Christianity As Expression of Authentic European Culture GW has expressed the constraint:
DanielS has expressed the constraint:
An approach offered by John Harland is to admit the historicity of Jesus in His essential mythic image as descendant of God evidenced in his own over-ruling of texts with direct bodily connection with God as Father, but to deny the historicity of the extant texts—deny them as yet another means by which dastards attempt to interpose themselves between the God-heritage of individuals and their Father, in spirit and flesh. Ridicule of Harland’s own editing of the texts to suit his view may be conducted only at the sacrifice of the two constraints establishing the context of this presentation. Offer a superior approach if you don’t like Harland’s—either that or declare folly the entire effort to connect with the spiritual force of Christianity. Click this link for a pdf document containing part of Harland’s account starting with “The Germans” (in the anthropological sense meaning what many identify as Celtic and Nordic pagans of the pre-Christian era), “The Catholic Church Promotes Judeo-Christianity”, “The First Breaking Apart of the Church Serpent” (regarding Henry VIII and Martin Luther), “A Further Break From the Serpent” (regarding the establishment of America), “The Strange Phenomenon of ‘Money-Mad’ Americans” (regarding the closing of the frontier and replacement of Nature and Nature’s God with money-based “culture”), “The American Dream” (the commodification, by conspirators, of the American spiritual renaissance), “The German Reich” (the parallel processes occurring in what became the nation state known as “Germany” during the 1800s leading up to WW I), “The World Picture After WW I” (the situation leading up to WW II) and the concluding section of this pdf document is “The Second World War”. The entire book is “Word Controlled Humans” by John Harland, ISBN 0-914752-12-X available from Sovereign Press, 326 Harris Road, Rochester, WA 98579 (with which I have no business or personal relationship). Comments:2
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 12:58 | # .......
But that is mere reaction. Moreover, as I have said in many instances, that with the Jews acting in group interests, to merely do the opposite would be to act in a way opposing group interests, most saliently, not in our own group interests simply because we do not want to be like Jews. Hence: Christianity, Darwinism, Inequality, Individualism, Anti-social constructionism, Nazism, pure theoria of science as opposed to the rhetoric of praxis, ruthlessness as opposed to compassion…. all these things and more are reacted into as necessarily good because they are the didactic opposite of the Jews exaggerated self interest. 3
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 13:18 | # .
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 14:44 | # ...objective measures, impartiality…. oh, Blacks are suffering from immigration too (like we should give an F) 5
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:22 | # I repeat and will continue repeating: European culture is, by definition, something that produced Europeans as a genotype. If Europeans adopt another culture than European, they do not thereby cease to be Europeans. Likewise, non-Europeans who adopt European culture do not, thereby cease to be non-Europeans. However, when Europeans adopt another culture than European, they _become_ more and more non-Europeans through the generations, even if they maintain “the 14 words”. Likewise, when non-Europeans adopt European culture, they _become_ more and more Europeans through the generations whether they maintain “the 14 words” or not. Harland’s narrative—his selective hermeneutic explanation—of the Jesus story is that there was a man who preached European culture in the very heart of an anti-European culture then coming into contact with European culture and that this explains the appeal of Christianity to the authentic European. This man’s actions were so threatening to the anti-European culture that not only was he crucified but he had carefully lived his life so that the clear message of his crucifixion would unmistakably come through the inevitable rewriting of history by anti-European culture, thereby allowing 2 things: 1) The sort of selective hermeneutic explanation Hardland presents. 2) The sort of invasion of European culture enabled by the rewriting of history by the anti-European culture. Now we have before us two issues that must be kept clearly separate so that they may be treated uniformly when understood: 1) What to do with the authentic European spirit that finds expression in Christianity—however distorted? 2) What is authentic European culture? 6
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:31 | # was there ever any self-identification as “Europeans” before Christianity existed? Would that even have been possible? After all, are the “Europeans” actually DNA-racially different from the Iranians or (original pure-blooded) North Indians? After the Muslims finish transforming Europe into West Karachi, will they think of themselves as “Europeans”? 7
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:54 | # Even in the mutilated definition of “culture” promoted by 20th century Jewish anthropologists—where “culture” is known by its artifacts rather than the artificial selective pressure on evolution—there is no necessary self-identification. Self-identification only becomes necessary in the presence of “the other”. In many cases this self-identification has taken the form of self-identifying as “humans” and “the other” in terms such as those used by pre-JudeoChristian northern Europeans: dragons, vipers, snakes, serpents, worms, giants, dwarves, etc. 8
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:12 | # 1) What to do with the authentic European spirit that finds expression in Christianity—however distorted? As many people will continue to be engaged in the Christian narrative, I suppose it is a question of some relevance; however as I see it, there is too much chance of reconstructing the tangles of Judeo-Christianity, and that will be seen as an unnecessary price by the majority of us, who do not find Christianity compelling whatsoever. Some of us would rather churches be transformed into swimming pools or general discussion halls if not churches of the 14 Words 2) What is authentic European culture? To begin with, it is rule structures which reconstruct European people by entailing things they are legitimated to do, are prohibited from doing, or are obliged to do. Europeans have a variety of ways of doing things and their particularization of these rules differ. You place heavy emphasis on a region of European people, on individualism, duels, a special reading of Christianity. Fine, I suppose that can be one expression of European, but it certainly does not encompass all of what it means to be European. One thing that does represent a common bound of European is our DNA groupings and our evolution on the continent. There is more, but that is a significant basis which does not allow for that much weasel room, because there is a clear difference from Jewish peoples.
It sets limits and protections on the the systemic pattern of the people at the point where it is being transgressed. Hence, it is culture (artificial selection as you observe), the cultivated turn of culture, in that it recognizes that the European people’s system is an open system; thus its well being and persistence is not entirely self corrective, not entirely homeostatic, but must be cultivated, through rules: obligation, prohibition and legitimacy which protect and afford the living and re-birthing of the people in a variety of benign, enjoyable and (to them) helpful ways. Regarding the 14 Words, I did not say that it covered all the bases. First things first. However, if it is based in the Euro DNA Nation and its categories, which I propose, it is not adoptable by some other people. Rudimentary though it is, it forms (for me, anyway) a more positive core value than Christianity has to offer: an individual rebels against Jewish collectivism and exploitation? That strikes me as negative, reactive and inherently unstable. I have the impression that you are too concerned that individualism will be consumed by collective enterprise. First of all, I don’t see why anybody would want to deny individual sufficiency to the extent that it can realistically exist; next, I see it as a part of evolution: population, struggle, variation, selection, survival. The variation part will foster individualism and the reconstruction of individualism where it may have been dulled for a time - viz. it can be reborn from our genetic basis where it may have been a bit dulled (say, by a necessary collective effort for survival). 9
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:30 | # Hymie, the genetic map of Europe that I provisionally use shows that Europeans are identifiable and distinguished genetically. There is some overlap with Iranians, yes, but they are still quite different from Europeans The part that is similar is the fairly large percentage of R1a that they have. They even have some R1b.
R1a 16.5% R1b 6.5%
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 22:48 | # Very interesting James, thank you for posting it. How do you reconcile Harlan with Humphreys? It seems that Humphreys presented Jesus as a fabrication/amalgamation of ancient Greco/Roman heroes. Is this philosophy of “inner freedom” shared by the Stoics and Jesus similar to the individualism of the Germanic people? Harlan also directly (p.94) proclaims Hitler a serpent, (the words could be Guessedworker’s) “a demagog, trying to promote the same idea of a chosen people that three thousand years before had been promoted by those he now called enemy?” Harlan also suggests that Jews were also individualists before becoming word controlled (p.94). “The Jews had originally been controlled under leaders who set themselves up as gods knowing a good and evil different from that manifest by the universal creative intelligence.” Harlan’s reference to the Celts and Druidism doesn’t make sense. He asserts that the group-gods and priests were a development of early contact with the word-controlled civilized people. Why then did the Romans proceed to eradicate Druidism if it was a product of early contact with Rome? (p.58) 11
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 00:14 | # Desmond, Harland’s narrative is that the Greeks and Jesus were both influenced by Euorpean culture if not of it. I wouldn’t necessarily say that Harland’s narrative is of pre-Moses Israelites being individualists so much as post-Moses Israelites were strongly selected for operating as organs in the group semi-organism we now know as “Jews”. In other words prior to Moses, they had not been put through the intense artificial group-selective pressure. Europeans, on the other hand, originated from a conscious evaluation of group selection vs individual selection resulting in rejection of group selection and accepting the morality of individual selection. Viewed in this light it is clear why Jews and Europeans are diametrically opposed. As for Roman vs Druid conflict, that’s just serpent swallowing serpent to use Harland’s interpretation of the ancient metaphor related in Exodus’s account of Moses vs the pharaoh’s priests. As for reconciling Harland with Humphreys I don’t think there is really much problem considering the fact that Romans routinely crucified Germanics. There didn’t need to be just one person, let alone one named “Jesus”, for the story to have powerful resonance with Germans. Ned Beaty’s character in Deliverance was ficitonal, for example, but that doesn’t mean his being raped doesn’t have resonance enough to be cited almost as a Biblical story, in a culture that routinely subjects white men to ethnic prisoner gang rape. 12
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 00:41 | # I’m going to reiterate this again because its not sinking in with people but I’m going to try a different tack: Statics, Kinematics and Dynamics are 3 kinds of description. The Greeks understood Statics and Kinematics but their physics never took off. The reason is it wasn’t until Newton that dynamics entered the laws of motion. That is to say: Position = Static Acceleration is change in Velocity is change in Position The confusion that people keep imposing on us in our ontology is similar to the attempts of the Greeks to describe motion in purely kinematic terms—as motion without inertia. This can be absolutely deadly for ontology as Greek physics vs Newtonian physics showed. When people talk about the the European genotype, they are talking Statics. Culture can be thought of as Kinematic in that it establishes movement in the genotype. Philosophy can be thought of as Dynamic in that it establishes movement in the culture. When I talk about European Culture, I am talking about the output of a very ancient—preliterate and precivil—philosophical project which we are well advised to reproduce if we are serious about the ontology project. 13
Posted by Joe on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:07 | # We’re really not Caucasians, Europeans and/or Christians anyhow ; We’re Hyperborean Solutreans from the Valhalla Mountains in the North Pole, or is it the Himalayas, or is it Atlantis? I always get my Savitri Devi and John deNugent, and various others of their ilk all mixed-up. I hate when that happens. I’m looking forward to the day deNugent finishes building The Spaceship that’s going to fly all of us of the White-Aryan-Hyperborean-Solutrean-Race to Mars and Beyond the Stars forever and ever amen ; Ad Astra !!!, yes sirre bob. What’s the difference between Hyperboreans and Solutreans anyhow? Are both tribes considered to be Aryans? Do they share the same hypo-glubin-globin genotype genetic code? Do they both belong to the same Hp#1 haplogroup? I would most certainly hope so. Are both tribes originally from the far far North, say the North Pole? Maybe “Solutrean” is Mrs. Santa Claus’ maiden name before she married Mr. Santa Claus and became a “Hyperborean” ? It’s all very confusing as I get my Savitri Devi and John deNugent all mixed up all the time ; Throw in David Icke, and fuggedaboutit, I don’t know what. As James Bowery says, ” dragons, vipers, snakes, serpents, worms, giants, dwarves, etc.”. Authentic European culture is Christianity without talmudic/kaballah influences. James Bowery asks,” What to do with the authentic European spirit that finds expression in Christianity—however distorted? One reads the talmud/kaballah to find out how Jews/Freemasons really think - that’s what one does ; Then one can better discern all the distortions in Christianity. Many of the Jew/talmudic/kaballah/freemason distortions of The Faith come to us through their putrid satanic Freemasonry halls. One rejects Freemasonry is another method to find the authentic European spirit that finds expression in Christianity. To help you untangle the distortions in Christianiaty, read the talmud, read the kaballah, study Freemasonry, and one will see where the distortions originate. Search term : ” Catholic View of The Talmud” The search term will access many websites about the talmud. Read The Protocols of Zion. It’s easy to find online. Read about Albert Pike. Learn where Freemasonry, and all the churches built on Freemasonry, originate. Search term : ” Scofeld + Rothschilds + Zionism” ” Joseph Smith + Freemasons + Jews” ” Mormons + Protocols of Zion” ” Hitler’s Priestess pdf” No one in Europe ever heard of Aryans until towards the end of the 19th century. The fictional Jewish “narrative” of nazi Germany, by the way, needs the fictional “WN Aryan narrative” of nazi Germany in order to stand, as the Jewish mainstream “narrative” about nazi Germany is one giant lie ; It’s all a lie, from the very beginning of the Jewish “narrative” to the very end, and everything in-between is a lie. The reality of nazi Germany is the Jews created the Third Reich in the very first place. ” Bevor Hitler Kam English Translation” will access Dietrich Bronder’s book, ” Before Hitler came”. Bronder details the immense role of world Jewry in building nazi Germany. Bronder himself is Jewish. His work is banned in Europe—it’s too truthful, so it’s banned by Bronder’s fellow Jews. To those who think Hitler broke ties with the Jewish financial matrix: Hitler Did Not break ties with the Jewish financial matrix. The Third Reich was financed by Banking Jewry via IG Farben. IG Farben itselff was Jewish owned. Hitler Never got around to telling the German people that. Search Terms : ” Guido Preparata + Conjuring Hitler pdf ” ” Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself “ 14 Words : ” Jewish Wall Street and Jew IG Farben Gave The Jew Hitler All His Power” A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. Ad astra per aspera. Study Latin. That’s where the True Spirit of Christian Europe—Christendom—can be found, without all the distortions from the talmud/kaballah/satanism/freemasonry. Freemasonry is the Jews’ talmud/kaballah for the “goyim”. Signum Crucis.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:36 | # La Tradizione Romana :
“La Tradizione Romana”, by Guido DeGiorgio If link doesn’t work, go to “”. Go to “library” icon on first page of website. is an excellent website for matters concerning religion, faith, spirituality. The website has books & articles there from many various traditions. Many of the books are in their complete form in pdf format. 15
Posted by Joe on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 19:49 | # To those who are not familiar with the Latin language, Go To :
The first page of the website talks about the history of Latin. Latin is from a group of people called Indo-European—another term for Caucasian ,another term for the White Race . The Latin language was brought to the Italian peninsula from Indo-Europeans in Northern Europe. In other words, Latin is very much a part of the ancient heritge of Northern Europe. Latin has an older history in Northern Europe than it does in Southern Europe even. Latin is what connects and unites the White Race. Study Latin. 16
Posted by Joe on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:02 | # I don’t think the USA represents ” A Further Break From The Serpent”. If anything, the US is the head-honcho serpent in service to satanic talmudic/kaballah judaism. Look at all the Churches started by and/or controlled by Freemasons. The first American-born “christian” church—The Mormon Church—is a Freemason creation from the very first day. Romney was as gung-ho as could be to do the bidding of world Jewry with his ardent and fervorish desire to launch an attack on Iran - and throw the US into the middle of a world war for the sake of and the benefit of the Jews—and for Jewish benefit only. The US is hardly in a position to get involved in a world war right now, weakened as we are by all of Uncle Sam’s jew/communist policies—both domestic and foreign—since the assassination of JFK in 1963. The JFK assassination being a Jew communist coup d’etat. Then there’re all the protestant churches who preach zionism, to one degree or another ; So I don’t understand how Harland can come to the conclusion the US represents ” a further break from the serpent “. Doesn’t make sense. Just take a look at the Dollar Bill. The dollar is nothing but Freemason/kaballah icons splattered all over. Nothing truly Christian in any of the symbols on the US dollar bill. The “In God We Trust” is not the God of Christianity, it’s the “g*d” of Judaism/Freemasonry ; And that g*d is “lucifer”, the freemason name for “satan”. Nothing “Christian” about the Federal Reserve System of printing out intrinsically worthless fiat money : It’s an old and ancient scam dating back to Babylon. Read Eustace Mullins’. “Curse of Caanan pdf “ All of Mullins’ works are online now in pdf format. A very honest historian ; A truly patriotic American. All of his history books are excellent in their honesty. Search term : ” Eustace Mullins + Ezra Pound ” The symbols on the dollar bill are full of the religion of ancient Egypt. The Jew’s kaballah was greatly influenced by the ancient religion of Egypt. It’s right there in our faces every day. I don’t undertand how Harland can say the US is ” a further break from the serpent”. It’s not exactly true, not at all : Considering the history of Uncle Sam’s Empire Building in service to world jewry Harland’s conclusion doesn’t hold water. Harland sounds like a Freemason to me, and a Mormon freemason, too boot. Mormon and Freemason being a redundacy. 17
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:11 | # Joe, you obviously didn’t bother reading the link I provided or you would know that to conflate 20th century US with 18th century US as you did in your response indicates such intellectual slop as virtually eliminate any residual interest your unusual viewpoint might hold. 18
Posted by Joe on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 23:31 | # The 13 colonies of America were very prosperous. The individual colonies issued what is called “Colonial Scrip” : Interest free money. The colonies were booming. The bankers in the City of London lost their financial monopoly over the Colonies because of Colonial Scrip. The American Revolution was supposedly about breaking free from the Crown and the Crown’s banks. Yet, directly after winning the American Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers turned around and abolished Colonial Scrip, and returned the power to print and control the value of the US dollar back to the City of London. For more detailed info about Colonial Scrip vs. Central Bank and the American Revolution : Search Term : ” Corbett Report + Colonial Scrip” About Alexander Hamilton and the desire for a Central Bank controlled by Jews. Alexander Hamilton himself was a Jew born in the West Indies in a manor home of a slave plantation. Jews love slave economic systems, chattel slavery and communist slavery are both examples of Jew slave economic systems. It was through the slave economic system the Jews won a monopoly over the US :
Search Terms : ” Colonial Scrip + The American Revolution” ” Alexander Hamilton + Central Bank “ website also has alot of information on how the slave economic system led to the Jews’ monopoly over the US. Search term ; ” Judah Benjamin + August Belmont + Golden Circle Empire” Th serpent was there when the Founding Fathers abolished Colonial Scrip back in the 18th century. The rot has beeen going on in America since the 18th century, and the serpent never rests, not even in so-called Revolutions. The serpent was there in the 18th century, the 19th century, the 20th century, and up to this day. Now, more than ever, we can truly see the ugly face of the serpent, but the serpent has been present from the 18th century. The banks in London had more power over the newly formed USA after the Revolutionary War than the London banks had before the American Revolutionary War. Learn about Colonial Scrip and think about it : That the banks in London had more power over US money after the Revolution than before the Revolution. If link doesn’t work, Go to : “AmericanHolocaustComing.Blogspot” Excellent website about what’s in the works from Uncle Sam. And it ain’t going to be the Jews getting “holocausted”. The Jew cabal in Washington is aiming for white Christians. For all those whites who are not Christians—The Jews label you a Christian whatever it is you call yourself. The website is a Christian website. 19
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 03:23 | # Gosh, whatever became of Alexander Hamilton, Joe? In fact, what do you think the president that abolished the central bank thought of dueling? Moreover, the point of the section “A further break from the serpent” by Harland whose title you quote is consistent with what you just put forth since it all centers around the intrigues of central government while European Culture was once again emerging as frontiersmen, pioneers, cowboys and settlers had generation after generation of direct, unmediated contact withNature and Nature’s God. Yes, the corruption caught up with them because the arable land ran out before there could be a clean break, but your narcissistic “reading” of Harland’s narrative of true Christianity merely points out you want no dialogue. 20
Posted by Joe on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 05:43 | # @ James Bowery You love dueling so much you overlooked my point about 18th century corruption. You overlooked my point about Colonial Scrip money and how Colonial Scrip—which was interest free and brought great prosperity to the colonies—was abolished after Washington won the Revolutionary War. You totally dismissed my point. When the Founding Fathers abolished interest-free Colonial Scrip money there was plenty of arable land around, by the way, as you must already know. Lack of arable land isn’t what caused the Founding Fathers to abolish Colonial Scrip and return the power of determining the value of US money over to the London banks. Almost everyone—including myself—already know about the Burr-Hamilton duel. Almost everyone, including myself, knows Andrew Jackson liked to duel. Very few people know about the Colonial Scrip topic. Very odd the Founding Fathers would hand so much power over to London after fighting a War of Independence against the Crown—and winning. Yet, they returned the power of money over to London and made themselves dependent on London banks, after winning “independence”, no less. Very odd - speaking of 18th century corruption- the serpentine corruption of the 18th century—that the Founding Fathers would include in the Constitution the right of the president to issue Executive Orders. Presidential Executive Orders don’t work their way through Congress for debate and vote, and don’t work their way through the Courts for review and judication. The Right of Presidential Executive Order is the Ancient Right of the King to Issue Royal Proclamations. Executive Orders have the complete force and power of law—backed by police and/or military force if necessary. The Founding Fathers included in the Constitution the Ancient Right of The King in the Constitution. Yet, a major reason they went to War against the King of England was to free themselves from the Ancient Right of Kings. Yet, they included the Right of the King to issue Proclamations in the Constitution. So the serpent was there in the 18th century. There was plenty of arable land around when the Founding Fathers included Executive Orders—The Right of the King—in the Constitution. There was plenty of arable land, and there was plenty of dueling, yet Colonial Scrip was still abolished, and the Right Of The King was still inserted into the Constitution. Personally, I like Andrew Jackson. He stood up to the world bankers, and won, for awhile. Much of what Andrew Jackson accomplished was rolled back after he died by “the hoards” of Freemason politicians willingly beholden to the serpent. I notice you have as yet to follow your own advice and go out and duel the “ultimate manipulators”. I wish you would take your own advice. Maybe you can win some breathing space for us—a little breathing space for a little while, at least—like Andrew Jackson did. It would be more useful & helpful than overlooking and dismissing my excellent points, while deflecting from the main topic which is corruption & serpents in the 18th century ; You’re the one who mentioned the 18th century first as the topic. You mentioned the 18th century as you implied the serpent wasn’t around back then. I respectfully disagree with you. Everything I said in my above post and this post is germane to the topic you yourself initiated. All the points I make are verifiable and true. We all know about the Burr-Hamilton duel, and we all know Andrew Jackson liked to duel. I learned that when I was 7 years old.
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 05:59 | # Joe, I’m more aware than most Constitutional scholars of the role played by Shay’s Rebellion (and related rebellions) in motivating the drafting of the Constitution and the threats made against, for example, Rhode Island for refusing to cow tow to the bankers. But you’re missing the bigger picture. No one is denying the veracity of your argument that the US was, from the day the US Constitution was ratified, riddled with serpent makers of all stripes. But your refusal to look at what was happening prior to Jesus and ridicule your own ancestors(?) while further ignoring the argument I already laid out, regarding the healing effect of living in close proximity to Nature and Nature’s God, quite willingly accepting your—untempered by rationality—basic premise is merely boring. PS: You might want to visit my site County Currency. 22
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 13:10 | # TO THE AMERICANS ON THIS SITE: Keep all your eyes on the prize! Who cares about these idiotic (and ridiculously untutored) views on Christianity? What matters now for any type of American white patriot is stopping the Obama/GOP eunuch illegal alien amnesty. That’s it. That’s the only issue worth discussing. The amnesty push is going to happen big time in the coming 1-2 months. We have to inject some courage into the hearts of these cowardly Republicans - NOW! I’ve contacted 14 Senate offices so far, threatening to donate $1000 to any primary opponent of any Republican who votes for any type of amnesty (and I really will make that donation if Lindsay the Traitor Graham gets a primary opponent). Everybody do the same. It’s now or never. This is the WHITE AMERICAN LAST STAND. 23
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 13:55 | # Leon, your audience is over at Post this (I’ve been permanently banned):
Also, all those white hypocrites should get this short email:
</blockquote> 24
Posted by Joe on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:12 | # @ James Bowery As not to bore you by being “merely boring” in the future, and so you’ll like me more-better, I’m currently studying dueling : You have, as of yet, to respond to my points about the baneful effects of Freemasonry. I’m curious to your views about Freemasonry, and the effect of Freemasonry in the churches, including the Mormon church, and all the scofeld churches as well. The Mormon church having been started by Freemasons from the outset.
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:55 | # Freemasonry would appear to me to be the Jewish response to Martin Luther’s “antisemitism”. As for “dueling” you’re better off doing the following google search if you are going to comment on the topic here at MR: 26
Posted by Rich on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 18:33 | #
What do you mean by this? Are you just saying that it was a philo-Semitic movement for Protestants started in response to the anti-Semitism of the founder of Protestantism and the fear that as a result Protestants in general would be anti-Semitic? 27
Posted by Harry on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 19:15 | # Maybe we really are the lost 10 tribes. There’s evidence aplenty suggesting this is the case. It always amazes me when people say the Bible is a ‘Jewish’ book. It’s an Israelite book and the modern day Pharisees with their Talmud hardly fare well in the Bible. How ironic that both they and so many in nationalism appear to hate Christianity. 28
Posted by Joe on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 19:16 | # Freemasonry is not a Jewish response to Luther’s anti-semitism. Not at all. There was a lot of Jewish influence in the Protestant Reformation, as the Protestant Reformation greatly divided Europe—greatly tore Christendom apart—which greatly benefited the Jews. The Jews were very much involved in the Protestant Reformation—irregardless of Luther’s anti-semitism. Calvin—also anti-semitic—was a Jew himself. Mormonism* is the end result of the Protestant Reformation : A church built on the Jews’ kaballah. That was the main goal of the Jews during the Protestant Reformation, to usurp Christendom [read : Catholicism], and to replace The One True Church that unified white Christian Europe into a hodge-podge of various churches/denominations/sects—to divide-and-conquer white Christian Europe ; And to infuse as many of the churches/denominations/sects as possible with the Jews’ kabbala philosophy, “religion”. All this to make us more amenable to Jew control and rule. ” How Kabbala Shaped Mormon Faith ” : To learn more about the kabbala and freemasonry, and the true reason for Freemasonry, Go To : ” The Biblical Truth About The Kaballah : Theosophy and Kabbalah” Religions/Kaballah/kaballah_truth.htm Harland’s work reeks of Kaballah/Mormonism/Freemasonry. Everything about Harland’s work is to steer the reader away from any true understanding of the Jewish role in the Protestant Reformation and to encourage the reader to hate everything about the Catholic Church—a Church that once served to unify the White Race, a Church that saved Europe from Islamic hoards ; A Church—for all of Her faults—kept the White Race united. * Just like Mormonism is the end result of the Protestant Reformation—a “reformation” the Jews played a huge role in fomenting—the Scofeld churches are the end result of the Protestant Reformation as well, as Scofeld churches —like the Mormons—worship the Jews and Israel as the very epi-center of the universe. To learn more about how the Catholic Church was usurped in our present day, the following search term will access a lot of information about the the Vatican 2 Council “novus ordo” church, and the New World Order in general. A New World Order that Romney and other big-shot Mormons are drooling for : ” Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During 1958 Papal Conclave” I have nothing against the average, everyday Mormons I meet. I’ve worked alongside Mormons here in California in my work [ construction ]. They were all very good family people, honest and hard-working. I seriously question Mormon leadership, though. The Mormon Central Temple in Salt Lake is but another den of snakes willingly and lovingly beholden to the Jews, to the Jews’ talmud and kaballah—and the Jews’ New World Order.
