A year in the trenches
As anyone who isn’t a Stone Age, bone-in-the-nose, bow-and-arrow tribesman in some patch of the Andamans must now know, last Friday was the anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s misconceived 3-day conquest of Ukraine. By a year ago on Saturday the Spetznaz squads roaming Kiev were meant to have decapitated the government. By a year ago yesterday the designated Putin puppet was meant to have made the short flight from Minsk to Hostomel for the drive through cheering crowds to the city centre for his victory broadcast from the president’s office. Putin’s masterly use of surprise would be taught at military colleges for generations. Where we are, instead, has been summed up by countless opinion pieces across what, in military speak, is now called “the information space”. One pithy and accurate piece was published on Friday’s anniversary at Geopolitical Monitor by occasional contributor Nicholas Velasquez. He summed up the current disposition at the front in a single sentence:
The stockpile, it should be noted, was always expected to be the likely deliverer of Russian victory. Western military specialists spoke from the beginning about the several million shells and deep stores of missiles of all kinds available to the invader. After Kiev, when the Russian command’s focus was scaled back to the east, Russian shell consumption was estimated during the successful artillery battles for Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk at 20,000 shells a day. But, ultimately, the stockpile was not deep enough. The old Soviet artillery strategy of soaking the ground, allied to the widespread employment of missiles on civilian targets, has resulted in shell starvation and reliance on ageing and non-optimal missiles plus the forty or so that Russian manufacturers can actually produce each month. The result is the switch to attrition (which is, of course, also a traditional Russian military strategy). Accordingly, the world waited for the grand offensive to begin, and Russian numbers to overwhelm the defenders. It now transpires that it did, in fact, begin about a fortnight ago, which one can see in the jump in Russian dead reported by the defenders. Of course the losses render the generation of the required mass much slower than intended. Yes, there is a build up, and pressure is increasing on the defenders entrenched in and around Bakhmut. But so far meaningful advances remain elusive, in part surely because the dead tend to be experienced soldiers while their replacements are green mobiks who are not particularly sure why they are fighting. Western media are reporting that Putin “is considering” mobilising another 500,000 men. But his army doesn’t have the capacity to train that number for an offensive operation in much under a year. It also doesn’t have the hardware to support them. All it can do is to continue the same asymmetrical attritional process and hope that an exhausted West is driven to, in turn, drive the Ukrainians to the negotiating table. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians are able to hold on so far, and are organising for an offensive when Western weapon and ammunition supplies allow – thought to be late spring/early summer, when the spring rains, the rasputitsa, are over and the ground is baked hard. Their language is of a victory before winter comes again in which case, if it holds now, the fortress of Bakhmut will have survived more than a year under siege. Unsurprisingly, this prospect is concentrating minds in Europe’s capitals and in the Kremlin about the consequences of defeat for Russia. In his GM article Velasquez lays out what is at stake:
… with the consequence that ...
All that is true enough. However, I do think it stops short of the real motivation of Washington, which is to defend not the rules-based order per se but the Western investor, central banking and corporate elites’ geo-economic model for the Globality. In that respect, internationally recognised legal restraints on the ambitions and predations of military powers are a fundamental precondition (not, of course, through any intent on the part of the Allies after WW2, but certainly by the effect of those restraints today). Why, because the Western elites have to escape the limitations of “the West” in order to become the economic masters of the whole globe. So Washington - the political arm of those elites - must re-engineer all the machinery of its own global hegemony in a multipolar environment secured by every other national elite consenting to leave the conflicts of history and borders behind forever. At least that’s the expectation. But, as stated on several MR threads, there are two other models for the Globality in play, and both are geopolitical in kind. One, sometimes denied, subtly hidden from the historical light, is the CCP’s. The other is Putin’s eurasianist model. A nightmare of only superficially economic blocs, each ruled over by a single militarily dominant force, it is the polar opposite of the Western elites’ idea and an absolute challenge to the rules-based order. The war in Ukraine is precisely a battle, and probably the final battle, in the existential conflict of these two models. Defeat will be terminal for one of them, and it will be the Russian one. As Velasquez puts it:
In other words, while Russia’s future is without doubt as a part of the international architecture, perhaps even sharing in China’s economic hegemony, in military defeat there can be no eurasianism, none of the imperial adventurism, land grabs, frozen conflicts, and satrapy of old. It is likely that Russia will be stripped of Kaliningrad and Transnistria, and Crimea too, if the Ukrainians do not take it themselves. Across the southern republics borders will be re-drawn. For the first time in four and half centuries Muscovy must find sufficiency in the peoples and the immensity of its own landmass. That being so, only one question remains for the Western elites to ponder: can they really constrain Chinese ambitions, particularly in the southern hemisphere, within a geo-economic globalist corset? In essence, is the very idea of a multipolar world an impossibility and a blind denial of the nature of men? Comments:2
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:49 | # Or better put: The paradox: The closer the West/NATO gets to defeating Russia in Ukraine the closer the world gets to triggering nuclear annihilation. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:11 | # Putin broke the Minsk Accords by not returning his forces to Russian territory, as he had agreed. What does Mearsheimer have to say about that? Why, according to him, is the maintenance of, at best, Russian dominion and satrapy to be preferred to human freedom and national autonomy. Throw in his minimisation of the will of Ukrainians in their two revolutions against Russia’s placeman, plus his intense focus on Nuland’s role with Pravy Sektor in the Maiden, and it’s no wonder that Mearsheimer has found himself effectively cheerleading for the aggressor. On the issue of Dugin and his, let us say, hybridised notions of Heidegger and a eurasian postmodernity, you, Thorn, don’t seem to grasp what it means for us, as victims of Western collapse, to be “saved” by the Asiatic mind. Perhaps you should decide whether you are a nationalist of the native principle and of the blood or an advocate for an authoritarian, indeed totalitarian racially alien empire. And it’s no use claiming that Putin is not seeking to park his battered T62s on the White House lawn or in Downing Street. The medium of dominion is not geographic but technocratic, as I’ve said many times. 4
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 20:41 | # GW, I can recall back some 20 years ago talking to a black co-worker of mine (Sam). We were discussing how the U.S. government was for no good reason poking the Bear. The black coworker remarked: “Dey better quit fukin’ wit Putin before da bear rises up and nukes our sorry ass. Dey act like dey don’t know who da fuckin’ wit! Dey be fuckin’ wit Putin and he don’t play.” I’ll never forget my conversations with ol’ Sam. Sam often spoke in Ebonics, but he was a Veit Nam vet; he was well read, and last but not least, he invariably demonstrated a lot of common sense. At the time, we both saw where this was headed. Since then, the harassment and provocation of Putin and the Russians only got progressively worse - right up to the point of the invasion of Ukraine. You’d think the Western leaders would back-off so as to at least prevent a nuclear confrontation, right? Wrong! Our hubristic leaders are doubling down! The fact is the West is the aggressor in this conflict. They have been from the start. The fact you refuse to see the big picture is on you. You are the one with the inability to grasp what it means for us. You seem to only be able to view the situation from one direction thus preventing you from understanding the conflict on a more comprehensive level. My guess is Putin Derangement Syndrome plays a role in distorting your POV. Wake up and smell the coffee. 5
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 20:57 | # “Sam often spoke in Ebonics,” Sam also could speak the Queen’s English. He used to have me laughing to tears when he’d, from memory, recite Shakespeare. He spoke Ebonics only when he was around friends and acquaintances. But I digress…. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 23:27 | #
There is a point when reactionary grandstanding like Mearsheimer’s has to be called out. If “the West” makes no effort to contain Putin and his historised claims on other peoples’ lands where do you think the borders of eurasia would be? And what kind of power over their destiny would those people have? What, for example, does he grant the people of Belarus right now, with his stooge in power? Are you seriously arguing that they would, if asked, say that they are Christian and conservative, and protected from the liberal West; and who needs human freedom and national autonomy, anyway? How many other peoples in Europe, in the Caucasus, and in Central Asia do you want to see “safely” Christian and conservative in this way? Ethnic nationalism is the political expression of the natural interests of peoples on their own soil. It is ethnic nationalism which peoples actually desire. Not the politics of Russian empire, not the politics of a pax Judaica operating through the agency of the West. We are ethnic nationalists. We have our own Weltanshauung, and it is positive in temper. It is a higher human interest than the god of the Jews. It is a higher human interest than conservatism. It is not merely reaction to “the West”. Don’t reduce everything to that or you will become lost to truth. 7
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 01 Mar 2023 13:22 | # The solution to the Ukraine war is simple. Of course the aforementioned will not happen bc the main goal of the West is to topple the Putin regime and replace it with one that’ll abide by the one-world-government’s anti sovereign-nationalist agenda. Hence the war rages on. Nuclear annihilation is on the table. Of all the European countries, Russia is one of the very few that comes closest to being described as aspiring to ethnic-nationalism. The Russian people -along with their current leadership - are very patriotic and ethnocentric. Wokism is verboten there. Ditto for Hungary. How’s the UK doing on the ethnic-nationalist and ethnocentric front? Are you pleased that the “alien desert religion” has been replaced by a domestically engineered secular one? Namely wokeism? Good luck with all that. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 02 Mar 2023 21:06 | # How about defeating Putin and instituting the following 10-point post-conflict Kiev Agreement to restore justice not just to Ukrainians but, at least in principle, to all victims of post-Soviet Russian aggression? 1. Russia pays an on-going levy on energy sales for reparational and reconstruction purposes. 2. Russia cooperates fully with the UN in its investigation of war crimes in Ukraine since 24th February 2022, and with the ICJ in its investigation of those Russian military and political persons suspected of war crimes, and with the prosecution of those charged with same. 3. Russian government formally amends constitution to abrogate expansionism by military force and any form of non-expansionist military intervention not conducted under the auspices of the UN or not conducted in defence of Russian territory. 4. On the basis of (3) Russia retains its seat on the UN Security Council. 5. Russia loses all territorial gains from military action since the fall of the Soviet Union, not just in Ukraine but in Russia’s southern neighbours if such is the desire of those governments. 6. Russia cedes Kaliningrad to Poland and Transnistria to Moldova. 7. Under (3) the Donetsk and Luhansk republics are abolished and the Donbas returns to Ukraine, but political systems are instituted under the Scottish model to make possible a democratic secession of both oblasts as a single entity. 8. Under (3) Crimea returns formally to Ukraine. Imported civilian Russian population leaves. Tartars, among others, return. Crimean naval facilities leased to the Russian Navy under (3). 9. Russia’s economic and financial relations with the West are restored. 10. Russia returns to the Salt agreement. 9
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 02 Mar 2023 22:28 | # @8 10
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 02 Mar 2023 22:54 | # BTW, GW, did you read that Dugin piece I linked to? If you’re like me you won’t learn anything new by it, but it serves as a reinforcement to what we already knew. It’s reassuring to know that such a high-profile intellect is on the same page. 11
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 02 Mar 2023 23:42 | # From what I can see of him, Thorn, Dugin isn’t a philosophical thinker. He is a political thinker. In other words, he does not uncover truth and follow its onward development. He approximates truth (and, certainly, Heidegger’s Dasien, which he mutilates) which can fit with his desire to justify a eurasian geopolitic. I half suspect that, ultimately, he is a religious thinker and his eurasianism ... his political thinking ... is also a justification, ie, for a Russian Orthodox worldview in which Moscow is Jerusalem and the suffering of the Russian people saves the world. He appeals to elements of the European New Right who also pursue means only to get to a given end, and accordingly do not see why prostituting Heidegger is a travesty. 12
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 00:14 | # Fuck all that. The question you should be asking yourself is does our side (white nationalism) have any sway anymore? 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 00:25 | # We have failed utterly for the reasons I have previously stated, which from our side (ie, ignoring for now the methods and strength of our opponents) mean the American WN focus on racism, anti-Semitism, and scientism, and the European focus on neo-fascism; and the sum total of endless reaction to which all these add up. The positive that has come out of it is that we have a lot of analysis. But we do not have a philosophy of our people’s life; and that’s the key. That’s why I set up MR and that’s what I have tried to gesture towards all these years. To absolutely no avail, I might add; not least because we are a renegade crew in a climate so hostile only renegades would want to be out in it! 14
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 03:17 | # That is so true, GW . Western Individualism has been subjected to the customary (((Marxist))) Social Inversion. 15
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:13 | # GW, With the exception of a minority within the renegade crew, I’m beginning to believe the Jews have it right when they regard us as dumb goyim. I hate to say that but most whites play the character. 16
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:45 | # Basically the dumb goyin allowed Victoria Nuland instigate a war between the USA and Russia. Dumb goyim = incurably ignorant. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 14:44 | # I have a suspicion that this Nuland thing is a 99% invented narrative, like so much else that gets repeatedly said about the events in Ukraine (all of Ukraine, not merely Kiev) that led to the downfall of the Russian stooge and election stealer, Yanukovych. Nuland seems to have had little specific involvement in Ukraine prior to the Maiden, though I would be willing to entertain the possibility that she had contact to certain wealthy others who might have funded Pravy Sektor’s intervention in the later, violent stages of the protest. That could be possible. But she only definitely pops up at the end of January 2014 in a transcript from a telephone conversation with the American ambassador. The transcript yields nothing that would not be typical of any such communication, and not just between American officials. So, the question here is: What did Nuland definitely, evidentially do that amounts to “neocons” illegally over-throwing the elected Ukrainian president? I suspect that nobody really knows. But, hey, neocons, right? 18
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 15:45 | # Neocons or neoliberals = same difference. They share in common three things: 1)Open borders/massive immigration 2) the outsourcing of industry, and 3) an aggressive foreign policy. 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 17:39 | # Well, similar in their day, that’s for sure. Neocons were principally ex-Trotskyist American Jews who, from the late 1960s onward, discovered that liberal democracy could out-perform revolutionary internationalism as a means of bringing stubbornly backward Muslim lands into the New American Century (for which one might only slightly mischievously read Judaism’s End Time). I have it in mind that Bill Krystol said in 2005 or thereabouts that neoconservatism was over. Neoliberalism emerged from the Austrian School economists of the mid- to late-19th century. Having first disposed of Schumpeter and the Historical School, it then set about Keynesian economics, in particular through the work of Hayek and von Mises. That battle appeared to be won during the Thatcher-Reagan era until the social predations of hyper-individualism forced a step back into an uncomfortable marriage with Keynesianism. The Financial Crisis of 2008/9 and the emergence of the WEF’s corporate elitism from around a year later have more or less killed it off. One should say that neoliberals were never foreign policy specialists and did not weaponise American foreign policy. Neoconservatives were not economists and did not idealise Economic Man. They were, then, not the same, and obviously nor were their methods. But there was a weirdly substantial overlap in outcomes. Do either of them exist in any more than a vestigial sense today? Possibly, as individual outliers. But that sense is weakening as we draw closer to 2030, and we have better things to talk about. 20
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 17:52 | # “But that sense is weakening as we draw closer to 2030, and we have better things to talk about.” Right you are, GW. No doubt our attention will be focused on things such as digital currencies, social credit scores and the rising cost of bug burgers. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 18:01 | # Don’t forget the individual carbon footprint, the de-industrialisation of the West, the smart city, the fifteen minute (ie, car-less) city, rewilding, the universal basic income, the pod, Meta ... Have I missed anything? Probably. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 05 Mar 2023 01:26 | # Reported in the Odessa Times:
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 05 Mar 2023 05:37 | # Pax Americana will ensure that , instead of celebrating membership of NATO or the EU , Ukraine’s Jew- victim citizens will , situationally , resemble those of America’s other poor degraded bastards from Libya , Iraq , Syria, Afghanistan et al. 24
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 05 Mar 2023 06:04 | # Anyone who has seen the “Running of the Bulls” at Pamplona will recognize modern America . The Jews control the raising of the gate and off the bovine Americans go , trampling all before them. 25
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 06 Mar 2023 01:06 | # My comment @ 17 applies in spirit to all such generalisations, Al. WNs have habitually used the lazy generic “the Jews” (occasionally abbreviating it to “neocons”) with an indiscipline which amounts to little more than prejudice. It doesn’t help us. One has to be scholarly and precise in the details to make that or any other charge stick. Failure inevitably and rightly brings down upon us the due portion of obloquy. It is, I think, the curse of amateurism. We are, in any case, rapidly leaving behind the age in which such comments can be safely made, and perhaps that’s no bad thing if it leads to a higher standard of proofs. 26
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 06 Mar 2023 18:50 | # Who had the means, motive and opportunity to genocide Ukrainians as well as Russians? 27
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 07 Mar 2023 12:24 | # GW , if the gay agenda of the mainly Jewish Neocons pertains , all the poor Ukranians may expect is a higher standard of poof. 28
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 07 Mar 2023 12:39 | # GW, you used the word ” prejudice” . It is a weasel world which you should not use. It is a Marxism gem. In the English language and Law there is a strictly demarcated difference between judgement and opinion. For decades the Marxists have employed the term to denigrate our opinions. Not you though, one trusts. 29
Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 07 Mar 2023 20:30 | #
. When this does not happen, I will not give you a hug, nor will I solace you. Your worldview is detached from reality, from Logos, which you deny . If I am wrong, a mortar to the head or balls will suffice. Cordially, t 30
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 04:20 | # That’s not a fair deal , TM. You must remember that , as a simple Christian ,you are the beneficiary of St Just Martyr’s hopeful maxim, viz., ” You may kill us , bur you cannot do us any real harm.” 31
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 10 Mar 2023 01:29 | # @25 WN’s fell into the trap of hating Jews in the plural. Of course, that’s one main reason why WN is failing. I really hate to go against many hard-working WNs but what I said is true. 32
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 11 Mar 2023 00:44 | # @25 the pragmatics of one’s “safety” in speaking critically of “Jews” notwithstanding, the ability to be “scholarly and precise” depends on the availability of data. Unfortunately, gathering data necessary to easily (meaning with standard techniques of scholarship) discover the structure of evil is made impractical by that very structure. I agree it is highly desirable to disaggregate the demographic variable “Jew” but we must face the fact that only “Jews” are permitted to engage in such disaggregation and they aren’t doing nearly enough to pull their weight in this regard. What are we supposed to do? Ignore the category? How can we do so when the category is among the top few percentile in terms of telling us what is going on in any human ecology? Sunday, June 18, 2017 % State Ecology Measure I’ll tell you how we can do it—and one way or another, I’ve been telling people the same thing for almost as long as I’ve been participating here at MR. https://github.com/jabowery/OckhamsGuillotine/blob/master/README.md 33
Posted by macrobius on Thu, 16 Mar 2023 02:15 | # Andrew Joyce does very good empirical work documenting Jewish behavior and activity. His recent piece on Jews in Ukraine carefully documents their domination and control there. I think this is something that nationalists on the pro-Ukraine side prefer to ignore. https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/02/17/jewish-corruption-in-ukraine/
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:19 | # Macrobius, it doesn’t matter what Jews do or have done. It matters what you do, or are able to do tomorrow. Because by “do” I mean how you expand your life into a positive philosophical model. Jew-talk cannot generate a positive philosophical model. It just has you running round and round in an ever-reducing circle. It’s a self-isolating, non-productive, indeed, reductive disease of the heart. Get beyond it. Btw, someone should ask Andrew Joyce what life-philosophy he proposes. Does he even understand that as a race we entirely lack a life-system which affirms our truths and lights our destining? 36
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:51 | #
Why don’t you ask him? I would love to see the discussion.
This is untrue. the jews are experts at moral subversion; they are experts at cultural subversion. The influx of low iq africans into Christendom is a jewish project. When these invaders (shock troops) rape, pillage, steal, obtain welfare and other benefits impoverishing us, it hurts us.
Here is one thing we can all do today—dress well. It is a form of counter-revoltion against those who seek to mar and disfigure us.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:27 | # “the jews are experts at moral subversion; they are experts at cultural subversion.” Many jews are indeed experts at moral and cultural subversion; but (with very few exceptions such as the Amish), each non-jewish group contributes a sizable share of the overall moral and cultural subverters. Take a look into Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci for example. Of course the list of non-jew subverters is very long and impressive. But at the end of the day, it all tracks back to the source of all the evil taking place in the world: Satan. The Jew Book is very clear on that score. I find this Michael Savage quote to suffice vis-a-vis the JQ: (paraphrasing) “When Jews want to do good things, they can be great. But when Jews want to be destructive, they can become outright dangerous.”
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 16:06 | # Amish are Anabaptists, Thorn, as you must know. Do you mean Neturei Karta, who are a kind of Hasidic equivalent? 39
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 17:09 | # “Amish are Anabaptists, Thorn, as you must know.” I didn’t know that but now I do. “Do you mean Neturei Karta, who are a kind of Hasidic equivalent?” Nope. In fact I’m unfamiliar with the Neturei Karta too. My main point, GW, is the cultural and moral subversion of Western civ. is a scheme not limited to Jewish perps - not even close. Secondly, to dwell upon the idea that Jews are the cause of the White race’s demise - albeit an interesting and well documented topic - potentially can lead to narrow mindedness if not properly checked. Unfortunately the potentiality of being led to narrow mindedness is disproportionately represented amongst those who identify as WNs. 40
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 17:45 | # James, As soon as two people agree to ascribe value to an independent means of exchange, “thin air” has entered the world. All means of exchange then reduce to a thing valueless in itself. You can’t do anything else directly with it. You can’t eat it or clothe your children in it. You can’t drive to the movies in it. You can’t use it in any way except that, from nowhere, substitution value has been ascribed to it. It is the agreement of that ascription, the commonality of that agreement, and its successful and enforceable formalisation, such that it becomes not merely an agreement but an Agreement-in-Law, that is the hard part to realise. But once realised, an Agreement with a capital “A” is the real parent of exchange or substitution value. Based on the maximal commonality of Agreement (ie, the democratisation of money-creation), the borrowing system that might emerge would be something like that of the Lloyd’s names: … whereby wealthy individuals come together in syndicates to guarantee risk on the policies of other individuals and/or companies and institutions. Thus democratised, a money-creation and loan syndicate would replace the bank and its institutional shareholder. It is basically an extreme - and compulsory - mutualist or cooperative solution. Not original, then, and not very inspiring perhaps. But until I can work out a way to give everyone access to all the cowrie shells on the beach and still preserve value, that’s the best I can come up with. On the definitional question of positive/negative, if the people are constitutionally sovereign then the money they create is economic equity, ie, it is positive. The fact that it goes out to the loanees and comes back with sufficient interest to run the syndicate, ie, the loan cancels on the register, does not alter its status as equity. 41
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:35 | # Hi @Thorn
Could you post a link to Revilo P. Olivers book, “The Definitely Not Jewish Strategy” ? Or Jones’ “The Finnish Revolutionary Spirit”? Or Ford’s “The International Scotsman”? Thx in advance. Semi-snark aside…as sinners we all contribute to the fall of creation…I have certainly done my part…that ‘polish plumbers impregnating german daughters’ aphorism came from people like me. It is a fair bet to state that
are by people/peoples who have been subverted by jews. Stated differently, I am loathe to accept guilt for the egregiously heinous actions of others. cordially.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:52 | # A pint is a pound the whole world round… vs
I agree with your observation on “thin air” ; there do exist objective values of measure—-the Prime Meridian of the world, Longitude Zero (0° 0’ 0”). running through Grenwich (sp?) being one example, the Pint another.. All of these are maintaned by men in institutions with a very impressive name which escapes me at the moment… Why is money an exception? This is a longish way of stating that if money is but a unit of measure (of value)* that measure should be standardized just like a pint. cordially. *value can fluctuate, measure should remain stable.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 23:11 | # “Could you post a link to Revilo P. Olivers book, “The Definitely Not Jewish Strategy” ? Or Jones’ “The Finnish Revolutionary Spirit”? Or Ford’s “The International Scotsman”?” Keep gonin’ down that road, buddy. Hopefully, for your own sake, you will arrive at the point where you will realize you’ve been played. The fact is the more antisemitic the pro-white movement becomes, the more marginalize and weak it becomes. I’m not the only one that sees that. Check out Derrick Bell. Is he a Jew? Think your way out of the trap you’re being led into. 44
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 23:23 | # Thorn is a person of average intelligence trying to educate the uneducable. Frustrating! 45
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:05 | # Confusing money flow with money is where people get confused about “thin air”. It’s like confusing speed with position. I’ve explained this in excruciatingly clear detail in the Property Money essay and it comes down to the way capital is valued against a time and risk discounted flow of money. If you don’t bother with that essay then you are unlikely to understand when “thin air” is and is not an appropriate descriptor. It all comes down to who enforces property rights and that comes down to how you avoid outbidding young men for the fertile years of young women. If you don’t address that then you are not only not going to get what you need out of the young men, you are not going to get what you need out of the young women—which is preservation of value in terms of economic and genetic interests. 46
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:54 | # @thorn
We should never let bad rhetoric cloud correct dialectic; Rather, we should modify bad rhetoric to support correct dialectic. Let’s take “pro-white” ... How to fix this? Multiplicity is one way…many vectors of attack on the people Jesus criticized from different peoples all at once; a good way to do this is to replace “white-nationalists” with “‘x” where “x” is “poles” or “ukraines” or “brits”...etc. Or, take
.... “jews” are not “semitic-nationalists” they are jews; their semitic language has nothing to do with their nations choice to pursue their demonic calling. cordially (1) three “nots” in a sentence! Anybody know the world record?
