Black and white, or shades of grey

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 09 July 2021 13:23.

My old friend Morgoth has posted a timely video to his Odyssey account on the question of whether, amid this crazy push to have our daily life-experience Africanised to the max, we loyal and aware Englishmen should watch or otherwise support the highly Africanised England Football Association squad in its attempt to win the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2020. 

Morgoth makes an operationally sound case for purity of principle and the outright refusal to watch England’s matches, which now means the final on Sunday.  But it is his critique of the political right and its effective acceptance of the white players’ sickening taking of the knee, as well as the multiracialisation of Gareth Southgate’s team, which most caught my attention.  Morgoth dismisses the typical excuses and explanations of the political right as an attempt to wriggle away from the pain of their own submission to the conventions dictated to them by the Establishment.  He may be correct about that - I cannot judge because I do not expect nationalist reflexes from non-nationalists.  All sleepers are equally lost in reverie.  Some ... the right-wing ones ... are actuated by the modern religion of the petty self.  Some ... the ones on the left ... by the postmodern religion of racial self-contempt.  None are really responsible for their own immersion in Time and Place.  They are not properly conscious human beings and they do not possess the means to defend their emotional and intellectual integrity from harm.  Only nationalists can do that.

I haven’t found a way to embed Morgoth’s video on this platform.  But the URL is:

... and I recommend listening to what the man has to say in own words.

That said, I want to add some thoughts of my own.  Actually, I want to take a somewhat personal wander around Wembley’s hallowed turf, and in the dark of the night take a couple of illicit practise pens.

Let’s begin with an easy question.  For a nationalist is the simple act of watching the not very English England team really an act of complicity in our elite’s wickedly deliberate degrading and dissolving of our kind?  Speaking for myself, as someone who does not watch a great deal of television, I wouldn’t feel that way about watching Channel 4 News, say, even though that would mean opening myself to a pretty relentless liberal-left narrative.  Likewise, I would not baulk at watching a standard example of subversion from Hollywood.  I would know that it will contain harmful misrepresentations which I would not swallow whole or swallow at all.  I would take what I wanted from the watching experience, and that would be it.  I would not give of myself.  Even if the movie was a particularly outrageous example of Hollywood’s subversive art, something of me, some essential, saving truth, would remain pristine, knowing and detached.  Indeed, what I would really be watching is the subversion.  Entertainment runs a very tired second.

So there is an element of personal consciousness and agency here.  The nationalist retains self-possession throughout, and does not become a supine, submissive “normie”, a mechanical consequence of the world about him, merely through the act of witness.  All things bring themselves as themselves to the nationalist consciousness, which thought brings us close to Heidegger’s Dasein nailed to the cross of Time and Place and, so, in-the-world of unfolding meanings, yet not of it or them.  The nationalist is of himself.  Nationalism is precisely this human freedom.

But, you may say, anybody watching the national football team play is engaged in something very different from watching the news or some Talmudically dodgy movie.  He is giving witness to a representational form, something that stands for nation and home, and the honour and worth of same.  Hence it serves as a role model for the young, dangerously so in our time.  By giving emotionally, should he do so, he is committing his own voice to a vast wave of patriotic fervour and, more, of English tribalism, and within the English tribe he is allowing everything that the representation is.

That, in essence, is the argument, and it is a black and white argument.  The nationalist can refuse to watch England play, thereby avoiding all that is freighted in the experience and maintaining the purity of his ideological person, or he can watch but, by watching, engage; and by engaging contribute to the national mood and become owned by it.  Being owned, he betrays his own truths and loses everything.  There’s nothing in between.  But is that really true?  Because if it is, then nationalism itself is necessarily a totalistic dictate, and that has consequences too.  It removes from the individual all nuance and gradation, all possibility of being “in-the-world of unfolding meanings, yet not of it or them”

I will give a practical example of this lofty estate, as it was practised by some National Front boys nearly six thousand miles and thirty-six years away.

This was the occasion of England’s victory over Brazil by two goals to nil in a friendly at the Maracana on 10th June 1984.  It was Brazil’s first home defeat in over a quarter of a century.  But the game is remembered not so much for that as for the opening goal scored by the Jamaican-born John Barnes in the last minute of the first half.  His mazy thirty-five yard run evading five defenders and the goalkeeper ended with a tap-in on the edge of the six-yard box.  The goal was immediately proclaimed as one of the greatest scored by anybody in an England shirt, and it was.  However, the following morning articles appeared in the press “shaming” National Front members who had been at the game and who had let it be known that they viewed the result as a 1-0 victory for England by virtue of Roberto Costa’s bungled handling of a Mark Hateley header in the sixty-fifth minute.  I had to look up the match details but I have remembered the NF boys’ honest defence of their ideological bounds all these years, and not because I thought it remotely shameful - quite the contrary, I had no argument with it.

