Dark Side of Self Actualization & Incommensurate GenderAgendas Far from the purview of European / American men were two conceptual weapons which could be alternated arbitrarily, wielded in an instant by feminists (or wielded similarly and unwittingly by neo-traditional women, for that matter), as equipped with the cynicism of these memes to dismiss, in either case, recourse to two profoundly important European moral orderings. Most significantly, one weapon was to deride Europe’s natural Aristotlean morality, its observation of optimality and relationships as central to human nature, and another to destroy the propositions and principles initiated by the likes of Kant to gird, e.g., against arbitrary vicissitudes of empirical philosophy being taken too far – but in either case, the weapons distinguish females (including White females, of course) as having a separate moral order not beholden to White men and thus not beholden to Europeans as a system with shared social, moral capital and human ecology of millennia. Deep within the wallowing abyss of de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex”, its talk of “sacred ministry of betrayal” feeding extant dissatisfactions in females, lurked these weapons - far out of the casual purview of White men to apprehend from whence came what hit them and what it was about. Betty Friedan (1963), with the modernist, “she’s just like one of the boys and, if liberated to participate, may do-so as an equal” approach to feminism, was the preeminent figure in the second wave of feminism; she took as her point of departure this line from Simone de Beauvoir, 1948, page 672: “This utility of the housekeeper’s heaven is the reason why she (speaking of traditional women) adopts the Aristotlean morality of the golden mean, that is, of mediocrity.” My hunch that was her source inspiration is borne-out through multiple connections. Carol Gilligan (1982), with the neo-traditional angle focusing on qualitative differences of females, but still within the feminist framework, also took a line from de Beauvoir as her point of departure - 1948, Page 681: “ but she knows that he himself has chosen the premises on which his rigorous deductions depend.. but she refuses to play the game.. she knows that male morality as it concerns her, is a vast hoax.” My observation that this was the source for Gilligan was confirmed by Helen Haste, a colleague of Gilligan’s at Harvard. While there are other significant non-Jewish feminists, forebears besides de Beauvoir, it is true that de Beauvoir’s feminist philosophy has roots in Marx’s notion that marriage and patriarchy are veritable slavery - women’s “liberation requires that these institutions be overturned, a revolutionary act corresponding to liberation of all.” The situation was made ripe for exploitation and runaway by the logical extension of modernity, well-meaning at first as a liberation from mere, but harmful traditions and superstitions, it ran rough-shod and ruptured accountable social classification – their utility naivly or disingenuously pushed-aside in favor of the objectivist scientism of Lockeatine civil rights, objectivist neo-liberal capitalism, and seized upon in distortion by “neo-cons”, but not before these wielded “objectivist” rights were fundamentally weaponized and reversed in form against Whites, by Jews, Marxists re-deploying these ideas in the form of “anti-racism” and “civil rights” - discrimination against Whites and the prohibition of discrimination by White men. Underpinning susceptibility to this all along was their saboteurs ticking time-bomb - liberal affectation planted into European culture and becoming more deeply embedded over 2,000 years; viz., in contrast to the exclusivity of Jews, (as GW notes) Judeo-Christianity’s propositional altercast as undifferentiated gentiles in the eyes of god, to include any race in its moral order, and the disordering effect of modernity to traditional European moral orders was virtually a necessary consequence. With racial bounds broken but classification still necessary to human perceptual organ- ization, the least ignorable categories emerged in de facto high relief and resonance – gender being one of them. Within the disorder the female one-up position in partner selection (don’t think so? she’ll call upon the goon squad to show you who is boss) emerged with increased significance, whereupon they are pandered-to from males of every direction and most importantly, cynically and cunningly, by Jews, of course, to betray their co-evolutionary males. With White men vilified thus and White females pandered-to constantly, even puerile White females become articulate, over- confident, correspondingly under-empathetic, sometimes brazen with self righteous entitlement and prerogative. Jewish interests can take advantage of this; demoralize their adversaries by pandering to their co-evolutionary females in this position and the atavistic denominator of the disorder; for marked example, by promoting the high contrast tropism of White/black mixing –blacks being the other category hardest to ignore despite prohibition on class- ifications –while the prohibition of discrimination leaves the more protracted rate of maturity of White men susceptible to the more episodic, atavistic assertion of blacks. Professor Pearce (with Rossi) might add that within the paradoxic performance requirements of feminism there is nothing even a well-intentioned male can do if a feminist wishes to put him in the wrong: If he treats her as one of boys, then he may be construed as a male chauvinist pig, who does not respect the special quality of her gender. If he treats her with deference to the special qualities of her gender, he can be construed as a condescending patriarch and/or a wimp who does not respect her agency, autonomy and independence. The situation is only going to be perpetuated by a paradoxic (really, “quaradoxic”) phenomenon that Whites are prone to be up against, what I call the charmed loop of didactic incitement: This does require that sufficient power is brought to bear against Whites, but it is a likely predicament given social injunctions against discriminatory social classifications rendered by White men and the heavily pandered-to one-up position of females within the disorder of modernity; along with its exponentially more powerfully positioned puerile female inclination to incite genetic competition.
In this essay I will re-tell the story of how I began to understand and organize gender relations at the intersection of race and individualism in order to diagnose attendant problems and prescribe corrections. I will make refinements with what I have learned since initial instantiations of this hypothesis. I feel compelled to make this case again as there are popular sites in WN which are taking on the issue and I do not trust them to handle it well. For very specific reasons I have long held that there should be a platform for White men/males that both advocates them and is critical of female predilections, inclinations, politics. This will start out with a critical tone, as it is necessary to get to critical parts right away, but there is a happy ending for both genders. In my first renderings of this hypothesis, I took Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (which he also referred-to as a hierarchy of motives), as a preliminary framework in need of correction. That remains a particularly useful point of departure for a working hypothesis to address problems: of where and how individualism, peoples’ predica- ment within modernity and incommensurate gender relations may be exacerbated and pandered-to; whether by hostile interests (e.g., YKW) or indifferent interests (e.g. naive or disingenuous objectivist/relativists, neo-liberals); thereby rupturing racial bounds which could otherwise facilitate systemic homeostasis; instead runaway and reflexive reversals is perpetuated -e.g., “the dark side of self actualization.”
