Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Thu, 07 May 2020 21:18 | # Weren’t the Germans going to round up all fighting age British males and send them to the continent to be worked to death? Whilst SS death squads roamed the country, terrorising the population and carrying out brutal reprisals against any acts of resistance. That’s why my Grandad fought them. They were told the Germans would be tyrannical and end their freedom, if not their lives. So they kicked the shit out of them as best they could. Nobody cares what these Johnny come lately, dodgy and suspect as all hell e-beggars have to say. Their viewing stats are pitiful and aren’t growing at all. Our guys have been lulled into seeing this as mere entertainment, whilst our enemies have just shut down the entire fucking globe. “Ooh, Wilberforce has just released a new YT video” 2 hours of whinging about the same old shite folks were whinging about 10/20/30/40/50/60 years ago. Where are our tanks? Our fighter jets and aircraft carriers? Where are our legions? Nobody is concerned about us because we are just a bunch of pussies with zero real power and no influence whatsoever. And the clock is now beyond midnight. The absolute state of this pair. Good on ‘em, they must be pretty brave, or something else. Collett kicked Jew ass in a video about a year ago that was 11/10. But I wouldn’t let him run a team of double glazing salesman, and he sure as fuck won’t ever be leading me.
Dan, I found quite a few survivalist/prepper infographs but some of them are very tall and skinny. 9/10 of them all in one post might look a bit nasty. But this is the stage we are at. Individual and small group basic survival (we appear to have bypassed the actually fighting back bit). They may be important for folks to see. The basic gist is you’ll need about 2 acres to feed a family of four farming a range of plants, vegetables, herbs and livestock. I thought I should get permission before posting them. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 May 2020 21:59 | # What’s your view of the Western Spring operation, Doc? 4
Posted by Fran W on Thu, 07 May 2020 23:59 | # My responses to some of the interesting views raised in the debate. The LAST thing we need to do as indigenous White people whilst taking back our homelands three generations later (by demographic strength and the sword), is to also take ‘their’ women considering our formally homogeneous White homelands will be 80% or more non-White by then. Miscegenation equals racial destruction. That’s the first point. Regarding Northern Ireland, the Catholic population must be won over in view of the non-White invasion deluge which will also soon submerge both native Catholics and Protestants alike. I don’t believe in each simply carrying on with the sectarian division in the face of such gradual wholesale demographic obliteration. I’m afraid it will take a far more drastic approach which will involve plans to evacuate those of the indigenous White racial stock who are as close to the ancestral gene pool as possible with some deserving exceptions, of course, and relocate them to set aside territories or safe havens and once removed, the need to blitz the European continent with low-yield thermo-nuclear weaponry followed up by biological weaponry where found necessary, to dramatically cull the non-European swarms across the European continent as well as the weak-seed White pond life. That’s the second point. On the subject of unforeseen circumstances creating a vacuum in strategy, an EMP attack would certainly afford a pretty explosive opportunity. In the near future, unfortunately any area that manages to remain majority white resulting from significant White Flight, for example, will be forcibly invaded by Blacks and Browns particularly of the Islamic breed precisely to crush any chance of its survival. It’s better to join forces with those European countries that protect their indigenous populations against mass invasion, territorial dispossession and genocide including relocating to them on a temporary basis. In the meantime, while there is still room for some measure of manoeuvre, it is absolutely essential that ethno-nationalists stealthily infiltrate pertinent areas of the existing EU structure in order to, first and foremost, take charge of the nuclear deterrent within those Central European countries possessing it and aligning with Eastern European nationalist administrations in the process since the current acceleration of ongoing mass Third World invasion will render this goal imperative with the economy and infrastructure having all but collapsed to the point of no longer being priority, at which juncture, only ethnic survival will be. 5
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 08 May 2020 01:20 | #
