I’ll give you candy, give you diamonds, give you pills, give you anything you want, hundred dollar bills, I’ll even let you watch the shows you want see, just marry me, marry me, marry me, marry me.
Posted by Siouxsie & Banshees... on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 08:02 | #
Seriously, while this is a pretty scathing indictment of the Arabs (and God know, they deserve it), it’s not explicitly pro-white. After all, those weren’t white women being employed as baby machines. Those weren’t white boys being raped along with the goats. One does not need to be an ethno-nationalist of any kind to disapprove of this sort of thing. On the exoteric level, Siouxsie is expressing her contempt at Arab barbarism. Specifically, she is shaming them for their misogyny, pederasty, and bestiality. She outright calls them primitive despite how attractive they attempt to make their cities look.
And this is great. This all needs to be said. Just like with “Hong Kong Garden” we have a white songwriter passing judgments on nonwhites. But where “Hong Kong Garden” takes baffling digs at a fairly innocuous target, “Arabian Knights” uses evocative lyrics to seize the moral high ground over the issue of human rights. And Siouxsie is telling the truth. Many Arabs do behave as she describes. So perhaps that is why the anti-white backlash to this song has been fairly muted.
So while the exoteric interpretation of “Arabian Knights” may not involve the Alt-Right, the esoteric certainly does. This song provides an eloquent reason why whites need to have their own ethnostate. It proves that we are not just a bunch of hateful bigots. There is truth behind much of what we say. Many of these third-worlders, Arabs included, are just as barbaric as Siouxsie says they are, and are importing their pathologies into our homelands. This is causing real pain along with a slow erosion of our racial security. In England since the late 1980s, Muslim men from Pakistan, North Africa, and the Arab world have raped and sold into sexual slavery over 100,000 white girls. So these ‘baby machines’ of Siouxsie Sioux’s Arabian dystopia are becoming white after all.
Posted by Anything, Anything on Tue, 31 May 2016 16:43 | #
From the same album, “Anything, Anything”