Crimes that our grandchildren will see MR commenter Alex has posted (and is still posting!) some very interesting material on one of our recent threads, and I think it merits a full post. In it he links two aspects of the NWO project: the deracination of European Man and the creation of a new United States of North America. In its entirety the project - literally the creation of a Global Age of the Power Elites - is dependent on nation-killng, of course, and that is deeply dependent on the destruction of racial diversity. For racial diversity is the whole of nationhood in the West, and without it there can be no ethnic (or, indeed, moral or ideological) counterwieght to the project. The source material that Alex uses here is intriguing. It is a progressive manifesto from almost 140 years ago. One phrase from it I found particularly revealing. Describing the Future Deracinated Man it says he will possess “very different intellectual and moral characteristics from those which we possess today”. We know our fight is for the life of our people itself. We don’t always appreciate in what little regard that life is held by our true adversaries. Here is the post constructed from Alex’s comments. My thanks to him for bringing this to our attention. Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See One of the few things I’d agree with FDR about is that things don’t just happen ‘by chance’ regarding political matters. Below is an excerpt from a book published in 1870 in the US by ‘progressives’, yes, the very same sort who about 60 years later would be thinking Stalin and his ‘five year plans’ was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The first section of the book describes the first ‘one hundred years progress’ of the United States (between 1770 and 1870) examining increasing production figures and values in those years in great detail for a wide variety of products. Towards the latter portion of the book the writer attempts to describe things as they would be one hundred years in the future, in 1970. That section of the book is entitled The future man is described on pg 515. Perhaps they should have called this “the future economic man.” Due to the American peoples wishes regarding immigration being respected at certain times, this has not come about in 1970. It’s not for lack of trying on these peoples’ parts though. One can’t help but notice the language used on this page (I’ve provided a link to it beneath this excerpt) is the same as would be used were a rancher attempting to breed a new strain of livestock. It does seem what is described in this excerpt is what they (financial and business elites, and multi-cultists) are trying to do throughout the West in 2008. ‘The Coming Man’
Now I’ll post a few additional excerpts from Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See as they fit in with the subject. The title page of One Hundred Years’ Progress of the United States:- A link to the free online book: One Hundred Years Progress of the United States (1870) North America is projected to be integrated both economically and politically by 1970. Below is a map from the book with the shaded areas representing the United States in 1870. The areas of North America in white, ie. Canada, Cuba, Greenland, Mexico, Central America, and a great part of the West Indies, are “to be acquired.” While these places in white were not, for the most part, physically annexed by 1970, perhaps at some time between 1870 and 1970 it was realized one could “acquire” just as well economically as one could physically. With the passage of both NAFTA in the 1990’s, and the very recent CAFTA, something of an economic integration/annexation may well be taking place between the US and the remainder of North America at the present time. ‘Supposed Territory of the United States in 1970’ Compare the map below of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) with the map above. A unified North America dominated by the US….Manifest Destiny coming close to being fulfilled? When estimating the population, one has to bear in mind the writers expected continuous high levels of immigration (apparently for “cheap labor” purposes) from all points of the globe. They did not foresee (or perhaps did not want to see) that the American peoples’ wishes regarding immigration would be respected in the latter nineteenth century regarding immigration from Asia…and later in the early 1920’s when more general restrictions were put in place that cut immigration to a mere trickle of what it had been. They comment that in 1870 the population from China in the US was already 150,000, but that within the next few decades that population would be tens of millions…and then say, almost in passing, and with very little explanation, that the immigration from Asia simply could not be stopped. Sounds remarkably familiar..and strange…being that only a few short years before the same nation (the US) had repelled entire armies in its Civil War..and also had quite succesfully blockaded a lengthy portion of the Atlantic seaboard and Gulf Coast. The assertion of these men was ultimately incorrect as a few years after this book’s publication immigration from Asia was stopped for practical purposes. The writers therefore come up with the number 639,359,152 as the population of the United States for 1970 on pg 467. In 1970 the population had actually grown from about 40 million in 1870 to a little over 200 million. Since the Immigration Act of 1965, which threw open the borders once again, and the purposely allowed illegal immigration of the past decades, America’s population has surpassed 300 million by 2008. Marvels that Our Grandchildren Will See pg 467 There are more Alex-moderated extracts from of the source material on our The whole world in two press releases thread. Comments:2
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:58 | # Yeah, regarding the 639 million figure, what threw them off was in part the Chinese immigration being largely curtailed, but more than anything, was when tired of the utter chaos created by ‘mass immigration’ somehow people got listened to in the early 1920’s thru the mid-1960’s and immigration in general was reduced to a trickle for about 40 years. Nothing is perfect, but people who can remember that time will tell you it was quite a relatively peaceful (ie stable) era in general The writer of the book seemed to simply presume the people of the US would at no time have any say in matters regarding immigration whatsoever. He was in error about that and not the only one. As for Clinton and the response regarding his speech that’s an example of conditioning, the promotion of the cult of multi-culturalism playing a major role in that. 3
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 17:02 | # Accompanying a wealthy citizen of one of the great central cities of North America in his day’s duties (pg 521-527) ‘The dishes are of the most delicate porcelain, the manufacture of the skilled Japanese artisans at the the great porcelain factory of New Kanyasawa in California.’
