White Post Modernity Monoculturalism meets Rockefeller (and eats him)
White Post Modernity (Post Modernity defined in accordance with White interests) As I believe the parsing of these forms and ways are too important to gloss over, with many people not having a concept of what to do in response to the disorder of modernity, what to make of what has been called “post modernity”, I have decided to forefront this outline here:
Traditional society = ethnocentrism, recognizing in and out groups. The king and god looks-after his own people. There are other groups and they have different ways. They are treated not as inhuman but as outsiders and with different sets of concerns. Modernity = a quest for universal foundations; seeing all people as pretty much the same (or comparable by commensurate standards), their wreckage among all change is a necessary hazard on the way in Progress to foundational truth - Tended to be oblivious to good coordination with other people because of its narcissistic propensity to see all peoples as being essentially the same (or comparable by commensurate standards). Held inherent contradiction in identity/performance requirement - “be different so you can fit in.” And a pernicious cycle for its valuation of change for the “new” as representing progress - celebration of what is new…this is no longer new: work to change - celebrate change - this is no longer new - work to change - grinding away at traditional forms in perpetuity. “Wailing” is an intermediate stage between Traditionalism and Modernity as noted by Pearce and his students, which I’d not itemized previously, of their outline of forms and ways of life. Wailing represents an experience of not knowing what to do when confronted by the chaos of modernity and the inadequacies of traditionalism to contemporary performance requirements. It seems to be a stage where many WN’s have been stuck – expressed sometimes in a yearning for premodernism. Post Modernity = recognition that change does not necessarily lead to progress, unshakable foundations, or good things - among those negative effects are profound disorder, hyper-relativism and the lack of accountability that comes with it (incl. destruction of Whites); hence, post-modernity tries for optimal balance between being sure to reconstruct one’s people and benign traditions, recognizing that there are outsiders, with different ways; while also gauging change, and where beneficial making innovation accordingly. It has the ability to reconstruct traditional practices without “the pangs of self loathing” for the appearance of conformity, since where it participates in traditional practices it does so knowingly. I.e., it can also disengage from traditional practices and make modernist innovation where advantageous. ... I don’t know what’s so hard to understand or why the value to Whites is hard to see, but.. Jews wouldn’t do anything so dishonest as to misrepresent these ideas so Whites couldn’t understand them properly and use them effectively, would they? They’d never promote liberal modernity to the detriment of Whites instead, would they? Of course they would: Jewish and Jewish approved academics have been promoting a hyperbolic form of Modernity (at least regarding Whites) as if it were “Postmodernity”
I had attached my application of this outline conceived by my teacher W. Barnett Pearce, his colleagues and students, as an addendum on my previous post. I have reintroduced it by itself, here. I’d been a bit shy with it, mostly to protect Barnett, a liberal, whom I doubt would have appreciated how my politics might reflect on his active career. Still, he must have had some sympathy for my plight, as in our first meeting he personally provided me with one of my first big clues in handling the matter of race amidst the PC storm: a paper that he’d authored with Julia T. Wood, “Sexists, racists, and other classes of classifiers.” I sought-out Barnett originally precisely because he was an Anglo-Saxon - i.e., at the heart of what should be the American mainstream, as I saw it. I corresponded with him for a while, met with him to discuss pursuing graduate school under his tutelage, only to find he’d moved-on to Chicago by the time I moved-up to where his then university Chair had been. Without recourse, I met with his long-time colleague instead, whom I assumed was Irish. Ok, not fully mainstream, but not bad either. Enough to express some nasty incredulity as to what the Jews were up-to with the media and so on – I said to him, “you’d think they would have learned their lesson by now.” Actually, I said even worse, if you can believe it, oh my god, much much worse before it became clear that this Irish instructor of mine was Jewish. Not a little oops! This was 1991, so yes, I can claim that I am not exactly a newcomer to skepticism of Jewish interests. I was able to overcome those major faux pas enough to learn a good deal for the next few years, though not surprisingly, not enough to get myself fully matriculated into the mainstream of a graduate career – i.e., I was not willing to get with the liberal/PC program. I met Barnett again at a conference in 1994 in New Hampshire – there is a story among stories there too, for another time. Finally, I invited him to a conference that I had organized with other top ranking scholars in social constructionism in 2008. While I did what I had set out to do, the event made it clear that I was not going to persuade these liberals with my notions of pervasive ecology and an accurately realist application of social constructionism. Even so, I could not help but give a bear-hug to the big-hearted Barnett as I said goodby to him from the airport. Nevertheless, as the conference had been an economic failure (talk about needing to learn the difference between ought and is), I was a bit shy about keeping up with the presenters. When I finally took a look at what Barnett was up-to again, his picture had that look – he was all too skinny. In fact, the picture was dated by a few months and he had already died.
