Awakenings - Joel Godfrey My name is Joel ... joel godfrey on your site. I am a city boy aged thirty-four, a product of the inner-city schools, a product of lower income neighborhoods, black and white, and a product of a failed vision of this world. The reason I’m writing this article today is not because I hate anyone, and it’s not because I want to control those that hate me. The reason I’m writing about my awakening to racial reality is because I can see people that look like myself living in negative ways, destroying themselves, destroying their heritage and destroying their right to live in their own homeland. The self-destruction I see in European American society, and in European society too, is the reason why I am with you on this site today. I was not always like this. I was not always given to views that are labeled “intolerant” by the oblivious crowd-thinkers of my country. But today I have an alternative to that crowd-thinking, because sites such as this are willing to speak the truth. How, you might ask, did I get here? When I was a young boy I lived in inner-city Minneapolis. The population was around ninety or ninety-two percent white yet I went to schools that were thirty-five to fifty percent minority. I lived in a white, blue-collar part of town. It was tough yet no-one was on welfare, everyone worked and people would, for the most part, stick up for their neighbors should trouble arise. The first problems for me happened when I was seven years old. Our house in our white neighborhood was broken into by a big, fat, crazed-looking black man. My mother was climbing the stairs to the bathroom at 3.00am, and there stood the criminal. He was about to enter my room but followed my mother instead. She backed down the stairs and screamed full pitch. My stepfather woke up and shouted again and again in rage for the “ni**er” to “get out of my house!” The intruder claimed he had a gun in his hand. Eventually, he ran out the back of the house, screen-door flapping and all. The black was never caught and the police didn’t seem to care. I was traumatized. Shortly after this incident, my real father moved from his nice middle/upper class white neighborhood to live in a huge Victorian-style house in south central Minneapolis. It was a welfare neighborhood, more or less, with a population less than half-white, more than half-black. The kids were about eighty percent black, and it was okay for awhile. But by the time I was ten it didn’t work for me. I was too different, didn’t feel I fitted in and didn’t like getting thrown into a fenced-in house one-time to fight some black kid I didn’t even know. I called it quits on the neighborhood and never really left the house. My father’s house was broken into at this time. The deed was done on the night before Christmas by black neighbors three houses down. They stole all the presents, if you can believe that. They were known ... there were eye-witnesses ... yet the cops did nothing. I grew up mostly in my mom’s working-class neighborhood. I’d box my friends in the back yard. We’d play hockey, baseball and board games, and make forts in the winter. It was a pretty good time. There was no racial baggage to deal with in our neighborhood. There aren’t many kids in that neighborhood anymore, and all of the schools are completely full of blacks form Africa, poor Latinos, or American blacks via the welfare road that always leads to Minneapolis. There are no longer working-class white children in our schools, or many whites to speak of at all. There are only minorities whose parents, for the most part, knew next to nothing of my city or my state. My old home is occupied by a foreign youth, and he and his kind will be the future, so it seems. I don’t’ like what seemingly awaits my children. Anyhow, to return to my boyhood experience of the adversity of diversity ... My mom’s house would be broken into again when I was twelve ... and seventeen. And my dad’s would be broken into again also when I was twelve. My junior high went through a “gook-white war”, and my high school had a gangster Metal (White Heavy Metal crowd) war. Neither really amounted to much. But people had weapons, and cops were there making sure nothing would happen. Nothing did happen in the gangster Metal war, but a few good fights broke out in “gook-white” one. In general, the experiences of my youth taught me several certain facts: race exists; we all behave differently; we all side with our own kind when ever racial problems arrive; and most people who are white will get jumped simply for being accused of using the N-word. I did not feel comfortable around so many unpredictable people who were also big, intimidating and racially-bigoted. Others catered to them - even tough white guys. Blacks controlled things through violent mannerisms, threats and racial unity. Most people dreaded and feared them. They could do whatever they wanted. Other events close to home would help me to evolve my racial feelings. My grandparents were robbed three times in their home in once-white but now predominantly black north Minneapolis. Each time the perpetrators were blacks. My uncle, who was a taxi driver, was beaten severely once and spit at in the face another time. Both times the perpetrator was black and refused to pay the fair. My mother was accosted for sexual favors by a black man two blocks away from my home when I was eight. I’d seen a teacher thrown into a small trash can by a big black kid after yelling at him - this was in sixth grade. When I was twelve I was threatened everyday for two weeks by a poor, frizzy-haired black kid who said he would bring a gun to my junior High and shoot me (ironically, this was after I defended a Jewish kid from being bullied by the black boy). Also when I was twelve I was lovingly told by a young black gang-member how blacks prefer eating white pus*y. In my first week of high school I was physically threatened by an older black boy and his white sidekick after money. I’d also seen at first-hand how many blacks live and treat eachother in their own homes. Trash