Coordinating Ethno-National & European regional responsibility

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 September 2015 06:48.

Juncker: Migrant quotas must be ‘compulsory’

By Eszter Zalan
BRUSSELS, 9. Sep, 12:01

The European Commission is proposing the emergency relocation of 120,000 migrants across Europe from Greece, Italy and Hungary, the EU executive’s president Jean-Claude Juncker announced in a speech in Strasbourg on Wednesday (9 September), adding it “has to be done in a compulsory way.”

In his first State of the Union address to the European Parliament, Juncker said: “Addressing the refugee crisis is a matter of humanity and human dignity, for Europe [it is] also a matter of historical fairness.”

“Action is what is needed,” he noted, citing historical examples from Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Spanish fleeing for their lives in previous crises.

He called on EU ministers of justice and home affairs to adopt the proposal on September 14 for the relocation of a total of 160,000 migrants.

Juncker said he hoped that everyone would be on board this time.

A relocation plan, presented by the Commission for 40,000 migrants in May, was only agreed upon on a voluntary basis. The plan subsequently fell far short of the target.

“Italy, Greece, and Hungary cannot be left alone to cope with the enormous challenge,” Juncker added.

He recalled that 500,000 people have made their way into Europe so far this year, and pointed out that this number represents only 0.11 percent of the total EU population.

“Winter is approaching. Do we really want families sleeping in railway stations?”, Juncker asked.

Besides the emergency relocation measure, Juncker announced that the European Commission is proposing a permanent relocation mechanism, which “will allow Europe to deal with crisis more swiftly in the future”.

The Luxembourgish politician also announced that the Commission wants to turn Frontex, its border control agency in Warsaw, into a proper external border control and coast guard force.

He said the passport-free travel zone, Schengen, must be protected.

“Schengen will not be abolished under the mandate of this commission,” Juncker said.

He said the Commission plans to set up a Trust Fund of €1.8 billion to help Africa tackle the root causes of migration, and called on all EU members to pitch in.

Other measures include the review of the so-called Dublin system, which stipulates that people must claim asylum in the state in which they first enter the EU, and lays out a common list of safe countries of origin to process economic migrants more swiftly.

Juncker said Europe needs to open legal channels of migration.

“We are an ageing continent, migration must change from a problem, to a well managed resource,” he said, adding that asylum-seekers should be allowed to work while awaiting the completion of their asylum process.

Juncker announced that the Commission will present a common refugee and asylum policy in early 2016, and reiterated that member states need to adhere to existing common asylum mechanisms.

“It is a matter of credibility,” he said, adding that, before the summer, the Commission launched 32 proceedings to force EU members to uphold European standards and that more investigations are under way.


MR is ethno-nationalist; I have always been against the EU, for its corruption and control by our enemies.

However, since something like The EU would be ideal and there are likely to be structures, forces, friendly forces allied and people within The EU that will be on our side and can potentially be wrested in alliance of our coordinated ethno-nationalist interests, we are willing to entertain what is an admittedly novel position - an optimistic position, suspending disbelief that some of its elements, structures and people may be brought into service of our ethno-nationalist interests - ideally, an EU type coordinating structure in its entirety, which did not interfere with nativist national maintenance and would facilitate our coordination against non-European antagonists.

It does make logical sense as European ethnonationalists have common interests, are operating on the basis of natural self interests, are therefore aligned with the normal interests of even some of those with power, would have regional interests (region = EU region) that are interrelated with geo-political interests that are being interfered with by middle-Easterners (interfering there and here), African bio-power and population explosion, and that our national and regional interests could have symbiotic, allied interests with Asian nations and regionalism as well, that could be coordinated through an EU type structure’s regional management.

                                                                                                                                                                          - Daniel




Posted by jawake on Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:38 | #

Enoch Powell was not just famous about “Rivers of Blood.” If we are going to credit him with great, almost heroic, foresight
on immigration, why not give him credit for his foresight on his other great cause.

Enoch Powell Fights the EC

Enoch Powell Was Right


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 16 Sep 2015 17:25 | #

While Enoch Powell was correct about many things, it’s possible for him to be wrong on some things as well. Powell was definitely correct to say that the Common Market was designed as a tool to bring European countries into a political union.

That was explicitly the goal, and it was additionally one of the hidden goals of the Marshal Plan, which activated the European bourgeoisie in such a way that it allowed them to experience a certain kind of growth under a more Americanised ‘fordist’ approach, with the pattern of labour relations taking on a more ‘American’ pattern due to the American security establishment having ‘placed’ AFL-CIO advisors into places like France and Germany.