The workers’ housing (pg 523-524) ‘Many of the inhabitants indicated by their features and figures, and a few by their dress, their Chinese origin,’
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 17:46 | # In the Japanese quarter of LaPorte ‘A stalwart Malay, whose face is so malignant with all evil passions that it would make a capital study for Gustave Dore in his next picture of Satan, and who is maddened with vile liquor and opium has rushed out and is running amok, striking and stabbing with his gleaming Kriss, everyone in his way.’
So ends a day in June, 1970 (pg 527)
Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See pg 521-527 5
Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 22:03 | # Having begun to ‘wake up’ a few years ago I’ve recently become more than a little frustrated with my usual tour of blogs. Each day I read about some new outrage, illogical proposal, insane decision or shocking statistic. Not a happy experience. After recently watching a 10 minute trailer of a new film about the subversive and dangerous ‘Common Purpose’ by Brian Gerrish I was intrigued to spot a link to David Icke’s website during the trailer roll at the end. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to have a look. I followed a link to a C5 documentary entitled ‘Was He Right?’ thinking that might be a good place to start. There was some very interesting stuff that had definitely got my attention. In particular there were clips of a talk he gave at Brixton Academy to 2,500 people. Finding it was available in 42, 10 minute chunks on YouTube (link below) I watched it over a couple of nights and slowly become more and more staggered as suddenly so many disparate things that hadn’t previously made sense became clearer. Even his much vaunted ‘reptile’ stuff made more sense when he explained exactly what he meant. Maybe I was more able to suspend disbelief about this aspect of his general ‘New World Order’ thesis as I’d previously read Robert Temple’s excellent ‘The Sirius Mystery’ (link below) and recently read about the fact that the amount of DNA relevant to human’s accounts for only about 10% of that found in the human body. The remaining 90% or so is described as ‘junk’ DNA. As was rightly pointed out anything that’s ‘junk’ doesn’t usually survive evolution which leads one to suspect it’s far from ‘junk’. He covers far too many things to mention in a comment here but the end result was that seeing things from this new perspective changes things radically for me. I then listened to an interview he gave on an American radio station (link below) and was even more blown away. I realised that I’d previously being looking at things from a very narrow angle, purely political and largely on the UK alone. There were, however, a few points that stood out and that I think should be food for thought for those on this site. Immigration has recently exploded across the Western world. It’s not just about ‘de-racination’ that’s just a by product for them. The target is the white Western male who they, rightly, see as their greatest obstacle to their objective of a one world government. The ethnics involved are just as much victims or useful dupes as us. They are being used to spread division, fear, anger and to dilute the effectiveness of any potential resistance. Sites such as this which quite rightly resist mass immigration and it’s evil twin multiculturism are either easily dismissed as ‘racist’ or ‘fascist’ or are, or will be, used as reasons for increased legislation with only one goal, more control and less freedom. Diversity isn’t about celebrating all cultures it’s about destroying and suppressing Western cultures. It’s the old classic ‘divide and rule’. At any time tactics may change and the differing communities may suddenly be unleashed on each other. It’s bad enough now. Imagine what it would be like during a (manufactured, they control everything banks, oil, media) recession? Being able to look at things through this prism enables a strategy of resistance that doesn’t involve hatred of ethnics but explains their role in this demonic ploy. At the same time we can explain to them why we resist diversity, immigration etc. The founding peoples of Western civilisation have a right to protect their national character. A world without these ‘elites’ would see a renaissance without parallel. Would a Jamaican or an Indian want to remain in damp and grey Blighty if their home of ethnic origin suddenly became livable again? The second thing I gleaned, again relevant to this site, is that it is not ‘the Jews’ who are doing this. Even though it may appear so (banking, Hollywood etc) those involved that appear Jewish have long ago renounced their faith. The conspiracy is much broader than that involving European royalty and aristocracy (with our own dear Queen very high up in the organisation), the Masons, Jesuits and the Catholic church amongst others. Their ‘religion’, he claims, came out of Babylon (hence the importance of invading Iraq) and is satanic in nature involving sacrifice (a reason why wars are so frequently used) and paedophilia. Classic out there conspiracy stuff you might say but the evidence is actually quite compelling. All I can say is see for yourself. It certainly makes more sense than the US government being controlled simultaneously by both Jews and the House of Saud. Mass immigration isn’t in the best interests of the majority of Jews who are being duped and controlled like the rest of us. As I said, it’s white Western males who are the targets (which makes the recent Harriet Harman inspired legislation all the more understandable as well as such things as the black male/white female