It seems to me that there is a lesson in such sturdy identitarianism for us today, as we contemplate the black and white outlines of Morgoth’s devilish bargain.  Yes, even in a time like this, under the manifold pressures that are being brought to bear ... government’s legislative and ideological activism for the Multicult and against the English kind (and, obviously, the Welsh and Scottish, too), the nakedly anti-white culture war in the print and broadcast media and the public and corporate sectors, and throughout public life ... even under all this, still one can watch an England team with non-English players and know and affirm what’s going on.  Still, one can remain perfectly true to one’s nationalist principles and one’s own self (maybe, though, it isn’t entirely necessary to subtract every goal by a non-white team member).  Or, I should really say, one can remain perfectly true with a philosophical grounding which facilitates that.

Philosophically, Morgoth has shifted ever closer to a culturally pessimistic stance, and possibly also to the revolutionary conservatism which flows from it (necessarily so, since it famously stood against the modernism and progressivism of the Nietzschean critique which underpinned National Socialism, and which, in “lite” form, remains the standard fayre in British nationalism even today).  As a Heideggerian, reaction is insufficient for me.  Spenglerian historicism and the Spenglerian gloom are just not a route to anything useful or hopeful.  We are talking about a windowless room here, and one which visits upon its inhabitants the very condition of darkness and despair it complains of in the world outside.  But the nationalist consciousness must have light, just as the nationalist must have heart, or all is lost.

Speaking for myself, I will feel shame, certainly, at the decline of the white man as the camera pans the faces of the team during the singing of the national anthem.  I will feel contempt at those white men taking the knee to Africans who, after all, are colonising our home and to whom we certainly owe no favours.  I will feel anger at the sick, self-serving corporate campaigning for “respect” and “racial equality”, and at the inevitable presence in Wembley’s expensive seats of politicians and princes.  I know I will not be lost in the general excitement.  I will not much mind if the ten white men of Italy defeat the six or seven white men of the English, but I would prefer that the six or seven Englishmen prevail, for the little good that resides in that, because they are my brothers and the Italians are only my distant relatives. 

At the end of it all I shall be contemplating some thread warfare against the gullible and the agenda-driven conventionalists and assorted clowns whom I catch celebrating bloody diversity on Disqus or Vuukle or wherever.  This is Ingerland, mate.  This is our one sacred place in the world, and we are its sons and daughters; and when we remember ourselves we yield a knee for no man.  Let us, then, remember.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jul 2021 14:43 | #

Well written, GW. Very well written.

I am a proud white racist. Always was and always will be. That’s why it pains me to realize it’s only whites who’re afflicted—to varying degrees—with self emulating ethno-masochism. All the other races are proud to be ethnocentric racists ... and I don’t blame them for that. Whites OTOH have acquired a great desire and need to prove they are not racists. They do so even when it is blatantly obvious their “anti-racist” behaviors are driving there own race into extinction. F’ing amazing!!! 

At any rate, if I were an Englishman, I’d rather chew on gravel than watch a bunch of negroes represent my country on the soccer field.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 09 Jul 2021 16:14 | #

To comment on Guessedworkers assessment.

There is good and bad in terms of guidance.

First of all, it is necessary to dismiss his adopted red caping of “post modernity” as a religion of self contempt.

Next, it is necessary to liberate oneself from the limitations of his clinging to the brail of psychology, that it is “consciousness” that they lack to defend their emotional and intellectual integrity. While it is true that ethnonationalims is the anecdote to the uncionscous road to cuckery, kneeling in submission to BLM as the pathetic, shameful assholes on this team supposedly representing England have done; it is not the thin instrument of consciousness which defends, but rather through the calibration of ethnonational praxis, wherein psychology, and indeed, even consciousness, are secondary feedback to the default of the stable gauge of this world view.

I have talked about ethnonationalism as calibration of the social group and more characteristically “left” while self destructive reactions of White identity onto the Jewish altercasting as “right” or “third position” is to vastly over stress what should be feedback instruments of objective truths, facts such as consciousness should be doing for the ethnocentric cause - when again, these pursuits which right wing reactionaries, reacting to the sophistry of Jews, liberals and disingenuous right wingers to the abuse of praxis, deem all important in futile attempt to found to a pure state above or below the slight arbitrariness of the thrownness, when in fact, these truth inquiries that the right is enamored of should function as feedback among other correctives to the homeostasis of species that is ethnonationalism.

This will be ignored here, stawmanned and anything that can be said against it will be used, as it has for years, but well, whatever. It is a sight if not committed to right wing notions of identity, then certainly preferring the coloring book of “the left”, the (((red caped))), distortions, misrepresentations of up-to-date philosophical conceptions of group self defense, maintenance and advance.

