Awakening, monarchy, and the faith?

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 28 January 2016 14:37.

The coronation of Charles VII of France (1429).
The coronation of Charles VII of France (1429).

I owe Daniel some replies to his recent comments across two threads about his personal preference for particular intellectual adumbrations as a means, I think, of liberation for a cognitive elite who, as far as I can see, then prescribe benign social inter-action for the rest of us.  In the process, I will try to probe the underpinnings of the political. However, first I want to raise another question with Kumiko which is at the heart of the exchange with Daniel also, namely her perfectly natural presumption, with which I do not entirely agree, that:

... upon awakening, the next step is—I think—always to take actions to create the economic and social framework that can facilitate that defence [ie, of one’s people’s existence], in accordance with the particular historical and geographical circumstances that they have found themselves in.

The question goes well beyond the usual conceptions of the social and economic, because these are not the point of arising of the European malaise.  Likewise, the call to self-defence, as a means by which to awaken the people, may fall on deaf ears in the absence of other buttresses to identity.  How does one defend something one cannot properly perceive?  More concretely, how many people perceive civilisation or the civic space, culture or economics where the true cause is racial and ethnic identity?

In my very meagre work on awakening, it is implicit that a person whom we would describe as awake, or existentially self-aware, is not really in some fixed and enduring condition.  Our neurological condition happens to be one in which the intellectual, emotional, and motor functions operate not under direction of any kind or even in concert, but simply as mechanisms made of habit.  This is our ordinary waking consciousness, and it will always claim us.  It is, after all, the River Lethe, the river of unmindfulness, of existential forgetting.  We cannot permanently deliver ourselves from it to abide in aletheia.  It is rather difficult for the individual person to traverse, even for a few seconds, into self-awareness in any meaningful sense.  But how much more difficult is it for an entire people to do so?

To answer that, we need to think a bit more subtly about what it means for a people to be awake.

I would contend that awakening has a momentary, turning quality.  Most of all, I would say, it is the moment of detachment when something that might not be any more concrete than a humanising sense of the positive and affirming, which was forgotten and scarcely conceivable for a long time, holds itself out in front of the subject and invites appropriation.  For that is the passage out of identification with the personality – that part of us which is socially acquired and does not belong to us but to the world and to time, and which, in the scheme of the ontological transit :

absence ◄ habituality (mechanicity) ◄ immersion ◄ negation ◄ reverie ◄ sloth ◄ passivity ◄► intent ► attention ► stillness ► detachment ► affirmation ► appropriation ► presence ► non-ascription of identity ► self-annihilation ► Being

… quantifies to the left of appropriation.

But that is the limit of it at the level of the group.  For, the group cannot take the next step on the journey.  It cannot abide in a state of presence (defined in that last essay I have linked to as “our earthy, ineffable, already known, always present truth”).  But it can abide in the turn.  That much is possible.  Indeed, that much is very probably the “normal” estate of a psychologically free and healthy people (such as the Japanese).

On that point, it might be interesting to gesture in the direction of the established social forms which both buttress and express group health.  There are only two, the first and the older of them being the institution of leadership of the group, to which unfortunate office-holder the people’s acknowledgement, fealty, service and love are freely given. As proof of the existential import of the institution I offer the monarch’s traditional coronation as a symbol of the group’s ascension to Being:

These ceremonies, which remain of consuming public interest even today, sublimely encapsulate the group’s own acknowledgement that its knowing of self has bona fides of a cosmic nature even if these must remain beyond reach because, to quote from that essay again:

An entire people cannot raise itself to this estate.  There are no whole populations of mystics contemplating the absolute Being of all things.

I suppose, if we were to use the Heideggerian terminology, we could note that dasein … “being there” … has something of the holy ghost about it, mediating between and perhaps even reconciling the subject as identity and the subject’s act of living as Being.  To mediate these is to pass beyond the turn and into presence.  That has a profound transforming effect, and that transformation is symbolised for the group in the person of the monarch.  This is all rather close to the god-king, a surviving example of which is the Emporer of Japan, who is held to be descended from the sun goddess and is the highest authority in the Shinto religion.  His role in heavenly affairs is not less important than that in affairs of the state.  His title Tennō means “heavenly sovereign”.

Perhaps the most interesting European example, though, was the Führer.  The messianic devotional cult which surrounded him helps to explain the extraordinary connection and awakening effect that the person of Adolf Hitler had for ordinary Germans after 1933.  The German Messiah, of course, turned out to be false, and so did his model of Homo heroica.  He died railing at the unworthiness of the German people, having never comprehended that life is Nature’s means to her own subsistence, and cannot be more.  In so much as weaponising the German people to smash their way to a more glorious German life exceeded Nature’s bounds, the project would always collapse under the weight of its own inauthenticities – something which the Führer-redeemers in WN seem equally incapable of grasping.

However, as far as it concerns awakening, Hitler’s example proves the efficacy of “a symbol of the group’s ascension to Being”.  Heidegger stressed that we think existentially when confronted by our mortality.  But the German people woke up - and, by any reasonable yardstick, spectacularly so - quite without such extremis.