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 20:03 | # The extremes of every issue are occupied by Jews—to control the debate—so how in the hell would you expect Jews to not be heavily involved in any major movement including Protestantism, Mansonry, etc? 30
Posted by Joe on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 20:11 | # Excuse me. The link to “The Biblical Truth About The Kaballah : Theosophy and Kabbalah” is not working. The search term : ” + kaballah” will access the information. I mention jesus-is-savior website because they have an excellent expose on the kaballah and Freemasons. One can clearly see the immense role of Jews/Freemasons in usurping Christianity. The Major reason - the Main reason - the Catholic Church is so severely criticised and attacked is because at one time the Catholic Church served to Unify the White Race. At one time the White Race in Western Europe was United under the One Banner of the Catholic Church: This is the Main Reason the Church comes under such heavy criticism : Her history greatly distorted and abridged in the mainstream history books, and in the history books written by so-called alternative historians—many of the alternative historians being Freemasons in service to Jewry. Protestant Europe,for example, I include the “novus ordo” church, for the “novus ordo” church is protestant as well, is totally defenseless against the Islamic invasion of Europe today. An invasion the Jews very much planned. When the White Race was United under the One Banner of the Catholic Church, Islam was kept at bay; So were the Jews, at least to a large degree : To a much larger degree than they ever were in Protestant lands. Nazi Germany having been created and built by Jews to manifest their talmudic/kaballah “religious” holocaust “narrative”. Search term : ” Catholic View of the Talmud” 31
Posted by Joe on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 21:12 | # To learn why Protestant Europe [ and Protestant USA] is defenceless against the Islamic hoards, the following search terms will access a lot of information : ” Protestantism + Islam” ” Shriners + Islam “ ” Islam + Freemasonry” ” Shriners + Mormons + Islam “ Mormons + Islam” Free Republic has an excellent article about the connection between protestant Christianity and Islam: Also, at Wikipedia [ not my favorite source of info, but one can use the info at Wikipedia as a starting point to learn more about the connection between Protestant Christianity and Islam]: If link(s) doesn’t work, the above search terms will access the Free Republic article and the Wikipedia article.There are many other websites about his topic as well. About Mormons and the immense influence of Islam in Mormonism : Mormonism is a fusion of the Jews’ kaballah and Islam, with a thin veneer of Christianity ; The thin veneer of Christianity is to cover up the truth about the very source and foundation of Mormonism : the jews’ kaballah and islam. 32
Posted by Euro on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 00:08 | # Joe, Take a look at this: It’s real scholarship, not Nordicist mental masturbation. Also of some interest is this: . P.S. I’m not a Catholic. Though I was raised in a Cat environment. Over and out! 33
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 01:51 | # Actually, Harland’s interpretation renders “Nordicist” obsolete since the only special place held by northern Europeans is that they were the last to fall victim to the serpent makers and therefore have the least mutilated memory of authentic European culture. “Conservatives” believe that the formation of group semi-organisms wasn’t a “revolution” in the sense of a decadent overthrow of established order. If we view sexuality as an established order with 600 million years of tradition then the eusociality lauded by E. O. Wilson of early hominids and incipient among near cousins like the chimps was a decadent overthrow of established order. The build-up of huge population densities with civilization is directly in line with further decay into eusociality and, given the abject dependency resulting from it, serve no purpose other than mass warfare since that is the sine qua non of group selection. On the other hand, if the tool-making capacity of humans can be turned to reclaim independence of individuals, then a return to the 600 million year old tradition may be in the offing without war due to the higher carrying capacity. This doesn’t mean there won’t be a massive die-off, of course. The price paid for these big brains has been great and the cost in lives during the winnowing will reflect the debt incurred to Nature. 34
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 03:17 | # Camp of the Saints :
Go to : “Tourist photos from india” link. See what Hinduism is truly all about in the real world, not in the world of books. I mention this photo exposition for all readers, and especially for those whites who may be enamored with Savitri Devi and her ilk. Look at the photos of Hinduism in action in the real world. This is what Savitri Devi wanted for Europe - in spite of her intelligence, in spite of her “devotion” to the white race, and in spite of her “devotion” to Aryanism. Savitri Devi, by the way, very conveniently left Europe for the Himalayas very soon after her “hero, the Aryan- Avatar-Hitler took power in 1933, and “unfortunately”, “circumstances” kept her in India to 1945. She then returned to Europe soon after Germany suffered her devasting defeat to tour war-ravaged Germany and war-ravaged Europe. Yogandanda “forgave” her for not being there for her Aryan-Avatar-Hero-Hitler just when he needed her most. She felt “bad” for not being there when her “hero” needed her the most. ” Hitler’s Priestess pdf “ Savitri Devi’s “Lightning and the Sun” was published in 1958, the same exact year the Vatican was threatened with nuclear attack during the conclave that gave us the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo church [ read : New World Order church ] . The work was completed in 1956, however ; The publishers sat on the book for two years and printed it the same year the Rome was threatened wth nukes. @ Euro Thank you for the links. I appreciate it. I had never heard of Amintore Fanfani before. I just read the first 3 chapters. I’m looking forward to reading the whole book. Amintore Fanfani’s, “Catholicism, Protestantism, and Capitalism” is very compelling and informative. He wrote his work with two feet on the ground, not with his head up in the clouds. Also, thank you for the information about the ” monte di pieta” . I appreciate it. 35
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 15:10 | # Informative discussion over at The White Network on the topic of Lawrence Auster, the rise of Jewish hegemony, and the resulting white dispossession thereof. Notwithstanding Lawrence Auster’s first and foremost underlying motivation: “Is it good for the jews”, I think on balance he and his body of work is a positive for the pro-white preservationist cause. 36
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 15:41 | # Harland writes about Hitler in a very Janus-faced way. One on hand, Harland talks about Hitler in reverent, religious tones of awe and wonder, as Harland trys to connect Hitler and the Nazis with the ancient spirit of the German forest of pre-Charlemagne Europe ; While on the other hand, Harland tells us Hitler was somehow still too much influenced by Catholicism—serpentine Catholicism of course—and the serpentine Catholic/Jewish paradigm of historical Europe, to be truly effective. Harland leaves the impression with the reader Hitler truly felt the call of the ancient spirit of Germany ; Hitler was “sincere” in his Aryanism, but somehow failed to return Germany to Her ancient religion and culture and way-of-being because of Hitler’s “Catholic” up-bringing, as if Hitler was a devout altar-boy when he was young. As per Harland, Hitler was somehow sincere and well-intentioned, and truly wanted to return Germany back to her ancient heritage and ancient pre-Christian religion, but his Catholicism—Hitler was raised Catholic as per Harland—somehow tripped him up, somehow confused him, somehow made him make bad choices, somehow turned Hitler into a “demagogue” : Hitler’s “Catholicism” somehow undermined Hitler and the Third Reich. I never heard such bullshit in my life. Hitler’s family history and background is shrouded in mystery. There’s evidence Hitler was a Jew himself. Although his background is shrouded in mystery, we know enough about his background to objevctively say Hitler was NOT a Catholic in any sense of the word. The “catholics” in Hitler’s family, if they were even catholics, were as nominal catholic as it gets. Hitler, and his whole family on both sides, were not motivated by Catholicism, not at all. Hitler was mentored in satanism by Dietrich Eckart, one of Europe’s leading satanists during WW1. Eckart took Hitler “under wing” in 1919. Hitler dedicated his “Mein Kampf” to Eckart. “Kampf” means “struggle” in German. In effect, Hitler dedicated his struggle to satanism - to satan. Hitler did NOT dedicate his “struggle” to anything other than satanism. After Eckart died in 1923, another leading satanist in Europe—Hanussen—stepped in to be Hitler’s mentor ;To be Hitler’s satanic handler, as Eckart was. Hanussen, in addition to being a satanist, was a Jew. Hanussen was murdered in 1933. I don’t know who stepped in after Hanussen. When talking about the Nazis and WW2, the focus is usually on Jews. In focusing on Jews, many people forget that 10’s of millions of white Europeans died horrible deaths in WW2, even WN"ers overlook the fact the White Race lost 10’s of millions of our own kind. Many died without siring/conceiving children. We, as a race, lost their progeny forever ; An eternal Loss for the White Race : It’s the Major Reason the white race is so weakened today. All this is overlooked by WN’ers. Also overlooked is the fact the Third Reich was created and built by Wall Street and the City of London. It’s true Hitler broke ties with the Jewish banks, but he never broke the ties between IG Farben and Wall Street/London. IG Farben itself was Jewish owned. Nazi Germany was financied by the world’s Jewish financial matrix via IG Farben, not banks. There’s more than one way to finance political movements, not only through banks. Jewish-owned IG Farben was the very source and foundation of Nazi political/economic/military strength. It was IG Farben that put Hitler and the Third Reich into power in the very first place. The Catholic Church was opposed to Nazism. If The Catholic Church held sway there would have been no WW2 : The 10’s of millions of white Europeans who died in this war planned in the snake dens of London and New York and Moscow, would have lived to go on and sire/conceive/ and give birth to millions of White children. Harland has alot of goddamned nerve to blame Catholicism for Hitler and Hitler’s “mistakes” and Hitler’s demagogury. Many Catholics, by the way—for anyone who cares—were thrown into the IG Farben work camps—qua Catholics—thrown into the IG Farben work camps, and qua Catholics, brutally murdered in Nazi occupied areas of Europe, especially Poland. The Nazi Party was full of Jews top-to-bottom. Yet, the WN’ers still idolize Hitler and the Nazis. See my above post about Hitler and the Nazis for source references. Hitler and his top honchos—all members of satanic societies [ Thule and Vril ] Never investigated IG Farben for Jewish “influence”. Hitler Never investigated the Jewish owned IG Farben that put him into power, for “Jewish” influence. In the meantime, the Nazis killed many Catholics - qua Catholics—and threw many other Catholics into the work camps. Harland has alot of filthy nerve to equate Hitler , and the “failures” of the Third Reich, with Catholicism.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 16:28 | # About IG Farben and the Third Reich : Read the 1945 US War Department Report to Congress concerning IG Farben and the Nazi Party. The report clearly states Hitler and the top leading Nazis NEVER investigated who owned/who financed IG Farben—the very foundation of Nazi political/economic/miltary strength : The very corporation/cartel that put Hitler into power, the very cartel that created and built the Third Reich. If link doesn’t work, go to : Excellent website to learn about Nazi Germany. In addition to the 1945 US War Dept Report, the website has alot of information about the true nature of the Third Reich. Go to “Key Documents” to access the 1945 War Dept Report. The War Dept Report is in the Congressional Records for those who wish to verify the report at the Library of Congress. One can access the Report at the Library of Congress as well. IG Farben, by the way, was founded in 1919—the same exact year Eckart took Hitler “under wing”. One may also want to do some searches concerning ” Wall Street + Communism + Soviet Union”. Wall Street [ and the City of London] bank-rolled both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. The 1945 US War Dept Report to Congress is especially interesting as IG Farben itself was Jewish owned and Jewish financed from Wall St and London. Read : ” Conjuring Hitler pdf ” By Guido Preparata ” Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler pdf ” By Anthony C Sutton ” Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” By Bryan Mark Rigg ” Bevor Hitler Kam” By Dietrich Bronder Bronder’s work can be found with the search term : ” Bevor Hitler Kam English Translation” Go to “Scribd”. Bronder details the immense role of Jews in building the Third Reich. Bronder himself is a Jew. His work is banned in Europe. His work is too truthful. His fellow Jews banned his work, and it’s almost impossible to find in American bookstores—or what passes for book stores. Still, thankfully, one read Bronder’s work online. Search terms : ” Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army Profit-Over-Life website has many book sugestions/reference sources about the true nature of Nazism as well.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 17:28 | # There’s alot more to Nazism than meets the eye. Nazism is not about ending “baneful” or “perfidious” Jewish influence, necessarily, in spite of all the anti-semitic rhetoric. There’s a dynamic to Nazism/Aryanism very few people know about : That is the connection, the nexus, between Nazism and Radical Islam. ” Islam and Nazism” : If link doesn’t work, use the search term : ” Nazis and Islam” If link doesn’t work, use the search term : ” Nazism + Islam” Also : Search term “Nazism + Islam” will access “ausairpower”. Last website selection on first page of google. The search terms : ” Nazis and Islam” “Nazism + Islam” Will access alot of information. Keep in mind when reading about Radical Islam that “Al-Queda” and the “Muslim Brotherhood” are both Mossad/CIA [ redundancy] creations. Please keep in mind USrael has done everything possible to goad the Muslims on to go to war. Keep in mind the Mossad—with lots of help from sayanim in the US, both Jewish and non-Jewish, including Dick Cheney & the Bush family—are responsible for the 9/11 attack on the USA ; Keep in mind Osama Bin-Laden’s real name was Tim Osman [ there’s evidence “Bin-Laden” was a donmeh jew], and was an agent for the Mossad/CIA. Keep in mind Bin-Laden died in December of 2001. Keep in mind too, how many Mormons are CIA. Keep in mind that Mormonism is a fusion of the Jew’s Kaballah + Islam. Keep in mind the Mormons support the New World Order to the hilt. The CIA is comprised of agents from all over the world, from all kinds of backgrounds. The CIA agents who are white Americans are pre-dominately Mormon, however, in addition to the American CIA agents who are Jews. Keep in mind the Nazi party was full of Jews top-to-bottom when reading how the Nazis who “immigrated” to the Middle East after WW2 worked with the radical groups of Islamicists. 39
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 18:50 | # All the Allies had to do to stop the Third Reich in its’ tracks,and end the war, was to run concentrated- bombing raids on IG Farben facilities in Germany. The war could have been over in 6 months as IG Farben was the very source of Nazi military/economic/political power. Only 2 or 3 IG Farben plants were hit throughout the whole war. The allied commanders gave IG Farben facilities a free pass for the overwhelmingly large part. Instead, the Allied Air Forces ran very intense carpet-bombing raids over Germany’s civilian population. Every city in Germany, and many towns, and even many villages, were carpet-bombed, while IG Farben plants were left unscathed for the overwhelmingly large part. IG Farben didn’t miss a beat when the war ended. IGF was a productive as ever, and the Jewish owned IGF greatly profited from the Marshall Plan and the “re-building” of Germany : All the Jewish investors in IG Farben in New York and London also greatly profited, along with the Jews who owned IG Farben—while millions and millions of white Europeans were dead in the rubble. Yet, White N’ers never talk about any of this—The White N’ers who are so full of love and devotion to their White Race. Hitler Executed 84 patriotic German generals who, in good faith, questioned Hitler’s egregrious errors in tactics and stragegy throughout the war. He Executed 84 patriotic German generals. Hitler did not, however, execute any of his Jewish Generals and commanders who served in the Nazi military. While fighting a war on two fronts, and needing all the resources they could get, the Nazis spent alot of time, energy, money, and resources, to re-locate the Jews out of the cities and move them into the camps out in the country, away &safe; from all the horrific bombing raids over Germany. The Red Cross estimated about 250,000 Jews died in WW2. Relative to everyone else, Jewish loss of life was minimal. I’m not denying Jewish suffering in WW2. The low-level Jews greatly suffered. The Nazis gave the Zionists enough Jewish suffering to “manifest” their talmudic/kaballah “religious holocaust narrative”. The Jews who did suffer in WW2, however, suffered on the orders of their own Jewish rabbis, their own Jewish financiers, and their own fellow Jews in the Nazi Party/SS/Military. The Catholic Church was opposed to Nazism. The Jews who blame the Catholic Church, and the WN’ers who blame the Catholic Church, are downright liars. There would have been no concentration camps, no Jewish suffering, no massive loss of white European life [ the loss was in the tens of millions], No fire-bombing of Dresden, No massive bombing of cities all over Germany and throughout Europe, if the Catholic Church held sway. The Fascists in Italy—there were many Jews in the Fascist party, same as in the Nazi party. Mussolini was a British agent in WW1. That’s already been proven by historians—kept the Church surrounded and under siege. The Church was effectively silenced, to a very large degree. It’s amazing how much Harland leaves out of his “narrative” concerning Nazi Germany, as he steers the readers to blame Catholicism for WW2—and even steers the readers to blame Catholicism for Hitler’s “failures” as an “Aryan”. Search Term : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself “. Lots of compelling information using the search term.
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 19:46 | # Joe writes: “One on hand, Harland talks about Hitler in reverent, religious tones of awe and wonder, as Harland trys to connect Hitler and the Nazis with the ancient spirit of the German forest of pre-Charlemagne Europe” This is misconstrued. Harland’s only reverent tones are for 2 things that are quite distinct from Hitler: 1) The German people’s resonance with Hitler’s eliciting ancestral memories. 2) The message that Harland puts in the mouth of a “Hitler” that actually expressed those ancestral memories. #1 is exemplified in Harland’s passage:
#2 is embodied in the actual text of the words he put into the mouth of a counter-factual “Hitler” that would have actually embodied the spiritual expectation of the misled Germans:
Forgive the typos that result from errors in optical character recognition. 41
Posted by Joe on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 22:48 | # @ James Bowery I know very well what Harland is doing, and the devices he uses to steer the reader to the conclusion Catholicism was the reason for the “Aryan” Hitler’s “failures”. I see that very clearly and I rebuke Harland for it. Hence, all my posts in opposition to Harland’s very creative and extremely abridged, and rather dream-like “narrative” about Hitler and Aryanism ; However critical Harland is of Hitler, Harland leaves the impression with the reader that Hitler was “sincere”, at least ; Harland says that out-right, and through the rest of the whole work Hitler’s so-called “sincerity” is subtlety invoked by Harland, the Janus-faced dream-weaver. Hitler’s “catholicism” threw Hitler off-balance somehow. Hitler was “sincere” but confused because of Catholicism. What a pity. If only there was no such thing as Catholicism ...... you know the rest. I respectfully disagree. Hence, all my posts voicing my opposition. My posts, by the way, are full of solid, factual references as I voice my disagreement with Harland : Not dream-like opinions. It’s up to the readers now to read Harland, and to read the abundance of solid, factual source references I mention throughout the whole thread of discussion, and decide for themselves on an individual basis. I’m wondering why the Nazis didn’t chose the Irminsul as their symbol for Germany as the Irminsul has a deeper connection to ancient Germany than does the Swastika, which is the symbol of Jainism in India, a religion that preaches non-violence? [We’ll discuss the Swastika and Hinduism later on if you wish, as Hinduism is a very involved and elaborate belief system with many various dynamics, some of the dynamics conflicting—it would be a very long post to talk about the swastika + hinduism at this point. Let me know if you wish to explore the subject with me. I’ll be glad to.] What do you think about the abundance of solid, factual source references I left for you and all the readers? You overlook every point I make throughout the discussion. What do you think about the nexus point where Nazism and Islam meet? That’s more important as it concerns the possible up-coming World War 3 . WW2 was about the dialectic between Jews and Nazis. It’s over. That’s history. Possible up-coming WW3 involves Jews, Nazis/neo-nazis [ many of them Jews, like Kaminski for example ], Non-Jew White N’ers : Some think they’re Viking Nordicists, some think they’re Armenius himself, some think they’re Hindus a-la Savitri Devi . Then there’s the Mormons [ fusion of kaballah + islam] , and then the Islamicists—many of them donmeh Jews, some Shia, some Sunni ; Then the Christians : Many of them scofeld/zionist “christians” : This is where it really gets interesting. Alot more interesting, and alot more timely than Harland : Harland is lame and played-out.
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 00:42 | # Look, Joe, you’ve already been utterly trashed in your misrepresention of Harland when you said:
Now you retreat to:
So here is what Harland says Hitler was “sincere” about:
Harland is clear: Hitler was “sincere” about mutilating the Gemanic soul into a mirror image of the Jewish serpent. PS: You may take issue with Harland not pointing to the possibility that Hitler had Jewish roots but if he had accepted that as a possibility it would merely have strengthened Harland’s point. 43
Posted by Joe on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 01:25 | # @ James Bowery It’s up to the readers, each for himself or herself, to decide either way. I made my points ; And, I made my points with a lot of substantial solid, factual source references. You overlook all the points I make throughout the debate as you focus on one insignificant pilpul issue about Harland’s work. It would be best if we both agree to disagree about Harland. I’m more than willing, especially as there’s so much more about the Third Reich I find alot more interesting and compelling than Harland’s take on Hitler. I’m not going to get dragged into any kind of pilpul issue, especially as the pilpul issue hardly has any bearing on the truth of Hitler and the Third Reich and WW2 in general. What do you think about the 1945 US War Dept Report to Congress concerning IG Farben and the Third Reich, that Hitler and gang Never investigated who owned/who financed the Jewish-owned IG Farben mega-corporation : IG Farben being the very foundation of Nazi Party’s political/economic/military power—the very cartel that put Hitler in “power” in the very first place. Did you read the Report yet? What about the fact Wall Street bank-rolled both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union? What do you think about the IG Farben cartel being founded in 1919, the very same year Europe’s leading satanist—Dietrich Eckart—took Hitler “under wing”? What do you think about Hitler’s other satanic handler, Hanussen? What do you think about the nexus point where Nazism and Radical Islam meet. Do you think Albert Pike was on-target about the 3 World Wars ? Funny that the Nazis—who have so much in common with radical Islamicists—would herd the Jews over to the Middle East. Then after herding the Jews to Palestine/Israel, the Nazis [many of them Jews] who immigrated to various Middle Eastern countries - other than Israel—after WW2, would collaborate with the most fanatical Islamic radicals to foment turmoil and war in the Middle East. What do you think about this aspect of Nazism? Why do the Mormons support the New World order agenda so fervently—is it because Mormonism is a fusion of the Jews’ kaballah + Islam ? Is that why Romney was so gung-ho to invade Iran & kick-start World War 3? The kaballah, by the way, is one of the main books in satanism. How does this NWO agenda the Mormons support so ardently in any way benefit white Americans, Christian and otherwise ? 44
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 01:51 | # Joe, your take on Christianity is deserving of its own thread if not an MR audio interview. I was associated in a friendly way with a traditionalist Catholic group during the late 1980s and early 1990s and am far from hostile. I am also currently similarly related and far from hostile toward rank and file Mormons, including the local bishops. I consider both groups to be national treasures of blood and spirit who have been betrayed by their respective current leaderships. 45
Posted by Joe on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 04:41 | # @ James Bowery Yes, I agree with you. I think the rank-and-file Mormons have been betrayed by their leadership. Like I mentioned in one of my posts, I worked alongside Mormons here in Califormia. Every Mormon I’ve ever known —all rank-and-file types—have been honest, hard-working, dedicated to family, law-abiding, clean-cut and well-mannered. I geatly respect rank-and-file Mormons. We’ve all been betrayed and sold-out—every group of Americans. As a patriotic American who just wants the best for the nation, I’ve been betrayed. As a Catholic, I’ve been betrayed by the “novus ordo” church, and all the filth that emanates out of the Vatican. All the devout Catholics were very effectively pushed out of the Church since Vatican 2. There’s no longer any devout Catholics in the Church to provide balance, or to put up any resistance to the corruption. Yes, The Vatican was always corrupt as it always served as a nexus of power in Europe. The devout Catholics in the Church kept the Church somewhat balanced reminding the dastards their sacred duty. Sometimes the devout Catholics succeeded in history, sometimes they didn’t. At least they tried. In their trying, however, they gave Europe many sacred and beautiful gifts. The Catholics in Europe during WW2, for example, gave us Dresden—the “city of war refugees” and the “city of hospitals”—in the middle of a raging, montrous war that consumed millions of White Europeans—devout Catholics gave White Europe a city of hospitals, a city of humanity, a city of succor and peace in the middle of a raging war—without asking anyone in need & want for blood-heritage or religion. And for this, they were fire-bombed. Western culture is built on Catholicism to a substantial degree. To attack all of Catholicism 100% is to attack a very substantial part of Western civilization 100%. It’s best for all of us to be more discerning in what to criticise and what to respect ; In what to discard, and what to keep, and what to hold sacred. One of the Major reasons the f*ckin bastards in our institutions are so corrupt—and so blatantly so—is to get us to reject our institutions. They want us to hate our institutions as much as they do. It only plays into their hands to reject one’s heritage, which very much includes our institutions, because of the corruption. It’s Exactly what the f*ckin dastards/bastards want. The more people who reject their heritage , the more power it gives the serpents and bastards. It’s exactly what they want us to do: To reject everything about our heritage. In my case, Catholicism, and just plain old-fashioned American patriotism. I absolutely refuse to do so. They can put a bullet in my head—I’m not going to reject The Faith, my Patrimony, my Heritage and my Culture—all the Sacred Gifts—that was bequeathed to me. Domine, dirige nos. Lord, direct us. I learn a lot here at MajorityRights. Thank you for your work.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 13:00 | # About the Nazis and the “green movement”—getting “back to nature”—as Harland is so eager for us to do ; The “green movement” is based on pantheism, which is a form of Hinduism. See my above post where I link to “American Goy” website, and see pantheism/hinduism in action in the real world—not the world of books. Speaking of books, I didn’t come across even one footnote in the Harland’s work. I guess he may be afraid we might become “controlled by footnotes”—as footnotes contain “words”—words we can use to trace the source of Harland’s claims : And decide for ourselves if the source references hold water, or not. About Nazis, the getting-back-to-nature “green movement”, pantheism, Savitri Devi :
If link doesn’t work, Search term : ” Savitri Devi + Satanist ” Savitri Devi [ Devi -L- ? ] was a vegeterian—which is very nice, I have no problem with that—but this pantheistic Devi , and her ilk, worship the hindu god Kali—goddess of massive human blood sacrifice ; That’s what war is : A massive blood sacrifice to satan. In the final analysis, for all the talk about nature and respect for nature, the pantheists such as Devi, and other pantheists in the Aryan/ Teutonic/ Nordicist movement, worship war - massive blood sacrifice - as the final triumph of their “faith”. There’s more to the green movement than simply getting back to nature - nothing wrong with getting back to nature in and of itself , nature can be very beautiful and a peaceful respite from the urban/suburban world. The pantheistic/hindu aspect of the green movement/Aryan-Nazi-Teutonic-Nordicist movement, is about getting those of us who are Christians to abandon our faith and follow the worshippers of Kali - the hindu goddess who calls for a massive blood-letting of human blood - of human sacrifice to satan. Devi , of course, didn’t expect to be sacrificed herself : She left Europe for the Himilayas very soon after her Aryan-Avatar-Hero Hitler took power in 1933; That’s the thing about those who love blood sacrifice to their gods : It’s always someone else who is to be brutally and horrifically murdered as an offering to satan, never they themselves - they’re just way too superior to be sacrificed, I suppose is the way they think—judging by their behavior : The thinking is very similiar to the jews’ talmudic thinking, I notice. I notice too, the Nazi party was Jew to-the-core.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 15:04 | # I included many solid reference sources throughout this thread of discussion about the immense role of Jews in creating and building the Third Reich. I recommend everyone read the information. The Jewish “holocaust narrative” of 6 million dead Jews is not the only Jewish lie about the Third Reich. The whole Jewish/mainstream “narrative” about nazi Germany is one big lie - from the very beginning to the very end - and everything in between. The Jews don’t only use the concentration camp aspect of Nazi Germay as a bludgeon against us - the Jews use their whole jewish/zionist “narrative” about the Third Reich as a bludgeon against us. The more you know about the immense role Jews played in building nazi Germany - you’ll be in a much better position to tell the Jews to go shove it - as I do - as the Jewish version of nazi Germany is a giant lie. Now that I know the Jews played an immense role in bringing Hitler and the Third Reich to power, I have to wonder about the Jews online these days promoting Naziam. I’m thinking about John Kaminski right now, for example. Kaminski - the “honest” Jew, as per Kaminski—tells us the truth about the Jews- to a degree ; The huge role Jews have played in the US to undermine and usurp our American institutions ; Kaminski tells us about their putrid Jewish talmud. Jew Kaminski never comes around, however, to telling his readers about the immense role Jews played in bringing the Third Reich into power - into existence - in the very first place. Nor does Kaminski ever tell his readers about the role of Freemasonry in creating nazi Germany - or the huge role of Freemasonry in undermining and usurping our American institutions. Never. Freemasonry is where jew bastards and non-jew bastards meet - it is a nexus point for the serpent dastard/bastards. Freemasonry plays a big role in how we’re ruled. Freemasonry is satanic at the high degrees, and Freemasonry is owned lock-stock-and-barrel by banking Jewry. Kaminski—and others online , both Jewish and otherwise—promoting Nazism, Never mention Freemasonry. Never. The subject is “verboten” at WN websites: I know because I get “banned” from WN websites for mentioning Freemasonry. I’ve also been “banned” for mentioning the huge role of Jews in building nazi Germany. I get “banned” immediately when I recommend : ” Bevor Hitler Kam English Translation”. The search term will access Dietrich Bronder’s book about the Immense Jewish role in starting the Third Reich. Bronder himself is Jewish. His work is banned outright in Europe. In the US, almost impossible to find in any bookstore. The search term will access Bronder’s work at “Scribid”. Kaminski is promoting Nazism, Big-Time, yet the SPLC is completely silent about Kaminski. One would think Abe Foxman and the SPLC would be up Kaminski’s jew ass 24/7 for promoting Nazism, yet the Jew SPLC Never has anything to say about the Jew Kaminski promoting Nazism so ardently and so intently. Never. Very fishy. Search term : ” Frank Collins + Jew + Skokie Nazis” Nazism is a Jewish device to foment War. War is the Jews’ harvest offering to satan. Kaminski is not as honest as he play-pretends to be—he’s quite the putrid slithering snake. The high level Jews don’t mind sacrificing a few of their own kind—their “lesser brethren” , their term—as a device to achieve their aims. Kaminski works for the high-level Jews. He’s NOT on our side as he claims so vociferously. I find Kaminski most putrid. One doesn’t need Kaminski, or any Jew, to learn about the talmud and kaballah. Search term : ” Catholic View Of The Talmud” ” Kaballah + Satanism” ” Kaballah + Satanism + Freemasonry” ” Jews + Satanism + Freemasonry” Will access a lot of information about the Jews’ “holy books”. Learn about their “holy books” without the Jew bullshit Kaminski and ilk use to steer their readers to support Nazism ; At the very core of Nazism stands Satanic Jewry. Not all Jews are satanists, but all nazi Jews are satanists. Just like all the Jews in the nazi party in Germany were satanists. The SS was Jew to-the-core. Go online and learn about the Thule Society, the Vril Society, The Brotherhood of Death. All the secret societies were full of Jews - and at high levels. ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” 48
Posted by Joe on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:05 | # Excuse me : I typed out ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” twice. It’s meant to read : ” Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” To All Catholic Readers : If you’re a member of any Freemason group—even at a lower degree—please rethink. At a very high level Freemasonry is based on satanism. You’re giving those who own your Freemason group credence ; You’re giving your time & energy to the satanists who own your Freemason group, and to Freemasonry as a whole ; It only gives those who own Freemasonry more power and force. Please rethink. If you’re a member of a “novus ordo” parish, please rethink. The Vatican II Novus Ordo church is very much a part of the New World Order the serpent bastard/dastards are striving so ardently to achieve. Your presence in a “novus ordo” parish —your time & energy & money - only gives those on high levels of government more power and force. Please rethink. Search term : ” Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During 1958 Papal Conclave” Learn what happened at the 1958 Conclave to give us the Novus Ordo church. Your “novus ordo” church/parish is NOT Catholic, not by a long shot. To those Catholic readers who may not know what old-fashioned, traditional Catholicism is - it hasn’t been taught for a long time - since the 60’s, Go To : Follow the links. There’s a wealth of information. This is not the first time in history the Church has been usurped. It has come time now to leave the “novus ordo” church, and let it collapse on the weight of its’ own corruption. Keep the Faith in your heart, but don’t actually support the “novus ordo” church with your money, time, and energy. One can protest the corruption without rejecting The Faith. The dastard/bastards want us to reject the Faith - that’s the Exact Reason they are so corrupt - to make us sick of the corruption they say represents Catholicism, and reject Catholicism completely. The Vatican as it is now doesn’t represent The Faith anyway. Worship privately. Again, this is not the first time in history the Church has been usurped and sincere Catholics had to worship privately. To those Catholics who are leaning towards supporting Nazism, please be fore-warned the Nazis threw Catholics into the IG Farben work camps - qua Catholics—and brutally murdered Catholics—qua Catholics - the Nazis brutally murdered Catholics. Please go online and learn about this aspect of Nazism abridged from the Jewish/mainstream “narrative” and abridged from the “WN narrative” about nazi Germany.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:45 | # I just “googled”: ” Eustace Mullins’ The Secret Holocaust pdf “, Mullins’ excellent study of the Jew Soviet Union and the pure satanic mass murder of white Christians in Russia when Russia was in jew hands. The very first website selection at Google with above search term is John Kaminski’s link to “The Secret Holocaust”. Amazing, as many others online link to Mullins’ work also, but the Jew Kaminski—the Jew who is promoting Nazism—Kaminski’s link is the very first one. Amazing. So I will link to John Kaminski just for the hell of it. I notice Kaminski doesn’t have a link to Dietrich Bronder’s “Bevor Hitler Kam” or Bryan Mark Rigg’s, “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers”, or Guido Preparata’s, “Conjuring Hitler pdf “, or Anthony C. Sutton’s, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler pdf “, or Profit-Over-Life website—an excellent website with solid reference sources about the true nature of nazi Germany. We’re to know about the role of Jews in creating the Soviet Union, but we’re not to know the immense role of Jews in creating Nazi Germany, as per Kaminski and many other WN’ers—Jewish and otherwise. Search term : ” Eustace Mullins Complete Works pdf “ The only way out of our mess as white Americans, is for ALL White Americans to get out of Freemasonry : To escape from the hegelian dialectic that Freemasonry gives us as our only two choices. That’s the only answer short of massive war ; And war only serves the ruling-class, both Jews and non-Jews on high-levels of government, so war is not really the answer either.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:23 | # In talking about Harland’s work, Nazism, etc., it’s a given the subject of Jews comes up. The Jewish role in the destroying the West needs to be examined, preferably to end, or at least lessen the destruction—so I study the Jewish role. I blame the Jews for the destruction of the West - but I only blame them 50%. The other 50% of blame redounds to us, the White “Christian” Race. My white Caucasian Christian race loves its’ internecine wars. It has always been so. The Vikings, for example, were great explorers—I like that about them—but they were also venal mercenary warriors. They sold themselves to whatever side paid the most, no questions asked. They weren’t that wonderful. We do, as a Race, have our own innate faults, mainly venality and the mercenary spirit, and being very quick to engage in internecine war. These traits are not intrinsically wonderful traits - quite the opposite. It’s these innate traits that run deep in the blood which make us so suspectible to Jewish talmudic influence in the very first place. We do, as a Race, produce many who love to sell-out their fellow whites - and they do so willingly and freely, with full free will and volition. It’s been this way since ancient times, even the Germans in the Teutoburger Wald loved their internecine wars, and also had a tendency to sell themselves out as mercenaries to whatever side paid them the most, no questions asked. They weren’t that wonderful. If Harland was the only historian around, one would think we of the white Caucasian race had no faults whatsoever. It’s hardly the truth. We’re very venal and mercenary - even the vaunted Germans - and very quick to go to internecine war. It has always been so, long before “jewish” newspapers, “jewish” hollywood, and “jewish” teevee ; Before Gutenberg even - way before Gutenberg. If we, qua White Caucasians, we’re so intrinsically wonderful, so full of wonderful qualities, so honest, so above-board, so stalwart, and so spiritually advanced from the Jews, the talmudic/kaballah Jews and the satanists - both Jewish and non-Jewish—would have slinkered away from us a long time ago, and would be powerless. We’re all given free will and volition by the Holy Creator. In our free will, many whites - even professing Christians - both Catholic and Protestant - choose the Jewish way of doing things. It didn’t take much to get so many “Christian” pastors to accept the Scofeld bible - the bible that removes Christ from the center, and replaces Christ at the center with the Jews themselves. It’s not an intrinsic flaw of Christianity, per se, it’s an intrinsic flaw that runs deep in the blood of the white Caucasian Race since pre-Christian times : The quickness to be venal and to sell-out to whomever pays the most, no questions asked. The Vikings and the Teuton-Germans in the Teutoburger Wald were the same as we are today—just as venal and just as mercenary. It’s an inherent flaw. Flattery is the worst and falsest way of showing our esteem. [ Jonathan Swift ] Pessimum genus inimicorum laudantes - flatterers are the worst type of enemies. As for Kaminski and other Jews promoting Nazism : Inimicorum dona, infausta : Gifts of enemies are unlucky.