But again, inquiries fairly detached of praxis can provide keen insights and feedback like this, where GW says that in watching his cucked English national team play:

Indeed, what I would really be watching is the subversion.  Entertainment runs a very tired second.

So there is an element of personal consciousness and agency here.

But the excess of words and misdirection in service of psychology is evident in the next sentence:

The nationalist retains self-possession throughout, and does not become a supine, submissive “normie”, a mechanical consequence of the world about him, merely through the act of witness.  All things bring themselves as themselves to the nationalist consciousness.

All things rather, are calibrated by the praxis of ethnonationalism.

And with that, Heidegger was on the money, along with Aristotle, that complete and pure detachment from the social praxis in which we are thrown is impossible.

The implication being that imperfect as it may be, some participation in attendance to the English cucks is warranted in order lend corrective to their shameful cuckery.

GW then invokes a time, thirty six years ago, when Englishmen could voice dissatisfaction with one black on the team, even if he scored the goal that broke Brazil’s lengthy winning streak.

It is unfortunate that standard is not upheld; even if it is just one black on the team, he is not English and his mercenary contribution should not be congratulated or ignored as a bad message.

Here I must disagree with GW then, where he concludes that it is not necessary to write off the goals scored by non-Englishmen purportedly for the English national team. That is necessary for an ethnonationalist in order to not yield to civic nationalism.

Thus, despite his brilliant discussion of the upcoming Euro final and the English team’s cuckery, I was disappointed to hear that 99IronDuke would tolerate two blacks on the team if only they would not kneel before BLM or that the English fans would boo in unison if they did.


Why real Englishmen should not support the England Football team in 2021:

I was absolutely delighted when Italy won the 2006 World cup fielding all Italian men to defeat a largely Africanized “French” team.

When Italy fielded one black player - Mario Balitelli - in the 2012 Euro Cup final against Spain, it was all too difficult to route for the rest of the Italian players who put up with his participation and I did not mind at all all their humiliating loss in the final to a Spanish team that played with their own men - well, actually I think Spain fielded one black that year, which was why my attendance to the match was muted and neutral, not having sufficient respect for either team.


Having grown accustomed to hearing Nietzsche spoken of “anti-modernist” and his words backing that at least to some extent as he chides those who do not understand that he prefers the ways of his grandfather, that paragraph is awash in much toxic ridicule of ethnonational balance. So, I can agree, and appreciate GW’s novel characterization of Nietzsche as more of a modernist and “progressive.”

necessarily so, since it famously stood against the modernism and progressivism of the Nietzschean critique which underpinned National Socialism, and which, in “lite” form, remains the standard fayre in British nationalism even today)

But when the shame of seeing the black faces of The “English” national team being panned during the playing of the national anthem, and the pathetic cuckery of these assholes kneeling before a black supremacist movement, when “consciousnness” only goes so far as to figure out the logical contortions necessary to provide some pseudo justification to one’s representatives cuckery, then it is a consciousness being led astray and a logical ability in need of correction, lest it say, I shall route for my team to win despite its black mercenary players, for that is a victory for black participation in your cuckery. One black on the team is too many.

I can understand not being able to route for the Italian team as an Englishman, but to route for this “English” team, no. At best, one might route for individual English players to perform well.

But why the loosen of standards from thirty some odd years ago, when one black on the team was too many? Sure, watch the game with other Englishmen so that you can slip in critical remarks (the colored make up of the team and their kneeling before another nation, a black supremacist one at that) and find who has ethnonational sentiments that you can work with. But there is no reason why Englishmen should take the position that it is impractical to think that the English team should field English men - entirely; and to not route for them, if they do not.

One can criticize the Italians for fielding a goal tender who might be middle eastern or something and I can agree, but here, in the thrownness of circumstance, I am prepared that lesser offense to EGI (as compared to blacks) and would be quite happy if the Italian team defeats the English cucks.

As I see it, even if “England” wins the game, they lose for playing as civic mercenary cucks, and even if Italy loses, the win for playing as ethnonationalists.

And I am the better nationalist for seeing it that way.




Posted by DanielS on Fri, 09 Jul 2021 16:17 | #

Correction, where I said the “anecdote”, I meant to say, the antidote.


Posted by Don Qyixote on Fri, 09 Jul 2021 19:34 | #

Here is the Barnes goal. Conspicuous by the fact that out of the six or so Brazilian players that he passed, not one of them actually tried to take the ball from him with a tackle. In John Barnes’ own words here at 59 seconds into the video, ‘that’s why they didn’t tackle me’. Could it be that the anti-White agenda was already at play as the Brazilians were instructed not to tackle the ‘black man?’

