Salter republished Transaction, a social sciences publisher, has republished Frank Salter’s “On Genetic Interests, Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration”. The blurb states:-
This edition has a new introduction. It would be very interesting to know the differences, and how - if they are substantive - Salter arrived at them. Comments:2
Posted by Bo Sears on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 20:55 | # “Whenever a Black guy can find a White girl dumb and deluded enough to “give it up”—and these days that’s just as likely to be a college-educated, well-to-do White girl as one who lives on the border of the projects—he gets an essentially Black child with a Black phenotype who also culturally identifies as Black.” A perfect description of US Senator Barack Obama. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 21:01 | # Beowulf’s analysis is everywhere sound. As far as the Jewish role in all this goes, it is clear that at bottom it amounts to the waging of an ethnic war to inflict genocide on Euros. Why are their allies, the élites of the Euros, complicit? We can only guess, since they’re keeping tight-lipped. They apparently see themselves gaining more money and power as a class (not, of course, as a race) if whites are genocided. Think of Bill Gates to see the plausibility of this. Beowulf wrote,
As I saw someone say recently, Jews preach communism for gentiles, Nazism for themselves. That’s actually a bit unfair, there being lots of confused Jews who espouse for themselves things like communism and ethno-racial suicide every bit as insanely as the worst Euro lemmings. But they’re not the Jews who are on a survival track, the ones who espouse Nazism for themselves are.
The Jews have immense media power: their preponderant influence over Hollywood all by itself attests to this (look how the Walt Disney product changed drastically from Walt Disney to Michael Eisner), and they exercise preponderant influence in other media domains as well, including newspapers, book publishing, television both network and cable, and the pop music industry. Jewish views, attitudes, and preoccupations become influential partly by simply getting widely disseminated. To get the impression there is significant Jewish influence over Hollywood is considered anti-Semitic, so in that sense it may be better to prevent yourself from getting that impression (just practice exerting control over your conscious thoughts until you manage to blot that particular impression out):
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 21:49 | #
I think it equally important to analyse why, exactly, Euro élites are working hand-in-glove with the pro-genocide forces seeking to erase traditional white-race majorities throughout the Eurosphere countries. Obviously it’s money because everything comes down to that. Sex is involved too, of course—in a thousand ways it’s easier to persuade a white woman to jump in the sack with you if you manage to come across as a racial egalitarian in her eyes. So money and sex are obvious factors, but are we leaving any out? That’s what men like Salter can help us with. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 21:56 | # Fred, You are looking through the wrong end of the telescope - too much time spent in the company of Friedrich. I am slowly getting around to a post on the power paradigm, then you can prove me wrong. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 22:27 | # GW, thanks for trying to help me get oriented — I’m grateful for any help because I’m bewildered. Where I’m “at” is trying to grasp why the Euro élites (not Jewish élites, Euros) favor race-replacement of their own races, and that throughout the Eurosphere: it’s generalized. In the world of physics it requires enormous energy to make things unipolar, to have just negative or positive charges by themselves, unbalanced with their opposite. What enormous energy source has eliminated one entire pole from what should be roughly equally-divided élite opinion, namely, the racial sanity pole? One entire pole is gone, non-existent. You hear not a peep out of any corner of the élite world espousing that view. What in the world’s going on? Meanwhile, things just keep galloping in the genocide-of-whites direction, everywhere you look. 7
Posted by Bo Sears on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 22:45 | # “As far as the Jewish role in all this goes, it is clear that at bottom it amounts to the waging of an ethnic war to inflict genocide on Euros. Why are their allies, the élites of the Euros, complicit? We can only guess, since they’re keeping tight-lipped.” But this has always been true in history. Whites have consistently arranged themselves in hierarchies of royalty, nobility, trade associations, craft organizations, unions, churches, etc., and there is scant evidence that the organizing principle of those who ended up on top (Roman emperor, Frankish king, UK ship captain, Duke or Earl keen to enclose his lands, etc.) cared a whit for the members of his ethnicity or race. The “elites” have long since abandoned the cultural reciprocities that ought to exist between workers and owners. Just think of the horrors of the enclosure movement…it’s not a new phenomenon. A good case study is the Hilton family. There was a recent documentary on the Paris Hilton family, and the question raised was whether or not the parents were embarressed by the Paris sex tape which would send most parents into a tizzy. The answer was, not at all, they praised Paris, apparently on the basis that it would make her more famous and thus more capable of earning more money. This is such a different world view from that possessed by most white Americans that it is hard to understand what cultural bridge could unite the Hiltons with the nation’s middle classes. The answer is that we must abandon the “elites” as, someone else once said, whited sepulchers and move on without the Davos deracinated personalities. I know this runs against a particular view on Majority Rights which is keenly interested in upper class views and sites who are much like the nobles and royals in the French revolutionary war. They were so preserved in their own bubbles that they simply couldn’t perceive an identity with the ordinary French folk. So, what is to be done? About the only thing is to develop an embedded economic design in any program that will strip the deracinated ones of their wealth and income, and benefit middle and lower class whites. Sumptuary laws and taxes would be helpful, too. 8
