A guide to Bath The tourist office in Bath knows how to tell the punters what they want to hear:-
Unfortunately, there is a second impression. Bath also has an underclass (in Snow Hill), and it has all the precious gifts of diversity. On checking the BBC’s report of the murder of father-of-two Paul Kelly, 32, on New Year’s Day I happened across Bathradar, a blog giving “sexed up local news for Bath”. The Longacre Tavern, where Mr Kelly was repeatedly stabbed to death, has been accorded two posts. One of these publishes the poem also reproduced in this BBC link. It has been fly-posted around the city and it gives a name for the young black killer of Mr Kelly:-
Well, the poet - a murderer in his own right if one cares about poetry - is a patron of the toughest pub in Bath. Here’s the kind of things people say about the Longacre Tavern and its clientele, as reported by our Bathradar blogger:-
Amazing place, and reminds me of some of the pubs I used to frequent professionally in my London days. Not sure if I would want to go back to them now though, never mind the Longacre. Perhaps it will improve when Avon & Somerset Constabulary and Bristol Crown Court reduce the local vibrancy by means of one life sentence. Comments:2
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 13:31 | # With current growth-rate projections, it is fairly safe to assume that ALL of England from the pretty little county towns to the smallest hamlets will be blessed with London-style diversity in a generation. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 03:54 | #
Kenelm Digby is of course totally correct. There is nothing politically in place right now in Britain (or elsewhere in the Eurosphere) to keep exactly that from happening: the complete Brazilianization of the U.K. and every other Euro country. À propos of the changing demographic situation of the city of Bath and environs: this Vdare.com letter-to-the-editor, up this morning and addressed to Americans, applies as well to the U.K., every country in Europe, and every country in the Eurosphere:
People are going to have to begin getting comfortable with reasonable, perfectly appropriate ways of talking openly about race. There’s nothing wrong with it: if I were conversing with a random Japanese guy about immigration we could certainly agree that it would be preferable in the view of most Japanese in Japan for that country not to accept, let’s say, race-replacement volumes of Euros as immigrants and there would be nothing “wrong with” that preference on their part — nothing whatsoever: no, it wouldn’t be “racist,” “evil,” or anything other than strictly normal and unobjectionable. Highly laudable, even. In fact, the opposite attitude on their part would seem extremely weird — would seem like the cricket (once infected with the gordian worm) jumping into the water to drown: not normal. Simple “thought experiments” such as this will easily teach normal, reasonable white people who may find talking about race awkward how to see their own legitimate expectations and preferences in a light very different from the one our largely Jewish-controlled media currently brainwash us every day into “internalizing” for reasons considered beneficial to Jews notwithstanding the cataclysmic harm done everyone else. There’s no such thing as solving this problem by"treating the non-whites decently and assimilating them”: England can’t assimilate six billion non-whites and still remain England, and that’s the number we’re dealing with as long as the immigration doors are kept open. It could with six, or six hundred, or six thousand, not with six billion. No Euro country can. So, “treating the non-whites decently and assimilating them” is a non-starter on its face. May we have the next proposal? The BNP has one ... So does this web-site: it’s called Moratorium-and-Repatriation. It’s feasible and thoroughly humane. Let’s get working on it. And let’s start talking openly about it. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s normal. People like the Japs and the Chinese, in fact, look at us and think we’re crazy not to. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:08 | #
Actually — I for one found that a pretty good poem. Reading it over again after a year-and-a-half, I like it even more. Also quite good is the “prose” passage from the Bathradar blog describing the atmosphere in the Longacre. This is good writing. These guys, these Englishmen, the poet and the blogger (both working-class no doubt), display a native English talent for English words (I know that sounds tautological but there it is), sort of a native English genius for effortless unselfconscious English wordsmithing, found in the blood (“blood” being the older word for genes) as well as passed down the generations from Englishman to Englishman as tradition. The Jews who are pushing race-replacement don’t see this native trait, this or a billion others, and wouldn’t appreciate or understand it if they did (or admit it was partly inborn and therefore can’t be duplicated) because theirs is a different kind of blood and there’s a sense in which it takes blood to know blood. Englishmen: from one who is not a member your race but knows your race’s value and wishes it well: Do not let the Jews or anyone replace you with any other people, any other race. Merry Christmas to all the patrons of the Longacre Tavern (especially the English ones)! 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:29 | #
So does Sir Guman Noon, “the Curry King” — at least as regards the moratorium part. When the British Subcons themselves are clamoring for immigration common sense you’d think the Jews who control both the Tory and the Labour Parties can’t be far behind. You’d think wrong. Those Jews are never going to budge an inch on immigration or give permission to the British stooges they control to budge an inch, but will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light on this issue. It’s high time to start dragging them and not be put off in the slightest by their kicking and screaming. Post a comment:
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Posted by stari_momak on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:10 | #
The place was charged with the atmosphere of a cockfight in Galtieri era Buenos Aires.
One hell of a simile for a fully paid-up cockney.