stereotype in advertising). They consider females to be largely easily controlled. After all they are unlikely to take to the streets in large numbers or provide any serious resistance (I know it sounds harsh but I suspect it’s true). Africa’s focussed on survival (and kept that way), the Middle East is already controlled, largely through religion (all of which are false, though in the case of Islam no less dangerous), South America is largely poor and religious and China is quite possibly the prototype for what we can expect in the future (Icke claims the Chinese elites are part of the NWO and suspects a manufactured war with either or both China and the Islamic world in the next few years - global problems always require global solutions). It’s not just David Icke making these claims but he’s definitely worth a look if for no other reason that it enables things to be seen through a completely different prism and to me makes far more sense. Things most certainly do not happen just by chance. Not even political parties going into ‘meltdown’ or close contests in democratic primaries. It seems our next leaders are to Obama and Cameron. It’s during their tenures that things are going to move very fast indeed. Freedom or fascism - the time to choose part 1 Robert Temple The Global Conspiracy part 1 I know there’ll be many who’s eyes will be rolling at all this but all I can say is that is exactly what my reaction to all of this stuff has been for years. Not any more. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 02:09 | # After looking this over, I’ll admit I haven’t studied the origins of the “progressive” movement as much as I probably should. I pretty much assumed that the founder was Henry George whose “Progress and Poverty” was the best selling book other than the Bible for quite some time during the latter half of the 1800s in the US. However, this “Hundred Years of Progress” makes no mention of Henry George (I did download all 130M+ and search it). Moreover I don’t recall there being any mention of the these “Eminent Literary Men” in “Progress and Poverty”. What I assume is the case without doing due-diligence: Just as “Das Kapital” was promoted, in English, by Engels in vicious response to “Progress and Poverty” I suspect there were others who donned the robe of “progressive” in order to preserve the economic rent-seeking that is now so embedded in both the public and private sectors—and especially in their hybrids such as the Federal Reserve. However, in the case of “One Hundred Years of Progress”, the publication in the US in English came before the publication of “Progress and Poverty” by 9 years. Moreover Henry George’s opposition to immigration from East Asia, based on the social as well as economic damage caused by devaluation of labor given an environment of rent-seeking capital, seems more likely a reaction to these earlier “progressives” who strike me as simply the kind of northern industrialists who coveted the cheap labor of the southern plantation slave-holders—envy which has resulted ultimately in the demise of Detroit’s land values and the now near bankruptcy of GM. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 04:09 | # Read also Alex’s comments in this thread and in the threads cited at my request in this comment of his. Alex is a good thinker. He also takes great care that his explanations be clear, thorough, and didactic, and it certainly shows: they’re always very informative and a pleasure to read. 8
Posted by Fr. John on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 04:17 | # Amazing. Simply amazing. Can we gather the names of all those responsible for this blasphemy, dis-inter their bones, and burn them ex post facto, just to start the ball rolling on those who are still alive? I have concluded this Multiculturalism, is the great RACIAL heresy, that is tied to the Russian Orthodox Church’s naming of the THEOLOGICAL heresy which they call the “Panheresy of Ecumenism.” What the Soviet Bolsheviks (and we know their ethnicity, don’t we?) did in the philosophical realm, these ‘progressives’ already were manipulating in the physical. Thank God the Second Amendment decision by the “Supremes” still allows the citizenry to revolt against an unjust and immoral government. Now, if only they would! 9
Posted by the Narrator... on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 10:33 | # Enlightening work Alex. Yes, the past two generations have dropped the ball, but in the 20’s and 30’s there were men who stood up and pushed back against the Globalist Tide. The writer of that book also couldn’t foresee the rise of the KKK and other racialist movements in the decades following the Civil War (the book was published just 5 years after the war ended), nor could he imagine the racialist science that would develop from Darwin’s theory in the early 20th century. As the old saying goes, ‘There is many a slip twixt the cup and the lip’. Alex’s work here reminds us that we are not fighting anything new. Our struggle is an endless one. And though we’ve lost most of the battles of late, the war is far from over… 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 14:32 | # Excellent post by Narrator. The main thing to keep always in mind is this can be not just stopped but reversed with full restoration of the way things used to be. We don’t have to accept any new status quo. Forget that; it’s a non-starter. The other side’s plan was to place us before the supposedly “irreversible” fait accompli of partial race-replacement so we’d “give up” and let things go to completion. But the partial race-replacement they’ve managed thus far to force on us isn’t irreversible. They’ve misjudged us. They don’t understand the kind of stuff we’re made of. For a thousand years the eastern third of Germany wasn’t Polish then suddenly after WW II it was Polish, the thousand years of Germanness counting for nothing, zero, gone, vanished. It was done in the twinkling of an eye because there was the political will. It was done in peacetime. No fuss, no debate, it was simply drawn on the drawing boards then taken care of on the ground and today no one even knows it happened. The only status quo we’re going to accept will be the status quo ante. We’re undoing everything they’ve done. Let them deal with that. Period. Full stop. End of story. 11
Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:32 | # Very interesting. Does everyone here understand what it will take to reverse Race Replacement? Not just stop it, but actually reverse it. It requires the assumption of power, for one thing. I think it requires a different kind of morality. Perhaps when white survival instinct kicks in (and make no mistake, it will) the old morality will be replaced by something else. I am encouraged by the increasing signs of white racial consciousness I see around me. It seems some people are starting to wake up. But I worry that our people are under an illusion about what it will take to restore our nations, defeat the Multi-Cult, and reverse Race Replacement. I worry that we are too soft to do what it takes. Or are my concerns premature? 12
Posted by torgrim on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 00:16 | # S.Scout, “I worry that we are too soft to do what it takes. Or are my concerns pre-mature?” Yes, it a cause to be concerned. There is at least one generation that has never missed a meal or wondered where the next meal was to come… When this scheme begins to come off the rails, and it will, (probably when those that built the infrastructure of the West die off), then the replacements won’t be able to keep it producing, the carrying capacity will implode. The hope comes from need. Need causes creativity. As long as they can keep it cobbled together, the NWO types buy time. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 00:16 | # Selous Scout, the following words of Lawrence Auster’s express part of what has to happen (not the whole but a part) (I no longer consider myself a “traditional conservative,” by the way, on grounds normalness needs no special name):
That has to happen, it will happen, it is happening. The other side has taken its best shot (taken it while we were asleep no less, scum that they are — something we and our posterity till the end of time will never forget). Yes we’re dazed, wobbling, looking around in confusion trying to figure out what’s hitting us, which direction the blows keep caming from, whom to defend against first. But we’re still standing. Their best shot taken while we were asleep couldn’t bring us to our knees. The game’s up. We’re only going to strengthen. They’re going to stagnate. Never lose heart. Everything they’ve done can be undone in one way or another, and will be, if not in ten years or twenty or fifty or a hundred-and-fifty, no matter: it’ll happen. Never inwardly compromise with the enemy on race-replacement, never inwardly compromise with the enemy, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise, never inwardly compromise. None of what they’ve done is acceptable; all of it must be undone and rectified. Once you’ve completely and indelibly settled that in your brain you’ll feel as if a great weight has been lifted from your mind, your heart, your lungs and your inner strength will increase tenfold nay ten-thousandfold. Will race-replacement change once you’ve settled any of that in your mind? No. It’ll change once enough of us have. Will enough of us? As sure as the sun rises. What must each do? Each must do what he can, within the bounds of safety, reason, and morality. And each is of crucial importance, no exceptions. Each to his task according to his strengths. We’re not going down as easily as Mythbuster, Vyag, and Joe the Nip may flatter themselves to imagine, as their hysteria when confronting us suggests they already know. 14
Posted by Old Guy on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 00:18 | # This comment is definitely off topic for this thread, but ... Will some of the worthies here bring front and forward to MR the interesting post and excellent commentary at: ??? 15
Posted by .357 on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 00:41 | # “I worry that we are too soft to do what it takes. Or are my concerns premature?” Oh, I don’t think we’re too soft. What whites lack is motivation. That motivation will come once the false prosperity we are living under disappears. Once we can’t afford to go to WalMart and fill our baskets full of junk made in China. Once we have to choose between feeding our kids or buying medicine etc, etc, etc. Then whites, en masse, will start to feel a collective hatred and resentment toward those that led us into the condition/situation we are in. Until then, imo, the course of our dispossession will not change. But when the inevitable change comes, it will be sudden and .... 16
Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 02:43 | #
Kudos to Svigor and the southern secessionist, “Red.” 17
Posted by 2R on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 05:03 | # “Alex’s work here reminds us that we are not fighting anything new. Our struggle is an endless one. And though we’ve lost most of the battles of late, the war is far from over… ” (Narrator)
