contagious smile, good spirit, and loving character. His friends said that he was known for – before his life was violently taken early Monday morning.

Police haven’t been able to say what caused the crash but say Tyler was driving a 2011 Buick Regal when he collided with a 2007 Chevy Impala.

Surveillance video from a nearby gas station showed the unidentified driver walk up to Tyler and punch him in the face. Several witnesses standing nearby watched Tyler drop to the ground.

Much of the video is too graphic to show, but, at one point, Tyler tried to get up but the punches and kicks continued.

A witness was able to pull the man off of Tyler, and the man even appeared to try to swing at that witness. Then everyone but Tyler walked away as they left him to die.

“It’s terrible. It’s terrible. That could be anybody’s family member. You don’t want that to happen to anyone,” witness Juan Williams said. “It’s unfortunate, very unfortunate. No one wants to see a life lost.”

Tyler’s friends said the young man came from a large, loving family and befriended and helped everyone he could. They said he moved to Detroit because he believed in the city and knew it would continue to rise.

A GoFundMe has been started in Tyler’s name. [url=]It raised almost $7,000 in 3 hours.
Now, friends say the entire city of Berkley is heartbroken as Detroit Police search for the driver. He’s described as a tall black man with a skinny build. They’re unsure if he knew Tyler before the crash

Detroit Police are asking anyone with information to call them or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-SPEAK-UP.

Could you even imagine, for just a second, the absolute racial hysteria the corporate media would be pushing if in an 83 percent white city a black motorist was beaten to death by a white male, and then left for dead as multiple white people watched and did nothing?

The entire world would come to a screeching halt to cover this story, and it would be a catalyst for shaming all white people for the horrific crime.

As it is, would you have even read about this story were it not for

Tyler thought he could help make 83 percent black Detroit a better place, but western civilization long ago retreated from the metropolis once known as The Paris of the West.

Rest in peace, Tyler.

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