When the British Labour party interacted with the Americans, it too underwent changes in the way that it parsed and understood labour relations, which ultimately led to their political views changing as well. In the end, the thing which started out as a ‘Coal and Steel Pact’, would grow inevitably into the European Union which exists today.

However, this was not done as a kind of whimsical dalliance, it was actually necessary for the North Atlantic to go through that process of integration so that it would have correctly-configured labour unions (and by ‘correctly-configured’, I mean unions that were not controlled by the Soviet Union) and a system of continental production that were amenable to European organisation under a European bourgeoisie, so that these structures could be more resilient to challenges from the Soviet system and its infiltrators, and so that the European system of production would be able to keep up with and surpass the Soviet Union’s.

A lot of people forget that in the early days after 1945, it looked almost inevitable that a country as far west as France could be on the verge of going Soviet at any given time, because of the way that social institutions and the industrial layout of these places were making them very ripe for such a subversion. The Marshal plan, or the Marshal offensive if you like, along with the formation of the ‘Coal and Steel Pact’, placed the continent under North Atlantic lockdown in a way that NATO by itself as a military alliance would never have been able to accomplish.

So in that sense, it could be said that the European project was also a geostrategic project.

Therefore, I think that Powell was wrong to say that having a politically unified Europe would be ‘bad’, since had Europe not tried to organise itself in that way, it would have been significantly less likely to have been able to survive the Cold War.


Posted by Enoch Powell was wrong on Wed, 16 Sep 2015 18:48 | #

Posted by jawake on Tue, 15 Sep 2015 12:38 | #

Enoch Powell was not just famous about “Rivers of Blood.” If we are going to credit him with great, almost heroic, foresight
on immigration, why not give him credit for his foresight on his other great cause: Enoch Powell Fights the EC, Enoch Powell Was Right


Perhaps Enoch was not altogether right in his staging of the nationalist alternative either:

“As for the slippery concept of race, all attempts to match it with nationality are foredoomed to failure.” - Enoch Powell



Posted by Sunic on crisis impact in Croatia on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 07:50 | #

Tom Sunic in response to a concerned Australian:

John, tell me about it. It is the doomsday scenario in Croatia with no end in sight. Most folks are panicky. Check the sells- outs in the Croat govt. –all sons and daughters of former Yugo- commie hacks, no exception.

I do what I can; I was as on the widely watched TV Bujica yesterday, 8pm local 2 min only ( cut off from the earlier 10 min recorded anti-multikulti monologue of mine) but did get to say:

” These are no refugees, these are migrants; the Croat govt. did not receive a mandate to accommodate these migrants;  it has a constitutional mandate to bring back 1 million Croat expats from the diaspora.”

BTW, I will be a speaker at a big time youth nationalist conference with folks from all parts of Europe, in Ger. on Oct 9.


Posted by unionized Europe more or less necessary on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 10:04 | #

This concluding part of Guillaume Faye’s article [The Migratory Invasion, Part 1: A Terrifying Diagnosis] hits upon the matter critically:

“this could lead to fundamentally questioning the architecture and functioning of the European Union”

The matter is, if cooperation and coordination among European nations is necessary - and of course it is, more or less - how are the blue prints of that (more or less) unionization to be redrawn and its manifest “architecture” to “function” and be managed?

Theoretically “more” is characterized by more “cooperation” as distinguished from “less” which is characterized more like “coordination”, but it is still a necessary unionized effort to some extent.

Back to Faye’s contention (translated Greg Johnson):

This “electric shock of migratory invasion,” in the politically incorrect formula of Ivan Rioufol (Le Figaro, September 4, 2015) that would have been impossible to use only a short while ago in a major newspaper, can perhaps lead to a revolt of European nations, but maybe not; and this could lead to fundamentally questioning the architecture and functioning of the European Union, that misguided idea, that solar ideal that has become a lunar utopia.

In any case, if this migratory invasion, which started slowly in the 1970s and vertiginously accelerated (geometric progression) since then, continues for ten more years, the European nations of the West and North (including France and Germany), with their declining birth rates, will simply disappear in two or three generations, at the end of this century. Washed away by the relentless demographic law, overwhelmed by the sheer number of alien genes, evacuees from history.

Currently, since 2011, between one and two million “immigrants” have entered Northern and Western Europe each year, under the most diverse headings: refugees, legal, and illegal. The majority are Muslim. They add to those already present, and their reproductive rate is more than double that of Europeans. A simple mathematical calculation can predict the future, if an urgent reversal is not carried out.