But rather than merely accept them, the proposition here is that we recognize them, take them to heart and work with them instead of against them. For good reasons, I took Maslow as the preliminary framework against which to propose corrections (will explain momentarily). Neither is it necessary to discard the diagnosis of toxicity in this model of higher needs being founded in hierarchical succession upon maximal fulfillment of more fundamental needs, particularly as it has played-out in - and been an influence of - the pop-culture of European-American relations; nor is it necessary to alter its proposed general correction of taking attendance to needs and motives into a circulating process based on the Aristotlean recommendation of optimal levels of need satisfaction and the centrality of human concern for relations. Unlike Maslow’s terms for the constituent needs, I have ever (since the early 90s) proposed four terms (the number of four terms are taken for reasons that I will explain) in place of the terms that he uses in this hierarchy –
The number 4 is chosen deliberately as it is both simple, evident and comprehensive enough to be practical, sufficiently verifiable for practical purposes, but too complex in its interfaces to reify and take too far into theoretical science, to scientism beyond its intended function in phronesis - practical judgment for use by ordinary people, where practical judgment is necessary and the best one can do as we are engaged in necessary regard to praxis - the multi-interactive and reflexive flux of our relations in the social world. A quaternary system has other positive qualities, such as having been used by venerable scholars and religions, but that’s enough of that for now. Most significant of the four terms of need/motivation proposed as an alternative from Maslow’s has always been “Socialization.” This is to acknowledge that we are inextricably social creatures. There is no way around that, it is the most fundamental need and the most basic fact of the human condition. The moment there is nobody left to discuss the facts is the moment that the facts begin to lose any relevance to us. Undoing “the prejudice against prejudice”, re-institutionalizing the validity of social classification, discrimination thereupon to facilitate accountability, historical/ systemic human ecology of our social capital is necessary to a socialization of Whites/Europeans. That forms the most fundamental correction to what has been an important error in a false and toxic prioritization of self actualization in spite of social concern. Socialization is proposed in relation to three other needs, rather hypothesized topoi of needs, of European character, inclination, predilections and susceptibilities as such, in need of enhancement and correction: Being, Routine/Reverence, Self Actualization. All four categories more or less correspond with Maslows’ needs, but are taken into a proposition of a circulating process, systematized for optimal balance. A fundamental change from previous renditions of this hypothesis is that I replace the term Selfhood with what I believe is the more helpful heuristic structure of “Routine/ Reverence” (corresponding some with sacrament and ceremony), as instrumental corrective for homeostasis in the systemic management of Socialization (of European classification), Being and Self Actualization. Recognizing the value of Routine/Reverence (e.g., over and against the continuous transformations called forth by modernity) will help to stabilize the system, make it more just and sane all around; helping with its cybernetic governance through its endorsement, respect and practice. Routine/Reverence will correspond with practice, responsibility and duty to inherited, tried and true structures, knowledge and requirements of social capital. Routine/Reverence will also correspond to corporeal and autobiographical/narrative aspects of seflhood - in terms of maintenance, respect for inherited corporeal, corprisocial, biological structure and gauging the more speculative autobiographical quests against the true and venerable auto/biography. Reverence will be reserved for what bears a more special acknowledgement, sacred for its essential value to the pattern beyond normal episode and perhaps ennobled in ceremony as a special kind of routine. I believe this is a crucial level, insufficiently articulated and valued by Maslow’s scheme, as it places “Self Actualization above it”, where it recognizes these needs as important at all. Routine/reverence is something that needs to be satisfactory for White males to achieve (whereas White females have been able to take this for granted as “enough” expected of them), but has been hard to engage within the disorder of modernity and expectations of “greatness”, let alone that a male might be allowed “to Be” without stigma and incitement. Nevertheless, I do recognize and believe that it is inherent in our European character, for some of us, anyway, to have highly ambitious reach, and to need to fulfill inborn potential. That is a part of the quaternary system - the neo-traditional male (and modernist female) option, which may be moved into when the time is right for a given individual. I wouldn’t want to stand in the way and remove this potential but on the contrary; would have our people strive after achievement through better foundation, with and upon sane motivational grounds of practiced routines, reverence, particularly in respect of socialization and midtdasein - being amidst the class – to keep them from malevolent transformations, especially against our own – with the capacity, flexibility of unused potentiality for change, the alternative range of functional autonomy and agency, self actualization may recognize the need to return and deliberately return to Being, Routine/Reverence and the ubiquitous fact of Socialization. It is rather to acknowledge problems not only for actualization’s realization, but also in the very worthiness of the quest, of its quest becoming toxic - to its seekers, to relations, and in the implication of continuous transformation and upheaval of social structures, even resulting in reflexive reversals, for the unnatural and anti-social cast of its popular apprehension. Further, when you think about it, the “ordinary” is really pretty incredible and ought to be respected as such, not so ordinary: Here we are these walking blobs of protoplasm, if not European creatures having survived in discreet form for 41,000 years. How dare they end this beauty? How dare they deny us Being? Thus, recognition of the gilded virtue of routine practices and reverence for venerable patterns of the aeons can oppose liberal modernity and the continual imploring of individual “Actualization”, oppose the feral, puerile female incitement to genetic competition and the pandering to that which ruptures social classification’s systemic delimitation and homeostasis (for Whites). Obstruction, runaway, over-corrective reflexive reversals –non-correction, non-homeo- stasis - the dark side of self actualization, is mapped for its problems against Maslow’s and similarly pop implications of self actualization –its dark side and its correction on an overlapping but ameliorative model of neo-Aristotlean self actualization. Correcting it with a neo-Aristotlian notion of Self Actualization has been the objective from the onset of this project. It is “neo” in the sense of placing Socialization to the forefront but thoroughly Aristotlean in emphasizing Optimality as guiding framework. With an additional and embarrassing refinement since my first versions. Namely, that in my focusing on correcting the Maslowian and pop notions of self actualization that I’d forgotten that the idea of self actualization came from Aristotle to begin with (had read it, but years ago) and was only reminded again by Greg Johnson’s discussion of Aristotle and self actualization. Thus, I will try to refine the discussion in light of his talks; though I must say, my fundamental hypothesis remains the same, as it was sound to begin with. Still, its being Aritotlean in origin only underscores the depth of its Europeanness as a concept and the need to get it right – including corrections for error that may have come along through Aristotle. Returning to the fundamental hypothesis of where Maslow provides a good starting point to illustrate a wrong turn in popular apprehension as it was taken to the mismanagement of gender relations, in runaway of modernity, instigated