88 ... 14 ... Obama - UPDATE: The culprit was the ADL

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 27 October 2008 22:29.

Here we go again.

From Reuters

Law enforcement arrested two men in Tennessee who had plans to rob a gun dealer to shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and “as many non-Caucasians” as possible, an official said on Monday.

An official from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said police found the men in the Jackson, Tennessee area with a number of guns, including a sawed-off shotgun, in their car.

“They wanted to go to a place where they could shoot as many non-Caucasian as they could,” the official said, noting that the men first planned to rob a gun dealer. “They also had a plot to assassinate Sen. Obama.”

The Associated Press gets the numbers sorted out.  88 for neo-nazis.  14 for the future of white children.

And, always important, the words: skinhead ... white supremacist ...

In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn., federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to begin in Tennessee. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of ATF’s Nashville field office, said the two men planned to kill 88 black people, including 14 by beheading.

... The men also sought to go on a national killing spree after the Tennessee murders, with Obama as its final target.

... The men, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond. Agents seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three pistols from the men when they were arrested. Authorities alleged the two men were preparing to break into a gun shop to steal more.

... For the Obama plot, the legal documents show, Cowart and Schlesselman “planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows.”

“Both individuals stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt,” the court complaint states. “Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt.”

Something I don’t think the assassination scare in August achieved - this one makes the lead story on both news services.  Drip, drip.

UPDATE 28.10.08

From the Telegraph:-

Barack Obama plotters revealed to be small-town outcasts who met on internet

Two white supremacists charged with plotting to kill Barack Obama have been revealed to be a pair of emotionally troubled young outcasts who found each other through the internet.

Daniel Coward, 20, of Bells, Tennessee, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas, hatched a bizarre but disturbing plan to go on a racist “killing spree” with the Democratic presidential contender as its ultimate target, say prosecutors.

The pair wanted to kill “88 people and behead 14 African-Americans” before shooting Mr Obama from their car in a suicide mission while wearing white dinner jackets and top hats, according to court papers.

The pair were arrested on Friday in Tennessee for illegal possession of firearms, threats against a presidential candidate and conspiring to rob a gun store.

In the pair’s home towns,

local people painted them as odd, and even disturbed, individuals.

In Helena-West Helena, Schlesselman was described as a “troubled child” by Marty Riddell, a colleague of his adoptive father, Mark Schlesselman.

Miss Riddell said she once tried to offer Schlesselman a pet lizard but was warned by his family that “he would hurt it”.

In Bells, a conservative Bible Belt town in a traditional southern cotton growing region, local people said Cowart had been an attention-seeker at high school, once starting a bomb scare.

Although neighbours were shocked to hear of his involvement, several - including a man who worked for the sheriff’s department - said there were more skinheads in the area than local people realised.

Guns and religion are strong in Bells and most men are keen hunters, although Cowart had apparently not been one of them.

He was more likely to have been found in church, said neighbours who said Cowart had once done missionary work for one of them.

Dudley Johnson, a car technician who lives near the large white colonial-style house where Cowart lived with his grandparents, described Cowart as a “nice little fella who used to work at the grocery store”. He added: “I think this was a cry for attention.”

Mr Johnson admitted his own father had tried to raise him to be a racist but that insisted “racism is not a big problem here - we try hard to get along with black people”.

Al Overton, a local hunter dressed in their uniform of camouflage jacket and baseball cap, said his initial shock at news of the plot had given way to a realisation that “This is 2008”.

He had little time for the Illinois senator. “Omama - Obama - thinks he’ll take the guns away but the hunters are not going to let him do that,” he said.

Investigators have admitted there did not appear to be any formal assassination plan. A lawyer for Cowart said he was reviewing the charges against his client “as well as the facts and circumstances of his arrest”.

It also emerged that the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights organisation, helped lead federal investigators and local police to the pair.

The ADL, which monitors white supremacist groups, discovered that Cowart was involved in the Supreme White Alliance, a racist skinhead group.

Mr Obama told the Pittsburgh television station KDKA he was unconcerned about his safety given his protection from “the best folks in the world - the Secret Service”.

He added: “You know, look, I think what’s been striking about this campaign is the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalised.”

Tags: Media



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 23:10 | #

Lead story also this side of the pond.  But not at the NYT or Washington Post.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 23:40 | #

That’s funny, it’s already been clearly stated that the Negroes are planning to riot after the election no matter whether Obama wins or loses:


Isn’t that threat as grave as the one these two skinheads allegedly made?  How come the feds aren’t out arresting James Carville or the Negro leaders who’ve already threatened to punish whites with Negro riots?  When Negroes threaten to kill, maim, set fires, and destroy property it’s OK but when two white kids who were probably just shooting their mouths off threaten to kill on a far lesser scale, it’s the news story of the millennium on both sides of the Atlantic.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:16 | #

The other thing of course is the question, as GW implicitly raises, as to how serious these two angry white kids were in announcing this extremely unlikely-sounding “plot.”  To me it sounds like two angry white kids with a tendency to shoot their mouths off doing exactly that, shooting their mouths off, unaware that the “new friend” they made the other week, who seems sympathetic and has been plying them with beers (to get them to shoot their mouths off) is a federal agent out to entrap anybody he can to make a name for himself.  For that the Jews are going to send these two white kids to federal prison where all the maximum-security Negro prisoners are going to “show their appreciation” for these kids’ allegedly planning to shoot Obama?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:22 | #

But of course it has to be done, if only to serve as a warning to any other whites who might get “funny ideas of questioning the new arrangements for society, Negroes and mestizos on top, whites on the bottom, that’s right, just like in the New and Improved South Africa, and you’d better learn to love it, whites, because it’s here to stay.”  Can’t have anyone questioning that, so the feds had to entrap a couple of Tennesseean white kids to make an example of — scare the hell out of anyone who hesitates from now on to kiss Negro butt.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:40 | #

This is the pic of the 20-year old posing for his MySpace page, complete with shades and swastika (political assassins on MySpace!):-

It would be interesting to know how the ATF collected their evidence.  That alone should indicate whether these two were any kind of credible threat.  Mouth-shooters, if that’s what they are, don’t count and don’t merit world-wide headlines.  Only the most serious and professionally-prepared threats merit that.  So this is, in part at least, a political issue - as if we didn’t know.