Nuking people, biological weaponry, the corresponding destruction to our habitat should not be necessary given a well conceived plan. It should be needless to say that it is dangerous to air such plans, while adding that our enemies can possibly use these strategies against us in retaliation if that slippery slope is set in motion. We have many other means to compel the compliance of nationalist separation. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 May 2020 09:35 | # Fran, the forces which are taking away the life and lands of our race include formative systems such as Christian universalism and its liberal children humanism and liberal individualism, as well as historical developments such as modernity and economism, political corruptions such as the Marxisms (ie, all forms of radical equalitarianism), anti-racism, and multiracialism, human corruptions such as materialism, power elitism, internationalism, and globalism, and, of course, the unceasing striving of Jews for Olam Ha-ba and, increasingly now, Muslims for their “manifest destiny” also. All of these forces can function separately but perfectly congruently in their address of our being, identity, natural will, and claim on life, and the result is that whole swathes of what should be our own officer class ... the educated middle-class ... have proven themselves quite incapable of resisting their formative power. They are the moral and intellectual captives of those forces, and they are waging a war upon us in the name of those forces. In consequence, every public point of influence over our people’s life and future functions as an engine of war against us: politics, the state machine, the media, the Third Sector, the education system, the legal system, the business world ... everything. They are killing us as they solicit our votes, and silencing us as they tax us, propagandise us, and indoctrinate our children. They lie about us. They spit upon our dissent. They marginalise those of our people who are loyal enough to make a political stand; and if they cannot marginalise them, they set the police state on them; all the while with the noisy, lying connivance of the media class. None of this is a surprise to nationalists, who had read the political runes by the 1960s. In all that time we had not found a single weak point until 2016 when, finally, we were given, quite by accident, a chance to vote on the political, corporate and liberal elites’ plans for a European superstate. We ... chiefly in this case patriotic Englishmen and women ... took it. The system did not win. The consequences of that great victory have not yet begun to emerge into the light, but they will be profound. What was assumed by the powerful and the chattering classes to belong to the past has been shown to be imperishable in the heart of our people. A general and formal turn to nation-statehood is no small historical change, and will bring in its wake a cascade of new reference points for the way we all think. It is our task, indeed our privilege to exploit that at every level and in every way, and to attach to it the just case for our people’s life and rights (which don’t include chucking nukes about, btw, and don’t include Hitler-worship either). Yes, the demographics are rapidly deteriorating, but in a sense they don’t matter. No part of the colonisation is legitimated by our consent, and never will be - it’s just a numbers problem to which the answer is always repatriation/relocation. After all, no respectable argument for our replacement and dissolution exists or ever existed. No one can say why we may not live sovereign on our soil like any other native people across the world. The one-word hate-answer offered by two generations of mentally-unstable white anti-racists (as well as by black and Asian race-hucksters and hypocrites) holds no sting now. As over the EU referendum we are witnessing the deepening of the divide between those who love us and those who hate us (and hate themselves); and even though those who love us hold no power today, still we hold the ultimate power of natural right and justice, which no hatred and no lies can overcome. Let us clarify the divide for our own people, and see to whom they, out of their own nature, turn. 7
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Fri, 08 May 2020 15:33 | # @3 Bear with me GW, I just sat here for two hours writing out a reply and as soon as I pressed post comment it just vanished. I’ll have another go later. 8
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 08 May 2020 15:39 | # Dr. Eigenvector, I’ve had that experience of not saving a comment on the clip board and losing it (utterly exasperating), but I’ve found that if you page pack a couple times, the comment is often still there on a page and you can put it on the clip board then to be sure and save it. See if you can page back to it now. 9