The most obvious sleight-of -hand played by the Globalist Elite is that they have specifically chosen to manufacture a neurosis not around ethnicity as such, but around blackness. Racism and blackness are taken for granted synonyms. Black has become a synonym for oppression and the mirror image of this is that White has become a synonym for ‘oppressor’.

Were Gareth Southgate (ethnic traitor) to field a team of ‘English players’ who were entirely made up of ethnic Chinese, (who happened to be born in England) the extraordinary bizarre nature of the sight would be guffaw like laughable. The idea or a team made of entirely non-ethnic black players however, would simply be accepted as a taken for granted ‘English team’.

It is the extreme neurosis manufactured around blackness which means that common sense has been jettisoned and English identity has been transmuted from something biologically fixed and determined to something infinitely mutable.

In a hundred years time or perhaps ironically in football terms, shorter, in the year 2066 a full squad of ‘English’ mulattoes would be as ‘normal’ a combination as Robin Hood to Sherwood Forest or Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII.

This is ethnic theft on a grand scale.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Jul 2021 20:03 | #


You make some valid and insightful observations. The only thing I’d tweak or change is the neurosis is not so much manufactured around “blackness”; rather it is manufactured around members of the Negroid race.

Speaking for myself, I have a very different instinctive reaction towards Negroes vs very dark skinned Indians. I have a negative reaction to the former (even light skinned negroes) - not so much for the latter.


Posted by Manc on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 18:06 | #

@2 Come on Daniel, it’s not like Italy is African - free. There are no black players in the Italy team because there aren’t any good enough, surely ?

Here is the story of one Amad Diallo, an 18 year old, who was signed by MUFC in January of this year from Italian side Atalanta and is a good example of Italian pragmatism over nationalism.

He will never play for Italy, having already played for the Ivory Coast, but why wasn’t he sent back there? cucks indeed.


Posted by Don Qyixote on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:17 | #

There is a taken for granted assumption that the mere wearing of an England shirt demonstrates proof positive of a sense of ‘patriotism’ and National feeling by the wearer. As though the emblem or the symbol, the shirt itself somehow mysteriously imparts such feelings to the wearer. In a homogeneously ethnic society, which Britain was for example lets say in 1966 that taken for granted assumption was almost certainly a guarantee of fidelity in terms of consciousness of National pride and feeling. In the same way that an African squad, being all black and having the same ethnic make up would feel pride and a strong sense of National feeling and consciousness.

In an ethnically contrived, ‘multicultural’ society, (which is really a poor descriptor - since we are talking about a multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-ethnic society and so on) such cohesiveness and brotherly feeling cannot be taken for granted. Players may well wear the same shirt, the same emblem, the same badge, and they may well share a sense of team-comradeship, but whether or not that translates into a patriotism, a genuine love of ones country, is highly dubious and open to debate.

So if the England team cannot be guaranteed to be 100% forthright in their sense of Englishness, why should it be expected that fans would be willing to endorse and support ‘England’ as a ‘National team’ when quite clearly, the concept of Englishness, of English ethnicity has become so vague and nebulous (as a result of a vicious campaign of anti-White hatred in the controlled mass media) that even an ethnic Chinese player could be brought into the team (were he capable enough) merely because he was born in England?

I use the example of an ethnic Chinese player, because in reality there is little or no difference in principle to playing Black players of non-White or mixed White/black ethnicity, than there is of playing an ethnic Chinese player. The only difference is that due to the immense weight of psychological pressure to view black people as Ethnically English, merely because they were born on English soil, rather than view them objectively as holding a specific genetic inheritance which is non-White in nature and in make up, we are psychologically coerced into believing that the Emperor has clothes on, when the truth of the matter is that the Emperor Has No Clothes On. (Naturally this becomes more complex when there is mixed White/Black race involved.)

The only difference is the hideous distortion which the accusation of ‘racism’ makes upon the mind, tearing it asunder from logic and reason. Was Rudyard Kipling an Indian because he was born on Indian soil? Of course not. But for some bizarre and ‘un-explainable’ reason any non-White ethnic person born on English soil suddenly transmutes his genetic inheritance from being objectively what it is (whether is be black race or other) to a subjective ‘Englishness.’

These factors are not superficial, they are of paramount and substantive importance, because at heart what we are talking about here is not a game of football. or the rights and wrongs of ill feelings towards non-White players in an English team. What we are really talking about is the de-legitimisation of the very concept of Englishness itself, of English identity and a sense of being, of having a specific genetic and cultural inheritance or put more simply of having a homeland.