Posted by R.E. Prindle on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:50 | #

Aw, who believes this crap?  There have been all those actual threats by the Liberal Coalition to throw the country into turmoil so they had to invent this ridiculous story to take the heat off themselves.  Two guys are going to invade an unarmed all black high school, shoot exactly 88, ‘behead’ - shades of Moslem horrors that exonerate the Moslems - another fourteen, walk out to their car and drive down the street blazing away looking for Barry ‘Bama?  Why not?  What a plan!

Right on.  It must be true that schools have dumbed down White kids pretty successfully.  I don’t even recognize this as a plausible Hollywood movie scenario.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:56 | #

This kid looks like a complete clueless dork who’s into guns, likes playing tough, isn’t happy at what’s being done to whites in this country, and couldn’t harm a cat.  Some hyped-up ATF zealot out to rack up promotion points plied this kid with beer and got him to shoot his mouth off and talk tough.  We saw what BATF/FBI overzealousness can do at Ruby Ridge and Waco, not to mention this recent outrage where they swooped on that weird Mormon polygamy compound and took hundreds of kids away from their mothers without due process (if weirdness were a legitimate excuse for the feds to do that, not a Jewish leftist in this country would be safe).  I hope these two kids get some competent legal representation, is all I can say.  The story so far stinks to high heaven.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:59 | #

Those aren’t “shades,” GW, they’re lightly-tinted prescription eyeglasses.  The dork probably can’t see without ‘em.  Lots of migraine sufferers get tinted prescription glasses — the game-playing nerd probably gets migraines to boot.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 01:04 | #

He looks, facially, like a cropped version of Frasier’s Jewish ex-wife Lilith, but not quite as threatening.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 01:12 | #

Welcome back, RE.  I didn’t take your deletion advice.  Trust that’s OK.

Well, kids like these can wind up committing a school shooting.  That possibility obviously has to be taken seriously.  But political assassination - which is what made the headlines - is way, way out of their range, which the investigators must know.  So the only interesting question is: who boosted the story?  (We know why.)


Posted by Henry on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 01:32 | #

Oooh, dangerous!  A mouthy kid without a clue, training, or girlfriend.  MySpace.  Nice HKG3!  Not impressed with the scope, though. 

The two kids are said to have met online only a month ago.  It’s guaranteed a third-party informer is involved or the board on which they met is an enemy-owned subsidiary.

I’d bet real money there are far more kops posting on storm fart, the drunkards’ news network, and similar forums than on the average law enforcement board.

This is the state of American WNism.  This is how it will be remembered.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 01:38 | #

The Times took a little longer to find the “right” presentation for the cunning plan.  I admire the seamless flow from one story - Obama’s speech in Canton Ohio - to the other.  And back again:-

His speech in Canton, Ohio, was designed to frame the final days of an often bitterly fought presidential contest around the uplifting themes he had emphasised at the outset of his campaign. While he was at pains to tell supporters that they cannot afford to “let up for one day, one minute or one second”, Mr Obama told an exultant crowd: “In one week, we can come together as one nation, and one people, and once more choose our better history.”

He declared: “If you will stand with me, and fight with me, and give me your vote, then I promise you this – we will not just win Ohio, we will not just win this general election, but together we will change this country and we will change the world.”

Shortly after he finished speaking, federal authorities disclosed that they had broken up a plot by two white supremacists to shoot 88 black people and decapitate 14 others.

Paul Schlesselman, 18, and Daniel Cowart, 20, were arrested in Tennessee last Wednesday. Special agent Jim Cavanaugh said that their final act would have been an attempt on Mr Obama’s life. “They didn’t believe that they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying,” he said.

Mr Obama’s message will be driven home by a 30-minute advertisement broadcast tomorrow, the purchase of which underlines the vast cash advantage that his campaign – the most lavishly funded in history – enjoys over John McCain.

Opinion polls point to an emphatic victory for the Democrats next week.

Now, that takes some editorial chutspah!


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 01:47 | #

“He looks, facially, like a cropped version of Frasier’s Jewish ex-wife Lillith, but not quite as threatening.” Al Ross

Ha,Ha, good one! But seriously, Lillith was scary, especially the cold, fish eyed, stare….


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 02:12 | #

Non-movement indeed.  If these twits are the best we can do we deserve to go extinct.  Spend the rest of your lives in prison and plant some ready-made grist right in the lap of the Obama agitprop-machine, nice going guys.


Posted by Good news! on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 07:32 | #

Nevermind a couple of moronic wannabe Nazis….some very good news out of Sweden:

“Swedes cool towards ethnic diversity”

Published: 24 Oct 08

Greater numbers of Swedes are expressing hostility towards ethnic diversity, according to a new study.