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 05 Apr 2014 15:23 | # Thank you for putting that comment there, GW. I believe it (also) applies an important criterion through which to view the post, one which JB called my attention to my having a tendency to be in remiss, viz., between the Ought and the Is. ...particularly regarding gender relations, I can be a bit off, perhaps wanting females to ought a little more where instead they is. 3
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 07 Apr 2014 03:19 | # Continuing to discount in-group conflict means the definitions are prescriptive not descriptive. Whether mono-cultural or traditional, societies cleave and conflict. It was not unknown for such societies to ritualistically sacrifice and cannibalize their own children. Kings and their gods were as prone to enslave as protect their people. In-group conflict was as much a harbinger of the quest for equality and universality as any other factor, as the ancient Greeks demonstrated. 4
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 07 Apr 2014 05:40 | # Posted by Desmond Jones on April 06, 2014, 10:19 PM | # Continuing to discount in-group conflict means the definitions are prescriptive not descriptive. I don’t see whereas these topoi discount in-group conflict, although I could agree that would be a very important, if not the most important, matter to analyze at this point. That was why I was hoping that Dr. Lister would weigh-in with more discussion and detail on the matter and tendency of “fratricidal” conflict and how it tends to be intervened by “parenting” of good judgment, where it does emerge: that is to say, close genetic relationship does not necessarily guarantee absence of in-group conflict - often it is just the opposite. It is a good point, Desmond, and bears elaboration.
Yes, I would only say that these topoi do not necessarily deny that.
It was not unknown for such societies to ritualistically sacrifice and cannibalize their own children. I guess that the argument on behalf of this definition of monoculturalism would be that they might be taking on “god-like” status as sacrifices; that kindred empathy for their similarly human wish to survive was being discounted; or by contrast that like them, they did not consider human sacrifice to be unthinkable. People were pretty much the same in way of life - that does not mean they did not occupy different status. Rockefeller’s tribe had taken lives, therefore his tribe had a debt of life to pay, as any of their tribal rivals would.
Indeed. Moreover, they were not the only kinds of highest rank in what might be designated ethnocentric societies. In-group conflict was as much a harbinger of the quest for equality and universality as any other factor, as the ancient Greeks demonstrated. Exactly. Very good point - that is why I have explained and will continue to explain that “equality/inequality” is an epistemic blunder as a paradigm - that the right continues to perpetuate - as its presumption of commensurablity by which to wage comparisons leaves it unnecessarily, wrongly susceptible to intractable conflict both between and within peoples - it is an epistemic blunder and a missed opportunity to promote symbiotic functioning.
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 07 Apr 2014 09:16 | # Much ado about very little. There is nothing wrong with bourgeois democracy, so long as it is understood that there must be racial boundaries to any polity, democratic or autocratic.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 07 Apr 2014 10:12 | # Posted by Leon Haller on April 07, 2014, 04:16 AM | # Much ado about very little. There is nothing wrong with bourgeois democracy, so long as it is understood that there must be racial boundaries to any polity, democratic or autocratic.
But to begin with… just because Heidegger proves to be a more valuable guide to what ails and needs western man has than say, Wittgenstein, does not mean that we hold his every word and position to be unassailable. “Heidegger’s philosophy apparently led to an incapacity or unwillingness to distinguish the mechanized slaughter of six million Jews from the mechanized harvesting of industrial amounts of food.” I would say this inference is so badly to misunderstand Heidegger in his criticism of technology as to not grasp that it is the kind of mentality that can lead to the horrors of the Holodomer against White Ukrainians and other unconscionable, inhuman treatment of humanity.
Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 12 Apr 2014 05:14 | # http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2601682/A-white-wing-supremacist-Vicious-swan-attacks-foreign-ethnic-minority-students-university-pond.html#ixzz2yaXD1apX Swans are more intelligent than most of my relatives 9
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 16 Apr 2014 01:51 | # Tanstaafl has announced that he is moving on from the White Network. http://thewhitenetwork.com/2014/04/15/the-end/ I had always found it regrettable that he was there, as I found kindredness in his work, but not in his fellow travelers there. I would like to invite Tan to MR, a site committed to the White Nationalisms and the 14 Words. 10
Posted by tribal vs universal moralism on Wed, 04 May 2016 10:48 | # THE LIMITS OF WHITE TRIBALISM - by James Lawrence Lawrence’s article contains a few decent precepts and turns of phrases in a critique of tribalism as opposed to universalism, but still commits important epistemic errors and lacks important articulation.
That extreme selfishness is at the heart of a lack of ethno-nationalist concern; and prescribed altruism is just a dishonest way of hiding a lack of concern for the wider circle of kin; in fact a wish to see them destroyed and profit from altruism to outgroups is probably a more accurate assessment than “pathological altruism.”
On the other hand, while he acknowledges Christianity and evolutionary psychology as factors having contributed to this mind set, and that others, including “Zionists” can hypocritically take advantage of the prescription of universalism to Europeans, he sees universalism as an important goal and one which has precedence in our Stoic philosophy and outside of European peoples - in Confucianism, in Islam. Of course, he is not recognizing that Islam shares the Abrahamic, universal, panmixia god of Christianity and Judaism. And that is hardly an endorsement of why universalism should be retained as a value of itself. Nor is the similarity between Stoicism and Confucianist concentric rings of concern from self to other tribes ultimately persuasive - although a better potential model, no doubt. But again, that it bears a resemblance to Stoicism, its universalism and its acceptance should be no cause for enthusiatic subscription to neo-Stoicism. There are several problems with Stoicsm and its being one of the most popular philosophies of our forebears probably has more to do with our problems now than with our solutions. There are certain universals which are necessary to take into account: there will always be rules indicating what is prohibited, obligated or legitimate in any culture. I would add that ecology is always applicable, whether acknowledged or not. But to make universalism an objective rather than a premise would seem to outstrip the optimum human, social sized objectives that our peoples have lost sight of to their ultimate detriment. More, the lineal progression from self to partner to family, to extended family, to nation and other peoples, is a prescription to wear blinders and be dumb to the broad orientative perspectives that one must take in an honest acknowledgement to feed back from and be accountable to what our social group has bequeathed to us from its horizons. Attend to one’s humble personal responsibilities no doubt, but don’t leave the big questions all up to them - they will ask you to be Stoic universalists, and accept all manner of nonsense as somehow necessary, things that our people never would have accepted with better philosophical precepts and judgment. “The Stoic acceptance was an attempt to transubstantiate even the repugnant aspects of existence, the excremental, into the essentially divine.” - Kenneth Burke The Dark Side of Self Actualization
Posted by Blandine Reales on Sat, 01 Oct 2016 16:10 | #
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 05 Apr 2014 09:57 | #
A paragraph from Heidegger’s Black Books:
“Die Juden, leben, bei ihrer betont rechnerischen Begabung am längsten schon nach dem Rasseprinzip, weshalb sie sich auch am heftigsten gegen die uneingeschränkte Anwendung zur Wehr setzen. Die Einrichtung der rassischen Aufzucht entstammt nicht dem ,Leben‘ selbst, sondern der Übermächtigung des Lebens durch die Machenschaft. Was diese mit solcher Planung betreibt, ist eine vollständige Entrassung der Völker durch die Einspannung derselben in die gleichgebaute und gleichschnittige Einrichtung alles Seienden. Mit der Entrassung geht eine Selbstentfremdung der Völker in eins – der Verlust der Geschichte – d. h. der Entscheidungsbezirke zum Seyn.”
“The Jews, with their marked gift for calculation, have already been ‘living’ for the longest time according to the principle of race, which is why they also defend themselves as vigorously as they can against its unrestricted application. The establishment of racial breeding does not stem from ‘life’ itself, but from the overpowering of life by machination. What machination is up to with such planning is the complete de-racialization of peoples, by fastening them into the equally constructed, equally divided arrangement of all beings. De-racialization goes hand in hand with a self-alienation of peoples—the loss of history—that is, of the domains of decision for being.”