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:06 | # @JamesBowery
I don’t have time to get up to speed on that essay, so I will try to refrain from commenting on the subject here. But, since I am inquisitive….
When you say “money” do you mean “currency”? or “a unit of measure”? The two may or may not coincide in my conception of money and currency. FWIW my definitions: Money is a unit of measure. When I see
I think
Capital is valued against a time and risk discounted flow of [em]currency[/em]
My reasoning is that there is no “time and risk discounted flow” of a Pint* for a pound of water has a consistent volume of water the whole world round. cordially
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:48 | # Units of measure have dimensions. For example, mph is a unit of measure with dimension of speed. Speed can, in turn, be broken down into dimensions distance divided by time. Therefore, both money flow and money have units of measure but they differ in dimensions. Money flow is sometimes called “velocity of money” but is better called “speed of money”. A unit of measure of money flow might be $/month whereas a unit of measure of money might be $. There are situations in physics where you can do some transformations between physical dimensions, such as transforming mass into energy via a formula like mass^2*speedoflight => energy. In business you transform money flow to money when, for example, you take out a loan and commit to a flow of money paid to the lending institution in exchange for a pile of money right now. That’s where the time discount enters into the calculation. Your credit rating then provides the risk. Both together with the amount being borrowed enter into what’s called The Risk Adjusted Net Present Value calculation—sort of like E=mc^2. 49
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 02:13 | # Your comments, JB , interested me . In particular the implication that residential real estate prices have an adverse effect upon White men and family formation. It would seem to be an obvious point and it is in the West . However ,the Russian rate of home ownership , albeit at a much lower level of aspiration, achievement and comfort , is considerably higher than that of the US. Still it’s a start. Also , it requires no (((Sam Zell))) ( America’s richest pure play real estate tycoon ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Zell to inform us that any White guy of average IQ could , with a fair wind and a feckless SVB - type bank , acquire a modest residence in West Virginia. It goes without saying , or should , that the WV inter - state immigrant would have to do the kind of dirty , difficult , mining work which built America . 50
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 03:31 | # Apropos the rapidly decaying American “nation” , if that’s quite the right word , the MSM have not made much of another Biden foreign policy disaster ( at least by Globalist lights ). Iran and Saudi Arabia are now friends . It is an interesting new development and generically religious people might be gratified to know Shia Islam is no longer a pariah . Perhaps we may see self - flagellating, Ali - lamenting , Shia Iranians joining Filipinos during the latter’s equally auto - lacerating, Roman Catholic, Easter Parade. Now That’s (((Abrahamic))) Ecumenicalism. Or as the Negroes say , ” I’ve got your back.” 51
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 05:53 | # The USA is Zimbabwe redux . I need not remark that in the last redoubt of UDI Rhodesia , White citizens did not collude with their inferior ( Sorry , Tim M, enjoy posthumous, multi - culti - Jew Racial Equality Heaven ) Blacks to behave like American liberals. Apart from a Semitic Celestial posthumous penthouse , conjured from the mind of an itinerant Jew - boy (who magically transposed his Daddy from Simple to Compound , like Jewish usury ), rebel rouser in an obscure part of the Roman Empire , not to mention the rest of the then known civilised World ; where do your American racial cognates wash up ? Well , they are washed up anyway. Never mind , Yahweh will welcome you , Noahide Laws permitting. 52
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 11:14 | # “Jesus criticized the jews, do you hate on Jesus? if not, why are you hating on me?” LOL Jesus condemned those that say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. A modern day example of such would be George Soros. If Jesus were here in person today I believe he would say the same thing about many so-called Christians. As we read in the Bible,
Well, Biden calls evil good and good evil. He says it is evil and cruel to not allow mulitialing sex change opeations for innocent children. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/253859/biden-criticizes-bans-on-transgender-treatments-for-children-as-close-to-sinful Of course, within the power structure, Gov. DeSantis is in the minority. Unfortunately the neo-Marxist cult-religion called “wokeism” is prevailing in the USA. The Long March Through the Institution all but complete. The neo-marxist anti-white plan of “diversity, equity and inclusion” is currently being infused in just about every institution both public and private - with a special focus on the U.S. Armed Forces. Whilst Putin is publicly promoting Christian values, Biden is condemning ‘America First’ conservatives as “white supremacists.” Furthemore, the Department of Justice and the FBI deem white supremacists as domestic terrorists. Who qualifies as a “white supremacist’ you might ask? Answer: Most Trump supporters and traditionalist Catholics are two of the main targets. But more broadly, anyone who isn’t visibly on board with the “woke” agenda is suspected of being an enemy of the state. The USA seems to be FUBAR. The term ‘evil empire’ comes to mind.
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 12:52 | # Yeah, I bet Pooty Poot is just shaking in his boots. Too funny!
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 13:14 | # Breaking News: It’s being reported on the Fox News Channel that Trump says he will be arrested on Tuesday. (Thorn note: The USA has become a police state. No doubt about it.)
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 14:55 | # @49 Al Ross:
Quoting a most-critical sentence from the Property Money essay about the Cost of Replacement Reproduction or CORR:
and the obvious conclusion that anyone concerned with preservation of value across generations must come to:
Rural real estate has been denuded of its most economically valuable young women. The Economy’s cultural carpet bombing of rural areas has driven those young women into the gene shredders called urban areas. West Virginia is a smoking crater yielding little more than deaths of despair. 56
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 16:07 | # “West Virginia is a smoking crater yielding little more than deaths of despair.” First the cities and towns across WV were heavily marketed/flooded with opioids (mainly OxyContin) which caused widespread addiction, and death by overdose. Now WV is being flooded with fentanyl. Biden’s open borders policy is a proximate cause for the sharp increase in the fentanyl epidemic - and Biden damned well knows it is. Obviously, it’s part of his administration’s well-orchestrated plan to fundamentally transform America. 57
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:18 | # @JamesBowery
That is absolutely fascinating and it rings true, too! Thank you so much for your time. I do not see me doing econ in my lifetime, but your statement is added to my .org notes on econ. Thank you again.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:38 | # @thorn wrote:
That’s a good point, a subtlety I had not seen. I will ponder on it as I move forward fighting the jews. Cordially,
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:48 | # @JamesBowery Continuing with your insight, we know that mass and energy are conserved (if some is lost to entropy, but that is irrelevant) The “a pint is a pound the whole world round” statement is a moral statement and a physical statement. If I redefine the gram (g) in my favor after the transition to energy (E) and then the transition back to me with the new gram definition occurs, then I have commited a crime against those who hold grams, while acquiring the real wealth of E. So, yes, your explanation is extremely valuable and informative, but it does not remove the moral component…the inherent order of the cosmos being violated by a lie…by bad actors. And that is my point….whatever the mechanics of econ, unless there is a morality (thou shalt not steal) then econ degenerates into a con-job. This is what the jews do. cordially. p.s. thank you again for that insight! It made me smile.
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 23:08 | # “I will ponder on it as I move forward fighting the jews.” That’s good,Tim; that’s reeeal good! /s Just curious, Tim, describe what you mean by moving forward in your fight against jews. Do you have a coherent plan? Or is it you have secret weapons? Maybe you can share them with David Duke. He has spent his entire life fighting jews. Apparently, the fruits of his labor has rendered he down into a place of relative obscurity. Hopefully, for your sake, you have a more ingenious plan of action than Dr. David Duke. cordially 61
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:38 | # “Rural real estate has been denuded of its most economically valuable young women. The Economy’s cultural carpet bombing of rural areas has driven those young women into the gene shredders called urban areas.” Wrong. Anti-white ideologies are the gene shredders of the white race. Period. End of sentence. Urban areas has nothing to do with it! 62
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:00 | # JB , I like both your descriptors , “denuded” and “young women”. If a young White guy was earning WV mining dollars , you , as a respected tech operator , would know how much time it would take for him to acquire an online harem of female followers. The tyranny of geography has been long vanquished. But you knew that anyway. Guys like you made it possible . And Thanks. 63
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 05:33 | # Thorn asks a question , implicitly ,re Jews. In fact, the theory is simple but the practice is difficult , but here goes : The UK Govt should allow British passport - holding Jews to choose between exercising their inherited theft - based, legal right ( thanks to Brits donating in 1917 and 1948 Middle Eastern property that was not theirs to give ) to Israeli citizenship and , because I care as much , in a diplomatically reciprocal sense , about Palestinians as they care about Brits , a UK passport - verified , citizenship that does not recognise duality of any kind . Bingo ! The Israeli Govt will not rescind the Law ( not policy ) of Return . Next step : Jews who wish to remain in UK will be Israeli passport holders without rights to vote or participate in the electoral process. Of course , we must expect diplomatic reciprocity , so Aryans in Israel may be subject to pressure. 64
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:08 | # @63 Those are very good ideas, Al. As for me, I think I’ll just sit back and watch the Muslims and Negroes (of all faiths) vanquish the Jews. I doubt Israel, as a Jewish state, will last very much longer. Too much internal fighting amongst the Jews there; that plus demographic realities are insuring its demise. The diaspora Jews are another matter….. Their high rate of out-marriage along, with other various factors, appear to be diluting their strength. They are a dying breed. But that’s not to say they can’t or won’t do a lot of damage in the meantime. 65
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:33 | # Quiet Part, Out Loud – Polish Ambassador Warns If Ukraine Not Successful NATO Will Join War Against Russia [...] It all tracks neatly into place. The WEF agenda is to advance crisis and position the governmental actors to doing the bidding of the WEF corporations that run them. This is why the same map that shows the western countries supporting the Build Back Better, climate change, energy policy goals,…. is the exact same overlay map of western countries who triggered sanctions against Russia…. which is the exact same overlay map of western countries that are now positioned with a Central Bank solution to a national banking crisis. It’s all connected to the exact same motives and intents:
Western globalism…. It is all connected. RTWT 66
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:16 | # Thorn, if you can see that Davos is operatively separate from “the West” (hence Xi’s China is the world’s first example of a technocratic state) then you can look at the geopolitical/geo-economic component differently, and not mix everything up together. Understanding the world of men invariable consists in separating out its filaments and tracing them to source. This is what good philosophers do in their quest for a historiography. The failure to do it in the context of 21st century globalism leaves us mixing up the Davos prescriptions with the contest of systems for global hegemony (of which there are three), and with the modus of the Western system, which involves a Western collapse and the rise of a geo-economic Globality ... an empire of money, not power ... based on and constrained by the G20. These distinctions hold the possibility for explaining what is happening in front of your amazed eyes. 67
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 16:33 | # I don’t necessarily think a global government is necessarily a bad idea. Of course our fear is what are the laws in which we, as global citizens, have to abide by. Xi’s China gives us a preview of what it will look like. From what I gather it will be the Western countries aka the developed world that will be the first chunk of the globe to fall under a technocratic system of governance - simply bc the developed world is further ahead with its development and implementation of the required infrastructure. The rest of the world will be a step-by-step process. Of course a gigantic obstacle to the plan is the countries outside the Western nations have their own ideas of what a global government system should look like. For one thing most of the world’s population rejects the modern secular values of the West. Hence the split into a multipolar world. Multipolar as in the West led by the USA on one side and the rest of the world on the other side. One thing is for certain, the technology is fast advancing to the point where the entire global economy potentially can be micromanaged by a handful of people. Every transaction will be monitored and controlled. Every movement we make can be monitored. When that system is installed, the consequence is we’ll lose all our privacy and liberties. Of course it goes without saying all that is prophesied in The Jew Book. 68
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 21:53 | # Thorn, The Western elites’ G20 model comprises the non-EU G20 states: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and the 27 member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. I haven’t checked but that has to be over 50% of the population of the world. Now, this is actually the Western elites’ medium into which the geopolitical norms are to be submerged and forgotten. Why, because they have figured out that (a) the West is a limitation on their possibilities, and they must collapse it to realise a truly global empire, and (b) they will not do that simply to see a replacement power-based hegemony arise. They are offering China and even Russia a geo-economic global hegemony, but no political role. It is just now occurring to the lower orders of party politician in America that the Chinese have their own ideas:
In Britain, meanwhile, the question is being openly debated in the mainstream media, as the (paywalled) article in the DR three days ago demonstrates: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/03/18/putins-choice-vassal-xis-china/
If in doubt, ignore all the noisy claims of conflicted national politicians and go straight to the geopolitics. The truth of the matter will be there. The good book perhaps not so much. 69
Posted by timothy murray on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 23:05 | # @thorn Talmudist argumentation is what the rejectors of Logos do. Its a pity to see you engage in it. Today, after a brutal route in the truck, i tried to find Jone’s statenent on the matter, where he asks, “Is it ok if Jesus criticizes the jews?” (Having taken Jones assertion at face value, I was cross-checking your kind criticism to see if I was in blatant error) I could not find the exact quote, so I poked about Biblehub (Sorry Al, ...not today) looking for it. Your quote is from the apocolypse of st. John
Here we read Logos rebuking pretence and and an invitation to Logos—reason, order, ephemeris….
Exploratory adventures into first principles will always be met civilly. Cordially
Posted by timothy murray on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 23:26 | # @GW
I hope you are incorrect; If you are not, it will be a longer slog.
p.s I see now the impetus for your ontological project; it is a prerequisite for survival. God bless
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 01:14 | # “They”, Tim, are the Western elites. So, the investor class, the asset managers, the international bankers and hedge funders, the dateline corporation CEOs, and the political and intellectual class which attends to them. Just to point up the conflict at hand a little more… The Mail Online has posted a front-page piece as follows:
Most of the article, however, is about British tank shells. But the issue is clear. China has its Middle Kingdom model of hegemony, which it will eventually desire to extend to full control over the application of the Davos software to our lives. Which is why I strive to explain that, almost counter-intuitively, we are better off going into a Davosian future with Westerners in control, even Jews, than Asiatics. I hope this is finally clear to you and to Thorn, and the notion that “the West” alone is our enemy might now recede from your minds. 72
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 06:54 | # GW , loath as I am to correct you , but “Asiatic” a cartological descriptor coined by we Europeans and , as it necessarily follows , unrelated to the geographical term that we applied to lands which we surveyed , documented and in feasible cases conquered. 73
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 07:06 | # TM , In the matter of Christ - like , Prophet emulation , Christians who support Net Zero must surely derive succour from the fact that (((God))) was not bouncing a grandson on his extensive knee ( He is Everywhere ? ). The Net Zero Marxists have finally squared the Jewish circle . Be a Planet Saver and extirpate Creation of men. 74
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 12:21 | # “It is just now occurring to the lower orders of party politician in America that the Chinese have their own ideas:” We in the West are governed by corrupt traitors. I was just a youngster back in 1972 when Nixon, along with his National Security Advisor Kissinger, opened diplomatic relations with China. The thought was that bringing China into the “society of nations” would provide a balance in our Cold War with the Soviet Union. I also remember the talk amongst the common folk was: if we allow China aka “The Dragon” to awaken and rise up, they will wind up eating our lunch. Amongst the many issues involved, we knew back then high-paid American workers could not compete with the quasi-slave labor of China - economics 101. Our commonsense predictions back then proved to be correct. It was an easy prediction bc the future was in plain sight. 75
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 12:49 | # “China’s communist regime is engaged in a concerted effort to undermine and replace the United States as the world’s most powerful nation by weaponizing Americans against each other, U.S. lawmakers were told this week.”—The Epoch Times China is weaponizing Americans against each other? What a load of crap!!!! That news report* amounts to misinformation. The truth is America’s worst enemy comes from within. It wasn’t the Chinese that initiated and carried out The Long March Through the Institutions. It isn’t the Chinese who instituted CRT and gender studies in both the public and private educational system. All that and much more is arising mainly from America’s own academia and government-media complex. *The report was hidden behind a paywall. 76
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:09 | # Thorn: Nobody can be that gullible or incompetent ... or can they? Again, the most likely explanation is we are being governed by corrupt traitors. The greater part of the Western elites back in 1971 were unable to see the otherwise widely recognised paradigm of a certain ancient racial supremacism got by general degradation, which paradigm attached wholly to the smaller part of said elites. What makes you think they would see a golden opportunity for the Chinese elites to recover their lost Middle Kingdom supremacy? I do think that the educated Western mind is just very self-focussed, and also wilfully naive and gullible, before it is traitorous. But those things do give way to treachery at some point, when the harm they cayuse can no longer be denied. We have not seen a single instance anywhere of our elites turning away from the course they have steered. It just does not happen. The Washington folks in that Epoch report are obviously not telling the truth either. But they are gesturing towards the CCP’s long-run geopolitics. It’s not good but it’s something, and it’s a lot better than blindly hoping the CCP will turn into the good guys sometime soon. 77
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 16:06 | # “I do think that the educated Western mind is just very self-focussed, and also wilfully naive and gullible, before it is traitorous. But those things do give way to treachery at some point, when the harm they cayuse can no longer be denied. We have not seen a single instance anywhere of our elites turning away from the course they have steered. It just does not happen.” GW, I think what you say is very true, very spot on, very insightful. You’d think our “best and brightest” would have learned from the mistakes we made that led to WWI and WWII- Europe’s 30 yearlong civil war. Obviously, they haven’t. With all their hubris on full display, they are steering us straight into WWIII. 78
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:52 | # @GW
This brings much clarity to me understanding your mindset; We do not think alike about these people.
I understand , now, why you say this. It makes sense given your mental models. Cordially, t
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:56 | # @JamesBowery Russia is launching a digital ruble…this has convinced me to study the “bitcoin/blockchain” stuff. Are you familiar with this stuff? If so, could you please post links to basic knowledge on this ? A web search yields a lot of platforms offering tutorials on their platforms—-Robin Hood, for example, who I will never do business with. I run Linux, and prefer a “close to the metal” approach, vs the “glitz” approach to dealing with this sort of stuff.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:59 | # @Al
I see your point. It is “word game Christianity”. If I meet any, I will give them a good kick in the balls. “Admonishing the sinner” is one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy… Cordially, t 81
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 00:02 | # “Talmudist argumentation is what the rejectors of Logos do. Its a pity to see you engage in it.” Congrats to you, Tim, for exposing me as a practitioner of Talmudist argumentation. You are the first to do so. lol 82
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 13:32 | # I found this fascinating “great picture” example of the Straussian strategy for Russia: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/how-the-ussrs-fall-unleashed-a-neocon The strategy is now in tatters thanks to Putin, who declared war on the neocons: https://www.europereloaded.com/vladimir-putin-declares-war-on-the-straussians/ Now, trying to look at the above through @GW ‘s eyes, the result should be a Europe isolated and surrounded, the destruction of the zionist project and ...well,...Americans…we will have a blood fight for survival on our hands. Russia was the fledgling Rebublic’s first ally, maybe we can make a deal on conquering Canada and extracting ourselves from the neocon/jewish project for good. 83
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 13:40 | # Hi @Thorn I used to be a Protestant…Southern Baptist… Their doctrine of Sola Scriptura inevitably leads to talmudist disputes, devoid of reason or logic due to their founding premises. I am sorry if I am rude, but I have no patience for it anymore. cordially, 84
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:15 | # The problem with heartland theory is its crudity and absence of psychology. The crudity is evident in the manner in which it lumps continents together and assumes that some human significance attaches to the central mass. Human significance is weighed by intelligence and creativity, not by numbers, not by landmass. The creator race is the European race and it is so because it combines: (a) not merely a high racial average IQ but a wide distribution of intelligence, ie, relatively many geniuses with (b) a marked sociobiological trait of individuality which enhances specialism and a free will to strive at the boundaries in all things. No mere lump of land can weigh against such an advantage in every aspect of civilisation-building. Makinder was wrong, and Zbig was wrong. 85
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:22 | #
Does it matter to you that my pointing to a verse in scripture was in response to your pointing out a verse in scripture first? Aren’t you accusing me of what you’re guilty of? Go back and reread your comment @46 And you’re not rude, Tim, just a bit confused. Hope your thinking clears up soon.
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:31 | # Dr. Robert Malone: Top universities worldwide are now puppets of the World Economic Forum
———————————————- Wed Mar 22, 2023 (Robert Malone) — One of the most unsettling events of the past three years has been the globalized, coordinated messaging of socio-economic missives and policies throughout the world. All of us in the liberty movement have wondered: who is controlling this? How does this happen? I remember spending time last fall with Nick Hudson of the Pandata Group (Panda). We were discussing transgender policies across the world. We both were very disturbed, not just by the policies, but also how they came about.
