Judgment vs. German Logic, Runaway & Overcompensating Correction

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:41.

At your feet or at your throat” ?
Frau Merkel: A problem with German character.

Is it the case that:

Germans are an enormously logical people, who are capable of wonderful math, science, engineering and technology.

However, that top heavy focus on logic causes them to have weak planks in judgment, such that they will keep on following a logic to its runaway (and/or over-correction/overcompensation), even when it is clearly socially destructive?

We’re not even emphasizing the Nazi example now, we’re talking about how, in the salient example of Frau Merkel, they are treating Greece by comparison to the migration crisis.

Nevertheless, “a rule is a rule”: just as reaction to Jews implied the compensatory rule quite exactly, the Nazis mirrored the Jews in significant, literal ways. Hitler, e.g., maintained: “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth” (never mind that one might engage the fact that Leviticus 24 is didactic, and showing people how Not to be, by comparison to the compassion of every other chapter of Leviticus)...

Now, Frau Merkel’s regime expects Europeans to appreciate the logical conclusion of her Jewish guilt reaction, a byproduct of Jew thinking, as it were:

To the Greeks -

First principle: unanimity: “pay us back our predatory, usurious loans”, no room for social praxis and concern for ancient European human ecology and social capital.

To the waves of non-European migrants invading our homelands -

The universal principle: good will and the Christian golden rule: ”“The right to political asylum has no limits on the number of asylum seekers” - it’s an altruism and compassion, a logic of meaning and action that must continue to no end.

Though I am not well placed as a critic of German character, one does have to wonder..as I have observed before, in regard to those who say that Germans are/or should be our “leaders.”

Are a people so top-heavy on logic that they would follow it through to its logical conclusion despite what should be the obvious judgment regarding the logic’s vast social destruction to be entrusted with leadership?

It is, rather, apparent that sheer and top heavy logic is good for following rules and orders, not for leadership.

Leadership should be logical but top-heavy in judgment.

However, I am told that 30% of Germans still do Not believe that merely speaking German makes one German, so of course I do not want to exclude Germans across the board from a place at the table of leadership: just that they may not be well placed at the head of the table and certainly not as sole occupants of the table of leadership of Europe at this stage in history.

Not only is the hyperbolic liberalism of German leadership an expression of guilt riddenness, but it is a guilt riddenness for their prior (Nazi) regime’s lack of social judgment for optimal social unanimity and relations (of Europeans and others) - which has made stigmatization of sufficient racism all too easy for liberals - and worse now, a guilt ridden liberal self destruction which the rest of Europe is supposed to share in because of the Nazi lack of social judgment (which in particular cases worked deliberately against us - ! - * and generally speaking worked against us all in result) and because they are so fucking logical - as to carry an absurd lack of judgment and self destruction to its extreme!

* European countries which were targeted for elimination or demotion in sovereignty and influence are supposed to feel guilty and take part in the demise as well.

I am not well placed to critique German character as I will be criticized as being prejudiced against them, but I am for them, not against them - it is their liberals whom I dislike, as I dislike all liberals, imperialists and anti-nationalists; and I like and advocate the 30 percent of normal ones, the normal nationalists along with the ones who can be persuaded to come around.

But I feel obligated under the circumstances - am prompted by Kumiko, who is particularly angered: Not only is Germany’s leadership inviting terrorist cells, it is inviting bizarre and primitive third world practices - such as teaching boys that women are a man’s property; that it is fine to kill those who insult the pedophilic prophet…

Judgment catching up with logic but a bit late:

And of course, I hasten to add, that with this “logic” it is apparently fine to destroy the ancient EGI of Europe, our human ecologies and all that goes with it…

...and wouldn’t that logic come in handy to figure its way around and rationalize all sorts of liberal contradictions and sensible affronts to itself and its neighbors - to make good logical sense of their destruction and ours?

European brothers and sisters, Germany is not far away and its “logic” will spill over sooner or later…we have got to exercise some judgment on their behalf, ours and intervene.

We do not share in their guilt, we do not want to burden them with guilt and we can share with them our free, unburdened ethnonationalist conscience.

Kumiko noted a very interesting additional aspect to this German propensity to be top heavy in logic, that they do not seem to manage ambiguity and contradiction as well as other populations.

Inasmuch as that is true, and it seems that it might be as a pattern (again, not across the board), it would be a problem for dealings in Praxis (the social world) as Aristotle noted, where a certain amount of ambiguity and uncertainty is necessary for its inherent interactive, agentive and reflexive nature - thus, Phronesis (literally, practical judgment) is required and the acceptance of a certain amount of ambiguity necessary to manage social ecologies.