We shall see in the next article how the German government of Angela Merkel is playing a very stupid and short-sighted game, slavishly followed by Mr. Hollande, and how the European political and media oligarchy, our dominant minority, is complicit in the invasion and in blaming us.


Posted by End of The Schengen? on Fri, 18 Sep 2015 07:29 | #

Word has it that Juncker is socially conservative and therefore does not relish the migrant crisis; but he is a businessman who is looking after business interests for himself, business constituents and to maintain his position as an EU representative of those interests. That is why he felt constrained to put across a plan to try to preserve the Schengen zone by diffusing responsibility among its members and (in his theory) that might dilute the impact of the migrants. 


An additional aspect to the psychology of his position is that he is from Luxembourg, one of the smallest European nations. One can imagine business persons from small countries finding the delay and tedium of having to go through border controls as they move in and out of a Luxembourg every 15 minutes an insufferable handicap.

Nevertheless, from a WN/ethno nationalist perspective, particularly until such time as the borders of the entire zone are secure from non-European imposition and those who are already here are drastically reduced in number by means of repatriation, the Schengen zone will have to give way to tighter national border controls.

From an ethnonationalist point of view, in any event, there has to be more national accountability to their own and to European people as a whole.

Is this the end of Schengen?


Sep 16 2015: In last week’s State of the Union speech, European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker referred to the Schengen Area – a border-free travel zone made up of 26 European countries – as “a unique symbol of European integration”. After Germany’s recent announcement that it would be “temporarily reintroducing border controls”, some say that unique symbol is in jeopardy.

A look back at the past 30 years since the agreement was signed can help clarify what exactly is at risk.

What is Schengen?

The Schengen Area is made up of 26 European countries that have removed border controls at their shared crossings. The agreement was signed in 1985 by five members of the EU, and came into force 10 years later. Following the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty, the Schengen agreement became part of European law. That meant all new EU members had to sign up to it, although Britain and Ireland had already been given the right to opt out. As the map below shows, four non-EU countries – Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein – are also members of the area.

Why are people talking about the end of Schengen?

We are experiencing a global refugee crisis. Around the world, 60 million people have been forced to flee war, violence and human rights abuse – levels not seen since World War II. Hundreds and thousands of those people have attempted the often perilous journey to Europe in search of a better, safer life.

Some of them haven’t made it – while the image of Aylan Kurdi’s lifeless body on a beach in Turkey shocked the world, many more have died trying to get to Europe. According to figures from the International Organization for Migration, 2015 could end up being the deadliest on record.

Of those who do make it over, the majority have been heading to Germany. The country expects to take in 1 million asylum seekers by the end of the year, more than all other EU countries collectively received in 2014. It is in response to these huge numbers that Germany decided to re-impose its internal border controls. The country’s interior minister said the move aimed to “limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country”.

Some have been quick to emphasize the temporary nature of this decision. But with countries such as Austria and the Netherlands now following suit, others think Schengen’s days are numbered.

Has anything like this happened before?

The option for a country to temporarily reinstate border controls was actually built into the original agreement, as the European Commission pointed out last weekend: “The temporary reintroduction of border controls between member states is an exceptional possibility explicitly foreseen in and regulated by the Schengen Borders Code.”

In the past, countries have chosen to exercise that right. For example, in 2006 Germany reinstated border controls when it hosted the FIFA World Cup. France did the same in 2005, following the terrorist attacks in London. In what was perhaps a precursor of the troubles to come, during the post-Arab Spring mass migration of 2011, politicians in France and Italy called for deep reforms to the agreement.

So what’s different this time?

Even in Schengen’s early days, critics pointed to one big flaw: freedom of movement within the Schengen area only works if the common external borders are fortified. With many frontline countries such as Greece already experiencing crises of their own, the task of strengthening those external borders has become even tougher.

The stakes were raised this summer after a heavily armed terrorist suspect was apprehended on board a train travelling between three Schengen countries. The ease with which he had moved around the area prompted some to refer to Europe’s open-border policy as a terrorist’s paradise.

Perhaps more importantly, people’s attitudes within the area are starting to change. This recent crisis is just one in a long line of turbulent events for Europe these past months and years. Whether they are right to do so, some blame the union for these developments. While Schengen and the free movement of people might be at the core of the European project, for some that no longer seems worth fighting for. A poll back in July showed that the majority of western Europeans would like to see Schengen scrapped, and last year former French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for it to be “immediately suspended”.

But with so many people now displaced by conflict and violence, others argue that the European project – which has brought peace to a continent previously locked in war – has never been more important.