Then our minds turned not just to the pandemic policies of masking, mandates, and lockdowns, but to climate change, the elimination of gas fueled cars, Agenda 2030, the move to eliminate private ownership items such as autos and housing, digital IDs, digital currency, 15-minute cities, taking away private land for conservation, globalized censorship, etc., in not just one country, but across the world. The coordinated list seems endless. I don’t remember a period in my life where most of the world governments agreed on so much. Where did these policies originate? Who is co-ordinating them? How did this happen? Well, a reader of this Substack wrote me about their discovery that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has a formal committee of presidents from the world’s best universities and that these presidents are coming together regularly to discuss and decide policy at the top universities in the world. These presidents are committed to supporting the World Economic Forum. {snip} Read more, it gets better>>> https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/dr-robert-malone-top-universities-worldwide-are-now-puppets-of-the-world-economic-forum/?utm_source=news&utm_campaign=usa 87
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:41 | #
Yes, it does. I should live by my own example. I apologize. Cordially,
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 17:26 | #
Apology accepted. But there’s no need to apologize over such trivial matters. Forget about it. 89
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 22:44 | #
Thank you, much appreciated. I admire and aspire to rigour, but, like Bilbo , I sometimes feel like too little butter spread over toast. I think that one thing #teambiological, #teamtheological and #teamcultural can agree on is that presenting oneself as the source of accurate information bears a tremendous cultural weight. We depend on each other to tell the truth, to admit..publicly and loudly when we have done wrong or made a mistake… When we disagree, we strive to understand the differences in our preceptions and thinking in an effort to understand (b.s. artists not included in this basic civilizational courtesy) The force that is attempting to destroy us inverts our shared virtues and shames us for them. Fr. Chad Ripperger has a talk on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) which is an important tool for navigating the warp-and-woof of modern discourse. I used this principle to reject a suggestion by Tanstaafl on a theory by E.O. Wilson . The principle is a knife for trimming away bullshit, especially in theological circles. So, what does this rant of mine mean…. Having been wronged by talmudist sola-scriptura protestant/christians in the past, I have a deep distrust of the method of argument even though I , as you pointed out, engage in it. The onus is on me to provide the exact example Jones’ uses…but…butter…toast…too little. cordially
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 07:41 | # TM , it is most apposite that the autistic shill for the Net Zero cult , Greta Thunberg , has been conferred an honorary doctorate in Theology from a university in Finland , a country with the lowest level of Church attendance since the non - herpetologist , St Patrick, banished snakes from the Emerald Isle. 91
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 12:39 | #
The Church is under the same subversive and destructive forces that infest secular modernity. Like the secular realm, a core exists, a remnant, that are not given over to the lies. There are spiritual reasons for this that you may or may not find interesting, but it is part-and-parcel of being a Catholic. Cordially,
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:03 | # @79
I’m not as expert as an old colleague of mine from the space launch commercialization days, Nick Szabo, who I didn’t listen to when I should have (mainly because I just saw him as a “kid” supporting our coalition—which he was circa 1990). But I started paying a lot of attention to him subsequent to the takeoff of BTC, so what I now say is largely derived from what I have taken from his comments: First, to the extent you bother with blockchain tech at all, restrict your involvement to BTC and then only to the extent you can trust yourself to maintain a BTC node on your own computer. This skill takes some time to acquire. Don’t store your BTC with exchanges. I started with advice rather than a “tutorial” because even if you understand the tech tutorial, it is easy to get swept up in the hysteria. Tutorial: BTC should be viewed as a “rare collectible” with the additional advantage that it can be transferred electronically without any trusted third party. Moreover, it is a collectible that has the largest “collectors club” of any electronic collectible. In this respect, it is electronic gold. In fact, Nick’s original papers called it “bitgold”. The reason you can trust it isn’t simply because it involves no trusted third parties nor simply because it has the largest “club” of collectors—though both are vitally important. It is because of all of the blockchain technologies, BTC’s technology is the simplest. This means it has both the smallest “attack surface” and the smallest “argument surface”. In cybersecurity, “attack surface” relates to how complex a system is—with each new degree of complexity opening it to a potential point of vulnerability. In terms of “argument surface”, think about the endless chores faced by those, such as Charles Murray, who try to “argue” with the social pseudosciences about statistics—it’s hopeless because the social pseudosciences refuse (with the help of “conservatives” like Jonathan Haidt) to accept Ockham’s Razor as a way of resolving disputes. In the case of BTC, people can argue over its security but there is less for them to argue over which means there is less room for sophists to subvert the BTC. BTC’s rarity is enforced by making the creation of new BTC limited to a fixed amount and by making the creation of what new BTC can be created cost money, just as it costs money to mine ever-decreasing grades of gold ore. This cost cannot be bypassed without a breakthrough in cryptography that would render virtually all computer security obsolete. Even if such a threat, such as quantum computers, seriously threatens this security, BTC’s algorithm can be changed to avoid that vulnerability, and it will have close to a $1T capitalization distributed world wide at stake in making sure that it is done judiciously. Such an event will be a “hard fork” of the BTC blockchain and the viability of the new version will be assured by the stake that existing “whales” (big BTC holders) have in maintaining its value.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:46 | # @JamesBowery First, Thank you.
This is fascinating…I am a fan of Charles Murray because of his integrity on his book The Bell Curve, his love of his daughter*, and his book “Human Achievement”. So, just by that, you sold me on this approach. @JamesBowery and @GW is it ok with both of you if I post James’ comment on Gab?
Slackbuilds.com has a BTC stack (?) and it looks intriguing, I will start there. Again, thank you very much for your time.
*In a podcast that Tan linked too, with Steve Sailer, Mr. Murray remarked on arguing with his daughter on some issue of literary import. Personally, I can think of nothing more important in life than the privilege of engaging one’s daughter on matters literary.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:49 | # Re the video you linked to… The Astronaut in the car…please tell me that is a corvette
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 01:58 | # I was not involved with the Falcon except in that our coalition managed to blaze a legislative trail for it decades before the now burgeoning private launch services industry. The testimony I read was from 1991, a year after the legislation to reign in NASA competition with the private sector. I chose the Falcon Heavy launch because it was privately capitalized thereby demonstrating the viability of the enacted policy. As for the car, it is a Tesla. Musk wanted a payload for the first test of the Falcon Heavy but no one wanted to risk their payload since it was such a radical advance over anything else that had come before. 97
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 03:47 | # TM , I share your admiration for Charles Murray . His Tour d’horizon of the US education policy is an utter gem . In the unlikely event that you have not read it : https://www.aei.org/articles/the-age-of-educational-romanticism/ 98
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 13:13 | # I second Al @ 97 The Bell Curve is one of the most important books out there. 99
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 14:28 | # @96 His death corresponds to the emergence of the technology that I foresaw based on his contribution, which led to me avoiding any kind of anonymity in my computer based communications subsequent to my participation in the first social network at the PLATO Communications Project that based collective forecasting on anonymous communications. What did I foresee that caused me to so-destructively dox myself for decades? Well, I guess I had informed faith there would come a time when everything I had to say over the decades would not only come back to bite me but also inform a collective intelligence in the form of what are now called “large language models”. Although these LLMs aren’t quite there yet (at least as far as we’re led to believe) because they are still reliant on interpolation from big data to provide an illusion of extrapolative deduction, it now appears inevitable. The existence of an explicit identity traceable throughout those decades with archived utterances would produce a “vector” in a space with an enormous number of dimensions. Such extrapolative models would, precisely because the space is so huge, require such vectors as heuristic anchor points for their search for reality* latent in the data. My utterances have always had in mind children of the future as my audience. *Said “reality latent in the data” is why I am so focused on Algorithmic Information Theory as the revolution in the philosophy of science, as it provides the most principled quantification of “bias” in a scientific sense. This is what is scaring the bejesus out of the “algorithmic bias experts”: They see Moore’s Law powering the emergence of a sociology that nukes the bias of the social pseudosciences. We’ll see if they can suppress the emerging understanding of Algorithmic Information Theory. That’s the primary battlefront now. 100
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:30 | #
Well, at the very least it provides us a ray of hope. 101
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 19:33 | # @GW wrote:
I take issue with this; geography and climate absolutely forms men and cultures. I am on chapter two of E.M.Jone’s Logos Rising and the cooling of the steppes most assuredly changed world history (The Aryans where ~10 centimeters taller than the Sumerians….) and the establishment of Aryans in the southern climes robbed the Aryans of their prowess…the same thing happened with Englishman…IIRC…they got stranded on a Pacific Island, and found they much preferred the honor and modesty of the topless native women to the English women they left behind…. I cannot talk in depth on this, but it strikes me as self -evident. There is/was a famous Geographer Harme De Blij who revolutionaized the field (the only “cake” class in college I enjoyed and studied) and IIRC he writes on this in the book above… Take my current home in Appalachia… Humans and their cultures are not independent of Geography. Secondly, the Struassians vie that world island model as a baseline for conquest. cordially. t
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 19:54 | # @Al re Murray..
I was completely unaware of it! Thank you! IMHO, Murray sees the failure of Civic Nationalism but is too comfortable to take the next step. It is the “problem of the nice upper-class man” who is comfortable physically, rational but experiencing the cognitive dissonance of the “polite model” not measuring up. Murray has tussled a bit (in that interview he did with Steve Sailer that Tan provides) with the absolutism of the IQ crowd..i.e. #teambiological..in that he seeks a humane solution. As a member of #teamtheological, there is a Biblical argument for the separation of races… At Babel, God created the Nations by differentiating their tongues. There are Natural Law arguments…but my thinking on those is worse than my biblical attempt. The above is my hunch that a common language between #teambiological and #teamtheological to facilitate the “coming apart” that Murray has written a book on will be most helpful to ... 1. break the “let’s you and him fight” strategy of the Universal Plague of Mankind Cordially, 103
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:05 | # @JamesBowery
In Catholicism, we have the doctrine of both The Particular Judgement and The Final Judgement.. It involves exactly “everything…would come back to bite me”. The former is on an individual basis, the latter, a collective where what we said/did bit others/creation. That said… What if Science honors Logos? It is a comment that Vox linked to ,but the possibility is intriguing… Put it this way… Correct math leads to true results. Cordially. t 104
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:07 | # @Thorn wrote:
Well, if we weaponize the damn thing…kind of like a reverse Terminator… (: 105
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:09 | #
Bravo Elon Musk. He earned it.
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 26 Mar 2023 02:03 | # @103
Algorithmic Information Theory is the furthest extension of the philosophy of the natural sciences—as such it is no more capable of honoring Logos than is any mechanistic creation. It is not about Truth in the sense of Science as an all encompassing relation between subject and object. It can only tell us about the truth of objective phenomena and is in that respect the province of Cartesian dualism. The Enemy attempts to justify its manipulations in terms of two things—one of which is both Wrong and wrong, and the other of which is “not even wrong”: On the one hand, The Enemy invokes mechanistic causality of the social sciences in all of its supremacist theology—which is both Wrong in the sense of Truth and wrong in the sense of natural science since it indulges in what can only be called social pseudoscience. On the other hand, The Enemy inovkes “post-modernism” or “nondualism” in utterly unprincipled rhetoric when it finds itself cornered on the level of the natural sciences—hoping to confuse the issue further. That’s when you see them trot out utter bilge like “feminist epistemology” within the seminary system posing as academia. A large part of what people like Charles Murray, Steve Sailer, et al, are trying to do with their statistical arguments in the social science sphere is pin down The Enemy with contradictions—but because they are stuck with statistical arguments, and statistics are are based on Shannon Information Theory, which is intrinsically acausal (unlike Algorithmic Information Theory), they find themselves continually frustrated by the proverbial “jellyfish” that refuses to be “nailed to the wall”. What I’ve been trying to do for guys like that is educate them about the right way to attack causality so the enemy is no longer able pretend it has a basis in natural science—and is forced into the light of what I suppose GW would call “the ontology project” and what others of us, who identify more with Telos hence Logos, would call simply The Light. This won’t cause them to stop blathering bilge, but if they are forced to do nothing but blather about “feminist epistemology”, they will be in more trouble than they are now in recruiting people to be components of their demonic machine. 107
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 26 Mar 2023 12:21 | # “On the one hand, The Enemy invokes mechanistic causality of the social sciences in all of its supremacist theology—which is both Wrong in the sense of Truth and wrong in the sense of natural science since it indulges in what can only be called social pseudoscience. On the other hand, The Enemy inovkes “post-modernism” or “nondualism” in utterly unprincipled rhetoric when it finds itself cornered on the level of the natural sciences—hoping to confuse the issue further. That’s when you see them trot out utter bilge like “feminist epistemology” within the seminary system posing as academia.” Pure gold! Your take on the situation is the same as what mine has been for several decades; however, up till now, I lacked the ability to translate my thoughts into words as concisely as you just did. TY for posting that. It’s a keeper. 108
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 26 Mar 2023 18:28 | # @JamesBowery
I finished watch Prof of Mathematics at Oxford, John Lennox touch on your “
....Lennox on Logos (you may have to watch to the end, it is not long, but the entire interview is very entertaining and informative. Lennox makes an interesting statement that relates to your phrase/observation that
. His statement is that science has been inverted, that the mechanistic creations are not capable of bringing us to the athiestic/materialistic utopia of @Al because “in the beginning was the word”. If true, it is a huge reorientation of science, provided by science, that the assumed basis of science is not adequate to explaining reality. In no way does this reorientation invalidate the tools of science…Newton, etc…but instead, places them into their proper place in the hierarchy of knowledge. That said, as you are surely well aware, each “scientific era” has had its icon of reality… So, “Logos” may very well be one such stage in mankind’s understanding of reality (i.e. the ontology) @Thorn I enthusiastically second your assessment of @JamesBowery’s obvervation. It is a keeper. Posting it to Gab now.
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Mar 2023 09:13 | # Tim:
Yes, that is a fact of the evolution of the organism. But it has nothing to do with the lumpen assumption that a very large lump of land must necessarily dictate Russian supremacy through some historical necessity for very large lump-ness. What it does have something to do with is the fact that the 120 something ethnicities of the Russian (Eurasian) landmass average IQ of 96. The distribution is likely to be more narrow that Europeans, too. That and those missing four points show in the civilisational attainment of Russia compared to Europe. There is no respectable argument against the sublime civisational genius of the European race. The evidence is everywhere. Blind assumptions (based, anyway, on an elitist self-interest) do not cut it.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:41 | # “The distribution is likely to be more narrow that Europeans, too.” The same goes for East Asians. Though the mean IQ of East Asians is 106 -compared to that of Europeans which is 100 - a bell curve chart shows the IQ distribution for EAs to be taller and narrower; whereas the IQ chart for Europeans is shorter and wider. Meaning there are less EAs on the far left side of the chart; however, and more importantly, there are considerably less EAs on the far right of the chart - viz the genius area. That is the major reason why Europe’s civilization - as demonstrated by nearly all measurements - advanced so much further than East Asia. Or so the thesis states….. 111
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Mar 2023 14:15 | # Exactly so, Thorn. Without a reading of Rushton and Lynn & Vanhanen one can be persuaded that our unique civilisational gift, out of which alone a beautiful, unmatched life can emerge, is shared by Bushmen in their desert landscape, and by Russians who can become the gods of the morrow purely on the basis that their landmass is vast and central. All we need to create is to be left alone to live as we may, and then we shall unfailingly make our gift to the world of whatever ease and beauty and security of life it can take from us. This is our racial talent, and it is unique. 112
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Mar 2023 19:59 | # “All we need to create is to be left alone to live as we may, and then we shall unfailingly make our gift to the world of whatever ease and beauty and security of life it can take from us. This is our racial talent, and it is unique.” Beautifully worded, GW. You get right to the very essence of what we WNs are all about.. 113
Posted by macrobius on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 02:31 | #
GW, Russia’s IQ of 96 is the same as or greater than the Eastern Euro countries save Poland. It’s the same as or greater than many Western Euro countries. And I imagine if it were restricted to the Slavic Russian core, it would be higher. As far as cultural and civilizational attainment go, many would say Russia is greater than Eastern Europe in general and much of Central/Western Europe. Murray’s book on accomplishment puts Russia higher than all of Europe save the big four of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and slightly below the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:46 | # Eurasia is alien to us, Macrobius, and Asiatic (sorry, Al) to an extent written in the face of Putin himself. Sociobiologically, Eurasians are also markedly distinct from Europeans, and stand midway along the important individuality ↔ conformism axis. Civilisationally, the impact of that is immense. As nationalists of the blood we cannot be blind to such distinctions. On Murray’s opus, did he not specifically emphasise that individuality is the key component for significant or epochal origination? 115
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:11 | # Thorn wrote in @110
Where are these standard deviations noted? 116
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:20 | # I should have included the up and coming Emil O. W. Kirkegaard alongside Murray and Sailer as another Sisyphus pushing the statistical boulder up the neoliberal dungheap. What I’ve observed of him is that he seems to have a sense of focus and urgency appropriate to the present, but without the ability to see beyond Shannon to Algorithmic Information Theory’s power to put an end to the labors of Sisyphus. 117
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:48 | # La Griffe was probably the main source for commentary on the East Asian curve. I remember there being one or two pieces he wrote specifically on “Why East Asians Lag”, which were developments of his Smart Fraction Theory. That latter is still archived on-line: https://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books_added2009-3/SmartFractionTheory.pdf He seems to have dropped off the radar sometime around 2008/9, possibly because he had been doxed. To return to the Russian question, here are some ostensibly white scores from Lynn & Vanhanen: Italy 102 118
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:00 | # James @ 115 Standard deviations is not the main issue; rather it’s a matter of how large the “smart faction” is within the population.
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 29 Mar 2023 00:32 | # The lagriffedulion blogger was indeed doxed , GW . He was an academic with the surname Gordon and maybe Jewish . The name has Scottish origins but is sometimes employed in a Semitic act of racial imposture. 121
Posted by Fubar on Wed, 29 Mar 2023 00:53 | #
Standard dev’s along with size roughly determines how large ... especially + 2-3 in NE of ~15 points per. 122
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 29 Mar 2023 01:23 | # ”...especially + 2-3 in NE of ~15 points per.” Yes, but it’s irrefutable that 40% of 15 = GFY. 123
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 02:42 | # GW , I found Lagriffedulion . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Gordon Dr. Gordon’s spouse is the hugely estimable Prof. Linda Gottfredson : 124
Posted by macrobius on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 06:46 | # GW, You did not really address the points in my comment. Are you seriously suggesting that ethnic Russians, who are a mix of a Slavic core with some Finno-Ugric and possibly minor Scandinavian elements, are not racially European because of geography? Then what about the whites of the much less white North America? As far as Putin’s phenotype goes, that’s a pretty common Finno-Ugric phenotype. Finno-Ugric peoples include Finns, Estonians, etc. If ethnic Russians aren’t racially European, what about many southern Europeans? BTW, among Ukrainians there are non-European phenotypes as well that resemble Near Eastern, Anatolian, Armenoid, Turkic, etc. types. Presumably due to its location on the Black Sea. 125
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 14:57 | # Dangit James Bowery! I am recovering from the flu and you have added two fascinating subjects to my inbox: Shannon information theory https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/claude-e-shannon-founder/ and: Algorithmic Information Theory:
Sure, it has no agency. So, taking the ChatGPT (?) rumors that a “true” chatgpt will arrive at the truth, means that it will reject lies. Anyway, thanks for the links.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:52 | # mac @ 124 “As far as Putin’s phenotype goes, that’s a pretty common Finno-Ugric phenotype. Finno-Ugric peoples include Finns, Estonians, etc.” I think Putin’s phenotype may be a result of some Mongol admixture. Remember, the Mongols successfully invaded the “Russia” region back some 900 years ago. No doubt they left a substantial DNA imprint on the native pop. 127
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 31 Mar 2023 22:13 | # Good work, Al. It would seem likely that age was the principal factor in La Griffe’s withdrawal from the fight. Macrobius, if you don’t like my Putin example I can give you a Shoigu one. 128
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 00:18 | # Ah yes, the Spector of nuclear war moves closer and closer to becoming a reality. Nuclear war could be so avoidable if only the Western warmongers would heed the solution Elon Musk, et al., recommended. 129
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 03:02 | # The ” Spector” of nuclear war ? Would that be the Spectre of the criminal Jewish record producer ( Phil ) who financed , politically , his racial - cognate Neocons in their successful efforts to stampede ignorant , bovine Americans into endless fruitless Middle East conflict ? At present , the US occupies a higher percentage , land mass wise , of Iraq than Russia does of Ukraine’s debatable land. 130
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 11:47 | #
I agree. But let’s not ignore the fact the ruling-class dupes in the UK were more than willing participants in those Middle East conflicts. The same goes for the escalating conflict in Ukraine. 131
Posted by macrobius on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 02:56 | # GW, Shoigu isn’t an ethnic Russian and nobody in Russia pretends he’s an ethnic Russian. By contrast, in the West we’re supposed to pretend that Rishi Sunak and Humza Yousef are no different than native Britons. 132
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 10:29 | # Shoigu’s mother was a Russian-speaking Ukrainian, his father Tuvan (north-western Mongolian). He is an apt example of the mixed genetics of Eurasia, of which the Muscovites are part. Such mixing (actually, panmixia) shows itself in the Ukrainian population east of the Dneiper, in the south-east and in the Crimean Peninsula. I found some info posted on Quora to the effect that the genetics of Muscovites (ie, ethnic Russian Slavs) break down as: 59% Eastern Europe The European component will only continue to weaken now that Russian empire in eastern Europe is done with and is not coming back. There are no ancient lines of history leading Muscovy to Europe in that respect, but only away politically and genetically into the vastness of the Russian landmass. Accordingly, Muscovites do not consider themselves to be European but Russian/Eurasian, and look not to European nationhood but Eurasian empire. Perhaps if the Urals and the Caucasus had been 10,000 ft higher, and the Tzars not dreamt of empire, Europe and Asia’s separation would have been more permanently defined, and the Muscovites would truly have been classifiable today as European Slavs. But as it is there is Europe, there is Eurasia, there is East Asia, and these are the three great races of the north, albeit the Eurasian one is too multivarious to be understood in this historical moment other than collectively. Of Europeans, we can say that the sub-races of the Germanics, western and southern Slavs, and Mediterraneans constitute the broad outline of the race. Unlike Muscovite nationalists, in Europe it is the patchwork of ethnicities (Scots, Irish, Italians, and so forth) which we, as nationalists, desire to preserve as they are, without further losses. We do not seek expansion but re-crudescence. Of course there remains the problem of white American preservation, where the mere descriptive of “white” is altogether more inclusive, and the distinctions which are all important across the water are not present or only present in a weak form. But it is for white Americans to save themselves as they are and as they may, and the same is true in Canada and the Antipodes. Southern Africa has gone. 133
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 12:51 | # Just something to take into account: During the 19th century, Ukraine, west of the Dneiper was home to one quarter of the world’s Jewish population. At present, Ukraine is home to the fifth largest Jewish community after the United States, Israel, Russia and France. And FWIW, were not the Russkies west of the Urals always considered Europeans? They, with few exceptions, are indistinguishable from other eastern Europeans. Perhaps Razib Khan - or no doubt scores of other population geneticists - did genetic analyses on the western Russian population. I know he did one on Ashkenazim Jews and determined they, for the most part, are Middle-Eastern/Eastern-European hybrids.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:20 | # “Of course there remains the problem of white American preservation” The future looks bleak for white Americans. With each succeeding generation they are becoming more and more steeped in anti-white ideologies. The sheer number of whites taking part in the current craze of self-loathing is staggering. 135
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 15:41 | # Thorn, if one is literal about it (which doubtless one should not be), the ethnic input percentages in that list @ 132 add up to around 75% that would qualify as European by the measure you and Macro are applying. So equivalent to a quadroon. 136
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 16:14 | # Sorry, GW, but I’m not buying the idea that the Russians are genetically the equivalent of quadroons. From what I gather, most are, in fact, homogeneous.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians#:~:text=Genetically the m,ajority of Russians,and the territory of Rus’. 137
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:17 | # @125 Timothy Murray writes:
AIT is the pathway to that “true” chatgpt in the sense that AIT is an extension of the natural sciences (and its methods) to the (algorithmic) information age. But, as always, we must recognize that the natural sciences can tell us little more than what is true about that aspect of Truth that is mechanical. This is for the same reason that computation is mechanical. So, we have a history of the natural sciences as an example of serving Logos in this limited sense and for that reason AIT, if pursued with due humility, offers its extension with greater fidelity. This, of course, is why all the noise about “AGI alignment” is misdirection in service of error, confusion and/or lies. 138
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:37 | # @118 Thorn writes:
That depends on what your issue is. LaGriffe’s issue is “wealth of nations”. My conjectured Maoist intelligence agency, doing gain of function virulence on the West’s Jewish population to win the Cold War, is a different issue. Standard deviation is the corresponding main issue. I go over a higher level aspect of that conjecture targeting not Jewish virulence but generally the attack on the very concept of intelligence (which is arguably largely the work of virulent Jews in the West ala Culture of Critique). That calculation of the “smart fraction” (I use 140 IQ for intelligence agency combat) requires some assumption for the standard deviation—which is why I was excited that there might actually be some data. However, LaGriffe specifically declaims data on NE Asian standard deviation:
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 10:38 | # James, There are peripheral and observational elements to the East Asian life which tend to confirm the theory of a compact IQ distribution as causal to them, just by their ubiquity and generality. These include the relatively weak (given the numbers) East Asian intellectual and aesthetic creative output, including in the furthest reaches of the theoretical sciences as well as ontology (for which there is a complete blindspot). Both demand the highest levels of abstraction. Another is the (Rushtonian) default assumption for the good of authority and for conformism. The latter is allied to the known hostility towards individuality - in the Japanese school system signs of non-conformity and rebellion are literally beaten out of children at a young age. Another, related to that, is the general observation by Westerners in times of war of the cheapness in which life is held. Tales abound of the taste for mass self-sacrifice in that respect. Cheapness, of course, argues for indifferentiation. Yes, one could retort that this is all mere correlation. But, then, there is no evidence, indeed has never been any evidence, for sameness across the human family. Thorn, There is a qualitative and temporal distinction between a native population suffering land-colonisation and a local population willingly consigning itself to panmixia. Qualitatively, the difference is in concern for the genetic identity, specificity, and continuity of the group, which has fled the eastern Slav population.