According to the annual diversity barometer carried out by researchers at Uppsala University, the percentage of the Swedish population with extremely negative attitudes toward ethnic diversity has increased by 50 percent since 2005.


- http://www.thelocal.se/15198/20081024/


Posted by Good news! [Z] on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 07:58 | #

The following blips from the same news story ( http://www.thelocal.se/15198/20081024/ ) illustrates the main reason why White males must, I repeat must, take the firm lead in fighting ‘ethnic diversity’-‘multiculturalism’ and why White women need to be firmly and continually reminded and educated by White males on why ‘ethnic diversity’-‘multiculturalism’ is much, much worse for them in both the short and long term…for whatever reasons (probably evolutionary or biological), women are naturally more sympathetic toward individuals and/or groups they perceive to be ‘downtrodden,’ people like ethnic outsiders, immigrants, sick/disabled people, the malnourished/starving, the homeless, and so forth…and as such ALL efforts must be made to moderate this strong tendency toward ‘feeling sorry for Brown people’ in White women if Western civilization is to survive for the the long-term.  Even better, however, these altruistic and sympathetic feelings should be encouraged to turn toward White/European peoples instead of the hordes of poor Brown immigrants or other ‘downtrodden’ folk.

“Unexpectedly, however, the prevalence of negative attitudes toward ethnic diversity among Swedish women has nearly doubled from 2.3 percent to 4.1 percent.” [GOOD NEWS!]

“It’s surprising for us that there are more women in the group [expressing negative attitudes]; that’s not something we expected. Swedish women tend to be quite positive toward diversity, [BAD NEWS] ” said Mella.”

Also from the article: the unsettling fact that researchers at Uppsala University carry out an “annual diversity barometer” is sickening unto itself and only reveals the current depth of PCness which has deeply infected most Western institutions, probably because so many of them have become so infested by Jews and Jewish ideas since the end of WWII.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 14:00 | #

“Also from the article: the unsettling fact that researchers at Uppsala University carry out an ‘annual diversity barometer’ is sickening unto itself and only reveals the current depth of PCness which has deeply infected most Western institutions, probably because so many of them have become so infested by Jews and Jewish ideas since the end of WWII.”  (—Good News! [Z])

And also imposed in a still active, ongoing way from the United States where they are, in turn, imposed mainly by this multifaceted Jewish policy-control edifice that steers things in that direction, and that’s only the government — there are also the Jewish-run NGOs, mainly U.S. ones but there are also huge ones in Britain and France (LICRA in France is the French ADL for example, and is hugely coercive over there; I forget the name of the U.K. version of the ADL but that’s been very coercive there too, a genuine force for evil, race-replacement, and genocide).

I agree, that “annual diversity barometer” thing is really, really nauseating.  I want to barf all over my computer just reading that right now, it’s so sickening.  Makes me wanna puke.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 22:18 | #

The ADL operates as a government within a government, keeping its own files on U.S. citizens, snooping, coercing, issuing thinly-veiled threats, etc., which should not be allowed.  If these were normal times the ADL would be investigated by the FBI and, if necessary, by Congress, and would certainly be cut down to size if not prosecuted for some of its obnoxious excesses. 

But these aren’t normal times.


Posted by Henry on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 00:51 | #

One is a runt with mental problems.  The other lives in a mobile home, has a MySpace page with pics of himself wearing lipstick and eye-liner, licking phallic-shaped lollipops, pointing guns at sister and vice versa.  ADL and law enforcement involvement ... so typical.  One has pasty-white skin from too much computer time and not enough work in the sun.  The other has a gut from not enough exercise.  American white nationalism.  Revolutionaries.  Pathetic.

Here, a moron at Drunkards’ News Network looking to be quoted by the SPLC assures us that “Viking-looking mofos” are meaner, badder, tougher, or something: http://vnnforum.com/showpost.php?p=866569&postcount=20

A second moron says that hearing about these two kids would have motivated him to join the skinhead “movement” at the age of 15: http://vnnforum.com/showpost.php?p=866615&postcount=29

A third moron assures us that regardless of circumstances, the kid with the gut is still “white power”: http://vnnforum.com/showpost.php?p=866958&postcount=90

Enjoy it while you can, folks.


Posted by Obvious knowledge on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 08:00 | #

The phrases ‘White supremacist’-‘White supremacism’ and ‘White nationalist’-‘White nationalism’ need to be scrapped and ‘White survivalist’-‘White survivalism’ should take their place in order to dispel the myth that all pro-White activists are ‘supremacists’ or ‘nationalists’ (and thus, by association, ‘Neo Nazis’).

It is much more difficult for people to argue against the long-term survival and continuity of Whites (‘White survivalism’) than it is for them to argue against ‘White supremacism’ and ‘White nationalism,’ which of course has much baggage from the previous centuries and is tainted by people like these two morons.

If you are a ‘White survivalist’ or a proponent of ‘White survivalism’ you can easily throw the argument back in their face when they question your beliefs: “So you are against the long-term survival of Whites?  You are clearly a racist then.”  That would no doubt shut them up.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 09:26 | #


It doesn’t shut them up at the Guardian.  They ban the speaker.  I’ve been banned maybe 8 or 9 times now, and always for one of three “unforgiveable sins”.

A couple of the bans were for pointing out, in what I felt was suitable cautious language, that diaspore Jews have their own specific ethnic interests which take socially subversive forms.

One was for having the temerity to point out that my daughter’s grandfather fought honourably against Germany in WW2, and she did not deserve to have the Holocaust meme rammed down her throat at school.

But all the rest were for insisting that it is just that the English and all Europe’s peoples should survive, and natural that they should wish to do so.