Obviously, (a fully functional) religion is the other great orienting influence in this respect.  My contention is that its strict function is to privilege perception of the totality of “the thing that is”.  It sounds altogether too prosaic, but faith’s evolutionary fitness gain (ie, assuming that there are genes for faith) surely lies there, in a maximal potential to make adaptive life-choices.  How this extraordinarily coloured and attenuated emotional capacity should come about at all is for better psychologists than I will ever be to theorise.  But perhaps it is explicable as a compensatory mechanism, arising through the same innate inventiveness by which the sensory system commonly develops refined and unexpected capacities with the loss of sight or hearing - the loss in this case being the perceptual depression of the mind habituated in ordinary waking consciousness.  In that event, perhaps the high neurotransmitter activity associated with beatific episodes is of the same category of reward mechanism as sexual pleasure.

In any case, faith ties together higher-order emotions such as conscience, love, humility, piety, devotion, and so forth, and employs these rather crudely to suppress the selfish extremes of personality and to drag the “believer” towards the turn and peceptual normalisation.  Fully functional religions take a concentric form.  The morally-focussed outer or exoteric circle privileges if not yet perfectionment of the self (not really a helpful term, dasein is more precise and informative) then certainly a state of opening to the possibilities of the inner or esoteric circle.  This latter supplies guided movement ever onward towards a perceptual totality - in religious terms, a union with the divine. Whereas the exoteric circle is characterised by formal dogma, a moral regimen, and rite, delivered to the faithful masses by a priestly caste, the esoteric circle is characterised by a programme of daily strictures, exercises, and devotions typically delivered to acolytes by teachers in a monastic environment.  Strictly speaking, actual faith is not a requirement of the esoteric circle.  But, obviously, the religious systemization of practise and language prevails and contextualises what could otherwise stand perfectly well as a pure quest of the mind for liberation and revelation ... freedom and truth ... identity and Being.

But to return to the turn, the man in the turn is no longer entirely a sleeping man, and does not live and act entirely as the sleeping man lived and acted.  He is not a product of unremitting absence and mechanicity.  And neither is how he now lives and acts a product of intellectual work by others.  It comes out of himself, perfectly free of prescription; because the awakened man is no longer a mere passive entity.  Awakening means becoming historically active in a natural, pure act of world-making, a constant process of creative renewal.  It cannot be anything other.

Now we can come back down to earth, hopefully carrying with us the clear understanding that the great, freeing preoccupations of the political mind properly begin as practical projects there, in the turn; and that peoples do need the goods of monarchy and religion not just to keep before them the existential fact of the group, but as modes of quiet identitarian activism in themselves.  We can also, perhaps, begin to appreciate the vastness of reach of a revolution which might be termed onto-nationalist or existentially nationalist, but is really the work of life.



Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 23:54 | #

“The German Messiah, of course, turned out to be false,”

A better messiah than that old bathtub queen, Winston ‘Sissy’ Churchill.

“the Emperor of Japan, who is held to be descended from the sun goddess”


And I thought Christianity was retarded.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 02:45 | #

Interestingly, GW here basically concedes the efficacy of the faith impulse and the Leadership Principle (an alpha male leading followers; faith in said). 

English Moralism, why have thou forsaken me?  Lulz


Posted by Nobody on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 03:39 | #

“the Emperor of Japan, who is held to be descended from the sun goddess”

Knock the Nips all you want, but Japan is still Japanese.  And may it stay that way…


Posted by GuestLurker on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 05:04 | #

Knock the Nips all you want, but Japan is still Japanese.  And may it stay that way…

Hear, hear.

The Germans have turned out to be nowhere near the same class. Not even close.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 07:44 | #

The JapaNips are a bunch of pussies.  They have what the AmeriKikes conceded to them.  They did not fight to the last man as did National Socialist Germany.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 07:54 | #

GW: neither is how he now lives and acts a product of intellectual work by others.  It comes out of himself, perfectly free of prescription; because the awakened man is no longer a mere passive entity.  Awakening means becoming historically active in a natural, pure act of world-making, a constant process of creative renewal.  It cannot be anything other.

GW, consider this for a moment: Kurdish terrorists in Eastern Turkey sing hymns among themselves or hear them being sung by others in their community. With that communal sharing there is no need for instruction from a king (or Iman) nor the requirement for a location of the exact intuition of what to do - the narratives of the songs prescribe terrorist acts in certain circumstances. Without being explicitly told, they just know what to do from a shared pattern of this background music in their life - between them - not from an episodic revelation or edicts following a consecration.

A kind of narrative instruction would/could “consecrate” our better and more authentic European intuition as well.

That is not to say that the episode of royal coronation, the revelatory episode or disciplinary practices of religion cannot commune with our patterned nature as well. But that is not all and culture as “artificial selection” is surely necessary for more advanced humans - surely acting in authentic EGI requires language, shared narrative - i.e., communication in its capacity to transcend what can be perceived in the episode.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:17 | #

All those that take within themselves the Fuhrer’s iron gift of unhesitating devotion to their people will enjoy eternal life in the continued life of their people upon the victory that their corporeal sacrifice has merited.  This is the iron faith Covington asks of provisional Northwest Volunteers to give birth to the Northwest American Republic.