Europe is lost in Muscovy, and the Moscow elite’s vision of global hegemony is darker and more hopeless for us than you want to contemplate. 140
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:55 | # James @ 138 The standard deviation of East Asian countries is a shade less than 13 as opposed to Western countries where the SD is 15. Narrower distribution of IQ in Asian countries vs that of Western countries. GW, brings up a very good point about the quality of the geniuses in East Asian countries - namely the creative output. Obviously the Chinese are smart enough to recreate the civilizations Europeans created. They’ve proven to be outstanding copycats. Moreover, what the East Asians are incapable of creating on their own, Western nations either sell it to them, gift it to them, or the EAs steal the intellectual property from us. The biggest advantage the Chinese have over us is they place paramount value on meritocracy - especially in the engineering field. The USA, OTOH, is attacking meritocracy claiming it is a system specifically designed to perpetuate “white supremacy” and “systematic racism” aimed at oppressing blacks and other people of color. You, no doubt are well aware that meritocracy is rapidly being replaced by a neo-Marxist ideology that operates behind the name of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI). It has infected virtually all our institutions both public and private. DEI is a hierarchical structure where CRT and intersectionality plays the central role determining who are the oppressors and who are the oppressed. Of course according to the rankings in the structure, straight white-male Christians are the most evil of all oppressors; they are targeted as the first to be eliminated from society. See that sly smile on Xi’s face? He’s watching with delight as the USA dies by way of self-inflicted stupidity. 141
Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 18:28 | # Hi @JamesBowery
Agreed. That is the point. Any action taken in service of error, confusion or lies leads to chaos and hell*; these things…and this is my emphasis…destroy themselves Science is self-reinforcing, “Science” in the service of lies, will always point to the truth. *literally 142
Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 18:31 | # This is a fun thread. thanks to all. Very enjoyable reading. 143
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 Apr 2023 15:23 | # @139 & @140 Since my point seems to have escaped these and other prior responses to my request for the cite of the SD of Chinese IQ, let me reiterate in a different way: It probably has not escaped my readers, including GW and Thorn, that I am not only aware of population differences in what GW would have me called “individuality”, but this characteristic is crucial for “The Wealth of Nations”—which is an operational metric for “creativity”. Indeed, I decidedly tried, in this very thread, to distinguish what I am talking about from “The Wealth of Nations” aka “creativity”: An ability to engage in espionage. My own “smart fraction” calculation, previously linked, and here again linked to “Why America Lost The Cold War With The Chinese Communists” is about espionage. Moreover, it was this very forum, MR, where I first set forth, over a decade ago in a comment, what I thought might be the decisive factor now playing out in the kabuki theatrics of “The Likud Candidate’s” arrest yesterday, which is being played up as a reenactment of the arrest and trial of Christ by many who should be able to see through the theater: Circa 2006 Jews had planned on abandoning the West and heading for China—which is the historic pattern I’ve described as “the evolution of Jewish virulence”—but then found themselves unable to do so. The more savvy among them (ie: able to engage in espionage and counter-espionage), including the Likud faction of the Mossad, realized they’d been had. That’s when they decided they’d have to try to “Make America Great Again” with what I, right after the “Mexican Rapist Speech” called “The Likud Candidate” rather than just leaving its dried husk of a corpse to twist in the wind. My repeated admonitions to these relatively intelligent Jews who might want have their Come To Jesus Moment and kick the virulence habit, are ignored. They, who ignore what I’ve repeatedly said over the decades, see me as a wild man eating locusts and honey in the desert blathering something incoherent like “REPENT!” PS: The time has come to reorient my efforts toward machine learning of language models to automate responses such as this so I have more time to devote to preparations for what’s now appearing to be the inevitable collapse born of the aforementioned unrepentant virulence. PPS: I went back and changed the aforelinked smart fraction espionage calculation to include Thorns uncited SD=12 for Chinese IQ and it’s still the case that they have an order of magnitude greater intelligence agency potential. 144
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 05 Apr 2023 23:56 | # James, Why do you think the uni-party is so threatened by Trump? I think it has a philosophical basis. What say you? 145
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 06 Apr 2023 00:29 | # The legal system in the USA has been completely weaponized against anything that is protective of the white race. 146
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:37 | # As I’ve repeatedly conjectured, Trump aka “The Likud Candidate”, represents a splinter in the Jewish population that has realized they’ve been had by Chinese intelligence—that the Jewish population (or if you prefer, the Ashkenazi high-functioning Jewish population long-adapted to parasitic activities like tax-farming on behalf of decadent aristocrats, only to take-the-money-and-run to the next principality when there is a “populist revolt”) has been used to destroy the US. The “uni” aspect of “the party” reacts against Trump so violently because its unifying principle is that of an immunodeficiency virus with the singular goal of centralizing power whether in the public or private sectors. There is no sector of society not in the thrall of the fentanyl-like addiction to this centralization, and the Maoist intelligence understands this is how to destroy a society—which is why all it had to do was target restraining elements of the Jewish population with dirty tricks virtually invisible to our own, inferior, intelligence agencies. The Likud splinter not only has has experience with BORDER CONTROL as well as RAISING TOTAL FERTILITY RATES in Israel, but awareness that its fortunes depend critically on THE SURVIVAL OF THE NATION OF SETTLERS. 148
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 07 Apr 2023 00:55 | # Thorn , if you believe that Tony Blair was a member of “the ruling class” then perhaps you might also believe that Leon Trotsky ((( Lev Bronstein))) was a member of Russia’s incipient capitalist class. 149
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 07 Apr 2023 00:59 | # JB , re Chatbots , if they can’t do Maths , their limitations , for now , are obvious. 150
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 07 Apr 2023 01:18 | # Timothy , reluctant as I normally am to recommend books to online acquaintances , I would hazard that you possess the intellectual curiosity to investigate a recent Kindle download . The book is antique : the author was both a clergyman and an Oxford academic and , in my far from humble opinion , beats Freud like a Mexican family mule . ” The Anatomy of Melancholy ” by Robert Burton . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Anatomy_of_Melancholy Although why someone so secure in the ” Light of the Lord ” might feel compelled to write such a gem remains one of old (((Yahweh’s))) mysteries . 151
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 Apr 2023 11:32 | # @148 Amusing comment, Al, and perhaps you’re right. But could Tony Blair at least qualify as a puppet of the ruling class? 152
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 00:28 | # After WWII, the two things in common that made both the Soviet Union and the USA great powers were the Nazi scientists that each side commandeered after the war. 153
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 12:01 | # It’s been obvious since 2014 (actually several years before then) that TPTB in both the USA and some NATO countries have been planning the de facto takeover of Russia, but Putin’s Russian nationalist (Russia first) policies are standing in their way. The destruction of Ukraine is an unfortunate casualty in the attempted takeover. It remains to be seen how far, and to what extent, the destruction spreads.
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 13:36 | # Thorn: It’s been obvious since 2014 (actually several years before then) that TPTB in both the USA and some NATO countries have been planning the de facto takeover of Russia, but Putin’s Russian nationalist (Russia first) policies are standing in their way. Of late I have been asking the folks who pull the neocon/Maiden/history_starts_in_2014 bunny out of the hat to provide proof that the CIA “did Ukraine”. I haven’t had a reply yet. Because there isn’t any. It’s the go-to line for mechanical West-haters who don’t mind being played by the FSB and don’t want to trouble themselves with inconvenient truths. Putin is not a nationalist anymore than Xi is a nationalist. Elitism is not nationalism, and this is as elitist as it gets: https://majorityrights.com/weblog/news_comments/sergei_lavrov_today_tomorrow_the_new_world_order “I will talk ... but only talk, mind you ... about not beating up the Hohols if you agree to let me rule the world instead of you.” 155
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 14:08 | # “It’s the go-to line for mechanical West-haters” I loved the West before The Long March Through the Institutions came to fruition. Now that the West is being governed by a ruling-class steeped in all sorts of sick-ass Neo-Marxist ideologies, my love for it has significantly diminished. It’s impossible not to notice that the USA is fast transforming into a banana republic. The indictment of Donald Trump is a shining example of police state tactics. So is it any wonder why so many are not enamored with the current state of things here in the West? Then there’s the how and why our educational system is mind-fucking kids - especially white boys. I could go on and on but suffice it to say there are many legitimate reasons half the population in the USA hates the other half. I can’t see the USA lasting much longer; and once the USA goes down, it’s curtains for Europe too. In the meantime the Negroes are breeding like rabbits. Negro planet here we come! YEE HAW!!! 156
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 14:58 | # BTW the CIA wasn’t the sole org. doing subversion work in Ukraine following the collapse of the Soviet Union up to 2014. There was a whole network of Western funded orgs working there. Some backed by good old George Soros himself. But, of course, the CIA involvement is pretty much shrouded in mystery. From what I gather they funded orgs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to prepare the ground leading up to the Maiden Coup. What is in plain sight, however, is the CIA’s involvement after the 2014 coup. https://www.cato.org/commentary/washington-helped-trigger-ukraine-war 157
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 09 Apr 2023 03:55 | # Timothy , the “Ruling Class” in England would have been most unlikely Labour Party voters in Blair’s 1997 landslide election as any psephologist would doubtless confirm . However , stalwart in their support for Labour were England’s residents of ( overwhelmingly Roman Catholic ) Irish descent and citizenship ( foreigners from the Irish Republic are allowed to vote in UK ). Of course these Hibernians , although RCs , were not as well - educated as that denomination’s intellectual shock troops, the Jesuits , whose compassionate oath you may peruse here : https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2478231803/view?partId=nla.obj-2478232434 158
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 09 Apr 2023 10:52 | # Thorn, the point is that Putin’s modern Tsarist absolutism and Eurasian imperialism is not wanted by the people of any former Soviet satellite, including Russian speakers in the Baltic States, and including the white Russians of Belarus. No one wants it. The Americans don’t have to subvert the will of the Belarussians to stop them voting for Putin’s puppet, and don’t have to do likewise to the 27% of ethnic Russians in Latvia or the 25% in Estonia to stop them from forming militias and fighting for Russian World. They don’t have to subvert the will of the Moldovans to resist the threat from the Russian military and state actors ensconced in Transnistria. In Ukraine the people rose up twice to rid themselves of Yanukovych, and voted in Zelensky in 2019 specifically to accomplish the Sisyphean task of moving to a clean, Western-style democracy (in which, incidentally, anyone could make a politics of regional independence). So during the years from Putin’s rise to power, dating from 1999, to the invasion in 2022 the Americans were concerned not to subvert Ukrainians’ will, for pete’s sake, but to block the Kremlin from doing so. They certainly do this in the name of the contest for The Globality, and not out of moral concern for Ukrainians. But do we really want the CCP’s imperial global hegemony, with Putin chipping in as Xi’s sidekick? Ukrainians surely don’t. There are some other very obvious truths you should by now have internalised: 1. Putin and the Kremlin elites are not nationalists somehow fighting for our freedom. They are not interested in anyone’s freedom but their own. Their power model is not better for us than the Western model and would not, in any case, change the foreignisation of our homelands. Neither Putin nor Xi want a rising nationalism in the Western nations. 2. The war in Ukraine is part of Putin’s long-run, military-led campaign of eurasianist imperialism. It has literally nothing to do with the wants and needs of the people of the Donbas or Odessa and the south or whatever. 3. The reality of international politics is always historical and power-related. Today that translates as a struggle between the Western, Kremlin and CCP elites and their respective visions for The Globality, variously allied with regional powers such as India, Turkey, Iran, and Saudi. 4. Therefore, “the West” does not equal globalism. Technocracy is not a Western-limited phenomenon. China is the world’s first Technate, and is even now building the system under which we would live as the Chinese do today. 5. Our future hinges on our capacity to fight, for which the vestiges of the liberal democratic model offer our only hope, forlorn though it may seem. 159
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 09 Apr 2023 12:06 | # “1. Putin and the Kremlin elites are not nationalists somehow fighting for our freedom. They are not interested in anyone’s freedom but their own. Their power model is not better for us than the Western model and would not, in any case, change the foreignisation of our homelands. Neither Putin nor Xi want a rising nationalism in the Western nations.” GW, In large part, agree with that and will explain why when I have the time to do so. Today is a busy day for me - Easter and all. 160
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 09 Apr 2023 23:41 | # Thorn , If one were to substitute ‘Biden’ and ‘White House’ for ‘Putin’ and ‘Kremlin’ , GW’s claim would still make eminent sense. The fourth sentence is a non sequitur inasmuch as Joe Biden and Ursula von der Leyen would , with consummate ease , do duty as Messrs Putin and Xi . 161
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 09 Apr 2023 23:59 | # Erratum . Comment 157 was intended for Thorn. While on the vexed question of “the ruling class” , an historically recent addition to that happy band was ex - Prime Minister , David Cameron. Cameron , gung ho for carnage , and under the usual Semitic, Neocon led pressure from Tel Aviv - on - the - Potomac , was reluctantly forced to put UK’s prospective participation in America’s Syria adventure to a House of Commons vote . Nothing doing . UK included itself out ( apologies to MGM’s Samuel Goldwyn ). 162
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 12:24 | #
” “Neither Putin nor Xi want a rising nationalism in the Western nations.” So what? Neither does Biden or any other leader of Western nations want a rising nationalism in Western nations, save Orban or Trump. Never said it was. The “foreignisation” of our homelands is almost entirely caused by the enemy within, obviously. “They are not interested in anyone’s freedom but their own.” Good for them. “Putin and the Kremlin elites are not nationalists somehow fighting for our freedom.” Putin and the Kremlin elites are fighting for their own freedom against an aggressive USA/NATO alliance hellbent on destroying Russian nationalism. The issue is why is the USA/NATO hellbent on destroying Russia? Hint: Russia is not an
Hogwash. Pure fantasy. Putin is not for modern Tsarist absolutism and Eurasian imperialism. He in fact wanted to be part of NATO and the EU sphere but the cold-war mentality in the heads of those running the Pentagon and CIA prevented such a relationship. Instead USA/NATO aggression drove Russia into China’s arms. “No one wants it.” Anyone capable of seeing through Western propaganda knows at least half of the Ukrainians want it. Here are the key facts: Anatomy of a Coup: How CIA front laid foundations for Ukraine war
RTWT and make sure to follow the links: https://mronline.org/2022/07/06/anatomy-of-a-coup/ All the links are very credible and informative but this one is germane to who the Maiden protesters were: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/02/12/who-are-the-protesters-in-ukraine/ 163
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 17:35 | #
While authentic nationalism is rooted in the ethnic, Russia is a multi-ethnic state which absolutely cannot abide nationalism among its ethnicities. I would argue that there was something of the ethnic present in Hitler’s NS (and that of the Strassers). But nothing of that is, or can be, present in eurasianism, which is a pseudo-religious, expansionist project of an existing mulitracialist state in which no particular ethnicity can be sovereign. The imperialism of such a state merely spreads its own universalism to the newly subject ethnic groups. Eventually, ethnicity itself is bred out of the people, if they are not ethnically cleansed from their home first. We, however, are ethnic nationalists (I presume you, too, must be such), and our empathy is with the natives of the land and not with the Russian state or its Moscow elites. Therefore, we do not look to the Kremlin in hope of nationalism.
The Western elites are endeavouring to hold Russia together while extinguishing its globalist project. Ultimately, the Western elites want the Kremlin elites to take their place in the G20-led system of The Globality, which I have explained to you many times.
Putin only came to the presidency in 2000, and immediately embarked upon a reconstruction of Russian regional power. It was Yeltsin who sought NATO membership, and was rebuffed, most likely because the work of bringing the former Soviet satellites into the Western architecture was still ongoing. Indeed, the first treaty of accession to the EU - that of Poland - was not signed until April 2003. The ensuing process of economic and social change is a project of decades. It would have been completely unthinkable to incorporate a state like Russia into the West. Nobody was ready for that. The EU has not been able to accept Turkey yet, after decades of talking! As for China, there is a case for Western complacency, but that related to the G20 project and the fantasy of limiting Chinese global ambitions - something that simply did not occur to the architects of Chinese awakening from 1971 onwards. If you think there is a people in eastern Europe who want to live under the fat peasant arse of the Kremlin elites, perhaps you might like to name them. It’s not the Ukrainians. They have risen up twice and voted in Zelensky to prove that, and now they are holding the aggressor at bay with their bodies. If you think “at least half” of them want to see Russian empire you must explain why the Ukrainian army is fighting so hard. Keith A. Darden: ... believes that schooling, not ethnicity, explains attachment. You might find his portrait picture familiar in certain respects, ie, not unlike other people who experience a strange need to find for culture over nature. Lucan Way:
You are going to have to do a lot better than these two. 164
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:22 | # “It was Yeltsin who sought NATO membership” Pooty Poot sought NATO membership too.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:56 | #
First some defintions: *Ethnicity = a group of people who share a cultural identity or heritage. *Race = a group of people who share a biological ancestor. *Nationality = a group of people who share a legal attachment and allegiance to a particular country. So, GW, according to your wording, as long as a Negroid living in England shares its cultural identity, then by definition the Negroid is just as ethnically English as you. What WNs support - or should support - is racial-nationalism. Hitler and the Nazis were racial-nationalists. Heil Hitler!! What the USA/NATO is doing to Russia is a separate issue. But the consequences of what the USA/NATO instigated/provoked is currently resulting in the deaths of hundreds-of-thousands of white people. Moreover, it’s pushing Western Civ to the brink of nuclear annihilation. IDIOTS! 166
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 20:27 | # Intelligence leaks. Oh no!!! lol https://johnhelmer.org/the-writing-on-the-wall-as-revealed-by-the-pentagon-papers-leak/ https://strategic-culture.org/news/2023/04/10/the-pentagon-leaks-charade/ 167
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 22:12 | #
IMHO, Darden makes the case for why Ukraine should be partitioned into two autonomous countries: (rough outline) one east of the Dnieper and the other west of it. The stability of Ukraine, Europe, and the entire world would be better off for it. 168
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 23:57 | # Putin is acutely aware that Russia is not racially European but eurasian. We have already touched on the Asiatic influence (@ 132) in the Moscovite mind, and the consequences of that which we can measure behaviourally, culturally, politically, and historically. It is not necessary to visit that again. But, in fact, a brief raid on Wikipedia to check the incumbents of the usual great offices of state is sufficient to uncover the mixed ethnic nature of the beast. Sergey Lavrov’s father was Armenian. Putin’s prime minister is Mikhail Mishustin. His father was a Jew from Belarus. Putin’s long-time interior minister is Vladimir Kolokoltsev. He was born in Penza oblast in the centre of the Russian landmass, and very much looks Asianised:
This is the top strata of the Kremlin executive. It is not notably ethnically Muscovite. It may not be typical of the whole of the Putin administration. But panmixia manifestly has a hold. On the matter of Putin wishing to come together with the West, Wiki records that during his 2000 presidential election campaign:
What he has actually built is a one-party security state and a repression by means of assassination and judicial detention while his immediate circle parasite off the economy. His eurasian empire would be that way. Likewise, “the Globality according to Putin” would be that way. It is not at all obvious today how Xi’s model would differ. Do I think that the Western elites’ G20 model can be realised? No. Do I think Xi’s model can be realised? Yes, and I’m sure Putin thinks that too. We cannot possibly benefit from it. It’s insanity to call for it just on the basis that it damages and denies the Western elites. On Darden, it is extremely likely that he is a Russophile. Does he possess a critique of the Kremlin’s globalism, or even realise that it exists? Does he actually believe that Putin’s eurasian project stops at the Dnieper? Obviously, or he wouldn’t make such a blind and shallow judgement. 169
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:50 | #
Would you care to post a pic of the current Prime Minister of the UK? LOL GW, I like you but it’s so obvious you are afflicted with Putin Derangement Syndrome (PDS). You go way out of your way to depict Russians as hideous ugly people - eg. your comment @139. Let’s refocus the Russian phenotype on reality. Here are some Russian beauties: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=beautiful+russian+women&qpvt=beautiful+russian+women&form=IGRE&first=1 170
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:03 | # I am not offering the holders of the great offices of state in Russia as fine physical specimens, only as a microcosm of the panmixia of Russian elite society. These are the people at the top, that’s all. How likely are they to care about our native right to our lands and our ethnic/racial integrity? I am also not arguing that the Eastern Slavic (Muscovite) phenotype does not exist or produce female beauty by European standards. Here is the third wife of Dmitri Peskov (Putin’s rough-house spokesman): She is a Russian-Ukrainian by birth, raised in Belarus then Russia (so, the Soviet Union, basically). She was an Olympic ice skater in the noughties, when this photograph was obviously taken. Peskov is a former diplomat. Wiki states that:
Not bad for a press secretary and his squeeze. As to you employing a made-up charge of “derangement” against me, that is anti-intellectual and beneath you. The questions I am seeking to address are simple and form a paradigm of global geopolitical change in which we have to operate, thus: 1. Is Russia an empire? You may consider the answer to no.8 a devil’s bargain, and you would be right. But that’s not the point. If you are able to operate critically within the geopolitical context of all these questions then we can make some progress in developing a shared understanding. If you can’t get past the notion that there is no more than “the West” to this ... that our enemy is just “the West” and its enemies are our friends, and their conquest of “the West” is a non-issue or wouldn’t really affect our way of life ... then we will not make progress, obviously. 171
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 14:03 | # GW: “The questions I am seeking to address are simple and form a paradigm of global geopolitical change in which we have to operate, thus:”
No. The USSR was an empire and it declined and December 31, 1991 marked the date of its dissolution.