was always everywhere and many were on welfare. My dad’s rental properties taught me that lesson. On it went. Later, when I was 22, I was robbed in Amsterdam by a huge Moroccan-looking man. He held a syringe to me and claimed it was HIV positive. I gave him half of my money. And last but not least, three years ago a friend and I were jumped by three black guys while walking to a bar at night. I didn’t give them my wallet and eventually had a gun shoved to my stomach while two of the boys tried to hold me down and take it (they never got it). I would find out later that their gun was actually a stun gun, but at the time I had no idea. My friend did nothing, and they eventually ran off. This was in trendy Uptown where until recently there were hardly any blacks at all. Now this was three years ago, and by that time I already had an idea about different races and how we get along. My views weren’t acceptable to most. But as far as I was concerned what I had experienced in my life with all this black-on-white hatred wasn’t acceptable to me. I didn’t hate anyone. I did resent liberals a bit. But in truth I just felt there was a need for more segregation, at least from black people. When I was in my teens and early twenties I would hang out with Hard Core people, punks, different types of skinheads and sometimes hippie types, my racial views were still not accepted by most, but I wasn’t fanatical about converting believers. I enjoyed my friends company enough to let there idealism slide by. I would go on to college, travel, and eventually try to live in Denmark where I could be with my own kind and live under a government that was more pro-worker. I would find out that Scandinavia is anything but blond-haired and blue-eyed. It’s full of Muslims and blacks, and everyone is as afraid of them as they are of the cops. Crazy! I left a little confused about the future, and disheartened at my ancestor’s part of the world. Danish women seemed to no longer like their men, and many of the prettiest girls were with blacks or Muslims - the same patterns as in my home state. I was shocked and my pride in my background faltered. I also ceased to be pro-Socialist. It seemed to me now that Socialist dogma was a primary reason why Danes had become oblivious to the racial problems they were creating. During these years I had also spent 6 ½ months in Central America, and returned to school. I eventually got a degree in linguistics, taught English for awhile and then started my own modest but successful business. Right around this time I was content with my opinions and judgments. I did feel the city was being overrun ,however, and I couldn’t help but notice that all of the mainstream bars, nightclubs and discos were filled with white women frolicking with black or Latino men. It was pretty exceptional to see a white man and woman together. I encountered this at 1st Avenue bars, college bars, and techno-style bars. They played Hip-Hop and other non-white oriented music now, and people acted more sleazy with one another. This sad change seemed to slowly take place around the turn of the millennium. It is now the dominant theme and, as far as I can see, shows no sign of waning. Eventually, right before the 2004 presidential elections, I began to notice an almost religious component to the hatred shown towards Bush. This obvious and blatant display would lead me to write my book [see below - Ed]. People would come to my house two or three times a day to make sure I’d vote for Kerry. They were always either feminine men or young, attractive college girls. They would always claim how horrible it would be if Bush were in for another four years. Many of my liberal friends just straight-out hated him and the Republicans for everything. But they also hated Republicans for being racists, rednecks, fascists, and basically every type of thing imaginable. My old friends from college would rant and rave about how the Republicans only win because of all the ‘stupid idiots’ that vote for them, or because of … ‘those bigots’ … those ‘White Trash’ voters. These remarks, being so openly accepted and prevalent among these educated friends of mine, kind of struck me back. These were non-city people from all-white communities. For me, I was a bit turned off by their hatred towards normal people just voting the way they wanted. So I reminded them that no thinking human being would support a group of white-hating liberals if they all they got thrown in the face was ‘White Trash and Racist’ labels. I also reminded them that just because somebody votes for a candidate they don’t like it doesn’t mean that person is an idiot, or mentally inferior, or hateful. Plenty of intelligent people think in different ways all of the time. We all go by our different experiences and make judgments on the information we have. I would then explain how much I hated the Democrats for being so anti-white, and how there was no way in hell I’d ever vote for the people that wrecked my city, raised my taxes and destroyed the schools in my neighborhood. I told them I’d have to be an idiot to vote for the CAFTA, NAFTA, anti-worker pro-everything but the white man party. My “friend’s” hatred towards such dissent was very obvious, and I wasn’t invited into their company too much after these discussions. I decided there was too much unreasoned hatred in these people, and their intolerance of objectivity was in dire need of repair. I needed to get political. A few weeks later I laid out plans to write my book. The book began as a warning on how too much idealism and Utopianism screws everything up in a nation, how people are different racially and how there is no way to get around it. In the middle of writing this book I happened to be looking up charts on genomes and racial differences and I ran across a Kevin MacDonald article about Jews and their evolutionary strategy. It surprised me a bit. I actually thought it was some sort of a ‘We Jews are smarter than everyone else article’. But it wasn’t, it was enlightening. Much of what I was writing about started