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 23:23 | # To Fred and GW: I continue to adhere to the ecological catastrophe paradigm: Starting at least at the neolithic with agriculture, the horse and wheel, and accelerating in modern times with air travel and very efficient climate/environmental control within artificial structures, technology has so altered the gene flows of the world—both human and non-human—that it has destroyed many of the natural systems upon which we rely not just as an ethnic group but as a species and ultimately as a biosphere. Certain parts of our biosphere are more vulnerable than others and certain ethnic groups are more vulnerable than others but ultimately “the Jewish problem” isn’t much different than the general problem with invasive species except that it is an “invasive species” that accelerates the invasion of other “species” similar to the way HIV accelerates the invasion of opportunistic diseases by attacking the immune system. The precise dynamics of this are open to discussion—something I’ve <a >hypothesized</a> is a consequence of differential genetic “omni-dominance” or a generalization of genetic dominance to include modifier genes, epistasis and extended phenotypics—but it should be reasonably clear that the frightening pace of ecological distruction is resulting in many pathologies at many levels. Those who rejoice in this as “evolution in action” aren’t paying attention to the fact that this extinction event—the largest in 60 million years—is our responsibility and we therefore are responsible for deciding whether it is “good”. The answer is clearly “No… it is merely irresponsible use of techology.” 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 23:48 | # Bo and James, thank you for those thoughts: they will give me a lot to “chew on.” Beowulf, about Jewish hypocrisy, and about Jews “being under no illusions” about what’s really going on( * ) (i.e., pushing one thing for gentile consumption and the opposite for their own purposes), look at this. ( * apart from a certain category of Jewish dupes) 10
Posted by Beowulf on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:23 | # “Beowulf, about Jewish hypocrisy, and about Jews “being under no illusions” about what’s really going on( * ) (i.e., pushing one thing for gentile consumption and the opposite for their own purposes), look at this. “ Yeah, this doesn’t surprise me. “Liberalism” and “conservative nationalism” are relative viewpoints of course, and from a sort of Clausewitzian/Machiavellian perspective, if you have two competing groups, then it’s to the utmost advantage for Group A to force liberal, self-destructive behavior onto Group B while reserving more conservative values for itself. This is the explanation for how so many Jews, especially those with power, can be so liberal and globalist in some cases (the culture they preach to the US) and so hard-nosed and conservative in others (the culture they preach to Israel). It only appears inconsistent if one is unaware of the underlying ethnic warfare going on—in fact, it’s entirely consistent with a well-planned approach to gut a competing culture while strengthening one’s own, both among the Diaspora and in Israel itself. Thus, Jews in the US, UK, Australia and Canada—seeing Gentile Whites with solidarity, the most powerful group in these countries, as the prime threat to their own interests—manage to foist self-destructive liberal values on Gentile Whites, things like miscegenation, feminism, mass immigration and affirmative action, while quietly and subtle reserving more conservative values for themselves and for Israel. They also work overtime to instill a sense of hatred against truculently White nations like Germany or Italy or the Netherlands—basically, when it comes to “history” shows on US TV, it’s pretty much all Nazis, all the time. This is despite the fact that this was a tiny fraction of Germany’s history which extends back many, many centuries before that, and includes probably the most accomplished people in world history who’ve essentially put together much of the modern world—the great composers, scientists, mathematicians, engineers and philosophers of the past 400 years who have been disproportionately German. The very fact that we, today, have working automobiles, electric lights, flushing toilets, modern sanitation, drugs that save our lives, highways, and engineering technologies that make the world work, owes basically to technology developed by White Germans in the 1700’s and 1800’s in particular. It’s an accomplishment about which we should be justifiably proud, but of course, we Kulaks (i.e., White Gentiles) are not allowed to know this. We’d then become too respectful of our own kind, and we can’t have that now, can we? Funny thing is, in my own jobs, I’ve met some Jewish guys who’ve been OK people and don’t have this anti-White chip on their shoulders. But they really do seem to be outnumbered—or at least overpowered—by the Jews in high places in control of e.g. media outlets and political organizations, who really do act lethally against the interests and culture of White Gentiles, while at the same time vigorously supporting Israel and militating against any concessions, let alone fraternizing with, Palestinians and other non-Jewish groups. As for the Euro elites—in my own experience there’s country by country variance here. The Brits in particular have fallen hook, line and sinker for the anti-White venom that’s permeated the leading media trendsetters and culture of the USA. As many others have noticed, Britain has among the highest rates of interracial Black-White childbearing in the Western world, and these kids tend to grow up angry, unsure of their identity, and definitely not identifying as White. Nevertheless, it’s the fantasy of young White British women just about anywhere to have a Black boyfriend of their arms, and to bear a Black child—after which her boyfriend, just like in the US, tends to abandon her to knock up somebody else. Britain is also full-bore into the multicultural miasma. I fear that close links among the English language media may be behind this to an extent, since I also see this in Canada and Australia—in all these places, Jewish interests are basically in control of the media and basically set the “mainstream” culture. Elsewhere in the EU, in my experience it’s a mixed bag. France has long been subject to much of the same multicultural, egalitarian nonsense as the UK and USA. But France for whatever reason also has a cultural stubbornness to it that’s more resistant to much of the same stupidity—affirmative action for example, has never taken hold in France, and the French unlike the Americans and Brits, really has started cracking down hard on Third World immigration, even deporting a large fraction of them who commit crimes. Belgium and the Netherlands also have some of the same PC stupidity as France but also seem to have a bit of that French stubbornness and have been pushing their own reforms. These Continental countries seem to reject the “we are the world, and we’ll take in the whole world and replace our native populations” mindset of the US and Britain. Another factor may be that the media in those countries really is controlled by White Gentiles and—being non-English speaking—is probably less subject to the noxiousness emanating from the US. Central Europe really does “feel” more European. I’ve noticed, as have others, that there’s just something that really does feel different when you’re in Germany or Austria or other Alpine regions. These regions of Europe don’t have much experience with those sorts of overseas empires that made