Posted by Bugger Boys & White Genocide on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:48 | #

Harold Said…“none of the bugger-boys and White genocide either.”

Bugger-boys and White genocide, Bugger-boys and White genocide, Bugger boys and White genocide…

Can’t decide which I hate worse and which you should hate worse..

But it all comes down to that old issue of character. I’m Harold Convington and I’m your mother, going to tell you about it, growing impatient and testy as always…

I grow tired having to condescend to you, like I always do, but your character issues being what the are…

There is no “The DNA Nation’ is a wish to return to Leave it to Beaver days”.... yes, that’s right, in Leave it to Beaver and Ozzie and Harriet Days they were operating on the thee part basis of the DNA Nation…no time for that.

Now I’m growing impatient and testy..

I’m Harold Covington, your condescending surrogate mother.. 

You must come home now! the Northwest Front…

Bugger boys and White genocide,

bugger boys and White genocide..

Canoodlers and the day of the rope…

Don’t worry that people get a little weird out here in the sticks absent normalizing social interaction..


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:52 | #

Churchill: “...we shall fight them on the beaches…we will fight them in the hills…”

Is this the voice that surrenders ethnic/racial death at any merely personal cost?  Is that the voice that would have German soldiers lay down their arms to inevitable starvation unto death per Eisenhower in the face of the impending Morgenthau Plan?  Nay, that is the voice of the Fuhrer, according to his words and deeds.


Posted by goat dancers on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 09:25 | #

That’s right sir, don’t listen to them goat dancers…

People are not at all getting weird in these parts..



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 10:17 | #


Given that I know you to be a subtle and intelligent thinker, it’s disappointing to see you delivering cheap jibes from the standpoint of an ideology of death that is dead itself.  You are wasting your native talent for reaching to the truth, and I say this as someone who has had no more formal eduction than you, and possibly less.

To answer your point, those famous words by Churchill actually prove Heidegger’s point about being towards death.  They were a rallying cry issued at the turn, so to speak; directing the people’s attention towards Life.  On the contrary, Hitler’s final call from his bunker in Berlin was the demand for the Nietzschean model to be upheld as the only basis on which the German people can live and, therefore, the basis on which they must now die.  It was counter-Heideggerian.  No wonder they threw the man out of their party so fast.

In answer to you point at comment 2, I have never argued that religion is not a highly important part of the life of a people.  I am not remotely able to live religiously myself; but it is clear that the majority of Europeans, perhaps two-thirds, do need it; and that’s something that we simply have to understand and respect.


Posted by GuestLurker on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 10:28 | #

The JapaNips are a bunch of pussies.  They have what the AmeriKikes conceded to them.  They did not fight to the last man as did National Socialist Germany.

You’re really not well that you can invert reality in such a grotesque way. Did the Japanese ever surrender the way the Germans surrendered after the battles of the Bulge and Stalingrad? By the hundreds of thousands to be marched off into captivity and slow starvation?  And then a field marshall (Von Paulus) spouting pro-communist defeatist propaganda from Moscow? Such treason was unthinkable to the Japanese. They preferred death to dishonor of that sort. Germans seldom fought to the last man, and nearing the end of the war, hanging for desertion had to be resorted to because of the defeatism and increasing demoralization and lack of discipline among the soldiers defending Berlin. Yet the Americans didn’t even dare attack the Japanese mainland for fear of what would await them. They resorted to nukes against women and children, those brave white American “warriors.” Moroccan Goumiers even gambled against one another to determine who would win to sodomize German SS captured soldiers. The vaunted “Green Devils” Fallschirmjaegers even threw down their guns on the eastern front against the Russians and fled in panic at one point. Get over your delusions. When the facts speak, even the gods are silent.


Posted by GuestLurker on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 10:33 | #

All those that take within themselves the Fuhrer’s iron gift of unhesitating devotion to their people will enjoy eternal life in the continued life of their people upon the victory that their corporeal sacrifice has merited.

The Führer was unhesitatingly devoted. His people weren’t, aren’t, and never will be. Read Napoleon’s assessment of the German character.


Posted by Nobody on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 16:36 | #

Hate ‘em all you want but how many coons, beaners, subcons and yids are running around Nippon, much less in their gubbmint?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 10:31 | #

This is how religious Europeans can still behave when threatened by Islam, even with the universalist burden of Christianity around their necks:

A March for Independence last year, which gathered between 70,000 and 150,000 people, according to estimates, and which heard from Fr Miedlar thus:


Posted by PermReader on Sat, 02 Apr 2016 21:31 | #

You should read connecticute yankee at king Arthur`s court.Your medieval Europeans has ugly faces and smelled bad.In Russian the medieval peasant called smerd(smerdet means smell badly).

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

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