making far more sense, racially. At this point I had still not bought any White Nationalist material. Then after my first draft I bought The Culture of Critique - not Nationalist to me, but powerful none the less. I bought about five books that MacDonald used for his own studies: The Germanic People, The Tolerant Populists: Kansas Populism and Nativism, The Black Book of Communism, etcetera. Wow! New knowledge is power, and learning about all of the lies I’ve been taught really began to make me not just curiosity for the forbidden truth but addicted to it. Now things made sense and I felt an almost religious duty to refine my arguments and help people like myself save themselves from years of alienation. Next I bought the book on William Pierce. I’d wanted to buy that for over a year. Given my racial identity and his quest to preserve it, I found it to be written like a bible. So was David Duke’s My Awakening - I read that in three days. I couldn’t agree more with the views towards Jewish agendas and control, black crime and bigotry, and in general too much anti-white sentiment being tolerated in our nation. For me these are the issues of the day, and their roots were perfectly clarified in these books. So, what am I trying to say? I’m saying much of what these people believe goes hand-in-hand with my beliefs. When I was done with my second draft I thouight I had written a book not dissimilar in some ways to David Dukes – not consciosuly, of course, because before when I started my project I hadn’t even read Duke. My book is most likely far beneath his and others. But it has a worthwhile goal. It is designed to get people to be proud of their American heritage, to challenge the tainted view we are given of our selves, and to demand our rights first on our home turf. I feel that some of MR’s readers would agree with most of what it says. I talk about too many nationalistic minorities, too many foreigners that won’t assimilate, too much black-on-white crime, too many Jewish people controlling how we think and how we are judged. I also try to tame my language while expressing these views. I say some positive things and don’t overly generalize. The book is designed to get people to slowly change what they think. To my mind it takes baby steps for people to eventually come out of hiding and become comfortable with the fact that they, too, have racial views which are at odds with the Establishment. Every awakened white person will be hated for this. But we all know it, and we can take strength from that knowledge. My views, racially, are very similar to those expressed on this site. But for me perhaps they are easy to understand. I’m a city boy with plenty of racial experience. For others it’s not so easy. My book is meant to get people to think racially, identify positive characteristics with their American heritage and make them aware of how they are being molded to hate themselves. It is an end-product of my awakening to reality. Joel Godfrey Johnson (Details of Joel’s book are here) Comments:2
Posted by Question on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:39 | # “...close enough to that of many of our American readers to ring a few very loud bells.” Indeed. If I may change the subect slightly; here is an example of the sterling intellect of the great Steve Sailer. Looking for evidence to support the claim that Fascism was leftist (::yawn::), he provides the following thought-provoking fact: “The invention of the favorite car of Sixties hippies, the Volkswagen Beetle, was sponsored by Hitler. “ Perhaps we can understand the use of the word “Sailerian” as a perjorative. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:40 | # The most important thing is to understand it’s all being done on purpose — all the white people in certain Minneapolis neighborhoods getting race-replaced by Negroes, schools being destroyed, crime permitted to run rampant, and so on. None if it is happening by accident. It’s all being forced by behind-the-scenes interest groups exerting their control from hiding. 4
Posted by Question on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:42 | # The smiley face was unintentional, a result of punctuation, but relevent nonetheless. The quoted “evidence” from the great Steve is typical: breezy, brainless, and juvenile. 5
Posted by Question on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:44 | # ” The population was around ninety or ninety-two percent white…” Joel was lucky. Imagine living in an area where the population is 90-92% black. 6
Posted by jlh on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:08 | # Exactly the same as my experiences in Rochester NY 1965-1980. 7
Posted by bustermcduster on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 02:55 | # wow, you should have called it my own private sonoma due to all of the whine. blah ,blah, blah, wake up or continue self consumation. dumba** 8
Posted by SAUNTER WAXING on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 03:17 | # it sure is easy to pick a small segment of evolutionary time and state “race”. so, can you turn your hand around with pointer finger extended and say, me , out loud so you can hear yourself, cause all im hearing is YOU! 9
Posted by stompinoutracismoneface@atime on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 02:29 | # James von Brunn=joel godfrey johnson=failed life slathered in hate fuel by very low self esteem, over inflated ego *extreme narcissism* yeah this guy will go out in his own ball of fire ,a serious megalomanic! 10