Eventually they were all beaten back, and shortly after this liberation of white lands, we seen the rise of Europe as a world power. I think it was Halford Mackinder who said “European Civilization is the outcome of a secular struggle against Asiatic invasion.” While our current struggle is not that of Armies colliding with Horsemen from the East, are destiny will still be defined by conflict with outsiders. These outsiders may even be people of our same heritage, but it is their spirit which is totally foreign and must be considered no different than the Mongol hordes. I’ve said this before, but I think its very important. Within European man exist a weakness. This weakness is individualism, and is addressed by MacDonald when he wrote the following in an essay called “What makes Western Culture unique?” [1] “The best strategy to destroy Europeans, therefore, is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy. A major theme of my book, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements,71is that this is exactly what Jewish intellectual movements have done. They have presented Judaism as morally superior to European civilization and European civilization as morally bankrupt and the proper target of altruistic punishment. The consequence is that once Europeans are convinced of their own moral depravity, they will destroy their own people in a fit of altruistic punishment. The general dismantling of the culture of the West, and eventually its demise as anything resembling an ethnic entity, will occur as a result of a moral onslaught triggering a paroxysm of altruistic punishment. And thus the intense effort among Jewish intellectuals to continue the ideology of the moral superiority of Judaism and its role as undeserving historical victim while at the same time continuing the onslaught on the moral legitimacy of the West.” In order for European man to reverse the race-replacement process, we must overcome this weakness of individualism, and lack of ethnocentrism. Nothing else will work, we must evolve as a people and rid ourselves of this weakness. Nature’s laws are very simple, a group must either overcome its environment through mutation, or it will NOT be “selected” to live on. This struggle had to happen, it was inevitable. But look at the opportunity this struggle has presented to us. All people have become stronger through challenges. Just as individuals become stronger through personal struggle, a whole people can do the same. We must also think about this in its historical context. Many of us look back to men like Charles Martelle as defenders of the West. In future generations, Whites will look back to people of our age in the same way. There are White men walking the earth at this moment, who will take up this role. There are babies being born right this second, who will help lead their people in this struggle. The blood and spirit of the Spartans, Charles Martelle, Charlemagne, and countless others who lead Europeans against our enemies, lives in all people of European descent. So we must remember, this struggle is nature’s gift to us. We either follow nature’s laws and become stronger for it, or, we disobey her rules and go extinct? 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 13:39 | # 2R’s comment is exactly right. Charles Martel and his men did not know as they arrayed their Frankish forces before Tours and prepared grimly for battle that what they were facing were not European death throes but European birth pangs, the dawn of a whole new stage of European existence, unprecedented and better, not midnight but daybreak with all Europe’s post-classical civilization lying still before it not even yet dreamt let alone lived. The same will prove true of what look like our death throes now: they will turn out to be birth pangs of a new, unprecedented, better existence for Europeans. But we must do our part, which can be as simple as not losing heart or letting ourselves be demoralized into thinking all is lost, as the Jews want us to do. All is not lost. Far from it, but even if there remained only one European man and one European woman left would anyone here give up? I wouldn’t, but would resolve to regenerate the race. I will never give up, never believe the other side, and never lose heart! We are tasked with bringing our childrens’ childrens’ children their racial inheritance as our fathers’ fathers’ fathers brought us ours. We must not fail to do our part to bring our race through to its next stage. No one — no one — ever promised us it would be easy: does anyone here recall ever receiving such a promise? Was it ever easy before? There are no promises of ease, only tasks to be completed. As Tolkien wrote, With foes ahead, behind us dread, We are on an errand. Part of it is assuring our race’s future. Our generation of Europeans will not be the one broken link in the European race’s eternal chain. 19
Posted by DavidL on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 21:13 | # Concerning our “Overlords” plans -
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 22:10 | # I will post something on the Svi’s Takimag adventure sometime tomorrow. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 22:43 | # Svy did a good job over there. I was alerted to that Takimag thread here (in a more recent entry, JWH also mentions Jared Taylor’s measured, gentlemanly reply to both Gottfried and Zmirak.) 22
Posted by .357 on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:26 | # >>“On June 27 and 28 Patriots from Europe, America and Russia gathered in Dendermonde Belgium at the EURO-RUS International Conference.” Hear Dr. David Duke’s speech. He lays it out as it is. 23
Posted by Bill on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 18:47 | # The First Post - The race debate. No winners.