by its over-emphasis on individualism and individual achievement, in detriment of individual, gender and racial homeostasis. And how, ultimately, a neo-Aristotlean model is the proper model for reconstruction of European group, individual and gender relations. Importantly, Maslow’s hierarchy helps illustrate incommensurate gender agendas of need fulfillment and to trace exacerbation in the context of ruptured racial systemic bounds - the notion of individual rights having priority over social groups – notably in the Lockeatine individual rights of The U.S. Constitution having warrant over group interests – for Whites, anyway (as Jewish interests have construed “rights”). Originally, I noticed that there was something non-trival to the hippies. It bothered me as it was swept aside the moment the Viet Nam war was over. With the observation that the first renowned hippie get-together was called “a Be-in” (in Golden Gate Park, near Haight-Ashbury), I had a clue that they sought Being, and obviously that, as opposed to being treated as so intrinsically valueless as to be drafted into a war which presented no clear and immanent danger to our people. The draft being more or less a habitual expectation of males, in utter disrespect for the intrinsic value of their human capital. It was also obvious that it was only males who were not afforded this value of intrinsic Being. Then I noticed that this mapped against Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Next, I noticed that neither feminists, traditional women or (what I’d now call) ‘right wingers’ gave a damn. When Viet Nam war was over, the time for male Being was over. As I looked into it more, the source of my anger and this way of looking at the issue as a clarifying heuristic made more and more sense. Eventually, in the early to mid 80’s, I started to read some Heidegger, who gave a clue that one ought to set one’s life in historical autiobiographical perspective. Further, with Heidegger’s preoccupation with Being, I was drawn once again to the being issue of hippie males; with autobiographical/historical context, an obvious comparison emerged to feminism’s second wave coming around the same time; and how feminism went into vicious overdrive, annihilating the hippie agenda when the war was over - feminism was no longer confronted with an obvious disadvantage to being a male. Thus, despite distaste for feminism, I read its most essential literature on our historical horizon: Friedan, de Beauvoir, Gurley-Brown; later, added Gilligan to the list. Friedan provided a very pleasant surprise for what I had already taken for a hypothetical framework - as she not only worked within the same Maslowian structure in which I sought to place the oh-so-fundamental complaint of hippies – a right-below-rights as Rollo May called it – but she was, in fact, a student of Maslow. Moreover, her very thesis was that women’s liberation required Maslowian “self actualization” for women. That they were oppressed and suffering for this lack. I also noticed that she paid little regard to injustices to men, nothing about their basic needs not being met or anything like that, nor their expendability in war, but nevertheless implicated their privileged access to “self actualization.” Her implication with the Maslowian paradigm is clear – that men were disproport- ionately represented on top levels of “Self Actualization” because their basic needs were fulfilled and because patriarchy discriminated unjustly on their behalf. I scarcely needed to go beyond personal example or that of other males, but the particularly glaring example of hippie male’s protest against draft into a corporate war, their pathetically low grumbles for mere Being, prompted realization that Friedan’s was not a fair assessment. I was willing to concede that some men may occupy self actualization as a result of fulfilled basic needs and that some were there due to unfair discrimination, but not all – the discrimination had a more fair compensatory basis than feminists were granting and further - some men were achieving not for a Maslowian fulfillment of basic needs, but a Nietzschean/Freudian sublimation of deprivation and privation. While traditional women did not seem particularly concerned and had the same usual expectations despite changing contexts, feminists cared shockingly little where they did not display outright hostility to male concerns – it became apparent that they were attacking men, their own men, often punishing them for achieving despite little support and much adversity on the way up – if they got to the top despite all, punishing them for being at an oppressive advantage! You want to talk about what may create a misogynist, bad gender relations and a dark, reflexive reversal of self actualization into sociopathology? These gender agendas mapped against Maslow’s hierarchy of needs quite well, feminists having what he called “high grumbles” - a complaint for higher achievement, their basic needs having been met; the hippie agenda mapped well too, but was unarticulated for males, with their “grumbles very low” - for the most basic needs – right to be, exist, midtdasein and not be required, e.g., to die in senseless war. Particularly for the American man, in the land of opportunity, where anyone was supposed to “be all they could be” and make it of themselves, achievement of the top of actualization was to be a quest that began by pulling himself up by the bootstraps and pursued through rugged individualism, with little empathy for meandering in traditional female expectations let alone help in feminist cynicism. The male agenda was very difficult to articulate, stigmatic in fact, for what it sought (midtdasein), for lack in feedback for males as they were not in the addressive position that females were, and as it went against tradition for males to need cooperation if not to be left alone in provisional non-productivity – necessary though unused potentiality for change was with modernity having transformed traditional society such that there was no longer stable criteria for satisfactory and reliable reciprocal participation. Jews used cover of hippies to try to associate their cause with Jewish politics, while right-wingers, feminist or traditional women find it convenient to take these Jewish ruses and blame hippies for the downfall of the White race; but this is idiotic. The authentic motive of hippies, being (accurately, midtdasein), had nothing to do with Marcuse’s pandering affectation of “free love” - a law of the jungle attitude toward sex is farthest from being for males – let alone with imposition of foreign males: black power and “civil rights” as well being Jewish imposed agendas incommensurate with hippies. 2nd wave feminism was also incommensurate to the hippie agenda -in diametric contrast, feminists sought individual autonomy atop the hierarchy in self actualization, while hippies sought fundament in communal being - midtdasein. White women’s particular concerns were not going to be reconciled with White men’s under Jewish auspices of Friedan/ Maslow. Though our gender relations should be reconciled, might be through attendance and correction of this paradigm, the value and purpose of the hippie agenda as part of a homeostatic process has been buried to this day. So, it seemed that Maslow, hippies and feminists were a good place to start to understand where we went wrong and how we might correct our relations. It has proved to be true and has shown to be better still in terms of utility. Bear with me, I’m not advocating passive, soft men, or men/women, I’m arguing against stupid, non-European ways, fighting for wrong reasons, in wrong ways or against each other; and am rather for being against the right enemies, viz., those significantly powerful non-Europeans who might impose and impose others upon us, significant traitors to our autonomy from non-Europeans, intransigent non-European interlopers – but against these we should fight with the appropriate, most effective level of assertion; there it is requisite that men fight when the threshold of awareness and understanding among European peoples is sufficient; then coordination is ripe. Nor are we proposing something oppressive and unfair to women - on the contrary, between re-institution of sacrament and our typically good natured ways toward our co-evolutionary women, we Europeans have significant advantages against adversaries. Nevertheless: No Boundaries No Being. Being is a verb, pacifism is not an option.