The insurmountable problem for our political opponents, whether they are “ethnics” or merely liberal-leftists, is not that we are speaking truths, and they are not.  Truth and lie in the treatment of fact is the warp and weft of political debate, and all our opponents are perfectly capable of living with that.  Opinions, opinions, that’s all.  Take ‘em or leave ‘em.

No, the problem is that we alone are principled.  That’s what they cannot process, after a lifetime of being assured that we are all knuckle-draggers and the very incarnation of evil in Earth.  All they have is their little list of boo-words which, of course, do not touch principle.  It’s a shock when the attempt to stigmatise fails, and the only recourse is to get the offender out of the way so they can all go back to their self-calming affirmations of orthodoxy.

“Shutting them up” is not so easy, unfortunately.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 13:03 | #

I think there is nothing wrong with using the word nationalist.
Survivalists are supposed to be crazy people.
free image host


Posted by Red Mercury on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 18:06 | #

The reported fact that these two idiots supposedly met on the Internet, may be used as an excuse to censor it and justify a power grab.


Posted by torgrim on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:31 | #

“The reported fact that these two idiots supposedly met on the Internet, may be used as an excuse to censor it and justify a power grab.”....Red Mercury-

November, 4….tick,tick,tick,tick….


Posted by Joe on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 06:52 | #

Just to point out something that many of the posters here may not be aware of:  there is a subculture of criminally inclined “white supremacists” and “skinheads” in America that has little or nothing at to do with the political White Nationalist movement, like David Duke’s followers, Jared Taylor’s followers, the CofCC, the (now defunct)NA and even most of the various Klan and NS groups.  These people are just criminals who use white racial identity as a rallying point.  They are mostly low IQ morons and psychopaths and they can be found in adult and juvenile correctional facilities, meth labs, trailer parks and motorcycle gangs.  These people almost never cross paths with the mainstream “movement.”  They aren’t really political, they just want to protect themselves from blacks while they go about their criminal behavior and spend time locked up. 

Especially in the deep south and western states, 90% of young white males that are incarcerated for serious crimes claim to be “skinheads.”  Many of these people are hardcore psychopaths and mentally unstable people who are capable of just about anything.  One of the few positive developments in WN in recent years is the decoupling of the mainstream WN from these types.  In the 1980’s, groups like the Aryan Nations and WAR recruited a lot of these types of people with disastrous results.


Posted by J Richards on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 06:42 | #

Almost certainly another Jew hoax

LOL!!!  Two punks with suspiciously Jewish last names planned to kill 88 blacks, behead 14 blacks, then rob a gun dealer, and subsequently use the stolen weapons to assassinate Obama!  Like R.E. Prindle said, the plausibility of fulfilling this goal stretches the imagination far beyond the wildest Hollywood fantasy scenario.

‘White racists’ hell-bent on preventing a black from becoming President.  Now what gentlemen want to promote healthy race relations by widely publicizing this matter and at such an opportune moment?

And there is no mention of the punks having planned to target Jews.  Hacking at the branches of evil rather than the root…my oh my how dangerous these kosher nazis!

The race of the American President is largely irrelevant when the reality is thus.

George W. Bush, an Israeli or Jewish puppet
Barack Obama and John McCain liciking Jew's ass

The question is who will be less disastrous as President.  My hunch is McCain.  There is one risk with President Obama that has no analog in a President McCain scenario.  Jews could give Obama the same treatment they gave JFK and use the cover of a race riot to eliminate goyim who have wised up to Jewish criminality and are spreading the word.


Posted by EA Steve on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 07:14 | #

J Richards,

Cowart is a likely variant of Coward (Cowherd), an English surname.


Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

German (Schlesselmann): habitational name for someone from Schleessel on the river Wümme (with the addition of Middle Low German man ‘man’).


Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

I am part English and German, but ethnicity is not the point in my mind. Mentally disturbed is mentally disturbed. I saw Schlesselman’s video’s, and they display the standards we do not desire in members of our movement. He showed a picture of himself licking a penis-shaped lollipop, and acted very strangely. He dressed “emo” and pretended to be homosexual. Again; mentally disturbed is mentally disturbed.

Even if there is an outside chance they are Jewish, I don’t think there are knowingly “in” on the game. I think a set up is possible and maybe even likely. But I don’t think there were Jews planted in their position.

To me, this is not a case of ethnic superiority (or lack thereof), especially as I am part German and English. But rather, this is likely evidence that the possible ‘setup’ (if there actually is one), did not involve putting Jews in the position of these two “would-be assassins.” (They didn’t pose a real threat to Obama!)

I also feel safer with McCain. Obama is mysterious, while still being radical. I also have a gut feeling he is anti-White. I think he actually is a racist, and will be used as a ‘sex symbol’ by the media, non-stop.


Posted by Henry on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 12:15 | #

Jews don’t live in trailer boxes or in Bumfuck, Arkansas. 

Enjoy your Net-lives as “revolutionaries” while you can.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:12 | #

Jews don’t live in trailer boxes ...”  (—Henry)

Neither would about 90% of Euros who do, if the Jews would stop stealing everything in the economy and in society that isn’t nailed down and pocketing it mainly, giving what’s left to the Negroes so they can buy crack cocaine and [removed] sneakers and commit more crime, or the mestizos so they can “buy” half-million-dollar homes in So Cal that they can’t pay off, or sending ten billion of it a year to Israel so the Jews over there won’t have to live in trailer boxes but get nice apartments or homes instead, paid for by U.S. Euro taxpayers, or using it to start more wars in the Middle East that have nothing whatsoever to do with U.S. interests but that Euro teenagers, the same ones whose families are forced by the Jews to live in those trailer boxes, have to go die in or come back maimed, and so on.  How about keeping your thieving fingers off our stuff for a change, and stopping going around forcing borders open for a change, and stopping running our economies into the ground for a change, and maybe some of those Euros could afford to move into proper houses and stop fighting and dying in wars AIPAC manipulates mentally-retarded goy criminals like Bush into starting.