e.g. the British Empire, vast majority non-White overall, and which plague places like Britain, Canada and the USA into thinking that they have to be “globalist” to be politically correct, basically inviting in the entire Third World. Germany and Central Europe in general do have some of their own PC meanderings but also seem to have an easier time casting them off, since their whole historical context is different, and White Gentile high accomplishment is integral to their identity. They have an easier time embracing common sense: “We’re White, Western and European, we’re proud of that.” Like many others, I see two concomitant prospects for White survival in the next 30 years. One is the survival of a few White European nations basically intact, essentially Central Europe and *maybe* Italy, France and the Low Countries, provided that they can continue with their recent immigration reforms and stubbornly resist the PC “suggestions” coming out of the US and British media. I sense that the dire warnings of many about the US, Canada, Australia and UK will come true in 25 years—all of these will be non-White majority countries, and cannot survive intact. (US states like California, NM, Illinois, Arizona and, yes, Michigan are already becoming White no-go zones.) So their White populations have two options—one is to join solid White nations like those in Central Europe, Austria and Germany being top candidates and again, possibly Italy, France, the Low Countries and Scandinavia if they stay intact. I’m basically confident that they will—they’re not quite as culturally solid as the German-speaking countries but they do resist the anti-White venoms and cultural toxins coming from the US, more than Canada, Britain and Australia have managed to do. Remaining White requires what the US PC media would describe as “provincialism,” but what societies throughout history have called “common sense”—respecting your own culture, and not overwhelming your country’s native people with others. The US, UK, Australia and Canada, with their media firmly in control of Jewish pro-Israeli interests who work overtime to break the power of White Gentiles, are too afraid to be “provincial” and capitulate to the snake oil of globalism and self-destruction instead. A core of Europe, despite its own current problems, will pull through this mostly intact. The second option is to break off portions of the US and UK as basically White nations, and I do see this happening in about 20-30 years. The entire USA has been overtaken by the idiotic cultural bromides of the mass media to some degree, but some regions more than others, and in 20 years the map of the USA will be very distinctive—some regions will be basically White, others will not. The US doesn’t feel like a cohesive nation anymore, and these sorts of racial conflicts will be the final straw. Whites can’t remain complacent here forever, and those that don’t take up residence in other White nations (strengthening them in the process), will agitate for separation within the USA. The awful truth is, Texas and Florida will both soon be solidly Democratic states, probably by about 2014 or so—there have been countless shadow amnesties in the past 10 years and they continue. Once this happens, the burdens of affirmative action, welfare and mass immigration will prove to be unbearable for the US’s remaining White population which would have no means to address these issues in the ballot box (not that the Republicans have been very helpful either). My friend only half-sarcastically suggested that we should stick around until after the 2008 elections, if nothing else to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning then—which would be a global disaster for Whites, since she embraces Trotskyist world socialist principles and would make it dangerous for us just about anywhere. I’d even vote for someone repulsive like John McCain against her, certainly would vote for Giuliani or maybe Romney. After that, it’s then our chance to decide—learn German or Dutch or Italian perhaps and set up and raise our families in the White nations across the Atlantic, or prepare to carve out our homes in separate territories here in whatever political unit succeeds the USA. The destruction of White culture in the US as a whole by our largely Jewish-controlled media has progressed too far to reverse it now, particularly as we become minorities here ourselves. That destructive culture has also infected Canada, the UK and Australia. Yet just as in Yugoslavia, our racial identities have only been briefly submerged, only to come out again when we hit the inevitable economic pain from our profligate spending policies. And Yugoslavia probably provides some kind of harbinger for us as well. 11
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 04:09 | # What are your views on Italians? Why are we “loyal to the death” resembling savage cultures of Africa, yet we have the IQ’s that started empires when Northern Euros were painting their faces blue and throwing rocks at us while we conquered them. Italians are certainly a high testosterone high muscle mass group compared to most of the Northern Europeans “ectomorphism”. 12
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 04:49 | # The modern Italians are only related to the ancient Romans in the most peripheral way. The founders of the Roman Empire were Nordic Aryans. 13
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 04:52 | # So who are modern Italians predominantly related to genetically? 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 05:38 | # Alexander, here‘s a page you can browse if you haven’t seen it. 15
Posted by Confederate Cal on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:10 | # Hey y’all, Some astute commentary here and conforms with what I’ve come to expect from WN’s—much, much, much smarter and more perceptive than the tools in the mainstream media like to portray us as. I know B and he’s smart as a whip but the general level of discussion here is top-notch, easily at the level of a college seminar but w/o the PC stultification that always seems to dumb it down. Just some brain fodder of my own I thought I’d add here: There’s another way that the current White-hating culture of the US is slowly killing us here, besides the many examples y’all give above—the White suicide rate in the US, Britain, Canada, and Australia is much, much higher than non-Whites, especially among young, educated (and Gentile!) White men: Look at the suicide risk factors on this Website, then look at the geographical distribution. You can see that the culture we have in the USA is a set-up to drive more and more capable young White men to suicide: We’re robbed of the ability to organize ourselves, robbed of the basic right to even identify with each other or identity as Whites with a shared history and interests, robbed of our White communities, with our incomes and livelihood depressed from mass immigration, income-killing divorce laws, and affirmative action, and even denied the right to organize as a group and fight for our rights against the pervasive