Posted by wailing modernist actualizaton on Sun, 05 Apr 2015 09:12 | # Grizzlyman provides an excellent example of a kind of “wailing modernist” quest for self actualization, as one who longs to go back to pursuit of foundations in nature irrespective of human social normalization and its differences from other aspects of nature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8MjDyfcMmU ...not every people say “ouch.” His grizzly end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9lCkFygaaQ He screams pathetically and desperately for his girlfriend to “get a frying-pan” (to hit the bear with). One might note that in the beginning of the film, he claimed that he would go stoically, honorably in this event. Treadwell’s park ranger friend says that “the real tragedy” was that the bear that killed him (and subsequently, his girlfriend) was shot, as “Timothy would never have wanted that.” Not that his allowing his girlfriend to be taken down with him was the tragedy….she went into his modernist wails to the end, as she haplessly brought a frying pan to bear against the bear at his ownmost being toward death - in visceral, horrified, pleading screams for (human social) help against, and in intervention of the facts; and in reinterpretation for other natural courses. 3
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 05 Apr 2015 22:56 | # 4
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 06 Apr 2015 16:16 | # MIT maps the modern day cultural significance of famous people
Top Ten: 1 Aristotle Greece -384 Male Philosopher 152 11.9 56.36 M 15.75 M 40.61 M 201.07 K 31.994 2 Plato Greece -427 Male Philosopher 142 13.0 46.81 M 13.50 M 33.32 M 141.93 K 31.989 3 Jesus Christ Palestine -4 Male Religious Figure 214 12.1 60.30 M 25.37 M 34.93 M 257.21 K 31.898 4 Socrates Greece -469 Male Philosopher 137 12.3 40.31 M 11.69 M 28.62 M 135.90 K 31.652 5 Alexander the Great Greece -356 Male Military Personnel 138 11.2 48.36 M 19.94 M 28.42 M 153.68 K 31.584 6 Leonardo da Vinci Italy 1452 Male Inventor 174 13.2 88.93 M 29.24 M 59.69 M 352.57 K 31.464 7 Confucius China -551 Male Philosopher 192 13.1 22.36 M 8.06 M 14.30 M 76.36 K 31.371 8 Julius Caesar Italy -100 Male Politician 128 10.8 43.09 M 18.32 M 24.77 M 157.21 K 31.116 9 Homer Greece -800 Male Writer 141 12.7 20.84 M 5.97 M 14.87 M 72.95 K 31.109 10 Pythagoras Greece -570 Male Philosopher 114 12.8 26.17 M http://pantheon.media.mit.edu/rankings/people/all/all/-4000/2010/H15 5
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 07:37 | # Ogi Ogas on neuro-behavioral mapping, discusses pronounced differences revealed by male and female behavior http://www.starktruthradio.com/?p=1092 - verifies dominance and submission as the central mechanism, in fact the only thing, according to him, drawing the interest of both sexes. I have (originally) hypothesized the central and fundamental place of the dominance/submission mechanism here: Sex as Celebration / Sex as Sacrament Part 1: Let me first address its mechanism – sex is sexy. Its erotic mechanism is of two contrasts. One contrast is that of human dignity (in patterns of relationship) contrasting with animal drive. The other is a tension between human dignity as opposed to dominance and submission. (That is, providing that the roles are treated somewhat empathically; and that one role or the other is not taken too seriously). This mechanism of tension that makes sex sexy in essence bodes for the possibility of sex as sacrament as opposed to a merely naturalistic argument that may dismiss sacrament as nonsense. 6
Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 21:20 | # A little off topic but over at the Spectator there is an article on the evil of gender surgery on young children that are physically normal. There is a good comment about how extreme liberal dogma is enforced. I think it was a copy & paste moreover it’s also relevant to the Rotherham phenomenon (why white professionals simply go along with what can only be described as evil).
Posted by Amie Huguenard on Sat, 11 Apr 2015 18:14 | #
Coming back to the bear mauling of Treadwell and Amy Huguenard for a moment. Amie Huguenard staying and fighting with Treadwell when she might have run away provides an example of the kind of “female morality” of which Carol Gilligan speaks.