”... or in Bumfuck, Arkansas”

Right, Jews can no more live somewhere surrounded by whites than a vampire can surrounded by cloves of garlic, so small-town America is strictly out.  They have to have plenty of Negroes, Mexicans, Orientals, Arabs, and Subcons around, with whites kept to a strict minimum.  So they can live only in certain big cities, ones where they’ve first mounted huge ethnic cleansing operations that get rid of whites so they won’t have to get jealous of whites’ looks and better personalities too many times a day:  surrounded by nothing but vaguely anthropoid material, they can feel superior instead of embarrassed, self-conscious, and self-hating too many times a day, which is impossible for them when too many whites are around. 

“Enjoy your Net-lives as “revolutionaries” while you can.”

Because the “democratic” Jews aren’t anything of the kind but are working as hard as they can right now as we speak to take away from all but Jew-approved voices the right to communicate, and they hope to have our side’s internet access shut down in the near future.  Yes, Jews are very “democratic.”  Democratic like “the People’s Democratic Republic of Lazar Kaganovich.”  That’s how “democratic.”


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 17:21 | #

“Jews don’t live in Bumfuck Arkansas”...(Henry)

That’s right! And that is why I live in box house, the neighbors are friendly, and I don’t have to make a payment on a McMansion, or worry about Juan ripping me off when I leave for work….because….Juan can’t live here…if you get my drift..Henry.

Fred, you are right. Not much left over after the ripoff of the last 40 years…So, who’s going to pay the 10 Billion to Israel, now that the producers are living in box houses? Huh,..going to borrow more $ from the Chinese? Get Juan to pay, good luck, he knows the game…he’s building his mother a nice home in Central Mexico….and sending plenty of money down for his wife while he has his girlfriend up Nortre.

As for the Internet…just hope something doesn’t happen to Obama.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 21:59 | #

”[Obama] will be used as a ‘sex symbol’ by the media, non-stop.”  (—EA Steve)

Absolutely one-hundred percent certain the Jewish media will do that.  But it’ll be clear he’s being pitched as a sex symbol only to Euro women.  None of it will be applicable to Jewish women, zero (exactly as with Jewish-created interracial porn).  The Jews are not out to sink their own race, only ours.


Posted by EA Steve on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:15 | #

Absolutely one-hundred percent certain the Jewish media will do that.  But it’ll be clear he’s being pitched as a sex symbol only to Euro women.  None of it will be applicable to Jewish women, zero (exactly as with Jewish-created interracial porn).  The Jews are not out to sink their own race, only ours.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 08:59 PM | #

I do think it’s true to state that Jews have a disproportionate influence, and some of which do want the humiliation of White Gentiles (after enduring anti-Semitism). In a certain respect, I even agree with you on the Jewish Question, when pertaining to a few individuals. But, I think only a very small percentage of even “liberal” Jews are aware of what is being done to White Gentile peoples. To claim all “liberal” Jews want us gone, one would have to agree that all “liberal” White Gentiles want their people to be gone. And even regarding that, many of the “liberal” Jews actually view themselves as White.

I am not questioning the motivations of the individual Jewish pornagraphers (although I think it’s more about being “liberal” than Jewish), but I believe non-White on White pornography has a negative effect on Jews, not only on us, White Gentiles.

Through use of phenotype, Jewish women are brainwashed, as well. I have seen ideal Irish women in films (Kumar and Harold Escape from Guantanamo Bay and This Christmas) sexually exploited in Hollywood films, by very dark and foreign males. However, I heard that Jews have one of the highest number of incidences of red hair in a significant ethnic group.


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 01:25 | #

they hope to have our side’s internet access shut down in the near future.

they don’t hope…they will.

at least one boy posted at stormfront:

CBS News traced Cowart’s email and discovered that he is a forum member of the website StormFront.org, reportedly the nation’s largest website for white supremacists known as “white-power.” In January, Cowart posted a note on a message board titled “what to carry for protection in a car?” He wrote “I live in Tennessee and I carry a expandable/collapsible police baton with me nearly everywhere. It is 100% legal here but I doubt it is in Jew York City.” He continued, “I would carry a handgun, but as you know you must be 21 to do so. But I would go with the other suggestions of either a baseball bat, hammer, or some other tool.”

In another posting about slavery, he wrote: “Why buy a slave? Haven’t we learned our lesson already? If we didn’t bring slaves over here in the first place, would things be so bad now? I think not…”

could the “third-party” involved in bringing the boys together be found there?  is it true d. black disallowed the posting of threads on this topic?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 03:22 | #

You sound like you’d make a great Sayan, Henry.  Ever thought of volunteering?  I know, I know, you’d rather be in the Cheka but don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good — volunteering for the Mossad would be a great way to relieve your frustrations.  Besides, those glory years of official Jewish sadism — Jewish masters like Swerdloff, Kaganovich — they’re gone and not coming back but there’s big demand for Jewish tortorers at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.  Why not look into it — it’d be too bad, fifteen or twenty years from now, to think back on missed opportunities and say wistfully, “That couldda been me doing that torturing!”  Go for it, Henry!  Don’t let it slip through your fingers!