To say for example that John Barnes is an Englishman is as patently absurd as saying that Rudyard Kipling was an Indian. John Barnes (footballer) born to a Trinidadian father and a Jamaican mother and John Barnes born in Jamaica, arrived in England at 12 years old. Not a jot of Englishness in his heritage and yet, merely because he arrived on English soil at the age of 12 suddenly and mysteriously becomes ‘English’. For noticing this, one is immediately classed as a un-repenting ‘racist’ and yet by the same logical token, to claim that Rudyard Kipling (a product of both mother and father of English heritage) is Indian, merely because he was born on Indian soil, would be met with howls of derisive laughter. In a multi-culti world such patent truths are immediately drowned in a sea of false consciousness around the concept of ‘race’. It is one rule for the White Race and one rule for the non-White Races.

If anyone should be in any doubt as to the possibility that an England player or rather former English player could hold such contempt for his adopted homeland, then simply watch this interview with John Barnes, where his wild staring eyes and manic demeanour,  serve to reinforce the incredible degree of double-think which is apparent in his ability to hold all black people as individuals who should be free of the curse of ‘stereotyping’ or ‘negative perceptions’ and in the same breath maliciously describes Winston Churchill and by extension all White people as ‘White Supremacists’ or ‘Aryan Supremacists’.

I merely use John Barnes as an example of how, in a ‘multicultural society’ those to whom we have given a safe haven and a warm welcome can at any moment turn like a hostile cancerous cell against the body which once gave them nourishment, because in the very heart of their being they are Race Aliens. who for personal or genetic reasons eventually contain within themselves the seed of animosity towards the very soil which promoted and nurtured their growth.

It is ironic, that people like John Barnes, and there are certainly hundreds if not thousands of such examples of race aliens, project their own contempt for the White Race behind the comfortable mask of anti-racism, (which as we all know is simply a euphemism for hatred of White people.)

The term ‘racism’ itself as we all know is a specific accusation leveled at White people and no other race.

So, I recommend you spend a few moments watching John Barnes spew his anti-White bile and then sit back and feel absolutely not one shred of guilt about having no concern as to whether ‘England’ win or lose the Euro 2021 competition.

Win or lose, the game of race is rigged against the White Race.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 21:02 | #

I wonder how much it bothers John Barnes that almost everything that makes up the modern world (well, 95% of it anyway) was created by euro-Caucasians? And that virtually nothing of note was invented by blacks? Of course it bothers him a great deal. That’s where the anger and resentment come from. Anger and resentment born out of envy and a deep seated feeling of intellectual inferiority. Of course disgruntled blacks—along with the mentally ill white radical-egalitarians (white liberals for short)—attribute “racism” and or “white supremacism” for the vast differences between white and black achievement levels. And is not the term “racism”  used as either a strawman diverting attention away from facts? ... Or as a psychological coping mechanism? I suppose, blaming bogeymen like “racism” and “white supremacism” for the glaring differences in civilizational progress is much less painful than accepting the truth. Am I right, John Barnes?   

(BTW, when I label myself a racist, I’m working off this particular definition: racism NOUN - the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.)


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 21:54 | #

I must say that you, Don, and you, Thorn, are proving my point that only nationalists can assort humanity fairly and accurately.  Nationalists alone can be trusted to watch, say, a sporting contest or some other event in which those not of one’s kind are presented as kind, and make the call faultlessly.


Posted by Don Qyixote on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 22:31 | #

In response to Thorn:

I wonder how much it bothers John Barnes that almost everything that makes up the modern world (well, 95% of it anyway) was created by euro-Caucasians? And that virtually nothing of note was invented by blacks? Of course it bothers him a great deal. That’s where the anger and resentment come from.

There are probably multiple causes of resentment. The primary cause in my opinion is a lack of a firm sense of self-identity. Born to Trinidadian father and Jamaican mother, there is an immediate schism in the genetic and cultural make up. Who am I? What am I? Most people simply do not have to ask this question. People born as a result of inter-ethnic marriage have an immediate identity crisis.

Add this to the secondary factor of being taken away from ones birthplace at the age of 12 and transported to a foreign country knowing little of the language, culture or traditions and one is bound to have feelings of isolation and alienation.

Then comes the question of blame. Who am I to blame for my feelings of poor sense of self-identity? My sense of cultural alienation? The central core of the anger and resentment comes from a basic lack of core identity. Belief in oneself. Knowing ones place in the world. Feeling secure in the company of fellow ethnics. It is not racist to feel comfortable in the company of those who share a common ancestry, language, culture, religion and so on.

The Race Alien has to dig very deep to understand the personal demons which haunt their psyche. Few are willing to look at themselves in the mirror and give an honest appraisal for their feelings of worthlessness or psychic invalidity.

Instead, they project their own anger onto the culture in which they find themselves, which happens for the most part to be White culture, since the concept of White people emigrating to non-White parts of the world is virtually inconceivable for a multitude of reasons, primary of which is the most obvious threat and danger to life which many would endure in non-White nations. Racism against White people, is the truth that dare nit speak it’s name.

