A cunning plan By current standards the Rt Hon Hazel Blears, the Chair of the Labour Party and Minister Without Portfolio at the Cabinet Office, is a bit of a high-flier. She has few enemies in the Party and may well prosper in the coming Brown era despite her championing by Tony Blair. Given this, one might think that some analytical ability must reside between her ears - but not on the evidence of her speech a week ago to the Labour Party’s ethnic minority taskforce (ironically, in white-minority Leicester). As reported today by BBC News, her subject matter was the success of the BNP in May’s local government elections. I did my bit of analysis on that here and included a prediction of how Labour would react:-
So, six weeks downstream what have we actually got from our rising starlet.
OK, well the first point here is that Ms Blears is sticking doggedly to the “Racist Bastard, Fascist Swine!” interpretation of the BNP - a legally-consituted and increasingly electable, patriotic political party, lest you forget. One has the sense immediately that Labour is in a very uncomfortable cleft stick. Can’t stop sounding more and more ridiculous and out of touch, but can’t change tack for fear that someone will ask the obvious question: “What happened to the Racist Bastards and Fascist Swines?” Two words already light that latter path to perdition. They are “Margaret” and “Hodge”. So if Labour can never bring itself to grant that the BNP has a bona fide political standpoint that untold millions of native Britons support, how does it explain the May 5th result? A political accident, of sorts: a democratic vacuum ... people feeling let down ... no one on their side ... views ignored ... traditional parties taking their votes for granted ... a failure of mainstream democratic politics. It’s everybody’s fault, really. Which means nobody’s, least of all her government’s. Her language, though copious, is evasive. What “side” does she mean? An ethnic one? She can’t admit to that. What “views”? Nationalistic ones? She can’t admit to that. She just will not grasp the enormity of what it means to dissolve an indigenous people in all humanity, nor the inevitability (and coming resoluteness) of their reaction. Starting from a position of such dishonesty, then, what can she actually propose policy-wise? Not much. The BNP can be “turned back” and “driven out”, she claims. Wishful thinking? Yes, it must be while the cause of all the woe carries on quite unacknowledged, never mind unaddressed. In fact, Labour has settled upon a convenient, self-calming explanation for May 5th. Support for the BNP wasn’t an inevitable by-product of race replacement. It was a mere protest, just a piffling thing that arose because the mainstream parties have been remiss in their normally loving attention to democracy. If they just return to the campaign trail and explain what Racist Bastards and Fascist Swines the BNP are, then a ” a lively community spirit” will overtake everyone. The nasty voting will cease instantly and everyone can join hands again and skip over the rose-pink horizon, blah, blah. La, la, Labour. Hopeless. So that must make Nick Griffin’s day then. Comments:2
Posted by Alan on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 10:48 | # I never fail to be amused by these left wing Liberal loonies! Why, Oh! why can’t they grasp the fundemental reasons that English folk are voting for the BNP simply because they (the English folk) abhor the enforced multiculturism and the reality of having to live alongside people who they don’t like. 3
Posted by Amalek on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:19 | # Contemporary politics neatly reverses Hamlet: “Is, madam! nay it seems; I know not ‘is.’” It’s about leaders following followers, about conforming to feedback from focus groups, polls and canvassers’ impressions… in a word, about image, which at best always simplifies and distorts reality. The reality somewhat distorted by Ms Blears into a mere image problem is that there is an inchoate unease about the impact of immigration—especially non-white immigration—among UK indigenes where the consequences are most perceptible. One must not discount, even in this crowded archipelago, the ability of whites with a little money and a marketable skill to avoid non-whites and submerge their perturbation in a vague cloud of good feeling about how they’re quite like us, really, when they settle down and we get to know them. Such benignity, keyed into traditional British values of neioghbourliness and tolerance (“live and let live”) has gone a long way to palliating any theoretical disquiet about the slow and gradual browning and blackening of what until 50 years ago was one of the most racially homogenous developed countries on earth. As a Commission for Racial Equality report has shown, whites are willing to rub shoulders with non-whites, though most prefer not to know them more closely. The question is how much longer this cold-shouldering kind of toleration—turned into the cliches of imagistic politics by Ms Blears—will continue to calm the frog as the water temperature rises. A few cities are already on the point of becoming majority-non-white. But the respectable working- and lower-middle-class whites who have vacated them have not, by and large, swung in large numbers to the BNP even when living on the fringes of such cities and fearing that their streets, schools and property values will be