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:32 | #

This is American White Power!

Cowart and Schlesselman met online only a month ago.  At least one ADL informant is involved.  Cowart posted at Stormfront.  The following questions has unhinged at least one Majority Rights’ commentator, who has previously admitted to being part-jewish.

1.  Might the ADL informant involved in this affair be found at Stormfront?

2.  Did D. Black disallow the posting of threads on this topic?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 05:16 | #

“This is American White Power!” - Henry

Henry, are you carrying on the legacy of GT and Macguire (a venerable legacy) by providing for us examples of the detrimental impact of the “non-movement” upon our struggle for racial survival?  If so, point taken.  Obviously.  Don Black and David Duke, themselves, condemn violence as ineffective and counter-productive. 

If, on the other hand, your aim is to smear Majority Rights by association you act in vain.  This is not where the “knuckle-draggers” generally choose to hang out, as, if have have not already, should realize.

So, I’ll ask you straight, just what are you getting at?

Out with it, man!


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 05:24 | #

That should be: “...if you have not already, you should now realize.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 05:38 | #

Good point, CC:  Henry, say in clear language what you’re getting at.  We’re not mind-readers.  Are you the ADL informant assigned to MajorityRights or something?  If so, the ADL deserves their money back:  I can’t imagine a lousier job than you’re doing.


Posted by J Richards on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 11:06 | #

ADL, Stormfront, Don Black, etc.

To address Henry’s questions, crypto-Jews/agents for the Jews are obviously regulars at stormfront, but the question is how deep is the infiltration?  Here is a clue. 

Set up an account at Stormfront and post there that Ashkenazi Jews are white.  Count the number of seconds that elapse before you are banned.  Now, this should be very encouraging news to someone who is looking for a big outlet to share with others his discovery - with lots of supporting evidence - that the Jewish crime network planned and orchestrated 9/11.  So thought Eric Hufschmid, a few years ago.  Boy, wouldn’t stormfronters be elated?  Wouldn’t a link to the evidence be placed at a prominent location so that the tens of thousands of people who go through stormfront everyday don’t miss it?  But Hufschmid got banned.

One of the big stormfronters is Dr. David Duke (Ph.D., history).  Dr. David Duke has for many years posted a link to his article on 9/11 at the sidebar of his site:


This article talks about Israeli complicity in 9/11 by virtue of foreknowledge of the coming 9/11 attacks by Muslim terrorists, which Israel didn’t warn America about.

Recently, Dr. David Duke posted the following on 9/11

David Duke linking to the 9/11 missing links video by Michael Delaney and John Alan Martinson Jr.

I have included a screen capture in case the article is changed.  The 9/11 video promoted by Dr. David Duke features extensive evidence that the Jewish crime network masterminded 9/11 - from planning to orchestration and cover-up - but the title uses the term ‘Israeli involvment,’ which suggests mere complicity.  In the title, ‘attacks’ is spelt ‘atatcks’ and ‘involvement’ is spelt ‘involvment’...consider in regard to search engine traffic.  The editorial commentary is very brief, uses the meek term ‘Zionist involvement’ and is unenthusiastic coming from someone who apparently lives and breathes hatred of Jewish criminality.  The entry is also buried obscurely among other entries.  The original 9/11 article that is linked from the sidebar is intact even though the evidence of Israeli complicity in it is comparatively very inadequate and fundamentally flawed. 

Isn’t this rather curious behavior from a professional ‘anti-Semite’?  Isn’t it very curious that a professional ‘anti-Semite’ with a Ph.D. in history who tirelessly works for the heritage and freedom of white people still professes ignorance about the Holocaust and not see it for the Holohoax it is, inspite of the Holohoax being abused by Jewry to smear as genocidal racists those of us who stand up for white rights?

Ladies and gentlemen, ask yourselves the question whether the behavior of Dr. David Duke is consistent with someone who is elated to have come across solid, irrefutable evidence - in the form of the 9/11 missing links video - framing his mortal enemy or is it the behavior of somone who is increasingly under pressure to admit the true role played by Jews regarding 9/11?  And why would THE anti-Semite - as per the certification of the revered ADL and the venerable SPLC - be under this pressure?  There is much more to Dr. David Duke that will make a very interesting discussion, but for now chew on Dr. Duke and Don Black being long-standing buddies.  So how deep is the infiltration at stormfront?  Go figure.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 13:07 | #

“This is American White Power!”—Henry

Henry should have ended that statement with a question mark instead of an exclamation point.

This whole (manufactured?) episode is obviously being used as an opportunity by the Left to advertise/promote the notion that ALL White-preservationists are a bunch of freaks.

Question: How effective is their, the Leftists’,  marketing campaign?

Answer: Very!

Paradoxically: the more that White-preservationists try to proclaim the fact that people of European decent are being deliberately and systematically ethnically cleansed off the planet (i.e. genocided), the more the anti-white Left effectively paints us as a bunch of fringe freaks operating outside the boundaries of civil society. Talk about inverted morality!

Furthermore, the MSM’s tactic of lumping all those who promote the interests of the White-race with fringe-freaks has proven to be extremely effective. Afterall, who wants to be affiliated or associated, even remotely, with mental cases such as those two?

Unfortunately, Susan Sontag’s disgusting legacy is alive and well!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 14:30 | #

Excellent comment by Dave Johns there.


