Thinking the Unthinkable: Oswald Mosley Quotes Collected by Laura Towler

Source of quotes, Laura Towler for Defend Europa, 14 Sept 2019.

Mosley addresses the White Post Modern concern in the following quote.

It is an interesting question as to how to manage White post modernity, and one that is eminently worth commentary, would have commentary feedback if White Nationalism could muster a modicum of intellectual pragmatism.
For particular reasons (falling for deceptive language games profusely slathered over the public, stupidity perhaps), the struggle can’t get past reactionary mode yet..
Perhaps an age, a period, would not decide entirely what to maintain and what to leave behind, but clearly Mosley meant that there are times for a people to band together in defense, to drastically curtail the more experimental ventures in order to protect their inherited forms, and those ways which remain conducive.

Posted by Laura on Sun, 22 Sep 2019 13:50 | #
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