Anger and resentment born out of envy and a deep seated feeling of intellectual inferiority. Of course disgruntled blacks—along with the mentally ill white radical-egalitarians (white liberals for short)—attribute “racism” and or “white supremacism” for the vast differences between white and black achievement levels.

Conspicuously different levels of IQ between races, is also the truth that dare not speak its name. If you begin with a faulty analysis of cause, then it is virtually impossible to understand why different races have different levels of intellectual achievement. The first casualty of liberal-do-gooding is truth. Rather than face up to objective facts they seek to place emphasis and blame on feelings and ‘environmental circumstances’. No amount of ping-pong bats and community hubs are going to change the genetic disposition of low IQ cultural aliens, particularly when they are programmed by a mass media owned and run by race aliens who have a malicious vendetta against ordinary White folk, for no other reason than their Whiteness.

The term ‘White Supremacism’ is yet another example of the blatant distortion and abuse of language as a form of weapon to psychologically hobble Whites in the competition between races. Where they see ‘White Supremacism’ all around, we see only White excellence. Outstanding achievement in every conceivable field. In medicine, in philosophy, in understanding of the physical world, indeed in every conceivable realm of the intellect, including the arts.

Of course disgruntled blacks—along with the mentally ill white radical-egalitarians (white liberals for short)—attribute “racism” and or “white supremacism” for the vast differences between white and black achievement levels. And is not the term “racism”  used as either a strawman diverting attention away from facts? ... Or as a psychological coping mechanism? I suppose, blaming bogeymen like “racism” and “white supremacism” for the glaring differences in civilizational progress is much less painful than accepting the truth. Am I right, John Barnes? 

You have encapsulated this phenomenon perfectly in such a short and succinct paragraph.

John Barnes is just one example of how, through the malicious use of mass communications (mass media) that simple-minded people can be driven to hatred towards others, whilst at the same time being willfully ignorant that the malice, the anger and the resentment, rest entirely within their own fractured psyches.

We, unfortunately are going to have to deal with the inevitable fallout of the potential Civilisational collapse brought upon us by manifestly evil people who are only too aware of what it is they are doing.



Posted by DanielS on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 23:02 | #

Manc #6

I don’t know for sure the reason why there are no blacks on the current Italian squad, what I do know is that there are none as far as I can see among the starters.

Even the goalkeeper, whom I was sure was middle eastern (still might be, at least in part, if given a DNA test?), striking me as such in cursory glance, turns out to be probably Italian enough.

It is an unfortunate loss for the Italian squad that Leonardo Spinazzola was injured during the Belgium match, but neither is his replacement, Emerson, as non-White/part black as he initially struck me as being. His mother Italian, his father, a bit more European looking than I expected. In better times, I would give them all DNA tests to adjudicate their merit to play on the Italian squad.

The team is Italian enough to root for and I would not Not root for them just because they might field blacks on another day.

Indeed, I would not put it past Italy to do so, they already have with Balotelli. I could not root for that squad, it was disgusting. As to be expected, he had White women throughout Europe, including Ukraine and The U.K. when he was there. One tabloid had the nerve to run a story about a White British woman who had the nerve to “compare” Balotelli to Wayne Rooney and declare the Balotelli the victor. I’d love to replace that woman’s passport with one from Balotelli’s nation.

But speaking of Italy Not being immune to this, Balotelli, of course had an Italian woman and more there to be sure. My point regarding Italian football is not merely to concede that they are not immune to this; there is also something positive going on ethnonationally, as there is both a great deal of anti-racist pressure of the kind which Don Qyixote eloquently describes (more to say on that in a moment) operating against Italy (and against Spain, which is also to be congratulated) such that if they were really desperate enough, in what pragmatic sense, I don’t know, they could field some black players.

Coming to the broader point of Italian cuckery, well, that’s a part of the reason why I don’t live there and have lived on my Polish side. Not that the Poles are immune to it either, but the geopolitical circumstance has been buffered enough so that I don’t have to be provoked by it nearly as much. Not that it was so so much in Italy, but more than the famous stereotype of the macho - jealous - racist Italian man would lead you to believe as opposed to the reality. I could not go anywhere in Italy - including my grandfather’s village during the feasts - and not see at least one cute Italian woman with a black on some random day. And I’d be the only one having the infamous Italian fit about it. I got the occasional wink of approval, but the other men were mostly oblivious. So, I had to hunker down to a deeper base of operations in ready for the battle ahead. Poland is a place where I am equally at home and where I would not be provoked as much in that regard as the normal European man’s world view crystallizes and heals up in immunity as opposed to the pervasive anti-White world view.