Posted by Bill on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 19:02 | # The First Post - The race debate. No winners. Re above - starts at page 2 - to start at beginning hit red arrow top left to backspace to page 1. Sorry. Or try this.,opinion,inject-some-intelligence-into-the-race-debate- 25
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 01:23 | # On pg 511 to 515 the writer elaborates some on the tens of millions of Chinese that he (and apparently others in 1870) expected soon to be entering the US. He comes right out and states what is central to the modern ideology of multi-culturalism, an ideology it appears designed since that time (the 19th century) to condition people to accept their own physical and cultural replacement/destruction, that it ‘is probable’ that cheap laborers (so called), in this instance from China, are to be imported in to ‘take the place’ (!) of ‘our present laboring classes’ ‘laboring classes’ being the working class, you know people who work for a living, that is most people. For the approximate three hundred years that Spain, and then Mexico, controlled California, the number of Chinese in that future state is typically described (by the mid 19th century) as being at most ‘a handful’ of fairly well off traders. And to be sure, for the entirety of North America up to that time, it was about the same. With California’s conquest by the US in 1846 in the Mexican American War and the subsequent rush of settlers due to the discovery of gold, the population grew quickly in the far West. Similarly as what was then taking place in the Eastern United States, a relative few not prepared to do the work themselves, nor pay for it, decided they would instead steal the labor by preying upon foreign people in a state of national weakness, and ‘import’ them, at their own people’s great expense. So by the early 1850’s, California’s Chinese population had gone from a ‘handful’ of well off traders in 1846, to ‘tens of thousands’ a mere five years later, ‘most of whom worked as laborers, and as well there suddenly being ‘a racial problem’ where there had been none before. Contrary to what is sometime presented, most of the Chinese, excepting for perhaps a tiny number, did not ‘pan for gold’, though those preying upon desperate Chinese in China, may have allowed, or even encouraged of them, that illusion. As it happened the described preying upon of the Chinese in the 19th century was for practical purposes put a stop to in the early 1880’s. I’ve highlighted a few portions of the below excerpt here and there.As you read simply replace the term ‘Chinese’ with ‘Mexican’, and a picture begins to emerge regarding what has in reality been going on the past few decades between the US and the country just south of the border.
’...The Chinese question, viz., whether
‘We say it [‘the Chinese problem’] is in one sense
‘Regarding this point as settled, and believ-
‘The Chinese will come to us, mainly, like
Posted by treehugger on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 02:20 | # There is a lot of untapped information out there waiting to be unearthed in old book and antique stores. Kudos to you for finding this! 27
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 02:38 | # One never knows what they might come across in the old antique or book store…or what they might find upon the internet. 28
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 02:47 | # Self deceit often seems to be a big part of the problem. Though the writer of Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See is here speaking about the liquor industry and the efforts of some (which he lauds) to curtail drunkeness, could the words he penned not also apply to those who promote mass immigration (almost as an industry in and of itself it would seem) for ‘cheap labor’ purposes (such as the writer himself) who claim to be ‘helping’ others when they are in reality preying upon them, and those fighting against it, who find it morally questionable, and destructive to the peoples that make up humanity? ‘In their efforts to do this they will be met,
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 05:36 | # The book One Hundred Years Progress of the United States, of which, Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See formed a part, was published for at least three years….ie 1870, 1871, and 1876…the centennial edition may or may not have included the attempted description of the future. The 1871 edition which did contain the forecast had included at the end of the book fifty-six (56) letters of commendation. About a third of these were from presidents of major and or prominentUS universities, ie Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Wesleyan, etc, which is telling…others being from professors of the same universities, from newspapers, and or industrial publications. The following are some of those letters, after which I’ve posted the complete list of names of those commending the book.