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 11:40 | # Joe, So you’re another Californian Catholic white patriot, eh? I thought I was alone in upholding that particular ‘slant’ here at MR. Welcome aboard! That said, be careful with all the conspiracy nutter stuff. Catholics, as with every other group, have their own wing of nuts. Vatican II is hardly all bad. Benedict XVI was a part of it. Anyway, we can seek to influence the direction of the Church, but unless you’re part of the Magisterium (and I’m sure not), grand pronouncements about fundamental matters (like the legitimacy of Church councils) are not for us to make. What our Church does need is a great internal ideological (not theological) reformation, to sweep away all the leftist heresy that has seeped into it over the decades - and especially to remind the clergy that they have no warrant to use the pulpit as their private vehicle to transmit their personal political preferences under ‘cover’ of ecclesial authority. I really hate that, and have stood up on occasion and literally walked out of mass in the middle of leftist sermons. What patriots and conservatives need to do is to fight back within the Church at every chance, reminding these arrogant priests (and, yes, most today are indeed total shitbags, at least in the US, at least in my peripatetic mass attending experience) that their personal opinions (especially when they are leftist and therefore incorrect, morally and in every other way) are not “gospel”, and should not be presented as though they represent “the Catholic position”, instead of merely their own. I’m deeply ashamed of the present Church, but neither because of Vatican II, nor because of the Church’s allegedly insufficient ‘progressivity’ (I am outraged at the pedophile scandals, even if they have been exaggerated by the hostile Jewish media). Rather, it is because of the overall leftwing bias of the clergy today (though in that it is no different from the leftist dominance of the MSM, universities, government, etc). The institutional Church is moving in an ever-more leftward direction, something which will likely accelerate under Francis (I wish someone would smuggle some books by Mises into the papal chambers, as well as The Camp of the Saints). I think Catholicism is the true faith, but I can honestly see myself one day joining a more ideologically conservative church, perhaps old-style Lutheran, or even Eastern Orthodox - especially as the “Southern” drift of the Church’s demographic center leads to multiculti intensifying doctrinal changes. 52
Posted by Joe on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 13:42 | # @ Leon Haller Yes, there are plenty of wing-nuts in the Catholic Church, and as we all know, lots of corruption. Still, I was rather irked and riled as I was reading Harland and I realized very clearly Harland was blaming Catholicism for Hitler’s failures as an “Aryan”. Hitler—qua “Aryan” who also happened to hate Catholicism with a passion. The Nazis murdered Catholics—qua Catholics— were murdered in droves just for being Catholics, especially in Poland. Tons of Catholics from nazi-occupied areas of Europe were thrown into the IG Farben slave work camps as well : Hitler somehow failed as an “‘Aryan” because Hitler was somehow a “Catholic”. I never heard such bullshit in my life. I don’t care for Harland. He also doesn’t leave any footnotes for his readers—even the readers who may agree with Harland have no footnotes to use as a stepping board to learn more about the subject. Harland is very disrespectful to his readers. To learn more about wing-nuts in the Catholic Church, go to : To learn more about the Catholic Church from a broader prespective, including Church history thoughout the centuries, go to :
Michael Hoffman is an excellent historian. He has a great bookstore at his site, as well. I highly recommened everyone check it out. Books on the Church, on Judaism, on the talmud and kaballah, books about Freemasonry. There’s a wealth of information at Hoffman’s Revisionist History. Would be nice if the Mormons would be more forthcoming about their Mormon wing-nuts & their brand of Mormon corruption. They, too, have a mysterious and difficult-to-discern Central Temple. The Mormons produce wing-nuts in droves - as well as mormon CIA agents in droves—Mormons and the CIA go together like a horse-and-carriage. Mormonism being a fusion of Islam + Jewish Kaballah. Mormonism being Freemasonry to-the-core. Kaballah is one of the main book(s) in satanism. Islam has a satanic dynamic running through it , as well : Especially the CIA/Mossad created radical Islamicist groups, like Al-Queda and The Muslim Brotherhood. The Catholic Church is under seige because at one time it served to Unify the White Race. The NWO people want to make sure it stays corrupt and weak so there’s no unifying force—no Unifying Institution—for the White Race. That’s why it was so infiltrated by jews and freemasons [ many homosexual satanists ] since the 1930’s. To destroy the Church from within. “RealNews24/7” website has more info how the Church was infiltrated starting in the 1930’s. Search Term : “Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During The 1958 Papal Conclave” Lots of info about how the Church came to be under seige, and lots of info about the NWO in general with above search term. The Search Term : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself ” , brings up alot of compelling info about Hitler’s blood/DNA heritage. Even the Jews in Israel are talking about Hitler’s Jew blood/DNA. Amazing. But the Nazi Jew Nazi Kaminski doesn’t link to the Haaretz article about Hitler having Jew blood/DNA, I notice ; Nor does Makow mention the subject. Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper. It’s the first website on the first page of Google selections concerning Hitler’s Jew blood/DNA heritage. 53
Posted by Joe on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 16:08 | # @ Leon Haller As you’re thinking of leaving the Catholic Church and perhaps becoming a Protestant Christian, you may be interested in reading Jim R. Schwiesow : A true Christian, not a scofeld-bible- toting zionist 501C3 tax-break Christian. Schwiesow has The Faith in his heart. You may want to read Schwiesow to learn what true Protestant Christianity is, so you’ll know better what kind of Protestant church to join as you go around California looking for exactly the right church. Schwiesow represents what’s best about Protestant Christianity. Unfortunately, most of the Protestant churches are very corrupt with zionism, with new age thinking, wth liberalism, with feminism, with leftist/communist agendas, so be careful. 54
Posted by Joe on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:01 | # @ Leon Haller As you’re between churches right now—with hardly any traditional Catholic churches around—and extremely few, if any, traditional protestant churches around, it’s going to take awhile to find the right exact church to fit your conservative, traditional Catholic love and fidelity for traditional Catholicism. In the meantime, I know this traditional Catholic website will help you in your time of searching for The One True Church : The daily prayers—the Collect—of the calendar of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church you miss. Thank God there are traditional Catholics around so we can better keep The Faith and pass The One True Faith down to the next generation. 55
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 19:32 | # >>> but their physics never took off
In other words, they wouldn’t consider algebraic ideas. Only “commensurable” numbers were considered. The Greeks had “pi” to within an accuracy less than one percent error; but only by virtue of calculating the perimeter of two regular polygons which can be (the first) inscribed within, and (the second) circumscribed around, a circle of unit radius, thus “bracketing” the circumference of the unit circle within a lower bound of “greater than that of the inscribed polygon”, and an upper bound of “less than that of the circumscribed polygon”. 56
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 19:43 | # >>> Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper
Posted by Joe on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 22:57 | # @ Hymie in Aufula, Israel I hope you’re managing to get around okay in Israel. I read that there were a few quite a few death threats against Obama in Israel—by fanatical right-wing-Zionist types—and the Israeli military closed a lot of roads in Israel, disrupting the flow of traffic around Israel. I hope you’re not being inconvenienced by the african-born black/jew : black donmeh jew communist your hymie gangster crowd in Chicago—led by the the head misphuka Pritkzer—groomed for the American presidency. I hope the visit of the african-born Step-n’-Fetchit doesn’t stop you from going to your local cafe and having a falafel & turkish coffee al-fresco. I’m quite sure many types of Jews read Haaretz, both in Israel and here in the US, and around the world, even only to find out what the Jews on the “leftist” side of the political spectrum are thinking. Isn’t it a shame the Israeli-owned Diebold vote-counting “company” gave the election to Obama, and not to the gung-ho Mormon Romney who wanted to invade Iran and kick start the 3rd World War—destroy the US in the process—all this for the right-wing fanatical Jews like Netanhayu and gang who think “the holy land ” includes everything from Tel Aviv & Haifa to only g*d knows where—Afghanistan? Pakistan? China? Or, will the right-wing Zionist Jews be content for Eretz Israel to simply include the Tigris and Euphrates, and leave it at that ? What do you think about Kissinger—the mouthpiece for the ruling banking/rabbi Sanhedrin in London —announcing that “Israel only has 10 years left ” ? Kissinger follows orders, and makes the “Pronouncements” for the London/NewYork Banking Sanhedrin. Looks like the big-shot Jews have something planned for “the holy land” or Kissinger never would have said that. Maybe the right-wing Zionist big-shot war-mongering Jews in the US don’t have Israel’s best interest at heart after all ? Looks like Israel is about to be sacrificed for the NWO. What do you think about the lavish support the Mormons give to right-wing Zionist war-mongering Jews who want to kick-start WW3 ? Surrounded as Israel is with the Mossad/CIA created and funded Muslim Brotherhood ? And Iran’s rather impressive military weapons & Air Force and Navy , and long-range missiles ? And Putin’s Navy well-represented off the coast of Israel ? All this because the Mossad created and funded “radical islamic rebels” started a rather big & very messy war in Syria, right on the border of Israel. What do you think about the nexus point where Nazism and Radical Islam meet? Funny that the Jews were herded over to the Middle-East en-masse, than Jews play-pretending to be “aryan” Nazis after WW2 worked hand-hand with the most radical elements in the Islamic world to foment turmoil and war? What do you think about Mormons ? Mormonism being a fusion of Jewish Kaballah and Islam, with a thin veneer of Christianity to hide the Kabbalahic and the Islamic elements, being so supportive of the die-hard fanatical right-wing Zionists, many of the Zionist Jews whose ancestors in Europe served in the Nazi Party in Germany—including the SS—to “help” herd the Jews to Israel, and then the same Nazi “aryan” Jews worked in the Middle East after Israel was established to create and fund radical Islamic groups as a means to foment turmoil and war in the Middle East ? I’m curious what you, and in general, the Jews in Israel have to say about all of this ? Search terms : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself “ ” Kissinger + Israel Only Has 10 years Left “ ” Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned” ” Nazism + Islam” ” Mormonism + Islam” ” Mormonism + Kaballah + Freemasonry ” What do you think about the nexus point where Zionism, Nazism, Mormonism, and Radical Islam meet—the point where they have Everything In Common? : Like the Very Point at the Very Center of a Circumference that has Everything in Common with what Encircles and Surrounds the Very Epi-Center Itself. 58
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:35 | # For those of Italian descent* who may be enamored with Mussolini and the Fascists as if they did they did great things for Italy—as if they “protected” Italy from Jewsh perfidy & Jewish banks, and the world’s Jewish financial matrix, please read the following : Search term : ” + The Jewish Mother of Fascism” Read about the huge role of Jews in the Fascist Party. Even Mussolini’s mistress of 20 years was a Jewess. Read about what Margherita Sarfatti’s Jewish family living in Rome today have to say about Fascist Italy, and about modern-day Israel. Margherita Sarfatti was the name of Mussolini’s Jewess mistress. Search terms : ” Mussolini and Jewish Fascists” ” Mussolini + Margherita Sarfatti + “ is a good website to learn about the role of Jews in building and creating the Fascist Party in Italy, and other matters concerning world history. Mussolini didn’t have Jew blood/DNA like Hitler surely did - as scientists have proven about Hitler’s blood heritage - but Mussolini was very much a willing minion of the Jews, and the most war-like and grasping Jews, too boot. Mussolini was also an agent of the Rothschild’s during WW 1 Italy. Please go online and learn the truth of what the Fascists were truly all about. The end result of Jewish/fascist Italy was that all of the Italian seaport cities were greatly bombed and left in ruins, many other cities in Italy as well were bombed. There was massive death and destruction in Italy. The “honest” Jews online like Kaminski, Makow, Kapner, Never get around to mentioning the huge role of Jews in the Nazi Party—and that even Hitler himself had jew blood/DNA—nor do the “honest” Jews online ever mention the huge role of Jews in the Fascist party in Italy—including Mussolini’s Jewess mistress of 20 years. One hears how Mussolini “made the trains run on-time”. Well, that’s very nice : What’s never said is that a lot of Italian railroad tracks were destroyed during WW1, and that the Italian trains before WW1 always ran on-time, they ran fine. All the railroad tracks destroyed throughout Europe during WW1 were eventually re-built, and all the trains in Europe eventually started to run on-time after the tracks were restored, so Mussolini’s vaunted success wasn’t so remarkable, not really. * I’m Italian myself. I was born in Italy, in Tuscany. I came here to America as a young boy. 59
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 02:53 | # About the Catholic Church and Her stance concerning Nazis and Fascists : “The Good Samaritan” by Dimitri Cavalli About Mussolini, what he thought about Jews, his relationship with Jews : Search Terms : ” Mussolini + Jewish Fascists” ” Mussolini + Margherita Sarfatti “ ” Mussolini + Margherita Sarfatti + ” ” + Jews The Chosen People Fascist Italy Rejected “ Margherita Sarfatti was Mussolini’s Jewess mistress for 20 years. Yes, Mussolini had a Jewess mistress, she’s referred to as, ” The Jewish Mother of Fascism ” So much for the great White Roman Conquering Hero Mussolini who was going to “protect” Italy from Jewish perfidy. 60
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 04:58 | # hello Joe…. Half the time, Hebrew nationalists are busy fighting off a colonialist irredentist-Arabic presence in our land.
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:42 | # @ Hymie in Afula,Israel
They Never want to talk about the fact Hitler had Jew blood/DNA ; The “Blessed 3” avoid the subject same as you avoid the subject , Hymie -in-Israel. So, should I conclude that “Kaminski/Makow/Kapner ” have “Asian hotties” as well ? Or, would it make more sense to say the topic of the scientific proof of Hitler’s Jew blood/DNA is a touchy subject for World Hymie-ry ? Perhaps you would prefer to discuss : ” Menachem Begin + Nazis” ? I don’t care if you race-mix or not. It’s not my concern. I couldn’t care less either way. I notice you had time from your luv-in to shoot off 2 rather off-topic posts/comments. 62
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 15:06 | # About the Catholic Church during WW2—and The Stance of The Church concerning Nazism and Fascism : ” The Good Samaritan ” by Dimitri Cavalli :
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 15:31 | # For those who may be enamored with Mussolini and the Fascists in Italy [ I can’t imagine why anyone would be enamored with Mussolini and the Fascists, still some people are, it’s beyond me ] : Search Terms : ” Mussolini + Margherita Sarfatti + DejanLucic”
Margherita Sarfatti was Mussolini’s Jewess mistress of 20 years. Yes, Mussolini had a Jewess mistress ; And, the Fascist party in Italy was full of Jews top-to-bottom, as was the Nazi party in Germany. Mussolini didn’t have Jew blood/DNA as Hitler did, but Mussolini—with full free will and volition—was a willing and loving minion for the Jews : And the most war-like and grasping Jews, too boot. All of them, including Mussolini, involved with satanic Freemasonry, irregardless of Mussolini’s public denouncements about Freemasonry. That’s why Race-Mixing is a sin Unto the Holy Creator ; Mussolini’s mistress was a Jewess : Margherita Sarfatti. So much for the great White Roman Conquering Hero : ” O homines ad servitutem paratos”. 64
Posted by Joe on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 16:40 | # Pope Pius XII and the Jews During World War Two : To “White Nationalists” : Pretty stupid to point one’s fingers at all the Jews all the time—especially the low-level Jews who have no say in the way we’re ruled—when so many of our own kind love working with the big-shot trouble-making Jews ; Those of our own kind who trip-over-themselves to become Freemasons. The nexus point where Jew bastards and non-Jew bastards meet to make their plans. Want to make a change in the way we’re ruled, WN’ers ? : Start pointing fingers, and start putting alot of pressure on, our own kind in Freemasonry. “Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge” Dante Alighieri ; The Divine Comedy. If the link doesn’t work, search term : ” Golda Meir + Pope Pius XII “ I’m very sure Pope Pius XII knew Mussolini had a Jewish mistress and the Fascist Party was full of Jews top-to-bottom, and full of non-Jews top-to-bottom who loved the Jews to-kibbles-and-bits. I’m very sure Pius knew the Nazi Party was full of Jews as well, as well as being full of non-Jews who loved the Jewish big-shots in the Nazi party. In the meantime, the non-Jews in the nazi and fascist parties who loved the Jewish nazi/fascist commanders to-kibble-and-bits, dragged the White Race into the most disastrous and devasting Internecine war the Race has ever experienced, leaving 10’s of millions of our fellow whites dead in the rubble. Many died before bringing forth children : An Eternal Loss for the White Race; the Very Reason the White Race today is so weakened. If the non-Jews in the Fascist and Nazi parties had listened to the Catholic Church, there would have been no WW2—millions and millions of white Children would have been born into the world and Europe today wouldn’t be over-run with Muslims, Africans, Pakistanis, etc.. We - qua White Race - have plenty of our own innate faults. Good idea to think deeply about our own innate faults—as a means to amendment and betterment for Our Race. 65
Posted by Joe on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 00:14 | # I guess Hymie in Afula, Israel is way too busy banging his immigrant guest-worker “Asian hottie” to respond to my fact-based posts, all include solid reference sources to back up my opinions, unlike Hymie in Israel—and Harland for that matter— who don’t bother to provide the readers with any source references whatsover : Just their dream-like opinions, as they mesmerize themselves with their own lofty opinions of themselves; Harland and Hymie in Israel, the two dream-weavers. ” The Secrets of Zion” [ website, if link doesn’t work] Article Entitled : ” Adolph Hitler, the Mass-Murdering Jew “ Lots of information about Hitler we don’t hear in the Jewish/mainstream narrative account of Nazi Germany. ” Judaism Discovered : A Desideratum” by Michael Hoffman Hoffman’s work reveals the Talmud. Not only the part about mocking Christ. The whole Talmud, all the various dynamics and schools of thought in the Talmud, the various philosophies of the Talmud weaved together at the ontological, foundational level of Judaism. The link is to a brief yet articulate & exploratory explanation of ” Judaism Discovered : A Desideratum “. ” Judaism Discovered : A Desideratum” is available for sale at Hoffman’s website. It’s a book I highly recommend to those who want to understand the Jewish holy book that inspires the leaders of World Jewry. “Desideratum” means “something wanted or needed”. It would greatly behoove all readers to have Hoffman’s work on your bookcase at home. It’s a work I recommend to all readers, White Nationalists or not, Christian, pagan, whatever your beliefs, and whatever your politics. 66
Posted by Joe on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 13:53 | # More information about the Search Term : ” Kissinger and Israel Only Has 10 Years Left” : The Israelis can do a lot of damage in ten years, considering the war-mongering Likudnik/Zionist leadership—and considering that about 80 to 85 % of Jews in Izzysmell support the war-mongering- bat-shit-crazy- zionist-hymies —I’m quite sure the Israelis will try to cause as much damage as they can get away with the little time they have left. 10 years is but a speck on the time-line of history—on the continuum of history : So is 75 years for that matter : 2022 [ Kissinger made “The Pronuncement” in 2012 ] = 75 years If link doesn’t work , search term: ” Kissinger + US Intelligence Endorse World Without Israel + “
For all those Christian readers who may support Israel because you don’t care for Muslims, the Jews In Israel are brutally attacking Christians in the Middle East as well as Muslims, including the Christians in Israel . Search terms : ” Palestinian Christians” ” Christians Being Persecuted In Israel” The Christians in Syria, by the way, are the main target of the Mossad created-and-financed “Islamic rebels”. I’m not downplaying the suffering of Muslims - they’re suffering as well, very much. I mention Christian suffering at the hands of the jews because many don’t know the Middle East has a substantial Christian population. The Middle-East is Not 100% Muslim. Never was. That so many “christian”/mormon churches here in the States support the Israelis who are brutally attacking Christians [ and Muslims who never did anything to us ] is Beyond Cavil & is Totally Disgusting. The sooner the jew shit-stain of a “country” gets flushed the toilet -of -history, the better. Good News : Knowledge that Israel is responsible for 9/11 is now widespread in the US military. There is No support for a war against Iran in the US military ; That’s Exactly why Obama is not so quick to follow Netanhayu’s orders : The US military—including Pentagon brass—are Opposed to War with Iran. I mention this for those who are looking for Good News. 67
Posted by Joe on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 14:42 | # Excuse me, I was typing too fast and didn’t type in the word, “Down” :
To all White Americans, especially : “Zionist”-type Christians, “novus-ordo” type Catholics, Mormons : If you support Zionist Israel, you’re supporting the Same Exact type of jews in Israel whose relatives and like-minded -type jews here in the States who want to take away our guns, and take away our God-Given Rights to the Bill -of- Rights. And—Very Important to Know, to understand, to see clearly : Both the jews on the right who call themselves “zionists”, and the jews on the “left” who call themselves “liberals” : Both type of jews here in the States want to take away All Our God-Given Rights, hence the Gun Grab attempt. Any White American who supports Israel in any way, I Highly recommend you re-think your position. You’re supporting mass-murderers. You’re supporting people who would murder you and your Christian and/or Catholic and/or Mormon family down in a heart-beat, if they had a chance. Just like the jews in Israel are shooting down the Palestinians—and now Syrians [ and what happened in Iraq ]. The favorite type of attack the jews Love the most is to Shoot Down Children—the Palestinian children are the first ones to be shot when the Israeli military enters Palestinian towns/ camps. The Palestinians now live in camps. Giant camps encircled by the most ruthless, sadistic, and murderous jews. It’s Exactly the same vision many jews here in the States have for the USA, for us—Protestant Christian, Catholic, Mormons. To those whites who are not any of the three groups I mention, the jews label you a “Christian” and/ or “goyim” as they label everyone who is not a jew, and you also will be targeted. Being a “pagan” or a “nature-worshipper” or a “hindu” or anything else is not going to keep the jews from targeting you. No need to go “nazi” however. That just plays into jewish hands. That’s Exactly what they want us to do—go “nazi ”—so they’ll have a cover, an excuse, for what they always wanted to do to us from the very start. Just keep your guns and keep our God-Given Right to the Bill-of-Rights. Remain old-fashioned American patriots. Don’t go “nazi” : that just plays into jew hands. 68
Posted by Joe on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 16:37 | # What happened to Hymie in Afula, Israel ? Where is he? Is he still banging his immigrant guest-worker “Asian hottie” ? Hymie mentioned something about finding a town in Israel where the housing was affordable, unlike expensive Tel Aviv where the big-shot Jews live—which means Hymie is not a big-shot rich Jew. Maybe his guest-worker ” Asian hottie” immigrated to Israel thinking all Jews are wealthy—realizing that’s not the truth of matters—maybe she left Hymie in Afula [ where the less-than-rich-jews-live] to go find herself a big-shot mishpuka ? Did I spell “mishpuka” correctly, Hymie? In the meantime, read how truly Fascist/Nazi the Jews are [ remember that about 80-85% of Jews in Israel ardently support their Fascist/Nazi government]. Many Jews want us non-Jews to be Fascists/Nazis because they themselves—qua Jews—are nazi/fascists. It only plays into jew hands to turn “nazi”. Remember how many Jews were in the Nazi/Fascist parties in Germany/Italy : See my above posts with solid, factual reference sources about the large number of Jews in the Nazi/Fascist parties during WW2. From the : ” Another World Is Possible” website : Article : “Israel’s Fascist Government” : The website : Judging by Israel, as it’s a Jewish country , 80-85 % of Jews are Nazi/Fascist minded. Nazism/Fascism are one side of the coin, the other side of the coin is Communism. Communism is what so many Jews in the States want here in the USA, hence the Gun Grab attempt. The Gun Grab is Jew-driven and Jew-inspired 100%. Only Jews are pushing for the Gun Grab in the US. Jews are always very Vocal & Active contributers in political/cultural matters : Yet, I don’t hear any Jews, any group or organizations of Jews, speaking up Against the Gun Grab. What I do hear : I do hear Jews in the USA actively supporting the Gun Grab, very vocally and with a lot of passion.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 01:37 | # On this, the first day of Holy Week in Christendom—Catholicism : the Holy Week of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church : “Authentic Christianity” ; Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2013 : ” If thou willingly bear the Cross, it will bear thee, and will bring thee to the end which thou seekest, even where there shall be the end of suffering, though it shall not be here. If thou bear it unwillingly, thou makest a burden for thyself and greatly increaseth thy load, and yet thou must bear it. If thou cast one cross, without doubt shalt find another and perchance a heavier. ” [ The Imitation of Christ : by Thomas a Kempis ] Attende Domine.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 18:38 | # On this day—Palm Sunday March 24th, 2013 —and In Honor of Authentic Christianity and Authentic Christians : ” Remembering Rachel Corrie ” by Steve Lendman ;;=?size=1&l=e If link doesn’t work go to : Uruknet. ; A good website about what’s going on in the Middle East. “Hymie in Afula”, Israel calls the Palestinians “irredentists”. Irredentists : ” a member of a party in any country advocating the acquisition of some region included in another country”. 1 : The Palestinians are NOT a political party.The Israeli Likud—fanatical war-mongering zionists—are a political party, not the Palestinian people. 2: The Palestinians have been in Palestine - now called Israel by some—since the time of Jesus, 2,000 years ago. 3 : The Jews in Israel today are the ones descended from the Jews herded over to Palestine since the 1930’s by their very own fellow Jews in the German Nazi party. See my posts about the Immense role of Jews in building the Third Reich. The Jews in Israel from other Middle Eastern countries were herded to Israel by their own fellow zionist Jews who also used violence to herd the Jews from various Middle Eastern countries to Israel. 4: The Palestinians are Not “irredentists”, the Jews are the ” irrendentists “. Hymie in Afula,Israel tells us the complete opposite of the truth. There are many Christian Palestinians. To all Christian readers who may support Israel : The Jews in Israel are murdering Christians—including and Especially Christian children in Palestine : That’s what the Jews think of our Christianity. They especially disdain the Zionist/Scofeld Christians—They have even less respect for the Zionist Christians than Christians such as myself : Christians who can see through the Jew/Zionist agenda clearly and can articulate our opposition intelligently and with solid, factual reference sources. The Palestinians Never did any harm to the West—either to Europe or to any Western country, including the United States. Read Eustace Mullins’, ” The Secret Holocaust pdf ” Please share this information with any Christian you may know who supports Israel. And please share the information about the mass- satanic-murder of white Caucasians in the Jew’s Soviet Union with ALL White Americans of All faiths and all backgrounds. Eustace Mullins’, “The Secret Holocaust ” is Very Important to read, to know, to understand. Mullins’ is one of America’s Most Honest and truly Patriotic historians. Christian support of Israel—as well as the whole Jewish/communist agenda here in the States—has to STOP : one can’t truly separate the Zionist agenda in Israel with the overall Jewish agenda here in the States ; The two agendas go together : They are, in the final analysis, One and The Same Agenda. 71
Posted by Joe on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 17:23 | # White Nationalists really got their work cut out for themselves : http://www.nytimes/2013/03/24/oy-vey-christian-soldiers.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 ” Oy Vey , Christian Soldiers “ [ Article dated : March 22nd, 2013 ] If link doesn’t work : Go to Rense and scroll down list of articles to ” Oy Vey…” Probably at least half - if not more—of non-Jewish white Americans might as well wear sheenie-beanies complete with star-of-david motifs all around their sheenie-beanies—and simply go all-out Jewish-Zionist and just get it over with. They could perhaps go join up with Hymie in Afula, Israel and Hymie’s “Asian hottie” and dance the havala-gila together at one of Tel Aviv’s famed gay nightclubs. Tel Aviv being the capital of gay night life around the Mediterrean world these days : “Mediterrean fever”. Learn to how dance like a likud-zionist war-mongering Jew—gosh, something I always wanted to learn. I hope your zionist war-mongering dancing skills are up-to-par, Hymie. Are Jew-messianic dances similiar to Indian war-dances? Are you teaching your “Asian hottie” to dance like a crazy, brain-dead messianic Jew like you ? Just in case your zionist dancing skills aren’t up-to-par, Hymie : White American “christians” are supporting the very zionists in Israel who are having a field day in their zionist/nazi/fascist/communist state killing Christians, especially Christian children ; Along with Muslims, and Muslim children : Neither the Christians nor the Muslims in the Middle East ever did anything to harm the USA ; The radical Islamicists are Mossad/CIA created- and -financed, and led by donmeh Jews. Donmeh Jews are Jews who pretend to be Muslims as a means to “control” and “steer” the Muslim world to help fulfill the zionist agenda.* Many jihadist** “warriors” in the “radical Islamic groups” are donmeh Jews as well. Did I spell “havala gila” correctly, Hymie In Afula? * Search term : ” Hitler + Islam “ ** “Mein Kampf ” : “Kampf” means “Struggle” in German ; “Jihad” means “Struggle” in Arabic. Seach term : ” Hitler + Islam “ Search term : ” Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned “ Search term : “Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke + The Occult Roots of Nazism “ I’ll stick to my old-fashioned, pre-Vatican II “novus ordo” Catholicism, thank you very much. The pre-Vatican II Catholic Church—the True Church—knew what Nazism/Fascism was all about—and Stood Opposed to the zionist agenda [ nazism being part-and-parcel of the zionist agenda]. The White Race, collectively, decided to reject The Faith to go off and be mesmerized by the “Aryan” religions given to them by their/our enemy : Jewish/talmudic/kaballic Freemasonry. No one riles me up more than Harland can. 72
Posted by Joe on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:23 | # About Militant Islam : After so many whites rejected Catholicism, The Catholic Church’s Stance Against Nazism/Fascism : The non-Jewish Nazis/Fascists mesmerized with “Aryanism”, and in their mesmerized state then led the White Race into the most disastrous and destructive Internecine war in the history of the Race ; Tens of millions of whites dead in WW2—many millions and millions died before reproducing, An Eternal Loss for The White Race. The great loss of blood the white race inflicted upon itself during WW2 left Europe wide-open to Muslims and Islam and the most grasping and the most satanic type Jews and their non-Jewish satanic minions : of which there are many, both white Caucasians and Muslims from all races/backgrounds. Not all Jews are satanists, of course, but many of the top ruling-class Jews are. We’re now, as a Race, stuck between warring Zionism and warring Islam because the white race rejected Catholicism en-masse ; And the Protestants, Mormons, white “pagans”, pantheists, “back-to-nature” types, and Savitri Devi followers have the un-mitigated nerve and gall to point their fingers at traditional Catholicism as being somehow too “jewish”, too influenced by “judaism”, too “pagan” [ the protestants/mormons don’t like the pagan influences in the Catholic Church, to their minds that means the Catholic Church is “evil” ] too “ignorant”, too “backwards” : somehow the mess we’re in now as a Race is because of Catholicism, somehow Catholicism ruined Europe and the West, and “insidiously” steered the white race off-track : It’s a complete and total lie. Harland even blames Catholicism for Hitler’s failures as an “Aryan”. Yet, Hitler hated Catholicism with a passion ; And there’s no such thing as an “Aryan Race” : The idea was conjured up in 19th Freemasonry, along with the whole story of Aryan/Nordic/Teutonic “religion and history”. It’s all contrived and conjured up, and conjured up by the same satanists who conjured up “zionism” and “radical Islam”. All 3 come from the same exact well—the same spring. A very polluted, dark and evil spring. “From Al Husseini to Hitler ” : From Fuhrer to Florida : Search terms : ” Hitler + Islam” ” Hitler’s Muslim Soldiers” Nazism is not only about the Nazi/Jew dialectic, it’s alot more complicated and involved than the Nazi/Jew dynamic. The Third Reich didn’t only have Jewish soldiers in its’ ranks, the Third Reich also had Islamic “jihad” warrior/soldiers in its’ ranks also. Hitler loved his Muslim “jihadists” : “Kampf” & “Jihad” mean the same thing—“Struggle”—the Same “Struggle”—and the “Struggle” ain’t about getting “rid of jews”. The “Struggle” is about bringing the jew/zionist New World Order to fruition. The anti-semitic/anti-jewish rhetoric is a cover, a shroud over the Real Agenda. Hitler dedicated his “Mein Kampf ” to satanism - to satan, and to no else but satan ; So do the Islamic jihadists dedicate their “jihad”—their “struggle”—to satanism, to satan, and to no one else but satan. The White Race cast away The One Cross, only to pick up a cross perchance heavier—much heavier.
Posted by Momus on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:59 | # “Kampf” means “Struggle” in German ; “Jihad” means “Struggle” in Arabic. Really? So different languages share common terms and concepts like up or down? Are you sure? My this ‘conspiracy’ is getting bigger and bigger all the time! Personally I think somewhere like Ireland would be better off without quite so many psychologically abnormal child rapists going around with impunity and the connivance of one of the world’s most powerful institutions. I’d be happy to see every creepy Cardinal, Bishop and Priest hang from a rope. On balance, we would be much better off with their particular brand of Voodoo with metaphysics. Still I loathe mega-church uber-Protestantism (USA style) perhaps even more that the left-footers. 74
Posted by Joe on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 20:29 | # @ Momus Yes I’m sure. See all my posts complete with solid, factual reference sources—unlike Harland ; Harland is so disrespectful to his readers , even the ones who may agree with Harland ; Harland can’t be bothered to provide footnotes : Another term one uses for “foot-notes”—at least I do as I think the more information and knowledge for all of us readers is in all of our best interests—is “Reference Sources”. Harland’s work, devoid of foot-notes/reference sources—is rather, Oh do I dare say it, full of dream-like opinions ; Harland’s work abridged to the Nth degree and then some. Opinions with no reference sources are useless. Yes I’m sure. 75
Posted by Joe on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 21:38 | # To All Readers : For more information about the role of donmeh Jews in Nazism and Hitler’s ” Kampf”—in other words, Hitler’s “Struggle”—& radical Islam’s “Jihad”—in other words radical Islam’s “Struggle”—and the huge role of donmeh Jews in help creating and trying to bring about the New World Order in general *: ” + Donmeh Jews + Most Whispered Secret” If link doesn’t work, Search Term :
Good idea to to do the Search even if the link works. There’s aot of info online about Donmeh Jews + Hitler + Nazis + Radical Islamic Jihadists. The leaders of the Islamic jihadists, and many of the actual “warriors” come out of the satanic Freemasonry halls of Turkey, North Africa, and from the countries that comprise the Middle East. While not all of the jihadists are donmeh Jews, many of them are donmehs, especially the ones in top positions. Osama Bin-Laden himself was a donmeh Jew from Saudi Arabia, and was also working for the Mossad and those forces/people in the US who want a New World Order. The same people—the same force—that assassinated JFK in 1963. The same force that assassinated JFK are still in power—the JFK assassination being a coup d’etat for the New World Order gang. A gang that includes the Bush family, and especially the Rockefeller family, for sure.
Hitler was a true satanist. Aleister Crowley—another leading satanist in 20th century Europe—called Hitler, ” the most evil person I’ve ever met”. Crowley meant it as a compliment. Crowley’s “compliment” says alot as Crowley was surrounded by Europe’s most intense satanists most of his life. Crowley knew Hitler. Crowley first met Hitler when Hitler was injured by mustard-gas in 1918. Crowley visited Hitler at Pasewalk Hospital in 1918. That’s where they first met one another. Soon after, Eckart took Hitler “under wing”. After Eckart died in 1923, the satanist Hanussen stepped-in to be Hitler’s handler. Pike and Hanussen were Jews. Eckart came from a “catholic” background. Crowley from a “protestant christian” background. Hitler himself was a half Jew. There were many Jews who served in the Nazi party/military, and there were many Islamicists who served in the Nazi party/miltary also. Whatever the Nazi Party was, it most certainly wasn’t “Aryan”, that’s for sure. And besides, there’s No such thing as an “Aryan” race. As far as whites are concerned, there’s Only the Caucasian race, and we’re greatly divided, unfortunately. The One Institution that United the White Race in Europe—The Catholic Church—was greatly rejected by the overwhelming numbers of white Caucasians, that’s for sure. Now we don’t have any institution to stand up for our collective interests. * The plan to bring about the New World Order was revealed to Albert Pike through Pike’s intensely and die-hard satanic rituals in the mid-19th century. Donmeh Jews paly a big role in the story of the up-coming possible New World Order [ I don’t think it’s going to happen : Subject of another post down-the-line]. ” Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned” 76
Posted by Joe on Tue, 26 Mar 2013 00:26 | # While so many mesmerized white Europeans were following the janus-faced pied-pipers Hitler and Mussolini to destruction and ruin, and while worshipping their “aryan” religions, the Communists in Europe made a very concerted effort to infiltrate the Catholic Church in the 1930’s. The whites who rejected the Catholic Church left a void in the Church—that void was filled-up by Jews/ satanists/Freemasons/ and homosexuals, many satanic homosexuals, too boot. At the same time, the sincere, devout Catholics in Europe were under military siege, and too busy trying not to be brutally murdered down or thrown into the IG Farben slave labor camps. While under siege, they even managed to help others under siege as well—yes, even the low level Jews opposed to zionism. The Jews opposed to zionism were the ones thrown into the camps—for the most part. So were Catholics who were opposed to Nazism. Especially in Poland, where sincere Catholics came under siege by both the Nazis and the Communists both : All this is left out of the WN narrative and the Zionist narrative. I notice the two “narratives” have alot in common. About the infiltration and usurpation of the Catholic Chuch : “Communist Takeover of the Catholic Church” : [ articles about the Church on the right of website page] Search terms : ” Bella Dodd” ” Manning Johnson + Catholic Church” ” Bella Dodd and Manning Johnson” ” Communist Takeover Of The Catholic Church” Both Dodd and Manning were Communists who went on to renounce Communism and both afterwards wrote honestly about the Communist infiltration of the Catholic Church. Dodd was born Italian - she changed her name when she went communist. Manning was a black communist. Read what an honest Jew—Mike Emery—says about the Communist takeover of the Catholic Church : Momus is “appalled” about the corruption in the present-day Church , but Momus doesn’t explain to us readers how the corruption came about in the very first place : About Albert Pike, Freemasonry, satanism, the NWO, the magical crewe of comus, and the “Aryan faiths” :
Search Term : “Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During The 1958 Papal Conclave” The Church came under another very intense assault—from both the communist infiltraters within and from communists in the US and the Soviet Union —in 1958, the same exact year Savitri Devi’s ” The Lightning and the Sun” was published : ” The Lightning and the Sun pdf ” ” Hitler’s Priestess pdf “
Posted by Joe on Tue, 26 Mar 2013 21:38 | # Many people don’t know that Protestant Christianity and Islam have many similarities—similarities at the very ontological level, at the root and premise. The ultimate result of the Protestant Reformation in the West is Islam : ” Islam, Protestantism, and the Divergence From Catholicism : The Protestant Reformation was both Jew/talmud/kabbalah-inspired and Islamic-inspired. Many Whites don’t know how much the Reformation was truly inspired by Islam, but the Muslims know about the Islamic aspect of Protestant Christianity however : ” An Islamic Reformation ? ” by Charles Kurzman : Kurzman is an expert on Islam : An excellent historian/sociologist. He’s written alot about Islam vis-a-vis the West. Search term his name for his complete works. Even Hitler—the vaunted & greatly acclaimed ” Great “White Hero” —the hero who was to going to rid Europe of “lesser races” had Islamic jihadists in his Nazi military : ” Muslim Brotherhood Hitler “ Search terms : ” Protestant Reformation + Islam “ ” Hitler’s Muslim Army” ” Hitler’s Muslim Connections” ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself ” 78
Posted by Momus on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 00:55 | # @Joe Dear boy you mistake me for someone that gives a shit about your rantings or what a low-rent character like this Harland character has to say about anything at all. For the record I am not a member of the funny handshake club nor a ‘believer’ in any form of Voodoo. Still if we going to play (a little) perhaps I can find out from you if say Jacques Maritain was a ‘proper’ Catholic or not? Love and friendship, Jacques Maritain insists, “does not go out to essences nor to qualities nor to ideas, but to persons”, and he adds this heartfelt peroration: “In the common experience of human misery, in the common sorrow of great catastrophes, in humiliation and distress, under the blows of the executioner or the bombs of total war, in concentration camps, in the hovels of starving people in great cities, in any common necessity, the doors of solitude open and man recognizes man. Man also recognizes man when the sweetness of a great joy or of a great love for an instant clears his eyes. Whenever he does a service to his fellow men or is helped by them, whenever he shares the same elementary actions and the same elementary emotions, whenever he truly considers his neighbour, the simplest action discovers for him, both in others and in himself, the common resources and the common goodness – primitive, rudimentary, wounded, unconscious and repressed, of human nature. At once the realness of equality and community in nature is revealed to him as a very precious thing, an unknown marvel, a fundamental basis of existence, more important than all the differences and inequalities superimposed upon it. When he returns to his routine pleasures, he will have forgotten this discovery.” From his work ‘Redeeming the Time’ In many ways rather beautiful sentiments but very much in the ‘universalist’ camp and a little naive in that we still have much within us that reflects our origins as killer apes with metaphysical longings (and not always good longings). 79
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 01:38 | # @ Momus If you don’t “give a shit about about my ‘rantings’” why do you even bother responding to my posts, and why do even bother to ask me for my opinions ? As you consider my comments/posts to be “ranting”, I see no reason to waste any time answering your question about Maritain or anything else, as you consider what I have to say as “ranting”. “Consider your origins : you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge” [ Dante Alighieri : The Divine Comedy] The World of Dante ; Inferno - Purgatorio - Paradiso : Dante is one of my favorite Catholics. Dante, like myself, is a Catholic “boy”. Though I’m not any kind of poet, let alone one of the greatest poets ever in Western Civilization, in Christendom ; Christendom being another term for Catholicism, which is the Authentic Christianity of White Caucasian Europe. Dante understood Christendom well, all the various dynamics of Western European Christendom ; By inference, Dante understood human nature well. 80
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 04:16 | # While I agree with the quote Momus cited from Maritain’s, ” Redeeming the Time”, it doesn’t necessarily follow the sentiments in the quote need be put into law as an excuse for open borders, excusing Jewish [ or any kind of ] criminality, massive influx of immigrants from the third world, etc. Maritain converted to Catholicism from Protestant Christianity. He was friends with the Jew communist Saul Alinsky. Maritain was one of the those who infiltrated The Church in order to usurp the Church and distort the teachings of the Church. True, old-fashioned Catholicism has a side to it as reflected in Maritain’s quote, but the sentiments of that quote was always meant for the personal realm—in every day life with the people you come across - perhaps some in need of suucor and assistance ; It’s Not meant as a premise for politics or for any kind of political movement. Maritain brought his Protestant “social gospel” with him when he “converted” [ Maritain also brought with him into the Catholic Church Karl Marx. Maritain was a communist at-heart, Not a Catholic]. For another view of Catholicism besides the beautiful quote Momus was good enough to share with us—a quote that reflects the beauty of Catholicism as it’s meant to be lived in every day life amongst the people you meet in everyday life [ provided they are not doing you any harm] : A tougher side of Catholicism : Nothing namby-pamby about : Perhaps even Momus may appreciate the website as it’s a tough website and speaks honestly & harshly about Jewish perfidy. Momus likes toughness as well as beauty. We know some about the beauty of Catholicism now because Momus was good enough to show us the beautiful side of Catholicism in sharing the quote. HolyWar is about the tough side of traditional Catholicism. Lots of excellent info at—- a traditional Catholic website. Also at HolyWar website ; ” Adolf Hitler : Founder of Israel” by Kardel : I can’t get the link to work for some reason. Search : ” Kardel + Adolf Hitler Founder of Israel pdf ” An excellent study of Hitler,Hitler’s Jewish heritage, Zionism + Nazism, and the huge number of Jews in the Nazi party.