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Fri, 08 May 2020 17:33 | # Thanks Dan, I tried but it’s gone. My fault for not saving it elsewhere. a) Learned from GDubya, went off to fight on the front lines where we won many battles but failed to finish off the war b) Watched our guys get filtered down into smaller and smaller groups whilst numerous false flag atrocities were pinned on us to strawman us as the only group resisting. Resisting = nazi = “you don’t want to be labelled a nazi and have your life destroyed, do you Goy?”. No expense spared and every devious tactic in the book been used over the last few years to squash us - lol, we still here. Raised a question - do they want us to keep going to an extent - are we in some ways working for them for free as we allow them to keep up their victimhood narrative c) Dodgy “leadership” class parachuted in out of nowhere. Bunch of useless tossers slammed us into the Charlottesville wall = normies were successfully shielded from us and turned against us whilst we retreated into our echo chambers d) Told GW about my plan to sweep up from my part of the UK with my battalions and save everyone. Also told GW about my plan to play centre forward for Man Utd and win England another World Cup. Opined to GW that I am slowly starting to realise that these things are now unlikely to happen e) Rejoiced that I am free and have had an amazing life on a bargain basement budget. I haven’t sold my soul or committed weird depraved acts on some shitty little Caribbean island. Laughed at the people who control the world as their lives and existence suck. They are soulless husks who live their lives in fear and under the control of those even weirder and more depraved than them. We have already won. It is they who live in a prison of their own making, desperate to avoid judgement for what they have done. f) Pretty much that really. Am interested in getting involved in real life stuff but where I live it still is an ethnostate where nothing ever happens. Told GW that last year I broke my arm at work and how that, and now the virus, has wiped me out. Can’t do anything much irl at this moment. Saddened that all we have is Western Spring or North West front but wish them well. Would love to go running through the North West forests with my (50) guns and moonshine but that I am going to stay here and fight. Posted some private stuff that I’m kind of glad got shoah’d tbh. Went a bit far, as usual. Pretty shit comment, again, as usual. But wrote from the heart. Mainly boasting about how we’ve already won because we’re the only ones who haven’t forgotten to truly live. Laughed at ZOG. Fuck ZOG. Ugly, grotesque, weird people. As are their minions. They are a joke. Added this pic. These people are morons. The worst thing we can do to them is let them keep going. Every second they are alive, they are living in their own Hell. And that makes me happy. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 May 2020 23:24 | # Hi Doc, Thanks for the progress report. It is natural enough to be depleted, energy-wise, by prolonged contact with the low intellect and lower morality of the enemy activists, and exasperated by the ease with which, despite its indefensible nature, the Establishment can protect its race project. In fact, its indefensibleness is not really a weakness. Yes, it necessitates the recourse to obvious lies, and the recourse to obvious lies necessitates the further recourse to intimidation and, if that does not work, actual violence and state persecution. The low-grade, mechanical liars and intimidators we engage don’t expect to win any debates, and don’t have to produce compelling arguments. The race project isn’t based on some communicable moral or intellectual cause. It only needs to force its way onward. No one in a position of power even bothers to explain let alone defend it. No one is concerned about being held to account. It isn’t a system that can in some way be beaten in public debate. It does not collapse because it doesn’t win debates. There are only two ways to challenge it: at the ballot box and by terror. We are, in the war of discourse, concerned to create the ideological conditions in which the former can be pursued effectively, namely by dictating the terms in which the public mind ... our people’s mind ... perceives the project. We have to achieve what Farage and UKIP achieved in 2015/16. But, plainly, we have to do it in the teeth of the attack from the hostile media. It doesn’t matter that this is very, very difficult. It doesn’t matter that we are seemingly weak and few. We are the English. We fight. 11
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sun, 10 May 2020 17:23 | # @10 GW I’m trying to get a YouTube poster called “Brem” to come here for a “debate” on a level playing field. He’s giving it the usual big one in the thread we’re on where he knows he’s protected by the moderators and censorship. As far as I can tell he’s been too scared to even load up this site, let alone start posting here and proving to us why he is right and we are so very wrong. It’s like talking to an empty, soulless vessel. Just a weird, creepy one whose arrogance is off the charts. You know the type! Although you wouldn’t have wasted much time with this particular individual. He/She is just another droid. This kind of meat and potatoes action is still ongoing. I see it all over, but in general our opposition are terrified of leaving their hidey holes and safe spaces. The battlefield is ours. The only genuine truth out there is ours. However, they have been able to keep the bulk of people within the Sargon-o-sphere, unfortunately. The JQ, and why the JQ exists seems to be the stumbling block, as ever. The difference between