As plans to share out asylum seekers more equitably across the European Union make little progress, many will be closely watching the developments for hints of what it means for Schengen.


Posted by MacDonald et al. discuss invasion of Europe on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 09:28 | #

Kevin MacDonald along with Tim Murdoch (Horus White Rabbit) and John Friend (right-wing conspiracy theorist) talk to Red Ice about the invasion of Europe:

“Juncker is well connected to Jewish elites…and he can’t get enough of this immigration invasion”


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 09:59 | #

“Juncker is well connected to Jewish elites…and he can’t get enough of this immigration invasion”

What on earth would cause them to believe that?

Juncker is the son of a German Army soldier. He is also a former Prime Minister of Luxembourg who was involved in Operation Gladio, during which he worked with Marco Mille and the heads of state of the Duchy of Luxembourg, to funnel money into the hands of anti-communist and anti-Semitic paramilitary groups. This is not a matter of rumour or speculation. This happened, and it’s part of why liberals hated him as a candidate.

They should at least have checked the man’s history before commenting on him. Juncker is more complex than he appears.


Posted by Americanized-German on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 11:42 | #

And what is the special significance of him being the son of a German? Please enlighten us with your oriental wisdom about the implications of having a German father.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 12:55 | #

And what is the special significance of him being the son of a German? Please enlighten us with your oriental wisdom about the implications of having a German father.

You people have been flooding me with so many troll posts that have had to be deleted over the past few weeks, and now I’m sick of it.

So okay, bitch. I’ll tell you, using my actual ‘oriental’ Axis-perspective, what that actually means. It means that the fact that Juncker is a person who is not ashamed of his father’s war service (and thus is not suicidal in his outlook on the world), makes him more trustable than the likes of you or the likes of Merkel. I trust Juncker. I trust Juncker infinitely more than I trust you trolls.

I know full well that you trolls are sent here by that decrepit German-American bitch Carolyn Yeager. You people are the scumfucks who sucked Franklin D. Roosevelt’s liberal cock for years, and then went on to suck the cock of a liberal German-American named Eisenhower afterwards. Fuck all of you.

You should not come in any thread that I comment in, lecturing me as though I am to be called into question here. Reflect on the shameful and disgusting behaviour of your liberal ancestors before coming and lecturing anyone from East Asia about the Second World War, you fucking German-American crypto-liberal Jew-on-a-cross-worshipping filth.

One day we will dig up Eisenhower’s corpse and decapitate it on the White House lawn.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 20:20 | #

then went on to suck the cock of a liberal German-American named Eisenhower


This Jap chick has got more balls than most WNs.



Posted by Poznan fans boycott, protest migrant invasion on Wed, 23 Sep 2015 05:04 | #

          Lech Poznan fans protest immigration of refugees by boycotting Europa League opener
          Poznan (Poland) stadium: UEFA announced 1Euro of each ticket goes to #refugees #nrx THIS is white identity on display

While most of the clubs across Europe are showing their support towards the refugees, Polish football club Lech Poznan is completely against the cause, The Guardian reported. The supporters carried out a planned boycott during the Europa League match against Portuguese club Belenenses, as they were against UEFA’s decision to donate a euro from every ticket sold to the refugee cause.

The Inea Stadium which had an average attendance of 20,000 people last season, saw a small crowd of 3,000 supporters on the day. The match ended in a tie, with both teams finishing goalless.

The fans were clearly against the idea of refugees moving to Poland and put up a banner which read “Stop Islamization” over one of the stadium entrances. This though was not the first time that the team’s supporters committed such an act. On a previous occasion, the team hung a banner that read “This is obvious and simple for us, we do not want refugees in Poland”.

While Poznan was the only club to participate in a boycott, cases of the anti-refugee movement have also been reported in Olympique Lyonnais from Ligue 1 and Maccabi Tel Aviv. The Bundesliga and the Premier League teams though do not share this sentiment and have shown their support towards refugees on several occasions.

Lech Poznan display their hostility towards refugees in Poland (Image source: 101GreatGoals)


Posted by Is it good for Jews? on Wed, 23 Sep 2015 05:49 | #

...“the anti-refugee movement have also been reported in Olympique Lyonnais from Ligue 1 and Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Yes, that does raise a yellow flag that this might be orchestrated, coordinated with the approval of Jews to some extent, inasmuch as it can be good for Jews.



Posted by EU Votes to distribue 120,000 across Europe on Wed, 23 Sep 2015 17:23 | #

E.U. votes to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers across Europe

Going for the coup de grâce


Posted by Le Pen facing charges for inciting racial hatred on Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:59 | #

        The YKW clamp down to silence self defense of the ancient, native peoples of Europe..