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 05:04 | # Actually, although Harland does provide 18 out of 22 references to works other than Sovereign press on page 113, on page 16, section titled “A PEOPLE COMMITTED TO INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY” he writes:
I’ll simply add that any time one encounters enormous quantities of missing data on vital subjects, one is left with a formidable task of imputing the missing values of said data with very few anchor points. At some point argument is futile and one must see that the agreement to disagree is the starting point for true understanding as people insulate themselves from those with whom they disagree so that experiment, rather than argument, can speak truth to power. 82
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 07:35 | # Joe, I looked at, and found it embarrassing. It is precisely the type of conspiracism (in this case, schismatic-Catholic anti-semitic) that gives us rightists a (sometimes justifiable) bad name. I’m Catholic, militantly anti-communist, quietly anti-nazi (the Nazis were not part of some Jewish/Zionist conspiracy, btw - please discipline yourself to read something other than questionable and unsubstantiated websites), opposed to the Federal Reserve (though for rational reasons of economic efficiency as well as basic fairness, not for these typical extreme Christian and/or WN conspiracy reasons - the “banksters” have a plan for WORLD DOMINATION !!! ... I hate the globalizing, denationalized financial elites, but, knowing some of their not so much lower level underlings, I quite assure you that they have no plans beyond parasiting off their host societies to enrich themselves, and buy into Malibu, if possible), and a firm believer in traditional conservatism, which once included a non-nazi, race-realist component. You should be subscribing to the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles, to get what I believe is basically the correct views on a host of political issues. For specific topics, look at for economic insights; for commonsense articles on the immigration invasion (or numbersUSA for keeping up to date on the practical politics of the immigration sellout; also, the magazine/website The Social Contract is good for detailing the arguments against the invasion); and for race-realistic topical discussions. Beyond that, serious books need to be read. I sense you have a passion for The Faith, a part of which, I would remind you, enjoins us to pursue wisdom, which in turn is hard work, and consists in activity other than ferreting out and breathlessly reporting from those websites which are most extreme in supporting one’s prejudices. Maritain was a communist who brought the “Social Gospel” with him when he became a Catholic? Really? [Do you know what the Social Gospel was, and where and when it originated?] So his 80-odd books expounding and exploring Catholic doctrine (and of course philosophy more generally), not to mention his monastic seclusion after his beloved wife’s death, were a ‘cover’ or perhaps ‘feint’, to establish his bona fides while he was insidiously doing ... what, precisely? I agree he was something of liberal, certainly too much so for my tastes, but that he was insincere in his love for Christ and the Church cannot be seriously entertained without something scandalously ‘smoking’ brought into view. Of course, I agree that adherence to the Universal Church hardly requires acceptance of untrammeled, genetically dissonant immigration, or advocacy of any other liberal/heretical nonsense. But beware the “George Bush” reductio ad absurdum form of ideological identification: “either you’re with us, or you’re with the terrorizers [sic]”. 83
Posted by Momus on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:25 | # Maritain in his ‘The Person and the Common Good’ seeks to elucidate two ideas: (1) the primacy of the transcendental destiny shared by all persons and (2) the necessity of civilization to guarantee the opportunity of every person to find their complete fulfilment in God. To quote that work: “the whole universe and every social institution - must ultimately minister to this purpose; everything must foster, strengthen, and protect the conversation of the soul, every soul, with God.” Maritain has heavily involved in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I know certain Christians would wish to deny it but that religion (in all its serious forms) is fundamentally committed to the ‘egalitarian plateau’ - that is the equal moral worth of all persons as a starting point for thought. Now I know people like Mr. Bowery and his ilk will desperately attempt to get out of this bind by (in his case) ludicrous cod-evolutionary ‘arguments’ that only white Americans are genuinely individuals/individuated human persons - with everyone else relegated to sub-human/non-human (or whatever) non-individual ‘eusocial’ creatures. But this ‘biology’ is as egregious as the political and rhetorical move it actually serves. At this stage of the game does anyone of a serious mind really think a rhetorical move into the denial of human person-hood for ethic others will convince anyone other than a small number of extremely vulgar and marginal (in every sense) racists? It’s dreadfully desperate stuff both politically and intellectually. And all for what? To pretend one can be a serious ‘non-universalistic’ Christian theist? Are the comforts of Voodoo really that intoxicating? Just a side note on terminology and why Catholics are called ‘left footers’ can be found here - And finally forgive me if I take, with a degree of seriousness, what earnest and sober Christian intellectuals tell me what their faith is actually about instead of respecting what self-evident imbeciles on the internet happen to say. Call me ‘prejudiced’ or even ‘elitist’ – terrible slurs I know but there we go. 84
Posted by Momus on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:31 | # Maritain in his ‘The Person and the Common Good’ seeks to elucidate two ideas: (1) the primacy of the transcendental destiny shared by all persons and (2) the necessity of civilization to guarantee the opportunity of every person to find their complete fulfilment in God. To quote that work: “the whole universe and every social institution - must ultimately minister to this purpose; everything must foster, strengthen, and protect the conversation of the soul, every soul, with God .” Maritain has heavily involved in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I know certain Christians would wish to deny it but that religion (in all its serious forms) is fundamentally committed to the ‘egalitarian plateau’ - that is the equal moral worth of all persons as a starting point for thought. Now I know people like Mr. Bowery and his ilk will desperately attempt to get out of this bind by (in his case) ludicrous cod-evolutionary ‘arguments’ that only white Americans are genuinely individuals/individuated human persons - with everyone else relegated to the status of sub-human/non-human (or whatever) non-individual ‘eusocial’ creatures. But this ‘biology’ is as egregious as the political and rhetoric move it actually serves. At this stage of the game does anyone of a serious mind really think a rhetorical move into the denial of human personhood for ethic others will convince anyone other than a small number of extremely vulgar and marginal (in every sense) racists? It’s dreadfully desperate stuff both politically and intellectually. And all for what? To pretend one can be a serious ‘non-universalistic’ Christian theist? Are the comforts of Voodoo really that intoxicating? Just a side note on terminology and why Catholics are called ‘left footers’ can be found here - And finally forgive me if I take, with a degree of seriousness, what earnest and sober Christian intellectuals tell me what their faith is actually about instead of respecting what self-evident imbeciles - like ‘Joe’ - on the internet happen to say. Call me ‘prejudiced’ or even ‘elitist’ – terrible slurs I know but there we go. 85
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 13:04 | # Jacques Maritain was a Communist. Of this I am sure. Maritain was one of those communists who infiltrated the Church to change it from within, though Maritain didn’t actually join a religious order until 1960, soon after his “beloved” wife died. Maritain “converted” to Catholicism then became a professor of “Catholic philosophy” . [ See my posts about the communist infiltration of the Church during the 20th century ]. His “beloved” wife was a Russian Jew [ Raissa Oumanoff ]. She was considered to be a “jewish mystic”. Maratain married her in 1904. His wife of 56 years was a “jewish mystic”. I really must be an old-fashioned Catholic, because to my mind real true Catholics don’t marry “jewish mystics”. Sounds like race-mixing to me : Race-mixing being a sin. In addition to his “jewish mystic” wife of 56 years, Maritain had a long-standing friendship with the jewish/communist Saul Alinsky. Maritain taught at the University of Chicago—a Communist University, that’s for sure. Search Term :” Saul Alinksy Communist + Jacques Maritain” ” + Jacques Maritain And His Two ‘Authentic Revolutionaries” The above search term—” JM and His 2 Authentic Revolutionaries ”—is about Maritain, Saul Alinsky, and Pope Paul VI [ the jewish pope Montini. Montini was a jew-in-the-blood/DNA ]. Alinksy, Maritain, and Montini were “comrades”. More info about these 3 characters : ” An Intriguing Scenario ” about Alinsky, Maritain, Montini [ pope paul VI ]: If link doesn’t work : ” + Pope Paul VI and Saul Alinksy” Is an excellent traditional Catholic website for those who are more intellectual and sedate, like Leon Haller ; Is an excellent traditional Catholic website for those more action-minded & a bit tougher than Leon Haller—such a tough and action-minded one as Momus. Maritain was quite the slithering snake and dastardly serpent [ redundancy].
Posted by Joe on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 18:57 | # Maundy Thursday, March 28th 2013 ; In Honor of Authentic Christianity : ” My soul is sorrowful even unto death. Remain here and watch”. [ St. Mark 14:34 ] On this, the first day of the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week , Holy Thursday ; A supplication for forgiveness for our own betrayments ; Attende Domine : In the Spirit of Christ, a prayer of humility ; Ubi Caritas : A prayer of gratitude unto the Holy Creator for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who Conferred and Bestowed unto us the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Eternal Gift of Salvation : A Eucharistic hymn , Adoro Te Devote : + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti + , Amen. : In Honor of Authentic Christianity and Respect for Western Civilization. 87
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 21:02 | #
Not quite, old chap. You could say “the equal potential moral worth of all persons” and you’d be correct. That is not, however, egalitarian in the modern, liberal/socialist sense. All are called to Christ’s Kingdom. This does not mean all are spiritually equal let alone must somehow be equalized in temporal matters. I should think that distinction is fairly easy to grasp.
Similarly, that all persons have the potentiality of salvation in Christ hardly coincides with “universalism” in the left-liberal understanding, wherein there are thought to be no significant genetic or unbridgeable historico-cultural differences between either individuals or distinct groups, and, moreover, where ‘integration’ and ‘mixing’ are considered positive goods, or at least not ‘bads’. Modern racial integration, and the hysterical PC promoting it, have NOTHING to do with historic Christianity (however much essentially secular leftist subversives within the churches may declaim to the contrary). 88
Posted by Joe on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 21:57 | # “Who Killed Jesus Christ?” By Michael Hoffman Putting aside ” Nostra Aetate” for a moment, I still think there are alot of white non-Jews around who love the Jew talmud/kaballah way of doing things ; The Jewish talmud/kaballah way of doing things frees such whites from Morality, and “grants” to them permission to “do your own thing”. The “do your own thing” mentality/culture being a complete disaster for the White Race : They cast away the One True Cross—a Cross one carries on one shoulder and leads to Salvation—for all the never-ending and ponderous secular crosses they carry on both shoulders ; Many secular crosses today, the great overwhelming number of secular crosses coming from Tavistock, the Frankfurt School, Communists, and satanists : crosses that only lead to destruction and ruin. Another secular cross that the pied-pipers beckon us to is Nazism, neo-nazism, “aryanism” ; Nazism gave the White Race the greatest sacrifice & loss of blood in history, and is the Very Reason the White Race is so weakened today. We know now, it’s already in the historical records—the Nazism was started by Jews—in this case satanic war-mingering zionist Jews & non-Jewish satanists—and we know now the Nazi Party had die-hard Islamic jihadists. We see Nazism has an Islamic jihadist dynamic. The Islamic jihadists would destroy Christianity if they could. Many of the leaders of Islamic Jihad are donmeh Jews. Search Terms : ” Donmeh Jews + Hitler ” ” Donmeh Jews and Radical Islam” If one reads the scientific tests on Hitler’s blood relatives, we see Hitler had the blood of the donmeh Jew : Jewish blood/DNA and the blood/DNA of the North African Berber : Search Term : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself ” That’s why knowledge is important, so one is not so easily led down paths that lead to destruction and ruin, as what happened to so many whites who cast away The One True Cross that built Western Civilization, to pick up the satanic cross of nazism and “aryanism”. Both Aryanism and Zionism come out of the same snake den, and radical Islam as well comes out of the very same snake den as Zionism and Nazism. Many of the satanic leaders in Freemasonry are donmeh Jews [ both in the Middle East/ Europe/ the whole West, including the USA ]. Aryanism/Zionism/radical Islam are devices being used by the ruling-class to lead all of us to war, and to usher in their satanic New World Order.
The plan is to get the Jews and the Muslims to fight to exhaustion, then foment giant internecine war(s) amongst the White Race. To All White Americans : please don’t be so quick to side with either Jews or Islamicists ; It’s a time now in history to put aside our differences as best we can, and to Unite as much as we can. That’s the reason Knowledge is so important here in the real world : Because here in the real world there are many satanic war-mongerers and the world is on verge of war. One is better off knowing exactly [ as much as one can in this world] what’s going on, to better be able to protect oneself and one’s family : Not to be so easily fooled to support leaders who don’t have our best interests at-heart.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:16 | # As we see Authentic European culture is based on Authentic Christianity—for Christianity united Europe into a Single Entity—and a very formidable entity at that ; Pre-Christian Europe was just forever warring tribes, each tribe worshipping different gods, all of their various gods constantly contentious—and venal and mercenary as well—each tribe busy “doing your own thing “, too busy and too pre-occupied doing their own unique individual tribal thing to ever unite together : Christianity United Europe. As we celebrate Authentic European culture and Authentic Christianity on this, Tenebrae* , March 29th 2013—we remember the suffering of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on this, the most solemn day in Christendom : Tenebrae factae sunt : Darkness fell. The Collect for Tenebrae : Kyrie Eleison ; * Good Friday was always called Tenebrae before the protestant reformation. Tenebrae means “darkness” . Darkness fell. 90
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 18:30 | # About the New World Order : Search Term : ” Communism + Zionism + Jews + Talmud + Noahide Laws” The Noahide laws are the “religious ” laws of the Jews. The Noahide laws were The Law of the Soviet Union—and in the minds of the jewish communists, their “legal justification” to mass-murder non-jews, especially Christians. Unfortunately, the Noahide laws are on the books here in the States, due to the “great anti-communist” Reagan. Search Term : ” Reagan + Noahide Laws” I’m not linking to any websites for the two above search terms. There are many websites that detail the information. It would seem Nazism is the answer to combat jewish communism/zionism, but that’s not the case. It’s a hegelian dialectic paradigm, set-up by the very same people—satanic jews. Not all Jews are satanic, of course, but jewish leadership on high levels of government are satanists, satan is their g*d. [ and satan is the g*d of big-shot non-jewish whites in Freemasonry ] Read what Eustace Mullins had to say about Nazis : Good Search Term : ” Hitler’s Muslim Legions ” : Sharia Law—as it concerns “non-believers” : About Hitler’s blood/DNA heritage : Search Term : “Hitler Was A Jew Himself ” : Funny that the “honest” jew John Kaminski never mentions anything about Hitler’s Jewish/No. African berber blood/DNA heritage, or Hitler’s Islamic jihadists in the Third Reich. Funny the SPLC never trys to stop the jew-Nazi-jew John Kaminski from promoting Nazism so ardently and so incessantly. One would think the SPLC would be up Kaminski’s jew ass 24/7 for promoting Nazism. One would think if one didn’t know any better.
Posted by Bruce Graeme on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 09:56 | # I sometimes wonder what could have been the reason, Lawrence Auster (as arch-Zionist !) was so fascinated by Jesus Christ? I cannot entirely rule out the possibility that he was influenced by Ouspensky: an entire chapter of “A New Model of the Universe” was devoted to the study of the New Testament. And also influenced by Maurice Nicoll, one of the disciples of George Gurdjieff, who wrote “The New Man: An Interpretation of Some Parables and Miracles of Christ”. 92
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 14:50 | # In Honor and Respect for Authentic European culture, which is based on the ontological, metaphysics of Authentic Christianity ; Today, Holy Saturday, March 30th 2013 : Sabbatum Sanctum, “.... The sword that pierced me has sheathed the sword that was turned against you… now man’s captor is made captive…”
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 15:31 | # One of my favorite blogger and essayist has past away after suffering a long and painful battle with cancer. I for one will miss reading his daily musings. Mr, Auster touched a great number of lives, mine most certainly included. RIP, Lawrence
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 17:13 | # Those White N’ers—and many other type of whites—who gloat about the usurpation and the destruction of the Catholic Church—gloat at the destruction of the One Institution in Europe that was trying to save the White Race from devastion. It was the Catholic Church that tried to protect the genetic interests and the genetic morality of the White Race, not the Nazis : As we know now Hitler was part-Jew, part North African Berber, we know Wall Street—via the Jew-owned IG Farben cartel—built the Third Reich and put Hitler into power in the very first place ; We know WW2 was the most destructive internecine war in the history of the White Race : Millions and millions of whites died before ever reproducing. The White Race lost their progeny forever—An Eternal Loss for The White Race. It was the Catholic Church that was looking out for the Genetic Heritage of the White Race—The Catholic Church, and Only the Catholic Church was struggling and striving to safe-guard the Genetic Heritage of the White Race. As it is now, the Church has been greatly usurped and undermined. The WN’ers who are so appalled at the corruption emanating from the Church never get around to mentioning how Communists, Jews, homosexuals, Freemasons, and out-right satanists, infiltrated the Church during the turmoil and tumult of the 1920’s -30’s-40’s when the Church was under military threat and under military siege, and sincere Catholics throughout Europe were being brutally murdered and/or thrown into IG Farben work camps. The WN’ers so appalled at the corruption coming out of the Church today don’t seem to be the least bit appalled the Third Reich was full of Jews top-to-bottom, as well as being full of Islamic jihadists top-to-bottom. Such WN’ers gloat at the usurpation and destruction of The Very One Institution trying to preserve the Genetic Heritage of the White Race while Hitler—the “great White Avatar-Aryan”—opened Europe’s door to Islamic jihad, while World Jewry had even more power after Hitler & WW2 than they had before the War, which is saying a hell-of-alot. Those WN’ers who disdain Catholicism and admire Nazism ; They admire the Nazism that was constructed and planned by satanic banking-Jewry and their Freemason minions to weaken and destroy the White Race, while they disdain the Catholicism that was given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Christ Himself : Of all the various groups of whites in the world, it was the White Catholics of Europe who struggled to safe-guard the genetic interests, the genetic morality, the Genetic Heritage of the White Race : And they did so under great and intense military threat by Hitler’s Jewish Zionist soldiers & Hitler’s Islamic jihadists brought in from the Middle East. About the Catholic Church and WW2 : Gaul as a whole is divided in three parts : 1 : The Zionist “narrative” of WW2 2 : The WN “narrative” of WW2 3 : The One, Holy, Catholic , and Apostolic Truth of World War Two. Better off studying Charlemagne’s thinking and strategy than Hitler’s thinking and strategy if one has the best interests of the White Race at-heart. 95
Posted by Joe on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 14:24 | # March 31st , 2013 ” Resurrexi, et ad-huc tecum sum, Alleluja “ My Easter Morning sermon for today, Dominica Paschae ; ” Jesus saith to him : I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” [ Douay-Rheims ; St. John 14:6 ] As the ontology of Authentic European culture is based on Authentic Christianity : Today, this Dominica Paschae, we pay our Honor and our Respect to Him, The Ontological Foundation—The Very Cornerstone—of Authentic European Culture : Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ; Sine Auctoritate Nulla Vita : ” Europe and The Faith ” by Hilaire Belloc, Europe was built on Christianity. It was Christianity that created Europe. There was no Europe before Christianity, only separate tribes worshipping a whole array of gods ; The gods contentious and warring, never-ending tribal warfare. Many of the gods of pre-Christian Europe requiring blood-sacrifice similiar to the Aztecs—the blood-sacrifice of a living human being, even unto Children being brutally murdered as sacrifice to appease some god from hell itself. There is No such thing thing as an “Aryan” race. No one in Europe ever heard of an “Aryan” race until 1812. The history/myth/religion of “Aryanism” being conjured-up in satanic Freemasonry Halls ; Ostensibly to unite the white race, but really to divide the white race—to divide Europe, to foment confusion, turmoil, and war. Christ united Europe. Hilaire Belloc is most definitely an author to read in these days when the White Race is surrounded on all sides by racial enemies. There’s much in Belloc’s work that would benefit all those whites interested in improving the future for our race to read, to study, to ponder, to understand—in order to improve the prospects for the future of the White Race—to improve the prospects for Our Progeny. There’s No way the White Race is going to go up against all of our racial enemies and win, without the unifying Spirit and Light of Christ. The more one learns how Europe was united and became a cultural entity in the very first place ; And a very formidable, productive and enterprising entity at that : She gave us and the whole world The Greatest Gifts of all the other races and religions put together then some ; The more one learns how Europe was united, and what it it is that Truly Unites us qua white descendants of Europe, the stronger one will be to face our racial enemies. There’s No way those of us of the White Race can go up against our racial enemies while simultaneously “doing your own thing”. There’s just No way. Our enemies are too intense, too organized, too satanic , for us whites to go up against all of our enemies without Christ. Don’t have to become a professing Christian if you don’t want to, but you do have to learn what made Europe formidable and united and strong in the very first place, and what led Europe to produce The Greatest Gifts for all of us and for the whole world. We’re hated for our Achievements and Accomplishments as a Race, not because of our faults as a race. All races have faults, but no race achieved as much as the White Race. Our enemies know more about the achievements of our White Race than many white people do. That’s very sad to me. Christ united Europe ; Sine auctoritate nulla vita :” No authority, no life “. We need, as a Race, a unifying and trustworthy authority as we go up against our racial enemies : The only authority we have that unites us is Christ : And He is the Only One we can trust. Denigrate the zionist/novus-ordo churches, but Don’t denigrate Christ Himself . If so, you denigrate the Very One who united Europe and the White Race in the Very First Place.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:24 | # To learn more about Authentic European culture, heritage, and history : “The European Library” website has a wealth of information on the history of Europe. Search Term : ” Christopher Dawson + The Making of Europe pdf “ Christopher Henry Dawson was a 20th century Catholic historian. He is very erudite ; Very honest and balanced in his study of European history. He’s not as well known as the “catholic” intellectuals such as Teilhard de Chardin or Jacques Maritain. Dawson doesn’t have an agenda. He wasn’t one of those like Maritain or de Chardin - both Maritain and de Chardin were working towards the satanic New World Order ; A NWO which includes the genocide of whites as a goal—silent genocide—and outright genocide if the NWO gang get their true wish. Maritain and Chardin didn’t care if the plan of the NWO gang was to genocide the White Race ; Both hated Authentic Christianity : Both hated Authentic European Culture. Dawson is a balanced, objective, respectful, and excellent historian. That’s why mainstream Madison Ave and the “novus ordo” church has relegated Dawson to mainstream obscurity : Exactly because Dawson is balanced and objective, while remaining respectful of Authentic European Culture and Heritage.
Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:58 | # ” Jesus Was NOT A Jew” :—benjamin.html Search Term : ” Benjamin Freedman” Lots of info about Mr. Freedman with above simple search term. Benjamin Freedman is an excellent source of truth as to how our country is ruled, the New World Order gang, and I must say, about all of our non-Jewish sell-outs, including the Christian leaders who sell out. The Christian leaders who sold-out/sell-out have greatly distorted true Authentic Christianity. That’s why I go to pre-Reformation Christian writers to learn and study true Authentic Christianity, and the ontological foundational premises upon which Europe was United. Learn more about The Truth Of Jesus. 98
Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 20:26 | # An example—the epitome— of a “Christian” sell-out, and an example of a non-Jew snake. A total Missouri slithering snake-oil salesman snake ; About John Hagee : Also, on the other side of the coin, are the non-Christian white sell-outs ; Perfect example : John de Nugent. Anyone who only mentions Jew perfidy as the cause of all the world’s problems, without mentioning the role of non-Jewish sell-outs is a liar. Jewish perfidy is 1/3 of the problem. De Nugent, of course, details Jewish perfidy + De Nugent does point his finger at Christian sell-outs ; Then uses “Christian” sell-outs as a reason—an excuse—we should forsake Christ period and go follow De Nugent to Thule. De Nugent tells us 2/3 of the truth when he talks about Jewish perfidy and Christian sell-outs. I resent how he tries to equate the “Christian” sell-outs to Authentic Christianity—to Christ . I’m to forsake Christ because of John Hagee and Hagee’s ilk, as per the Hyperborean. Yet, John de Nugent totally leaves out the role of Freemasonry in world affairs. Freemasonry —comprising of both jew snakes and non-jew snakes—plays a huge role in the mess we’re in as a Race. The truth is : Jewish perfidy + Christian sell-outs + non-Jewish/non-Christian whites of all stripes [can be found in the Freemasonry Halls] is the reason for the mess we’re in as a Race. All 3 need to come to The Light simultaneously—to focus on just one—or even 2—doesn’t cut-the-cake: Not if we’re to truly make our way out of this staggering and immense dilemma we are confronted with as a Race. To learn more about Freemasonry : Both Zionist type non-Jewish whites and the whites in Freemasonry must denounce and forsake their respective gods if we—as a Race—are to make it out of this stunning impasse. The more whites who renounce Zionism and/or Freemasonry, the better chance we’ll have to provide a future for our progeny. Demand and insist from every website, alternative or not, that Jew perfidy + Christian sell-outs + Freemasonry be allowed to be discussed. All 3 need to come to Light simultaneously, and be addressed simultaneously.
Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 22:18 | # I wonder if Momus has read Dante yet? I left the link to the Dante website : I suggested Dante to Momus because Momus thrives on criticizing. Dante knew fallen human nature well. I think Momus would have a field day reading Dante’s depiction of fallen human nature [ and maybe cut-me-some-slack-for-awhile]. Go find someone else to criticize. One can learn a lot about human nature by studying Dante, and the family feuds that wracked Florence in the 12th century : The battle between Guelph and Ghibelline. Also, one learn a lot about the tensions of Europe throughout the ages by the studying the history of 12th century Florence. Twelfth-century Florence was a focus point for the various dynamics that shaped Europe. The tensions and conflicting power struggles between church and secular forces coalesced in 12th century Florence. There were feuds. The tensions were never fully settled. Guelphs [ Cerchi Family & Dante, the “whites” ] vs. Ghibellines [ Donati Family and gang , the “blacks” ] : About the Cerchi family and Dante : As we see the Cerchi Family and Dante were on the White side : Plus : To learn more about pre-Reformation Christianity, true Christianity ; Beata Umiliana de Cerchi : Perhaps Momus is too busy and too pre-occupied reading “Momus” by Leon Battista Alberti which I was considerate enough and thoughtful enough to link to yesterday. If you get tired of reading online, Momus, Go To : And for only $29.95, plus shipping charges, you can have Leon Battista Alberti’s adroitly crafted work, “Momus” - All about You —on your own personal bookcase : Ready and handy on those days you’re feeling especially full-of-yourself.
Posted by Momus on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 01:56 | # Joe honestly I couldn’t really give a shit for what you think about anything except that your spamming is fairly disruptive to anything approaching sensible discussion. Now I, or indeed anyone with half a brain, could if they so wished painstakingly go through your many egregious errors of critical reasoning, lack of judgemental rationality, misuse of evidence etc., and so. But really to what end? First of all it would be an enormous waste of time because this is an internet forum in which people do not in any serious way ‘pay the costs’ of their positions unlike in genuine scholarship. Really put together your ideas and send the manuscript off to say OUP (Oxford University Press) or similar and assuming they were remotely interested in your manuscript it would be put out for something called peer-review and the publisher would demand that you satisfactorily addressed any critical feedback received. Such quality control is not going to happen in the rough and tumble of a site like this. Similar processes occur in other walks of life - such as the legal profession - go into court with a half-baked legal argument and you would be ripped to shreds and suffer real-world consequences for such slackness. Many areas of life have such self-correcting mechanisms (imperfect as they may be) to prevent people endlessly spouting-off utter bollocks that only has, at best, a loose connect to reality. The internet tends to lack such mechanisms. But secondly I doubt you would honestly recognise if anyone actually did make a seriously damaging critique of your position and the ‘evidence’ for it. It would be all “well you’re misinformed/deluded/duped/a Freemason/a Jew etc., read my conspiracy website with ‘real history’ about blah, blah, blah. We all know how that rhetorical trope goes. OK we get it - you’re having a rant on a internet forum and spreading your truth - regardless of the veracity or quality of your arguments, the ‘evidence’ cited, the conceptual incoherence etc., of your ‘hypothesis’. But honestly just more or less shouting a lot until people ignore you isn’t actually winning an argument - it just they have clocked that a nutter is on the bus and it’s best not engage him. See I’ve wasted 10 minutes of my life on that shit and what will you say - “oh my what an idiot with nothing to say lol.” OK so if we are doing ‘rants’ then I’ll have one too. “I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; One third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence.” Bobby Henderson (pasta be upon him). Behold the visage of the omnipotent Flying Spaghetti Monster. Bask in His Noodliness and stare agape at His meatitude. For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Flying Spaghetti Monster. “Hail meatsauce, full of beef. The Spaghetti Monster is with you…” Ragu on Pastafarianism. “Come, Holy Sauce, Creator blest, and, in our pasta, give us thy rest…” Ishmali Camuwundra on the Flying Spaghetti Monster. His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the ultimate truth in the universe. It is the central point of worship in the religion commonly known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism or Pastafarianism, according to which it is The Creator and Overseer, watching our lives and our world, changing them as it sees fit, by use of his most holy noodly appendage. Incredibly, this ancient religion was not well-known until its rediscovery in 2005 by graduate student Bobby Henderson. He shall live on forever in the afterlife next to the Beer Volcano. Due to this incredible rebirth, Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is now one of the world’s most edible and fastest-growing religions. Yet it is also the ancient religion of Lockean Bowerites and represents the true essence of this lost ‘mac and cheese’ tribe of sovereign individualists. Eaters of the hateful cannelloni are heretics that must be put to death! If only we could all be lucky like St. Sebastian. . . Once upon a time there was a man called Saul see P.S. actual books suggested by Joe - my how wonderful! But I had you down as more a “Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream” by Samuel J. Wurzelbacher (plus a ghost writer) type of dude. The audiobook obviously - otherwise grrr. . . too many big words on pages makes it hard to read for Joe savvy? Not that I’m suggesting you’re anything but an intellectual giant amongst mere mortals. 101
Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 03:36 | # @ Momus A force d’explications ca par finira par etrer. In the meantime, I’m too busy listening to a very beautiful Latin hymn - Latin hymns being an integral part of the Authentic European Cultural Heritage of the ages as Europe was unified via The Latin Language—to respond in length to graciously say grazie for the abundance of multitudinous compliments you just heaped on my meatball head : Ave Maria ; Pavarotti :
Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 14:21 | # For those readers who are past the comic book stage of understanding, “spaghetti monsters” : thank you Momus for explaining to us the world-view and metaphysical ontology of a 6 year-old comic book reader whose waiting for his mother to finish cooking in the kitchen and wanting his dinner. More information about the Third Reich, Occultism, Satanism , “Nazism” as a religion and belief-system. Nazism was more than a political system. It was a “religion” to the Nazis. Nazism/aryanism was/is based on Satanism. ” An Unholy Alliance” ; About the alliance of politics and satanism in the Third Reich : ” Real History of Satanism” : Harland steers his readers—without footnotes, without references—to blame Catholicism for Hitler’s failures as an “Aryan”, to blame Catholicism for Hitler’s “demagoguery”. The Truth Is : 1 : The Catholic Church was opposed to Nazism/Fascism. 2 : Hitler and the top members of the Nazi party were Satanists. Satanism led to Hitler’s “demagoguery”, Not Catholicism. Read “Unholy Alliance”. Read my posts throughout for other reference sources concerning the satanic nature of Nazism. 3 : The Third Reich had Nothing to do with what’s best for the White Race. The Third Reich was full of Satanists—non-Jewish white Satanists, Jewish Satanists, Muslim Satanists. That’s the truth of Nazi Germany. 4 : The Truth Is : The Catholic Church in the 1920’s-30’s-40’s Was The Only Institution In The World Striving To Safe-Guard The Genetic Heritage Of Europe. The Catholic Church, and Only The Catholic Church : ” A force d’explications ca par finira par etrer” ; Not the Nazis, not the Fascists, not the Soviet Communists, not the City of London, not Wall Street, not Washington D.C., and certainly Not the Allied Air Forces who carpet-bombed Europe, especially the German civilian population while giving Wall Street-owned IG Farben a free-pass for the overwhelmingly large part. For more information about the belief system—the ancient “religion” of Satanism, Government—including in here in the States today—Freemasonry : Unfortunately, Satanism plays a giant role in world affairs. It’s a “religion”. Many in the ruling-class, both Jewish and non-Jewish—are Satanists. The more one knows about this subject—I know it’s a hard subject, very ugly—the more one can protect one’s heart, one’s mind, one’s spirit, from all the horrible influences in the world. Learn where the most destructive philosophies originate. ; The more you know about it, the better you can protect yourself.
Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:41 | # “Nietzsche for Today” , by Cologero : “The Sane Man Believes in God” by Giovanni Gentile : If links don’t work, Go To : 104
Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:49 | # To learn more about Momus and his Love for comics & theatrics, Go To ; “The Momus Report” : ” a blog about film, books, comics “ 105
Posted by Joe on Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:10 | # In honor and respect to Authentic European Catholic Faith, Heritage, and Culture, the very foundation of Western Civilization ; “Dante and the Culmination of the Roman Tradition” : Dolcissimo Sospiro : 106
Posted by Joe on Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:37 | # In Honor and Respect to the Authentic European Roman Catholic Church ; The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church : The Only Institution in the world opposed to World War Two. The Only Institution in the world that tried to Safe-Guard the Genetic Heritage of the White Race. In Honor and Respect for the sincere and devout Catholics of WW2 : Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni : quos sanguine redemesti. +In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti + Amen. 107
Posted by Joe on Sat, 06 Apr 2013 00:01 | # I’m being told that Catholicism is “flawed” from a white “racial” perspective, yet it was the Catholic Church - and only the Catholic Church - that tried to safe-guard and protect the genetic heritage of the White Race. In the meantime, World War 2 was the greatest disaster for the White Race in all of history. Hitler and the top leading Nazis were Satanists. It’s in the historical record, and has been for awhile now. It can’t be denied without the device of mendacity. Their Satanism brought the greatest loss of blood the White Race ever suffered. The Major Reason the White Race is so weakened today. Their Satanism brought Islamic Jihad to Europe. Their Satanism brought World Jewry to complete and total power in the West. Their Satanism greatly weakened the Catholic Church, making Her very vulnerable to the Communist takeover of the Vatican. Their Satanism weakened the Very Institution looking out for the Genetic Heritage of the White Race, and Nazi Satanism is an integral dynamic to the eventual communist takeover of the Church in 1958. Again, the Communist takeover of the Only Institution safe-guarding the genetic interests of the White Race. Nazi Satanism left 10’s of million of dead whites in Europe, dead in the rubble. Many dying before ever reproducing. An Eternal Loss for the Race. After this enormously destructive internecine war, after it’s very well known that Hitler and the Nazi Party top-heads were Satanists, and all the above mentioned is well-known, Harland’s Mormon Church “baptizes” Hitler into Harland’s Mormonism. In the “spirit” and the so-called “truth” of the Mormon church, Hitler is now a Mormon. The Mormons—Harland’s people—baptized the satanic Hitler, in the “spirit” of Mormonism, baptized the most satanic monster to ever astride Europe and brought the greatest loss of blood to the White Race in all of history, baptized Hitler into Harland’s Mormon Church. The Mormons baptized all the leading Nazis “into the fold” ; The very Nazis most responsible for greatest loss of White, Caucasian blood in history. Hitler , the part -Jew/part -North African, Hitler the Satanist , is now considered by the Mormons to be one of their own. Hitler , The very one who was most responsible for bringing so much death and destruction to the White Race : The Mormons “baptized” Hitler into the Mormon fold. And the Mormons have the gall and the nerve and the mendacity to tell me my Catholicism is “flawed” from a racial perspective, and “flawed” from every perspective is what is very much implied : Especially considering the “Babylonian Nimrod” article about the Catholic Church and the Harland article blaming Catholicism for Hitler’s “demagoguery” and failures, so juxtaposed. Search Terms : ” Mormonism and Nazism “ ” Nazi Eschatology in Mormonism” More info with above search terms. The Mormons baptized Hitler into Mormonism, and Mormons baptized all the Jews who died in WW2 into Mormonism also. I guess that’s consistent as Hitler was a Jew himself, and so were so many of the top leading Nazis.
Posted by Joe on Sat, 06 Apr 2013 01:28 | # While the Zionist Jews were busy killing down their fellow Jews and/or throwing their fellow Jews into the concentration camps, and while so many Whites were busy killing down their fellow Whites, the sincere and devout Catholics in Europe who tried to help those in need—fellow Catholics, Protestants, Jews—were either thrown into concentration camps and/or brutally murdered. While so many Whites so mesmerized with their “aryan” religion(s) were committing mass murder against their fellow whites, it was the Catholic Church who Stood Opposed, and Only the Catholic Church. In Honor of All those Catholics who died brutal and horrible deaths because they were against the war and they were trying to safeguard the Genetic heritage of the White Race : In Honor of the sincere Catholics during WW2 who were murdered for their sincere Catholicism. Murdered by Hitler’s Zionist Jews, murdered by Hitler’s Muslim/Islamic-Jihadists ; And the Catholics murdered by their own fellow whites so mesmerized by satanic Nazism. In the Honor of My Catholic Faith, and my fellow Catholics who died so horrifically only because they worked for Peace and to the ending of the massive blood-shed : Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine ; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace + Amen
Posted by Joe on Sat, 06 Apr 2013 01:52 | # Search Terms : ” Catholic Martyrs Of World War Two “ ” Nazi Persecution Of Catholics” An objective and well-balanced article about Catholics during WW2. 110
Posted by Joe on Sat, 06 Apr 2013 21:47 | # About Dresden, The fire-bombing of the “city of refugees” and the “city of hospitals” ; ” A Single Column Of Flame ” : Search Term : “Rense + Fire-Bombing of Dresden” There’re more informative articles about the bombing of Dresden with search term. In Honor of those died in the fire-bombing of Dresden ; 111
Posted by Joe on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 16:53 | # In addition to the honest Jew Benjamin Freedman, there’s also the honest Jew, Dietrich Bronder. Bronder wrote “Bevor Hitler Kam” [ Before Hitler Came ] in 1975. Bronder’s work is about how the Third Reich came to be, came into existence—all the various dynamics, people, and forces, responsible for creating and building the Third Reich. “Bevor Hitler Kam” is banned in Europe. It’s too truthful. It’s almost impossible to find in American book stores. It’s a very important work for anyone who wants to truly understand the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. “Bevor Hitler Kam” can be found at :
Sebottendorf was a Satanist. He studied Satanism in Turkey. He studied Sufism/Satanism. Sufism is supposedly about the “mystical” aspect of Islam. The Muslims themselves, overwhelmingly, consider Sufism to be Satanism. I’m trying to find Sebottendorf’s book in pdf format. I will post when I find the book in pdf. Search terms about Sebottendorf will glean a lot of information about the satanic nature of Nazism. Search terms : ” Dietrich Bronder + Bevor Hitler Kam “ ” Rudolph von Sebottendorf + Bevor Hitler Kam” The Third Reich—the Nazi Party—was Satanic-to- the-Core.
Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 04:38 | # I see many parallels today in the US to Nazi Germany. The Zionist/mainstream narrative focuses on Jews, and how the Jews suffered during WW2. Left out of the Zionist narrative is the suffering of sincere Christians—both devout Catholics and devout Protestant Christians. Many were brutally murdered for the Christian Faith in Nazi occupied areas of Europe. There is now, at every turn, great disdain and scorn, and in many quarters, out-right hatred for Christianity. The following link is about what sincere Christians are now experiencing in the States. It’s the same ontological, foundational hatred for Christianity as in Communism, and as in Nazism ; It’s the same ontological, foundational hatred for Christianity as amongst the left, the New-Agers, and many others, certainly the Satanists in our midst ; All hate Christianity/Christians with a passion : Their common nexus point, irregardless of what other differences they may have. Christians Being Labeled Extremists and Hate Groups : The term ” Evangelical” in this article does NOT refer to Zionist Christians, necessarily, or to Christians who are proselytizers even. It refers to everyday Christians who are minding their own business, trying to live the faith, trying to retain their Christian faith, and being attacked for it. In the meantime, the “honest” and “Anti-Semitic Christian Proselytizing Jew”—“Brother” Kapner— In the meantime, sincere devout Christians who are minding their business, not fomenting hatred, and not promoting Nazism, or any kind of violence, are being attacked. And the SPLC supports those people/groups attacking Christians, while simultaneously remaining completely silent about the online Nazis promoting anti-Semitism 24/7. In the meantime, the “honest” Jew Kaminski is promoting Nazism, hatred, violence, and anti-Semitism 24/7, yet the SPLC has nothing to say about Kaminski ; And, The SPLC has NOTHING to say about Kapner, who also promotes anti-Semitism : Kapner also promotes Nazism—albeit subtlety—Nazism under the guise of Christianity ; And, the SPLC has NOTHING to say about John de Nugent, and Nothing to say about yet another John—John “Friend”; Both John “Friend”: and John de Nugent promote Nazism 24/7, and the SPLC has NOTHING to say about them. BUT, the SPLC DOES Speak-Up in defense of those who are attacking Christians. Looks like both the sincere low-level Christians, and the low-level Jews, are going to be taking-it-on-the-chin big time in the New World Order: That’s Exactly what happened in Nazi occupied areas of Europe during WW2 : The low-level devout Catholics, low-level sincere Protestant Christians, and the low-level Jews, were brutally murdered down in droves. 113
Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 16:10 | # Hitler was very destructive because he worshipped satan. Hitler was a Satanist, just like all the top leading Nazis were Satanists. It’s true Hitler was part Jewish, but that’s not the reason he was a mass-murder. Lots of people have mixed blood—like Hitler did - and don’t become mass-murderers. Far from it. Hitler and The Third Reich capos were Satanists. Search term : “Invisible Eagle : The History of Nazi Occultism pdf “ Book is online. I can’t get the link to work. I found Sebottendorf’s “Bevor Hitler Kam” in pdf in German. I can’t find a pdf in English. Sebottendorf’s 1933 book was written for his fellow Nazi Party members. Sebottendorf wrote about the satanic nature of Nazism. He was very proud about it. He spoke freely about it as his work was written for his fellow Nazi Party members. Search term : ” Sebottendorf + Bevor Hitler Kam “ Will access more info about the satanic nature of Nazi Germany. In the meantime it’s very strange the SPLC actively supports people/groups attacking Christians, while simultaneously Completely Silent about Kaminski, and others online, promoting Nazism 24/7. Very suspicious. 114
Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 20:47 | # From Sarah Maid of Albion ; ” Fighting Back in Culture War ” : Katherine Jenkins ; “I Vow To Thee My Country” :
Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 20:59 | # About Jesus ; Jesus was NOT a Jew ; Article : ” Jesus Was NOT a Jew” : Search Term will access more information : ” Jesus Was NOT A Jew”
Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 21:39 | # @DanielS If you ‘don’t give a shit” about Jesus, why did you mention “Jesus” in the first place ? You’re the one who brought the “Jesus” issue to the fore by mentioning the term “Jew on a stick”. I responded to your mention of Jesus. You initiated the discussion about Jesus, so you must care about the “Jesus” subject, one way or another—for whatever reason you have for bringing the “Jesus” issue to the fore. 118
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 00:34 | # About Death, Faith, Existentialism, Heidegger and Dasein : “Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy ” by Frank Schalow and Alfred Denker : Dasein is based on Nietzsche’s, “God is Dead” ontological foundation; Others base Dasein on the ontological foundation that we’re all somehow our own “gods”. That we’re all somehow our own “gods” is an integral eschatological dynamic of pantheism ; That’s Exactly the foundational metaphysics of “do your own thing” culture/mentality/spirituality,etc.. Momus was considerate to link to a definition of pantheism. I mention the tangible result(s) that necessarily and naturally follow from pantheistic eschatology. Momus and I are on the same page, different paragraphs. Pantheism naturally and Necessarily leads to “do your own thing”. As the White race is now enduring a silent genocide, it doesn’t make sense for the Race to be so divided—pantheism makes our inherent differences even more enhanced, and leads to even greater fragmentation and even more division. Pantheism greatly divides and weakens our Race. As we’re besieged on all sides by our racial enemies, it’s not the time to promote “do your own thing” pantheism [ redundancy ]. Our enemies are very organized, very satanic, and very intent. We need to start talking about what we have in common as a Race, not pantheism, not Dasein. Dasein is existentialist at its’ foundation. It holds NO true Spiritual Power. It has a spirit to it, but the spirit is ultimately nihilistic. While the White Race continues to be pantheistic, and by inference, nihilistic, our enemies get even stronger. Our enemies do Not encourage themselves to be pantheists. Our enemies Know, Respect, and Worship their respective gods : While the White Race throws Her collective Spiritual Patrimony in the garbage. It’s just not any kind of way to win a victory over the silent genocide of the White Race. The genocide will continue as long as the White Race insists on “do your own thing”. And, there’ll be NO “sex as sacrament” until the White Race returns to Her Christianity—to Christ : Christ, our Spiritual Armor. Search Term : ” Heidegger + Dasein” Link to Scribid may not work. Search Term : ” Scribid + Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy” Will access the wok. 119
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 00:43 | # Excuse the typo : not “wok” : “Work” is the correct spelling. As in the Benedictine expression : Ora et Labora. 120
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 13:28 | # About “Dasein”, Sufism, Heidegger, Existentialism, Nazism, Islamic “mysticism”, Hitler + Donmeh Jews : Existentialism—“Dasein”—comes to us from Islamic* mysticism : “Heidegger provided the foundation for a bridge between Western philosophy and Islamic theology” ; “A Heideggerian Perspective ” by Hajj Ibrahim Lawson : Search Terms : “Heidegger and Dasein” ” Sufism + Heiddeger” ” Sufism + Dasein” ” Mundus Imaginalis pdf” ” Mundus Imaginalis +” “Mundis Imaginalis” is an excellent source to see clearly the source of Existentialism and the foundational ontological principles of Existentialism and Nazism [ redundancy]. I can’t get the link(s) to work. *Much of what is called Islamic Mysticism comes to us from Donmeh Jews in the Freemasonry-satanic-snake-pits of the Middle East. It’s Not true Islam. It’s a distortion. Just like Freemasons here in the West work over-time to distort Christianity for their political/cultural/social purposes/goals. Many Donmeh Jews are involved in high levels of Freemasonry in the Middle East and here in the West. Hannah Arendt, Hitler, Nazis, Donmeh Jews : Search Terms : ” Hitler A Donmeh Jew” ” Hitler Donmeh Jew” “Hitler And Donmeh Jews” The search terms will access a wealth of information about the nexus point where Existentialism, Heidegger, Dasein, Nazism, and “Islamic mysticism” meet ; At the nexus point stands the Donmeh Jews. “Dasein” comes to us from Donmeh Jews—It is very well known in the Middle East amongst Muslims that Donmeh Jews practice Satanism. The real religion of Donmeh Jews is Satanism : That’s where we get “German-Western” Existentialism and “Dasein” from : Satanic Donmeh Jews [redundancy]. The ontological, metaphysical foundation of “Dasein” is Satanism/satanic. “Dasein” has NOTHING to do with what’s in the best interests of the White Race : Nothing. Quite the opposite ; Existentialism and Dasein has been very destructive to the White Race : The very purpose the Satanists propagated Existentialism in the first place, to weaken the White Race Morally and Spiritually : Existentialism is very much a major ontological foundation to the silent genocide of the White Race.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 13:54 | # About “Heidegger And The Being-Possible of Death” : 122
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 16:04 | # About Catholics, death, and Holocausts ; About the Holocaust and Catholics ; In Honor and Respect—In Remembrance—to the Catholics of Europe who died horrible, brutal deaths because they worked for Peace ; Who were thrown into the IG Farben slave work camps and were brutally murdered for their Faith ; Who were treated unmercifully for lending a hand to all in need of assistance and succor—for lending a hand to fellow Catholics, Protestant Christians, Jews. Also : In Remembrance, Honor and Respect, to the Catholics of Dresden who worked to make Dresden a city of Succor and Peace in the middle of raging savagery, barbarism, and massive death and destruction : A “city of refugees” and a “city of hospitals” ; In their Honor as we Remember the Holocaust :
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 16:45 | # Excuse the typo ; It’s, May the Catholics who were brutally murdered by the Nazis, ” Ut Requiescant In Pace”. I wouldn’t want to get Leon Haller, the traditional and devout Catholic , upset by my awful spelling/typos. 124
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 21:05 | # Left out of both the Zionist mainstream narrative and the WN narrative concerning Nazi Germany is the story of the sincere Protestant Christians in Germany who were opposed to Nazism. “The German Confessing Church” : As we Honor the Catholics who worked for Peace in Europe during the most intense and most destructive White Internecine war in the history of the White Race, we Remember also the sincere Protestant Christians who worked for Peace in Europe’s darkest hour ; [ a commercial may preface video, unfortunately] I’m posting today In Honor of those Christians who were treated brutally during WW2 for being Christians, the Christians who strove for Peace. The Zionists don’t honor the sincere Christians who suffered during WW2, and the White Nationalists don’t honor the sincere Christians who died for the Faith either. I think it’s disgusting WN’ers Never mention—let alone Honor—those Whites in Europe during WW2 who tried to stop the massive internecine war that killed tens of millions of our fellow Whites. The WN’ers never Honor any of the Whites who died in WW2 period ; WN’ers hardly ever mention the tens of millions of dead Whites who died in the war. The same WN’ers complain 24/7 that the Jews don’t care about the dead Whites—the Jews only care about the Jewish dead , White deaths are not part of the “Holocaust” narrative, or the Nazi-era narrative in general : I have news for you WN’ers : All you do is talk about the Jewish dead also, never about your fellow Whites dead in the rubble. So to my mind, you’re not any different than the Jews, as that’s all so many WN’ers do is focus on the Jews 24/7 ; And the WN’ers NEVER pay Our Own Kind who died so horrifically during WW2 any Honor : Especially those Whites who died in Christian Opposition to the most destructive and deadliest internecine war in the history of the White Race. ” We Desperately Need The Confessing Church ” by Chuck Baldwin ; WN’ers are just as obsessed with Jews as the Jews are ; Nay, many WN’ers are even More obsessed with Jews than the Jews are even. It’s pathetic. If the White race had listened to the devout and sincere Christians, the White Race today Would Not be suffering a genocide, a silent genocide. It was WW2 that weakened us as a race; Why we’re in this horrible position we’re in today vis-à-vis our racial enemies. In the case of WW2, it was out-right genocide : And the White Race genocided itself, being mesmerized by conjured-up “racial religions” made-up in the 19th century Freemasonry Halls of Europe : While pushing all the sincere Christians who tried to stop the massive internecine war into the hands of satanic murderous monsters ; The sincere Christians were the Very Ones who were trying to save the White Race and Authentic European Culture : They were handed over to satanic murderers by their fellow Whites, the “pagan” Whites. And Harland has the god-damned nerve to blame Catholicism for Hitler’s “demagoguery”.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 22:03 | # “Department of Homeland Security versus Christians” :
It’s starting to happen here what happened in Nazi Germany. Read the article for more details. While Christians are being pressured to give up Christianity—and hassled if they don’t—On the other hand, we have Nazis like Kaminski and many other Nazi webmasters/websites online promoting intense anti-Semitism. Yet, The SPLC is COMPLETELY SILENT about Both Christians getting hassled and about all the Nazis online promoting anti-Semitism/Nazism 24/7. It’s not exactly like Nazi Germany, but there’s enough of a parallel. Looks like low-level devout/sincere Christians and low-level Jews [ the kind who have no say in the way we’re ruled] will be taking-it-on-the-chin in the New World Order. The link may not work , Go to David Hodge’s website: [ Article dated : April 8th, 2013 ]
Posted by Rabbi Herman Lipschitz on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 23:27 | # Shalom to Majority rights, my favorite White nationalist website.
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 03:28 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz Short of Christians flushing my/their entire Faith, Heritage, and Culture down the toilet, do you think Jews and Christians will ever get along? 128
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:08 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz What’s your thoughts about the many Catholics who were murdered in Nazi Germany while trying to help Jews, while simultaneously, it was Jews in the Nazi Military rounding Jews up and enslaving and/or killing their fellow Jews : What’s your thoughts about this ?:
Hilaire Belloc, ” Europe and the Faith” : Rabbi : Isn’t it just awfully sinful how the non-Jew “pagan” Mussolini and his Jewish mistress the Jewess Margherita Sarfatti race-mixed ? And so blatantly so ; Why, it’s just appalling. ” Margherita Sarfatti + Jewish Mother of Italian Fascism” Did their race-mixing produce yet even more crypto-jews for Italy?
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 16:22 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz What do you think about the “New Age” and the rise of Wiccanism and Satanism ? What do Rabbis have to say about the “New Age” ? The current trend towards paganism is reminiscent of Nazi Germany, isn’t it? Nazi Germany, where the white pagans started the most destructive internecine war in the history of the White Race, and the Jews were having an internecine war themselves [ Zionist jews vs. non-Zionist jews]. It was The Traditional Catholics in Europe who Stood Opposed to, and tried to stop, both internecine conflicts. What do you think about so many Catholics rejecting The Traditional Catholicism that helped save the lives of so many Jews, while so many ” novus-ordo-catholics” now are getting “into” Wicca and Satanism? It was the white “pagan” Satanists in Europe who loved the Zionist Jews serving in the Third Reich, and loved the Muslim/Islamic Jihadist legions in the Third Reich, to kibbles-and-bits. It was Traditional Catholics who Stood Opposed. How kewl is that rabbi? As the pagans continue to figure out what Exactly it is they believe [ they’re now in the process of “correcting” their errors], let us turn to Authentic Christianity—the Authentic Faith & Culture of Western Civilization—The Faith that Built Western Civilization In The Very First Place : 130
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:03 | # To all the many many die-hard, intense Zionist Jews*, and the many many Hyperborean-Solutrean-Viking-Teutonic-Aryan-Pagan-Dasein-Existentialist-Thulemites- From- Valhalla** who most likely are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance by now—I would imagine—Go To : Search Terms : ” Cognitive Dissonance Examples” ” Get Over It” * Hymie-in-Afula,Israel : A die-hard Zionist so full-of-his- Jewish-self and so proud of being a Jew, yet he race-mixes and boasts in a most braggadocio manner about banging an “Asian hottie” , while Never mentioning any kind of Love for Jewish women ; Yet Hymie loves Jews So very very much, but Never mentions any kind of loving emotion for Jewish women—just “Asian hotties” —is an Example of Cognitive Dissonance, seriously. ** Whites who are So proud of their White Race but only talk about Jews 24/7 are another example of Cognitive Dissonance : Like the Whites, for example, who laud the late Jewish Auster To-The-Heavens but Never mention the late Eustace Mullins—one of their/Our own White kind who struggled so hard to bring us truth : It’s called Cognitive Dissonance, seriously. 131
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:45 | # Now that everyone knows what Cognitive Dissonance is all about, and everyone knows by now Hitler’s Third Reich party/military had a lot of Jews serving, as well as a lot of dark-skinned Islamic Jihadists—in the donmeh Jew Hitler’s “aryan” Third Reich ; It naturally follows, and we can Only conclude , Harland suffers from Major Cognitive Dissonance like Big-Time dudes ; As we read Harland labeling Hitler as “sincere” about making Germany a White Aryan Paradise. I fall short of labeling Harland a “provocateur”, however, as I don’t have the time to write a long post explaining that Harland is indeed a provocateur. So I’ll just say Harland suffers from Cognitive Dissonance for now, until such time I have more time to write a long, detailed, and yet another fact-filled post about Harland being a Janus-face, mendacious, Freemason trouble-maker. I don’t sense—one strongly intuits—Harland is not a Jew play-pretending to be a White Nationalist. One senses Harland is a Mormon/Freemason provocateur. Examples of Jews play-pretending to be White Nationalists would be “Chechar” at “West’s Darkest Hour”, and [ + Fr. John+ ] at “whitechristblogspot”, not Harland. Harland is a Mormon/Freemason troublemaker and Janus-face pied-piper. At any rate, I just wanted to point out yet another example of Cognitive Dissonance : Harland calling Hitler “sincere” is CD big-time : Now that we all know what Cognitive Dissonance is All about. 132
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:03 | # After the White Nationalists, including and especially Rabbi Lipshitz, finish “sitting shiva” for Auster, they may consider reading these two gems :
Eustace Mullins was an honest American-Christian historian. He has true patriotism for Our White Race and for our Nation—The real USA, not the usurped usa . While very concerned for the White Race, at the same time, Mullins is NOT a Nazi of any kind. He was very level-headed & intelligent, Mullins doesn’t suffer in the least bit from Cognitive Dissonance. Plus, Mullins was a true—and truly—patriotic American : True American patriots don’t go Nazi—that is, if they have any brains they don’t. Unfortunately for WN’er Hyperboreans/Solutreans/Vikings/Aryans/pagans/ nature-worshippers/ Wiccanites/ “New-Agers”, etc. Mullins doesn’t speak to existentialism and “DASEIN”. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt the feelings of any white “pagan” Daseinites : Please over-look that “flaw” as you read Mullins’ erudite, scholarly, cerebral, yet un-pretentious and Not in any way affected, excellently truthful scholarship. 133
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 21:39 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz Your fellow Jew—albeit your fellow Jew who is an honest Jew—the honest Jewish Henry Makow has an excellent article today about the Federal Reserve, jooish bankers, etc. I mention the Jewish Makow to you, your Rabbi-ness, because being a die-hard type Jew you are, you probably don’t care too much for Non-Jewish sources—at least Honest non-Jewish sources : Non shabbot-goy sources, that is. For those who don’t care for honest Jewish source references, for those who prefer honest Non-Jewish source references, read Eustace Mullins’, “The History of the Federal Reserve” : An example of a shabbot-goy [ ipso facto Not honest] is the Hyperborean John de Nugent, for example : The great “Hyperborean” John de Nugent from the most Coldest, Northernmost climes of the Valhallla Mountains of Thule Island north of the North Pole even—the great hyperborean Viking who just happens to be located in Warm and Sunny Florida, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug with his Nazi-jew-Nazi Fuck Buddy John Kaminski, the jew-nazi-jew Kaminski is located in the general Florida vicinity as The Viking. Easier to be Fuck Buddies that way. Saves travel $$$ when they want to “get together” [ isn’t fuck-buddy antics some type of Sin, Rabbi? ] It’s safe now to send Viking DeNugent donation $$$ because he managed to “place” patriotic White Americans in his local post-office, so your donation $$$ is safe. Seems the crafty Jews in DeNugent’s local post office were stealing the donation $$$ so DeNugent wouldn’t have any $$$ to complete building the Space-Ship that’s going to take the White Race to Mars and Beyond- the -Stars even, Ad Astra!!! yes sire bob. The great Hyperborean-Viking out-foxed the crafty Jews in his local post office, so it’s Okay to start sending in your donation $$$ again. Thank You Odin !!! What a Great Victory for the White Race!!!! yes sire bob. Link to Mullins’ book may not work. Go to : To read about how The Federal Reserve got started. The best thing to do is read both Makow and Mullins. 134
Posted by Joe on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:04 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz Can you ever forgive me, your high-holy-rabbinicalness ? I didn’t leave a link for your convenience to your fellow Jew—albeit an honest Jew—Henry Makow. I didn’t link to one of your fellow Jews, yet I linked to a “goyim”. Horrific! How in-considerate of me. I hope I didn’t offend your high-holiness rabbiship. To read one of your fellow Jews—albeit an honest Jew, Henry Makow : 135
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:43 | # Speaking of the Communist “catholic-intellectual” Maritain and the Satanic “catholic-intellectual” Teilhard de Chardin, and the kind of world they envisioned : “Men and Apes” About “The Real Zombies” : The parallels to Nazi Germany are amazing. Pagan “aryan” Nazi Germany, the usurpation of the Catholic Church, the diminution of the Protestant Christian churches, and the destruction of the USA : All 4 come to us from Satanism—pure Satanism—and the issue goes beyond Jewish machinations [ however unrelentingly the Jews machinate]. Unfortunately, too many non-Jews—too many Whites from Christian, or nominal Christian backgrounds, are part of the Satanism—many knowingly and willingly. The rest don’t have a strong enough Faith to resist. Or, don’t have a strong enough Faith to even know they’re under satanic attack. Or, couldn’t care less, they just know they’re benefitting in some way from the destruction. We’re under Satanic Attack, as a Race, as Americans, as European-Descended. One can’t win against Satanic Attacks with no Faith, or a lukewarm Faith, or an indifferent Faith, or a vague Faith, and especially can’t win against Satanic Attack with No Faith. So many of our own White kind are part of this Satanism, as so many whites heap scorn and disdain on the One True Faith that can Save Us ; The Only Faith That can Save Us : True Christianity. I capitalize “Satanism” and “Satanic Attack” because of the enormous intensity of the Attack on Us. 136
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:13 | # I didn’t mention the parallels between the US today and the Soviet Union. I concentrate on Nazism because that’s what is being promoted by so many online as an antidote to the increasing totalitarianism of Uncle Sam. Nazism is Not the answer.
The Aryan, or white race religions were conjured up in the Satanic Turkish Freemasonry Halls. We won’t win against Satanic Attack if our “religion/faith” also comes from Satanism. Search terms : “Aryanism + Turkish Freemasonry” ” Dusty Sklar + Gods and Beasts” ” Gods and Beasts : The Nazis and the Occult pdf “ All 3 search terms will access a lot of information. Read “God and Beast” The Satanists in the Satanic Freemasonry Halls of Turkey DO NOT have the best interests of the White Race at-heart. Very much the opposite. Freemasonry in general does Not have the best interests of the White Race at-heart, Especially the Intensely Satanic Freemasonry of Turkey. 137
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:38 | # In Honor and Respect to The One Institution in the World Opposed to the Massive White-Race-Internecine-War we call World War Two : the Only Institution in the World that was looking-out for the Genetic Heritage of the White Race . In Gratitude and Homage to The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church ; Pope Pius XII was the last real and true Catholic Pope. The last true Pope before the Church was totally usurped in October of 1958. A usurpation the Communist Maritain and the Satanic Teilhard de Chardin worked and strived so hard for throughout the 20th century—the usurpation of The One and Only Institution trying to Safeguard the Genetic Heritage of the White Race. The white “pagans” dragged the White Race into the deadliest war in the history of the Race ; During World War Two, the White Race inflicted a massive genocide on Herself. The White “pagans” worshipping their “white race religions” handed to them from the satanic snake-pit Freemasonry Halls of Turkey ; So mesmerized by satanism, they inflicted upon their own White Race the most intense and destructive internecine war in the history of Our White Race ; The very reason we’re now suffering what’s called a “silent genocide” : This “silent genocide” is a continuum of the active and very loud genocide the White Race inflicted on itself during WW2. A Roaring Genocide that Cries Unto The Throne of the Holy Creator for All of Eternity. In Gratitude and In Homage to the One Institution in the World opposed to World War Two—the deadliest internecine war in the history of the White Race ; In Homage and Honor and Respect to The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church : 138
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 20:53 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you WW2 was a giant White Race internecine war. Being the die-hard Zionist you are, most likely you gloat about it. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you the “white race religions” were conjured up in the satanic Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. I’m not sure, though, if you know that Zionism was also conjured up in the very same Donmeh Jew Satanic Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. Did you know the Jews also had an internecine war going on while the White Race was having an internecine war? Search Term : ” Zionism + Turkish Donmeh Jews”
So, because you’re a Jew, Rabbi, I shall focus on Jews : While we know 6 million Jews didn’t die in the holocaust, we Do Know, however, the Jews greatly suffered during WW2. Your fellow Jews were dragged out of their homes and thrown into the camps and/or were brutally murdered in very large numbers. We don’t the numbers exactly. It doesn’t matter the numbers really : What matters is that so many Jews were Sacrificed by their fellow Jews for the New World Order [ see all my posts about the Immense role Jews played in building Nazi Germany]. I say the Jews who were brutally thrown into the camps and/or brutally murdered during WW2 were Sacrificed by their fellow Jews because the Jews in the Third Reich Party/Military were Zionist Jews—they got their “religious zionism” from the very same Satanic snake-pits of donmeh-Jew satanic Freemasonry in Turkey as the goyim got their pagan “white race religions”. Being Jewish as you are, how can you support the massive death of so many of your own kind? Seems to me if you truly loved your Jewish people, you would be opposed to Zionism. Remember now, Zionism comes from the very same Satanic snake-pits of donmeh Jew Turkey : The very same Satanic snake-pits that gave the “goyim” their “white race religions”. If you don’t like the “goyim”, why would you accept a “religion” [ Zionism is a religion in and of itself] that comes from the very same place the “goyim” get their pagan “white race religions” from : Not suffering from Cognitive Dissonance myself, it doesn’t make any sense, Rabbi. Search term : ” Golda Meir + Pope Pius XII “ Did you know Pope Pius XII blessed the American troops during WW2. The Nazis invaded Italy as the Italians were having a Civil War. The Nazis were very hard on the Jews in Italy. Much harder than the Fascists were even. Pope Pius XII blesses the American GI’s who freed Italy from satanic Fascism, and satanic Nazism : Why, Rabbi, do you disdain & hate the Traditional Catholics who tried to save the Jews, and offered the Jews assistance and succor during WW2, and take your side along-with the white “pagan” Nazis who worked hand-in-hand with Zionist-Nazi-Jews [ and Islamic Jihadists : ” Hitler’s Muslim Legions”] in brutally dragging your fellow Jews into the camps and brutally murdered so many Jews ? Why do you Not condemn the Zionist Jews—so mesmerized by the satanic “zionist-religion” handed to them from the satanic donmeh Jew Freemasonry Halls of Turkey ? One would think you would, if you truly cared for your Jewish people.
