Liberal Cities, or Black Cities? I was watching Tucker Carlson the other day, and he brought up this story that states that the most liberal city in America is Detroit, MI followed by Gary, IN, and Berkeley California. The most Conservative city is Provo, UT followed by Lubbock and Abeline, TX. The center that did the study did not tell their research methods, and the results make me question them. I doubt that either Detroit or Gary are particularly liberal in the traditional sense. There is not great interest in gay-rights, environmentalism, or anti-war activities. Rather they are simply two of the blackest cities in the country, and so they vote the most democratic. In fact the press release from the Bay Area Voting Research Center who did the study stated,
Neither Carlson, nor his liberal guest, brought up the massive demographic differences between the liberal and conservative cities, and there was a reason for this. Carlson compared the crime rate in Provo (.5% black) to Detroit (81.6% black) and suggested that it was liberal policies that led to this disparity. Boulder, CO, a notoriously liberal city is 88% white, and has a very low violent crime rate. In fact, Jared Taylor has shown that the best predictor for a crime rate is the percentage of black and Hispanic inhabitants. To demonstrate this I made a little table with liberal cities in blue and conservative cities in red, and compare their White and Asian population with their crime rate, and you can see how “liberal” or “conservative” they are has little to do with it. All of the demographic information comes from the invaluable http EPODUNK data base that has crime, demographic, and other information about every city in America.
UPDATE: I just discovered that EPONDUK made their own list of the most liberal cities based on local government resolutions against the war in IRAQ, contributions to PACs, voting patterns, and gay and lesbian population, and local recognition of gay couples. This seems like a much better indicator of a city’s politics. I don’t really have the time to go through the crime and demographics, but if you look at the cities, especially the smaller ones, they are predominantly low crime and low minority. UPDATE II: Gary, IN listed as the second most liberal city in the country is also the blackest (84%). It’s violent crime rating is listed as only 7.8 per 1,000 which seems very low, but it was also listed the 10th most dangerous city in the country. Comments:2
Posted by John S Bolton on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 19:59 | # Cities like Detroit were not more liberal than others, such as Boston, which were less efficient at drawing in blacks. Detroit was at twice the national average income approximately, and has now been brought down to around half the national average. At the start of the process, factory workers could afford maids, and welfare projects were built. The local cultures were conservative relative to cities in New England and CA; there was a corresponding efficiency in whites moving out. 3
Posted by John S Bolton on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 20:10 | # if liberal means wanting more freedom for aggression though, those with the higher crime rates are more liberal. If a city enforces laws strictly, and especially those involving stranger violence, groups with a much higher crime rate will not bring their teenage sons there, and will tend to move out. 4
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 22:15 | # there was a corresponding efficiency in whites moving out LOL. 5
Posted by amon on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 01:30 | # Will: The results are much, much different when you take age into account. Many very conservative areas—for example, most of Alaska and Utah—have small populations of people aged 35+. Conservative states like these also have high male:female ratios. Since crime is committed mainly by young men, crime statistics are actually bias against conservative areas like Provo! 6
Posted by amon on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 01:35 | # The results are much, much different when you take age into account. Many very conservative areas—for example, most of Alaska and Utah—have small populations of people aged 35+. Conservative states like these also have high male:female ratios. Since crime is committed mainly by young men, crime statistics are actually bias against conservative areas like Provo! Crime statistics show exactly what they’re supposed to: how much crime is committed in an area. What I meant by this is that if places like Gary and Detroit had as many young men (per capita) as places like Provo, then the crime gap between these places would increase more. “Red” places’ age structure, not immorality, makes them have more crime than would be expected. 7
Posted by Essie on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:19 | # I have come to expect to see human flaws in everything. Racism, sexism, socialism and class. White people often discriminate by race and Black people often discriminate by class or social status. You just can’t escape human ignorance. I would like to know where the new housing communities are in certain areas that are middle income black. I don’t want to live in a all white community. I don’t want to live in a mostly hispanic community. I don’t want to live in a mostly asian community. I prefer to live in a mostly black community, with new homes, no homeowner assn. fees and middle income around a metropolis with a relatively low crime rate in the area of violent crimes. I don’t believe white people tell the truth about crime in their communities. I know they don’t tell the truth about crime in Orlando, FL. They could scare off all the vacationers. Truth be told, they run over and kill people in Florida like they run over and kill possums in Texas! They classify it as an accident and not murder or violent crime. People get away with murder in Florida using their cars. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:48 | # The perfect crime. Kill ‘em with your front fender. Kill ‘em with your rear fender. Kill ‘em sliding sideway with the rear passenger door. Hey, I’ll gotta trade in my murder weapon and get a new one. Too many dents, y’know what I’m saying. Essie, sweetheart, what makes you think you’re not a racist? 9
Posted by KB on Sun, 07 May 2006 18:09 | # White folks have been and will use any statistical number they can to justify their prejudice. They have been doing it for centuries. First it was black people’s brain size that made us dumb as hell, oh, then it was penis size supposedly that made black men more prone to rape, now its population and that is linked to violence and of course standardized testing failures show again a lack of intelligence. IT GETS OLD! Ok. We got it. you think black people are dumb as fuck. Well, guess what? Regardless we have been smart enough to survive the hate for years and will continue to do so no matter what latest statistic you white folks come up with. You have every nation in the world convinced black people are monsters lurking. Lucky for us educated or not we simply continue to exist and wait for you to come skulking around when you want a vote. This is old. How many different ways can a white man say that black people are the dumbest, rapinest (is that a word) most criminal in the world? Millions. Enjoy. While the rest of me and my low income, middle income and high income, black, educated and uneducated continue to live our lives and mind your business…you white folk continue to be laughed at by us. You even have convinced your fool self that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are our “leaders”. What idiots! 10