Women tend to be more afraid of separation and more concerned about relationships; while men are more afraid of being crowded together and are more concerned with abstract principles - This difference in the genders does have some empirical basis. A study example that Gilligan used was to show two pictures to groups of men and women: the first picture was of a man and woman about to join hands high off the ground in a flying trapeze act and a second was of a man sitting alone at his desk. While men were more afraid of the first picture, women were more afraid of the second. Anyway, I would not recommend dismissing Gilligan’s book off-hand as it does help to explain some things that men might not readily understand about women (and she did destroy the belittling theories that Kolberg had of women’s morality). 8
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 12:05 | # “and how feminism went into vicious overdrive, annihilating the hippie agenda when the war was over - feminism was no longer confronted with an obvious disadvantage to being a male.” This does not dismiss economic angles which look upon powers that be, Rockefeller Foundation, etc, that might have wished to subvert living wages by promoting feminism (there were apparently efforts of that kind in the early 70’s as well). Nor contradict criticism of the Marxist angle to replace husbands with state welfare. 9
Posted by Kerry/Cohen - Gilligan.. on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 13:14 | # Carol Gilligan, nee Friedman, is not just a little bit Jewish either. 10
Posted by 13 on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 18:49 | # Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what impacts you until you realize that you were 13 then, when your brain was changing dramatically and susceptible to influence.. 1957 - 1970. 12
Posted by Susan Yarbrough defends White women on Thu, 16 Apr 2015 21:00 | # http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/7/524/show_7524287.mp3 Susan Yarbrough talks to an elder Klan woman who defends WN women against the characterization of White women as being traitorous, uncooperative and incorrigible. Klan women expected men to be leaders and, in turn, that men would “treat their women like ‘Jesus.” 13
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 18 Apr 2015 16:12 | # Joseph Atwill & Jerry Russell discuss J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye as Freemason code: http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/04/RIR-150413.php F U in the Freemason Rye Interesting analysis of book which I, myself, found boring, depressing and strange (for what I can even remember about it). But an inference that this was the most meaningful source in creation of the “60s counter culture” and “the dead head” (Grateful Dead, a group that I didn’t like, except for a few songs ) is ridiculous: but that’s the right for you.* I did go to one Grateful Dead concert, belatedly, in Boston. The music was terrible but the crowd was great fun, just like the sixties all over again, even in 1980, which it was then. No, “the kids of the sixties were not organically motivated to not be drafted to Viet Nam. No, they were all entranced by Catcher in the Rye.” I wouldn’t care to deny his analysis of Catcher, nor would I care to deny that the YKW and Powers That Be tried to fuse their agendas with the motive for White male Midt-Dasein, I have acknowledged as much that they would and did try to co-opt it. But again, that is to miss the point of its being a fundamental mani- festation of an organic part of our systemic processes and homeostasis as a people. * Another important way of looking at those events is to ask, are we going to allow people who are either not interested in our people (as Salinger was not) or not well grounded, to determine how events and literature come to count for us? The organic motive of the 60’s counter culture was a provisional corrective part of a process, a corrective necessity to war being treated as a habit and pseudo “necessity”, to where White males were expendable even where there was no clear and present danger to our people. By contrast, where White men might be looked upon as having intrinsic value and part in community. I would not care to defend the hippies in their over indulgence and romanticizing of drug use. While drug use is certainly dangerous and ought to be treated with caution as regards tens of thousands of years of evolution, it is rather experimental and probably dangerous as well to prescribe absolute prohibition of substances, which we are apparently co-evolved with to some extent as well. However, the hippies drug use does have to be understood as a part of the motive for midtdasein, as a pleasure that females did not have hegemonic control over, as a way to explore older and altered brain patterns in release from the rigidity and sheer regimen of military habits and traditions. The insanity of their parents, the world war 2 generation, must be understood for its stressful imposition of a regimented and militaristic “can’t fight city hall” attitude, which did require some rebellion (though the PTB did promote too much rebellious disrespect, through the Beatles in Hard Days Night and so on) into what our organic systematization means. 15
Posted by Gunter Grass on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 04:42 | # - Was a Kashubian (an identifying people of German and Polish ancestry, of what is now northwestern Poland). - Most famous for The Tin Drum, a story taking place in World War II conflicted Danzig/Gdansk. 16
Posted by Rape culture or rape DNA on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:42 | # Having been a little uncomfortable using Ted Bundy as an illustration of the dark side of self actualization, I did not want to suggest that his hideous sadism was sheerly an environmental phenomenon. He may well have been born a sociopath: The Untold Story Rape Culture…or Rape DNA? http://takimag.com/article/rape_cultureor_rape_dna_jim_goad#axzz3YEeWOmTd by Jim Goad The April edition of International Journal of Epidemiology contains an article called “Sexual offending runs in families: A 37-year nationwide study.” A summary of the article runs as follows: Close relatives of men convicted of sexual offenses commit similar offenses themselves more frequently than comparison subjects. This is due to genetic factors rather than shared family environment…. The study scrutinized the records of all 20,000+ convicted sex offenders in Sweden from 1973-2009. It concluded that compared to males in the general population, brothers of convicted sex offenders are roughly five times more likely to also commit sex crimes. Sons of convicted sex offenders are about four times as likely to follow in daddy’s skeevy footsteps. Researchers reportedly teased out variables such as family environment to reach their conclusions. For example, half-brothers raised under the same roof proved far less likely to both be sexual predators than full blood brothers raised under the same roof. According to co-researcher Niklas Langstrom: We found that sex crimes mainly depended on genetic factors and environmental factors that family members do not share with one another, corresponding to about 40 percent and 58 percent, respectively. As study coauthor Seena Fazel tells it: What we have found is high quality evidence from a large population study that genetic factors have a substantial influence on an increased risk of being convicted of sexual offences.
http://takimag.com/article/rape_cultureor_rape_dna_jim_goad#axzz3YEeWOmTd 18
Posted by Advance of Part 2 on Sun, 17 May 2015 11:38 | # Here is an advance of the part 2 of this Actualization and Gender thing that I have started to work on. Maybe not ready for a full post yet, but should suffice as a comment since comments are slow and its good to have information passing through the system:
We need to be careful as to what and who guides our concept of masculinity and be aware of the context – all things which scientism of the right can lose sight of. As a matter of factual inclination, a female might impulsively smile or laugh at the funeral of a White man or at seeing a White boy getting beat by a Negro boy; a White woman will tend to have experienced thought beyond that and not respond impulsively as such.. As a European woman, she is socialized and has a view toward the broader evolutionary context and value – her view is beyond momentary and episodic conquest and into the historical pattern; her most base instinct to get-off on being dominated by the victor of battle is sublimated in the wider battle of the way of life as it ensconces the life-span in systemic cultural pattern. She has perspective on children, elderly, indeed the full pattern of Europeans; recognizing their value, contributions and need for protection. Without this component of European maturity, focusing say, only on the individuality perhaps salient of our northern nations, we are blind to the characteristic life-span pattern of our groups and its apparently optimal level of sublimation as it provides the grounds for our distinct kinds of intelligence, higher numbers of salient geniuses, our creativity, with disproportionate invention and most importantly, our decent way of life. Why do I want to live among European peoples? Because the women tend often to be beautiful, subtle and intelligent? That’s certainly the large part of it, but not all and not most fundamentally. Because the men are the most masculine and confident in the world? They aren’t really. But they do tend to be reasonable, thoughtful and decent. They are that way, and the way of life these men and women create together is one aspect of Whites that I could argue is supreme. This is the case where European systems are in tact. In fact, I moved to a homogeneously European place to get away from the hyper-masculinity of Africans - anyone with any sense would want to get away from their ways. Why then, would I accept an argument that European men are not manly enough and need to become more like third world men, attending karate movies to practice their episodic assertion to assimilate the universal masculinity? Trusting in the judgment of the puerile female view from within the disordered West, disordered as it is by modernity’s and Jews rupturing of our systemic boundaries? That is, why should we be incited to accept the definition of masculinity skewed toward Mulatto supremacism, when we ought to note that what a real European man (and woman, for that matter), will do, is re-establish borders and boundaries to maintain our characteristic nature, not try to assimilate the default gaze of a puerile female toward the universal Mulatto. In fact, this matter distinguished by the late Philippe Rushton , that of European maturity as opposed say, to African and Oriental maturity, bears further application to distinguish the maturity of our European women and men from universal maturity. This bears upon the crucial matters of European maturity and socialization, crucial patterns which the right, in their myopic, Catesian, ergo universalist focus, tend to lose sight-of. The task of European socialization and maturity, as opposed to the Cartesian duality of feminism or anti-feminism, is at the heart of our interests in defense and reconstruction of our people from the assaults of “anti-racism” and imposed liberalization of our classificatory boundaries. What it means to be a socialized European, either man or woman, is to be accountable for our systemic boundaries and human ecology; and both genders are accountable, capable and responsible, not just men. With better understanding, a mature European woman is going to realize that she, her opportunities and her children are going to be much better off in the European way of life, with European men; and that those who breed outside the race should not be welcome to participate in its society for the vast destruction they have visited and will visit upon it. But there is a problem with the fallout of our Cartesian view, of modernity’s disorder, particularly as it has been exploited by Jews to pander and cause pandering to puerile femininity. They have rendered many irreparably corrupt as gate-keepers to power. With their one up position more powerful than ever, in turn, they will incite more destructive competition with non-Whites and the Cartesian anxiety (to transcend this hell) that has left us vulnerable to this mess in the first place. “We need to become real men and more purely sovereign individuals.” There is a paradox here as well: if females are ordering you to lead, who is leading? We should be brave, proceed confidently and calmly while our borders are rushed by throngs of Africans? While Jews twist and spin language games.. As we speak, right-wingers presenting themselves a White advocates, are undertaking a critique of the status-quo of gender relations leaning toward a universalist notion of gender - They say we should not blame women while they proceed to say woman should stay home and mind only the business of home, child-rearing and supporting their husband’s decisions - as if saying those roles across the board are all they are good for is not blaming and being critical of women (none of this science business Marie Curie, or commentary from Lasha Darkmoon, or Susan Lindauer - get back home….. Joan of Arc, Boudica, The bitches of the Teutoburg forest ). As if having a somewhat more flexible notion of gender roles is not characteristically European - of course it is. Gender relations are out of wack because of modernity’s disorder, Neo Liberal mercantilism, the pandering and antagonism of non-Europeans (saliently, Jews, of course). But it is not necessary to become like blacks or Muslims to correct our problems; we can restore our gender relations to health, to where European men are men without being ridiculous and the same with European women - European women without being ridiculous. In fact, this is a prize that we offer our men and women which Africans and Muslims cannot offer; and which Jews would deprive us. .................... Be a man, so he was told, none of this girlish sentimentality as he marched off into the fraternal massacre of Pickett’s charge.. 19
Posted by DarkSide of Townes Van Zandt's Actualization on Sat, 06 Jun 2015 17:10 | # “Townes didn’t grow-up needy. His parents were wealth and loved him. It was hard for him to deal with that in comparison to others” - his sister The Dark Side of Self Actualization: “I knew that I could do this thing (live as a country/blues musician), but I would have to put everything else aside” - Townes Van Zandt “Townes put family and everything else aside just to do that one thing” - his son Townes Van Zandt documentary: Pancho and Lefty 20
Posted by Gilligan, née Friedman on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 06:15 | # I’m not sure that this video is, as billed, “the greatest truthful documentary on feminism.” However, it isn’t bad and particularly noteworthy is the interview with Carol Gilligan, née Friedman, in her description of feminism and its agenda to overthrow “patriarchy.”
Posted by The Serena Williams Beast on Tue, 14 Jul 2015 18:25 | # I’ve long been meaning to make a note of the travesty of this beast being enabled to compete against women
Nevertheless, Martina Hingis has been quite competitive with the Williams beast: Their overall head-to-head series is 7–6, in Williams’ favor. 22
Posted by White female privilege uncomfortable with racism on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 08:59 | # Of course I do not buy the (Jewish) notion of White male privilege for an instant, but there is, as I indicate in the article, a White female privilge (big time) that stems from their one up position being increased by the disorder of modernity (esp. by its scientistic rupture of group classificatory bounds) and with that, being pandered to by Jews in that one up position. Since “racism” is about classification it would threaten to diminish the power of their position by actually holdng them accountable; thusly make them “uncomfortable.” Their heirarchy of needs satisfaction is of higher “grumbles”.. as indicated by the sickening rejoinder of their being made “uncomfortable.” Excuse me dear. As a White man you can find yourself desperately trying to argue that anti racism is the torture and destruction of all that you care about.. But the typical White female of recent times will do all she can to prevent you from saying even that much. She can just dismiss you by saying that “you are making her uncomforatable.” I am making you uncomfortable! Well, excuse me dear that I don’t want to die and be tortured and I’m sorry that my “whining” about that would make you ‘uncomfortabel’! If that doesn’t get you to stop trying to save yours and her life, she can say that You “scare me” ..that’s another one (Stan Hess had this experience too). With that she threatens to call in the enforcers (whomever they might be). But these women are not scared of the blacks that they would foist upon us! One’s mind glitches. What kind of sci-fi planet of the apes world do we live in? 23
Posted by an app too far on Wed, 22 Jul 2015 18:53 | #
Posted by Anglin's view on gender relations on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 13:36 | # What say you? Here is Andrew Anglin’s view on gender relations:
I believe that my view of gender relations is better and more distinctly European. What say you, women? feminists? We’re ready and eager to hear from you: Do you want Anglin’s view? The Muslim view? The Abrahamic view? The black view? The view of scientism? 25
Posted by The Dark Side After ABBA on Tue, 01 Mar 2016 19:58 | # The Dark Side of Self Actualization: 28
Posted by Vehicle on Sat, 02 Apr 2016 00:48 | #
Posted by Keith Emerson on Thu, 21 Apr 2016 01:55 | #
His girlfriend says that he killed himself because he didn’t feel that given a problematic condition with his arm and hand that he could play well enough before a coming concert engagement in Japan. Really, he had done well enough and could have just rested on his laurels (skip the tour and live for some little pleasures). 30
Posted by since 82, women earned 10mil more degrees than men on Thu, 12 May 2016 23:38 | #
Posted by sleep is the highest genius on Tue, 24 May 2016 04:31 | # Before Maslow, psychologists were focusing on what was wrong with people, why they were the way they were, not how they could improve.
