Griffin, Brown and the sainted Mrs Duffy With the Labour-pushing press dragged reluctantly behind, after a fashion, the whole of the British media are feasting on the red-hot certain defining moment of Election 2010. By the unparticular nature of his conversation in the back of that car, the Prime Minister has let us know that not just him or even those around him but the Labour party and the wider left considers the indigenous British to be bigots. And it is a settled decision. Even the mildest criticism of immigration, uttered by a 66-year old lady and lifelong Labour supporter, is morally reprehensible and inadmissable, and exemplifies yet again why diversity is the only solution to racism. There is no other way. Apparently. In its potential to uncover an unpalatable truth about the state of the body politic this affair, already dubbed Bigotgate, is a companion piece to the MP’s expenses scandal. Now we know out of their own mouths that our elected representatives are established in opposition to us, their electorate, their own people, on two fronts. Out of sheer cynicism they are exploiting us financially, and out of pure hostility they are warring against us ideologically. They do not represent us in any way. That is the message the BNP needs to force ever deeper into the public consciousness. This morning the party responded to Bigotgate with the announcement of a last-minute newspaper advertising campaign in Barking and Dagenham, Leicestershire, Stoke-on-Trent, Manchester and Barnsley. At present the focus is woolly. Griffin said:
First, Brown did not use the word “old”, and that must not find its way into the forthcoming run of advertisements. Here is what was said on the street:
And here is what was said in the car (accompanied by some dull thuds which could be the sound of Brown punching the seat-back):
Second, although there has been quite a lot of happy talk about the BNP’s prospects in its highest priority target seats, it has always had an uphill task. Labour’s vote in 2005 was over 50% in all of them. Now Gordon Brown has given them one last Howitzer round to fire, and that could yet tip the balance. The party publicists must find the knub of the issue: the positively existential hostility of the Prime Minister and his party to the English working class. There must be a hundred embarrassing quotes out there that can be exploited to that end, and compared to Griffin saying “We are here to look after our people, because no one else is.” There’s just a week left to exploit this gift, and take perhaps five years off the party’s great work of breaking through. They have to get it right. Comments:2
Posted by sirrealpolitik on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:48 | # pithy, memorable slogans need to drive home the point that: WE, the indigenous Brits are ALL MRS. DUFFY! or BETTER YET, a play on the I am England campaign: a million t-shirts, buttons, bumper-stickers proclaiming, in the appropriate font: I AM DUFFY 3
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:53 | # GW the danger in over-focusing on Brown’s latest gaffe, as the MSM is doing, is that it simply drives the punters to one of the other, equally worthless main parties. What the BNP publicists need to be unearthing are similar pronouncements that can be used to tar all three with the same brush. They’re not too hard to find. 5
Posted by sirrealpolitik on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 19:01 | # By the way when I say “a million t-shirts, buttons, bumper-stickers proclaiming, in the appropriate font” I of course don’t mean these can be funded, designed, manufactured or distributed in time to have much effect. It would need to be a proper grass roots phenom, hand-made, DIY a la the Ron Paul campaign in the U.S. should invite all its supporters to write this slogan [i am duffy] on signage and post on visible bridges, the sides of buildings, etc. The popular backlash needs to be a story in itslef. Or do Brits not do “popular backlash?” 6
Posted by Bill on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:47 | # The irony of it. A 66 year old lady has caused Brown and the British political establishment more damage and embarrassment in less than two minutes than the BNP ever did. Just imagine what a furore a two fisted attack by the BNP would accomplish if Griffin waded into the BBC’s Paxman or some-such. The BNP leadership now have access (albeit via a hostile media) to state before millions of viewrs, in polite reasonable terms home truths like the old lady. These politicians and elites, as Brown demonstrated, are incapable of connecting with ordinary people, no matter how they protest they share our concerns, and they come over to the public for what they are - Bigots themselves. The BNP hierarchy are no longer rookies in media environs and should start socking it to them. They don’t like it up’em. The polls have been media manufactured into a neck and neck position with other parties around the 8% mark, which proves the minor parties are stuck in the doldrums with the main parties taking the bulk of the votes. In other words, the penny has not dropped to the masses that a vote for the major parties is a turkey voting for Christmas. Unless this picture changes rapidly over the next week the BNP will be down there with the also ran. People have still not got the message their children and their grandchildren face a bleak future indeed. Who is going to tell them? 