No. He is a Russian patroit who places the security of the Russian citizens as his top priority
See my answer to question #2.
Russia reluctantly invaded Ukraine. But the USA/NATO was militarizing Ukraine (arming them to the teeth) thus making it an existential security threat to Russia.
We have the Western leadership to blame for pushing Russia (the leading producer of raw materials in the world), into the arms of China (the factory of the world) thus we now live in a multi-polar world.
I’m gonna skip that question for now. I’m going to read an article on Glazyev later today so I’ll get back to you on that. But don’t expect a PhD level response. lol (But of course you already know that.)
I think Western elites have the real potential of being just as authoritarian as those in the Kremlin and the CCP. We got a taste of that during the Covid response.
From our own kind, of course .... BUT Whites live under racial tyranny here in the USA. Wokeism, CRT, Queer Theory, intersectionality, “Anti-Racism” as defined by the Neo-Marxists ... all the aforementioned ideologies have overtaken the mindset of the ruling-class. In practice the ruling-class has placed the straight white Christian males—and the straight white Christian females who support them—at the very bottom of society - there’s that; not good from a WN perspective. And lest we forget, ‘Cancel culture’ has been in full force oppressing defenders of white people’s interests since the 1960s. The facts tell us that our leaders’ authoritarianism is on par with Xi and Putin. Make no mistake about it, we here in the USA are very close to transitioning from a constitutionally limited republic to an authoritarian government ruled with an iron fist. As it stands now, our government is de facto controlled by a handful of oligarchs. With the money, power, and control of information oligarchs wield, they pick and choose which politicians can successfully win elections. All they need is a majority of pols on their side to advance their pre-written policies. Moreover, party affiliation matters not as long as the pols will advance the donor-class’s policies. Our overlords will allow some dissent (e.g. The House Freedom Caucus) but not enough to threaten the power structure’s grip on power. Digital currencies and digital credit scores are on the table. 172
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 14:27 | # GW asks: Under whose hand might we, as European-descended peoples, have the greatest leeway ... the greatest vestigial freedom ... to fight for our kind? The structure of civil society I posit in the introduction of militia.money would have us pay greater attention to sex than to anything founded upon it. In this respect the West is the greatest threat and, while it may be true (and I quite suspect it is) that the CCP has focused its assets in the West in a singular obsession with the parasitic castration of children toward the destruction of sex so that western elites, who are relatively sexually secure in their sociosexual status, are divided by this wedge issue from their natural constituencies (as we see exhibited with GW here), it is also the case that this weakness in the West is being exploited because it exists to a greater degree than in any sort of north Asian alliance with Russia. I keep trying to warn you guys that your analytic framework for civilization ignores the abrogation of a young man’s natural right to challenge positions of authorities to natural duel, but all you can see is the pornographic violence that Hollywood has implanted in your subconscious and summarily dismissed my analytic framework. This is all the more tragic as these young men are the only hope, and failure to understand the deep evolutionary psychology at work in the disintegration of their Being on the basis of such facile dismissals—all the more unforgivable because of the position of relative sociosexual status held by those doing the dismissal—is exactly what the CCP sees and understands about the West. PS: I strongly suspect that the West’s weakness is a result of the slave trade with Africa and that this is yet another example of what I’ve been trying to get across to people for 30 years starting with Race, Gender and the Frontier in 1992 and then the conjecture I set forth in The GOD Hypothesis circa 2000. This is why the CCP’s assets have been pushing blackity-black-black on the West in concert with parasitic castration of children. And the CCP’s awareness of Jewish involvement in the slave trade most likely entails not just the African slave trade but also the slave trade of Chinese with the US during the building of the transcontinental railroad. The opium wars were a part of this historic “lesson” taught the Chinese regarding Jews as traffickers during this, the start of “a century of humiliation”. 173
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 Apr 2023 23:06 | # Back in 2003 Tammy Bruce wrote a book warning the American people about how the radical gay mafia was infiltrating the educational system. Their intent is obvious: to fuck-up the thinking of society’s most vulnerable - children. Tammy’s warnings went unheeded. WHY? https://www.amazon.com/Death-Right-Wrong-Exposing-Assault/dp/1400052947 174
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 00:32 | # JB , your interesting surmise re 19th Century Chinese knowledge of the difference between Jewish drug merchants ( the Sephardic Sassoons ) and the British ( Scottish, Jardine Matheson ) variety presupposes a Chinese ability to differentiate between, or apply taxonomy to, two species of “Gwailo” ( foreign devil ). Of course , nowadays the Chinese Govt have apprehended the potential threat . I don’t think your historical horse will run . 175
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 01:10 | # Thorn , the book you cite may indeed be worthy as far as it goes . Does Tammy Bruce investigate causes or simply list symptoms ? Anyway, the same Semitic racial aliens who concocted the wad of piffle called the Old Testament , are probably not mentioned as prime movers in Tammy Bruce’s book’s dolorous subject. When Chosenites infiltrate a nation’s culture , their first concern , after obvious one of capital accretion , is to distort the minds of the Goyim ( cattle ). Jewish media control is too pervasive to be worthy of further mention . After all , why bother to cite examples of what is glaringly obvious. Next time you look to The Book of Revelation for prophecy , please consider that you may be equally well served , future - wise , by extispicy.
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 03:17 | # GW , your infinitely laid back patience with Thorn’s hurriedly (((Googled )))version of “ethnicity” is almost Christian in its tolerance . The normal cliche would be to attribute your forbearance to ” the patience of a Saint ” . Thankfully you do not qualify for Sainthood , as that is a post mortem award. Later , Inshallah ? 177
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:40 | #
Tammy Bruce was a hard leftist radical feminist. She was the President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Organization of Women. Thus she became evolved with the Left’s upper echelon, the brainiac schemers planning strategies on how to advance the overarching Neo-Marxist agenda we now see infecting and destroying all the corners of our culture and society. When she awakened to the fact that the “women’s rights movement” was a sham, a front being used to advance the sickest anti-moral Neo-Marxism ever concocted, she switched sides and started to fight against the evil being foisted on America. One of the most valuable lessons normies can learn from reading her books The New Thought Police and The Death of Right and Wrong is the Left is more cunning, more organized, more ruthless, smarter, shrewder, exceedingly more aggressive, and infinitely funded. That’s why they are making easy work of their resistance. Tammy is but one voice; we need a few million more like her if we ever hope to turn the tide. Read her books and learn a thing or two about reality; about how the real world works. BTW, Al, can you take the time to treat us, (in your own words) what your definition of “ethnicity” is and how it differs from race? It is of utmost importance that if we are to clearly understand the subject being discussed, we first must define our terms. Or do you think ethnicity and race mean the same thing.
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:00 | # Thorn , sub - Saharan Africans are of the Congoid race . The Congoid Igbo are an ethnic subset , or branch of that race. Harvard’s Prof. Carleton Coon dilated upon this theme in his magisterial 1962 work , ‘The Origin of Races.’ 179
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:10 | # @178 Just as I suspected. You are incapable of knowing thus explaining the difference. Stick with your interest in extispicy, Al. That appears to be your area of expertise. lol 180
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:24 | # Thorn: No. The USSR was an empire and it declined and December 31, 1991 marked the date of its dissolution. If you simply, mechanically deny reality I can’t communicate with you at all. Of course, all power, when it becomes detached from the interests and will of the tribe, tends to autocracy and absolutism via elitism and graft. That is power’s dynamic - Lord North did not go far enough (and, perhaps, living in an age of British Empire as he was, could not go that far). Certainly, for us to speak of “All Russia” is also to speak within the terms of that imperialising process. The All Russia polity has always been Tsarist, and not merely in the age which ended in Ekaterinburg. It is an inevitable product of the extra-continental vastness of the landscape and the variation of ethnicities - all 193 of them - which cannot possibly have the same interests or will. Russia can only gestate repeated imperial models for the concentration and exercise of power. Nothing else can perpetuate Russia itself, hence the chaos of the Gorbachev years after his turn to social democracy and of the Yeltsin presidency which followed. Putin and his security state is a return to the only model of power which results in Russia. Her imperialism is, then, inescapable - and dangerous for every people within or bordering her periphery. Given half a chance, every one of the former would spin off to pursue its own interests. Hence, we have witnessed the Second Chechen War which lasted from 1999 to 2009, the aggressor war in Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008, the war in Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia-Alania, and Chechnya again between 2009 and 2017. The danger to those outside the Russian periphery consists in bullying and satrapy. Hence we have witnessed Moscow’s maintenance in power of its puppet in Belarus, allied to the process (initially) of economic absorption under State Union Law. But we have also witnessed Moscow’s relentless attempts to impose satrapy on the Ukrainian people. I read an article in the Spectator a few weeks ago which reported an informal exchange, which took place sometime in the early 1990s, between a high-ranking American diplomat and his counterpart in the Russian interior ministry. The discussion turned to the future of the ex-Soviet states in the West. When the subject of Ukraine came up the Russian said, “You can have all of the others but Ukraine is for us.” He wasn’t just speaking about the Russian-speakers who we are told are Moscow’s great concern and cause de guerre now. That’s a myth manufactured in 2014: https://kyivindependent.com/10-popular-misconceptions-about-ukrainian-history-debunked/
The Kiev Independent, btw, has a number of short and to the point, English-language articles addressing the FSB lines which have penetrated the internet (and your mind); for example, on the Maiden: https://kyivindependent.com/euro-maidan-revolution/ The Kiev Post: https://www.kyivpost.com Meduza: https://meduza.io/en 181
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:33 | # Pull-quote: “It is no coincidence that the victims of the Nashville massacre were all White, conservative Christians. These are the types of individuals whom the assailant and her peers are told to vilify.”
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/apr/8/queer-theory-indoctrination-is-directly-responsibl/ 182
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:56 | # Al: GW, your infinitely laid back patience with Thorn’s hurriedly (((Googled ))) version of “ethnicity” is almost Christian in its tolerance. Just racially European. We’re the folks who invented respect for others’ freedom to speak, after all. Yet more proof, were proof needed, that Muscovites are right out on the edge of our world-mind, and struggling to see why a civic foundation in individual freedom matters all that much. The centrifuge of Asiatic thinking just catches them. 183
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 13:17 | # “If you simply, mechanically deny reality I can’t communicate with you at all.” GW, I know how frustrating it can get if the person you are trying to impart knowledge to holds a much different opinion or sees the issue from a different perspective. I am not an ideologue, GW. I form my opinion on what I believe is the objective truth. If new info. proves my opinion to be incorrect and needs modification, I will make the necessary adjustments. To the best of my ability, I try not to cherry pick the info that supports my opinions. I think I know you well enough to believe you form your opinions with a very similar process. Right now, I’m off the gym for my daily workout. I’ll be sure to read the articles you linked to when I get back. 184
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:20 | # Your links @180 amount to, IMHO, anti-Putin news aggregation sites. Kinda like the opposite of RT.
The Chechen wars were caused by Islamic terrorism. Russia was justified in cleaning out that rat-nest of Islamic terrorists. Russia’s invasion of Georgia was probably justified also. Here’s a good article covering the events that led up to the invasion: https://warontherocks.com/2018/08/the-august-war-ten-years-on-a-retrospective-on-the-russo-georgian-war/ I try to take a neutral position on Putin and Russia. I just go where the facts take me and the facts keep informing me the USA along with some EU countries instigated the war in Ukraine. BTW, long before the Russian invasion, Zelensky was agreeable to the idea of granting Donetsk and Luhansk autonomy. He also agreed that Ukraine should remain a neutral country and not join NATO. In fact, he campaigned on those issues. But after he was elected, his puppet master in Washington DC thought otherwise. That and Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment threatened to hang Zelensky by his nads in the middle of Maidan Square if he dared give up an inch of Ukrainian territory. That set of circumstance leaves no room for a negotiated peace.
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:26 | # Re @174, I’m more than suspicious of anything arising out of “The Scottish Enlightenment”—particularly the “classical economists” and “comparative advantage” since it resulted in the urban elites seducing the clan chiefs into abandoning the cultivation of highly profitable Scottish mercenaries for the “more profitable” cultivation of sheep via the feu fees that kicked the kindly tenants off their homesteads so young men could no longer outbid the economy for the fertile years of young women. While the remnant of Scottish mercenary value remained in diminished form, and that was the main military might behind the “free trade” horseshit foisted on the Chinese via the “British” these “lowland clearances” created the American military’s backbone in the Scotch Irish but only because they had to flee their homeland to find farmland with which to feed children. We’re now in what the head of Clan Campbell has, in recent decades, called “The American Clearances”—revisiting that nightmare of “capitalism” once again*. Do you really think the Maoists couldn’t discern the various distinct pheromones wafting from that pile of “capitalist” shit? *But this time closing off the frontier by inhibiting capitalism from doing its job until after the Scotch Irish were inundated by immigrants from “British India”. 186
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 20:47 | # #Authoritarian Police State USA The U.S. Bill of Rights is being flushed down the toilet. Incidentally following report is coinciding with Zelensky sending soldiers into churches and arresting dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever, and in clear violation of the Ukrainian constitution, which no longer matters.
https://ijr.com/jim-jordan-leaked-fbi-memo-shows-disturbing-plot-spy-christians/ 187
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:59 | # Thorn, do you understand that the Ukrainians are the victims in this war? Are you capable of leaving “the West” out of it long enough to grasp that the moral dimension is crystal clear. The victim, not the aggressor, is morally superior. Always. Nothing else counts. Your offerings of all the usual received tropes about Putin’s “just” and “unavoidable” struggle against “America and the West” are not intellectually serious. None of it is serious. It actually reveals a perfect unawareness that you are being used by a monstrously unprincipled security apparatus which is no doubt delighted to find that you, and all those like you, are not thinking critically, or thinking much at all. It is delighted to find you in your fixed modus of circling round and round your own reactionary anger and resentments, which are easily exploited. It is delighted to exploit you. Coming to my house, where you are always welcome, does require you to take off your reactionary shoes and leave them at the door. Here one must think, and not offer what does not belong intellectually to you. Think, if you will, from the perspective of peoples and their natural right on and to the soil, and from their shared interests. These are not the stuff of reaction. These are positive influences in the life of peoples, with positive potentials for that life. That is how an ethnic nationalist (quite a rare beast, I now believe) necessarily thinks. I don’t know what else to say to someone who is capable of morally relativising Meduza, which is an outlawed dissident publication reporting on the nature, methods, and excesses of Putin’s security state, with the foreign propaganda of that security state. There are incredibly brave people in Putin’s Russia genuinely fighting for human freedom, truth, and justice. Some have been murdered, many imprisoned, many exiled. Just as Ukraine represents morality and freedom in respect to Russia’s external ambitions, so these people represent the same in the internal context. Honour them. Don’t get sucked into speaking of them, or of Ukraine, from the clever dictates of the Russian security machine. 188
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 23:42 | #
I understand that the Ukranian citizens are victims caught in a powerplay between the WEF agenda and Russian security interests. Try to think of the cause of the SMO in those terms. 189
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 04:49 | # Then you are wrong. I have posted enough links to Iain Davies’ work on this, surely. There is no excuse for not understanding the role and relation of Davos and the globalist institutional structure generally to the hegemonic models of the three competing powers. The role is that of universal software, and the relation is adjunctive. Davos is not involved in the hegemonic question, which proceeds by its own motive power as a contest between a general system of power distribution dedicated solely to geo-economics and two (allied) systems of power concentration focussed instead on geopolitics. Perhaps separating out the software from the competing operating systems in this way is the key to weaning you off your anti-Western drug long enough to glimpse the nature of the beast. The fact that you don’t encounter this thinking elsewhere in your journey across the internet does not mean that it is somehow wrong. It is not wrong. But, just as this site was among the first proper national sites in the Anglosphere to separate out the Judaic struggle from the technocratic struggle, and identify the succession of the latter, so we are ahead of the pack in this second necessary distinction. Give it a hearing. 190
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:33 | # Not sure I’m grasping what you’re trying to say about Davos, GW. At any rate, this article provides a clear explanation of what The Great Reset agenda is all about. Well worth the read. What Is the Great Reset? The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on November 7, 2021, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “The Great Reset.” Excerpt:
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:38 | #
More: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65245065 The above report reminds of this recent threat: Russian TV shows simulation of Britain and Ireland wiped out by a nuke 193
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:09 | # Thorn, your quote at 190 is good and accurate and wholly accords with my thesis that Davos is a universal software programme to be played on a yet to be determined hardware system. That reading of events removes Davos from the purview purely of “America and the West”, and returns the latter to the role of participant in the struggle to impose its G20-based geo-economic system on humankind. On one level, then, the Ukraine war is being fought between participants in that struggle. So when Mark Carney pleads for a geo-economic focus rather than a geopolitical one he is slicing through to the core of the contest. He wants everyone in the G20, meaning everyone including Russia and China, to put aside the old habits of geopolitical thinking and geopolitical struggle to allow America and the West to relinquish its unipolar global hegemony and develop everything towards an investor, banking and corporate dominated Globality. We know from Sergey Lavrov’s latest remarks on this that Moscow simply cannot accommodate an economic dispensation - no doubt because Russia is economically weak, and the Russian elites will count for very little in the G20-based system. So Moscow cannot afford to give up on its centuries-long expectation of being a great military power and a natural ruler over an extensive empire. Hence (a) modern eurasianism and (b) the imperial bloc model of “great spaces”, and hence the constant bad-mouthing of American unipolarity notwithstanding the fact that the American elites are trying to move away from it themselves (on their geo-economic terms, of course). The joke is that Moscow presents itself as the great champion of multipolarity and global “justice” while daily murdering Ukrainian civilians and striving after a system which would deliver its appallingly criminal and corrupt elites a share in what would rapidly become a Chinese unipolarity. For the Ukrainians defending their home and for the canon fodder of the Russian Army all this high politics does not exist or, even if it exists, is completely irrelevant to the ancient job in hand: staying alive, killing the Other. 194
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 13:01 | # Perhaps Marine should speak to Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki who just this week told a conference of the Atlantic Council that a Ukrainian defeat would encourage China to attack Taiwan the next day. 195
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:03 | # @ 193
But we knew decades ago about the mindset of Russians such as Putin and those who surround him. They are fierce old-school Russian patriots who are acting in what they believe is in Russia’s security interests. NATO expansion, particularly that of Ukraine, was the major red-line not to be crossed. The elites in the Pentagon and CIA etc. knew that but chose to cross it anyway. I can’t believe the U.S. intelligence agencies did not know Russia would invade Ukraine if sufficiently provoked!! The U.S. did their very best to provoke them and now we see the mess it caused - and the likely escalation forthcoming. IMO, if the western elites would have just waited three or four decades, Russia’s culture would have merged and blended in with that of western Europe. The educated-class in Russia was/is moving in that direction. Putin’s type of mentality is on the wane and Navalny type mentality is waxing. But our hubristic leaders lack the wisdom and patience to wait it out, to allow Russia to evolve on its own. Given that, I place most of the cause for this war on those currently ruling the USA.
Perhaps Mateusz Morawiecki is repeating the talking point pre-written for him by the DC neocons who pull his strings. No doubt Marine Le Pen is well aware talk like that amounts to scare tactics, part of the official narrative designed to influence and maintain the support of the plebs, the masses. 196
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 16:16 | # Thorn: They are fierce old-school Russian patriots who are acting in what they believe is in Russia’s security interests. You are stuck with this idea that Putin is acting defensively. Naturally, Moscow claims that. It is waging an information war. But the reality is that Putin has spent two decades expansively threatening his neighbours in the south, where no Western hand was evident, and denying their own will to independence militarily; and now he has moved on to attacking an independent country in the west for the singular reason that his long-run attempt to maintain a puppet in office have failed. Is that what we recognise as “old school patriotism”? Likewise, does the Russian army traduce Ukrainians as Nazis so as to more readily torture and kill them, deliberately bomb children in shelters, plant explosives under prisoners of war, play Russian roulette with a nuclear reactor, use thermic bombs on civilian areas, and attempt to freeze people to death by wrecking the power infrastructure ... does the Russian Army do these things for security reasons? No, it does them because it is seeking empire, which is an act of aggression. That at least is consonant with the facts. Thorn: I can’t believe the U.S. intelligence agencies did not know Russia would invade Ukraine if sufficiently provoked!! The U.S. did their very best to provoke them and now we see the mess it caused - and the likely escalation forthcoming. I came across a Ukrainian media thread a week ago here in which a typically anti-Western WN creature was sounding off about Nuland and, naturally, got his fingers burned. The rule of thumb debate-wise should be: don’t internalise obvious Russian propaganda and expect other people to clap like seals when rolling it out. This whole provoking thing is a nonsense. The American administration has a legitimate interest in Ukrainian self-determination. Russia does not have a legitimate interest in imposing satrapy, which it does next door in Belarus. Russia does not have some sacred right to dominate and dictate to its neighbours and call it “security”. It does not have some right to not come under pressure from Western governments. Always bear in mind that we are nationalists, and the people’s will to destine freely is an essential principle of our politics. We do not believe in empire and its “security” at the expense of human freedom and ethnic self-expression. 197
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 17:27 | #
It’s my opinion that Putin believes he is acting in the best interests of Russia’s security - present and future. I may be wrong but I don’t think so. Again, the USA knew/knows how freaking volatile Putin’s psychological make-up is but they threw caution to the wind and poked the bear too often and too hard. If the USA would have exercised patience Russia would have eventually become a very valuable and needed ally. But our hasty agenda pushed them into the arms of China.