That seems to go to the realm of epistemology and judgment.

Prost: have a beer, relax your fore-brain so that it’s logics do not continue imperviously, obliviously apace, but lets let the liberal German leadership sit-this-one-out and concentrate on their social, mammalian brain as it cares for closer, personal relations lest their reptilian brain’s “logic” over-react, over-correct and over-compensate against those closer relations.



Posted by DJF on Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:41 | #

That first picture of Merkel really shows her political side.  90% of her face is showing extreme emotion, while her left eye is peaking out looking to see what peoples reaction is.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 13 Sep 2015 16:05 | #

DanielS on Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:41 wrote:
Not only is Germany’s leadership inviting terrorist cells, it is inviting bizarre and primitive third world practices - such as teaching boys that women are a man’s property;

Exactly. In my post recently about exactly that issue, anyone can see the problems that come with this newest wave of mass migration. It becomes literally impossible to keep track of threats.

Richard Spencer referred to Germany as ‘the heart and soul’ of Europe, on the Political Cesspool last night, and it was really a surreal thing, because Germany’s present function—given that their government is largely responsible for allowing 800,000 migrants to enter the European Union on a whim—is more akin to some kind of cancer than to anything resembling a vital internal organ.

Perhaps Germany can improve if it changes its leadership to more closely reflect the views of those who are opposed to this migrant onslaught. However, as it stands, Germany seems to want to import another 500,000 next year, and another 200,000 every year after until 2020, and knowing them, they’ll try to spread those migrants across as much of Europe as they possibly can.

It’s pure sabotage, and should be condemned in the strongest possible words.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 15 Sep 2015 08:43 | #

Merkel was carried away with the press hysteria.  She is within the frame.  She is not the framer.

Even so, she has saddled Germans with an appalling decision.  Perhaps, when the hysteria has died away - and it is dying away fast - more Germans who are not part of the European elites will hear the solid and faithful Orban and the other eastern Europeans, and will begin to contemplate their real interests.  But not, of course, if they are anything like Rachell Maskell, MP for York Central ...

The left-liberal mind has an excuse.  It is religious in kind, and has little contact to or experience of normal people.  In any normal age, such religios would be nuns and monks alone in their cells with a bible and some knotted cord, flagellating themselves to drive out sin and be blessed in virtue.  In our time, though, they have learned a neat little trick whereby they don’t have to enter seclusion or even beat their own backs.  They can beat the backs of their people, and the virtue will still be all theirs.  And there is practically no limit to how much virtue they can accommodate:



Posted by Faye on Germany's dire need for "mesotes" on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 08:44 | #

Excerpted from Counter-Currents. Faye’s observations coincide with the thesis of the head post.

The Migratory Invasion, Part 2:

The Suicidal Surrender of Europe - Guillaume Faye

Translated by Greg Johnson

Migration onslaught: the “refugee” is added, like a tidal wave, to the ongoing flood of the past several decades. While the majority of indigenous peoples of Europe don’t want it, the Left and Right, in France and elsewhere in Europe, like most media and religious institutions, as well as the unelected European Commission, accustomed to the excesses of permanent power, are dictatorially forcing populations to “welcome” hundreds of thousands of new immigrants. Without any referendum. It is a “moral duty” which is both a perversion of morality and suicide. It is also an example of contempt for democracy and the irreparable divorce between the people and the pseudo-elites. Prelude to an explosion.

Poor Germany’s Dangerous Game

This is a stupid, mindless, destructive game. The first “refugees” of the new invasive wave (13,000) arrived in Germany on September 6, greeted by banners reading “Welcome to Germany” and thousands of cheering, laughing people. Thousands more are expected in September. 150,000 emergency accommodation places are open. Pitiful scenes of naive humanitarianism in which part of a people rejoice at their own invasion and demise, ultimately destroyed by this mass migration. This kind of high profile image is a strong incentive to new influxes of “refugees.” Germany, with its ultra-low birth rate and considerable migration flows, may experience a change in population, populated at the end of the century by a majority of Muslims who don’t even speak German. This “new country,” now Middle Eastern rather than Germanic, blissfully invaded like its neighbors, will not know peace or prosperity but, ultimately, disorder and decline. This German political stupidity is unfathomable. A self-forgetfulness.

To get the world to forgive and forget Nazism (which continues to obsess the guilt-ridden German collective psyche) and to give the world the image of an exemplary Germany, its heart on its sleeve, the German government wants to be open to all immigration. Thilo Sarrazin caused a scandal by writing Germany Abolishes Itself, the bestseller against immigration and Islamization published in 2010. Forty percent of Germans are opposed to welcoming new immigrants, but they are a minority.