a civic and an ethnat. In that regard, not much has changed. Just that the whole scene is now vast. We have a huge army of footsoldiers but by now we would have needed to have them. I think all the early years efforts in the war on discourse paid off better than we could ever have hoped. I see the fruits of that work every time I enter the fray. Safety in numbers applies here, in terms of any legal threat. And the Streisand Effect. They are hoisted on their own petard, all day, every day. The media are currently whipping up a storm over the Ahmaud Arbrey health and fitness mishap. This is the current big happening outside of the virus. They are lying about what really happened, but there is a really odd phenomenon at play here. Two people can watch the exact same footage, and come up with entirely opposing versions of the event they just witnessed. It’s bizarre, yet fascinating and terrifying at the same time. And you cannot reach these people. They have made up their minds about what has happened before the full facts have even emerged. And that’s the end of that. If he’s Black, he’s innocent. We don’t know why he’s innocent, but we’ll find a reason, even if that reason is an outright lie. The (((MSM))) are blatantly trying to whip up racial tensions again over this incident, but they’re getting away with it and there doesn’t seem to be anything anyone can do to stop them. This is where my whinge about us having no real power comes in. I understand why we are here. It’s just frustrating and annoying that they can get away ad infinitum with their non stop lies and attempts to flare up inter-racial violence. I don’t hate anyone, and would gladly ally with any good man to fight ZOG. I want non-Whites happy, content and prosperous, just in the places where they naturally belong. Things have gone excellently, and are going excellently. Just to an extent. We have surrounded their castle and we outnumber them 10000/1. It’s just that we have no seige engines or canons. No swords or bows or shields. And no pitchforks or assault pencils. And nobody remembered to get an up to date revolution licence from the council. We’re sat outside, throwing clods of mud at their 20ft thick stone walls. They know we’re here, and could send their cavalry to sally forth from the gates and throw us in the dungeons at any moment. They’re just finishing their breakfast feast first, then they’ll decide if they can be bothered. As an experienced and hardened combat veteran and commander with over 1000 hours of playtime logged on Rome Total War alone, I can safely say that in this regard our tictacs suck, badly. If the Americans don’t use their weapons, before they are taken, we will be in real trouble. They laugh at our defenselessness, and I don’t blame for that. Yet they never use theirs whilst their precious constitution and concomitant (I learned that one from you!) freedoms are slowly taken from them. Theoretically, this war could go on for decades yet and these early years may have just been the opening skirmishes. Like you said, I’ve dug in for the long haul. (((They’ve))) only made superficial progress in my corner of the world and we are millions strong. I’m hiding out in the swamps of Somerset, ready to ride.
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sun, 10 May 2020 18:09 | # The picture in post nine was them warning Isaac Kappy to keep silent as he was on the verge of exposing them. He was one foot in, one foot out at the time. This was at the heart of the Epstein/John of God revelations/battle that was mainly happening on /pol. He (((committed suicide))) and this was his deadman’s switch video: Isaac Kappy’s deadman’s switch video 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 11 May 2020 11:55 | # Doc, I would be more than happy for Brem to drop by. One imagines that we could, all together and at our leisure, investigate the origins of morality and its inherency both to the principle of self-defence and, perhaps, the superiority of the victim; and then we could profitably conclude by exploring the difference between a mania and a pathology. I am confident that if Brem could stay the course he would learn something useful about himself, the age which produced him, and the grotesque unnaturalness of the opinions he professes but which, of course, he does not own. They own him. As regards your accurate assessment of our tactics, we will soon have to return to politics. That cannot be done until seriousness overtakes personal advantage among the people running the micro-parties. A call for a conversation with a view to creating a new organisational structure, perhaps federal in kind, to maximise our current force would be a decent beginning. 14
Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 11 May 2020 15:01 | # @11 , ‘Why Have Video Games Got So Woke?’ Laura Towler explains The industry guidelines for advertising are somewhat similar. 15