France’s obscene legislation against its own national defense forces Marine Le Pen to court:

Marine Le Pen, the president of France’s far-right Front National party, is to appear in court for allegedly inciting racial hatred over comments in which she compared Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation.

The FN leader made the comments in a speech during a party rally in Lyon in 2010.

Asked on Tuesday about being summoned to appear in court on 20 October, Le Pen told Agence France-Presse: “Of course, I’m not going to miss such an occasion.”


Posted by Immigration: whose motives, whose responsibility? on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 11:56 | #

Of course, the immigrationist “elites” refuse to receive the “refugees” in their homes: it is the “people” in the villages and small towns who must perform this duty. The Republicans try to combine the reception of “genuine refugees” with the rejection of economic illegals. Not credible: when they were in power, they allowed profligate immigration, like the Left. Words, words.

Victor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, has shocked the European political and media oligarchy by erecting a barbed wire wall between his country and Serbia and declaring: “Today we are talking about hundreds of thousands, next year we will discuss millions and, in a stroke, we will find ourselves in the minority on our own continent. “

The antidemocratic Fabius denounced the “scandalous” attitude of Hungary, which is trying to defend itself. Australia and Israel are the same, much stronger, but the great moralist Fabius does not condemn them. Diplomacy? The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland are aligned with Hungary to oppose the migratory invasion. The Slovak Prime Minister (on the Left), Robert Fico, has scandalized the frightened virgins of the European Union stating, in total agreement with public opinion: “I do not want to see my country wake up one morning with 100,000 people from the Arab world.”

                                                                - Guillaume Faye



Posted by Daren on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:42 | #

I can see a lot more of this happening.


Posted by Anti-immigration protests in Katowice on Mon, 28 Sep 2015 11:53 | #

Poland: Anti-immigration protesters march through the streets of Katowice:


Posted by Bacon-fried bacon on Wed, 30 Sep 2015 15:42 | #

““Action is what is needed,” he noted, citing historical examples from Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Spanish fleeing for their lives in previous crises.”

Erm. So he’s posing as the Non-fighting Hero of earlier wars? To expiate just WHAT exactly? [Sorry to play disingenuous here.]

““Winter is approaching. Do we really want families sleeping in railway stations?”, Juncker asked.”

No, we don’t, and have made that clear. Send them to the warm countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Let them sort out their Muzzie Fight Club on their own in the balmy latitudes for which they are evolved.


Posted by Chinese scissor black rapist weenie on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 10:26 | #

Negro caught raping Chinese girl in public space in China gets penis cut off by angry mob


     Graphic, Weenie Warning.


Posted by EU proposes control of borders on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 23:32 | #

Delegated patrols would be of a supra-European body - the first of its kind.

NY Times, ‘E.U. Pushes to Take Over Border Security at Migrant Pressure Points’ 15 Dec 2015:

BRUSSELS — European Union authorities on Tuesday proposed taking control of border and coastal security at popular entry points for migrants in countries like Greece and Italy, to get a grip on a crisis that has divided the bloc and fed the rise of populist political movements.

Officials at the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, said the centralized approach to border security would shore up confidence that the bloc can manage the migration crisis and would save one of its flagship policies: the Schengen rules that allow the free movement of citizens across most of Europe’s internal borders.

The proposal was expected to be discussed at a summit meeting of the national leaders of the European Union’s 28 member states in Brussels on Thursday.

Like the long effort to save the euro that began six years ago, the migration crisis is mainly focused on pushing one country, in this case Greece, to abide by European Union rules in exchange for greater support from other countries, namely Germany, that fear the repercussions of problems on the bloc’s periphery.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:07 | #

Germany is even at this very moment trying to find ways to finesse this so that they can continue to accept migrants. Believe it or not, they are seriously trying to undermine this and make it into a ‘Swiss cheese’ measure before it even gets off the ground.

Once I used to ask “Where is the German leadership in Europe”, but now I wish that the Germans would just stop speaking and stop acting, because they are beyond logic and reason.


Posted by Fakrealam on Sun, 11 Feb 2018 17:56 | #

Nice Post admin. I like the way you write a post. I will surely share this post. cheers !!
from: <a >Basil Thampi Ipl</a>


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 11 Feb 2018 22:35 | #

Glad you like the way that I write posts. Keep checking back on the head post at this time - “Corrected: After sorting out confused language: check points on hermeneutic of racial stasis/homeostasis” - as I am in the process of re-working it, making corrections and adding clarifications, as I said that I would from the onset.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)