Posted by snax on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 15:36 | #

JR, I would expect that Duke justifies and promotes holocaust revisionists and their theories rather than comes straight out and say he doesn’t believe because of the laws in Europe (and perhaps one day America to be applied retrospectively). He has a greater influence than just about anyone advancing holocaust scepticism and I don’t mind at all that he’s careful to keep it. Hufschmid also favours the ‘meek term’ Zionists in the article you link to, and I KNOW you can’t have very much respect for the way that article is written.

Stop griping and just help get the word out, the petty squabbles and endless accusations these guys make of each other being agents for the Jews does nobody any favours.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 15:56 | #

I still don’t get what this Henry character is yapping about.  Out with it, Henry!  (Or shut up!)

As for this ADL sting entrapment of these two guys, that’s exactly what it is, an ADL sting entrapment intended as a mini-October surprise to get Obama elected, and it’s so obvious that’s what it is, it’s comical.  Now, the Jewish assassination of Haider, THAT was a very stealthy, very professional job that still has people scratching their heads as to exactly how they did it, but THIS???  Don’t make me LAUGH!!!  This has ADL sting written all over it, it’s so amateurish!!!  The ADL guys who pulled it off are almost as big DORKS as this classic “dumb-and-dumber” pair they chose as their absolutely clueless victims!!!  You could mount this sort of sting entrapment on this kind of weird “WN-type” guy any day of the week at upwards of five hundred to a thousand web-sites chosen almost at random.  You could do it in your fricking sleep.  It’s one-hundred percent bogus, one-hundred percent trumped-up, one-hundred percent ADL-led and ADL-entrapped, and one-hundred percent Jewish.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:03 | #

And of course the Jewish press trumpeted it the next day exactly on cue.  Surprise, surprise!  (It was plastered all over the news bit on my AOL Welcome screen when I logged on the next morning.  Who owns AOL?  I mean, can’t these guys come up with a new schtick?  This one’s getting really old.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:15 | #

In Henry’s initial post he looked like a Jew attacking Euros, then in subsequent ones he looked like a Euro attacking Jews. 

State your business here, Henry.  Speak plainly please.

(I never “admitted” to having Jewish grandparentage, any more than I “admitted” to being Catholic.  What I did in regard to both was “said” them.  “Admitted” has connotations that don’t apply, although given the behaviour of Jews and Catholics these days that may change.)


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:51 | #

Are you the ADL informant assigned to MajorityRights or something? If so, the ADL deserves their money back:  I can’t imagine a lousier job than you’re doing.

Unlike you, Mr. Scrooby, I am fully Gentile.  The implication that I am Jewish for having asked two disquieting questions is your attempt to pre-empt thought by eliciting an overwhelmingly negative, Pavlovian response from Majority Rights’ readership.  Judging by the response you have partly succeeded.

Mr. J. Richards’ informative apologia does not answer my questions:

1.  Might the ADL informant involved in this affair be found at Stormfront?

2.  Did D. Black disallow the posting of threads on this topic?

I want Mr. D. Black to answer these questions at Majority Rights and remain available for further questioning.

Mr. Chaos, the motivation behind these questions is irrelevant.  However, improvement cannot be made without honest self-appraisal and a willingness to face the facts.

Mr. Johns, is this American White Power?  Yes, it is.  Mental illness abounds.

Obama is likely to become President.  Within one year Internet speech will be significantly curtailed through legal and de facto means.  What are White nationalists going to do about it?


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 17:07 | #

(I never “admitted” to having Jewish grandparentage, any more than I “admitted” to being Catholic.  What I did in regard to both was “said” them.  “Admitted” has connotations that don’t apply, although given the behaviour of Jews and Catholics these days that may change.)

Why always the quibble about ancestry, Mr. Scrooby?

I assume you’re self-employed and financially well-off.  Am I correct?  Where do you find the time to post so frequently? 

Is Majority Rights the only website with which you are connected?

To which White nationalist organizations do you contribute financially?

How much money do you contribute to Stormfront?


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 17:55 | #

As for this ADL sting entrapment of these two guys, that’s exactly what it is, an ADL sting entrapment intended as a mini-October surprise to get Obama elected, and it’s so obvious that’s what it is, it’s comical.

Mr. Scrooby, soft-pedaling the mental illness pervading American White nationalism that is reflected on the Internet doesn’t solve the problem.  The public doesn’t analyze, nor does it care about details.  Yes, the affair was comical but extremely successful. Actor Tom Hanks’ “stupid is as stupid does” comes to mind.  The upcoming Democratic Senate and House majorities will enact new speech legislation with barely a peep from Joe Citizen.  This website will soft-pedal its content or run afoul of the law.  Can we be certain that a de facto means of “grandfathering” the provisions of this legislation won’t be found?  No, we cannot.  A new era is upon us.  It is called “The Obamanation.”  What are we going to do about it?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 18:14 | #

“Within one year Internet speech will be significantly curtailed through legal and de facto means.”

GT, what evidence can you cite to substantiate your claim?  Or is it just a ‘feeling’ you have?  I’m certainly open to hearing it.


Posted by Henry on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 18:36 | #

You could mount this sort of sting entrapment on this kind of weird “WN-type” guy any day of the week at upwards of five hundred to a thousand web-sites chosen almost at random.  You could do it in your fricking sleep.