Posted by gonnagetcha on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 03:09 | # The word race is derived from the Italian razza (fifteenth century, “sort or species”); the concept of racism arose from the nineteenth-century development of anthropology and the life sciences, notably genetics. A naturalist, zoologizing scientific tendency led to the classification and hierarchical arrangement of human groups according to their specific history and their morphological, cultural, or psychological characteristics, which were deemed to be hereditary. Against this backdrop, an ideological application of the term race came to justify discrimination, segregation, exploitation, expulsions, and ultimately the twentieth century’s industrialization of mass murder and extermination camps. Pierre-André Taguieff (1998) has pointed out that “protoracist” social phenomena grounded in xenophobia and ethnocentrism antedated the coining of the word racism. He adduces three instances of such protoracism: The myth of “pure blood,” in fourteenth-to-seventeenth-century Spain and Portugal, which underlay the statutes of 1449 (estatutos de limpieza de sangre) barring all honors, privileges, public positions, or employment to converted “new Christians” and their descendants; such Moors or Jews (in practice, mainly Jews) were decreed to be “unclean,” smirched (maculados), and carriers of foul infections. The distinction between humans and “subhumans” gives rise to feelings of fear, hatred, and rejection, to fantasies of dangerousness and absolute possession projected onto the “uncanny” stranger. The ideology of race purification is founded on such feelings. The associations of the defense mechanisms involved (purifying, purging, purifying, cleaning, disinfecting, and so on) reflect an underlying fantasy of absolute autonomy that embodies violent ideas and hostility toward structures of kinship. The ideology of racism had its master thinkers. In France, Arthur de Gobineau, in The Inequality of Human Races (1853-55), distinguished three main races: the black, the yellow, and the white. He extolled “race consciousness” and, thanks to Richard Wagner among others, found a growing audience in Germany. Georges Vacher de Lapouge’s L’Aryen, son rôle social (The Aryan and his role in society; 1889-90) subdivided the white race into the superior “dolichocephalic” Aryans and the inferior “brachycephalic” variety, which included Jews. Spurred on by the Dreyfus Case, Édouard Drumont, in his La France juive (Jewish France; 1886), held the Jews to account for the “devastating calamities” of socialism, internationalism, and nihilism. Richard Wagner’s son-in-law, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, whose Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899) was to bring grist to the mill of the Nazis, further exacerbated the rift between Germans and Jews by taxing the latter with the notorious blood libel: die Blutschande, literally “blood shame”—a charge ideally designed to project onto the Jews a perverse fantasy of transgression of the prohibition against incest. And in 1895 Alfred Ploëtz brought in the expression “racial hygiene,” echoed later in the German Rassenhygien. So many words bear witness to the eugenic obsession that underpins all xenophobic and racist thinking. Anti-Semitism itself is a word that was coined in Germany by Wilhelm Marr, founder of the Antisemitic League, in a pamphlet on “the victory of Judaism over Germanism” (1879). The bloody tradition of anti-Jewish sentiment comes all the way from the ancient world down to what Roberto Finzi (1997/1998) has called the “tragic epilogue of the Shoah.” (Shoah is Hebrew for “catastrophe,” and denotes the Nazi genocide of the Jews; the term genocide was for its part introduced by Raphaël Lemkin in 1944 in his Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.) On the ever-fecund dunghill of anti-Jewish stereotypes bequeathed by the collective imaginings of medieval Christianity, which deemed “the Jew” a “deicide” and a perfidious contemner of the word of Christ the Savior, the Jews of Central Europe were subjected to senseless demonization and accused of the “ritual murder” of children during Passover. Forced to live in restricted areas under discriminatory laws, they were the frequent victims of boycotts and pogroms (a Russian word meaning destruction)—explosive and bloody outbursts reflecting the envious and fearful animosity that they aroused. The culture of antisemitism, whose denunciations of the supposed “Jewish race” sometimes had a left-wing tinge to them (as witness, in France, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Charles Fourier, and Alphonse Toussenel—who inspired Drumont—or, in Germany, Werner Sombart), was buttressed by an “economic” dimension which threw suspicion on the Jews as putative promoters and developers of the capitalist system. This calumny reached its acme in 1920 with the legend of a worldwide Jewish-Masonic conspiracy founded on the spurious Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1894-1905), forged by the Czar’s secret police. National Socialism carried anti-Semitism to its apotheosis. As dictator of the Third Reich, Hitler reintroduced the medieval ghetto and, taking his cue from the massacre of the Armenians in 1915, planned the genocide of the Jews (the idea was broached by him as early as 1925, in Mein Kampf), to whom he later added Gypsies and homosexuals. Germany, for Hitler, had to become judenfrei (“Jew-free”) and judenrein (“cleansed of Jews”). This will to genocide was enshrined as a doctrine of state in the Nuremberg laws (1935), later imitated in Italy (1938) and in Vichy France’s Jewish statutes of 1940-41. After World War II, new legal concepts became indispensable in order to conduct the Nuremberg Trials (1945-46), among them “crimes against humanity,” “crimes against peace,” and “war crimes.” Racism and genocide cannot help but oblige us to consider the epistemological underpinnings of an obsession with eugenics: genesis, gene, generation, genealogy, genus engendering eugenics, genocide. From the Freudian perspective, the differences between human beings, between the sexes, and between generations, lying as they do at the heart of the hominizing process, lie in the development and sublimation of murderous, parricidal, and incestuous wishes, and hence too the structuring recognition of heredity, otherness and civilization. Beginning in 1912, with Totem and Taboo and his formulation of the myth of the murder of the primal father, as well as with the watershed or pivotal work that underlay “On Narcissism” (1914c), Freud broadened his thinking from the field of the individual to that of humanity in a collective sense. He was especially interested, against the background of World War I, in the narcissistic stakes in play for the libido and for power in mass-psychological phenomena, as he was, too, in the relationship to death. These concerns were evident in “Thoughts for the Times on War and Death” (1915b), Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921c), and Civilization and Its Discontents (1930a [1929]). Meanwhile, he pursued his reflections on the function of the individual psyche, and almost simultaneously, he produced works raising questions about the enigma of the “Uncanny” (1919h) and about the repetition compulsion and the death instinct (Beyond the Pleasure Principle [1920g]). The attention Freud paid to the “uncanny” stranger who is at the same time “secretly familiar,” and who may in fact be understood as an “internal enemy,” was in fact the core of his thinking about racism and anti-Semitism. In Moses and Monotheism (1939a [1934-38]), Freud stressed the part played by the Oedipus complex in Judaism, “a religion of the father,” as in Christianity, “a religion of the son” (p. 88). He brought up the issue of circumcision, suggested that the claim of the Jews to be the chosen people was a cause of jealousy, and evoked the “narcissism of minor differences,” which, by exaggerating the sense of belonging, constituted an obstacle to the effective sublimation of the instincts, to the formalizing role of the superego, to the greater sense of sanctity vouchsafed by monotheism and ethics. Rudolph Loewenstein dedicated his Christians and Jews: A Psychoanalytical Study (1952) to Christians who sacrificed themselves for persecuted Jews. In his view Judeophobia was a form of demonophobia, and as such an incurable “hereditary psychosis” that had existed since antiquity. The “Nazi religion,” which preached the supremacy of the Aryan race, exalting earth and blood, the primacy of force over right, and the revolt of the instincts against the universal value of the superego, was certainly anti-Jew, but it was also anti-Christian. According to Imre Hermann (1945), anti-Semitism is a collective sickness that is endemic as well as epidemic in nature. In Hermann’s theory of attachment, the “clinging instinct,” coupled with the instinct for knowledge, was the foundation of the mother/infant dual unity. Basing himself on the “clinging instinct/dermic system” combination, which he saw as the beginning of social contact, he saw the unconscious roots of the Nazi thesis that equated non-Aryans, and especially Jews, to vermin, germs or vampires in a specific kind of cathexis of the “skin” of the social body. The pleasure obtained by masses of people clinging in regressive fashion to a gigantic nourishing mother would account, in Imre’s view, for the fascination with a leader who promised the “miraculous” destruction of the people that invented monotheism. Drawing on his biopsychic and prenatal theory of narcissism, Bela Grunberger (1997) has described specifically Christian anti-Semitism as a grandiose narcissistic aspiration to purity, as the rejection of an anality unintegrated into the self and its projection onto Judaism, which, being an authentic moral system underpinned by the oedipal paternal principle, has done away with the narcissistic maternal principle. “Desolation,” a major concept in Hannah Arendt’s reflection on the origins of totalitarianism, may be said to correspond, on the level of political philosophy, to what Freud, in Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety (1926d) and The Future of an Illusion (1927c), and other psychoanalysts after him, referred to as “Hilflosigheit,” meaning a state of helplessness (that of the human infant). The view that heredity informs totalitarian racism in general and the genocide of the Jews in particular implies a systematic attack on the links of kinship and marriage and tends towards the structural actualization of what Pierre Legendre (1989) has called a “slaughter-house theory of heritage.” The psychoanalytical reflections of Janine Altounian and Hélène Piralian on the Armenian “catastrophe” or those of Jacques Ascher on the “extermination of extermination” likewise testify to the gravity of the injuries sustained. The genocide carried out by the Nazis was the outcome of a “culture of extermination” (Gillibert and Wilgowicz). This pure culture of the death instinct, characterized by collective phenomena of adherence to a leader who has replaced the ideal ego, is constitutive of what Wilgowicz has described as a “historic mass vampirism” founded on infanticide and matricide/parenticide and on a disavowal of both birth and death, which destroys the narcissistic bases of identity in the survivors. As of 2005, three generations after the Shoah, the repercussions were still being felt. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 04:11 | # gonnagetcha’s comment details all the weird sicko Jewish fixations we already knew about. Worthless comment. When Jews normalize, like when they get their own country, they don’t have these weird sicko fixations. Get your own country, Jews. You’ll stop being weird and sicko. 12
Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 00:16 | #
The source of this dunghill is jews. 13
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 00:44 | # As the polite dung beetle enquired, “Is this stool taken?” 14
Posted by notscoobysbi**h on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 03:47 | # oh i most definately was not expecting any sort of love or understanding coming from anyone who would stoop so low as to follow this sort bent,distorted,dead end ideology. just remember you are not the majority, you are the american taliban. we will always outsmart and outgun you on any level anywhere and we are following your every move. good night 15
Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 04:33 | #
You mean when you’re not pretending to be harmless, helpless, oppressed, and hounded by supposedly insane and paranoid haters? 17