sociocultural and sociopolitical forces that are arrayed so powerfully against us. Suicide rates are highest on the West Coast, where Whites have the least solidarity and the weakest sense of themselves as people with a shared heritage—they’re lowest in the South (this is available in many other studies) and regions of the Midwest where Whites have the most solidarity and sense of themselves as a White community. Another fascinating tidbit—suicide rates in Israel are among the lowest in the world, despite the pressures of living there, since the Israelis are allowed to have such solidarity among each other as Jews and allowed to vigorously participate as Jews in a Jewish community, in their own country. On the converse side, the most “diverse” White nations—the US, Canada, Britain and Australia—all have among the world’s highest suicide rates among Western nations, and this is true even after you factor out such confounders as religious belief and unpleasant weather. So in addition to the low-grade, anti-White guerrilla war chronicled in The Color of Crime, with bloodbaths such as the Wichita Massacre ( ) which of course go largely unreported by the mainstream media——you also have a pervasively anti-White mainstream media culture that effectively stifles even the basic right of Whites to acknowledge themselves and to combat the hatred against them, which in conjunction with vicious policies like affirmative action, mass immigration and the anti-White marriage/divorce policies of this nation, kills even more Whites through establishing the conditions that lead to suicide. I can’t imagine how the clarion call could be any clearer—the mainstream culture and policies of the United States which, yes, are set in large part by powerful Jewish interests who very much see themselves as separate from White Americans in general—is literally killing us and killing our people. While sites such as MR are invaluable to our cause, we do have to work hard to help bring the WN message more broadly to Whites in general, who are more than ready to be awakened from their complacency. Contrary to the crap that the mainstream media hurl at us, I don’t see WN as being fringe at all. It’s not a hate movement—in fact, it’s basically the same sort of thing as the movement embodied by the NAACP and the SCLC provide for Black people, fundamentally a group that raises our collective consciousness and helps to stand up for us as a group of people under persecution. Most of us don’t hate Jews and non-Whites as people—I have friends among these groups myself—but we all despise the overriding anti-White culture and policies that are literally killing us while refusing to allow us to fight back against them. To the extent that many Jews are disproportionately represented among the media honchos that disseminate this anti-White culture, even as they pose as White and support the interests of Israel against those of White Gentiles, naturally that makes us very angry—it’s classic undermining from within, with a group infiltrating our numbers while very clearly working against our interests. But what we’re fighting fundamentally are this pervasive culture and the policies that are so deadly to us as a people—we’re doing nothing more than standing up for ourselves as a people, awakening a common consciousness within ourselves. In my own experience, even liberal-leaning Whites are made so angry by examples such as the massacre at Wichita, and by the Duke rape hoax and other examples of policies and media culture that so blatantly work against us, there’s a big pool of justifiable bitterness ready to be tapped. A couple other margin notes: If anyone’s ever tried to access MR from a public kiosk, you’ll notice that MR (as well as other White Nationalist sites) is just about always blocked. As though all the other insults directed our way weren’t enough, the media powers that be make sure that they even censor us and prevent us from communicating with each other—while, of course, they always make sure that people can access even openly hating Black sites like the Black Panthers (as well as the NAACP, which obviously has “ethnic interests” in mind). This is ridiculous, and we should work, quietly but steadily, to boycott and cause economic pain to any company that uses software that so arrogantly blocks us like this and politically censors us—as well as boycotting the software-blocking companies themselves. Another thing too, a glum but important note—as someone who used to do weekend work doing statistical analysis in government agencies that deal with immigration, I have to agree that the United States is now lost beyond rescue. Only a fragment of this once great nation can be salvaged, possibly most of the South and much of the Midwest (excepting Illinois and Michigan) and the Mountain States, as separate nations, which in any case I think will likely be coming about soon, just as Thomas Chittum predicted. Some sites such as Free Republic do rail against the Third World transplantation that occurs with illegal immigration. Two problems: One is that the legal immigration numbers to the US themselves, without even considering the illegal alien numbers, are so high as to swamp out US Whites and make us into a minority by about 2028 by even the most conservative projections. Blacks have extremely high immigration levels—the Sudan and Somalia are big sources. And of course Latinos and very anti-White, hostile Asian groups—East Indians in particular, who have done more economic and social damage to White Americans than any other group of immigrants, via the various high-tech visa programs for them—are growing very fast. As if the news weren’t bad enough already here, there already *is* massive illegal immigrant amnesty in the USA, no new bill from Congress needed. As I learned when I was crunching numbers, illegal aliens have all kinds of back doors to game the system—having kids on US soil, getting kids enrolled in US schools, getting a family member already in the US to sponsor them, fake marriages, forged documents, and all kinds of other methods. So it’s not a question of “whether” Congress will grant amnesty to the illegals in 2007—in effect, it’s already occurred. Once again, though, obsessing over the “legal” vs. “illegal” immigrant tide is utterly fruitless—the legal numbers are so preposterously stupid, that we’re being overwhelmed here either way. I do agree that some Western nations are better than others, and the German nations in particular are going to make it through this idiotic Third World invasion storm intact, and (I also suspect) Italy and even France as well, as they’ve lately stiffened their spines. So make sure to keep a German language practice book handy, as well as Italian and even Dutch and French—those may indeed be the languages of the few remaining White nations left after 20 years. Still, this anti-White culture and the naivete that helps facilitate it are a global problem, and we have to be vigilant wherever we are. I still do cling to some prospect that, while the US and probably Canada, Britain and Australia are all headed for White minority status soon enough, the resulting break-up might have a healthy effect. This debacle might be the only way that Whites worldwide finally wake up and see that mass immigration and associated anti-White policies are disastrous, and the resulting smaller White nations that result would likely be much more vigilant. It’s the old cautionary tale about how a frog in slowly simmering water often complacently lets itself be killed by the increasing heat, while the boiling water shocks the frog into action. I do agree, an economic or other sort of crisis, jarring as it might be, may well be the only thing that can save us here as a people, by waking us up to the unvarnished reality of what’s happening to us and what we’re suffering as a people. 16