imperilled soon. Around Birmingham and Wolverhampton, Nottingham and Leicester, Bristol and the West London corridor beyond Southall, the BNP hardly exists yet. Meanwhile the Conservative Party shows no interest in competing with the BNP, no alarm that Griffin and Co may be becoming more mainstream. On the contrary, under the shabbos goy Cameron it is flirting with multiracialism and ‘diversity’ more ardently than ever. It may be that the tipping point—the ‘nowhere left to run’ moment when fight replaces flight—is closer than this analysis implies. In areas where the non-white population is 10pc, the primary school fraction may be twice as high: given that nothing makes indigenes ‘feel rather swamped’, as a previous Tory leader put it, more than counting children, panic may follow today’s enforced complacency quite soon. But I doubt it. I do not think the BNP’s localised and scattered gains in local government, which are quite likely to be reversed if the Tories get their act together, can coalesce into a respectable national movement. The establishment, which may have created the BNP as a safety valve, is more hostile to its getting above itself, more determined to use calumny and courts against it, than ever. The Conservative Party might nonetheless rediscover its philosophical roots and the interests of its natural supporters. But the precedent of the Republican Party, constantly and blatantly ignoring the immigration concerns of its grass roots, is not encouraging. And in the USA, ‘nativist’ alternatives on the right (the Constitution Party, some sorts of libertarian, various Deep South rebellions, the Buchananites) have been successfully throttled in a much tenser race-relations climate than Britain’s. The Tories would have been more worried 20-30 years ago that its grassroots members would peel off to the BNP than in today’s TV-dominated, feminised politics. Note that one of Ms Blears’s desiderata for slaying the Fascist Beast is ‘well-funded political parties’. No doubt that is code for elite parties funded by you and me through taxation, excluding (German- or Belgian-style) ‘populist’ outfits which will be starved and sued into submission if they get above themselves. Once that pleasant arrangement is installed, the Tories will be able to float as free of flesh-and-blood activism as the national GOP or the CDU. In short, I cannot see where the BNP goes from here in the absence of some systemic crisis on the same scale as 1931, dramatising immigration rather than economics: a ‘Camp of the Saints’ showdown. And what sign is there of that? The frog is still being boiled quite slowly. 5
Posted by L Stewart on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:12 | # Although I make no claim to being ‘unbiased’, I believe I am able to examine views with which I do not agree in order to try to understand the thinking behind them and - yes , see if there is any genuine merit to be found, whatever my first impressions. Looking at Hazel Blears and her ilk leaves me in no doubt: people like her are either entirely unwilling or entirely incapable of seeing another point of view; and the enormity of the on-going harm they do to their own nation - which extends to its future complete biological & cultural exterminarion - is too clear for excuses to be found. Adjectives such as ‘vile’, ‘evil’, and ‘disgusting’, so often used with ludicrous inappropriatness in relation to the BNP, are entirely fitting in their case. And perhaps, simply ‘stupid’. The escalating disenchantment the electorate is experiencing with Labour and their Lib-Dem/Con shadows has nothing to do with the dreadful policies espoused by the main parties, and the dreadful consequences daily more apparent. No, it is in the main because the public are insufficiently ‘educated’ as to what the parties stand for. Much like the peace-loving, free democracies of the old Soviet Union, so sadly misunderstood by fascist warmongers. With all their similar massive advantages in terms of control of the media, limitless funding, and powers to misuse the police & courts for purely political purposes, Labour and its lib-dem/con allies have grown so used to forcing their distorted views on an unresisting public that they now believe their own nonsense, much as the old-style communists did. Unfortunately for them it seems the growth of the BNP now constitutes a real opposition, both exposing their unpalatable & impractical policies to highly critical examination and offering genuine, workable alternatives. No wonder the hysteria. 6
Posted by Voice on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 14:50 | # I have to preface my comment about the UK with this US analysis-The US is completely and utterly screwed..We already have over 50% of non-whites in our schools and elderly are too fricking stuck in the 50’s/simple and dependent on prescriptions to start any kind of revival. The US is destined for Brazilisation and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Both sides of the political spectrum(sorry mis-spoke about the politcal spectrum but the Republicrats) have no political will to reverse the race replacement policies put in play for last 40 years. This isn’t defeatism but there is no saving what was America. We can fight for renewed racial conciousness in our new america and even set in motion economic boycotts by utilizing our purchasing power to create a first world economic system to drive our newly found