The means he proposed was the heirarchy of needs 1. Biological requirements are most basic. Russel Foster a neuroscientist at Oxford confirms that sleep is the most fundamental need, confirming Soren Kierkegaard’s statement, as it were: “sleep is the highest genius.” “The honey heavy dew of slumber” ... “nature’s soft nurse” - Shakespear 2. Security is immediate, personal and fundamental: you must be able to trust people and if you cannot all else is unimportant. There is a trick in our psyche here, however: you can feel secure when our are not and feel insecure when you are. We notice extremes, but most of our days are spent in normal activities. HBD Chick 3. The reality is that we cannot survive without a group, either. 4. Esteem, love and belonging 5..Self Actualization: focusing on growth and meaning in life. 32
Posted by blacks not disproportionate in Vietnam on Sun, 03 Jul 2016 20:45 | #
Posted by The dark side of self actualization on Tue, 12 Jul 2016 08:51 | # Now, if females value confidence first and foremost in a male and blacks are more confident than anybody (scientific fact) isn’t it obvious that we need to problematize and critique what “is” in favor of a more speculative “is” upheld in the hermeneutic pattern as an oughtness? I.e., congratulating ourselves and defending our somewhat more sublimated pattern as corresponding to more forethought, planning and ingenuity? Yes, of course, oh deaf, dumb and blind right, altright, etc. 34
Posted by (((Salvador Minuchin))) on Tue, 12 Jul 2016 09:30 | # Another one not well known as Jewish: Salvador Minuchin 35
Posted by Derek Black's reflexive reversal on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 14:56 | # The Dark Side of Self Actualization ...and the inherent instability of the right - The reflexive reversal of Derek Black - precociously showing early signs to be a leader of White Nationalism, he has done a 180: he renounces anti-Semitism, studies Islamic culture, calling for empathy for this culture which “was advanced of European culture” at a time when Europe was a backwater; says that he agrees with Hillary Clinton’s positions in 97%; claims that he does not believe in the White genocide meme that he helped to popularize because “race is a false concept anyway.” That comes along with an array of cultural Marxist concepts that he now subscribes-to.
Posted by The Myth of Self Control on Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:47 | #
..“they would have figured out a way to say yuck instead of yum; they might have an automatic reaction of moving away instead of moving close.” - A view toward the increase of ones qualitative and quantitative place and the place of one’s social group might help to look beyond immediate negative temptations. 38
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 11 May 2017 20:16 | # Interesting components and topoi for a good life for a person of European extraction: Being-dasaein/Midtdasein (socialization) routine/sacrament/the sacred, self actualization, farther reaches 39
Posted by New Republic asks about role of White women in WN on Thu, 19 Oct 2017 06:44 | # The New Republic is asking questions about the potential role(s) of White woman in White advocacy, but they are asking it of Devlin, MRA people and “the Alt Right”, whereas they should be looking here, to this post for answers. 40
Posted by Invisible men on Sat, 17 Feb 2018 13:28 | # Female co-eds in Western Australia are asked what they think about the concept that “beta” males are invisible to women who they are primarily interested in “alpha” males - those males on top in the power game. And what, as females, they think about the predicament of nice guy betas who try to overcome the image of beta weakness and the just friend zone. ...then the interviewer tells what happened to him. 41
Posted by Max Musson article mapped on Sun, 18 Feb 2018 05:14 | # against this post… Max Musson has an article over at Western Spring which speaks in terms that could fit in with the recommendations of the main post above. In fact he seeks the fair negotiation of gender differentiation and actualization discussed in the post. Some highlights from Musson’s article:
I’m a bit surprised that Musson finishes this paragraph with the following example:
Having heard him before state a recognition that a certain percentage of the population will be homosexual, perhaps the example is meant to provide for that; however, I believe the example is a bit extreme to amplify for the general context. And personally, I would say that the boy should be discouraged from wearing dresses until perhaps he is old enough to recognize that he is, in fact, among the small minority of homos (and that he should still be discouraged from flouting straight gender roles in public. Let him have his costume balls in his queer bar if he must). I base that opinion on the idea that there are probably some percentage of boys who are in the balance, who could go either way if society encouraged them; so that while society should not allow for persecution of homos, understanding the fact that some are hard programmed, the normative, calibrated societal bias should encourage straightness in boys and discourage boys from being homos. That was a digression from an article that was well measured until that moment.
It is not traditional gender stereotypes that cause these problems in males, but it is the fact that the modernist and traditionalist either/or of the facets of individuation and gender differentiation are not flexible enough to negotiate the post modern circumstance. The topoi my post above discusses are required.
Yes, Max, we need those strong role models for both male and female self actualization. But we also need the grounds that provides for that strength, namely Being/Midtdasein - Being (and being amidst one’s people) that a protectively bounded racial/social group allows - and the further stabilization that respect for routine and sacrament allows. 42
Posted by David Foster Wallace on Mon, 04 Jun 2018 14:54 | # David Foster Wallace committed suicide by hanging himself in 2008. Besides hearing a few interviews and talks about him, can’t say to be all that familiar with him…. but. Given circumstance and philosophical misconconception - I’m thinking Rorty on post modernity, the embrace of irony and pursuit of interlocutor’s “final grammar” to the point of humiliation… An irony of misunderstanding irony’s place to be subsumed in broader social coherence, its misconception rather of post moderntiy as “the age of irony”, is a central, pivotal misconception confusing the rule structures of post modernity ...subverting its clarity and purpose to protect valuable and vulnerable ways of life from modernity ...for if, rather, you tell confused stories you will have a confused story of self actualization ... for David Foster Wallace depression began to afflict ironically as it were, at the very liberal Amherst College, just on the other side of town and at the same time from where modernity’s cure was being formulated ... the bonafide of pursuing a deeper identitarianism than he found in the American rule structure may have saved him, may have allowed him to relax from the angst* of the lonely quest perceived obligatory, into unrequited authenticity and vulnerability. .....resources at risk(modernity)/not at risk (post modernity proper). David Foster Wallace interviewed by another from the dark side of self actualization, Charlie Rose.
