He Wanted to Kill White People
The Daily News added a link to the article on Castile’s death, viz., another article of theirs two days prior to the events in Dallas, stating that “Alton Sterling’s death calls for justice against rotten cops.”

“He Wanted to Kill White People”,
Modern Heretic, 8 July 2016:
The life of your typical “African-American” has a very predictable trajectory. It’s born from an unwed mother as part of an R Strategy bastard brood. From the moment of birth the negro is completely dependent on the wildly misguided generosity of Whites. Our resources are drained on funding the welfare mother, free meal programs because the money we’re already spending isn’t being used to feed the gaping brown maws, special programs and wasteful education funding. All of this spending achieves nothing.
When the negro reaches puberty the heightened testosterone levels begin to interact with the low I.Q. and lack of future time orientation creating a soulless and idiotic monster. It embarks on a life of moronic criminality that will continue until it is either killed or imprisoned by the “races” justice system. The Crabgrass-American is then gainfully employed holding on to puke green bars with its dark paws. Eventually the dangerous animal gets released because putting an evolutionary dead-end in a cage for a few years is bound to reform it and the cycle repeats.

These lives matter.
Yesterday war came to America. The worthless living fossil rewarded decades of spending, bleeding and pitiful appeasement with a direct assault on the eroding rule of law. The collapse has begun. What the jewish nation-wrecker dreamed of is finally here: blood in the streets, open attacks on rapidly dying order, the beginning of the end. Our illegitimate government encouraged it, our kosher media preached it, our educational system was the recruiting grounds for it. It’s here. The U.S.S.A. is done. All that remains to be determined is what will replace it: a South African all against all, a Brazil North “diversity” nightmare state or the restoration of a White nation. It’s up to us. It always was.

“The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” — David O. Brown, Dallas Chief of Police
Twelve police officers were shot and five killed while working at a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas Thursday night, by a gunman who said he carried out the attack to revenge the two police-related deaths of black men this week.
The Daily News added a link to the article on Castile’s death, viz., another article of theirs two days prior to the events in Dallas, stating that “Alton Sterling’s death calls for justice against rotten cops.”
Interesting venting of the spleen by “Modern Heretic.” I am not sure that an out and out race war is what Jewish interests are after. In fact, that would be better for us. What they probably want is a lower grade conflict with other races to incapacitate White organization and activism - which a hotter kind of conflict just might stimulate; coordinated sufficiently, it may not serve Jewish interests at all.
Posted by They look HuWhite & MolyJ on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 06:16 | #
Jared they look HuWhite to him Taylor talks with Stephan MolyJ