Posted by Confederate Cal on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:26 | # One more point to make, and I think this has to be emphasized: WN ties in well with a few political movements broadly (and incorrectly) characterized as liberal, so we can also cross party lines in the support we can gain among our people. For example, the vast majority of WN’s I know are also strong environmentalists, and one of the other factors motivating their anger about mass immigration (mostly legal immigration) to the USA is the ecological destruction and damage which it causes, both in the US and abroad, due to US multinationals. Most WN’s are closely affiliated with the ancient belief system of our people, which strongly respects the rights of the animals and plants among us to dwell alongside us, and which sees this ridiculous immigration policy—which tends to drive up world population overall—as harmful to humans and the natural world alike. Many of us have links with Christian communities, but take heart, most evangelical Christians are also pro-environmental and are at least latent WN’s at heart, in the sort of positive, welcoming way that I recently saw when I was in Germany (respecting of our own people but also open to learning from others). Yes, lots of media attention is given to the pseudo-Christian idiots who constitute the US Dispensationalism movement. (The Dispensationalists, as an FYI to anyone who hasn’t encountered them, constitute a large fraction of the Left Behind and Late Great Planet Earth-believing crowd—they’re often very anti-environmental and pro-Israeli. They believe that a big war involving Israel might help precipitate the Rapture for them, and since they think this big ugly war is coming soon, they don’t have much interest in preserving our natural environment.) However, the vast majority of evangelical Christians firmly agree with our own efforts and with environmental preservation in general, particularly as this links up with the WN movement. As for the separatist movements in many non-White communities—such as the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and Hector Carreon’s group—I’d say that, paradoxically, many of them are sort of tenuous allies, although of course following a break-up of the US, they’d be getting separate pieces of territory. They, at least, are realistic people who make no bones about the fact that different races fight and protect their own, and they have no patience with the idiotic, soothing bromides of the Moronic Left and Jewish (and some Gentile) media that purport to be humanitarian yet, in fact, foster the very culture that is so hostile to the social and economic interests of White people in general. But the environmental groups are our natural allies, and even though they won’t align with any particular race, most of the environmental groups understand that, deep down, racial protectiveness in countries also serves as a bulwark against mass immigration and ecological damage. It’s another way in which our movement very much has mainstream appeal. BTW, if you all have one—make sure to wave your Rebel Flag with pride. Whatever the media claims it once meant to people, today, it’s the best symbol we have of freedom. 17
Posted by Confederate Cal on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:29 | # One good example of a WN, very much environmentalist article: Whatever one’s feelings about global warming in particular, IMHO what’s far more important is the point that Frosty Woolridge makes here, about the tremendous strain that mass immigration to the US places on our oceans and our forests (including our rain forests), both from direct damage and from the indirect, high consumption costs that the US imposes on the rest of the world, in part through its multinationals. I couldn’t have said it any better. 18
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:08 | # Im sure there is some truth in the environmental arguement. Here in Britain, personally speaking, every green/animal rights person Ive ever met or even seen is white, yes Im sure there are a few non-whites involved here and there but we are talking a minute percentage. They, the green/animal rights people, tend to mouth the standard PC/MSM platitudes but it must cross their minds from time to time as they look around their comrades in arms that in fact the sainted minorities couldnt give a s**t about their concerns. 19
Posted by Election Summary on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:38 | # the German nations in particular are going to make it through this idiotic Third World invasion storm intact A storm is passing in nature, but this is for keeps. The demographic situation is more stable in Germany immigration-wise, but the nation is a cage. It’s illegal to criticize Jews and to organize nationalistically. The “run away” plans don’t work since “safe areas” do not exist anywhere on this planet whatsoever; stand and fight, with allowance for tactical or strategic withdrawals. If you chose to actively fight, choose between the US, UK, or Russia—that’s where you can make a difference. The U.S. may be the worst demographically; yet, there, is the wealthiest, largest, and probably most talented White population of any single nation, with the most leeway in terms of freedom of speech. Even if momentum is unfavorable, your duty is to put up a “fighting withdrawal”, providing as much assistance and cover to nationalists in Europe (see David Duke, for instance). 20
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:31 | # Fred Scrooby, that page confirms what I already knew - that Italians are NOT heavily mixed with blacks and arabs. And that Nordics did not found Rome, but anyone who knows the majority of Italians in ancient Rome - and now are short/stocky body type should have already knew that. Seems like some here are insecure about the fact that a high testosterone group with many “mesomorph” types had the IQ and cooperation to build empires. Due to the current decline of our Anglo/Nordic dominated Western societies, one might say that the Italians have the best qualities of beast and man. 21