Yes, you could but with greater success at “WN-type” websites.  Much greater success at “WN-type” websites.  That’s one problem you, Mr. J. Richards, and others elsewhere have consistently downplayed.  Shouldn’t WN websites be held to higher standards of behavior?  Shouldn’t the ADL and Feebs’ work be made difficult?  What holds White nationalism back from implementing and enforcing higher standards?  A need for dollars from mouthy contributors of marginal character?  ADL or Feeb ownership of “WN” websites?  Stupidity?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 19:24 | #

I have to apologize to “Henry”:  I took his comment of 10-31 at 11:15 AM for his first post.  Somehow I’d missed his two earlier ones.  Had I not missed them I wouldn’t have replied the way I did.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 19:41 | #

...Furthermore, the MSM’s tactic of lumping all those who promote the interests of the White-race with fringe-freaks has proven to be extremely effective. Afterall, who wants to be affiliated or associated, even remotely, with mental cases such as those two?

Unfortunately, Susan Sontag’s disgusting legacy is alive and well!

Posted by Dave Johns on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 12:07 PM | #

Exactly; the Far-Leftism race-traitors retain their power, by misrepresenting us (and even moderate “anti-racists”). The malicious non-White elites are waiting patiently, and the White race-tratiors will finally know the real consequences of their treason.


Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 15:56 | #

All of this is the ‘revelation of the Method’ as Michael Hoffmann noted.

It all fits. and it is ALL orchestrated, to make us THINK they way THEY want us to think.

But think THIS. Even if Obama were to be assasinated by ‘white supremacists,’ (not that I am advocating that, or anything…..)
Blacks would STILL riot- which is ILLEGAL.
Jews would still control things- which is IMMORAL.

and Whites would STILL be disenfranchised- which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

So, who’s to blame.

‘His blood be on us and on our Children.’ - Jews of Jesus’ day to the Pagan Emperor

Plus ca change, plus qui reste la meme…


Posted by Henry on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 18:04 | #

The apology is accepted Mr. Scrooby.  And my apology to you for responding in the way that I did.  Bygones be bygones.


Posted by Henry on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 18:45 | #

A Preview of Things To Come:

Obama and Biden will strengthen federal hate crimes legislation, expand hate crimes protection by passing the Matthew Shepard Act, and reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice’s Criminal Section.

The Matthew Shepard Act (officially, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 or LLEHCPA), H.R. 1592 was a proposed federal bill that would expand the 1969 United States federal hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

The bill would also:

*Remove the current prerequisite that the victim be engaging in a federally-protected activity, like voting or going to school;
*Give federal authorities greater ability to engage in hate crimes investigations that local authorities choose not to pursue;
*Provide $10 million in funding for 2008 and 2009 to help State and local agencies pay for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes;
*Require the FBI to track statistics on hate crimes against transgender people (statistics for the other groups are already tracked).[1]

Obama for America general counsel Bob Bauer’s letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Bauer wants the special prosecutor investigating the U.S. attorney firings to start investigating John McCain, Sarah Palin and other Republicans such as Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Their crime? Calling on our nation’s law enforcement officers to investigate widespread reports of vote fraud. Bauer writes:

“As Election Day approaches - just as in 2004 and 2006 - Republican Party officials and operatives nationwide, including the candidates themselves, are fomenting specious vote fraud allegations, and there are distorting indications of official involvement or collusion. …

“Accordingly, I call on you and Special Prosecutor Dannehy to expand her investigation to include these matters, all of them entirely consistent with the pattern of misconduct already within her charge.”

“A certain segment has basically been feeding a kind of xenophobia,” Mr. Obama said at a fundraiser in Palm Beach, Fla. “If you have people like Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh ginning things up, it’s not surprising that would happen.”

Quin-essential cases: No Righting Voting Wrongs in Ohio

Bureaucrats Overwhelmingly Favor Obama Over McCain

Voting Supervisors Are Obama Donors

Justice Dept. Targets GOP Activists

Obama Wants DOJ to Silence McCain-Palin on ACORN

Obama’s America: No criticism allowed.


Posted by Henry on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 05:45 | #

Welcome to the Obamanation!

The days of “free speech” for White nationalists on the Internet are ending.  Chillingly creative examples will be made of several people before Congress passes the actual hate speech bill.  At best there will be only fake sympathy.  Remember, we’re “dangerous.”  There is no bail for “dangerous” people.  And only court-appointed attorneys in most cases.  Edgar Steele probably won’t accept your case pro bono.  Remember, too, politically “dangerous” people are convicted for violating the spirit of the law.  Or successfully sued. 

What shall we do?


Posted by EA Steve on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:06 | #

In response to Henry: I am afraid, some “hate speech” laws will be entailed, during Obama’s presidency, especially with a likely filler-buster proof Senate. The internet will likely be affected, with an economic crash. I hate to imagine what’s in store for us, “dangerous” people. And I am afraid, it’s not just racially aware Whites to be under attack. It will be the diehard self-hating Whites and non-Whites vs. racially aware Whites and likely even those apathetic about race.

What angers me is the double-standard. Many of us were indifferent about the candidate’s race. And my objection is due to Obama’s policies, lack of experience, and indirect tangibles (such as the media using him as a sex symbol to White women, and as a the number 1 idol for all White children), not even his race in and of itself. But Blacks vote for him, solely due to race, in and of itself. And yet we are the “racists,” and will be treated as such, while Blacks will continue getting a pass, even though their racism is stronger, more common, and more extreme (We just want preservation, but many of them hate us, out of unjustified reasons) than those of even our “racists.” His support was solely due to his race, as a primary source.

If America collapses in the near future, it will be because of his election.

Note: According to a lawsuit, filed by Mr. Berg, our new president might even be a non-citizen!


Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:18 | #

A ridiculous example of democrazy.

Zero accomplishment mulatto no one ever heard of three years ago wins presidency.

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