Posted by Seeking men 5-10 + on Mon, 11 Jun 2018 07:44 | # I (DanielS) am 5 - 9 - it would freak me out back in the day when I would look at classified singles adds and see (American) women almost invariably specifying that they are seeking men “5-10 +” ... I mean, what the hell, 5-9 is taller than more than 90% of women - in fact, I went through quite a bit of what this article touches upon; I wasn’t unattractive to women enough to throw my hands up and focus on sheer functionality; and yet the capricious and occasional interest shown me by superfine women was enough to hook me into a sense of political responsibility to some of our finer aesthetic manifestation ... that wasn’t wrong, the 14 Words capture it, but I was not articulate enough to realize that what I was concerned with was philosophy/metapolitics in this regard…. “the they” tried to project the idea that I was after notches on the bed post - the “manosphere gamers” would be part of that they now. I believe this is the author who gives good advice to treat yourself as the prize, focus on your projects (in my case it would have been/is WN advocacy/philosophy, metapolitics), don’t waste much time and effort chasing after women.
Posted by Shithead O'Conner on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 11:02 | # Shithead converts to Islam. An example of the dark side of self actualization - reflexive reversal 45
Posted by Elizabeth Holtzman on Thu, 08 Nov 2018 18:41 | # Elizabeth Holtzman is still around, now building a case to impeach Trump From a previously published article, VoR, 12 Aug 2011: “White Individuation and Gender Agendas – An Incommensurate Intersection” Note, this article, which was derived of notes for an audio presentation at Voice of Reason, was never edited properly for text form. In days to come I will add a cleaned up version for Majorityrights archives. Here is the excerpt where Elizabeth Holtzman is mentioned.
Posted by (((Phil Spector))) on Sun, 24 Feb 2019 22:23 | # 48
Posted by Maslow's pyramid on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 16:14 | #
Posted by Liberals security needs met (need to lose them) on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 19:13 | #
Posted by The Dark Side of Self Actualization on Sun, 21 Apr 2019 18:11 | # The Dark Side of Self Actualization ...manifest in Charles Manson’s epic answer. 51
Posted by Dr Surendra Pathak on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 17:44 | # Stabilization and under-girding, learning, advance and homeostasis.
Posted by A Pyramid With Pieces Missing on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 05:01 | # FA Monday observes a phenomenon central to my post and central to its critique of feminism, which is that disproportionate male representation at the top of the heirarchy is not always nor ever entirely an expression of fulfillment of basic needs, but rather can reflect a desperate attempt to overcome and compensate for deprivation and even privation on basic levels. Traditional society took this for granted and tended to reserve positions at the top for men with the idea that they were more tested. With the disordering upshot of modernity, the pursuit of actualization is open ended (without social systemic constraint, appreciation, assured reward, assured end achievement, honored position and the confirmed relief of being able to return systemically to enjoy more basic basic levels again as need be) and others (not only random other White men, but also non-Whites and women) pursuing their actualization (especially where they do have an advantage on basic levels) frequently ruptures and wrecks the incentive and reward structure, and with that circumstance (incentive structure ruined) the pursuit of self actualization (or incitement thereof, without basic needs met, as FA Monday observes) can instigate social aberration (e.g., the arbitrary mass shootings). 53
Posted by Gigi Buffon on Sun, 27 Oct 2019 18:38 | # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89KdxJomDzg Goal tender for the 2006 Italian world cup championship team*, Gigi Buffon suffered from depression and cured it with a realization that he needed an appreciation of normal things and a restructuring of his incentives as such. * The Italian national team of 2006, be reminded, was all White and defeated a largely black mercenary France to win the World Cup. 54
Posted by Nora on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 16:11 | # What We Get Wrong About Social Change - Nora Bateson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrE6KZ9CfDg&feature=youtu.be 56
Posted by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman on Sat, 30 Nov 2019 18:07 | # Full Metal Jacket - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman Full Metal Jacket Private Pyle part 1 of 3 57
Posted by Stanley Bert Eisen on Thu, 05 Dec 2019 09:50 | # “Face the Music” by Paul Stanley Disc 2 “Face the Music” by Paul Stanley Disc 3 “Face the Music” by Paul Stanley Disc 4 “Face the Music” by Paul Stanley Disc 6 “Face the Music” by Paul Stanley Disc 8 58
Posted by Feminists, Hugh Hefner, Grace Slick on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 00:17 | # Hugh Hefner Clashes With Feminists | The Dick Cavett Show
Sally Kempton has apparently taken her feminism in a New Age/ Buddist direction https://www.sallykempton.com/about/ Hugh Hefner, Publisher of Playboy Magazine is an unfortunately influential, anti racist liberal asshole. Grace Slick (comments later), of Jefferson Airplane, San Francisco Hippie-Freak summer of love 67 epicenter fame, is also known as a female misogynist - lol.
Posted by Sinead O’Connor: what a mess on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 14:05 | # Sinead O’Connor’s life and career fell apart. Now on tour, she’s trying to piece them back together. 61
Posted by Drill Sargent Lee Ermey on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 19:11 | # 62
Posted by Layne Staley on Sat, 11 Apr 2020 02:14 | # Alice in Chains: Was The Song “Your Decision” About Layne Staley & MIke Starr? Alice In Chains - We Die Young (Official Video) Post a comment:
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Posted by Corporeal, autobiographical routine/reverence on Sat, 04 Apr 2015 06:17 | #
I can see that I’ve got to make it clear that “routine/reverence” includes routine acting of one’s differentiated own corporeal self (what I’d formerly called “selfhood”) and reverence in the sense of respect for proprioceptive and other aspects of one’s corporeal and autobiographical self.
I can just imagine my being accused of trying to turn us into undifferentiated eusosial creatures such as “ants” if I don’t clarify something so basic as that.
Then again, Maslow thought that he’d emphasized social concerns and responsibility enough so as not to be misconstrued.
Nevertheless, having previously worked-out the corporeal and autobiogaphical aspects of selfhood to a graspable extent, it won’t be much to simply reintroduce bits of the prior essays to clarify this matter.
However, I probably should equate “self actualization” a bit more with corporeal and autobiographical self - it is, after all, largely about the realization of one’s inborn nature (telos, if you will) and autobiographical propositions for one’s self—which also strech ones self a bit, not just relegating the narrative/ and rules based side of individuality to standard matters such as maintenance.
I’ve now added a bit on corporeal autobiographial selfhood
See? Robinson Crusoe does not live removed from conversation, I am still connected with the patterns of “conversation” (criticism) I might evoke