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:35 | # What will eventually ‘Come out in the wash’, (as that quaint old English phrase goes), is that the various east Asian Mongolian ethnies of the World will come through this century absolutely invincible and impregnable - a total domination of the globe fiscally, economically, technologically and militarilly - mre so than the White race ever achieved in its apogee 0f 1800 to 1900, (yes we’ve been in decline for over a hundred years, it’s just that the rate of decline has accelerated somewhat recently). 22
Posted by Italion Donkey-Wong on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:43 | # “Alexander’s” questions and comments are completely irrelevant to the topic of this post, which leads one to question motivation. On a not completely separate topic - what ever happened to “Stallion/Wong?” Or do we know the answer to that, already? 23
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 14:32 | # I am none of those names I’ve been a lurker on this site until now. I asked because this was the most active thread and I wanted an answer as to whether there would be an Italian final solution, since many of you think us light skinned Africans, lower than even the hated Jew. 24
Posted by Get lost troll on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 14:57 | # Nobody here “hates” Jews; only paranoids equate criticism with hate. Nobody here wants “final solutions”; the idea is to prevent one against whites. Nobody here thinks Italians are Africans; except for trolls like Stallion/Wong, that is. Now what is so fun about trolling internet forums? Please explain. You could be out playing with the other kids, you could be watching Power Rangers, you could be doing your homework, but no - you just have to pollute intelligent discussion with wild eyed allegations. Why? 25
Posted by Alex the Troll on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:00 | # “Alexander” - You have been a lurker, and have wanted to ask this question on “the most active thread”, but have waited until now - ignoring other threads with more activity - to make your asinine comments. Interesting. Your completely irrelevant comments are an obvious attempt to inflame ‘Nord/Med’ tensions. Your comment that you are worried about an “Italian final solution” is a laughable excuse -if you are actually worried about such a “final solution” it would seem that the *last thing* you would do is attack the masculinity and tribal history of “Anglo/Nordics” and accuse members of this blog of being ‘...insecure about the fact that a high testosterone group with many “mesomorph” types had the IQ and cooperation to build empires.’ Insulting provocation would seem to me to be a very inefficient way to prevent a “final solution”, but a very efficient way of promoting antagonism. You are a pathetic liar, and incompetently illogical as well. “...since many of you think us light skinned Africans, lower than even the hated Jew.” Which Majority Rights blogger said that? This underscores a fundamental weakness of this blog - that the powers-that-be are seemingly unable to distinguish between free speech/genuine debate and malicious trolling. Until they gain the capacity to do so, the signal-to-noise ratio here will be sub-standard. 26
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:09 | # Is the MR answer to the Jewish and browne horde in the West not deportion to their original tribal lands? My question is do you consider Italians and Southern Euros in general your Nordic equals in IQ and “capacity for love”? It’s a simple question, and there’s no need to get emotional and call out “troll” insults no matter what the answer is. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:30 | # I agree Alexander’s a troll and I regret responding to him now. 28
Posted by Alex Donkey-Love on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:41 | # “I agree Alexander’s a troll and I regret responding to him now. “ Frederick Scrooby: good call. 29
Posted by Get lost troll on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:03 | # “My question is do you consider Italians and Southern Euros in general your Nordic equals in IQ and “capacity for love”?” Of course. Happy now? Fred has already answered you by providing you with a link where it clearly states: “It is often claimed that Italians, especially those from the South of the country, have substantial Middle Eastern and African admixture acquired during Roman times and the Moorish occupation. However, data from anthropology shows a prehistoric origin for the Mediterranean elements in Italy, and detects no Negroid influence there whatsoever. Genetic research confirms this, showing that both sub-Saharan and Arab-Berber admixture are negligible. The differences between Northern and Southern Italians have also been greatly exaggerated for political reasons.” This is a great thread. Beowulf and Confederate Cal, for example, have made some of the best posts I’ve seen in weeks. Thanks a lot for trying to hijack it into a mindless discussion over whether Italians are Africans - a theory only you are advancing, that no one here agrees with and that has NOTHING to do with the subject matter of this thread. If you have any further “questions”, post them where they’re appropriate. Not here. Anyway, my apologies to everyone for engaging the troll. I won’t be responding to him anymore. 30
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:47 | # It would seem churlish to bid farewell to the troll without his learning who were the founders of Rome, so : 31
Posted by x on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 17:03 | # Thanks, Al, for making Alexander’s stay here a fruitful one. 32
Posted by Desmond jones on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 19:51 | # Lothrop Stoddard, from his Rising Tide of Color;
Posted by Troller Alexie on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 20:42 | # Again, as per Frederick, feeding the trolls is counter-productive. What is advisable is that anyone who has not yet purchased Salter’s book when it was last available, and can afford to do so, should buy the republished version. Who knows how long they will last? “So, what is to be done? About the only thing is to develop an embedded economic design in any program that will strip the deracinated ones of their wealth and income, and benefit middle and lower class whites. Sumptuary laws and taxes would be helpful, too.” We are dealing with elite free riding. In the unlikely event whites are able to create homeogenous societies, traitorous white elites should be excluded from them. 34