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:12 | #
And you’ll be getting to grips with those basic keyboard skills…soon. 18
Posted by 2 1/2 years later Joel Godfrey responds on Fri, 25 Sep 2009 21:33 | # Hi, this is Joel Godfrey, I was looking up my name on the computer and as always this article came up, I re-read it and would like to address a few things here. Basically there is someone calling their self ‘Truth bites back’ and they claimed I’d send my family to a concentration camp “Ghetto” was their term, wow! Where in hell did I ever advocate anything like that for anyone? Anyway I debated this for two days and was not going to respond simply because the person gave me no name while calling me a coward while somehow using my real name. I’ve decided I will respond however simply to clear up the personal attack done by an impersonal coward. I can deal with it, and by the way my name is Joel Godfrey Johnson. For starters I wrote the Awakening article two and a half years ago when trying to promote a book that deals with racial reality and the problems of too much hatred and angry nationalism caused by socialist programs. Socialism and its base in greed, envy and hatred get people to act in very negative ways towards one another and in a sense help everyone to lose their ability to love. I was asked to write how I came to view racial differences as being real, I did and very honestly. I left out a few things here and there but I was targeting the audience that gave me a platform. I put my real name to it because my real name is on the book I had published. I knew it might come with problems but at that point I was fine with it. Does this mean I agree with everything on this site? No it doesn’t, in fact back then I didn’t agree with everything and now I don’t as well even. In fact I agree a bit less than before.. Back then, I had gained very stimulating and interesting knowledge and information of how Jewish people (not all just a few) had funded the Bolshevik revolution and controlled it from the beginning, also I might add, Winston Churchill wrote of this, it’s in several books even those written by Jewish authors. Over 300 of the commissars were Jewish out of 349 I believe? I’m not sure anymore but it’s something like that. Also, the Cheka, then GUPA then KGB were all headed and staffed predominantly with Jews which constantly displaced their local populations according to orders and killed them off year after year forcing poor non-Jewish people off of their land and demanding their seeds and forcing them to starve all in the name of creating their seemingly strange vision of a workers paradise! The concentration camps in Russia were predominantly run by Jews under the Bolshevik government and the Cheka looted from every Church around, made them into brothels and gang raped the women of established families and the poor for the first 3-5 years of that regime. Are you aware of Truthbitesback? Will you question this? Will you be willing to admit that your background according to your race actually is responsible for horrendous atrocities as well if you’re the person I think you are who is currently accusing me of someone who advocates Ghettos for people? Mass murder, mass rape, mass looting, mass lying, massive torture and brain washing was done under bolshevism and communism all throughout its history, will you admit this or remain willingly ignorant of it and continue to talk about how good socialism is and how great communism is for China? Your advocating that Communism is good for China actually means that you’re the one who is pro concentration camps and ghettos I hope you somehow can realize this! Anyway, these facts disturbed me greatly when I found out about them and I decided to talk about them when given the chance. I did so amongst friends and family and very pro-Socialist people at gatherings and bars and parties for a good year or so. My arguments were never truly acknowledged by most and people refused to address them, ‘the political ones,’ ‘the race is actually a real thing according to non-white groups one,’ ‘the Socialism is promoting racial and gender hatred one,’ and the ‘People are being programmed to love Israel even though their laws are racial based, bigoted, they are actually creating Ghettos for non-Jews and why are we on their side when they mirror the laws and actions of NAZI Germany one?’ I took chances in public, I addressed these issues for actually at least 2 years and most people seemed to resent me for this. Anyone who I’ve associated with over the last three to five years knows this about me, apparently you didn’t because for some reason or another we’ve either not been friends for the last 11 years or haven’t been much of friends for the last 4 or 5. I don’t know exactly who you are but there are plenty of personal reasons I could give over the internet for anyone to view if you care to have the courage to put your real name behind your words. Now, I have re-read the article and in all honesty some of it does seem a bit bad on my part and I’ll explain that right now. First, I believe at the bottom it says I pretty much agree with most of the websites opinions. Most deal with forced multiculturalism, being against the Socialist state that’s taking their countries away from them and there are big parts dealing with Jewish people being behind much of this and Marxism in general. These are political issues and I do agree with much of this, however I’m a bit easier on Jewish people now than I was two half years ago. I was angrier back then and knew most of the Jewish people I knew were more or less pro-Socialist and called people racists and white trash and talked down about Americans in general, I wasn’t in a sympathetic mood so I wasn’t sympathetic. Now I see things a bit differently, basically I see international bankers funding groups through foundations and advocating racial, gender and environmental radicalism through their groups. Many are headed by Jewish people but the money