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 22:27 | # @ Rabbi Lipshitz You may be interested in the following factual information ; About Nazism, the Muslim Brotherhood—Islamic Jihad—Zionism, the New World Order. Keep in mind there were many of your fellow Jews involved in building The Third Reich in the very first place, and many Jews serving in the Third Reich from the very beginning to the very end, including the Nazi SS ; Keep in mind that Zionism, Aryanism/Nazism, Islamic Jihad come to us from the same source : The Donmeh-Jew-Owned Satanic snake-pits of Turkey. Keep in mind that there are many donmeh Jews in top positions in the Muslim Brotherhood. Why are donmeh Jews such troublemakers, Rabbi ? Do you know? I ask you, Rabbi, because qua Rabbi that you are, I imagine you’re learned and very well-educated. So perhaps you can shed some Light on the satanic schemes and plans of the donmeh Jews of Turkey? 140
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 23:31 | # What happened to Rabbi Lipshitz ? I hope he’s okay. I hope the Neo-Nazi Harland didn’t harm the Rabbi none. Where did the Rabbi go? I thought Rabbis love to debate. I was really looking forward to debating the Rabbi, but he ran away from me. Just like Hymie-in-Afula, Israel runs away from debating me. I hope the good Rabbi didn’t go the way of Hymie-in-Afula and fall into the dank sin of miscegenation & race-mixing—in this case banging/f*cking/slamming “immigrant guest-worker Asian hotties” 24/7. I wanted to ask the learned, erudite, distinguished, and good Rabbi what he thought about Kissinger’s proclamation : ” Israel Only Has 10 Years Left “ ” Kissinger + Israel Only Has 10 Years Left ” The above quote is an excellent search term Rabbi ; If you’re still around somewhere, I would like to hear your opinion about what exactly the big-shot banking-Sanhedrin have planned for Zionist Israel ? Kissinger being a mouth-piece for the banking-Sanhedrin. Please don’t go the way of Hymie-in-Afula-Israel, Rabbi—-> It will lead to your ruin & damnation. Plus, I won’t ever get the opportunity to hear your learned opinions, Lipshitz. 141
Posted by Joe on Fri, 12 Apr 2013 00:01 | # A very compelling article, especially juxtaposed to Kissinger’s pronouncement : “Israel Only Has 10 Years Left” : Remember what Kissinger says as you read the article, Rabbi. Remember how many Jews are involved in the Muslim Brotherhood on top levels—albeit donmeh Jews, but Jews nonetheless. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart? What happened to that? Maybe the “Flynn Effect” got the best of them. Israeli IQ test score results and all. If link doesn’t work : ” + Israel Taking World To Hell In Handbasket” 142
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 12 Apr 2013 00:37 | # Hey Joe, Your contributions are really appreciated by readers like me. However, I do think you are taking advantage of the host’s graciousness. Maybe you could consider scaling back on the frequency of your comments? Just as suggestion, bro….before GW steps in.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 12 Apr 2013 14:10 | # @ Thorn Thank God for GW : And, thank God GW of “Majority Rights” is loyal to The Bill of Rights also. Click “About” icon to learn what GW’s “Majority Rights” is all “About”. It’s good to know “Majority Rights” is All “About” the First Amendment. That’s why I appreciate Majority Rights, though I respectfully disagree with philosophies containing existentialism/Dasein as the ontological foundation, then of course, there’s the “Harland” matter .... At least half—maybe even more —of the number of posts I shoot off to MR are in reply to responses from the readers anyhow. It would be un-gentlemanly to ignore the readers who appreciate my posts, as you also appreciate my articulate posts full of solid facts, and in their/your appreciation, respond & reply to my fact-based posts. The more information for everyone - the better - especially if the info is backed-up with solid source references, as I always include substantial and legitimate footnotes/reference-sources in my posts ; Hence the many replies from the readers to the facts so enumerated and so elucidated in my posts : At least half, if not more, of the posts I shoot off to MR are in reply to readers responding to my fact-filled commentary anyhow. 144
Posted by Joe on Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:19 | # 1944 : The Liberation of Rome from Fascist and Nazi satanic tyranny : Please excuse the commercial that precedes video. Skip the commercial and see history in-action. 145
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:34 | # Joe, that is called poisoning the thread. It is off topic: against our rules here. is your misdirection and misinformation. 147
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:30 | # I find this very inspirational ; Signore e Signori : A commercial may preface video.Please excuse the atrocious commercial that precedes video. 148
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:53 | # Signore e Signori, in Honor of Authentic Christianity and Authentic European Culture ; Unlike Harland, not all Mormons are trouble-makers. The video is in respect to the Mormons who are NOT trouble-makers like the neo-nazi “mormon” Harland, who is surely a janus-face pied-piper trouble-maker. Please excuse any horrible commercial that may precede the very beautiful and inspirational video from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, with Andrea Bocelli. 149
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:04 | # Search Term : ” Sufism in Dasein Eschatology” If link doesn’t work : Type in address in Google search engine, first selection on google page : “Eschatology”. Or, Search Term : ” Scribid + Death and The World of Imagination + Ibn Al Arabi’s Eschatology” Dasein is infused with Islamic/Sufist thought. It’s not real Islam, however. Dasein comes to us from Islam via many donmeh Jews, and passed into our culture via Freemasonry. Donmeh Jews are Jews who pretend to be Muslims and work to distort Islam. Like the Jew Calvin and the Jew Melanchton worked in Europe to distort true Christianity. Donmeh Jews have always been very influential in Sunni Islam especially, and especially the branch of Sunni Islam called Sufism. Sufism being occultic , many aspects of Sufism down-right satanic. Dasein is ultimately nihilistic and destructive. As Dasein is based on existentialism [ nihilism] it necessarily follows the logical and ultimate outcome of Dasein is destruction. The Nazi/Aryan philosophical basis of the Aryan/Nazi “white race” religion(s) is ontologically—at the foundation—based on existentialism, in other words, nihilism. The same donmeh Jews, and the Freemasons —Non-Jewish white Freemasons & Non-Jewish Arab Freemasons —who love donmeh Jews to kibbles-and-bits, gave Europe war-mongering Dasein/Nazism, gave the Muslims war-mongering Dasein/Jihad, and gave the Jews war-mongering Dasein/Zionism. Ostensibly, there’s a big difference between Zionist Christians and Dasein whites, but it’s just ostensible. Both, at the very foundation of their respective “religions” , drag the White Race into the middle of war-mongering Zionism and war-mongering Islam. The Nazis themselves had both Jewish-Zionist soldiers serving, and Islamic Jihadist soldiers, serving in the Third Reich. Hitler himself played a role in starting the radical war-mongering Islamic war-mongering Jihadist “Muslim Brotherhood” in 1928. Nazism is infused with Sufist thought : Dasein. Nazi Dasein naturally and inexorably drags the White Race into the middle of warring Zionism and warring Islam, as Dasein/Nazism did during WW2. In dragging the White Race into the middle of warring Zionism and warring Islam, Dasein/Nazism is No different than Zionist Christianity. The Zionist Christians and the Dasein whites are dragging the White Race into the middle of war-mongering Zionism and war-mongering Islam, though many Dasein whites don’t realize the ultimate and natural consequence of their Daseinism ; But they should considering the history of Nazi Germany and the role of both Zionist Jews and Islamic Jihadists in Dasein-Nazi-Third-Reich Germany : The natural, necessary, and ultimate result—ultimate consequence—of a “religion” based on existentialism, in other words, the ultimate consequence of the Dasein “religion”: destruction. Keep in mind existentialism also informed the Americans and the British during WW2 also—just to a less intense degree ; Even though the Americans and the British were less inspired by existentialism, still their existentialism caused great destruction, as did Nazi existentialism. The great rejection of true Christianity and the subsequent collective worship of “Dasein” [existentialism, nihilism ] amongst the White Race has brought Our Race nothing but great misery, sorrow, massive death, destruction, and Genocide : The massive internecine and active genocide the White Race inflicted on itself during WW2 and the ongoing genocide of today—the “silent genocide”. The active internecine genocide of WW2 and the silent genocide of today have the same ontological, eschatological, foundational root cause : the Dasein"religion” . The ultimate consequence of the Dasein “religion” : War, more internecine war and genocide, and more destruction. “Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned” Gallia omnis divisa partes tres. 1: The Zionist “narrative” of Nazi Germany 2 : The White Nationalist “narrative” of Nazi Germany 3 : The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Truth of nazi Germany. I stand opposed to Zionist Christianity, and I stand opposed to “Dasein”; Both drag the White Race into the middle of warring Zionism and warring Islam.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:37 | # The ultimate outcome of existential “religion”, in other words the ultimate outcome of the “Dasein” religion ; Death and destruction : Remember that the Germans rejected Christianity, of course, and so did the Americans and British. The Americans and British paying lip-service to Christianity during WW2, but both the Americans and the British were also existentialists at-heart, having rejected true Christianity for existentialism ; Just like the Germans did—the Germans taking existentialism to new heights [really : depths] never before seen in the world. Still, both the Axis and the Allies were informed by the “religion” of existentialism. Come on Dasein-boys !!! Defend your precious Dasein “religion” !!! I’m looking for a fight. Should be real easy for you Dasein-boys to defend your precious Dasein “religion”—especially as I’m just an eye-talian/ meat-ball head/ spaghetti-bender. It should be a cinch to win against me, tough Dasein-boy-dudes. In the meantime I shall relax now and listen to beautiful Authentic European music : 151
Posted by Euro on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 22:53 | # Off topic question for Jimmy Bowery. Jim, a while back you provided some links to estimates of how much private wealth or assets exist in the US. Do you have any recollection of which thread they were posted in? Or possibly the links themselves? I’ve seen estimates as low as $50 trillion and as high as $200 trillion. I don’t know how to discriminate between the various methodologies behind those figures. Grateful for any assistance with this. 152
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 22:54 | # About the wars in the Middle East, Al-Ciada, Zionism, “The Clash of Civilizations”, from a Muslim perspective : Normal Muslims, not the Islamic jihadists. The Islamic jihadists remind me of the German Nazis of WW2. But, that doesn’t shock me as the Jihadists are Daseinites also; Dasein : the foundation of the Jihadists “religion” is the same exact metaphysical foundation as the metaphysical foundation of white “pagan” Daseinites. Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists, Islamic Jihadists, and white pagan Daseinites are obsessed with Jews : Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews 24/7 Jews. In the meantime, all 4 groups—all 4 existentialist, their existentialism deriving from the very same exact Donmeh-Jew-Sufist-Satanic “religious” thought and philosophical ontological premises from satanic Turkish Freemasonry—overlook so many other dynamics and forces on the world stage : All 4 even overlook where they get they get their “religions” from : Amazing. And yes, even the Christian Zionists are a type of existentialists though they’re too brain-dead & stupid to realize it. While all Four groups—Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists, Islamic Jihadists, white pagan Daseinites—are busy being obsessed with the “Jew Question” 24/7, all 4 groups are getting FUCKED-Over big-time by the world’s ruling-class. I never hear the white pagan Daseinites complain about all of Our fellow Whites in Freemasonry & all the Whites involved in so many secret-societies ; And I never hear the white pagan Daseinites complain about all of Our fellow Whites involved in Satanism. There are shitloads of Our fellow Whites involved in both : I never hear white pagan Daseinties address this very important issue. 153
Posted by Joe on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 23:40 | # I got my war music playing, and I’m relaxing while finishing off some delicious Italian pastry, while I wait for all you tough-guy Aryan, Viking, Teuton, Solutrean, Hyperborean, nature-worshipping, pantheists, pagans, Savitri Devi devotees, Nazis, neo-Nazis, Celtic-warriors, wiccanites, Armenius-wanna-be’s, re-incarnated-Alexander-the-Greats, atheists, agnostics, Nietzsche-mites, Sartre-mites, Heideggerites, re-incarnated-Julius-Caesars, Thulemites, “do your own thing” hippies, hindoo gurus, Tibetan ascended-masters, and all sundry and various sorts of Daseinites to Defend your “precious” Dasein “religion”. I’m waiting. I got my war music blasting. I’m ready for action. I just finished a bowl of spaghetti and meat-balls, plus desert, so I’m full of energy and ready for a fight. Should be easy for you tough-guy Hyperboreans from Odin’s Hall-of-Warriors-Up-On-Top-Of-The-Valhalla-Mountains-On-High-North-Of-The-North-Sea to take on one spaghetti-bender, to prove how truly ‘superior” your “precious” Dasein “religion” truly is : Come on tough-guy-Aryan Daseinites : 154
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 02:58 | # As we see clearly now it was donmeh Jews who gave us Dasein, via Freemasonry. There’re many websites that detail the role of donmeh Jews in world affairs. I will list the following search terms to access a wealth of information about the role of donmeh Jews in world affairs. Donmeh Jews gave the Jews their Zionism, especially the war-mongering dynamic of Zionism, gave the Muslims their Islamic Jihad, gave the Whites both Zionist Christianity on one hand, and Nazism on the other hand. The donmeh jews also gave the West “Dasein” : in other words, existentialism, nihilism. Why the Jews, Muslims, Whites—Christian whites and Daseinite whites— allow the donmeh jews to get away with so much is beyond me. Search Terms : ” Sabbatean Jews + Zionism” ” Sabbatean Jews + Christian Zionism “ ” Sabbatean Jews + Muslim Brotherhood” ” Sabbatean Jews + Nazism “ ” Sabbatean Jews + Dasein” ” Sabbatean Jews + Starting Dasein” The Sabbatean Jews do everything they can to distort true Torah Judaism, the same as they work so hard to distort true Christianity, the same how they work so hard to distort true Islam. The following video is from the viewpoint of what I’ll call Torah Jews. A very honest presentation about Sabbatean Jews from Torah Jews . I link to Part One, it’s a video in 5 parts : The Sabbateans are so successful because of all the Freemasons, to a very large degree, the Sabbateans are ascendant because of the Freemasons. That’s why I don’t care for so many WN websites. So many WN’ers never mention the role of Freemasonry. That’s why I don’t care for the jew-Nazi-jew John Kaminski, and his Hyperboren-Viking Fuck-Buddy John de Nugent. Nor, do I care for our “friend” John Friend. I especially dislike Kaminski. I don’t trust people who hate their own kind—never mentions the Jews who don’t like the Sabbateans, for example. If Kaminski dislikes his own kind so much, I don’t see how he can have any loyalty to me qua White Catholic. Charity begins at home. If someone is un-charitable to his own kind, he’ll be un-kind to everyone else as well. I also don’t care for anyone who absolutely refuses to discuss the negative traits of one’s people. Can’t make any change for the better if one refuses to confront one’s faults honestly. I’m thinking about both the WN’ers and the Jews who absolutely refuse to look at matters honestly. Like Hymie-in-Afula, Israel, for example. Like a John de Nugent type, for example. Plenty of whites involved in Freemasonry and involved with Satanism, unfortunately. We’d do well to spend more time calling our fellow Whites out of Freemasonry and Satanism, and less time talking about Jews 24/7. The white Freemasons and the white Satanists give the Sabbateans credence and power, to a large degree. Search Term : ” Israel Shahak + The Weight of Three Thousand Years pdf ” Excellent study on how the Jews themselves are ruled by their own kind.
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 03:32 | # The Scofeld Bible and Christian Zionism : Search Terms : ” Sameul Untermeyer + Scofeld Bible” ” Samuel Untermeyer + Rothschilds + Scofeld Bible” ” Rothschilds + Scofeld Bible” Scofeld was a real Missouri snake-oil salesman. It’s beyond cavil so many White Christians were so quick and so willing—so venal, so mercenary—to accept the Scofeld Bible. 156
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 13:26 | # There’s no room in the New World Order for non-Zionist Christians, there’s no room in the New World Order for True Christians : The Zionists don’t want true Christians around, the Jewish Talmudic/Noahide Communists and their many minions, don’t want true Christians around, the third-world immigrants don’t want true Christians around, the Islamic Jihadists don’t want true Christians around, the ruling banking/corporate elite of the world don’t want true Christians around, and white pagan Daseinites don’t want true Christians around either : So how exactly is it that white pagan Daseinites are any different than Islamic jihadists, Jewish communists, the ruling-class corporate elite, the hordes of third-world immigrants ? White pagan Daseinites don’t want true Christians around, even though Authentic European culture is based on Christianity—2,ooo years of culture & heritage. Those of us who are White—True Christians and White—even the white pagan Daseinites don’t want us around, no different than the Jew communists, no different than the Islamic jihadists, no different than the third-world immigrants, no different than the corporate/banking elite. So what exactly are you white pagan Daseinites rebelling against ? You white pagan Daseinites fit into the New World Order just fine. The Jew Commies must really love white pagan Daseinites, as white pagan Daseinites have so much disdain and scorn for True Christianity, many white pagan Daseinites hate true Christianity with a passion —just like Jew Commies do ; Just like Islamic Jihadists do ; Just like the third-world immigrants do. I don’t know why white pagan Daseinites complain about the Jews so much, white pagan Daseinites have everything in common with the Jews - especially the most totalitarian Jews ; Same ontology, same metaphysics, same eschatology—-> get rid of True Christianity.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 13:48 | # The motive of the shit eating Jew fly calling itself “Joe” is to come here with its flurry of derailing and trivializing conspiracy theories that nettle and attack tender morsels until it can finally lay its Jewish eggs, the controlled opposition of Christianity, into a wound. There is no true Christianity, it is all a Jewish hoax. 158
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:26 | # The White Race : The Christ-Bearing Race ; To all non-Zionist White Christians holding fast to true Christianity in today’s New World Order. In this New World Order where the communists don’t want true Christians around, the Zionists—both Jewish Zionists and so-called “christian” Zionists—don’t want true Christians around, where the third-world immigrants don’t want true Christians around, where the banking/corporate elite don’t want true Christians around, where the Freemasons don’t want true Christians around, where the Islamic Jihadists don’t want true Christians around, where the pagan white Daseinites don’t want true Christians around, where the Satanists—of all stripes—don’t want true Christians around ; [ Excuse any awful commercial that may precede video(s). It’s very difficult to find videos without commercials, unfortunately ] Search Term : “Cambria Will Not Yield + White Race + Christ Bearing Race” “Cambria Will Not Yield” website has many articles about the White Race being the Christ-Bearing Race : Articles about this subject can be easily accessed with above search term. 159
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:43 | # The motive of the shit eating Jew fly calling itself “Joe” is to come here with its flurry of derailing and trivializing conspiracy theories that nettle and attack tender morsels until it can finally lay its Jewish eggs, the controlled opposition of Christianity, into a wound. There is no true Christianity “Joe” it all a Jewish hoax. 160
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 15:44 | # If Christianity is a lie, than European culture and heritage , and all the achievements of Christian Europe and Christian America is a lie as well, as European culture and heritage is built on Christianity. About Zionism and the New World Order, and the hatred for true Christianity : Keep in mind as you read the article that there’re many Jews opposed to the New World Order as well ; Keep in mind many Jews don’t like and don’t appreciate Christian Zionists [ I don’t blame them at all ] ; Keep in mind the Jews are ruled the same way we are, by the same donmeh Jews and the same Freemasons, by the same bankers ; Read Israel Shahak’s, ” Weight of Three Thousand Years pdf ” ; Watch the video I linked to about Torah Jews discussing the role of donmeh Jews. Ultimately, the ruling-class of the world doesn’t have any loyalty to anyone—not to Christians, not to Jews, not to Muslims. We’re all progandized to hate one another, we’re all moved around like cattle : How the Jews were up-rooted from Germany/Europe and herded over to the Middle East through great violence is the epitome of the phenomena. They were herded over from Europe to the Middle East by their own kind—to a extremely large degree—now the Jews in Israel are surrounded by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood being started by donmeh Jews. In the meantime, as the Jews—especially the non-Zionist Jews get Fucked, so do we non-Zionist Christians. In the meantime, both the white pagan Daseinites hate and scorn us White non-Zionist Christians, and simultaneously the Zionist Christians hate and scorn us true Christians. Seems to me the white pagan Daseinites serve the Zionists, as everything about white pagan Dasein ontology, metaphysics, and eschatology is the very same as the most intense, and the most war-mongering Zionist eschatology : Get Rid of True Christianity. There’s no real difference between Daseinites and the most die-hard, war-mongering Zionists [ and Islamic Jihadists ] : Get Rid of True Christianity : The very basis of Authentic European heritage and culture. I don’t know why white pagan Daseinites complain about the silent genocide of the White Race. White pagan Daseinites have the same exact ontology and eschatology as those most intent on genociding the White Race, the New World Order Zionists. Both the white Christian Zionists and the white pagan Daseinites drag the White Race smack into the middle of warring Zionism and warring Islamic Jihad. I have no use for Christian Zionists, and I have no use for white pagan Daseinites ; Both serve the New World Order gang : And the New World Order gang doesn’t have any true loyalty to anyone period—Christian, Jew, or Muslim. In the meantime, white pagan Daseinites have the same exact eschatology as Communists do, I notice. Search Term : ” Albert Pike + 3 World Wars Planned “ ” Eustace Mullins + The Secret Holocaust pdf “ ” Eustace Mullins + The New World Order pdf” 161
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 15:59 | # The motive of the shit eating Jew fly calling itself “Joe” is to come here with its flurry of derailing and trivializing conspiracy theories that nettle and attack tender morsels until it can finally lay its Jewish eggs, the controlled opposition of Christianity, into a wound. There is no true Christianity, its all a Jewish hoax. 162
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 16:43 | # Attende Domine ; 163
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 16:47 | # It isn’t true, it isn’t history, it’s just more astounding rubbish. 164
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 17:19 | # @ DanielS If “‘it’ isn’t history”, then what exactly is history? Please elaborate. By “it” you mean Christianity. Please elaborate as to how Christianity is not a part of the heritage and history of Authentic European culture, as per you. What Exactly then is the foundation of Authentic European culture if “it” isn’t Christianity? Then what exactly is “it” that is the foundation of Authentic European culture, heritage, and history? Please elaborate. 166
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 17:28 | #
Joe, Against my better judgement I went out on a limp and cut and pasted Pike’s amazing predictions here at MR about a month ago. Needless to say, it didn’t take very long before James Bowery shot it down via pointing out that Pike’s prediction uses the term Nazism. Fact: the term Nazism wasn’t invented until decades after the date on Pike’s letter; ergo, in proves Pike’s prediction to be a fabrication. The dates just don’t line up with real history. 167
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 17:41 | # As per James Kurth in his excellent essay: Western Civilization, Our Tradition, he correctly states: Western Civilization was formed from three distinct traditions. 1) The classic culture of Greece and Rome. 2) The Christian religion particularly Western Christianity, and 3) The Enlightenment of the modern era. Who in their right mind can argue with that? No one! 168
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 17:55 | # It was. Now we may move beyond that and think anew. 170
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 18:40 | # The New World Order is going as planned, as predicted. About World War Two, Pope Pius XII, and the Holocaust : The White-Race internecine war we call WW2 was yet another step towards the New World Order, as was the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two. The Jews during WW2 had an internecine conflict also. It was the non-Zionist Jews who were thrown into the camps, for the most part. It was the low-level Jews who were brutally murdered while the wealthy Jews were making money via IG Farben—the foundation of Nazi political/economic/military strength ; IG Farben was owned by Wall St and the City of London. Wall St built the Third Reich via IGF, and IGF put Shitler into power in the first place. The Catholic Church—a Church WN’ers disdain and hate so much—was opposed to the White Internecine war we call WW2, and the Catholic Church was opposed to the Jewish Holocaust as well. If Whites had remained true to their Spiritual/Religious Patrimony, there would have been No White Internecine genocide : The silent genocide today is a continuum of the very active Internecine Genocide the White Race inflicted on herself during WW2. The WN’ers who make such a big stink about how much they love their White Race simultaneously disdain and hate the very One Institution in the world that wanted to safeguard the Genetic Heritage of the White Race, while same WN’ers support Dasein/Nazism—the very philosophy/“religion” that dragged the White Race into a Genocidal War in the very first place : WW2 being the Greatest Loss of White Blood in the history of the Race, yet WN’ers still worship Dasein-Nazism-Aryanism-Existentialism. White pagan “Dasein” has brought the White Race nothing but massive death, massive destruction, and massive misery : White pagan Dasein has given the White Race a very active internecine genocide, and now a silent genocide. The WN’ers are so proud of their White Race and their “white race religions”, and simultaneously don’t like Jews, yet their Dasein and Nazism/Aryanism, and all of their “white race religions”, come from the donmeh-Jewish-Sufist Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. Same WN’ers then turn-around and say Catholicism is somehow too Jewish ; Yet, it was Catholicism/Christianity that United the White Race in the very first place, and it was Catholicism that gave Europe her High Culture, not Dasein : Dasein being infused with donmeh-Jewish/Islamic-Sufist metaphysics and eschatology at the very foundation, the very core. The High Culture of Europe ends where Dasein begins. Since Dasein—existentialism—there’s been no great art, no great music, no great literature, no great poetry—just Genocide : Both active internecine genocide, and now silent genocide. Dasein serves the New World Order, not the true interests of the White Race : I still have no use for white pagans and their Sufist- Dasein “religion”, as their Dasein has given the White Race Nothing but Genocide—internecine genocide during WW2 and now a silent genocide. Search Term : ” Tom Woods + How The Catholic Church Built western Civilization pdf “ As I don’t suffer from Cognitive Dissonance, thank God, I notice it was Catholicism/Christianity that built Western Civilization in the very first place, and it is Dasein that gives the White Race Genocide.
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:06 | # Excuse the typo : I didn’t capitalize the “W” in Western Civilization. Typing too fast. Plus, no one can rile me up more than Harland and Harland’s fellow Daseinites. I get riled up and I don’t proof-read as well as I should. “How The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization” by Tom Woods : An excellent 13 part series on how the Catholic Church built Western Civilization. 174
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:32 | # “When it comes to bullshit, big time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims - Religion. Think about it, religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do, every minute of every day and the invisible man has a list of ten things that he does not want you to do and if you do any of these ten things he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time - but he loves you. He loves you and he needs money! He always needs money! $$$$$$$ He’s all powerful, all perfect, all knowing and all wise but somehow he just can’t handle money. Religion takes in billions of dollars they pay no taxes and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story, holy shit! 175
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:41 | # “Wind-Up” Ian Anderson When I was young and they packed me off to school 176
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:55 | #
Oh father high in heaven—smile down upon your son 177
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:25 | # @ DanielS If Jesus never existed, then go follow Kenneth Humphreys. Humphreys is appalled—appalled I tell you—Christianity is “synchrestic”—yet Humpreys doesn’t mention how truly synchrestic all the pagan “white race religions” are. The “white race religions” originate out of the donmeh-Jew/Kaballah/Sufist/Satanist Freemasonry Halls of Turkey : A pastiche [ to say the least] of Hinduism, kabbalah, Tibetan myths ,Satanism, pre-Christian pagan tribal myths, with a very good dose of Islamic metaphysics and eschatology [ much of the Islamic philosophy/metaphysics greatly distorted by the Freemasons], myths made-up-out-of-thin-air, etc.. YouTube Search Terms : ” Nazis and the Occult” ” Nazis and Satanism” ” Nazis and Satanism and Dasein” 178
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:41 | #
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:45 | # “My God” People—what have you done— 180
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:53 | # jeeeeezzu$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is comin’ Dasein is Freemasonic Satanism, here? 181
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:57 | # Jeeezu$$$$$$ is comin… “The problem is Christianity, which is Judaism for gentiles. Christians cannot deal with Jews because they believe that Jews are god’s chosen people.” “I think it is the problem, the basic problem we have yeah.”
“Yeah, those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian.”
- J.B. Campell “To become a Christian is to deny yourself your right of survival in the deadliest struggle on earth. Those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian, because it assures the Jew that the enemy will not fight back.” 182
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:08 | # “Faith” means the will to avoid knowing what is true. 183
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:12 | # “God”, “immortality of the soul”, “redemption”, “beyond”—Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child. Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them? I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers—at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!” —Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo 184
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:23 | # “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost perversion, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are too venomous, too underhand, too underground and too petty—I call it the one immortal blemish of mankind.” —Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, The Antichrist 185
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:58 | # Eustace Mullins on John Kaminski : 186
Posted by Joe on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:09 | # Eustace Mullins—a very honest and patriotic White American Christian—one of the most honest historians we have. He payed a heavy price in his life to bring us truth. More Eustace Mullins videos at YouTube. Search Term : “Eustace Mullins” In Honor and Respect to Eustace Mullins : 187
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:22 | # Pete Papaheraklis met Eustace Mullins and mentioned that Eustace was quite worthwhile of course, except that he could not get past that stupid religion of Christianity. 189
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 23:16 | # Yes, he is intelligent enough to recognize that Christianity is a joke. 190
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:11 | # Hitler—the Heidegger Daseinite—was a Communist, after all is said and done : Video is about Hitler and the Zionist World Government. Zionism is another term for Jewish Communism. Long video. Very informative. I stand opposed to Dasein because Dasein comes to us from Sufism. Sufism is Islamic. It’s not even true Islam, it’s a distortion of Islam. Sufism/Dasein comes to us from the Donmeh Jews of the Middle East, especially Turkey. The Nazis got their Dasein—Their “Struggle” [ Kampf ]—from Islamic Jihadist eschatology, from the same Exact place the Islamic Jihadists today [ The Muslim Brotherhood] got their “Jihad”. Jihad also means “Struggle”: The place is the Satanic Sabbatean/Sufist/Donmeh-Jew Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. The “Kampf” of Hitler and the Nazi party is the same exact Kampf/Jihad/Struggle of the Muslim Brotherhood. Both the “Struggle” of the Nazis and the “Struggle” of the Islamic Jihadists are meant to usher in the New World Order for the Jew Communists [ Zionists ]. Heidegger’s Dasein serves the Jewish Communist agenda, as do the Islamic Jihadists today. The jihadists are also Daseinites ; Dasein is the ontology, metaphysics, and eschatology of the Islamic Jihadists as it was the foundational ontology of Nazism. One can’t truly separate Dasein philosophy from Nazi philosophy, or vice-versa. They go together hand-in-hand. They have the same exact ontology at the root. It should be clear to everyone now the Jewish leadership does’t mind sacrificing Jews to the New World Order, as they sacrifice so many others. They care about no one but themselves. Zionism = Very sick “religion”. Dasein ultimately serves Zionism : I stand opposed. I’m amazed so many non-Jewish whites support Zionism. The Zionist leadership is existentialist and nihilistic and so is Dasein. Dasein leads to Destruktion. I spell the word “Destruction” as he Daseinites spell the word : “Destruktion”. Heidegger himself was a member of the Nazi Party in the Third Reich : Rudolf von Sebottendorf, like Heidegger, got their Dasein Satanic/Sabbatean/Sufism from the Donmeh Jews of Turkey : About Sebottendorf : Wikipedia is not my favorite source reference, but in this case Wikipedia is on-target. One can use the info at Wikipedia as a starting point to learn more about Nazi and Dasein ontology, metaphysics, and eschatology. Dasein is ultimately Sufism. Or, use Search Term, ” Sebottendorf + Bevor Hitler Kam pdf” . It’s very clear Dasein comes from Sufism/satanism. Read Sebottendorf. Some say Heidegger was influenced by Oriental philosophy. Not true. Heidegger was influenced by the satanic Sabbatean Sufism of Donmeh Jewish Turkey : Very much so. About Heidegger’s “Sein Zum Tode”—“Being Toward Death”—the very source of Heidegger’s “Being Toward Death” : I stand amazed so many non-Jewish whites support Zionism. I stand opposed to Christian Zionists. I stand opposed to Daseinites : As Daseinism comes to us from Sufism, the “religion” of the Donmeh Jews of the Middle East, and Daseinism serves the Zionist New World Order, just as Christian Zionism does. Daseinism and Christian Zionism are two sides of the same coin : And the coin is owned by the New World Gang. Heidegger, Hitler, and the Nazis were Daseinites [ so are Communists by the way]. The Third Reich was built by Jews and the Third Reich was built up by Jews as step to usher in their New World Order : and Dasein was/is the very foundational ontologoly of Nazi “religion” [ and all the other so-called white race “religions” ]. Dasein has the same exact ontology, metaphysics, and eschatology as does Sufism, as does Islamic Jihad. It’s beyond me as how any White can be a Zionist or a Daseinite. Both Zionism and Dasein serve the same agenda ultimately, and ultimately the Agenda of the New World gang is the genocide of the White Race. Hence, the silent genocide of the White Race today ; A continuum of the genocide of the White Race the New World Order gang started in World War One—WW2 being the epitome of racial self-inflicted genocide : The “religious” root cause of the genocide being Existentialism. On Christianity :
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:54 | # Our “white race religions” come to us from satanic Jews in Freemasonry—especially the Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. The same place existentialism comes from, the same place Dasein comes from, Donmeh-Jew Turkey. The so-called white race “religions” are infused at the core with existentialism. One can strive to work for one’s race without becoming an existentialist, without becoming a Dasein follower, without becoming nihilistic, without accepting a culture—a “religion”—handed to us by those who DO NOT have the best interests of the White Race at-heart. Dasein is the root, ontological cause of White genocide. Dasein has the same exact eschatology as does Islamic Jihad ; The eschatology of Jihad is the same as the eschatology of the Nazis : Sacrifice yourself in death, supposedly—ostensibly —for the benefit of your race, but really it’s a sacrifice to satan, as one is committing suicide while simultaneously being genocidal towards one’s own Race as well. Both Nazism and Islamic Jihad are satanic at-root : As is Zionism and Communism [ redundancy]. Zionist Jews also kill down their own kind—Jews killed their own kind in the Soviet Union ; Nazi Germany is a perfect example of Jews killing their fellow Jews ; Search Term : “Bryan Mark Rigg + Hitler’s Jewish Sodiers” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” Profit-Over-Life has more info, and more book recommendations about this Jewish-Zionist phenomena. Excellent website that explains the true nature of the Third Reich. The Islamic Jihadists in the Muslim Brotherhood today are killing down their fellow Muslims in Syria [ and killing Christians also ], just like the Nazis started a war against their own White Race. The Jihadists are sacrificing themselves in death as they also genocide their own kind ; At the very ontological root is Existentialism, and existentialism comes to us from satanic-Sufism. Zionists kill down their own kind, Islamic Jihadists kill down their own kind, white pagan Nazis kill down their own kind. It’s called existentialism, not to mention severe Cognitive Dissonance, to say the very least.