Posted by Rnl on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:13 | # x wrote: Thanks, Al, for making Alexander’s stay here a fruitful one. Alexander was right, from his anti-White perspective, to exploit this weakness in North American WN. Residual Nordicism is politically stupid, but unfortunately it exists. *** The fair Romans had the proverb, quoted by Horace (Sat., i. 4, 85): hic niger es; hunc tu, Romane, caveto; He is black, beware of him, Roman. The fair Romans had no such proverb, though Nordicists often claim that they did. Like all satire, Horace’s Satires are about character types. The _niger_ (“blackguard”) is a character type, not a physical specimen. _Niger_ here = black of character, reputation; the authoritative _Oxford Latin Dictionary_ cites this very line in that sense. The _niger_ spreads malicious tales about his friends, though he seems charming and urbane. He is contrasted with the honest Roman, who is warned against his deceptive slander; the honest Roman, who should be the enemy of blackguards (1.4.90-91), is easily fooled because he is honest. There is no suggestion anywhere in Horace’s lines that light-skinned Romans should beware dark-skinned Romans; in fact, both the slanderer and the honest Roman belong to the same social class. They are distinguished ethically, not physically or culturally. There are piles of similar nonsense in Pearson’s article. The ultimate source for the Peason/Kemp interpretation of the Horatian _niger_ is likely Nietzsche, but Nietzsche was wrong, and in any case he was talking about dark hair, not a Mediterranean complexion. 35
Posted by Rnl on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:22 | # Pearson also misquoted the line. It should read “hic niger est.” 36
Posted by Alexander on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:35 | # How am I anti-white? Am I white or not? Rome was not started or predominantly Nordic, get over it. I know women(sister) who have bred with blacks and been left high and dry, I was engaged to a Jewess who claimed she loved me but commited infidelity on a regular basis despite my more than adequate manhood. I’m an American btw, 50/50 German/Italian, and just an enlisted War on Terror vet. So excuse me if I’m not as intellectual as all of you. I came here to find out why parasitic and degenerate behaviors among racial lines occurs and why I’ve never been told the truth about it until now. Why would I not start off by asking if my own Italian ancestry makes me inferior, with the media lies that we’re all mafioso savages? But Nick Tamiroff is no genius and none of you go out of your way to shit on him. Do I have to say nigger in every post to make up for my intellectual ignorance? 37
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 02:08 | # One doesnt have to be a Nordicist to appreciate the undeniable achievements of that segment of the Aryan race. That distinguished Classicist, Prof RP Oliver acknowledged the Nordic origins of the Rome’s founding people : “In the past dozen years I have spoken before a great many conservative and patriotic organisations, but this is the first time that I have appeared before a society that is specifically German: that is to say, composed of the descendants of that part of our race that stayed home in the fifth century, while their kinsfolk conquered and occupied all the western territories of the largely mongrelised and moribund Roman Empire that their more remote kinsfolk had founded more than a thousand years before.” 38
Posted by Trollmaster on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:33 | # Although Frederick is correct about the troll, I see that the troll continues to be answered by others; therefore, let’s take a careful look at this so-called “Alexander.” I don’t buy the claim of sincerity of “Alexander” for the following reasons: 1. This post was about the re-issuing of Salter’s book and the thread included a number of interesting and lengthy comments, *none* of which were critical of any white ethnic group, including Italians. Enter “Alexander” with a pugnacious attitude, suddenly and irrelevantly asking “What do you think of Italians”, immediately followed by gratuitous insults toward the heritage of MR participants. 2. He claims to be of (part)-Italian descent and the rationale given for this bizarre intrusion was that hateful MR participants are planning an “Italian final solution.” Remarkably, that “concern” is expressed right after the troll had offended MR participants of Northern European descent by ridiculing their heritage, questioning their masculinity, mocking their decline, and asserting a doctrine of Italian superiority. I see. After that, are we to actually think that the “concern” is genuine? 3. First, he himself suggests a similarity between Italians and “savage tribes of Africa”, and then he huffs that MR considers Italians to be “light-skinned Africans!” A person genuinely annoyed at being equated with Africans would not themselves introduce the issue by suggesting a similarity. Of course, the tactic is then to claim innocent ignorance; being a humble vet, he just can’t be held accountable, don’t you know. Let’s put it this way – if he really is sincere, then he is so incredibly thick-headed as to utterly disprove all of his comments about Italian superiority. However, I believe he is as “sincere” as is Alon Ziv. With respect to Revilo Oliver, he indeed was a classicist, but his resume needs to go a bit further: Of course, this has nothing to do with the subject of the post, and “Alexander” has successfully shifted attention away from the important need of getting Salter’s book in as many hands as possible. MR participants in particular are in need of reading the book. 39
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:33 | # In response to Confederate Cal, it is a sobering and remarkable fact that presently the annual number of black Africans immigrating to the USA (not even counting Carribean blacks), exceeds by a very large margin the annual import of black African slaves at the zenith of the plantation system in the USA! Post a comment:
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Posted by Beowulf on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 15:20 | #
“The book greatly expands Hamiltonian ‘kin selection’ by making ethnies in control of territory the central arena of ‘selfish genery’ in a modern world of mass migration.”—Pierre van den Berghe, University of Washington, Seattle”
You know, this reminds me of a little thought experiment that my buddies and I had a while ago after a couple beers—not so much that you’re glazing over on the porch seats in your own drool (which is relative of course, the Irish part of my background could probably take 10 times as much before a buzz). But it was enough to disinhibit you so that you think honestly about things you take for granted and see them for what they are. My pal Eddie gets credit for being especially insightful, and I’m paraphrasing here:
“Guys, think about this: What us White guys are now tackling here in the US and up in Canada, we’re being hit with probably the cleverest and most successful genocidal campaign in history. Think about it—different races are naturally kinist and naturally both protect their own and, having their own selfish genes, want to spread their own. So all races have this drive to survive and spread, and the natural, acknowledged tendency among all of us provides a check on extremes. But we whites in the US, we’re immersed in a culture that fundamentally denies our acknowledgment of this basic drive. Not only are we forbidden to associate with each other, as European-descended Whites—we’re supposed to despise our own race, and hand over trillions in our economic gains and forsaken opportunities to other races.