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Tue, 12 May 2020 15:08 | # @14 Cheers manc. I’m not really up to date with modern games or gaming. All I do know is that there are constant complaints about the quality of their product and that the forced injection of pc is the root cause. It was one of the last places where males could go to congregate and escape the neverending attacks so they (yes, them again) had to infiltrate and destroy it. Four White lads meeting up online to enjoy a game of Borderlands without discussing feminist or transgender issues is the very pinnacle of evil, after all. A lot of gamers have gone back to playing older non pc games. There are millions of people that still play on mods for games that are 10 years old or more. Stainless Steel and Third Age Divide and Conquer (two mods for a game called Medieval Total War that was released in 2006) are a couple that I am aware of. To escape their pink haired pursuers gamers have been forced to create their own games that they are in control of, rather than the industry. Our guys are forced to get creative and innovative and in the end have both won, and have created superior products than the multi billion pound industry could ever dream of. and his minions just can’t seem to take the hint. They will never defeat us. @13 Brem has conceded the field, unfortunately. It transpired that he was a coward with the moral and intellectual convictions of a soggy cream cracker. Who’d have thought it! They haven’t changed at all, nor have their talking points or personality and character traits. I’ve never been able to get one to come here, and doubt I ever will. Our guys have turned to the now profitable endeavour of e-begging as an alternative to actually doing something. Significant money has entered the equation so the infighting has increased as the stakes have been raised. Success is measured in t-shirt sales and donations. Infiltration by the security services is as obvious and effective as ever. Folks are being lead down that old cul de sac, as ever. Converting the online success we have had into real word political advancement will be as difficult as ever. A lot of our guys seem to see themselves as the current/future leader. They are empire building and loss of control of their particular little fan club would impact on their bottom line. We have 1 million Generals, leading half a dozen footsoldiers. The rumblings of discontent are growing. You can only watch a new video of the same rehashed content so many times before starting to ask questions. This isn’t supposed to be about being entertained whilst the world continues to burn. I’ll start bringing up federalisation as an idea but one lone voice has little impact today. You’re pissing into an ocean of piss. If I go on to any of our sites and suggest that they concede authority to a higher power it will go down like a lead balloon. Our guys are as supportive, tribalistic and protective over their own favourite website or ideology as footy fans are over their favourite football team. Anyone upsetting the apple cart and disrupting their fun little circle jerks will just get run off. Those castle walls aren’t getting breached any time soon. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 12 May 2020 23:57 | # OK, so to flesh out the federal thing ... I would really like to see brought into being an umbrella body that can function as a dedicated election-fighting machine, drawing its activists ad hoc and as necessary from the entire movement. Thus it would take over the electoral role from the member parties but not the work of raising funds, which would be subvented by said parties (each party receiving its share-out of candidates according to the percentage of funding which it subvents). The organisation itself should be managed by a central executive drawn from the parties and weighted for membership, eventually, by the same measure. It should be structured on a classic OMOV basis with the chairman - a revolving appointment - having the casting vote. There should also be a trustees board of senior people in the movement who are not members of any party and are responsible for the strategic decision-making and the control of funds. There should, of course, also be an election officer, a full-time research desk, a legal officer and a press officer. These would be paid positions. All other positions would be unpaid, excepting necessary expenses. I favour the name Our Land, but people will have their own opinions on that. Hopefully, such a structure would turn the parties into professional fund-raising and membership organisations, and remove from circulation the more idiosyncratic policy ideas they sometimes have. Ideologically, the organisation must be ethnic and nativist, but the development of its programme would be entirely in the gift of the executive committee. There you go, Doc. My cure for the ills of the movement! 17
Posted by Boby on Wed, 13 May 2020 18:18 | #
Boby is correct to disagree with Collett’s objection to migrants maintaining their different language and ways, that they should be incentivized to speak English and integrate or leave. However, the objection should go further than that in Not falling for the trick of reacting against multiculturalism. Migrants should be incentivized to keep their language and culture and leave - not to integrate.