Now, coming to Don Qyixote’s excellent remarks in #4 and #7 regarding the special place that blacks occupy in the anti-White agenda that is anti-racism - what is referred to as among the highest positions and in this case, the highest position, in the “progressive stack” in a lexicon in critique of political correctness.

The sickening truth of blacks special place as a weapon against Whites is warrantably assertable.

In his “kings new clothes” analogy, Don connects with an aspect of this anti-racist weaponry that I have discussed in that past.

What better way to prove your “innocence” of the original sin in the modern/ Abrahamic religion of anti-racism for Whites than to demonstrate the requisite rational blindness of pure objectivity in the Cartesian prejudice against prejudice by claiming and practicing obliviousness to the most obvious of racial differences - blacks as opposed to Whites. To not see the kings new clothes, as it were.

But it’s worse than blacks being the most different (in look and in EGI) in the arsenal of their own accord, in the utility and arsenal of Jews, right wingers, liberals and any others who might hate/ be indifferent, oblivious to correctivity of White homeostasis.

Their 200,000 some odd years of pre-evolution to European differentiation does probably give blacks advantageous biopower and biological hegemony in some circumstances, especially in the disorder of modernity, in episodic judgment, of the kind a sporting event and its multimillion dollar contracts would reward, and in the momentary and episodic judgement of ubiquitously pandered to puerile females, grossly empowered in their base, sub socialized instinct, to incite genetic competition.  What better test weapon in their puerile intimidation in the initial interaction episode than the black weenie. To ignore as so much superstitious bullocks the relationships of forebears, the cultural patterns, the social capital and its reward for a far better way of life for them beyond the particular moment or episode, what should be a small sacrifice to the rewards of European sublimation; but so easily cast off in the wash of (((pandering)) as weakness, encouraged to pre-emptive acts of vengeance as in de Beauvoir citing Collette, “you will never do anything to me as hateful as I have already done to you.” Or in the false belief that there are no good, appropriate men for them in those cases where they have been abused and have fallen through the cracks, as if all White men deserve to be brought down.

Blacks have ability to run faster, faster twitching muscle fiber, more testosterone, etc., I have argued that they have quantified and maxed out masculinity. Is that good? It’s not good that White men are being told sheerly that they are not man enough by comparison, invoking a criteria which I call “universal maturity.”

Incited to competition thus, in a genetic arms race of masculinity, European men are being required to overcome their European nature, it’s optimization of masculinity, sublimated enough to be as creatively intelligent and productive as we have been. And While we may or may not be better paternalistic stewards than the Asians, we certainly will not be helped in terms of responsibility to our legacy and the hearth of earth by our White race becoming assimilated to African - a Mulattoization, by the way, which does not entail similarly doing away with pure blacks. They would remain in surfeit.

No, what it means to man up is being masculine enough to take the stance with regard to our women that they need to women up and be worth it, be more feminine and caring for our men and women. And the structure of the warrant to hold them accountable is to find a way to marshal borders and boundaries for our people. Thus, if women, girls, are not satisfied with us, they are free to leave, but they are not free to impose alien peoples upon our genetic interests. That’s what it means to man up.

Easier said than done in the pragmatic business world of the west, where the treachery of other Whites almost immediately introduces one to a course of rationalizations, resting somewhat paradoxically, pragmatically on that objectivist basis that the cunning of Jewry can so easily exploit.

Thus while I condemn the English squad for its mercenary black composition and hideous genuflection to a foreign nation, kneeling before a black supremacist nation, I recognize that it is not easy to correct a way of doing things that has been so rewarding in its accomplishments not only in England, but through its people throughout the world, despite leaving susceptibilities to the exploitation of those who are not only so heartlessly antagonistic, but powerful and immoral enough to act on those vulnerabilities. Those who would hand our girls and women over to the most disgusting males in the world, and kill our men, ruin our lives if we try so much as to say anything about it. We cannot allow White boys and girls to come into a world like this. And in European genus, we will stand with our English brothers in the ethnonational protection of their species; we will condemn their traitors, cucks and indifferent along with them as well.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 22:30 | #

Well, at least we won’t have to listen to idiot politicians and journalists telling us ad infinitum how wonderful immigration is and how amazingly successful we all are now that we are finally open and tolerant.


Posted by Don Qyixote on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 22:57 | #

Couldn’t agree more GW. ‘England’ lost, but the really important thing is that Gareth got his diversity quota in.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 23:20 | #

Will the first knee-session of the season survive the booing?  Or will the clubs do the sensible thing and quietly move on from how terribly much black lives matter?


