The Black Panther shooting: the white racist reaction London’s white racists are today holding a vigil and lighting candles for would-be black power politician Sasha Johnson, who, according to witnesses, was shot in the head by a powerful black, or at least one with a firearm, in the early hours of this morning. She is undergoing emergency surgery. Ms Johnson is known as “The Self-Styled Black Panther of Oxford” for her courageous protest against the white violence and supremacist supremacism represented by the statue of Sir Cecil Rhodes in the mens at the Addicts Arms on the corner of Needle Street and Adrenalin Road. In her short political career she has demanded a Racists Registry as well as slavery reparations for one-time black slaves in the Ghanaian boroughs of Croydon, Willingdon, and Hackney. She is also alleged to have tweeted that white people should be enslaved, although later claimed that this was the work of white supremacist hackers because, like, obviously, she doesn’t want to pay the reparations. The Association of White Supremacist Hackers has denied Ms Johnson’s claim and launched a legal action in the High Court for damages in the sum of £50 million payable in Bitcoin. The AWSH has put out a statement this morning calling on the government to keep Ms Johnson alive. The Minister for Our NHS has been contacted for comment but has yet to respond, provoking allegations from London’s white racist community that the government did not want Ms Johnson’s courageous political activity in the first place. London’s white racist community, on the other hand, have expressed deep shock at the shooting. Sid Croak, membership secretary for Little Sitcom White Supremacists, spoke for many when he said, “I can’t fuckin’ believe it. Some blud near done ‘er in. Just when our membership ‘ad started pickin’ up again. First time in eighty bleedin’ years. Absolutely fuckin’ typical.” Vic Drone of Little Sitcom’s sister organisation, Hackney-Born Losers, added, “We’re all rootin’ for Sash cuz of ‘er courageous political activity. We’re ‘er biggest fans. Well, ‘avin’ said that, we’re ‘er only white fans. Well, actually, I’m thinkin’ we might be ‘er only fans, d’ya know wot I mean?” No one was rumoured to know what Mr Drone meant, but local reports say this is not unusual. Darren Miniscule, proprietor of the Adolf Cafe in Kensington Palace Gardens, declined to give his name but sounded a note of optimism among the downcast supremacist gloom. “She’ll be back jus’ the same,” he said, “I’ve been shot in the ‘ead many times, an’ it never made no difference to me.” A whip around among Mr Miniscule’s bigoted customers for Ms Johnson’s nascent political party, Taking the Initiative Party, had raised twelve shillings and sixpence in old money. But Mr Miniscule added, “For a bit of a laugh one of my regulars has gone and wrote a cheque for an ‘undred farsand parnds but, see, the silly arse spelled the third bit of the payee’s name P-i-s-s.” Mr Miniscule still holds the cheque and is writing to the Electoral Commission formally seeking a party registration in that name. With apologies to the late, great Peter Simple. Comments:2
Posted by manc on Tue, 25 May 2021 19:43 | # Mau-mauing white people is becoming a national pastime. ‘Very irresponsible’ Diane Abbott accused by Home Office of stoking ‘tensions’ with her tweet about the Johnson shooting. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 26 May 2021 09:25 | # It just gets more ironic. And predictable.
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 11:50 | # Why is it that pundits and commentators in the MSM—along with virtually all the pols—continue to dance around what CRT actually is or what it isn’t? Is it due to ignorance? Confusion? Cowardice? Or something else? Something more sick, twisted and evil driving it? All or a combination thereof? At any rate I think CRT indoctrination is fast becoming more damaging to white-identity then any of its anti-white ideological predecessors. Certainly it’s more widespread. Actually it’s become virtually ubiquitous in the most “advanced” Western societies. Ilana Mercer (yes I know she’s a Jew) shares her astute perspective on the subject.
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 May 2021 12:57 | # The Conservative Woman is a small-c conservative Christian site, readership of which is growing at a rate of knots. About a million uniques a week, I think. It is also as near to a free speech blog as you will find in the (nominal) mainstream. This morning it crossed the Rubicon:
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 13:37 | #
Yep. My thoughts exactly. It will be triggered spontaneously by an atrocity too far or from an economic collapse. An atrocity too far may or may not occur but an economic catastrophe is a sure bet ... especially given Modern Monetary Theory is in full force and will continue until the USD loses its world’s reserve currency status. The consequences of that will be widespread energy and food shortages. My best guesstimation is that event will occur within the next decade or two. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 May 2021 14:28 | # Surprisingly, the 18 year old from Lewisham charged with the attempted murder of Ms Johnson is not, in fact, a white supremacist: Surely, this cannot mean that Ms Johnson’s BLM friends are racist liars, can it? 8
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 15:37 | # @ 8 I will never underestimate the BLM types’ ability to use circular reasoning. I’m quite sure they can easily come up with more than a few cockamamie explanations that trace the root-cause of her being shot to “white-supremacy. All across America East Asians are being physically assaulted by blacks. The most accepted official explanation? A toxic environment of “white-supremacy” is causing those black on Asian assaults. Circular reasoning at its most absurd.
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 30 May 2021 22:55 | # Further to my entry above on the article in TCW, I don’t think I have ever seen a pro-white comment thread quite as outré as the one to the following Telegraph piece by Nick Timothy, one-time advisor to Theresa May during her time as PM. These boys and girls are not nationalists. They are, by and large, betrayed Conservative voters, quite a few doubtless Brexit backers. Needless to say, many of them are still quite confused and not yet in possession of a solid understanding. Still, they demonstrate the way things are going. The Establishment has lost control of the narrative, and it won’t get it back. How it will respond is already known: via the new Online Harms Bill. But that won’t put the natives to sleep again. It may only make them angrier. In France, in the US, in England the tectonics are shifting. It may take another two or three years to work itself out in public opinion, but next must be a clear and repeated statement that we want the Establishment’s race project to fail and end. Post a comment:
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![]() Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 May 2021 22:03 | #
The early evening news offerings from the Beeb and ITN offered a brief but fascinating insight, possibly incite, into just how lost to far leftery the national broadcaster now is. The Beeb newsroom girls and boys were plain as day straining at the bit to finger white racist supremacist hate-people for the shooting of Ms Johnson. Threats to her life were mentioned but nothing at all about the eye-witness accounts and police statements relating to the event. The ITN offering, coming a few minutes after, presented the facts as they are known, complete with a witness interview and the police statements that (a) no credible threats to Ms Johnson’s life have been reported, (b) Ms Johnson was not thought to be the target of the shooter, and (c) the police are not looking beyond individuals associated with local gang activity.
The BBC report was something very close to professional contempt for the facts in pursuit of a racial agenda.