There must be many nationalists who have asked themselves, “Why Israel? Why is the Israeli Likud government ... supposedly the nationalist government of the most ethnocentric and tribal people on the planet, uttery persuaded of its own g-d given right to minister forever over of all humankind ... why is that government coercing and deceiving its Jewish population, including pregnant women and children, into taking the Pfizer jab; and why is it racing ahead with the roll-out of the instrument of totalitarian control which is the Covid passport? Why, of all governments, has that government collectively taken upon itself the task of experimenting on, of all peoples, that people and, if Mike Yeadon and others are to be believed, of committing them to a future of fatally compromised physical and reproductive health?
At the very least they, the Israeli government, cannot know that the Pfizer jab is safe, most especially for babies in the womb. No democratic governments are elected to gamble with the life of the unborn. But while nationalists across the developed world readily suspect their own governments, aided and abetted by formal Jewish organisations, of such venality, still there was an understanding that Israel’s Jews would always be kept safe by their politicians. That was the famous Jewish double standard: “Universalism for you, nationalism for me.” It was an article of faith for seven-decades of nationalists after the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion. And yet here we are, with the Israeli people committed by their government to the same perilous path as the rest of us.
It just does not fit with the standard nationalist narrative of Talmudic struggle, or with the Zionist struggle, or with the post-1980s sanctification of the six million and, thereby, of every Jewish life. If these things have been let go by the Jewish elites in Israel in favour of the Schwabian Re-Set and, furthermore, if it involves the oft-alleged strategy of mass depopulating vaccination, it represents the most extraordinary reversal of ethnic investment and unity, comity and service any of us have ever seen.
Here, to validate the process, is the passionate testimony of Ilana Rachel Daniel to the Dutch video platform She is a health worker and, now, an activist and information officer for a new political human rights party named Rappeh:
You don’t have to listen to the whole interview because the meat of it is stated over the first 2 minutes and 46 seconds. That said, one very interesting fact from later in the interview is that the Israeli state machine, the social media giants, major employers, banking sector and so forth are treating dissenters exactly as the parallel institutions in the UK treat salient dissenters and nationalists here. As the lady says, “They are making this complete Re-Set.” Olam ha-ba it ain’t.
As a side comment, the behaviour of the elites in Israel puts me in mind of a VDare article by Peter Brimelow that I read back in 2004, on the tenth anniversary of the publishing of The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. Brimelow remembered his friendship and his last meeting with the Jewish-American psychologist Richard Herrnstein, who co-wrote the book with Charles Murray. Herrnstein was dying from lung cancer, and Brimelow was able to visit him close to the end and press into his hands a pre-release copy of the book. Brimelow described him as “a great man”, and he certainly might have been a remarkably observant and prescient one given that his motivation for writing the book was to warn against the developing caesura - he called it cognitive dissonance - within the body of his own people between its elites and its masses.
His thesis seems now to have become fact inside Israel in the most definitive way. Is there any other explanation for the extraordinary events in that country?