Reese’s argument (“they hate us because we support Israel”) doesn’t work. Even countries which act more favourably toward Arab interests still find themselves subject to Muslim violence (e.g. Germany, France). In fact, most populations around the world which have contact with Muslim populations experience some level of violence: e.g. India, the Christians in Indonesia (I doubt if the Christians on Ambon suffer because of their support for Israel), the Philippines ...
There are better arguments to oppose the American policy in Iraq, such as the predictable problems encountered in trying to democratize such a country.
Reese’s argument (“they hate us because we support Israel”) doesn’t work. Even countries which act more favourably toward Arab interests still find themselves subject to Muslim violence (e.g. Germany, France). In fact, most populations around the world which have contact with Muslim populations experience some level of violence: e.g. India, the Christians in Indonesia (I doubt if the Christians on Ambon suffer because of their support for Israel), the Philippines ...
but there’s no kamikaze attacks in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. They have the ghettos and the brown mobs and the criminality but they’re not really the target of terrorist acts.
Let us give Reese credit for clarifying matters. Substantively, the only difference between his anti-Semitic rant and the “scholarly paper” John Walt and Stephen Mearsheimer published earlier this year is that Walt and Mearsheimer are honest enough (but only honest enough) to acknowledge that you don’t have to be Jewish to support Israel.
That oft heard saying should really go: you don’t have to be jewish to be a jew. Their royal goyim familiars enthusastically giving their blood to these “g-d”-men are their symbiotic hosts; judiasm is two: paracite and host.
Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 18:03 | #
American Jews will do anything for Israel except live there, and many dread the Judenstaat collapsing for selfish reasons. They foresee their nutty ultra-Zionist settler relations, whom they hoped they’d seen the last of, fleeing back to America and holing up in their spare rooms while whining from here to eternity: ‘You didn’t do enough to save us! Shame on you! We want reparations! Draft America’s goyim to help us retake the Holy Land!’
Many US Jews who privately think Israel stinks and won’t let their kids go there for the traditional post-high school trip(actually intended to put them off making aliyah) because it’s become too dangerous still sit like stuck pigs and let the Zionists and neocons shrill about what a wonderful, successful, democratic little state Israel is; if only those sand monkeys whose land we took would knuckle under, they could clean our pools for a living.
The ‘don’t rock the boat’ and ‘if the gentiles see we’re divided they’ll start a pogrom’ reflexes are hard to overcome even in the country where Jews have flourished like nowhere else. It’s bred into them. Many Jews privately admit that they are mortified by having shysters such as the ADL’s Abe Foxman or Edgar Bronstein profess to speak for the whole community, but they wash their dirty tefillin behind closed doors or get piled on as ‘self-haters’.
Charley Reese has been attacking the Israel Lobby for at least 20 years. He’s in his 70s, a former newspaper editor who goes back to the days of Paul Findlay and Pat Buchanan’s time as a GOP mover and shaker. There is hardly a widely syndicated columnist under his age who questions the joined-at-the-hip status of the USA and Israel, unprecedented in the country’s foreign relations. The Mearsheimer & Walt study was barely noticed by the MSM except after it had been analysed all over Europe, and not much then. The conspiracy of silence in the States about what the rest of the world thinks of Israel and the US connection is an awesome tribute to the long march of origanised Jewry through the media.
Posted by Charles II on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 17:25 | #
All else aside, Charley Reese for the most part not only hits the nail on the head, but calls a spade close enough to a spade for all of us to know what he’s saying.
In his column entitled “President contradicts himself at our peril,” it’s not about the J-word versus the I-word. It’s about Bush putting all of US in harm’s way. Doing Israel’s bidding does not come without a price.
Posted by Andy on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:37 | #
Broken link.