The Amygdala War: Amygdala Activation During Decision Bias
I’ve previously pointed out how the amygdala is a very good candidate brain structure for the focal point of race replacement via parasitic castration. There is now further study examining how amygdala activation predicts decision bias:
The subjects made these decisions inside a functional MRI scanner, allowing the investigators to record patterns of neural activity throughout the brain during the task. They asked whether activity in any brain region was correlated with a tendency to make biased decisions. To accomplish this, they summed the scans taken when an individual subject chose to “Keep £20” or to gamble rather than “Lose £30,” and subtracted the scans taken when he or she chose to “Lose £30” or to gamble rather than “Keep £20.” This analysis identified areas of the brain that were more active when subjects were choosing in keeping with the framing effect than when they were not. The results showed that framing-driven choices were correlated with increased activity of the amygdala…
Note the “Lose £30” or “Keep £20” choice was with respect to an original £50 so the choices are supposedly equal. The researchers claim this points to “irrational” brain activity in those who were most biased toward the “Keep £20” choice. My contention is that, as with other secondary sexual functions of the amygdala particularly in males, the territorial competition aspect is central to understanding this supposedly “irrational” brain activity, to wit: If one presumes that the agent with which one is gaming is attempting to acquire your assets/territory, one quite rationally considers the possibility that the phrase “Lose £30” could be interpreted by foes as “Lose at least £30” and like-wise the phrase “Keep £20” could be interpreted to mean “Keep at least £20” by friends.
Certainly these are not interpretations that give one’s opponent “the benefit of the doubt”—as we are continually admonished to do by moral authorities of the current secular theocracy—yet they are entirely rational from the perspective of an adversarial game situation.
Again, a functional amygdala is an asset and a primary target for destruction by the adversary.
Posted by Well on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:40 | #
“Again, a functional amygdala is an asset and a primary target for destruction by the adversary.”
As discussed on this blog previously, given the connection between the amygdala and autism, is it possible that exposure of children to South Asian phenotypes promotes the induction of autism in the vulnerable, through a mechanism that involves the amygdala?