Can it really be true that IRA/Sinn Fein has reached the end of its bloody road? Normally, it would be unwise to entertain the slightest suspicion that history is leaving it behind, so irreducible are the communal divisions in the North. But there really does appear to be a fork in the road for IRA/Sinn Fein. It can transform itself into a regular political party of the mainstream or it can cling to its thuggery, its criminality and its arms and lose its broad base of support. Since the Northern Bank robbery, the money laundering affair in the Republic and now, most tellingly, the brutal murder of Robert McCartney it can no longer do both.
Yesterday’s news that in talks with the dead man’s family it offered to shoot the killers for them only underscores its profound detachment from the public mind. There seems to be no way back from this position. It is arguably the most hopeful moment in the last four painful decades in Northern Ireland.
Posted by Stuka on Thu, 10 Mar 2005 04:19 | #
I wonder if this is related in any way to the massive influx (for Ireland) of third world immigrants?