European consciousness and roots for a hopeful peaceful balkanization/secession movement. As I have said before, the chinks will save us because in the early days we can import most of our non-perishable goods from China and brand them under Occidental type name and damage retailers. A separate Telecommunications infrastructure exists today where you can bypass your local Bell(telephone company) and this will commoditize further and IPTV will allow on demand ala carte healthy programming. Don’t forget the Energy coops that could be started either. WE CAN DIG OUR WAY OUT OF THIS! Back to the UK..The UK is completely fricked. With a Landmass the size of Nebraska(65m people) and one of highest number of people per square mile, it will follow Sam Francis’s ANARCHO-TYRANNY model till it completely submerges into Anarchy and effectively a non-british country(in the sense of having small percentage of native stock and losing its culture to decadence and debauchery) The Yarus(for those that missed him the 18 year old English Middle Class schoolboy who hated Chav’s-UK working class and/or non-posh- but loved the mental stimulation of the endless stream of diverse friends) type young “males” who come from middle class and upper class ranks(stuttering and chattering effeminate fools) who just couldn’t vote for BNP who attract those “idiot Chavs” and think ” that Indian/Asian/Negroid lass is quite attractive and wouldn’t it be lovely getting off with her” will fall into line quite nicely. The older population ,not unlike our US Baby Boom generation, will follow in line with Lib/Lab/Con at 65%+ to ensure victory after victory till they are 6 feet under. BTW, like all groups will complain about the changes but still check the Labor box because of dependency on benefit and they think the local shop owners are “nice enough” people. They may make a protest vote with the Lib-dems to stick to the Labour or Tory party! I can’t forget the fairer sex can I? Women will always vote at 80% + for parties that will. A) Be fair to all people regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation. B) How couldn’t we demand point A because those people have children too and how couldn’t we take care of those lovely children its only FAIR after all “you misogynist uncaring brutes”???? C) For the majority of Women, point A can’t go far enough and we should really increase VAT to 25% from 17.5% to ensure that we can adequately fund our requirements for Aid to Sub-saharan africa and especially South Africa after those racist white farmers stopped being able to supply Africa with Food. This fund could also provide further income support to mixed race couples in the UK subject to institutionally racist policies and thoughts of white man throughout time. D) Did I mention those damn foxhunts yet? Don’t forget the UK is still in incubation/stealth mode because of high concentration of Wogs in London, Birmingham and Leeds that are breeding like rats and ready to make their next move out to the beds of girls in more white areas in next generation to complete the race replacement. Nerdy white men always get pursued and/or find it easier to score an Asian/Indian because the girls love the legitimacy the white man give them and bow to their new white masters. The children will be racial justice wogs and mongoloids to be sure. I don’t think there will be Civil War but just ongoing conflicts in Urban areas from about 2050(maybe sooner if we get emboldened terrorists who take down significant infrastructure) It makes sense that Islam’s veil will begin to close in seriously at this time with creeping minority/majority Racial composition(say 20 percent Negroid/20 percent ArabIndian/20 percent mixed race and only 40% British Stock) not far off of Arab genotype. Negroid/Caucasoid/Asian mixed with IQ’s around 89-90—IQ ,Wealth of Nations set 92 at minimum to maintain technological economy. All the useful white idiots who campaigned against that evil BNP will be old and dependent off the state, and this new racial class that hates them for their collective racial guilt will leave them to rot in their government provided nursing home with their bedpans unchanged and bedsores stinging with infection by people who could care less about those “hideously white old tossers”. On a lighter note, looks like England is going to get through to next round of the world cup! 7
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 16:39 | # Change Alan’s opening line from “amused”,to “outraged”,and I would underline more fully his position.Other than that,his words deserve serious consideration-if change is not soon achieved in the “mind-think"of White politicians,all White societies are doomed.We Whites are being so dominated by sources of our own making,and accepting the BS that portrays us as the “great satan”.Up until the mid 20th century,we ruled the world,but now find ourselves kissing ass[and paying the bills],for every despot wanting to kill the goose. Idiodcy!———Take 6 Prozacs and call me in the morning. Post a comment:
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Posted by john on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:35 | #
The recent expose about blairs marxism illuminates our situation, all of them drank from the same jewish trough, extremism extremism and more extremism. None of them have any compassion for the indiginous people.
They have to hate someone. They’re starting to look like cornered rats.