Commendations President Hobart College, Geneva. President Indiana State University. President J. Cummings, Wesleyan University. President Girard College. President Genesee College. President Cambridge University. President of Marietta College. President University of Rochester. President of Brown University. President University of Wisconsin. President Columbia College, New York. President of Tufts College. President of Dartmouth College. Chancellor Tappan, Michigan Unirersity. President Vermont University. President of Williams- College. President Trinity College. President Woolsey, Yale College. John McLean, Princeton College. Professor Johnson, Yale College. Professor H. Smith, Lane Theological Seminary. Professor W. C. Fowler, Amherst CoUeee Professor B. Silliman, Yale College. New York Times. New York Examiner. New York Observer. Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine. Secretary Board of Trade, Philadelphia. Secretary Board of Trade, Boston. New Englander. Philadelphia Inquirer. Boston Transcript. New York Herald. Boston Post. Principal American Asylum. John D. Philbrick, Sup’t Massachusetts Schools. Boston Journal. Philadelphia Evening Journal. The Homestead. Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin. Secretary Board of Education, Boston, Mass. S. S. Randall, Superintendent New York. New England Farmer. Frank Leslie. R. G. Dana, Mercantile Agency, New York. Evening Post, New York. Benson J. Lossing. New York Journal of Commerce. W. H. Wells, Chicago. Harvey P. Peet, Superintendent, New York. Boston Cultivator. American .loumal of Science and Art. Springfield Republican. Isaac Ferris, Chancellor University New York. J. M. Matthews, Chancellor University, New York Professor E. W. Horsford, Cambridge University. 30
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:12 | # The most interesting thing about this “progressive” tome is the upper bound it evinces on the degree to which we can assign blame for the breakdown of ethnic genetic interests to Jews. The precise position of this upper bound remains debatable—but it is clear that it exists. This is consistent with what I have said previously about the failure mode of civilization being analogous to the tendency for humans to become opiate addicts: There are varying degrees to which people are susceptible to opiate addiction just as there are varying degrees to which pushers are effective at exploiting said susceptibility. 31
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 13:21 | #
You make a most excellent point. A brutal honesty (even to the point of it hurting) as to how the present catastrophic situation came about is very important in the succesful resolving of it. 32
Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 06:58 | # Posted by Revolution Harry on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 09:03 PM I agree; it doesn’t seem logical for the Jewish people to support the extinction of the White race. How would the Jews benefit from being the only Whites on Earth? Europeans and White Semites serve as population buffers. They can also help work to protect themselves and the Jews! I will concede some Jewish elites are behind this, but they are betraying their genetic interests just as much as Ted Kennedy is! The wise Jews realize they can’t afford an Islamic Europe. It’s the short-sighted White elites, multi-national corporations, and international bankers seeking our extinction, not your common neighbor Rabbi Abraham Cohen. Regarding America’s predicament, we are approaching the crossroads. We will probably have one of only two outcomes: Scenario 1: The White race is essentially exinct on the North American continent. Native Americans (and Native Canadians) will also be sought for extinction. They are the obstacle for Mexico’s claim to Northern Canada. Mexicans and Peruvians can claim Canana and the U.S., only by claiming to be exactly the same as the West Indians. They support the “social construct” theory regarding them and West Indians. The Brown Hispanics will be pushed to absorb and destoy America’s Indians. And then, with a ‘token’ amount of West Indian blood in a ‘token’ number, they will say “See, we are all the same! This is our continet!” And America will be under a totalitarian state. There will be no political freedom. In the end the “victorious” Hispanics will be mere slaves, as the Americas become a new North and Central/South American Union. All of this may be accomplished in as little as a 100-150 years. Scenario 2: America faces a Civil War 2, and the planned Imperial Conversion (the term started by Thomas W. Chittum) starts off as planned. However, the setup Economic Depression is too successful, and boils over into the elites’ hands. America breaks up, and the White and ironically Indian races are preserved! The New White country is democratic and we start back at square one, just with less territory. The former is much more likely, but not necessarily inevitable. Although it is probably unlikely, I hope we can save our race (in America/Canada), without eventually rebelling against the US Government. Note: I don’t endorse secession; and I most certainly don’t endorse the violent overthrow of the government. The latter is treason and unacceptable. 33