One has the impression that the German soul, which is deep yet incapable of balance, goes from one extreme to another without caring about the golden mean (the Aristotelian mesotes), a romanticism devoid of reason: from ruthless racist brutality to an even more delirious anti-racism. Two parallel stupidities: this is German extremism. This romanticism, interesting in art (once, but not today . . .) is stupid in politics. Germany and politics: absolute incompatibility, as Nietzsche had seen.

As a catharsis (“purification”), to be forgiven past catastrophic excesses (from 1870–1945), the German leaders and some of their people now argue for Europe to impose a total opening of borders to the migratory flood, under the pretext of “morality.”


Posted by Americanized-German on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:22 | #

Yes, he’s as anti-German as you. But he expresses it much more elegantly.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 14:50 | #

You’re claiming that Guillaume Faye and DanielS are both ‘anti-German’ because they come out to criticise German liberals who are trashing their own people and imperilling their own continent?

It’s almost as though Germans must be entirely beyond reproach for you, no matter what they do or who they are.

If the very core clique of Jews and German liberals themselves had written the posts that you are writing, Americanised-German, they would not have written any differently than you have.


Posted by Americanized-German on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 09:00 | #

You’re claiming that Guillaume Faye and DanielS are both ‘anti-German’ because they come out to criticise German liberals who are trashing their own people and imperilling their own continent?

They’re not critisising “German liberals”, whom are you kidding here? They are propagating pathologising narratives about Germans in toto. Weaponized narratives that have clearly identifiable roots in war propaganda. Perhaps you are aware that Allied propaganda characterised the Japanese in equally dehumanising terms.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 09:18 | #

Read the post fuck-wit. ..whoever you are, and understand that I am not anti-German. ...not being for Hitler’s program in toto is not the same as being against Germans. Get that through your skull.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 09:34 | #

They’re not critisising “German liberals”, whom are you kidding here? They are propagating pathologising narratives about Germans in toto. Weaponized narratives that have clearly identifiable roots in war propaganda.

Of course they are criticising German liberals. They are talking about how Germans have managed to create one of the most extreme and insane variants of that ideological tendency that have ever existed on this planet. They are so bad at this point that they are starting to actually reveal themselves as being no different from and in fact almost worse than Swedish ones.

You talk about ‘war propaganda’, who is at war against who here? The German government is at war against all European-descended people in Europe right now. They actively write propaganda against any other government that will not accept massive migration. Even when the British government, another government which is controlled largely by liberals, decides to limit its exposure to the mass migration, the response from Germany is immediate and relentless.

Germany also behaves the same way in East Asia, diplomatically. When Japanese invited Merkel to speak in Japan, what was the first thing that she did when she got there? She threw Japan’s hospitality back in its face, by going there and opening her fucking mouth to complain about Japanese ‘insularity’ and ‘racism’, and to complain about how Japan has refused to ‘learn the lessons’ of the Second World War, and so on and so on. It was the most random and inappropriate shitty speech that had ever been delivered by a visiting head of state. It was so bad that even Barack Obama would not have dared to mention it. Only Angela Merkel could seriously ask Japan to commit national suicide on national television while standing inside that same country. Only a German liberal could do that.

What is Germany’s stance on Indonesia? That they should also apologise for supporting Axis 70 years ago and commit suicide. What is Germany’s stance on Myanmar? That they should apologise for hurting Muslims, apologise for supporting Axis 70 years ago, and commit national suicide. What is Germany’s stance on Thailand? That they should apologise for hurting Muslims, apologise for Axis, apologise for not being liberal enough, and commit national suicide.

Germany is a cancer right now, it’s a cancer everywhere it goes.

We all complain about Merkel because she’s the visible face of that cancer. But I strongly suspect that if Merkel were removed and someone else replaced her tomorrow morning, that person she is replaced by would be no different, because the liberal insanity of the German leadership, the extreme liberal lunacy, rises organically out of the extreme liberal lunacy that characterises their body politic in the post-war environment.

It’s actively competing to be more extreme on that issue than Sweden is.

Perhaps you are aware that Allied propaganda characterised the Japanese in equally dehumanising terms.

Yes, and now the Germans behave the same way.

The Americans can at least be paid or otherwise induced to remain silent when it’s extremely necessary to have them remain silent. It doesn’t always work, but at least it works sometimes, because thankfully the Americans are hypocrites sometimes.

The Germans on the other hand have ‘strongly held moral principles’ and will create diplomatic disasters everywhere while spreading extreme liberal guilt-based propaganda.

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