Patriotic Alternative’s Celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day, 9 August 2020. Home Contact About News Our Plan Get Involved Events Demographics Education August 9th is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People – and as we are the indigenous people of these islands, we thought it would be a great time to celebrate! On July 4th a group of 70 patriots went walking in the Peak District and displayed a 10-metre-long banner that simply read ‘WHITE LIVES MATTER’. You can read about the day. Since that event, the pictures have gone viral and many liberals have had screaming tantrums and public meltdowns. On August 9th we thought we would repeat the exercise on a much larger scale and use the publicity to get #WhiteLivesMatter trending on social networks. The day was a roaring success! Hundreds of patriots gathered at various locations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to carry out banner reveals, stick up posters and hand out leaflets. We even had people take part in America, New Zealand, Austria and Denmark! Our activism was picked up by a number of local news outlets, bringing a spike of registrations to the Patriotic Alternative website. Thank you to everybody who took part on the day. It was a fantastic show of force and optimism. Photographs from the day can be found below. Common Questions and ObjectionsWho are the British? To be British is to be one of the various ethnic groups of the United Kingdom, namely: the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Northern Irish, the Cornish and the Orcadians (the indigenous inhabitants of the Orkney Islands, Scotland). What are the differences between the various British ethnicities? Although the ethnic groups of Britain are overwhelmingly NW European, there are slight differences in the ancestry of each group. For example, the Scottish will have more Viking ancestry, while the English will have more Anglo Saxon ancestry, and the Welsh will have more Celtic ancestry. The important thing to remember is that all of these groups came from the same region, therefore, despite our differences, we are very similar to each other (especially when compared to a non-British ethnicity). Objection: Only the Welsh, who are Celtic, are indigenous to Britain. False. All the groups mentioned above are indigenous to Britain. The English, for example, are around 60% Celtic and 40% Anglo Saxon (two groups who originated from the same place). A common argument that you will hear is that, as the English have Anglo Saxon heritage as well as Celtic, they are not native. This is the equivalent of having some red paint on a paint palette, and then adding some more red paint and saying it has changed colour. Coincidentally, the Māori (who are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand) arrived in New Zealand around 700 years ago. The Anglo Saxons invaded Britain around 1500 years ago. Nobody ever argues that the Māori aren’t indigenous, but they will argue that the English aren’t. Objection: Britain has always been a nation of immigrants. Mass immigration started to Britain in 1948, yet it was really amplified from 1997 onwards when Tony Blair became Prime Minister under a Labour government. Before 1948, Britain was overwhelmingly ethnically British. Sure, there were small amounts of immigrants here and there (you may read about the odd Black skeleton being dug up), but their numbers were insignificant when compared to Britain’s overall population size. It is also worth noting that any invasion that Britain previously faced was an invasion by other Europeans (I.E., people who were very similar to us). Objection: The English are a mongrel race. False. People will usually cite various waves of invasion to Britain in order to suggest that the English are a “mongrel race” made up of the Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, etc. As discussed above, the English are a Celto-Germanic ethnic group. Not every invasion that Britain faced had an impact on our gene pool. The Romans for example, despite being in Britain for around 400 years, operated as a ruling class and had next-to-no impact on our genetics. As also discussed above, all of these groups are other Europeans anyway so it would hardly constitute a “mongrel race” even if it were true. For more information about our status as indigenous people, please find below a useful video by Survive the Jive.
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Posted by Greg Johnson interviews Mark Collett on Tue, 01 Sep 2020 20:40 | # Post a comment:
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Posted by PA's Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 05:29 | #