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 10:31 | #

As the match began, I almost felt the need to be mildly apologetic, with England fielding only one full blooded black along with a couple of light skinned mixed kinds. Bad, but providing something of an argument for pragmatists that my standards are unreasonably pure. You would have English fans renounce a team predominated by eight White British men? To make matters worse, the quick strike capability of England that I worried about came through early for them, making it seem like they would win with with this not very black team; the complaint over this minority admixture looking even more petty. Fortunately for the politics of it, as Don Qyixote keenly observed, Gareth Southgate met with the all important requirement of fulfilling his diversity quota.

Nevertheless, I do think that the Italian squad is the better team. I’ve been impressed by their play, which retains skilled defense as ever, adds more of the passing and ball control of recent years, with the addition now of play making for scores. They’ve got some individual star quality as well. I’m particularly impressed by Federico Chiesa’s stand-out improvisational abilities. By the end of the match he was off with an injury along with Spinazzola; probably their two best players. For some reason, Pessina, who scored a nifty game winner against Austria, didn’t even play in this game. Meaning that the team has depth in addition to being mostly young. In fact, they might be better than the 2006 World Cup champions.

...old hand Chielini looks as if Dante Alighieri has emerged from history to take down the revisionist upstart mercenary Othello.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 10:43 | #


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 15:07 | #

I was going to write a post on the politics of the immediate post-match period, but Theberton at Klondrive beat me to it; and his piece is perfectly adequate and more general than anything I would have done:

Good thread, too.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 16:04 | #

It’s Saintgate:


Posted by Manc on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 19:19 | #

This is slightly off topic but relevant given the persistent gaslighting of football fans who voice their disapproval of what is an overtly political gesture by Premier League and England International players. The filmmaker, Ami Horowitz, is an American Orthodox Jew who is married to an Israeli, which would explain his motives for making the documentary. Little has been reported in the UK about the looting and arson attacks on Jewish businesses in Jewish areas during last years riots in the US, or the torching of three synagogues in LA. The video below is around half of the full documentary and remember that the FA insisted that Premier League teams wear a BLM logo on their shirts during the second half of the 2019-2020 season.


Posted by Manc on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 10:27 | #

A huge amount of press and television coverage has been devoted to the “vile racial abuse” sprayed onto a mural depicting Marcus Rashford on the gable wall of a cafe in Withington , Manchester (a district that I’m familiar with). According to The Independent and The Guardian the defacement of the mural is evidence of “systemic racism” and “something rotten in the heart of England” and a reason why everyone should become “anti-racist” because simply not being racist wasn’t enough. Messages of support for Rashford, England flags and hearts have been pinned to the mural on a daily basis to the extent that it resembles a shrine. However, the Spectator has reported this….

The Spectator could have done its own research a little better for “local people” read ‘people from everywhere’ (even the BBC got that right). Indeed, the very first heart shaped message was pinned by a woman from West Yorkshire, which is not exactly around the corner. Local people were treated to a full on BLM demonstration, complete with angry young black women carrying the standard black and yellow placards essential to every and all far red left demonstrations.

The Spectator also failed to report the four words that prove so much, possibly to protect the sensibilities of their genteel readership. At MajorityRights we have no such concerns, so those four little words can now be revealed…

Fuck Shit Bastard Sancho.


Posted by Manc on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:06 | #

Further to @20, I’ve since seen a photograph of the mural, taken shortly before it was covered up and all I could make of the scrawl was “is a bastard”. I’m amazed that anyone would actually notice it in the early hours of the morning, however The Guardian reported that Akse, the Manchester based artist who painted the mural, just happened to be walking past his own work shortly after midnight on Monday morning and was mortified. The match can’t have finished much before eleven so that was a stroke of bad luck wasn’t it? any earlier and he might have caught the vandal red handed. Still , not to worry because within a couple of days £32,000 had been crowdfunded to repair the damage. I think you could probably build a new wall for less than that, however I imagine a street artist charges a high hourly rate, almost as much as a barrister, maybe.

I’ve also been told that ‘the shrine’ continues to be something of a tourist attraction, probably the only one Withington has ever had. Apparently people, young and old, are reading the messages of support. taking the all important selfies or simply standing with lowered head, in quiet contemplation. Meanwhile, business at the cafe is booming, which I suppose is exactly what you would want as the country is on the cusp of ending the pandemic social restrictions. GMP say they are keeping an open mind about the motive for the graffiti, well, call me an old cynic but….


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 20:45 | #

Paul Joseph Watson reveals that only a tiny handful of messages sent to England players were abusive…

“The Sportsball Scam”


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 12:16 | #

Slightly off topic but this is worth sharing.

Norway’s Karsten Warholm destroyed his own world record to capture Olympic gold and survive a charge from American Rai Benjamin. #NBCOlympics #Tokyo2020 #KarstenWarholm

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)