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 11:05 | # I am a bit shocked to see that White ethno-masochism was so well developed and had such a wide acceptance at such an “early” period. I don’t know, though, that it mitigates the blameworthness of jewish culture subverters. Afterall, was White ethno-masochism as widely entrenched then amonst the White masses and White elites as it is now? Obviously not. Europeans were at or near the very apex of their global dominance then. The jewish culture subverters are responsible for what the jewish culture subverters are responsible for. What they are responsible for is well documented by Dr. MacDonald. James Bowery’s opiate addict analogy is apt, I would expand on it by analagizing jewish culture subverters to opiate suppliers who take advantage of individuals with a latent suseptability to opiate addiction. Maybe James has expanded upon his analogy in this fashion elsewhere? Anyways, its the familiar song and dance. White southern slave owners sometimes treated their “property” with more respect than their poor, ill-educated co-ethnics whom they regarded as “trash”. There are “well intentioned” White liberals who think it something good to give away their own peoples’ hard won preeminence to non-Whites. There are hostile Whites, a la Ward Churchill, whose contempt for their own people I suspect is not even surpassed by someone like Noel Ignatiev. I’ve even read about cases of jews who convert to especially militant brands of Islam and henceforth consider it their sacred duty to wage Jihad on their own people. 34
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 19:30 | # Captainchaos writes: James Bowery’s opiate addict analogy is apt, I would expand on it by analagizing jewish culture subverters to opiate suppliers who take advantage of individuals with a latent suseptability to opiate addiction. Maybe James has expanded upon his analogy in this fashion elsewhere? I’ve only mentioned the specific analogy in passing a few times but the general idea of Euro susceptibility to exploitation of their individualism by no means originates with me. If I am to take credit for anything, let it be the recognition of the applicability of evolutionary medicine’s concept of the evolution of virulence via horizontal transmission to the evolution of Jewish virulence. The thing that is particularly interesting about the conjunction of susceptibility and virulent pathogens is that positing a “cause” is, as with any conjunction, multiplicative or synergistic rather than additive. For example, to get light from a light-bulb requires a conjunction of (at least) a working light bulb and an on/off switch turned to the “on” position. It is meaningless to discuss the “percent of cause” attributable to the lightbulb vs the switch because if either is in the wrong state, the light bulb fails to light hence there is a sense in which both components control the whether light is shining or not. This is one of the problems with people trying to talk about how much of IQ, for example, is due to genetics. I can put a bullet through the brain of the world’s greatest genetic genius and his IQ will be 0. 35
Posted by Alex on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:22 | #
I’d hesitate to say that ethno-masochism had ‘a wide acceptance’ at the time. This particular book was written by, and largely commended by, people who it appears would fit into the category of elites…ie the people who just like today, being sheltered by their wealth and power, who are the very last to actually feel and experience (if they do at all) the results of what the book was proposing, those results being amongst others, mass murder, rapine, a great amount of general violence, wages being pushed down, not to mention genocide in the truest sense of that modern term. I doubt the everyday person, just as now, had they read the ideas of the book presented as the future (and who can say how many people did read the book?) would have cared for the idea of a desperate person in a foreign land being shamelessly exploited, ‘imported’ to North America to be paid crumbs, with the idea being that the new arrival(s) were to ‘take their place’ physically, culturally, and economically. It ought to be noted the section of the book Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See was presented as a hundred years in the future (1970) and described policies which resulted in that future scenario, and not so much a book of the immediate time. Did they utilize the device of a projected future so as to (barely) conceal what some powerful forces were actively working towards at the time, in 1870, as they thought being simply straight forward would be too risky? I find it also interesting that the 1876 Centennial edition of this book seems to have been shortened as to length and I can’t find any evidence it included the description of 1970 at its end, it very possibly having been cut out. People may just have let the publisher know they didn’t much care for the propaganda. 36
Posted by Alex on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 22:20 | # I ought to add that both GT and J Bowery have made (and are making) some excellent comments regarding the multiple severe problems, which, acting in conjunction with the dysfunctional relationship that exists between the Jewish and European peoples, are resulting in disaster for Europeans. 37
Posted by Directed to Guessedworker on Mon, 12 Jun 2017 00:57 | # In perusing the site you made note in past entries that you were interested in relocating this entry ‘Crimes That Our Grandchildren Will See’. You might have since found it but just in case… Post a comment:
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Posted by .357 on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:26 | #
“The writers therefore come up with the number 639,359,152 as the population of the United States for 1970 on pg 467.”
The only thing the writers were wrong about was the date. With the massive influx of third-world immigrants into the USA, the population will reach 639 million before the end of the 21’st century. Whites will then be a minority. Roy Beck of ‘Numbers USA’ does a great job illustrating where we’re headed.
BTW—What I find so bizarre is whites, mainly college educated, are cheering-on this development!
E.g., I recall reading about Bill Clinton giving a speech—I beleive it was a Commencement Address—to a predominantly white audience. The speech’s subtext was the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity. In it, he stated whites were going to be a minority in the U.S. soon. That statement was met with a thunderous applause! How sick is that? Add to that, a large segment of white voters are worked up to a frenzy anxious to vote for amalgaman, B. Hussein, for Commander in Chief !?!?