Buchanan was duped into advocating the last thing in our interests - integration of foreign elements. This is to react to the trick of multiculturalism presented tacitly as integration by reacting with explicit, accelerated integration, because that is mistaken to be the opposite. 18
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 13 May 2020 22:03 | # The link is voided for some reason:
But I did catch the opening few minutes earlier, and Gavin Boby seemed pretty good. I have no idea how Mark and Laura expect to repatriate the Africans here if culture and language are suggested as some sort of gateway to staying forever. .... Fixed the link, GW, thanks for the head’s up: Patriotic Review with Gavin Boby 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 May 2020 00:07 | # OK, thanks for the replacement link, Daniel. I have listened to the bulk of it, and would make the following comments. 1. Gavin Boby successfully exposed the wishful thinking in Mark and Laura’s repatriation scheme. His demand for evidence-based thinking is mete. But ... When we come to how Gavin himself wishes to proceed we find that he is making an appeal to morality and reputation. He sets up a false dichotomy where the English must act hyper-morally in the interests of preserving how we are perceived by himself and others OR everything will slide away into civil war and “massacre”. So if he is not willing to follow evidence-based thinking into hard choices, but writes them and everything else off in advance, evidence-based thinking is not his preference at all. I think he is an interesting fellow and an effective debater, but he is a self-indulgent moralist. 2. The moralising also infects his need not to confront the Jewish Question. I have to say that Mark put up a lousy argument, and completely missed the opportunity to explore Gavin’s blind incomprehension of Judaism and its parallels in Jewish secular activism. In truth, it isn’t difficult to tread the moral line. One need only say that how we respond to the Jewish ethnic struggle is a mark of our civilisational quality, yes, but also of our knowledge and understanding. As with evidenced-based thinking, Gavin is struggling to avoid knowledge and understanding, indeed to paint it as prejudice and falsehood. It’s a pity because we need middle-class professionals like Gavin in our activist ranks. 20
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Fri, 15 May 2020 11:24 | # I’ll do what I can, GW. Michael Flynn talking about army of digital soldiers 21
Posted by Simon Harris' two recent podcasts on Sat, 23 May 2020 10:22 | # Simon Harris passed away. He was podcasting only a week ago. Here are his two most recent: EF #24: Herding Cats with Morgoth EF #25: The State of the Art with Jeff Winston (White Art Collective) & Nick Cotton (Vile) 23
Posted by Boby on Sat, 18 Jul 2020 16:21 | # Gavin Boby has apparently been successful in his campaign to block the application for the Piccadilly mega mosque. Dangerfield discussion with Gavin Boby via email at 1:13:15 on the strategy of the mosque block. Post a comment:
Next entry: Woman Shoots McDonald’s Workers For Telling Her She Couldn’t Eat In Dining Room Given COVID-19 Rules
![]() Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by Dangerfield on Thu, 07 May 2020 15:23 | #
EF #21: Keeping A Political Project On Point with Dangerfield
Simon Harris and Horus (British Horus) are apparently newly “red pilled” on the J.Q., which means they are likely enmeshed in not only a series of false either ors regarding WWII but really, some rather dishonest revisionism coming out of America.
Starting at minute 55:00 they ask fellow relative newcomer to ethnonationalism, Dangerfield, what he thinks about overcoming British patriotism as defined in opposition to Nazism….
Note that as a result of entering through these pro Nazi revisionist narratives, Harris makes the assertion that Germany is not the enemy, as if being against Nazism and being against Germany and German nationalism is the same thing, which it absolutely is not - though it is one and the same according to disingenuous propaganda - which, at the same time, would like to blame anyone but Hitler for being the prime instigator of the war (which Hitler obviously was).
And Horus takes the same old disingenuous American Nazi supplied angle that Britain has to get over these “false narratives” about WWII. In other words, they need to lie and say that Hitler was just a great guy, din do nuffin wrong.
On the contrary, both English nationalism and German nationalism need to be unsaddled of association with Nazi Germany and recognize it as unnecessary to the cause of nationalism.
Chris Dangerfield gets this surprisingly correct: