Paul Hickman
RIP Paul Hickman
The first radio interview I ever did was with Paul Hickman and he was without a doubt, the best interviewer I ever came across. A real gentleman. Here’s the programme.
If anyone believes we are NOT fighting against a truly evil system, then the example of Paul Hickman is there for all to see – a good man prevented from earning his livelihood, thrown out of his jobs, hounded, persecuted and driven to suicide by the forces of darkness that rule this land. We’ll not forget him, we’ll turn our fury into energy and fight for victory and we WILL avenge him! Ave atque vale! - Jez Turner
RIP PAUL HICKMAN, Tanstaafl, 6 Nov 2017:
The team at the BM Sunwheel Office were saddened to hear of the death of West Midlands racial Nationalist and activist Paul Hickman. Paul Hickman was the broadcaster behind the on-line radio ‘Voice of Albion’ and operated on the internet as ‘Birmingham Nationalist’. Ruthlessly hounded by self-styled anti-fascists, Paul lost his job and struggled to find work, his political activism also drew on to him the unwanted attentions of the State and its agencies. From what little information coming to us here, we are led to believe that Paul Hickman took his own life. A sad situation for someone still in their thirties and a loss to British Nationalism.
Also, from the sidebar at Renegade Broadcasting:
After 2 years of restrictive bail for posting non-PC stickers, being harassed and doxed by antifa and losing his employment, former Renegade host Paul Hickman took his life. RIP.
Listen to Paul’s archives here.
This is sad news. I first spoke with Paul Hickman a little over four years ago when he was starting his program Voice of Albion at the White network. I had the pleasure of joining him on air on two occasions, in February and April of 2014.
I did not know Paul well, but had hoped to meet him in person someday. He helped educate me in several ways. He was a somber and perceptive man. He could clearly see the horror unfolding in Britain specifically but also for the White race more generally. He had been increasingly openly active in the British National Party, but by 2014 had became dissatisfied with the leadership of Nick Griffin. In response Paul became more radical, in the best possible sense, shifting his attention and support to British Movement and National Action. - Tanstaafl
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Nov 2017 08:18 | #
Stinks. That was a smart, neat guy.
We shouldn’t be losing beings like him, they should be brought back to our side in humaneness.