LOL. It’s always a good idea to avoid reading the comments on websites such as that. They invariable amount to the ill-informed arguing with the mal-informed.
GW, I’m not “anti-Western”, I’m anti the current leadership who’re deliberately and methodically destroying the USA. What do you think the wide open U.S. borders are all about? There are many ways U.S. leaders are destroying the USA. Open borders are one of the most obvious. > 7 million illegals were invited in during the last two years and no slow down in sight. The Biden-Harris Administration is doing all it can to get as many in as they can. Deliberate destruction! Fentanyl flooding into the USA is another consequence of the Biden-Harris Administration’s open borders policy. 80,000 to 100,000 deaths per year due to fentanyl overdoses - almost entirely within the 15 to 45 age group. Then there’ s the psychological war on whites in America .... not to mention the destruction of the USA .... It’s been obvious since the Reagan Administration the plan was to blend the USA in with the rest of the world. Back then they were throwing around terms such as The New World Order, North American Union, Political Correctness etc. and so on and so-forth ... The terms have changed (e.g. a new term is The Great Reset) but the plan is essentially the same ... and continuing apace. Unlike our own leadership, at least Putin seems to care about the Russian citizens. 198
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 17:31 | # Should read: not to mention the destruction of the U.S.dollar (USD) 199
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:22 | #
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 20:23 | #
Leaker Arrested/ Ukraine Russia War Latest - Col Doug Macgregor Do you still believe what our lying government-media complex is telling you? 201
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 00:17 | # Dovetailing on my comment @197: The thinking of the “woke” cult is the world can’t go on with a white Christian country dominating it, hence the planed destruction of the USA. Try to prove me wrong! 203
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:24 | # One of the Scottish Enlightenment’s prime mover’s , David Hume , encouraged his fellow , (Gaelic speaking) Scots to switch to the English language for the practical reason of embracing modernity. The results were impressive, although this non - exhaustive list skews towards the Lowlanders : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Scottish_inventions_and_discoveries I have heard critiques of the Scottish Enlightenment several times but they are usually centred upon (((post modern))) concerns that it was ” an elitist movement” with no connection to the proletariat. David Hume was refused the chair of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University because he refused to believe that a Jew called Joseph was cuckolded by his hairdresser girlfriend , Mary , in favour of an old goatish deity called Yahweh. 204
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:43 | # @179 Apologies , I did not realise that you had completed a close reading of Coon’s ‘Magnum Opus’ in record time and I completely forgot about your deeply held belief , evolution wise , that your Jewish hero , Yahweh , created the Earth fairly recently , in paleontological terms . No point, then, in reading ’ Race’ by Oxford University’s Prof. JR Baker , and published by OUP . I have it on Kindle though it may have been proscribed by now which will save you endless trips to any online dictionary Stick to Jack Reacher you silly wee boy. 205
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 03:06 | # Cucker Tarlson has denounced his race’s US EGI in several videos . Anyway, Fox News will be gone faster than a Tranny - viewed, Thorn - achieved orgasm when the old buzzard , Rupert Murdoch, heads for ((( Heaven))). Holding his nose , James Murdoch , will divest Fox News to ( anonymous) Private Equity Jews . 206
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 10:32 | # Al @ 205
Your lame criticism of Tucker proves a point: it points out - as you so often do - what an oddball you really are. 207
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 23:53 | # Al @ 204 Again (WRT my comment to you @ 179) the point is you’ve clearly demonstrated you don’t understand the difference between the terms race and ethnicity - your citing Coon’s ‘Magnum Opus’ notwithstanding. Google is your friend, Al. I suggest you learn to use it. 208
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 16 Apr 2023 13:18 | # Quoting @203
Always look for the (((political economist in the woodpile))) behind such “critiques”. And by that I do not mean simply the “concerns” about “an elitist movement” but also the division of the elite from their people so as to destroy their own constituency, as described in “Causes of the Scottish Migration” and as we witness in “The Current Year”. This game dates back to the original tax farming Jews introduced to the Gothic nobility and finds its ultimate evolutionary form in the eusocial insect model Monomorium Santschii:
One can veritably hear the (((postmodern))) chanting:
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 19 Apr 2023 00:01 | # GW, say what you will about Ron Unz but I think in his latest essay (including videos) he describes the events leading up to the current state of affairs quite accurately.
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Apr 2023 06:09 | # GW , your admirable patience re explicatory time spent on Thorn , reminds me of (((Exodus V))), during which a warning is offered agin making bricks out of straw , mutatis mutandis , IQ wise. 212
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 21 Apr 2023 22:02 | # E. Michael Jones and Fulton Brown disuss that Englands contribution to Beauty is its poetry I was a bit taken back over the discussion on Ralph V. Williams lack of emotion in his music compared to the Germans…his music is stunning, moving and beatuiful, but according to Jones, these are Williams words. On the matter of “ontological” the fact that Fulton Brown “set out to teach herself to learn to write in iambic pentameter” is , I think, a defining attribute of us. We are autodidacts. Jones’ in his Logos Rising (read it, it is a blast) gives a nice summary of Ionian Greek philosophy…and what were the Ionians if not autodidacts? Fun stuff. Hope all are well…bit of drama here in the Appalachian sticks… cordially
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Apr 2023 16:11 | # Tim @212 Interesting discussion with E. Michael Jones leading the pack. Well worth listening to. Thanks for posting it. But I doubt most Englishmen would agree with its central message. Milo seems to, but ...... E.g., English and their relationship to beauty:
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 22 Apr 2023 20:45 | # Hi Thorn E. Michael Jones book, The Dangers of Beauty, is out of my league (hush Al…I know what you are thinking (: , and, yes, you are correct! ) , but I suspect that Art is like Philosophy…learning a new “language of the craft” ...and dabbling in that always pays off in the long run. Have you read/purchased E. Michael Jones Logos Rising? It is a gripping read, something I will have to reread at least 5 times…. Also, in keeping with the thread topic…Wagner has conquered Bakhmut, Zelensky is still a gay, faggot jew who is not funny , the U.S. dollar is losing its hegemony (yay!) and the Universal Plague of Mankind is getting its ass kicked, its plans for global control demolished and reversed upon their zionist project in Palestine. I submit to our host, that he consider a principle from software design…loosely coupled systems are fault tolerant…and his fears of a Russian/Sino hegemony can be counter-weighted with a multiplicity of smaller actors as countering check. Or, if you prefer, Eric S. Raymond wrote a seminal peice “The Cathedral vs. The Bazaar” , its (correct) thesis is that complex systems are more robust when there is nobody in control. #LogosRising
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Apr 2023 21:08 | #
Not yet. Right after I watched the Jones vid you posted I went to amazon intending to purchase it until I saw the price: Used $91.07 USD As far as Ukraine goes, I believe it’s an ontological certainty the USA F’ed up big time by instigating this proxy war. Unintended consequences and all that. Or maybe not. Maybe the architects of this war intended it—in the name of defeating “white supremacy”— to be the final nail in the coffin of the white race’s domination of the planet. If that’s the case, then they are succeeding tremendously in just about every respect. 216
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 22 Apr 2023 22:35 | # Hi @Thorn… What meter is this Tolkien poem/song from the Hobbit?. Regarding Jone’s book https://www.fidelitypress.org/book-products/logos half the price, but I understand that there are issues in shipping to Europe. as for…
The jews infesting the US are not the various nations of the US….we are in a cold civil war as ” its government” is hostile and alien to us. Cordially.
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Apr 2023 23:34 | #
I think it’s a mistake to focus in on Jews as the sole cause of the decline of the U.S. empire. Commie Euro-Christian hating jews are certainly part of the problem but only a part of the problem. The enemies we face is a much larger in scope; it comprises members of every religion, ethnicity, nationality race, and all 58 (and growing by the day in number lol) genders. I harken back to Johm Adams famous quote: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Well, the majority of the USA’s people are no longer a moral and religious people; that degenerate quality especially applies to its ruling-class. That’s why it’s our constitutionally limited republic is failing fast. We Americanos are witnessing a transition into an 218
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 12:51 | # Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality Tim, Thus I’ve no need to read the book. I came to understand its message back during the time when I was growing out of my atheistic/agnostic teen years. It was then when I engaged in an exercise of infinite regress in an attempt to determine the First Cause. I came to the same conclusion as St. Thomas Aquinas: God is the First Cause. 219
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 01:06 | # As we all know, (((God))) and (((Jesus ))) are one . Matthew’s account of old JC’s last words on the cross beg the obvious question : how can a composite God / Man betray Himself? Miracles certainly occur . Lobsters in the holding tank of the Titanic’s First Class galley , must surely have given thanks when the liner’s iceberg collision occurred . 220
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 01:29 | # Timothy , if you appreciate English composers , Elgar’s Cello Concerto may be to your redneck taste . Here is some bluegrass music that appeals to my insufferably superior British taste : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJkEnOcIs7A Of course I’d rather spend my money in the pub than support Charity of any kind towards New Yorkers. 221
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 02:04 | # Here is Elgar’s splendid composition for cello : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rVW4Z70TfE I think it was Silvio Dante in a Sopranos episode who gainsaid the general Bada Bing sentiment that only Italians conferred nicknames : ” Nah , the Chinese also do it , there’s ( the digital string game expert) , Yo Yo Ma.” 222
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 04:28 | # The huge egotism involved in coming “the same conclusion” as a hugely learned Prince of the Church , St Thomas Aquinas , gives us a large measure of a small man’s estimation of himself. Maybe I’m mistaken. Preaching to the birds , Aquinas - style , makes perfect sense given the American bird - brains who believe Middle Eastern fables. 223
Posted by macrobius on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 05:01 | # GW,
This is just wrong. Ethnic Russian Slavs are not 20% Jewish/Asian. It’s hard to believe someone otherwise knowledgeable about matters of race and genetics would believe this.
That photo is from the opening of the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces. It’s curious that you chose that 1 photo from the event, since most of the photos show a basically 100% white crowd aside from Shoigu and rows of uniformly fair haired, young white men. Why are you citing such obviously bogus genetics stats and an obviously unrepresentative photo from an easily googled event? 224
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:32 | # Thorn , why not emulate your brothers in (((Christ))) : https://www.dw.com/en/kenya-body-count-rises-to-47-in-starvation-cult-case/a-65408900 After all , ” man cannot live by bread alone. “ 225
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:03 | #
No mistake about it, Al has the brain of a lobster. 226
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:16 | #
RTWT 227
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:24 | # Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces BUILT IN 18 MONTHS—A RECORD for such a colossal project—this military-themed mega-church covers almost three acres of Patriot Park, and was consecrated on May 9, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day, which celebrates the end of the Great Patriotic War (as Russia refers to the war against Nazi Germany in 1941-1945). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Cathedral_of_the_Russian_Armed_Forces 228
Posted by macrobius on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 00:14 | # The current holders of Britain’s 4 Great Offices of State: 2 South Asians and a Negro:
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:13 | # For once , Thorn , you , although you could not know it , may be correct : https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9213042-when-a-lobster-that-has-just-lost-a-battle-is#:~:text=Sign Up Now-,When a lobster that has just lost a battle is,and fight longer and harder. 230
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:20 | # I take your point , Macrobius . England’s finest independent schools are capable of educating people from countries where schooling , if it existed at all , was introduced by the British Empire. 231
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:54 | # macrobius , perhaps you might consider that the real power in Russia is comprised of (((Oligarchs))) and the (((Russian))) Mafia . The Oligarchs are easily identifiable as old Jesus’s Semitic racial cognates, on Wikipedia , while the Mafia , being Judaically smarter than celebrity American gangster morons like the late John Gotti , feted by Jew York’s media as the Teflon Don , maintain an almost subterranean profile. The Church building is for gullible peasants . Twas ever thus . 232
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 03:33 | # Thorn #205. Carlson gone faster than a Jew in a Mosque. Here’s why : Rupert Murdoch invited TC to dinner in March at the RM CA vineyard . TC struck up a close relationship over conversation with RM’s then fiancee , a Christian loonie who had previously said to her intended that TC was the ” voice of God”. When , during dinner , the crazy lady produced a Bible and directed her auditors to Exodus as proof of her unbalanced ramblings, RM made the decision to jettison both of them. 233
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 10:31 | # Al @ 229 So Al admits he’s on Prozac. LOL ... no surprise there. But I have bad news for ya, Al: Prozac is not a cure for that oddball brain of yours. If anything it’s probably making you weirder than you already are. 234
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 22:11 | # @thorn
You need to read the book. It weaves two strands of history….revalation and reason…into what we are today. For @GW, it documents the birth of a new Ontology, while demonstrating the growth of Ontology from Heraclatus (?) onward (possibly before…Jones starts with* the Aryans, Sumerians etc..in building his narrative and it is compelling. @thorn regarding the reviews you linked too, this one gives some flavor of the intellectual depth of the book https://culturewars.com/news/logos-rising-hawkes-review I hope you reconsider.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 00:35 | #
Tim, I already know and understand the message put forth in the book. No offence, but I learned about the ‘Logos rising’ back when I went to Catholic Catechism class when I was a child. As an adult, I’ve no need to continue to search for the truth, I already know what it is.
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 02:38 | # Prozac ? Not likely, Thorn Thorn’s oral consumption of suppositories for bi - polar disorder disappointed the poor chap . Said he , ” For all the good they did , I might as well have shoved them up my ass .” 238
Posted by macrobius on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 07:31 | # Al Ross, There’s no question Jewish mafias and oligarchs operate and have influence in Russia, as they do in the West and elsewhere. I’m reacting to GW’s characterizations of Russia and the Russian leadership by pointing out that South Asian and Negro elements are more representative of the UK than the non-Russian elements are of Russia. You can also look at the Biden admin Cabinet which only has 2 White men out of 15 positions. 239
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 07:58 | # Macrobius, your point is disingenuous. Russia is a multi-ethnic state because it stretches across 193 ethnic homelands, ie, those ethnicities belong there, and their mixing does not constitute an alien intervention into the Russian life. By contrast, the non-whites in my people’s homeland are here without the consent of the natives. They arrived yesterday and are still arriving. They do not arrive by their own native power but by the will of a traitorous political class serving interests other than our own. That class has had to coerce the aliens upon us while our dissent has been first ignored, then spat upon. The aliens are entirely alien to our land. They are colonising us. As with any colonisation, the effect is to (a) replace us, and (b) gene-kill us. They are in no way representative of us, and no comparison with Russia of the type you wish to make exists. As to the photo of the big military folk, it is not “selected”. It is a photo demonstrating the racially-mixed leadership of Russia. As to the white people behind, how many of them are ethnic Slavs, and how mixed are ordinary Slavs now, anyway? There is something of a contest going on among geneticists, some of whom find Asian admixture and at least one finds nothing of Asia at all. In such circumstances the norm is to assume small sample bases and/or samples too weighted to one regional or social group. To return to my point, the men in the Kremlin are not people whom one would anticipate being interested in any way in resolving the racial disaster in the European lands of the West. The Kremlin is not a bulwark against “America and the West”, or a font of salvation for our peoples. It is a Eurasian Murder Inc. 240
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:18 | # Al says @ 237: “Prozac ? Not likely, Thorn” Not likely? Okay, then you became an oddball all on your own? Check. Just a word of advice: You shouldn’t link to quotes referencing lobsters on Prozac. It’s things like that that punctuate just how extremely bizarre you are. But then again just about everything you post places you solidly in the center of the lunatic fringe. 241
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:50 | # “It is a Eurasian Murder Inc.” A Eurasian Murder Inc. with 5,000+ nukes and leadership who’ll use them as a first strike. Western leaders knew that shortly after Putin assumed power yet they (particularly here in the U.S.) decided to continuously poke the bear until it reacted with a very violent reaction. Should we be surprised at Russia’s violent reaction? I think not. It was as predictable as the Sun rising in the east. It is war with Russia Western leaders wanted, now it’s war with Russia they got. The negative consequences to the white-race have only begun to be realized. It could get exponentially worse in short order. A misstep or two could easily result in an escalation up to an all-out nuclear war. BTW, Western leaders are more concerned with wiping out “white supremacy” than anything else. It’s at the top of their to-do list. Everything else is secondary, thus the mass immigration will continue unabated. It’s central to their Great Replacement agenda. Ain’t squat we can do about it. 242
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 12:08 | # When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Threatens Lives The following is an excerpt from Heather Mac Donald’s new book, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives, published by DW Books.
RTWT 243
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:24 | # Thorn , I’m confused ? I’m not the one who believes virgins can give birth , the dead can walk, a donkey can talk and eternal posthumous tranquility and splendour can be found in a Heaven full of ovine - minded anthropoid garbage - all supervised by the Big Jew Boy. Perhaps you would profit from taking some advice from that preposterous wad of Jewish piffle , the Jew Testament , namely and to wit : Matthew 7 3-5 . 244
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 01:06 | # macrobius , please give GW some intellectual credit . He is surely aware of your entirely precise Biden Cabinet racial numerology. 245
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 03:51 | # Thorn , please pay attention to Timothy Murray. He is your theological superior in White racial irrelevance . There used to be a fashionable British TV programme called One Foot In The Grave in which the principal curmudgeonly character , enunciated , in a moderately fair simulation of a Scottish educated accent, ” I don’t believe it.” 246
Posted by macrobius on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 05:24 | # GW,
This is the sort of the claim made by leftists today to justify multi-racialism in the West i.e. history is replete with repeated migrations into and mixing in Britain and thus can and should continue, the US, Oz, etc. stretch across Indian and Abo homelands, etc.
You’re focusing on a figure, notable for how unrepresentative he is, and then when it’s pointed out that the crowd in the occasion you cited was overwhelmingly white, you resort to questioning how Slavic they are and even suggesting that even if they were Slavic, Slavs might not really be white anyway. We don’t have to speculate about a Sunak, Braverman, Cleverly, etc. or the members of the Biden administration. 247
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 08:33 | # Macrobius, The ethnic groups of Russia, including the Muscovites, are not immigrants. They are natives of the great bulk of the Eurasian continent which Russia east and west of the Urals constitutes. Unless you are saying that the Muscovites should take the other Russian peoples’ lands, killing them or otherwise driving them out, this vast and multi-ethnic land is the Russia you are arguing for. As to the company of soldiers in the Cathedral, we know nothing about them, ethnically. There are some quite dark-skinned people, including women, standing just behind Sergei Shoigu. But again we cannot know their precise genetic history. The Russian leadership aside, all we can really say is that the largest component of the Russian population is Eastern Slavic, but for historical reasons that is quite a general descriptive (as it is in Ukraine, also for historical reasons), and the whole Russian population is ethnically highly mixed. Perhaps you are looking at this from a pan-white American position, but I am English ... I have ethnicity ... and not every white person is of my ethnic group. It is natural for me to be discriminating in that respect. I certainly don’t see any Russians as useful in any way to the English cause. Russian power has always treated the peoples on its borders with cold indifference, and sometimes not even that. I wouldn’t expect anything else of it if my home fell under its hand. All this argument arises because nationalists, especially in America, have not grasped (or even heard of) the central point about the Ukraine War. The Kremlin is not heroically protecting Russians in the east or south of Ukraine “against Nazis”, notwithstanding the fact that the failure of the initial Russian Army offensive left it fighting there. The central point is that the American and Western elites are endeavouring to relinquish global hegemony in favour of a geo-economic dispensation based on the G20. Beijing is trying to snatch hegemony away under the guise of multipolarity, and Putin and his circle are working for a piece of the same hegemonic action. For that to be possible, the imperial “great spaces” model must be realised. Hence the drive over the last twenty years and more to restore empire in the west, the Caucasus and the Eurasian south. Its desperate violence aside, the Ukraine war is of a piece with the Kremlin’s wider geopolitical action. It behoves us, as thinking people, not to live in illusions about Russia merely because we disdain our own elites. In the final analysis which hegemonic power would operate technocracy over us with the more complete and implacable violence. That ought to be the determinant of our position. 248
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 11:18 | # Al @ 243
Again, Al, you are an oddball; a bizarre little curmudgeon. There’s nothing confusing about that - it’s evident, clear to see. But to your credit, you could be straight out of Central Casting. A par excellence clown-show/freak-show wrapped into one. Now that takes talent!! The show must go on!! lol
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 11:35 | #
Question, GW: Are the Russian elites teaching Russian kids CRT and transgenderismin their school system? Here in the former USA (FUSA) our elites are full-bore behind indoctrinating every American kid with that neoMarxist poison. 250
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 11:55 | #
In the final analysis the white-race is on course to become bred out of existence within a few hundred years. Technocracy is a side issue. And to add icing on the cake, here in FUSA some of our “elites” are trying their hardest to pass laws making it a racist hate-crime (punishable by fines and prison time) to speak out against the mass immigration taking place (an estimated 6 to 8 million illegal aliens entered FUSA during the Biden Administration’s first two years). It’s just a question of when, not if, those laws will be enacted and go into effect. 251
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 15:23 | # GW, This is a good paper. Though it was written back in 2017 it is a must read if you truly want to understand why both Minsk I and II failed and why Putin eventually decided to invade Ukraine in Feb. of 2022. It also puts truth to the BS about Russia wanting to reconstitute the Soviet Union, or the false-narrative which asserts Putin is longing to go back to some sort of 19th century imperialism. Why people buy into those easy to debunk propaganda-driven narratives is quite remarkable. A Case Study of the Minsk II Accords https://www.beyondintractability.org/casestudy/grover-minsk-II-accords 252
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 15:33 | # Thorn, Russia is a dictatorship and security state, with ambitions on ruling over a clutch of neighbours it has ruled over three times in the past - the last time ending only three decades ago. The threat it poses to anyone over whom it rules is of an order of seriousness that makes the Western elites’ hyper-equalitarianism, homosexualism and so forth seem like nothing. If this blog was Russian I would be in prison right now. If you lived in Russia and read it you would fall under suspicion for reading it. If you were an opposition politician you would either be in prison already, or dead, or in exile. It is a species of decadence to compare Russia favourably with the West. 253
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 16:45 | # Thorn, Minsk 2 was intended to restore lawful control over the east to Kiev, in return for which local elections would be held in Donetsk and Luhansk. Both territories would return to Ukraine but would enjoy an extensive autonomy. One of the first conditions, therefore, was that non-local military forces (meaning the Russian Army, Wagner, and the FSB people) withdraw. Putin’s objective was never consonant with that, and accordingly he re-interpreted the agreement to maintain the Russian military presence. Seeing that his interpretation would freeze his military gains and facilitate ongoing pressure on Kiev, the accords were allowed by the latter to lie fallow. Putin declared them defunct two days prior to the Russian Army’s invasion. We do not need to construct arguments for the Kremlin’s innocence. Its moral worth is written in the torn bodies of civilians. I cannot understand how any aggressor which has conducted itself as the Kremlin and its forces have conducted themselves could be ever be considered the victim. It is so wrong-headed I am left shaking my head at the willingness of people I thought I understood to believe absolutely anything, only providing it is anti-Western. On the Kremlin’s geopolitical ambitions, again I am at a loss to understand why a very clear Russian hegemonic cause, publicly acknowledged by the Western elites, is so hard for people like yourself to understand. The only explanation I can come up with is that bias confirmation rules, and inconvenient truths don’t. 254
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 16:50 | #
Like I said before, we here in FUSA are moving ever so close to those types of authoritarian restrictions. E.g., H.R.61 - Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023 255
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 17:00 | # So WN’s must not tolerate vulgar low-IQ racists and Jew-haters in their movement. Reform. Moralise. Intellectualise. Operate like any of the popular political movements on the continent. 256
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 17:46 | # The problem is they don’t give a specific definition of what a “white supremacist” actually is. They purposely leave the definition vague. That’s how the anti-white Left uses the language to their advantage. Suffice it to say they regard anyone who doesn’t agree with submit to their “woke” agenda is a “white supremacist.” E.g., “MAGA Republicans” are “white supremacists.” Trump and Tucker Carlson are “white supremacists.” Larry Elder is “the black face of white supremacy.” Jan 6 protesters are “white supremacists.” and so-on-and-so-forth….. Biden proclaimed “white supremacists” are the greatest domestic terrorist threat our county faces.” The problem with all that is actual “white supremacists” are about as rare as the DoDo. Recently the FBI was caught fabricating evidence in their attempt to make it appear “white supremacy” is widespread. Again, the truth is “white supremacy” barely exists. But you just made a point which leads to the crucial question: Why has the WN movement been such an utter failure? I did a quick search on the subject and this interesting opinion piece popped up: (Thorn happens to agree with much of it.) The failure of the White Nationalism https://hybridwar.substack.com/p/the-failure-of-the-white-nationalism 257
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 18:04 | # The term “hate-speech” can be defined any-which-way the ‘offended’ (or the protected group) chooses to define it. 258
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 19:32 | #
I understood Putin’s mentality long before the invasion of Ukraine. I also understand the Western elites knew beforehand how Putin would react if the Ukraine red line was crossed. Western elites deliberately crossed that redline anyway; now we are witnessing what should have or could have been easily avoided. I’m not taking Russia’s side; I just understand why they invaded. My understanding is it was/is based on security concerns. Anyway, like I said numerous times, Russia was well on its way to becoming westernized. Putin is not going to be around very much longer. All the West had to do was wait it out for another decade or so and no doubt a much more moderate leader will become Russia’s president. But Western elites pushed for changes in Ukraine too soon. They should have waited till Putin was no longer in power. Bad decisions were made—and continue to be made—on both sides. 259
Posted by macrobius on Mon, 01 May 2023 02:00 | #
Again, this is just the same leftist narrative today to justify multi-racialism in the West. Russia’s frontier expansion was not unlike the frontier expansion of the US, Australia, etc.