We’re taught to despise our ancestry, to despise White homelands such as Austria, Germany and France, to despise even the thought that maybe, just maybe, we Whites have a right not only to self-associate but to perpetuate ourselves alongside other races. No, for us, only self-destruction is the “enlightened” thing to do.
Now, think about this further. A lot of the worst multiracialists and defenders of things like quotas that work against US, British and Canadian Whites are Jews who care deeply about Israel, as they understandably would—yet in Israel, the Jews have no illusions about this mushy PC talk and they almost totally forbid intermarriage and especially the flooding in of 3rd-worlders like African Blacks. They know how dangerous this loss of solidarity would be, but they insist on forcing this upon Whites in the US and Canada where they have so much media power—c’mon, you KNOW they do.
Now, add on top of this, the genetics and culture of Black-White miscegenation. It’s the ultimate selfish gene smackdown by the Blacks’ genes over those of Whites naive enough to buy into the PC Diversity crapola. Whenever a Black guy can find a White girl dumb and deluded enough to “give it up”—and these days that’s just as likely to be a college-educated, well-to-do White girl as one who lives on the border of the projects—he gets an essentially Black child with a Black phenotype who also culturally identifies as Black. Moreover, as is common in the culture, the Black conqueror then ditches his naive young White conquest for another dumb naive young White girl and occasionally for a few Black girls in there as well.
So, he spreads his genes far and wide, he forces the naive dumb White girls and their families to bear the cost of raising his Black children, he then goes and knocks up other naive girls while siring a few non-mixed Black kids in the process to self-perpetuate, and then—lo and behold—he’s hit the selfish gene jackpot. He’s implanted his genes with multiple partners, not only his own race but, even better, with those of the “enemy race.” Those kids, in turn, also identify as Black and come to hate their White mothers for being so naive, so if anything they become even more militantly Black and help to push for things like affirmative action and other policies that further damage the childbearing ability and opportunities for Whites while further giving advantage to other Blacks. Meanwhile, the naive dumb White girls, shouldered with the costs of raising their frustrated Black babies, inevitably get fat and downtrodden, not exactly good for reproducing further—so, the Black guys not only hit up and knock up multiple White girls of the enemy race, they also foreclose those girls from reproducing later with their own.
Thus, it’s an almost perfectly genocidal strategy to a. foster a culture in which such miscegenation and race-mixing is encouraged by the “mainstream” media and becomes the stylish thing in the social circles of White youth, b. push affirmative action and marriage/divorce policies that further discourage childbearing and greatly increase the costs of marriage for the fittest among our race, and c. push a culture of “political correctness” that makes it effectively criminal for Whites to self-associate, let along organize politically to air their grievances, all the while d. overwhelming us with mass Third-World immigration to accelerate the process further.”
It’s not too hard to guess the corollaries here. While there are plenty of deluded idiot Gentiles also involved in this, many Jews are disproportionately represented among the cultural forces pushing for affirmative action, mass immigration, divorce laws that penalize productive members of society and, of course, maximal miscegenation. And naturally, Blacks and Latinos make out like bandits, at our expense.
But I think Eddie was right on the money—what he have here in the USA is nothing less than a mainstream culture that, as it increasingly takes hold among our youth, just about guarantees the destruction of our people, taking advantage of the natural selfish genetic tendencies of Blacks in particular while culturally depriving Whites of the same basic rights, even of being allowed to recognize the crisis afflicting us.
IMHO it’s difficult to estimate the economic and social damage we’ve already incurred from these policies, but it has to be monumentally high, and in the next ten years, it’ll become unsustainable—I’m guessing this is why so many Whites I’ve been running into personally and on the Net are migrating to places like Germany, which for all their flaws seem to be more consciously White and less enamored of being global dumping grounds for the Third World, paid for by the US White taxpayer.
Just to finish with an interesting little tidbit, have you ever looked at the student body stats of elite universities and wondered about the racial breakdown? Blacks and Latinos are of course just about always “underrepresented” and deserving of more affirmative action, but when Whites are listed as, say, 55% of the student body, who are those Whites?
Turns out that White Gentiles are grossly, horridly underrepresented despite having performance levels far superior to the vast majority of other groups. You see, even as they push for affirmative action for Blacks and Latinos, Ashkenazi Jews in particular make sure to carve out exceptions for themselves as the only favored “Whites,” with other small accommodations made for e.g. western Asians (somehow qualified as “White”) and also for the kids of big alumni donors. IOW, hard-working White Gentile kids w/o alumni connections have about a nil chance of gaining admission to elite universities no matter what their performance, which devastates our economic potential. Even those few Whites who do gain admission are duly indoctrinated into the Marxist principle of White self-hate, basically brainwashed foot soldiers against the rest of us.
So the Ashkenazis in particular benefit doubly at our expense—pushing us out in the quota schemes, and then artificially inflating the tally of “Whites” with their own, to mask the grievous damage they do to White Gentiles. Thus the very common idiot comeback to accusations of the damage done by affirmative action—“You see, Whites aren’t much hurt by affirmative action, they’re still the majority of the student body.” It’s clever, I have to admit. And until Whites in the US wake up to this vigorous destruction, we’ll continue to be sheep walking meekly to our own slaughter. We’ll need the eyes of lions to survive this.