Posted by Callout on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 20:32 | # It seems that the number of african americans is slowly diminishing. There are a large number of interacial marriages in america and as people (prodomenenty African American) are slowly turning into mixed races and then in some cases are dying out especially in small cities and close in suburban where the black identity is mixing with acceptance. In about 20 years sociologist beleive 1/6 people will be of mixed race. Then in about 60-80 years almost everyone will be of mixed or multi-ethnical background. It is sort of like the european mix of people and how people are now 1/4 irish or 1/16 german. I rarely see blacks saying that they are 1/24 Nubian or 1/8 kenyan. Imagine in 100 years people will be saying this about the races in general. I’m not saying that losing race is nessasarily bad, but i think everyone uniquiness in america is what makes us american and gives us our racial identity. 11
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 00:43 | # Callout - but guess what your melting pot isnt happening in Kenya. So how do those poor Kenyans get their identity? 12
Posted by Christian on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 02:22 | # Any1 do a study on neibhorhoods within the same cities. How bout schools? Bet its the same way more african equals more violence. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 03:34 | # You got it, Christian: whether we’re talking about neighborhoods or schools, more Africans = more violence. That’s exactly right. Bingo! 14
Posted by Tom Novak on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 05:27 | # I live very close to Gary, IN, in its nearby sister urban wasteland Hammond. I want you all to Bing Map “Circle Drive, Gary, IN,” and go to bird’s eye view. Or “Morton St and 28th Ave.” This is one of the last two majority white neighborhoods in Gary; in fact, it’s ALL white. It is also the most outright severely decayed and creepiest part of the city, and that’s saying a lot. There are no working sewers, visible cops, or guaranteed electricity and gas even. It is called “Black Oak.” (How ironic.) What this shows me is that the main root of crime and urban decay is not race but poverty. Super poor whites and super poor blacks both have low aspirations and no options to develop their neighborhoods. There is NO money in Gary, IN, for the tax base or commercial base. Even if all the blacks in Gary joined hands down Broadway Ave and sang hymns, pledging to save their city from the scource of urban blight, disinvestment has left them up shit creek. However, due to our Draconian War on Drugs and its creation of a false, hyperinflated blackmarket value through prohibtion, drugs have ironically become the only major economic engine in the city, directly fueling the vast majority of violent crimes committed. It is the suburban sprawl and the ill-conceived drug laws that have destroyed our inner cities, not a simple change in color. And I am not saying that whites and blacks are the same - we do have very different value systems and cultural foundations, but this difference in values cannot account alone for all the ghettos in America. Blacks have always been historically poor in America, and so has much of the rural White South. Do you not think this poverty is the true cause of our problems in America, not racial demographics? 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 13:28 | # “Do you not think this poverty is the true cause of our problems in America, not racial demographics?” The problem, Tom Novak, is pieces of white sewage like you. Fuck off, crawl back into whatever cesspool you crawled out of, and take your stench with you. 16
Posted by Ron on Sat, 26 Dec 2009 13:41 | # Poverty is a terrible thing, but in itself it is only part of the problem. What created the poverty? Is it the white man holding the black man down? The answer to that question could be yes. But it may not be the big, bad Republican. It may, infact, be the far left liberals. This country has been pouring billions of dollars into welfare and all means of government help to raise the poor out of poverty. Are the inner cities any better off now than they were 30 years ago? I think not, infact they are worse now. Government programs were never meant to help the poor, they were meant to enslave them to the liberal politicians and unknowingly give them the power to turn this country from a free country into a socialist/marxist one. You cannot raise some one out of poverty by giving them some one elses hard earned money. The inner city has become addicted to the government for their monthy money fix. They are wholey dependent on the government for their very survival. Who else would they vote for???? Those people, be they white, black, asian, hispanic have lost their identity, pride, and freedom by allowing the government to take total control of their lives and communities. I work 60 to 70 hours a week at my job, (locksmith), and I know I will never be rich, hell, I’m lucky to pay my mortage and buy food, but I have my identity, my pride and my freedom. Am I poor? No. Am I rich? Hell no. But I do have my own personal satisfaction that I pay my own way. I don’t want any help from anyone. I don’t want to take away from anyone else so I can pay my bills. I will do that on my own. Am I a republican? No. I am a conserviative. I am one who believes that you are responsible for your own happiness, which by the way is not a right, and neither is health care. Your persuit of these things is a right. I hold that if you stop listening to the seductive call of liberalism and its guarantee of help and start being responsible for your own happiness you will be a better person for it, will you be rich? Maybe, maybe not, but you will have a higher level of pride and regard for yourself, your family and your community. 17
Posted by Don on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 21:54 | # Thus, Blacks = Crime…. 18
Posted by Gary Indiana on Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:10 | # Stagnant Hope: Gary, Indiana (full documentary) Post a comment:
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Posted by Stuka on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 18:07 | #
Neither Carlson, nor his liberal guest, brought up the massive demographic differences between the liberal and conservative cities, and there was a reason for this. Carlson compared the crime rate in Provo (.5% black) to Detroit (81.6% black) and suggested that it was liberal policies that led to this disparity. (emphasis added)
I don’t mean to sound sarcastic, but I imagine it’s quite stressful being a mainstream conservative pundit, such as Carlson, and forcing yourself to ignore the blatantly obvious, day in day out. The whole thing’s a joke.