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:06 | # Does anybody think Joe is worthwhile? Bill was right - his comments should be available for perusal in the trash-bin. 194
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:24 | #
Of course he is as long as he posts his comments on the appropriate threads. Allot of what Joe posts is worthwhile. E.g. him linking to Cambria Will Not Yield. The author of CWNY is a genius. In any event, what I do find so amusing about Joe’s presence here is your hysterical reaction to him, Danny. A little advice for ya: If you don’t like what Joe has to say, use the ‘squint and scroll passed’ method. IOWs: Out of sight, out of mind. 195
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:54 | # In Honor of Authentic European heritage and culture—the historical High Culture of Europe being Catholic at-heart, the ontology of the High Culture of Europe is Catholicism—in Honor of Authentic Christianity, the foundation of Western Civilization ; Of Christ and His Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for our Redemption and Salvation : “... the sword that pierced me has sheathed the sword that was turned against you ... now man’s captor is made captive…” : 196
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:55 | # Of course he is worthwhile? Well Thorn, that’s you, isn’t it - stupid enough to believe in Christianity and to want shit like this here. No, he is not worthwhile nor am I hysterical Thornblossom. That you would enjoy his bullshit is your speed. I was bothered, rightfully so, that this idiot did his level best to disrupt and clog up the thread beneath my posts where I had tried to protect its space for relevant discussion. There are important things to be discussed and this selfish slime merchant’s ego couldn’t stand for that. Not good. Rest assured, I’m ok now Thornblossom. Now then, if this retard stays in these Christian threads that’s one thing, but where he is still tries to obfuscate with viral bullshit he is going to be treated like the virus that he is. I assure you, it is not hysteria - more like spraying lysol on a virus. In any event, what I do find so amusing about Joe’s presence here is your hysterical reaction to him, Danny. Isn’t that amusing Thorn? Wouldn’t want any pseudo intellectual discussions.. You turd. We’d all be better off if you, Joe and Haller (something is kosher about him) would go to a Christian site. That you would approve of Joe’s bullshit makes a clear statement about you Thorn. 197
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:40 | # DanielS, The only thing that differentiates you with the leftist atheist “anti-racist"Jews is your pro-white stances. Strip away your pro-white stances and you’d fit right with that crowd…..or maybe not. At least the leftist atheist “anti-racist” Jews don’t abhor sucess* like you do. In that respect you are lower than the Jews. That leaves the only thing real value you posses is you are a pro-white activist (or at least you portray yourself as one). But you certainly aren’t very good at promoting the pro-white agenda. Your pro-white activism thus far is pathetically ineffective hence it receives a failing grade. *Since you’re such a fan of Ian Anderson’s song “Wind-Up” in which he expresses disgust for sucess, one can safely assume ‘you’re down with that’ sentiment too. You are truly a piece of work, Danny. 198
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 17:03 | # . Posted by Thorn on April 16, 2013, 11:40 AM | # DanielS, The only thing that differentiates you with the leftist atheist “anti-racist"Jews is your pro-white stances. Strip away your pro-white stances and you’d fit right with that crowd…..or maybe not. That’s right, maybe not Thornblossom
What success do I abhor? In that respect you are lower than the Jews. Aha, philosemitism emerges again - you know, Thorn, a tinge of that is evident in yours, Joe’s and Hallers motives. That leaves the only thing real value you posses is you are a pro-white activist (or at least you portray yourself as one).
You have no way to measure it Thornblossom. But you have got this creep doing his level best to derail discussion toward Christianity. You know, you, Haller and Joe are free to go to a Christian site. *Since you’re such a fan of Ian Anderson’s song “Wind-Up” in which he expresses disgust for sucess, one can safely assume ‘you’re down with that’ sentiment too. You are truly a piece of work, Danny. He does not express disgust with success, neither do I. You are just trying to fit me into some sort of cold world mold as does Haller - I mean, that guy said I was against private property. Ridiculous. I believe that Ian Anderson was talking about his childhood innocence when he took the church’s word for it, not really caring that it was going to hinder his route to success. I guess that was too hard for you to understand. Having success for him meant throwing off ancient bullshit of Church.
.... 199
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:21 | # I like Majority Rights. I learn a lot here, as I’m sure the readers do also, considering my posts are chock-full of hard, solid facts, backed-up with solid source references. All my posts are very straight-forward and to-the-point. Unlike some commentators, my writing style is not convoluted and disambiguous, let alone pretentious and affected. Yes, there’s something “kosher” about Leon Haller. Well, not something “kosher” : Everything is more like it. Everything about Leon Haller is “kosher”. Leon Haller encourages the readers to think Jacques Maritain is a true Catholic. Jacques Maritain was a Communist. He was married to a Russian Jewish Communist woman for 56 years. He worked hand-in-hand with the Communist Saul Alinsky ; Leon Haller knows this, yet he constantly encourages the readers to think Maritain represents true Catholicism : Quite the opposite, Maritain was a Communist—> and Haller fully well knows it. All it takes is a simple Search on the net ; Lots of info about the Communist Jacques Martain w/ the Search Term : ” Maritain + Alinsky + Montini” Also, about the so-called “catholic” Teilhard de Chardin. Chardin was NOT a true Catholic. Teilhard worked for the New World Order gang. Don’t let the “kosher” Leon Haller tell you otherwise. Search term : ” Teilhard de Chardin + The New World Order” Many websites about Teilhard and the NWO. I like Majority Rights. I learn a lot here at “MR” : Docendo discimus. And I know the readers learn a lot from my posts as well, my posts are full of solid facts, backed up with solid source references. Plus, I’m learning ALL about the “precious” Dasein “religion”, ipso facto, consequently and necessarily, I’m learning ALL about Nazism, Sufism, donmeh Jews from Turkey, Sabbatean Jews, Islamic Jihadists, the NWO & the various types of “Kampfs” that lead us to the NWO : Kampfs and Jihads, Dasein being the nexus point of Nazism/Communism, existentialism, nihilism, medieval Sufism, “Sein Zum Tode”, Destruktion, etc.. Dasein is like so ontic dudes. 200
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:34 | # Anybody still think this asshole is worthwhile? Joe, do you suppose it’s so important that “you learn a lot here at Majority Rights” that you should be able to spam it with your bullshit? You are too selfish to care. If you are not a Jew then you have a severe case of Jewish virus. Nobody learns from anything from you. You are a disinformation agent, nothing more. We could just go to a Catholic site or a conspiracy site to hear the exact same shit you spew. Agony will come across your face same as your god the Jew on a stick And it will be well earned.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:57 | # In Honor of Authentic European heritage and culture, authentic European music of the White Race :
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 04:17 | # The authentic religion of Europe will be based on the 14 words or tantamount - as such it will clear away Joe’s false religion of Christianity: Joe is a an evil virus that will do anything in its power to bury the truth on behalf of its religion that would have you worshiping a Jew in preparation to its universal subjugation and eternal death. 203
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:28 | # In all European societies, ancient, medieval and modern an elite has existed, who, in order to ingratiate themselves with the ignorant peasants, professed belief in the nitwittery of the Supernatural. Today the mask has been discarded and all the old Jew - God’s fans may hope for is a reservation in the promised celestial retirement home together with ‘Christian’ Blacks, Filipinos and the the rest of the anthropoid garbage of the Third World. 205
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:40 | # “.... the truth on behalf of its religion” ; The truth on behalf of my Faith. It was the Catholic Church—devout Catholics in the Church, along with sincere and true Protestant Christians— who were opposed to Nazism, and the massive White Race internecine- genocidal war the Nazis started. It was the Nazis who got the white genocide ball rolling big-time. The silent genocide of today is a continuum of the active genocide the white “pagans/existentialists/aryans” started in Europe during WW2. Now we see clearly the whole Nazi/Fascist movement was orchestrated, created and built by Wall Street and the City of London. “City of London” refers to the Banking Sanhedrin of London. The WN’ers today—Harland for example—tell us about 10% of the story of World War Two, and even that 10% is given to us without foot-notes/source-references. I’m to go follow Harland even though he’s so disrespectful to me he can’t be bothered to provide foot-notes. How much all the webmasters of the WN websites leave out of the story of Nazi Germany and what truly happened during the darkest hours of the White Race [ WW2 being even more destructive than WW1, which is saying a hell of a lot ]. They don’t tell us Nazism was created by the ruling class in England and the US, while they shout out to us “14 Words”, “14 Words” ; Remember your “14 Words”. I have no problem with the 14 Words in and of itself, as long as it’s not meant to goad us on to be Nazis. I do resent, however, that we’re told by so many webmasters to “remember your 14 Words” as if we’re children in school. I’m told to go remember “my “14 Words” while same webmasters lie and distort and abridge the true story of World War Two Europe. As per so many WN webmasters : I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, that so many devout Catholics and sincere Protestant Christians were brutally murdered by white “pagan/aryan” Nazis during WW2. I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, about the role of Freemasonry in the way we’re ruled, and not to know and/or care about the very influential role of Freemasons in building Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, about the role of Satanists [ plenty of non-Jewish white Satanists and Freemasons around, unfortunately] . I’m to hate Jews so much, I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care that Wall St/London owned the IG Farben cartel. I’m to hate the average Jews I meet in everyday life so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, that the Jews themselves had an internecine war going on amongst themselves during WW2—I’m supposed to overlook the role of all the Jews who served in the Third Reich. The type of die-hard intense Zionist Jews who dragged their fellow Jews out of their homes and threw their fellow Jews into the camps and/or brutally murdered their fellow Jews one way or another. I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, Hitler had Muslim/Islamic Jihadists legions in the Third Reich military. I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, Hitler was mentored in intense Satanism by one of Europe’s leading Satanists—Dietrich Eckart [ a Non-Jew by the way ]. And Eckart was but one of many Satanists in the creating Nazi Germany. Hitler dedicated his “Mein Kampf” to Eckart, not to the German folk, not to the German people, but to a Satanist. Hitler dedicated his “Mein Kampf” to his Satanic handler, Eckart. In effect, Hitler dedicated his “Struggle” to Satanism, to satan, and to no one else but satan ; I’m to hate Jews so much I’m not supposed to know about the immense role of Satanists in creating Nazi Germany, or if I do know, not care the least bit, as per so many WN webmasters. I’m to go remember the “14 Words” while simultaneously I’m not supposed to know, or if I do know, not to care, it was Catholicism/Protestant/Christianity that built Western Civilization in the first pace. I’m supposed to remember “my” 14 Words and forget about all the art, music, literature, poetry, and spiritual teachings of my Faith, my culture, my heritage, my patrimony. I’m to hate Jews so much I’m actually expected to spit on and throw away my own Patrimony; A Patrimony given to me by my/our European ancestors who spilled their blood for The Faith, who spilled their blood to build Western Civilization. The WN webmasters ask too much. They ask too much while giving us only 10% of the story, and even that 10% they do tell us, they tell us without foot-notes and source references, how disrespectful. I’m to go follow Harland who tells me only 10% of the story and does so without footnotes ; As if I’m a child, I’m not to notice I’m only getting 10% of the story—and a history without source references, too boot—and I’m told, as if I’m a child, just go remember “your” 14 Words. I never hear the WN’ers talk about the importance of Morality as the foundation of family and kin and folk ; I never hear the WN’ers calling our fellow Whites out of Freemasonry ; I never hear the WN’ers call our fellow whites out of Satanism ; I don’t hear much of anything other than go remember “your” 14 Words and go shut the f*ck up. While I’m supposed to forgot everything about my Patrimony in my quest to remember “my” 14 Words, I guess the Jew-Nazi-Jew John Kaminski will do all my thinking for me. I don’t think so, in point-of-fact, I know so : Will never happen. Gallia omnis divisa partes tres : 1 : The Zionist mainstream “narrative”. 2: The WN “narrative. 3: The One, Holy Catholic, and Apostolic Truth : A video about the devout Catholic viewpoint concerning World War Two. 206
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:49 | # ” accipio in crucem” ; The devout Catholic viewpoint of World War Two : Part I : Part II : 207
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 19:23 | # The prayer of Pope Pius XII as Rome was being bombed, and as all of Europe was in conflagration ; De Profundis : 208
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 20:08 | # Joe’s welter of oleaginous gabble on the subject of his illusory Christian ‘faith’ tells us that the new Pope does not require to exercise too much imagination and rhetoric to provide soothing - syrup for unfortunate people like Joe who want to be told, repeatedly, how much old Jesus (and his Jewish momma) loves them and who require to be told how assiduously they must obey and finance the Vatican’s shamans who alone can ensure places in the sky for devout ghosts who have abandoned Aryan reason. 209
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 20:54 | # @ Al Ross yeah yeah yeah….. sure….. I’ve met quite a few people in my life named “Ross”, all of them have been Jewish. Are you a jew-Nazi-jew like John Kaminski? Do you work for the Nazi-jew Kaminski? Or, are you just doing your fellow jew-Nazi-jew lansman a favor, one jew-Nazi-jew to another jew-Nazi-jew. If you are really a Jew, you may consider finding yourself a Rabbi to talk things over with—preferably a non-Zionist Rabbi, and try to avoid—for your own mental health—any kind of jew-Nazi-jew Rabbi. DO NOT talk things over with the jew-Nazi-jew Kaminsky’s Rabbi, you may wind up even more confused than you already are, which is considerable. If Rabbis are not your thing, please consider a competent psychiatrist to alleviate your Cognitive Dissonance. Make sure said psychiatrist is very competent, considering your severe Cognitive Dissonance. If you’re not Jewish, please go to following: 210
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 21:29 | # @ Al Ross I hope I didn’t give you the wrong impression, I wouldn’t want to do that. I hope you didn’t surmise I thought all Jews were liars like that jew-Nazi-jew Kaminski is a liar, and perhaps you yourself—if you’re a Jew, as I suspect—than you’re a mendacious trouble-making Jew, not an honest Jew. Read what an honest Jew has to say about dishonest Jews : Also, read Israel Shahak’s, “The Weight of Three Thousand Years”. It’s about how Jewish leadership foments anti-Semitism ; It’s a long-standing tradition of Jewish leadership. About Jesus, Search Term : “Benjamin Freedman + Jesus Was NOT A Jew” Lots of truthful information about Jesus with above search term. Freedman is an honest Jew. To those who don’t care for Jewish sources period, there’re many others who talk honestly about the fact Jesus was NOT a Jew. One can access them with above search term as well. 211
Posted by Joe on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 21:53 | # To learn more about the Authentic European Culture and Heritage of the white Caucasian* Christian Race, go to : Also, go to : * No one in Europe ever heard of an Aryan race until the 19th century. “Aryan” history/myth/“religions” were made up/conjured-up in the Freemasonry Halls of the 19th century. Many of those who made-up the “Aryan” religions were donmeh Jews in Turkey. I already left about 10 dozen links about this topic of the role of Freemasonry/Sufism/ Donmeh Jews/ Sabbatean Jews, in creating the “history” and the “religion” of the so-called “Aryan” race. Will continue to do so if necessary. As far as the White Race is concerned, there’s only the white Caucasian race. That’s it folks. Unfortunately, the Race is greatly divided. The Aryan history/myth/religion(s) is yet another divide ; That’s why the “Aryan” religions were made-up in the first place : To divide the White Race even further. 212
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 23:55 | # Joe did not give me any impression at all, except perhaps, the notion that he suffers from that pandemic ailment of the Christian, double - digit IQ group, viz., Cacoethes Scribendi. 213
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 03:13 | # @ Al Ross Cura te ipsum ; I clearly see I haven’t made any impression on you because I can clearly see you have yet to find yourself a competent psychiatrist who specializes in Cognitive-Disorder-Syndrome, as well as said psychiatrist competently skilled to know how to handle psychosis and schizophrenia in addition. If psychiatrists aren’t your thing, use following Search Term and go to : ” Rabbi Antelman” Rabbi Antelman is an expert on jew-Nazi-jews—as you and your buddy-buddy—the jew-Nazi-jew John Kaminski is a jew-Nazi-jew, as you certainly are a Nazi jew, as Shitler himself was a part-jew, in addition part-white and part-black. Very similar to the Southerner J Edgar Hoover, but I digress. Shitler : A Noir Juif as this “Cacoethes Scribendo” likes to call the Dasenite Noir-Juif mettisse mélange pastiche mess de couleur un d’ juif : The Dasein “Aryan” avatar, Savitri Devi’s “God” ; The Dasein “God” : Shitler, the mettisse mélange g*d, part-Jew, part-black, with not one drop of Aryan blood, as there’s NO such thing as an Aryan race in the very first place : Ask me for source references if you’re having difficulty finding the truth, Ross ; People who suffer from Cognitive Dissonant Syndrome as you certainly are suffering and exhibiting, do often times—usually all the time—have difficulty finding the truth of anything, even the most important topics ; And this is an important topic, Search term : ” Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned” Dasein comes from Heideggeer. Heidegger himself was a member of the Nazi Party. A Nazi Party—a Third Reich—built by Wall St and the Banking Sanhedrin in London—and financed through/via IG Farben. The IGF cartel being owned by Jews to an extremely large degree. Antelman details the history of jew-Nazi jews throughout history. I recommend Antelman to everyone. In fact, I linked to a video about Antelman : “Torah Jews versus Nazi jews”, I labeled the video. I highly recommend everyone watch the video and also use the Search Term : ” Rabbi Antelman” Also : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself” “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” Qua jew-Nazi-jew that you are, Ross, what do you think about Shitler after you use the Search Term and glean the truthful information about The Third Reich & Shitler’s Muslim Legions : “Hitler’s Muslim Legions” “Hitler + The Muslim Brotherhood” Ross : Qua jew-Nazi-jew that you certainly are, what do you think of the black-jew-donmeh-jew Nazi Shitler having anti-Semitic Muslim Islamic Jihadists serving in the Third Reich military ? Hitler having the blood and the spirit of a donmeh Jew : Read the Haaretz article I linked to. I clearly see I haven’t made an impression on you as you—Al Ross—qua jew-Nazi-jew that you most certainly are Al Ross, you still desperately need to consult a competent psychiatrist well able to handle Psychotic-Schizophrenic-Disorder with concurrent and attendant severe Cognitive-Dissonant-Syndrome. Everyone else can go to “Rabbi Antelman” to learn The Truth about Jew Nazis and learn about the ontology/metaphysics/eschatology and Modus Operandi of Jew-Nazi-Jews; Jew-Nazi-Jews : They will playing a big role in the New World Order. They already are, in point-of-fact. And I don’t mean you, Al Ross. You’re just a real low level sayanim ; And, you’re not even a very good one, you’re so obvious : Cura te ipsum, Al Ross, self-proclaimed “expert” on all matters. You’re too cognitive dissonant to be an expert about anything. I have no patience. I can’t be bothered. This will be my last response to you. Dixi.
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 03:44 | # To learn more about the Authentic culture and heritage of the Authentic white, Caucasian, Christian European race—to get a better feel for—the Authentic culture and heritage of white, Caucasian Christian Europe, we turn now to Tomaso Albinoni : 215
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 17:35 | # Communism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by satan. Daseinite philosophy, thought, ontology and eschatology serves Nazism/Communism, the New World Order gang, the satanic ruling-class of the world. Here I present the Nazi side of the coin ; Nazism vis-à-vis Christianity : ” A Community of Christians” ; A 25 minute video, “Standing Against Hitler” : A 2 hour video, ” Hanged On A Twisted Cross” : In Honor of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the German Confessing Church ; I will be presenting the Communist side of the coin in up-coming posts. Communism is infused with Dasein as Nazism is. Please excuse any commercial that may precede video(s).
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 18:26 | # Like Nazism, Communism is infused with intense hatred for Christianity ; And, both Nazism and Communism is infused with Dasein. Communism vis-à-vis Christianity in the Soviet Union : “Martyred In The USSR ” website is a very informative website about the massive persecution of Christians in Dasein/Communist Soviet Union. Lots of links at the website also. A wealth of information. One doesn’t have to be a Daseinite to be opposed to open borders, massive immigration, and all the other baneful government policies. In point-of-fact, it is Daseinites who own and control our government. [The Zionist Christians are just as lacking in Faith as are the Daseinites]. Just because there’re a lot of Zionist Christians around does NOT necessarily follow one has to become an atheist. Daseintes are atheists—just as the ruling-class of the world trying to impose a New World Order on us are atheists. Dasein gives the atheists/Satanists/ Freemasons/Banking-Ruling-Class credence, power, and force. True Christianity is the Only Force in the world that can defeat the New World Order. The Church Age is over. Keep The Faith in your heart. If you turn Daseinite, you are supporting the New World Order. Daseinites/Atheists is Exactly what the ruling-class want us to be ; They don’t have to work so hard to impose their Daseinite/Atheistic agenda on us if we ourselves are Daseinites/Atheists. Daseinism has NO spiritual power to defeat the New World Order as the ontology and eschatology of Daseinites is Exactly the same ontology and eschatology of the satanic Banking Sanhedrin and their Freemason and various other atheistic minions. I stand opposed to Zionist Christians, and I stand opposed to Daseinites : Both serve the New World Order. Heidegger Daseinism [ and all forms of Atheism/Darwinism/Dasein] and Zionist Christianity are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by the New World Order ruling-class. About the Christian martyrs of the Dasein/Atheist/Communist Soviet Union :
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 18:35 | # Go corporations!!!! Cull, cull, cull!! Cult those Catholic third world population explosions! Go corporations, Cull, Cull, Cull!!!
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:00 | # “Christianity Grows in Russia and Declines in Zionist West” : The Spiritual Power of True Christianity : It was the true devout Christians in the Soviet Union who ultimately defeated Daseinistic/Atheistic, mass-murdering Communism in the Soviet Union ; Now Russia is free from the horrors of atheism, and the attendant mass-murder that follows from Atheistic/Daseinite ontology and eschatology. The history of the 20th century very clearly shows the ultimate effects - ultimate consequences - of Atheism/Nietzsheism/Heideggerism/Daseinism/Darwinism/Disdain/Scorn/Hatred of true Christianity, the very Faith that built Western Civilization in the first place. Like Nazism, like Communism, Zionism is infused with Daseinism. That’s why Zionist Christians and Daseinites are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by the Zionist ruling-class. Only True Christianity has the Spiritual Power to defeat the mass-murdering agenda of the New World ruling-class. That’s why true Christians will be the first ones dragged into the FEMA camps. The second group will be the Torah Jews opposed to the New World agenda. In the world of Islam, the Shia Muslims [ the true Muslims] will be under-the-gun. There’s no room in the Atheistic/Daseinite New World Order for any one of the three Abrahamic Faiths. I notice, simultaneously, there’s plenty of room for Daseinites in the New World Order, as Dasein informs the New World Order Over-Lords. 219
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:17 | # Cull, Cull, Cull the evil Joe, No room for the beast Joe 666 and his evil religion! Go Daseinists!!!! Cull the evil Joe, cull the evil Joe-k, no room for the evil Joe! 220
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:06 | # About the persecuted Orthodox Christian Martyrs of Russia under Atheistic/Daseinite Communist rule : 221
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:18 | # Joe thinks he is going to tell you and I what we mean by “dasein” I’m going to try this once more, fuck face (that’s you, Joe) The proprietor of the site, GW, expresses interest in ontology and uses the term “dasein.” It has not been a focus at any other time in my life. But for the purposes of the ontology project I rendered the most accurate understanding of it that I could - to mean non-Cartesian “there-being” That’s all. But the worthless piece of dog shit, Joe, this evil virus Joe, keeps shitting out of his mouth. He is not a cook, is he? Joe = Beast 666 222
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 22:08 | # Cartesian Dasein and non-Cartesian Dasein are both atheistic at root, at the very foundation. Atheism was the main force behind Nazism and Communism in the 20th century, and the massive death of millions upon millions of our fellow Whites, both in the Soviet Union and during the internecine wars of 20th century Western Europe —WW1 and WW2 ; And now in the 21st century, atheism is the driving force behind Zionism. Nazism and Communism was/is the epitome of contrived didactic incitement—the epitome of Hegelian Dialectics—meant to bring about a synthesize : That synthesis is the Zionism that is ascendant today. The nexus point of Nazism, Communism, and Zionism—from a spiritual point of view—is Atheism. Dasein, in all of its’ various manifestations, all of its’ various schools of thought, is Atheistic at the very foundation—all the various schools of Dasein are atheistic, and the various schools of Dasein thought share the same hatred for Christianity—the very Faith that built Western Civilization in the very first place. The more the White Race rejects true Christianity, the more genocide we suffer. The word “suffer” means “to allow”. The history of the 20th century is a history of the genocide of the White Race. Only the devout Christians—in Roman Catholicism, in Protestant Christianity, in Orthodox Catholicism—stood opposed to the genocide of the White Race during the 20th century, while the white pagan/atheists were supporting the genocide of the White Race—either actively or through ignorant acquiescence—their ignorance born from their atheism and their rejection of the Holy Creator. While Zionism is owned and controlled by Jewish bankers, and there’re a lot of Jews who support Zionism, so do a lot of non-Jews support Zionism as well. The ontology of Zionism—like the ontology of Nazism and Communism—is atheism. The non-Jewish white atheists give Zionism credence, power, and force. There’s no Spiritual power in atheism to defeat the New World Order. In point-of-fact, the atheists share the same intense hatred for Christianity as the very people who want to impose their New World Order on us. The enemies of the White Race hate Christianity with a passion. Pretty stupid and blind to share the same hatred for one’s heritage and culture and patrimony as your enemy has for your culture and heritage : There’s no true Spiritual power—no spiritual shield—if you share the same hatred for your culture as your enemy has for your culture. Our enemies hate Christianity EXACTLY because it was Christianity that built Western Civilization, Western Culture, in the first place. It was Christianity that led to Liberty—however painful and confusing and convoluted the Christian road to Liberty was—that it was painful and confusing is because of our innate faults as a race, our innate faults as humans, not the faults of Christ. As it is, our enemies Hate Christianity with a passion EXACTLY because Christianity gave us Liberty. Atheism just serves to strengthen our enemies ; The collective atheism amongst the White Race today only serves to embolden our enemies. Our enemies are die-hard atheists, and our die-hard atheistic enemies are ALL about committing genocide. The battle being fought today against white genocide is a Spiritual battle, first-and-foremost. One can’t defeat one’s enemy if one shares the same scorn, the same disdain, the same hatred for one’s Patrimony as the hatred your enemy has for your Patrimony, heritage, culture, and history. As long as the White Race rejects True Christianity, the silent genocide will continue. It may seem like a silent genocide to us ; To the Holy Creator, however, the genocide the White Race has suffered [allowed, allow ] during the 20th century and now in the 21st century, is a Stentorian Genocide that Echoes Unto The Throne of The Holy Creator Unto Eternity. In Honor of the Christians who stood opposed to the massive death and genocide during the 20th century , massive death and genocide brought about because of atheism , to a very extreme degree : 223
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:50 | # “Nihilism : The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age ” ; 225
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 04:41 | # All pre-Christian cultures of Europe founded Europe, not Christianity. What Christianity did on the whole was retard the development of European culture and people. That is what I hate about it, besides the fact that it creates evil people like Joe, who attack “by coincidence” anything good and healthy. I tell the evil monster the truth, that dasein is non-Cartesian there being and then the evil virus that is Joe attacks that, takes it and perverts it. Because that is what it does, it attacks all that is healthy and good to infect it with its evil virus, its false religion of Christianity, which is servitude of the Jew and eternal death. Joe is an evil blight on our capacity to talk and solve problems. He insists on imposing the insane nonsense of Christianity.
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 05:03 | # Why would anyone commit utterly pointless seemingly random acts of terror, evincing pure nihilism, against benign events like ....Dasein? Because Joe is an insane egomaniac. A spoiled child in a middle aged man’s body. He does not want you to think. If you did, it would be clear that you do not need his bullshit. 227
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 06:57 | # Quite correct, DanielS. The only alteration I would offer to your fine post is the insertion of the word ‘suicidally’ immediately before the word ‘insane’ . Even if all the Jews who batten on to our race were to gladden our hearts by migrating to Israel tomorrow, there would still be more than enough ‘One - Worldist, nitwit Christian dolts to ensure that immigration would continue apace and what’s left of Aryan culture is thrown to the Leftist wolves. 228
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:37 | # Daniel, this is the second time you’ve addressed me in an inappropriate manner about this Joe character. The first was in a your part 3 where you basically stated that Joe would not be doing what he is doing here at MR if it were not for my encouraging him to do so. This was inappropriate because it was off-topic to that thread—so I ignored it in my questioning you about hermeneutics. The second was in another attempt to distract a thread about the Boston bomber, so I moved that response here where it may be appropriate. You will notice, if you are careful, that my “encouragement” of Joe was that he should put his ideas together in a single coherent (yes I know you’ll say this is impossible) post where he can argue with folks who want to argue with him. Clearly I do not as I have not responded to him subsequent to my “encouragement” to write such a main post; which the reasonable man might see as different from encouraging him to spam every main post in MR and may even have been a more effective tactic to get him to stop spamming every main post at MR than continuing to pay attention to him as you have. PS: You’ve also left it, at best, ambiguous as to whether I was presenting Harland (hence by imputation, myself) as relying on Christianity—almost as though the title of this main post was “European Culture as an Expression of Authentic Christianity”. Harland’s view, and my view, is that the reason JudeoChristianity was able to conquer northern Europe was that it presented a story of a man who they identified as of their ilk embedded in a mass-manipulation culture, suffering the fate of any individual standing up for his own direct divine-heritage—a heritage that was so deeply embedded in northern Europeans that it would have gone without saying they were all sons of “The Father” in the Jeffersonian sense of Nature and Nature’s God. It was this “protein coat” on the “intercessor” culture of parasite mass-manipulator priests, that so confused the authentic culture of Euroman that the very idea of resurrecting its fundamentally rational and joyful religion appears to be a farcical dream. 229
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:57 | # I don’t exactly agree, Jim. I do think that your encouraging him at one time had something (not everything, by any means) to do with his feeling free to attack my posts and spam the threads. As for the Boston thread, he was bringing a lot of kooky conspiracy theory there too, so I parodied your statement - Why would anyone commit utterly pointless seemingly random acts of terror, evincing pure nihilism, against benign events like ....Dasein? - to take a jab at him, not at you. Do you see? I was not addressing you (in a manner appropriate or otherwise), l was addressing him.
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:20 | # ........... If you want to rewrite Christianity by way of Harland, it sounds like it could be a worthy narrative for the way of life that you and others value most. It is more the drawbacks of getting confused and intertwined with other interpretations of Christianity that would keep me away from Christianity altogether and start anew with religious fundamentals. I think Christianity is too much a corollary to the received texts; and that they are poison. I have no doubt, however, that there will be people who like your rendering of Christianity and your making use of those Harland aspects that have served well for northern European peoples.
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:24 | # I don’t exactly agree, DaneilS. I do think that you’re encouraging him by continuing to respond to him. Anyone who reads what he writes with any degree of perception will see that he is not engaging in intellectually honest discourse. Others might be “infected” by his “viral” memes (the sense in which I think you mean his posts are “viral”) and go off and start transmitting the same viral memes to others. However, keep in mind that his perspective on Christianity is rather unique which tends to mitigate against that risk on the face of it. 232
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:59 | # It’s probably best if Al Ross—the jew-Nazi-jew, like the jew Kaminski, the other jew-Nazi-jew—James Bowery, and Daniel S, refrain from posting under this Article dedicated to “Authentic European Culture and Heritage”, as Authentic European culture and heritage—in other words, Western Civilization—was built on the ontological foundations of Christianity. It was the Catholic Church that united Europe in the very first place. It is LATIN which unites the White Race. Al Ross, James Bowery, and Daniel S come here to this thread of commentary about Authentic European culture and heritage and sully our heritage and history, culture and our very Patrimony, with nothing but nihilism and Destruktion. I spell “Destruction” the way the Daseins spell “Destruction”. Notice the Daseins spell “Destruction” with a “k”, just like the Communists spell “destruKtion” : I’m not surprised as Communism is atheistic to-the-core, and shares the same disdain, scorn, and hatred for Christianity—the very Faith that United the White Race in the very first place and built Western Civilization—and consequently gave us Liberty, our freedoms. Nazis and Communists serve Zionism and the New World Order. The NWO is about the genocide of the White Race. Atheists have NO spiritual power to resist the New World Order. But true Christians have the Spiritual Power to defeat the NWO. I’m talking true Christians, not Zionist Christians, not Christians infused with the nihilism and secularist thought. It is the nihilism in secularist thought that has undermined and usurped Christianity. So many whites rejecting true Christianity. It’s the Dasein/nihilists in the churches who usurped/usurp Christianity. And then the Dasein/nihilists outside of the churches point to Christian corruption, but it’s the their fellow Daseinites in the churches destroying true Christianity in the first place ; This aspect of Dasein behavior is always left out of the story : The nihilistic/Dasein undermining of the the true foundation of Western Civilization from both within the churches and from without : This is aspect of Daseinism is Always left out of the Dasein “narrative”. It was the true Christians in the Soviet Union who defeated Communism and freed Russia from the mass-murder caused by all the atheists, nihilists, Nietzsche/Heidegger “faithful” ; Nihilism and Dasein unleashing a genocide against us—the White Race. While the Nihilists were committing mass-murder in the Soviet Union ; Dasein Nihilists : Daseinite “white race religion” believers—in other words Nazis—initiated the most destructive and bloody White Race internecine/genocidal war in history. The silent genocide of today being a continuum of the active genocide the white pagans started in the 20th century. Nietzscheism being the foundational ontology of Heidegger’s Dasein, the “white race religions”, and ultimately the “religious” ontological foundation of the genocide of the White Race—- both active genocide and now silent genocide. It’s exactly what the NWO ruling-class want : Genocide for the White Race ; Dasein serves the New World Order. Heidegger’s “Sein Zum Tode” comes to us from satanic Sufism : Sein Zum Tode means Being Toward Death . “Sein Zum Tode” comes to us from the medieval satanic Sufism. I posted a link about this already. Will do so again later today, as it’s clear there are those who overlook many Facts as to push their Dasein/nihilism on us : Just as Harland gives us a history greatly abridged of facts, and gives us his extremely distorted and abridged history without any foot-notes or source references, too boot. As this is a thread of commentary about Authentic European Culture and Authentic European Culture is based on Christianity, perhaps it’s best if Al Ross [ the jew-Nazi-jew ] Daniel S, and James Bowery refrain from sullying the thread with their Dasein, with their nihilism ; Dasein being a complete disaster for the White Race, as Dasein has only given us Genocide, one way or another ; Ipso facto, Dasein serves the New World Order ruling-class Banking-Sanhedrin : They too are Daseinites : They too want the White Race genocided. Heck, I don’t even think Harland should be mentioned on this thread of commentary anymore as I have already clearly proved what a Janus-faced lying pied-piper Harland truly is. On Heidegger, Nietzsche, atheism, nihilism, and Weak thought ; “Nihilism and Weak Thought” : ” Evans-Experientalism” website is an excellent website for debunking Heidegger, Nietzsche, nihilism, atheism, and weak thinking : 233
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 17:52 | # More about Dasein, Sabbatean Jews, jew-Nazi-jews, how Satanic Jews built and created the Third Reich in the very first place : Sabbatean Jews played a big role in conjuring-up the “white race religions”. The “white race religions” are False religions. The “white race religions” come to us from Satanic Sabbatean Jews via the Satanic Freemasonry Halls of Turkey. Read : ” Sebottendorf + Bevor Hitler Kam pdf” Sebottendorf was one of the leading Nazis who was involved in formulating and creating the “Aryan religion”. He got his “Aryan religion” from Sabbatean Jews in Turkey. Sebottendorf studied the “Aryan/Nazi” religion in the satanic Freemasonry Halls of satanic Sabbatean Jews from Turkey and from Satanic Jews from the Middle East. Heidegger himself was a member of the Nazi Party. Heidegger’s philosophy/“religion” also comes from Satanic Sufism/Satanic Sabbateanism of the Middle East. This is not to say one shouldn’t strive to improve the situation of our White Race, of course we should ; It is to say, however, the “white race religions”—especially Aryanism/Nazism/Wiccan/Nietzscheism/Dasein/Heideggerism play into the hands of the Sabbatean Jews and the New World Order they’re planning. The Sabbatean Jew plan for the New World Order has been planned a very long time ago, since the 19th century at least, if not longer : Heidegger’s Dasein, especially “Sein Zum Tode”—Being Toward Death—comes from medieval satanic Sufist thought : I posted a link to Josef Meri’s encyclopedia of Medieval Islamic Sufism on this thread of commentary. It’s very informative. It’s very much worth reading to learn more about where Dasein originates.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 20:07 | # There’s much in true Christianity that speaks of Home, speaks of Family, speaks of Kin, speaks of Folk—there’s much in true Christianity that calls us home to Family, Kin, and Folk—one needn’t turn into a neo-Nazi, or any other kind of Daseinite, if one loves one’s family, kin, and folk. True Christianity sings of the Sacredness of Home, Family, Kin, and Folk ; One can hear the Sacred call in the Christian music of the American South, for example :
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 21:18 | # History was always my favorite subject. I even majored in history in college. In addition to reading the required history books—written by court historians for the most part—I also always went out of my way to read the historians who aren’t court historians, the historians who refuse to be part of the Madison Ave/Zionist/mainstream-controlled “education” we’re all indoctrinated with 24/7. In learning my history well—especially the history I learned from NON-court-historians, independent historians [ Eustace Mullins is an outstanding example of an independent historian, for example] I know fully well Harland is a two-faced liar and Janus-faced pied-piper. I also know Heidegger’s “Sein Zum Tode”—Being Toward Death, in other words , nihilism—the ontological foundation of nihilism and Dasein “Destruktion” comes to us via Medieval satanic Sufism : Having studied history all my life—and always going out of my way to read independent historians outside of the Zionist-controlled-mainstream so-called educational system—I know fully well Harland is a liar ; And I know fully well Heidegger’s Dasein, existentialism and nihilism in general from all the various 19-20th century existentialist philosophers, including and especially Nietzsche’s “God is Dead” , comes to us from satanic Sufism—specifically from Medieval Sufism, as does the philosophy/“religion” of Sebottendorf and the other Nazi occultists. Nazism is infused with satanic Sufist ontology, metaphysics, and eschatology ; All of it serves Zionism, as Nazism and Communism were/are the epitome of didactic incitement and the epitome of Hegelian Dialectics meant to result in a synthesize—The Synthesis being the ascendant Zionism of today. Dasein : Both Cartesian and Non-Cartesian/ Aryanism/ all the “white race religions”/ Nihilism/Atheism/Wiccanism/Paganism, ultimately serves the Zionist New World Order. That’s why I’m a rebel : I’m opposed to anything that serves the New World Order agenda, and I know my history well enough to know what serves the New World Order agenda, and what doesn’t : True Christianity Does Not serve the New World agenda, while Dasein most certainly does serve the interests of the Banking-Sanhedren and their minions. True Christianity Does Not serve the New World agenda, that’s the EXACT Reason the Nazis in the Third Reich and the Communists in the Soviet Union killed down so many true Christians ; It’s the EXACT reason why Daseinites hate Christianity so much : True Christianity Does Not serve the New World Order. Unfortunately, the War-Between-The-States—a war fomented in London, in conjunction with the Sabbatean B’nai B’rith Freemasonry Halls of Charleston, South Carolina, in conjunction with Freemasons up-North, was yet another step towards the New World Order ; Still I enjoy the above song as it sings about the appreciation of learning one’s history, history being my all-time favorite subject.