funding them might or might not be Jewish I really don’t have the means to know. So, to me it seems a select group of angry and bitter socialist Jewish people either are set up to rule things by the people funding all of the hate in the world or they are set up to take a serious fall when our economies and communities start falling apart. I don’t know I really don’t have much of an opinion on this any longer so I have mellowed out quite a bit on accusing Nationalist oriented Jewish people of being behind most of these things. I haven’t been like that for awhile now and in truth probably felt that way for probably about one year. The things I never agreed with on this website are as follows. I’m not nor have I ever been anti-gay, I’ve never written things of this nature and I never will it is simply not related to me in the least. So when I’m supposedly bad for writing what I wrote and someone thinks I’m slandered by “his father is a HOMOSEXUAL” I’m not slandered by it in the least. And in fact I am quite proud of who my father is and he has accomplished more in his life than the average ten Americans put together, he is a great man and a great human being and even though there is an (ex-who knows friend of mine) talking about ‘What Ghetto I’d send my family to” wake up! I don’t believe in creating Ghettos like the NAZIS, Jewish Bolsheviks, current Israelis or other communists I abhor them and would never tolerate it on my soil fool! I am not sure if there has been advocation of this on this site directly, if there is I strongly oppose it. This slander against me is the only reason I’m writing this message. Unknown coward bites bake, your hatred and lumping of facts that are personal to me putting them on a website and associating me with things I never said or advocated put you at a very low level. What is your name? Would you like me to get personal with you, assume things and slander your habits and history from what I know, I could easily do that and you have had some very offensive things related to you that I could bring up attached to your full name? Second thing that I don’t and have never agreed with on this site is the whole race mixing deal. To me it is a personal choice and always has been. Did I write about all the white girls with black men and Latino men and how I didn’t seem to see many white men with them any longer and how that was the norm? Yes, and it annoyed me because it’s not natural for there to be such imbalance. In fact it seems for some reason many people back then in my city’s night life weren’t attracted to their own kind any longer and many of the women seemed a bit anti-white male feminist. Anti-white male feminist people bug me a bit, but when all is said and done people may date who they want. It upset me that many women didn’t like white men simply for all the anti-white male dogma being shoved down people’s throats in school but what can you do? I’ve dated several people throughout my life, the ones toward my last single yers tended to be not 100% white and I was and am fine with that, I’m not a person obsessed with a notion of purity and don’t feel there actually is much purity anyway. According to the human genome and Cavali Sforza . Japanese are 27% European, Scandinavians are 22% Asian Brits are 15% and so on and so forth. I’m not some racial purist and never have been and many people fit in fine with regular white people or people in general as long as they are respectful and don’t dwell on the others being bigoted constantly. Socialist minded people harp this bigotry thing constantly and in fact become bigots and racists them selves in so doing. This constant legal and violent harping is what I stand against. Mixing with another person is personal business and no-one else’s. Also, for the record, my wife was born in Mexico, is half Mexican (not Mexican, not Latin? England was controlled by real Latins as well as Spain does that make the English Latin somehow? - get a bit smarter with your terms) we’ve been married for three years and have a young boy. We both know what race we are and that is our business, we along with almost all of the black people, South Americans and Asians I’ve met in my life know and believe in separate racial backgrounds and admit racial differences exist. Our child will fit in perfectly well in America north or south and if anyone has a problem with us that is of no concern to me. The people who’ve always tried to ignite confrontations between us have been liberal people who’ve been cool with mass amnesty movements and come to my wife stating oh I support ‘Your people- meaning non-us people ’ ‘There’s a lot of racism here- meaning oh, I come from a bad people’ etcetera etcetera. My wife told me several times before and several times since getting married she hasn’t felt racism from anyone and feels most white people to very nice and generous. To a liberal type of person she’d be considered a dominated coward servant girl brainwashed by me the race hater white male, to me she’d be an honest, worthwhile human that I can not only talk to about racial issues in agreement but anything else and by no means could I ever dominate her in the least she in fact is a very strong willed woman. She has a degree, is quite beautiful, has passed university calculus courses and has quite a determined, caring, and loving mind. I am blessed to be with such a woman and you’d be hard pressed to find such a comfortable feminine non-male hating woman in America sad to say. There aren’t many choices out there for men comfortable being men nowadays, I feel sorry for many people in general on this issue. So, no I’m not on the racial table 100%. I do feel it’s a good thing to be similar enough to have children that resemble your ancestors and that is our case but this is a personal choice, other people can do what they want, I don’t care. 19