You can easily find many photos from the event online. Few if any look as dark as the most famous Ukrainians of all, the Klitschko brothers: 260
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 May 2023 06:29 | # Thorn, there was no red line. That is an FSB trope excusing Putin’s aggression. Look to his military actions in the Caucasus and to Russia’s south. What was the red line there? How was Putin the victim who, in all fairness, simply had to act? Putin is not the West’s victim. He is a gangster with a restorational imperialist project. You are in a trap of circular and reactionary thinking set for you by his intelligence people. 261
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 May 2023 07:03 | # Macrobius,
It isn’t and it never was. You completely misunderstand ethnic nationalism, or indeed its diametric opposition to imperialist nationalisms.
Russia is a multinational state. Is the leadership of Russia multi-ethnic or not? Do the genetics of the Muscovite majority show Asian genetic influence? Is there anything to suggest that the Kremlin, as the junior partner in an eventual Sino-Russian global hegemony with a technocratic and socialistic intent, would allow Europeans to recover their lands and free their creative power to make the world? Do you understand that this last issue is the heart of the matter? 262
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 01 May 2023 10:53 | #
GW, it is more the case you swallowed the official Western elite’s narrative hook, line, and sinker. No matter how many times you parrot their half-truth narrative, it ain’t gonna make it fully accurate. You’re missing the bigger picture. I suggest you carefully read the paper I linked to @ 251. Pay close attention to the “theory of realism”. It might help you get a better understanding of why Russia decided to invade Ukraine. Moreover, don’t be so narrow minded. You need to open up to the facts that 1) The West has proven it can’t be trusted. and 2) Russia has legitimate security interests. Back-up, take a deep breath, and try as best you can to look at the situation from all angles. It’s obvious that in that thought process of yours, what you’re leaving out is Russia’s POV. I’m sensing your hatred for Putin is causing you to be irrational.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 01 May 2023 11:16 | # The Russians are not Anglo Saxon but the Slavic and Baltic Russians are native Europeans thus white. “Some” are confused about that issue; Thorn is happy to clear it up for “them”. 264
Posted by macrobius on Thu, 04 May 2023 01:42 | # GW, Do you agree that ethnic nationalism currently does not operate in the West and is rather stifled and actively suppressed by the powers that be? That it is currently an aspirational goal for nationalists in the West? Is the UK leadership multiracial or not? Doesn’t London have an Afro-Asiatic majority? Is there anything to suggest that the UK wouldn’t be some sort of junior partner in a Sino-Russian global hegemony or some sort of Brahmin and Judeo dominated Afro-Asiatic state? 265
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 04 May 2023 02:29 | # macrobius : Ethnic Nationalism not only exists but was positively encouraged in UK by the Leftist mattoid Blair who was the political midwife , via Devolution , of the modern and disastrous Marxist SNP. 266
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 04 May 2023 02:57 | # #264 The future , we hear , is either India or China . The major racial difference between the above : Indians talk incessantly, at least according to a former Bengali Master of Trinity College, Cambridge ( https://ncert.nic.in/textbook/pdf/lekl125.pdf ) and the Chinese work incessantly. 267
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 04 May 2023 03:07 | # There is no need to overegg the pudding re my above comment but Chinese intellectual property patents dominate, not only the Subcons, but every other nation. The clever (((Americans))) who now control Ivy League colleges discriminate against Chinese applicants. These Jews know a thing or two about State Capture. 269
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 05 May 2023 18:33 | # re #266: “Questions of Survival”, as predicted by The Evolution of Jewish Virulence: Take the money and run as a group evolutionary strategy. But then, as I’ve often pointed out, this backfired and, as I’ve often pointed out, “The Likud Candidate” Trump was the reaction by the Likuds to the dawning realization that that Asians aren’t Europeans—particularly not the highly individual northern Europeans. What GW may be missing here is that China is in enough control of the West and that the reason we’re so obsessed with opposing our own governments is precisely the fact that we oppose the Asiatic degradation visited upon us through their deployment of Jewish Virulence against us. In other words: Russia is a puppet regime of China just as is our own government, via their gain of function Jewish bioweapons. To be clear, I blame the Likuds for 9/11/2001 but I also consider the Likuds to have come around to the point that they might at least be negotiated with. 270
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 05 May 2023 22:29 | #
Interesting interpretation of the situation, Jim. Do you know if anyone else shares it? 271
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 05 May 2023 23:55 | # @270, No. I’ve always recognized the fact that my Epicurean multiple-hypothesis probability distribution is pretty divergent. 272
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 06 May 2023 22:46 | # Jim, you might want to make corrections to your link, “divergent”. 273
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 08 May 2023 10:45 | # Both Henry Kissinger and Elon Musk voiced very similar solutions to the conflict during the early stage of the invasion. Fair and sane solutions, I would add.
https://www.rt.com/news/575943-kissinger-ukraine-peace-china/ 274
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 May 2023 11:21 | # Meanwhile , in the USA , the Blacks and Browns are out of control but never mind , there’s always (((Heaven))) in the future and priests will guide us. 275
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 May 2023 17:37 | # I wonder what the per capita prisoner organ “donation” rates look like in Russia vs China. 276
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 May 2023 01:27 | # I wonder what the US Democrat Marxoids would do if the criminal Blacks and Browns were subject to correct and condign punishment : 277
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 May 2023 01:31 | # macrobius , I apologise for forgetting to thank you for the enormous pic of two Jewish boxers. 278
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 11 May 2023 23:33 | # LOL ... Elon Musk has got the “anti-racists” panicking ... going apoplectic.
Watch: https://www.theblaze.com/shows/pseudo-intellectual/elon-musk
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 May 2023 02:21 | # Musk doesn’t have the Supernatural power of Ron DeSantis who , wearing a yarmulke lid , prayed at the Wailing Wall in Jewrusalem to amazing meteorological effect. Watch and be hugely impressed , Christian simpletons : https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1651975612469321729?cxt=HHwWgoC97aTE_-wtAAAA 280
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 12 May 2023 11:09 | # @279 Odious Al yet again demonstrates how stupid he is. This time he displays his lack of understanding of how and why professional politicians play to the crowd. 281
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 May 2023 23:27 | # Mr. “Odour of Sanctity” Thorn’s midwit IQ equivalents constitute ‘the crowd.” 282
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 14 May 2023 00:21 | # @ 281 Odious Al: an embarrassment to WN. Lunatic fringe. His repugnancy is why nearly all people regard WN as a morally degenerate ideology. His type drags us down. Take note of that, GW. But, of course, I assume you’re already fully aware of that. 283
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 14 May 2023 02:52 | # The dragging down a White nation is what fairy- tale believing , malevolent Christians do with the religion the Jews made for them . Here’s England’s number two Christian flock - leader , in the news . : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12081271/Lord-Sentamu-suspended-ministry-failing-act-disclosure-child-sexual-abuse.html The first comment that comes to mind happens to be the Bible’s shortest sentence. 284
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 14 May 2023 10:34 | # @283 Obviously Odious AL is a textbook hater. His irrational hate is born out of his own inadequacy. In this case he manifests his hate and intense feelings of inadequacy onto all Christians and Jews. Pathetic little fellow he is. 286
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 15 May 2023 00:45 | # Thorn’s interesting analysis of my racial psyche is so Jewish as to be worthy of a non - comment passover , Judaically speaking. Feelings of dislike , or “hate” , as the Leftist terminological upgrade has it , are perfectly natural , unlike the belief in a Holy Ghost hovering around and observing Goys’ behaviour. Well , as regards inadequacy , your Jewish Deity insists that you also must be included in that unhappy band , via the Sin concept. Still , be happy . Don’t be Cross, you scurvy sinner. 287
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 15 May 2023 01:18 | # As Thorn has discovered the alliterative insult , nomenclaturely speaking , I smell (of) victory in the homophone, Thaumaturgical Thorn. It would be a miracle if Thorn didn’t have to reach for a dictionary. Doubtless , Thorn has phoned homos on previous occasions . After all , old Jesus wasn’t married. It would be a miracle if old Jesus didn’t have to reach for a dick. 288
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 May 2023 11:21 | # Al’s obsession with his irrational hate for all Christians and Jews gives him away. There is no doubt his hate is motivated by an unresolved struggle with his own intense feelings of inadequacy. One can surmise the root of his inadequacy goes back to his childhood. Al’s mother was probably ashamed of his cross-dressing. Her reaction to him welted his conscious: it wounded him for life. Poor Al. Forever the hater. Forever the weirdo. 289
Posted by Foobar on Tue, 16 May 2023 02:16 | # is the Thorn vs Al Ross dialog a trick to make us miss the good old days of the constant angst and venom laced posts of Daniel? You two have very small Kolmogorov complexities of your outputs. 290
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 May 2023 10:36 | # @289 Yes, it’s a trick designed to lure DanielS out from his hiding. But thanks for asking. Now run along. 291
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 May 2023 12:36 | # GW, This is one of the best—if not the best—articles written thus far explaining in detail the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine.
RTWT https://harpers.org/archive/2023/06/why-are-we-in-ukraine/
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 May 2023 05:18 | # Is Ukraine winning ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMREVnCvQaI “Cross - dressing”, eh ? I have never adorned my dressing with a cross , what with my being agin ancient symbols of the slave mentality. 294
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 17 May 2023 22:17 | # @292
Which begs the question: Is Al Ross an Indian? 295
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 18 May 2023 00:38 | # Yes , I confess . My real name is Tatparanandam Chelvanayakam Vinayagamoorthy and I support America’s only true conservative Presidential candidate , a fellow elitist Brahmin : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Ramaswamy Vote for VR , a supporter of Subcon “merit - based” race replacement . This approach will ensure that despite the Green New Deal’s power problems , the USA will never have brown outs. 296
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 18 May 2023 04:11 | # Thorn , you are like a dog looking at a ceiling fan. 297
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 18 May 2023 05:50 | # I am sure Thorn , that , as you are a Christian , your relationships do not depend on sex. There’s money as well. 298
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 18 May 2023 11:33 | # @297
lol Of course, my relationships don’t depend on sex. None of them do except my relationship with my wife. Same goes with all normal people - Christian and Non-Christian alike. OTOH, you, being the weirdo you are, most likely base all your relationships on the dependence of sex - particularly your relationships with males? (The suspicion about the last part is strong. And why wouldn’t it be?)
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 18 May 2023 23:42 | # The Asension of the Lord Gospel Mt 28:16-20 300
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 25 May 2023 22:30 | # @299 Matthew is the Swiss Cheese of Gospels and only those who keep their intellect in abeyance can believe the lacunae - ridden tall tales : https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/mt/contra_list.html Here’s a roll call of your current overlords , Matthew’s racial cognates . After all , Matthew was a tax - collector. 301
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 25 May 2023 22:32 | # @299 Correction : https://twitter.com/punishedLavrov/status/1659825213893402631 302
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 May 2023 22:57 | # @301 Guess what, Allan, if you don’t change your ways, you’ll wind up spending eternity in Hell surrounded by anti-Christ Jews. Enjoy. I think this particular ‘Jew Book’ verse applies to you: Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 25 May 2023 23:37 | # OK , if you say so , Reverend. Romans contains the same infallible , sacred knowledge as the rest of the Bad Book : https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/rom/contra_list.html Meanwhile here’s America’s Jewish Hell on Earth : https://twitter.com/JerryDeDank2/status/1660684383362195458 304
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 May 2023 23:59 | # @303 The mean IQ of Jews is 115 so it stands to reason they would be vastly overrepresented in the hierarchy of society. Ever notice who’re the smartest, sharpest, pundits on the MSM networks? It’s not a conspiracy that Jews represent a disproportionate percentage of the most talented. The reality is it’s due to meritocracy - market forces. Reality is a bitch, Allan. 305
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 26 May 2023 00:30 | # Ethnic nepotism is a major factor in Jewish over - representation . Even an addle - pated mattoid like you , Thorn , should apprehend that blinding flash of the bleedin’ obvious. The MSM networks : NBC , a subsidiary of Comcast , controlled by (((Brian Roberts))) . CBS , controlled by the (((Redstone))) family . ABC , a subsidiary of Walt Disney Co., CEO , (((Bob Iger))). 306
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 26 May 2023 00:51 | # How could I have forgotten to include CNN . a subsidiary of Warner Discovery; CEO, (((David Zaslav))) ? Of course, there is an exception to every rule . Rashida Jones , a Negress , is CEO of MSNBC , a (((Comcast))) subsidiary. However, her husband , Edward Fisher , is a Jew so that’s within the Tribe’s due bounds in the matter of Judaic Ethnic Nepotism. 308
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 26 May 2023 01:34 | # Thorn , you are a prize example of Christianity’s being , contra Darwin , the survival of the unfittest . White Civilisation has been degenerating since Anno Domini. Christianity is not simply asinine , it is racial suicide. Christianity is swiftly becoming an African Religion . Are you sure you wish to share Heaven with a pullulating mass of Congoids ? 309
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 26 May 2023 02:44 | # So , just to be clear , Reverend : Jesus was a liar ; Jesus was an angry Jew ; Jesus hated life ; Jesus deserved the cross 310
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 26 May 2023 10:09 | # @309 Clearly: Allan is deluded; Allan is an angry little weirdo; Allan is a victim of his own stupidity. 312
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 26 May 2023 11:27 | # @308
At present, Christians form 49% of Africa’s pop. with Muslims @ 42%. Yet both the Christian and Muslim populations are multiplying like rabbits. So much for dumb-ass Al’s cockamamie “Christianity is racial suicide” theory.
Posted by MrBigglesworth on Sat, 27 May 2023 04:50 | #
I’m curious who you consider the smartest, sharpest, pundits on the MSM networks? Care to list some names? 314
Posted by MrBigglesworth on Sat, 27 May 2023 05:31 | #
That’s a very disputed number. I believe the most charitable number was 108 and that was only on the verbal component and the sample size was small and didn’t dip very far into the even today ... the vast reservoirs of largely social and somewhat geographical impenetrable J communities/clusters (the implication being that’s its the result of ... putting the best noses forward). Some interesting metanalysis based on DNA from graves had put the average as high as 130s for some of the Greek cities in their golden age and 120s for the partition class in Rome for a certain time interval I don’t immediately recall. It is also believed the general IQ in Elizabethan England was also considerably higher than it is now. The settler class in America that is said have suffered at least 2/3 culling’s over hundreds of years is said to have been extremely high. The term settler is now grossly misused and doesn’t mean carve out civilization in a hostile wilderness. That can all be recovered with proper ... societal structures, barriers, and restrictions to permanent citizen membership to those who contribute to civilization. I believe this was tried in the past in some manner in various places ... ie land owning males. Apples to Oranges ... if you take the estimated average IQ’s of a LARGE segment of the leading families of various Euro elements or even pre 1965 United States you find them surprisingly high. I think you’ll find general consensus among IQ researchers that Immigration and birth control has significantly lowered the general publics average in the cases where it was once very high. Someone earlier on this site claimed the stdev on Asian IQ was 12 ... I believe the number widely circulated before that research was largely censored was 6-7.5 i.e. barely half the 15 of northwestern Europe (we have vastly larger tails of stupid and brilliant). The IQ debates have been done to death in the past in previous cycles of these discussion groups ... If you look at how American’s or Euro’s in general treat their pets and animals in general it should be obvious that argument isn’t going to be persuasive about different human groups. A fact previous generations have largely missed. I was surprised to read the 115 bs trotted out again. 315
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 May 2023 11:34 | # The mean IQ of Jews is 115 - Ashkenazim
It’s the number Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Charles Murray, Richard Herrnstein, et. al all agree on. Maybe your credentials and expertise on the subject are greater than those aforementioned experts; but until you can prove otherwise, I’ll stick with their findings. 316
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 May 2023 11:48 | # @313 MrBigglesworth, are you an Americano? Do you live in the USA? 317
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 May 2023 00:06 | # Reverend , Jesus once ripped the feathers off a live chicken as a lesson to his disciples . He then set the chicken on the floor a short distance away The chicken was bloodied and suffering immensely , yet , when Jesus began to toss some scraps of wheat toward the chicken , it followed him around . Jesus then said to his followers , ” This is how easy it is to govern stupid people , they will follow you no matter how much pain you cause them as long as you toss them a little worthless treat once in a while.” 318
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 May 2023 00:29 | # GW , what is your view on Erdogan’s election victory ? In his victory speech , the Turkish President celebrated the anniversary of the capture of Constantinople and the “permanent” annexing of European territory by Turkey. As we all know , this baneful event , made inevitable by the Christianisation (and thus inevitable decline) of Rome’s Empire , had its pivotal moment when traitorous Jews opened the city’s gates to the Muslim enemy. When will Erdogan bow out of NATO and align Turkey with more amenable international partners , do you think ? 319
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 May 2023 00:47 | # In any event , Jews were smart enough to occupy the commanding heights of the media / entertainment business . Their most important Jewish work was the creation of the anti - White White person , a perversion otherwise unimaginable in a healthy White - invented society . 320
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 May 2023 03:34 | # The inevitable call to ban tiktok in UK will come , not because of that Chinese medium’s threat to multi - culti UK ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12120975/Archbishop-Canterbury-Justin-Welby-vows-fighting-Governments-immigration-reforms.html ) but , rather , because of dissident UK citizens’ threat to that Christianity - applauded , demographic horror : 321
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 29 May 2023 10:57 | # Dipshit Al @ 317 Let’s set the story straight:
An easy multiple question: Is Al Ross Of course the correct answer is #5.
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 May 2023 00:57 | # Reverend , My juxtaposing of crazy old Jesus and Stalin was a JOKE , dumbo. Re your Pat Buchanan quote , it is correct . However had the bovine Americans not been stampeded into the War by Jewish agitators , the Axis powers would have doubtless prevailed .
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 30 May 2023 11:26 | # @323 “a JOKE” LMAO .... you are one sick f-ck!! LOL ... Oddball Al. But as a favor, let me clue you in that your sadistic “JOKE” only serves to highlight—for the umpteenth time—what a vulgar little dipshit you are. At any rate, and as per usual, the joke’s on you. 325
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 May 2023 23:31 | # Well Reverend , here’s one of your rotting country’s top Christian ” Conservative” multi - millionaire businessmen ( CEO of Chick fil A) spouting the usual Jesus - jabber about kissing Blacks’ feet. https://twitter.com/realstewpeters/status/1663541414838272000 Have you engaged in such an act of obeisance yet , Reverend . I saw the Pope paying oral homage to a Congoid’s feet on a news programme some time ago and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 326
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 31 May 2023 00:16 | # @325 Obviously, in their own way, both the Chick-fil-A guy and Jorge Bergoglio (the illegitimate Pope) are on a path towards becoming as sick, twisted, and freaky as you are. 327
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 31 May 2023 00:39 | # I think , Reverend , that my highlighting of anti - White , Christian behaviour at both tycoon and Pontiff level might warrant a more thoughtful response . But then I remembered that there are a vast number of Christians who would applaud such White degradation and so I coined a new collective noun for such Jewsus - loving degenerates . I based my collective noun for your auto - racist type on the headgear worn by the freaky fraud , JC , on that happy ‘cruci - Fiction’ day, with the necessary consonant substitution required to explain your Jew - driven Weltanschauung . So , behold , “A Clown of Thorns.” 328
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 31 May 2023 02:05 | #
Aww, poor little Oddball Al. Sorry to disappoint (not really) for the lack of a more thoughtful response. Truth is I find your opinions/taunts to be at the level of a juvenile delinquent. Moreover, I couldn’t care less about your pathological obsession with/hatred for Jews and Christians; that’s your problem, not mine. ‘Tis a pity you’re too dense to have figured that out yet.