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 22:07 | # One hopes that, when participating in the ritual cannibalism of Communion, Joe does not bite down on the wafer provided by the presiding homosexual shaman. After all, if Joe bit old Jesus on the ass, a booking in the celestial and multi -racial gated community run by JC’s daddy might not be forthcoming after all. 237
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 23:37 | # It’s the epitome of extreme irony a Nazi, or a neo-Nazi, or a Sabbatean jew-Nazi-jew such as Al Ross most certainly is a jew-Nazi-jew, is condemning the Catholic Church for the rampant homosexuality in the Church today. It was—in point-of-fact—the Nazis who started the homosexual “rights” movement in the first place ; Yes, proud “Aryan” Daseinites, your fellow Dasein Nazis started the homosexual “rights” movement in the very first place ; The Homosexual Rights Movement comes to us from Dasein existentialism : The promotion of Homosexuality being a part of the silent genocide of the White Race, yet another reason Aryanism/Nazism/Dasein serves the interests of the satanic Banking-Sanhedrin and their minions : Search Term : ” Satanic Sacrifice of Children + Nazi Germany” ” Sacrifice of Children + Nazi Germany” ” Nazi Germany + Karl Heinrich Ulrich + Homosexual Liberation Movement” While the Church was under great military threat in the 1920’s-30’s-40’s, many Communists, including many Satanic homosexuals, infiltrated the Church. Daseinites NEVER mention the role of their fellow Dasenites who infiltrated the Church, as the Dasein Al Ross now points his finger at the corruption emanating from the Novus Ordo church, he very conveniently leaves out the role of his fellow Daseinites in undermining and usurping the Catholic Church : The Only Institution in the West, by the way, that was opposed to the massive internecine, internecine-genocidal war we call World War Two. The Church also, by the way, was opposed to the internecine war the Zionist/Sabbatean Jews in the Third Reich were inflicting on their fellow Jews. One would think a Jew would appreciate that, but the jew-Nazi-jew does NOT appreciate it ; Instead Ross points his finger at a greatly corrupted Church, while simultaneously leaving out the role of Daseinites in destroying the true Catholic Church : Very Sabbatean of Al Ross, the jew-Nazi-jew. I blame the Communists—including the Sabbatean Jews—but I keep in mind the great and collective rejection of true Christianity of so many white Europeans/Occidentals left a gaping void in the Church. That gaping void was quickly filled by our racial/spiritual enemies. Ultimately, I place most of the blame on my fellow whites who rejected—and continue to reject—their Sacred Patrimony ; Authentic European Culture ; Authentic European Culture and heritage is at the foundational root, true Christianity. The Daseinite white pagans who make such a big stink of being so proud of their Race, yet the proud white pagans reject the Very Heritage their/our White European ancestors who spilled their blood to bequeath and to bestow upon us, a very rich, a very Sacred Patrimony. My white race, collectively, rejects their very own patrimony. In the meantime, Daseinites complain about the leftist agenda, yet much of the leftist agenda comes from Dasein Nazism itself. Search Terms : “Savitri Devi + Hitler’s Priestess pdf ” ” Nazis And The New Age” About the take-over of the Catholic Church by Communists, many of them homosexual: ” Bella Dodd + Communist Takeover Of The Catholic Church” ” Bella Dodd + School of Darkness pdf “ * Keep in mind Communists—like Nazis—are “followers” of Dasein. About the Catholic Church during WW2 : “Golda Meir + Pope Pius XII” And : All the above search terms, and the links, will access a lot of truthful information the Daseinites never come around to mentioning. Daseinites always leave out the role of their fellow Daseinites in destroying Western Civilization.
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 00:25 | # Anyone who is objectively interested in Christianity should read the work of Nicholas Carter. His books,’ The Christ Myth’ and ‘The Late Great Book, The Bible’ contain much for rational people to ponder and Carter’s ineluctable conclusion to the latter work of fine scholarship reads - “The establishment of Christianity in the West represents one of the greatest tragedies that has ever befallen the human race” 239
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 00:57 | #
Hey! You beleive in evolution, don’t cha? Is not the white-man the most evolved human? If so, ‘feast’ your ears on this: Screamin Jay Hawkins • Feast Of The Mau Maus
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 01:13 | # In Honor and Respect to the Catholic Widerstand who resisted the paganism/Satanism of the Third Reich , the Catholic Resistance who stood opposed to the White Race internecine/genocidal war we call World War Two, a war that took the lives of 10’s of millions of our fellow whites ; Many millions and millions of whites dead before ever Reproducing ; An Eternal Loss for our Race : The very reason the White Race is so weakened today. Devout Catholics were opposed to the White Race self-inflicted genocide, while the proud pagan Daseinites—supposedly so proud of their Race—were inflicting Genocide on their/our fellow Whites, while the Aryan/Nazis sacrificed themselves to a man we call Hitler—a man, for lack of a more appropriate word, dedicated his “Mein Kampf” [ His “Struggle” ] to his satanic handler, Dietrich Eckart [ A Non-Jew, by the way, and yet another white pagan Daseinite as well]. In effect, Hitler dedicated his Kampf/Struggle to Satanism, to satan, and to no else but satan. Aleister Crowley called Hitler, “The most evil man I ever met “. Crowley meant it as a compliment. He should know, Crowley was one of the leading Satanists in 20th century Europe, and spent his life surrounded by the most die-hard and intense Satanists. Crowley, by the way, was a Non-Jew ; In addition, yet another Daseinite. World War Two : A self-inflicted White Race genocidal war white pagan Daseinites played a very big role in starting ; We still feel the effects of the active genocidal White Race war of self-inflicted genocide the White Daseintes played an immense role in inflicting on their/our White Race ; We still feel the effects of the “silent genocide” today : The silent genocide being a continuum of the genocide the white pagan Daseinites—working hand-in-hand with Sabbatean Jews—inflicted on the White Race. The Catholic Resistance, by the way, was also opposed to the internecine war the Sabbatean/Zionist Jews inflicted on their fellow Jews. In Honor and Respect to the Catholic Resistance during World War Two, a Eucharist Hymn from the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, in Honor to Rupert Mayer and to the Catholic Resistance of World War Two: Search Term : ” Catholic Widerstand + Rupert Mayer” A Eucharist Hymn from the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, in Honor to the Catholic Resistance to Genocide, both the self-inflicted genocide of the White Race, and the self-inflicted genocide the Jews inflicted on their fellow Jews : 241
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 01:37 | # I addition to Catholic Resistance & Protestant Christian Resistance to self-inflicted genocidal war—both White Race self-inflicted genocide and Jewish self-inflicted genocide—there were Jews in Europe during World War Two who were also opposed to self-inflicted genocide—both the self-inflicted White Race genocide and the Jewish self-inflicted genocide. There was a Jewish Resistance also to both self-inflicted genocides. In their Honor, and in Respect to Jewish Resistance to the White Race self-inflicted genocide and to the Jewish self-inflicted genocide, a Jewish pray and hymn of peace ; ” Shalom Chaverim” : The various Peacemakers during World War Two:
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 02:28 | # Thank you for the link, Thorn. However, I have a racialist, not to mention aesthetic, aversion to Niggernoise and was unable to bear more than the first few chimp sounds. One of the few cheering facts about Kenya’s Mau Mau terrorism is the relatively small number of Whites who were killed by the African savages. As usual, internecine strife reigned and large numbers of Blacks were the victims of their racial cognates. 243
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 02:42 | # In Honor and Respect to my land of birth—Tuscany, Italy—and to Italian Resistance to Dasein/pagan Nazism/Fascism during World War Two : ” Consider your origins : you were not meant to live as brutes “ From the great Tuscan poet, Dante Alighieri . He knew human nature well, and by inference, the white, Caucasian race, and Christendom. A prayer of gratitude to the Italian Resistance, and in Gratitude to the land of my birth, my culture, my heritage, my patrimony ; Catholic Tuscany, Italy ; Gallia est omnis in divisa partes tres : 1 : The Sabbatean/Zionist/mainstream “narrative” of Nazism/Fascism and WW2 2 : The WN “narrative” of Nazism/Fascism and WW2 3 : The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Truth of Nazism/Fascism and WW2 More about Tuscany, Italy, land of my birth ;
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 14:33 | # Al Ross—the jew-Nazi-jew [a Sabbatean jew ] comes to this thread of commentary concerning Authentic European culture and heritage—which is based at the foundational ontological root on Christianity—and greatly distorts and sullies the commentary by talking about Mau-Maus. Al Ross didn’t get the Mau-Mau ball-rolling, however, Thorn did. I see clearly Thorn greatly sullies and distorts this commentary thread by introducing the subject of Mau Maus on a thread dedicated to Authentic European Culture and Authentic Christianity. The introduction of the Mau Mau topic is entirely off-topic here, it’s blatantly disrespectful. Thorn’s introduction of Mau Maus on this thread of commentary is meant to foment didactic incitement—yet another example of Hegelian Dialectics [ and steer the discussion away from the subject of true Christianity, especially true Christianity vis-à-vis the black race ] Christianity having United the White Race in the very first place, Catholicism/Christianity being the foundation of Western Civilization. Thorn’s introduction of the Mau Mau topic is meant to muddy the waters, and steer the readers away from my truthful posts chock-full of solid facts, backed-up with solid source references. Thorn’s introduction of the Mau Mau topic is Hegelian Dialectics [ didactic incitement] meant to steer the reader away from any kind of thoughtful consideration of my posts/commentary. Thorn tries to equate true Christianity with the Christian acceptance of, or the Christian tolerance for, Mau Maus ; Tries to equate true Christianity with the liberal agenda of flooding White countries with Africans ; Tries to equate true Christianity with the modern-day liberal agenda of collective racial abnegation : It’s all implied in Thorn’s off-topic post. True Christians didn’t start the collective White Race racial abnegation—Daseinites, existentialists, white pagans, and all those white liberals who reject true Christianity started the collective White Race racial abnegation. There was no such racial abnegation when Europe/the Occident was predominately Christian. Of course, Al Ross—the Sabbatean—loves Thorn’s off-topic comment meant to start didactic incitement and steer us away from the topic of true Christianity—Ross takes his cue, and jumps into the fray to provide the other half of the Hegelian Dialectic , and to increase the didactic incitement Thorn started on purpose—Thorn obviously unable and/or too disrespectful and/or too recalcitrant to debate in an honorable manner. Al Ross, like Thorn, wants to steer the readers away from any kind of thoughtful consideration of my posts by falsely equating my Christianity with White Race racial abnegation : Very mendacious of both Thorn and Al Ross. Thorn and Al Ross make the perfect tag team. Thorn and Al Ross need to be banned from this thread of commentary if they are so incapable of debating in a straight-forward, honest manner, incapable of true debate , resorting to sly and subtle tricks to cause confusion, didactic incitement, hegelian dialectics, in their desperate attempt to steer the readers away from my posts—all my commentary backed-up with solid, truthful source references. I don’t appreciate having this thread of commentary about Authentic European culture and heritage, ipso facto, a thread of commentary about true Christianity so sullied by Thorn’s and Ross’ shenanigans and subtle tricks to cause confusion and goad the readers on to didactic incitement through the device of Hegelian dialectic tag-teaming. About true Christianity, liberals - which definitely include Daseinites—White Race racial abnegation : Search Term : ” Liberals + White Racial Abnegation + Cambria Will Not Yield “ *Keep in mind while reading the above article it was the true Christians in 20th century Europe who were opposed to the self-inflicted White Race GENOCIDAL war we call WW2, while it was the white pagan Daseinites, and white pagans of all stripes, who Actively Supported the self-inflicted White Race GENOCIDAL internecine war. The “silent genocide” today being a continuum of the Loud and Active White Genocide the white pagans of all stripes [ including and especially the existentialists ] started in the 20th century. Thorn and Al Ross make the “perfect” tag team : Thorn, a white pagan Dasein existentialist and Al Ross, a Sabbatean Jew : Just like the Sabbatean Jews and the white pagans tag-teamed in Europe in the 20th century causing the White Race NOTHING but Genocide.
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 15:15 | # About White Racial Abnegation, existentialists, Daseinites, Communists, the leftist-liberal communist agenda, and more White Race collective abnegation from the white left—Dasein white pagans definitely on the left* of the cultural divide, however much they claim to love their white race—in collusion with Sabbatean/Communist Jews : * It was the Nazis who started the Homosexual Liberation Movement. See my post about this. I include a link and search terms to access more info about the subject of Nazis, Dasein, existentialists, and the Homosexual Liberation Movement [ yet another aspect of the silent genocide of the white race] started by white pagan Daseins. Search Term : “Nazis + The New Age” ” Existentialists + White Racial Abnegation” * Keep in mind the Nazis were/are “followers” of Heidegger’s Dasein. Communists are also “followers” of Dasein. The New Age /The New World Order is built on Dasein at the foundational, ontological level. Those white pagan Daseins so concerned about their/our White Race, yet are Daseinites, support through their “religious” beliefs in Dasein, the New Age agenda—including white racial abnegation—whether they realize it or not. Those white pagan Daseinites who don’t realize it are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance, big-time. There’s no picking and choosing in the New Age/the New World Order. The New Age/New World Order is totalitarian ; That necessarily follows as the New Age/NWO is built on Dasein, and Dasein comes to us from totalitarians : Both the Communist totalitarians + the Nazi totalitarians ; Both Nazism and Communism is built on Dasein at the foundational level, and both come to us from satanic Sabbataen Jews + non-Jewish white Satanists [ unfortunately, there’re a lot of white Satanists/Freemasons ]. Dasein comes to us from Sufism originally. Can’t pick and choose in the New Age. The Dasein-based New Agers are totalitarian. Daseins, even the white pagan Daseins so concerned about their race, have no room to maneuver in the world of Dasein to protect the White Race.
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 17:30 | # The reason white pagan Daseins—even the white pagan Daseins who are concerned for our White Race— have no room to maneuver in the New Age, to protect our Race in the existentialist Christian-less New World Order , is because Dasein itself is what informs the New-Age/New World Order at the foundational level. The very foundation of Dasein, of the New Age, of the New World Order is existentialism. Existentialism—the rejection of the Christian God—is the very foundation of the New-Age/New World Order. Nazism and Communism—both based on Dasein—is an Hegelian Dialectic. The synthesis of the Communism and Nazism is the Zionism ascendant today ; Zionism is also based on Dasein, on existentialism, on a total rejection—and hatred—of the Christian God. Dasien whites—even the ones concerned about the White Race—share the same exact foundational ontology for their thinking as do our racial enemies. As Dasein informs, at the very foundational level, the ascendant Zionism of today, the Zionists—die-hard New World Order types, Zionists being the very ones the most intent in bringing about a New World Order, Zionists being the very ones working the hardest to bring about the New World Order—the Zionists are hardly going to allow white pagan whites any room to maneuver in order to protect the White Race. As it is, the Zionists don’t have to much to undermine our Race, as the white pagans are doing much of the work to undermine our Race and lead our Race to ruin : Just like the white pagan existentialists did in the 20th century. Dasein is ultimately Communism. Zionism is communism. Zionism is Communism, and Zionism IS the New World Order. White pagan Daseins—even the white pagan Daseins concerned about the White Race—share the same EXACT “religion” as their/our racial enemies. At the very foundational level, the Dasein “religion” is the same EXACT “religion” as that of the Zionists. Dasein serves the New World Order. I stand opposed to Dasein—Cartesian, non-Cartesian, and otherwise. All Dasein is existentialist at the foundation, just like Zionism is existentialist at the root. White pagan Daseins have no room to maneuver to protect the White Race in the world of Dasein EXACTLY because it’s the SAME EXACT “religion” as our racial enemies. White pagan Daseinites, of all stripes, suffer from severe Cognitive Dissonance :
Posted by Joe on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:51 | # About Homosexuality and the New Age/ New World Order, Homosexuality in the usurped Catholic Church—now called “Novus Ordo” church, Nazism, homosexuality and the New Age/New World Order : A lot of people think Nazis/neo-Nazis are Right-Wing Conservatives/Creationists ; Quite the opposite, Nazis—like Communists—are Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists Nazis, the New Age and “Sodomic Mind Control” :;id=9226 The similarities of Nazism/Communism vis-à-vis Homosexuality, the New Age : Nazism/Communism share the same ontological foundations : Dasein, existentialism, left-wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialism [ totalitarianism]. Two sides of the same coin. About the Communist takeover of the Church by Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Totalitarians* : ” Maurice Pinay + The Plot Against The Church pdf “ ” Bella Dodd + The Communist takeover Over The Church” ” Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During 1958 Papal Conclave” Search Terms : “Nazis + The New Age” “Savitri Devi + The New Age” “Savitri Devi + Hitler’s Priestess pdf “ “Nazis Occult Sodomy” “Nazis + Sodomy + Hitler” Daseinites [ like Al Ross, for example] are upset about the homosexual corruption in the Church these days, but it was Daseinites/Darwinian left-wing Evolutionary Socialists who infiltrated the Catholic seminaries to undermine and usurp the Church in the first place. Heterosexuals are drummed-out of the seminaries ; It’s been going on ever since the Left-Wing New Age Darwinian Evolutionary Socialist/Totalitarians took over the Catholic Church in 1958. Daseinite/Darwinian Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists are in control of the Catholic Church now. Al Ross leaves out the role of his fellow Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists played/play in destroying traditional Catholicism. * Jacques Maritain was a Communist [ Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionray Socialist] and Teilhard de Chardin was a New Ager [ Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialist]. Al Ross leaves out the immense role his fellow left-wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists played in undermining and usurping true Catholicism. Dasein : In other words, Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists serve Zionism, in other words, the New World Order. Zionism, in the final analysis being Jewish Talmudic/Noahide Communism : That’s why the jew-Nazi-jew Al Ross leaves out so much of the story concerning homosexual corruption in the Catholic Church. Ross pretends to be upset about homosexual corruption in the Church, but that’s just a ruse : All Ross loves the homosexual corruption in the Catholic Church because it advances the Zionist/Communist New World Order, just as Nazism advances the Zionist/Communist New World Order : Nazism and Communism being two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by die-hard Sabbatean/Zionist Jews.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:43 | # Existentialism—Dasein—has been nothing but a disaster for the White Race. At least Graham Lister was very honest about what Dasein is all about at the very root, at the very core of Dasein, is the desire to “kill” God ; Now that Daseinist, existentialist, Darwinian Evolution is ascendant in our culture—existentialism is now the foundational ontology of Western culture—all our institutions now are infused with Dasein, everything has turned to shit. “A Rotten Tree Produces Rotten Fruit” : Good luck Daseinites trying to save the White Race with even more existentialist Daseinism. At least Graham Lister was honest about what Dasein is truly all about. Most Daseinites are two-faced about the true ontology of Daseinism. 249
Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:21 | # @Joe You really are an utterly cretinous idiot aren’t you? Obviously shame or embrassment aren’t emotions you understand otherwise you might never speak again on any topic. Personally I’d die of shame if I was half as pig-ignorant as Joe appears to be. What was that link you put up Joe? Why to a story called “Queering of the Boy Scouts” all about how it’s a plot to destroy America. Oh yes that’s all the fault of Heidegger, yes that and ‘killing’ God obviously. Hard to kill a phantom of your imagination but whatever. GW should be proud to have such followers; guys like Joe being on the ‘right side of history’ – seriously who could doubt such fine men? No sniggering at the back please. But please those of the ‘essential’ Voodoo cult – if it is so essential how will you enforce your orthodoxy on the millions of Europeans that don’t care, aren’t interested or think it’s bullshit? Theocracy perhaps? Do you think for one nano-second that’s going to ‘work’? Are you lot going to uninvent modern science, philosophy, intellectual life in general and return us to some pre-modern idyll in which the illiterate peasants look at the pretty pictures in the church and believe, without question obviously, every word they local child rapist/Voodoo shaman has to say on life, the universe and everything else? Right I’m sure that’s an excellent plan. On the ‘right side of history’ naturally. Or absolutely fucking infantile nonsense. Hmm what a tough call! 250
Posted by Joe on Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:26 | # @ Graham_Lister I don’t know why you’re so perturbed. I payed you a compliment. I said at least you’re an honest Daseinite, an honest existentialist. Most Daseinites are Janus-faced about Dasein ; Dasein being at the core the desire to “kill” God—as you honestly and very proudly proclaimed is the true ontology of Dasein—and after “killing” God, the Daseinites set themselves up as their very own little “gods”. That’s why the New Age—existentialist at the very foundation , based as it is on Darwinian Evolutionary Socialism—even “conservative” Dasein is leftist, as “conservative” Dasein is as leftist and existentialist at the very foundation as “liberal” Dasein. Dasein—whether “liberal” or “conservative”—is about “killing” God, and setting your-selves up as your own “gods”. You were very honest about the foundational root philosophy/motivation of Dasein. I appreciate your honesty about coming clean as to the true motive/desire of Daseinites : the desire the Daseinites have for “killing” God, as you honestly state. I payed you a compliment about your honesty. What’s the problem? At least you’re not like the Dasein-Janus-faced-Daseinite-Harland, and shitloads of other Daseinites who never come around to mentioning the true motivation—the true driving force—at the root, as the source, of Dasein : the desire to “kill” God. Also, by the way, Dasein comes from Medieval Sufism—via Sabbatean/Donmeh Jews/Freemasons/Satanists—hence Dasein is existentialist, nihilistic, and destructive, and ultimately serves the Sabbatean-Jew-New-World-Order, even so-called “conservative” Dasein, as “conservative” Dasein also wants to “kill” God—especially The Christian God. It’s a lot easier for the NWO gang to bring about their NWO without The Christian God around. I’m talking the True Christian God, not the Zionist “christian” g*d. [ Zionist Christianity comes to us from Daseinites, by the way ]. Zionist Christianity and Dasein are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by Sabbatean Jews : both Dasein and Zionist “christianity” serve Sabbatean Jews and their New World Order/Government ; So thank you for your honesty, Graham Lister. In the meantime, I payed you a compliment, Mr. Lister, so relax and enjoy, it’s all good dude, as we say here in California ; In the meantime the “conservative” Dasein Nazis gave us the Homosexual Liberation Movement.Another disaster for the White Race : Question for the Daseinites in our midst : If the white Dasein hippies in the 60’s were so very concerned about the White Race, how come they never protested the opening up of the USA to the whole third world ? How come the white Dasein hippies never protested the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965, if the white Dasein hippies were soooo concerned about White America?
Posted by Joe on Wed, 24 Apr 2013 03:23 | # About the New World Order, about the New Age—including Dasein, which comes to us from Islamic Sufism via Sabbatean/Donmeh Jews ; About the role of the Dasein Nazi Third Reich as a step towards the New World Order, how Dasein/existentialism—even so-called “conservative” Dasein—serves the Sabbatean/Jew/ Zionist agenda, even so-called “conservative” Dasein. All Dasein is fundamentally leftist at-root, at the foundation. Dasein comes from Islamic Sufism and was brought to the West via Sabbatean/Donmeh Jews ; The purpose to undermine Western philosophy and steer Western philosophy towards nihilism, towards serving the Jew agenda of a New World Order : That’s Exactly why Dasein/existentialism is so full of hatred for the Christian God; ” Black Terror, White Soldiers : Islam, Fascism, The New Age” : Search term : ” Sufism + Sabbatean Jews + Dasein” 252
Posted by Joe on Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:28 | # ” Eustace Mullins + New History Of The Jews pdf ” : Mullins was a patriotic White Christian American historian. He payed a heavy price in his life to bring us truth. Read what he says about the Jews throughout history. Read what he says about Jesus, about Christ [ pages 6-10]. For all of Eustace Mullins’ work/books : Search Term : ” Eustace Mullins PDF “ About the importance of our culture, heritage, and spiritual patrimony : 253
Posted by Joe on Wed, 24 Apr 2013 18:12 | # True Christianity vs. Mystery Babylon ; Mystery Babylon = The Satanic Sabbatean Jew Zionist New World Order : Search Terms for a lot more information : ” Sabbatean Jews + Existentialism” ” Sabbatean Jews + Nazis” “Sabbatean Jews + 1960’s” ” Sabbatean Jews + The Cultural Revolution Of The 1960’s” “Sabbatean Jews + The New World Order”
Posted by Joe on Thu, 25 Apr 2013 01:20 | # The link I provided to the article “Folkish On The Family” at “Spirit Water Blood” website doesn’t seem to work. At least, it’s not working from my computer. Very odd, as it worked just before I sent off my post. Search Term to access article : ” Sprit Water Blood + Folkish On The Family” Excellent article about our heritage and spiritual patrimony as White Europeans. Also : About Hymie-in-Afula and the Jew New World Order he yearns for—how the Jew Zionists operate, Jew Zionist Modus Operandi : The Jews, by the way, are a very race-mixed people. That’s why Hymie loves race-mixing. Race-mixing serves the Jew Sabbatean agenda of a New World Order also, like Dasein does. That’s why Hymie-in-Afula encourages us White Men and White Women to race-mix. He even said that the New World Order is about the Jews in Jerusalem ruling over a world of race-mixed people—people with no true history, heritage, culture, Faith : Very easy for the Jews to rule over you if you don’t know your heritage, culture, history, and don’t know your true Spiritual Patrimony bequeathed to us from our European ancestors. They spilled their blood to pass down our heritage and culture to us. Hymie encourages us to become de-racinated, heritage-less, culture-less, and encourages us on to hate Christ and our Authentic European Culture and Heritage—Western Civilization was built on Christianity for the overwhelmingly most part. ” Spirit Water Blood + Folkish On The Family” 255
Posted by Joe on Thu, 25 Apr 2013 21:36 | # At Gornahoor website : “Theosophy and Gnosis” ; In other words , Theosophy [ Dasein ] versus Gnosis [ Christianity ] : Compare Dasein “religion” - Theosophy being in the Dasein camp. Dasein is based on Darwinian Evolution at the ontological foundation ; Compare Dasein to Christianity. Learn the ontological foundation of Christianity.
Posted by Joe on Sat, 27 Apr 2013 19:27 | # The Tough Text : About Luke 14:26 ; ” If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, and wife and children, and brother and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” : About this “tough” passage : Search Terms : “Luke 14:26 Apologetics” “Luke 14:26 Commentary”
Posted by Joe on Tue, 30 Apr 2013 02:09 | # From the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church ; Domine Abstraxisti : 258
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 22:37 | # Regarding the LDS and various sinister “secret societies”, a pertinent eye-witness historical account from yours truly: During the late 1980s, I was driving north on I5 between La Jolla and University City when out of the corner of my eye, my attention was drawn to some PVC-pole flags not unlike those one often sees in new developments to draw attention to them. However, these flags were black. Moreover, they were in the middle of a most-unusual site in that area: A large empty lot. For some reason, I was drawn to cease my drive to work at SAIC and get off at the University City exit to see if I could take a closer look at this curiosity. After some driving through one of the new real estate developments near there I managed to locate the mysterious vacant area where the black flags were located. Parking my car, I walked up to the flags which were in a circle. Their PVC pipes were doubled up and the flags were black plastic, stiff in the blowing wind. Strewn in the area of the circle of black flags were pieces of electrical and electronic equipment. Among them were discarded condoms. Weird. Sometime later, I discovered that was to be the site of the construction of the San Diego LDS Temple. Shortly after the San Diego LDS Temple was constructed, it made the news: Angel Moroni Statue Atop New LDS Temple Struck By Lightning To Be Replaced There was much glee among the Jewish workers at SAIC. University City was considered to be “Jewish Turf” by them, and they saw the LDS building an LDS temple there to be “an act of anti-semitism.” 261
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 04:11 | # So what led to your facile comment discounting as it does, and in apparent contradiction to Christian faith, the apparently diabolic sex magick ritual involving electrical equipment followed by a lightning strike on the LDS symbol? 1) Bowery’s tale isn’t accurate in this regard, 262
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:57 | # Bowery was not representing my opinion here in suggesting that I was worried that Joe’s views would go “viral” .. in fact, very insulting to suggest that I would have such concern. I was rather bothered, and rightfully so, that he was obstructing and disrupting valuable informational traffic with his bullshit. His vast and relentless trolling was degrading the threads and distracting from careful thought. As one looks back, one can see that I exercised patience and did NOT encourage him. Further, there was no reason what so ever to grant his comments space for people to “contemplate” here, including idiots like Thorn and Haller; who you see, what a “surprise”, welcomed him here.
Have fun with Thorn, your resident retard, Christard. 263
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:06 | # P.S., Note my use of the term “controlled opposition” for Christianity in this comment of 15 April 2013. That is not, of course, to say that others could not or did not make the same inference, only to assert that I (and probably others) were talking that way long before Adam Green (who said that he traced the idea to some book he’d read; maybe so).
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:32 | # @261 I’ll go with #5. But Thorn is a gentleman so he will refrain from any further comment on the matter. 265
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 21:24 | # Cute, third-person-spokesman-for-Thorn, but not exactly so acute as to render your response anything but obtuse. 266
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:02 | # JB wrote: “Strewn in the area of the circle of black flags were pieces of electrical and electronic equipment. Among them were discarded condoms.” Did you leave them there? C’mon, Jim, fess up. Those were your condoms weren’t they.
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Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 06:06 | #
I think it is already clear enough that I am inclined to this option:
“or declare folly the entire effort to connect with the spiritual force of Christianity.”
Except that I would not necessarily reject spiritual force. I just don’t believe that it has to, or does necessarily, come with Christianity.
I favor a religious orientation around the 14 words, one to which any person of European extraction may subscribe - innocent until proven guilty.
However, as ecology and historico-systemic accountability are crucial, there is the necessity to negotiate and maintain a balance among and between different kinds of Europeans.
We need to be careful to be neither slobs nor snobs:
The slobs would be those who would recklessly integrate all European peoples on the one hand or perhaps allow for too much non-European influence on the other hand.
The snobs would be those who observe a particular European snob club, permitting of only one particular kind of European, one nation, one region, or one based exclusively on some particular skill; while needlessly excluding and putting at risk Europeans* who, while being loyal Europeans, cannot or will not subscribe to that particular European club.
* Of course, the snobs would be putting themselves at risk in certain circumstances by needlessly shunning potentially helpful allies; or in the worst case scenario by generating new enemies among Europeans.
To me, the most essential requirement, after being genetically European and after loyalty to Europeans is, whether one is willing to fight or flight on behalf of Europeans. I see maintaining the distinctions of Europeans as 1b. It is not the second priority but in the name of not going perilously far in the snob direction, to where we leave ourselves dangerously thin of allies or worse, increase our antagonists, the genus of European ought to occupy the realm of friends.
Perhaps Heidegger’s distinction between first and essential is useful here: Of accountability, first would be your particular nation but essentially would be European.
Or first European and essentially your particular kind of European? ...I’m not sure, but somehow there should not be a serious conflict between the parts and the whole of Europeans.