Posted by 2 1/2 years later Joel Godfrey responds part 2 on Fri, 25 Sep 2009 21:35 | # A couple more things here to straighten out, my oldest childhood is not Jewish. The person who wrote this personal attack against me most likely is. I believe I’ve known him since I was either 18 or 21 depending on who it is. And this person if it is who I think it is, stopped being a friend of mine about 10 years ago for several reasons, all very personal and if they want a truth bites back fest if given their real name I could write paragraph after paragraph to slander this persons deeds, habits and in general character. As you can see I haven’t done that, and I’m not planning on it. There is one more thing I’d like to say, the comment about ‘David Duke would spit in your face’ I suppose was meant as offensive in fact it is not. If David Duke would spit in my face I’d probably attack him, if you spit anywhere near my face, my wife’s face or my child’s face I will crush you to the point of non-recognition and I’ll do it with your mentality- by any means necessary. I could care less what David Duke thinks I’m aware that he wouldn’t approve more or less of my relationship with my wife and that is his business. He still wrote a fascinating book which got me to open my eyes on Jewish domination in several fields. By the way, I’ve also read several books that were interesting by Jewish authors and Socialist authors I don’t believe in all of their politics either but I do have a more well rounded base to deal with because of them. Oh, sorry one last thing, there have been several right wingers and left wingers and racial radicals of all sorts interviewed by Oprah, Donahue, Larry king and on and on the people they interviewed didn’t share the same opinions as the hosts whole heartedly ever. Black power people probably were pro-Affirmative action like Oprah or Donahue but were then opposed to other things as well. That is my situation here. I tried to promote a book that held non-common beliefs; this is the one place that let me speak, if other liberal, middle ground or right wing sites would have offered me a spot I would have taken one. I wrote this to target an audience and entice people to buy my book which actually doesn’t adhere to the beliefs that this site adheres to 100 percent by any means. Anyone who bought and read the book knows this. This is what people do from time to time to get there personal message across and sometimes you lean a little further than you normally would in one direction or another to get people to listen. The liberal sites never would give me a chance to talk , this site did and I took it. If some are offended by this than take a look at yourselves and tell me you haven’t bent opinions from time to time to accomplish your goals or gain the chance to spread a message. We all have our methods of getting ideas through to people and we also get caught up in things now and again while doing it. In truth I actually don’t visit sites like this anymore, maybe once in a great while, but I pretty much stopped about 9 months after publishing my book, I went to other sites of non-racial issues as well I’ll let you know. Nowadays I’ve mellowed out and no-longer believe in trying to inform people of things. I realize that most people refuse challenge, real introspection and even the remotest chance of change in anything. To me political arguments especially racial based ones or gender based ones seem to get people to do nothing more than hate each other and I’ve been finished with it for awhile now. When we keep arguing about these things and get no results what we are really doing to ourselves is more damaging then if we did nothing at all. We are in fact losing the capacity to love one another when we obsess about these political things. That is why I’m done with it. People of every angle in politics should take note of this and think about it for awhile. Good bye 20
Posted by Michael Hearne on Mon, 26 Oct 2009 09:37 | # Hello Joel, I really didn’t get that many results, and none of them had to do with hippies, or rednecks. All the results concerned poor downtrodden minorities, and homosexuals. There were also two or three references to the Jews and Nazi’s, but these were really negligible. What caught my eye about your article were the references to Dr. Pierce. Before his death a few years ago, I would correspond with him occasionally, not because I am a nationalist, or a socialist, but because I am a Constitutionalist, and I really wanted to win him over. In any case, the day has come when the majority is ruled by the minority. I will always be disabled because of racial assaults similar to the ones that you recounted in your article, and you are right, the police do little or nothing when it happens. Now answer me something. Can there be any such creature as a minority Nazi? Well of course there can. The Germans simply set the example and taught the course. There is nothing set in stone stating what race a Nazi can be a member of. I dislike controlled information a great deal. Try and research the period of history in the United States between 1965 and 1981, and you will indeed find a great gaping hole. I was out of the country for a large portion of that time period, but I do it from time to time just to prove my points. Please be absolutely certain that you employ diversity in your research so that you are not caught up in a controlled stream of information. That’s it, the end of my point. There isn’t anything left for me to do, except to interview eyewitnesses, and they are becoming scarcer by the day. I’m also a service veteran, and they’ve cut that out of my records as well, since it doesn’t suit their needs. Be Well, Michael Hearne 21
Posted by Gregory Hood's awakening on Thu, 31 Dec 2015 19:14 | #
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:30 | #
I’d like to thank Joel for giving us this fine account of his experience, so far from my own but perhaps close enough to that of many of our American readers to ring a few very loud bells.
This is the second in the series, after Sean’s story a month ago. The invitation is open to all of you to write a post on that seminal emotional and intellectual event in our lives, and keep the series going. Just mail me if you are interested.