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 31 May 2023 08:39 | # And yet, Reverend , you persist in getting hot - under - the - (dog) collar and responding with infinite lameness to my winning blend of matchless mockery and fun - filled facts. I suspect , though , that I have delighted you long enough . 330
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 31 May 2023 10:58 | #
Not at all. By all means, keep talking. You provide a valuable service. I.e., besides being MR’s very own neo-Nazi jester, you’re a prime example of what pro-white activists should not emulate; a grotesque poster child for what makes WN so unattractive; the proverbial turd in the swimming pool (lol). C’mon Al ... be honest and admit I’m right. 331
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:07 | # Well Reverend , I’ll be skiing down the Hills of Hell before I admit that you are right about anything relating to Christianity’s social utility in the matter of White EGI. 332
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 01 Jun 2023 22:34 | # Al, Its utility is limited. It’s helpful in the fight against cultural-Marxism and Wokeism. The ppl who promote cultural-Marxist and “Woke” ideologies (both ideologies are extremely anti-white) regard traditional Christan values as their biggest obstacle towards realizing their goals. That explains why the leftists target trad Christians for destruction - particularly trad Christians of European descent. Even the corrupt FBI is in on the act. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-fbi-targeting-catholics-violent-extremists-under-scrutiny-state-ags-bigotry-festering 333
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 06:50 | # It would seem , Thorn , that , for you, Fox News emits concentrated wisdom , like Jesus in the Parables . If Western Christians followed the founder that they profess to emulate , they would gather in large numbers outside Mosques at Friday Prayers time in heavily Muslim urban areas and attempt to convert the ” hell - bound” Muslims . However , Christians who know any History would realise that no group , having converted to monotheistic Islam , has ever repined sufficiently to apostatize and embrace Christianity’s polytheism. The FBI should certainly be targeting this Christian group for destruction : https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/our-vision-and-ministry/immigration-refugee-services/ Amusingly , the invasion - supporting Christians’ web page boasts a headline motto , viz.,’ Working to Reduce Poverty in America ’ . The word “Reduce” should be replaced by the word “Import” but in its original form, the weasel - worded phrase provides a stellar example of a time - honoured Christian principle ( if that’s quite the word I seek ) viz., Lying For The Lord. 334
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:34 | # @333 I concur about the Catholic Charities. The damage that Catholic Charities is causing is evidence that anti-American neo-Marxists have successfully infiltrated their ranks - from top down. ‘The Long March through the institutions’ is all but complete. BTW, most of Catholic Charities’ funding comes from the U.S. government - roughly two-thirds.. Thus CC is a quasi government organisation. In large part, their function is to assist in the implementation of U.S. government’s immigration policy. The “woke” FBI is on their side. 335
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 14:05 | #
Fox News Goes ULTRA WOKE! - They’re FAR WORSE Than We Thought! Watch: 336
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 14:25 | # Welcome to Culture War 2.0: The Great Realignment
RTWT https://americanmind.org/salvo/welcome-to-culture-war-2-0/
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 17:30 | # Good essay. The last two sentences sum it up quite nicely. Review of the Jewish Onslaught: Dispatches from the Wellesley Battlefront 338
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 05:00 | # @336 Here’s some good news : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65794363 339
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 05:26 | # Some Catholic traditionalists wish to emulate those Renaissance Popes and other senior clergy who sired many children while preaching the joys of celibacy : 340
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 11:07 | # @338 Of course the neo-Marxists can’t allow the Bible to present in the classroom bc it effectively counters their Queer theory and CRT lesson plans. 341
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 11:32 | # Frodi Midjord: “How a Crisis of Legitimacy Will Shatter the Current World Order” 342
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 16:22 | # UK Minister Says It’s OK for Ukraine to Conduct Air Strikes Inside Russia What’s behind the UK foreign minister’s comments and what can we expect from NATO in the longer term? Escalation. Escalation. Escalation. Surely the biggest lie, delivered as fake news, is with this notion that NATO is all about ‘de-escalating’ the war. What utter codswallop. Is there anyone, even people who work for NATO who actually believe this garbage? Time and time again we see the West push Russia to its limit and time and time again Putin keeps a cool head, appearing at times to be the only one who seems to understand what is at stake by upping the game. What could Zelensky be trying to achieve by sending drones to the Kremlin? Escalation. What could NATO be hoping to achieve by working on a plan to send F-16s to Ukraine? Escalation. And so, given the context, escalation is now the main focus of attention by western elites although they can’t all agree on sending jet fighters. It would also seem that they are taking Zelensky less and less seriously as the Ukrainian president is resorting to more desperate means to get the attention he wants and the level of commitment from the west as close to a full-on war with Russia as is possible. What to make of UK’s foreign minister’s comments recently when he indicated that Ukraine had every right to attack Russia, on its own turf? Answering questions from the media while in Estonia, Mr Cleverly was asked about Tuesday’s drone attack on Moscow and whether Ukraine had the right to attack Russian territory. He said: “I don’t have details, and I am not going to speculate about the nature of the drone attacks in Moscow. So what I’m about to say are more general points, rather than on that specific incident. “Ukraine does have the legitimate right to defend itself. It has the legitimate right to do so within its own borders, of course, but it does also have the right to project force beyond its borders to undermine Russia’s ability to project force into Ukraine itself”. This comment by the suave British foreign minister, who has an impressive military pedigree himself, is not an accident or a clumsy off-the-cuff comment. James Cleverly is a smart guy and knows what he’s saying. The message is very clear. NATO is preparing for a more comprehensive war with Russia and is relying on Putin constantly staying in this ‘non-retaliation’ mode. Ironically, NATO’s strategy, which is escalation, is based on Putin sticking to his ‘non-escalation’ position. For Cleverly to make this comment which is aimed both at the cabal in Kiev as well as Putin, is an indicator that Russian military targets outside of Ukraine are fair game. The problem with this position of course is that Russia would be within its rights to retaliate on the same level with the same rationale. If Ukraine hits an army truck on the Russian side of the border, then would it not follow that Putin would be allowed to do the same with the same type of vehicle in Poland loading up on material. In short, it would mean that the convoys of military equipment which comes via Poland would become targets. If this is what the more hardcore hawks in the West like Cleverly want, then such a strike would throw the switch on a full-out war with Russia with no grey areas any more. Of course, the implications of this are terrifying for Germany, which could easily have its civilian populations slaughtered by Russian attacks under such a scenario. Same goes for Finland and Sweden. Presumably, when Cleverly is in Norway to champion the Swedes’ entry into NATO, he won’t mention this. But if it’s what the UK wants, then you can bet all of Zelensky’s stashed billions that it’s what the U.S. wants. The irony of course is that just as the West wakes up and realises it’s in it for the long run, Joe Biden may not even remember what his first name is by the time the U.S. presidential elections get under way. And so very much a matter of time, but is time on the side of the West if Trump gets re-elected and wants to end the war? This is what Zelensky is thinking, thus explaining his level of panicking. He seems to be the only one in the West who has actually worked out that the scenario of a war of attrition doesn’t work for him and by contrast a shorter war with higher stakes, possibly air strikes, is also not so appealing. He has the choice between the boiling oil in the pan, or the inferno of the flames beneath it. 343
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 16:36 | #
CrossTalking with Dan Kovalik, Larry Johnson, and John Bosnitch. Watch: https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/577139-f16-jets-ukraine-unacceptable-escalation/ 344
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 02:55 | # With so many criminality - prone , knife - wielding Black bastards polluting London’s once - safe streets , what English Londoners have is , in addition to the obvious racial degradation of the capital , ” a Crisis of Illegitimacy.” 345
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 03:29 | # GW , I would like to ask a question re the absence of local government Conservatives in places like hometown, L . What motivates your fellow L-ites in the matter of electing supporters of hate - filled , anti - English Feminists , Homos and Minorities ? 346
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 21:44 | # Not sure what you mean, Al. But it is a fact that the two-party shell game, in which folks bounce from election to election voting for what they hope will finally be an honest, clean alternative to the dishonest and dirty incumbent, still has a powerful grip on the majority of the electorate. The politically minded denizens of the mainstream media boards and threads are exhibiting signs of understanding that they have to vote for a completely different type of candidate. But those are thin on the ground, and when they do run they cannot hope to compete with the mainstream party operations. In the forthcoming London mayoral election the Reform Party candidate is Howard Cox, who happens to be anti-ULEZ, and talks about crapping the whole thing if he is elected. My guess is he will be lucky to win 5% of the votes, London being what it is. Khan will comfortably win a third term. 347
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 23:15 | # GW, Same with Tories and Labour?
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/05/31/republicans-2024/ 348
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 05 Jun 2023 10:25 | # What State Harassment and Institutional Terror in Woke America Looks Like Conservatives cannot afford to stay cowed any longer. By John Kline
Posted by Timothy Murray on Mon, 05 Jun 2023 17:04 | # Dugin adds an important sense of scale to the idea of “The Narrative” by substituting the term “Operating System” . https://gab.com/Zakford/posts/110490688715915534 Coupled with Archbishop Vigano’s call for parallel structures that span nations and bypass the OS that Dugin describes, the idea will gain legs. Dugin provides a view of a different Ontology that we can all grasp reasonably well.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 05 Jun 2023 23:51 | # @349 What Dugin is talking about is the threat of modern secular-liberalism. 351
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 06 Jun 2023 03:36 | # The modern USA now has three refreshingly modern liberal Branches of Government , viz., Corporations , Homosexuals and the (((Media)). Of course the Govt is not genuinely secular . There is , I believe , mention made about “End Times” in the Bad Book , so I suppose if one is prepared to wait long enough ,even ancient Semitic soothsayer prophesies may fructify. 353
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 00:41 | # One the more interesting aspects of the old Jew - Book is the inherent sadism therein , which allows Heaven’s proletarian residents to witness the joy - laden spectacle of their terrestrial superiors ( “eye of needle” camel types and others who simply cannot maintain their reason in abeyance ) roasting in Hell . The Marquis de Sade is doubtless an Honorary Citizen of Heaven. 354
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 01:13 | # GW , Apologies . My ’ L ’ stood , inexpertly , for a town of the South Saxons, near a village beginning with ‘B’ in which stands The Royal Oak. There is , in Church ritual a valedictory Doxology and that sort of personal identity Revelation should be eschewed. 355
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 01:59 | # Of course , Christians are too unthinking to ponder the question of why Hell is so complete in its detail while Heaven remains infinitely ( le mot juste ) lacking in definition . ‘Paradise Lost’ is a work of poetic genius . Kindle 49 pence. The Demons , especially , have character and are relatable ( especially to me ), but even Milton did not dare speculate upon the true Hell of living with Christians for Eternity and being dominated by an enormous Polytheism - housed Trio of Jews . 356
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 03:37 | # Anyway , GW’s forbearance in the face “believe or go to Hell ” graphics from Thorn is why sensible English people , like GW , are so admired ( at least by me ). 357
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 07:40 | # Well, Al, you gotta get to heaven somehow! So they say. Definition of god: Ego hic iam, infantem. 358
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 10:44 | #
It’s conjecture - guesswork. Even someone like Guessedworker knows that.
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 11:21 | # This is worth your time, regardless of whose media propaganda you prefer.
WATCH: 360
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 11:26 | # @359
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:04 | # I wonder if Mearheimer would prefer to live under a Chinese-conceived and managed technocracy, running the Davos software, or Western one. 362
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:56 | # @361 Depends on who’s in charge of the Western one. Westerners have proven time and time again to be just as—or even more—tyrannical than Asians. 363
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 16:04 | # Tucker Carlson Emerges on Twitter to Deliver Monologue Watch: 364
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:47 | # @361 How much more proof do you need to convince you that the Western (post-Christian) ruling-class is already committing stealth genocide against its own people? 365
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 10:52 | # Everywhere I look on the right of politics there are people, by no means excluding the university educated, of an intelligence perfectly sufficient to grasp often quite complex and rich detail, but insufficient either (to be concerned) to see its whole structure, or discriminate for the fine differentials within it, or identify the ground of its arising. In my efforts to debate such people on the media threads they will hear and fall silent, and do not produce counter-argument. But five minutes later I read the words they have subsequently written to someone else, and what do I find but that they have turned straight back to the old siren song, whatever it may be. “It’s not race, it’s culture” ... “one under every stone” ... “we have forsaken the Lord” ... “yeah but you think the wrong side won WW2”, and so on - the all-encompassing, precious certainty of the mediocre. In some of it there may be a truth; but it is truth restricted always to a given area, and never beyond it. They just can’t get that. In the context of the Ukraine War the limited truth is “the evil West ... the lying West!” Those in the bottom two-thirds intelligence-wise are especially prone to conclude that if “the West” is evil and lying, and to blame for our woes in one context, it must be so in all things. Often, they will accuse me of being “fooled by the lying media”. That is their special achievement in life, you see - that they, uniquely, are not fooled by the lying media. One definition of intelligence is “explaining complexity with simplicity”. That, too, may have truth, but again there is a certain generalisation to that, and it dismisses the condition of those hearing this simplicity. Those folks may be operating from faith or some other overpowering emotional attachment or political conviction, or from egoistic intellectual investment in a counter-argument, or an ethnic investment, or from personal hostility, or just from being beyond simplicity’s reach. The last of these commends the view, which is institutionally structured in philosophy → politics, that we each receive from above according to our capacities but transmit below according to the capacities of our audience; and thus the process articulates. Public fora, however, are curiously egalitarian places where everyone equally supposes himself to be transmitting below. The narrative of “the evil West” is currently the lingua franca of the transmitting right-wing majority. 366
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:35 | # Out of all the candidates running POTUS this cycle, Vivek Ramaswamy by far has the best proposal to resolve the West vs Russia proxy war in Ukraine. Ukraine must make ‘major concessions’ to Russia so US can focus on China: Vivek Ramaswamy 367
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:55 | #
Most people recognize these two fundamental truths: 1) The “woke” religion is evil. 2) The Western ruling-class is dominated by people who’re pushing “wokeism”. GW, where you go wrong is your underestimating the level of intelligence of the people you disagree with. That in-and-of-itself makes you come across as too big for your britches - it engenders a bad impression. It would be a benefit to you to realize you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are. Moreover, you need to learn to admit to yourself when you’re wrong and you’ve been consistently wrong about the motivations vis-a-vis NATO vs Russia proxy war in Ukraine. Of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but I think it’s a flawed one. 368
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 12:39 | # And I attach the Climate Change cult to Wokeism. The Western ruling-class is forcing that toxicity down the thoughts of the masses - especially school kids. Did I mention massive constant non-white immigration into white countries - viz The Great Replacement? How about perpetual warfare? Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria Serbia, now the proxy war with Russia ..... Is it any wonder why the western masses regard its ruling-class as evil? Maybe you, GW, are confused about that set of circumstances but my thinking is crystal clear on those matters. 369
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:35 | # Thorn, it is irrelevant whether I am arrogant and abrasive or not. It’s not the subject at hand. The appalling and unchanging limits of the ordinary are the subject. They reveal themselves in the ineffable inability of those who have falsified the Establishment narrative to then grasp falsifications of their own worldview. In other words, for these people it is enough to hammer “the left”, or “Joos”, or “boomers”, or “Biden”, or “the deep state”, etc, etc. They are totally convinced that they have the keys to the kingdom, and they cannot be told otherwise. They are at the same time the movement and a curse on the movement. If we had a systemic form running from philosophy to politics:
https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/what_british_nationalism_can_become ... there would be enough vertical structure for the movement to breathe and accommodate its varied self. What we have, instead, is a stampede of notional equals. It does not work. 370
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:42 | # As for your other comments, here is my question. What, ideally, would this movement want from you? As a stampede, it wants you to draw all the obvious conclusions and bash the enemy over the head with them. As a revolutionary intellectual and political movement, however, it wants you to move beyond mechanical reaction, and seek a constructive ideological engagement first within itself and then with society beyond. 371
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 17:22 | # GW, The world is run by ruthless killers (I’m not being hyperbolic or exaggerating!). The ruling-class is motivated by their quest for money and power - at the very top money and power are inextricably intertwined. The top members of the WEF are a prime example of such. They will crush anyone, any group, or any government that tries to stand in their way. Look what they’re doing to Trump and those in his close orbit such as Steve Bannon, Rodger Stone, Mike Flynn, Peter Navaro, the Jan 6 protesters ...... You you think they are going to allow a WN movement to gain traction? Of course not. They already declared “white supremacy” as the greatest domestic terrorist threat. The don’t define what “white supremacy” is, but the strongly imply that anyone who deviates from the prog/woke agenda (E.g., MAGA Republicans as Biden proclaimed) demonstrate “white supremacist” tendencies thus must be canceled. Look what they’re doing to VDare. You know as well as I that that is what we’re up against. Lastly it matters not what you or I think ... or if either of us is right or wrong. Why? Because we lack the money and power it takes to gain national popularity. Without that popularity, we can’t hope to gain a following. But even if we miraculously gained money, power and a national voice, most of the current rhetoric WN propagates is a turnoff to 95% of the white pop. You really can’t blame them for that. I mean, who would want to affiliate themselves with a movement that has a philosophy rooted in - or revolves around - antisemitism? Outside the lunatic fringe, very few. So what remains of WN? Wishful thinking by a dwindling lot. 372
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 19:13 | # LOL ... just LOL…..
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 23:38 | # The EU Migration Agreement provides proof that the thesis of Sarah Maid of Albion’s Genocide by Stealth essay is proving true. Europeans finally agreed on the timeline in which they will hand over their gene-pool to the third world. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/eu-ministers-seal-historic-migration-deal/ar-AA1cj3U3 374
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 11 Jun 2023 13:03 | # Let this sink in! I’ve been saying the last part from the start. 375
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:12 | # @365. GW , that is a gem of a post, and thank you for it. 376
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 02:13 | # Many Brits are worried that , with the departure of BJ , not enough taxpayers’ money will be directed to Ukraine . A needless concern . Conservative Govt White - haters can , simultaneously, defend Ukraine’s borders while ensuring an even flow of Third World illegal immigrants. 377
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 03:43 | # What Thorn needs is more Christians manning our gene pool . If I may borrow the revered name of the British ? anti - racist Islamic hero who observed that there are too many Englishmen in England : Ghoffuq Youssef. 378
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:52 | #
As an Americano, Thorn wants racial segregation for whites and a return to the rule of law that our Founding Fathers spelled out in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They had it right. Thus there’s no need to reinvent the philosophical wheel. John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Of course John Adams was referring to traditional Christian values. Unfortunately America is now run by an immoral secular ruling-class. As predicted, we are witnessing American culture descend into immorality concomitant with tyranny. Same goes for the U.K. and most - if not all - western European countries. 379
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 11:07 | # I should include most of what passes as Christianity is in fact faux-Christianity. It’s been subverted by many forms of Marxism such as political correctness and its latest iteration (version) “wokeism”. https://www.amazon.com/Woke-Jesus-Messiah-Destroying-Christianity/dp/1630062510 381
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 14 Jun 2023 03:39 | # @380 Tell that to the German Protestant Church Congress : 382
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 Jul 2023 20:58 | # The U.S. political-class working in concert with the military-industrial complex decided to escalate the war thus moving the world one significant step towards WWIII concomitant with an all-out nuclear conflagration. Controversy surrounds US decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine 383
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Jul 2023 14:39 | # Biden Approves Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine as NATO Prepares for Discussions of Ukraine Entering Alliance
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 09 Jul 2023 23:43 | # Hey, GW, explain to us Christian rubes why this shit is happening. Wholesale rejection of traditional Christian values, perhaps? 385
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:36 | # Edited version of the recent interview between Tucker Carlson and Russel Brand. excerpt:
Watch: https://youtu.be/EW7hBu7rGSo 386
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 22:52 | # A voice of reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Fs1IyAKYA 387
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 15 Jul 2023 11:29 | # MacCregor and other warriors know it is the jews. The damn will break and the best minds in the world will again, name the jew.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 15 Jul 2023 11:43 | # Caveziel is a warrior.
I like that he talks about ‘fear’ and how he is not afraid.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 15 Jul 2023 22:36 | #
Keep in mind that “flying mopeds” defeated globohomo in Ukraine; flying mopeds will defeat globohomo in America. As an American, the fly in the toad-in-the-hole is the whole Anglo Saxon thing….England is (now) Anglo Saxon..right? as is Germany, right? Apparently there is a blood-lust there and as we all know blood lust , among lesser men, trumps the reason and virtue of Classical Antiquity. Marcus Aurelius would not approve .
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:13 | # https://www.moonofalabama.org/2023/08/ukraine-sitrep-end-of-the-counteroffensive.html The jews have lost in Ukraine. Reports are that they will now try to fight to the last Pole Nigeria rebukes Nuland..the color revolution playbook did not work there. What to do but escalate? Massada 2.0 here we come. 391
Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:22 | #
1. “W”? “He is not a thoughtful man” and the suppressed giggle of Tucker.
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 23 Aug 2023 17:19 | # Breaking News: Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead. 393
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:02 | # Wagner’s Prigozhin Presumed Dead After His Business Jet With 10 People On Board ‘Crashes’ BY TYLER DURDEN
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:27 | # First this: Then this: Who Caused the Ukraine War? Aug 5 • John J. Mearsheimer https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/who-caused-the-ukraine-war 397
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:34 | # Isn’t amazing some self-described intelligent peeps still think Putin is the aggressor? Such delusion is mind boggling. Must have something to do with emotionally based rooting. Silly mindset. 399
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:06 | # #reality GW, the western oligarchs (the guys who indirectly control the levers of power) have us within an inch of nuclear war. The question is whether it will be first sparked by the US instigated war with Russia? Or will it be Israel - with the tacit approval of the US Government - nuking its enemies? Take your pick. Note: The USA’s direct war against Russia via Ukraine started many years before the Maidan coup of 2014. IMO the war started in earnest when Putin refused to align - to get on board - with the western globalist agenda. That refusal became evident with Putin’s Munich speech in 2007. 400
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 23:48 | # @398 BTW, Big G. it wasn’t meant to troll. It was meant to honestly critique you. You are way off the mark vis-a-vis the reason Putin decided to invade Ukraine. Maybe someday you will realize how off the mark your “logic” is. 401
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 16 Aug 2024 22:53 | # Heil Starmer!!!
Damned that Putin for manipulating westerners’ into “mechanistically” turning against their own leaders!! Don’t be duped by pro-Putin propaganda!! HE IS AN IMPERIALIST!!!! /s and lol 402
Posted by Manc on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 12:54 | # It’s a given that immigration will increase under a Labour government. The Party’s Starmabteilung took to the streets en masse last week with their “Open Borders” and “Refugees Welcome” banners, for the benefit of anyone who didn’t already know. 403
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:08 | # @ 402 405
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:37 | # Doctorow: Putin’s Message To The US/UK/NATO Forces
International relations, Russian affairs
For those who want a recapitulation of the warning given in St Petersburg on Thursday and its consequences in Washington on Friday, here is a six minute summary which I provided to Iran’s English-language global broadcaster Press TV yesterday: 406
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:03 | # # mechanistic hate for Western elites ... lol The Western elite underestimated and continues to ignore Russian nationalist sentiment. Nationalism is anathema to Western elites. If England exhibited even a fraction of the nationalistic sentiment that is prevalent in Russia, it wouldn’t be experiencing the race-replacement type of genocide it’s currently undergoing. Prove me wrong. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View) |
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:31 | #
Thorn note: In a sane world all parties would return to the negotiating table and quickly revert back to abiding by the Minsk agreements. A much better negotiated outcome would be what Elon Musk proposed.
The paradox: The closer the West/NATO gets to defeating Russia in Ukraine the closer the world gets to nuclear annihilation.
Mearsheimer and Dugin explain why.
Mearsheimer Interview With PRC Media 22FEB23
And read this:
From special operation to full-scale war
Alexander Dugin