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:15 | # Dan, An unusual feature of this affair is that all the blame obviously had to be laid at Brown’s door, notwithstanding the fact that the Guardian has run two pieces today calling Mrs Duffy a xenophobe. The first one is linked above. The second one is here: Ordinarily, when the charge of bigot is employed to some poor devil’s face, the immediate reaction is defensive and exculpatory ... “In no way am I racist, but ...” This time, though, when Brown’s casual judgement of her was read to Mrs Duffy by the Sky journo she simply said, “That’s sad, that.” So the game has changed. The hating-left is exposed for what it is. I think the party has to go with it. Bill, I know you have wondered many a time about the apparent incapacity of the BNP to put the ball in an open net. During my long and winding commercial career I’ve worked as a copywriter, and all the pros I’ve met would soon brainstorm their way to the USP in this brief. Let’s see what the party manages this time - if we can find a link to it. 8
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:25 | # I think they’re onto it GW. Listen to Griffin and Barnbrook discussing the damage McBroon has done to Margaret Hodge in Barking. 9
Posted by CFE on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 22:34 | #
Robin Lustig on BBC Radio 4’s “The World Tonight” just interviewed Nigel Farrage, then said: “Well, we just asked the BNP if they wanted to respond to tonights debate, but they didn’t.” WTF? Lustig could have been lying, I suppose. 10
Posted by Gorboduc on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 23:10 | # I think there are a couple of words missing in the transcript of the recording. There are a couple of syllables between “put me” and “with that woman”. Are they “out there” or “Up there” or “out front”? Re the BNP’s apparent refusal to make capital: according to the BBC they were invited to comment on the last Radio 4 Prime Ministers’ debate, which finished about an hour ago. They refused: so, on immigration, Farage, responding to the invite, had the floor to himself. Pity. Here are a few clerihews on the whole hilarious incident. They are just for fun.
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 23:22 | # The ITN News ran the results of some instant polling following the third and final Leaders Debate earlier this evening. One of the data points they released was that the sector of their sample that had indicated it was Labour voting responded to the question:
Sixty per cent said they would still vote Labour. Half the rest said they were now voting for someone else and half said they wouldn’t vote. Now, the general sample was about two thousand strong, so that’s a pretty valid and interesting situation. At the same time you’ve got Griffin and Barnbrook saying that the response on the doorsteps of B&D is something to behold. Simon Darby is doing the same thing re: Stoke Central here: If the heady possibilities came true, and Gordon Brown has, with one word, pierced the carapace of public ignorance about the Establishment’s deep and total hostility, the party really has something to go at, and in the long-term. But let’s not get carried away. Personally, I find it difficult to place a high value on free gifts. Got to be a catch somewhere, just can’t see where! 13
Posted by CFE on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 00:01 | #
Pity? As Guessedworker has ventured to call this “the red-hot certain defining moment of Election 2010”, I will venture to say that it’s (one of) “the greatest waste of opportunity of Election 2010”.
—. A BNP spokesman passed up the chance to say to an ABC1 audience.
Am I the only one here who wondered whether the whole episode was another lesson about what is “legitimate” discussion about immigration, and another prod in the mental conditioning of those who fear being thought of as a “bigot”, even though they don’t know what the word means? 14
Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:42 | # Barnbrook and Griffin in B&D;, Simon Darby in Stoke are upbeat about their prospects. Is this the result of their herculean efforts or is it inevitablism? Is B&D;and Stoke inevitable in the form of the low hanging fruit dropping into the BNP’s lap? A bit of both I would say. From now on, we will see the media and politicians engage into overdrive into conning the people that at last they are listening to the people’s concerns on immigration and have already put in place strict measures to curtail immigration. (LOL) This bunch of people are defying gravity, they really have found a way of fooling the people all of the time. Add to this the elites non existence of Third World immigration (It was stated categorically on Television last night that 85% of immigration into Britain is from the EU.) and you have the perfect double whammy deception, trust us we are listening and share your concern. With the explosive birth rate of the already here newcomers combined with the continued mass immigration into this country plus the fleeing of hundreds of thousands of escaping Britons, and the emerging scene is B&D;and Stoke magnified a thousand times. In short, a harvest of more inevitablism in the form of low hanging fruit, but at what cost in terms of invaluable time? Add to this the fact that there is not going to be an economic recovery (never IMO) and there’s going to be increasing unemployment, an aggravated housing crisis, draconian economic measures to fill the black hole of debt, not to mention the mother of all our problems, the time bomb of dwindling energy supplies. It’s a sick joke on the British public that the elites present us with three mediocre politicians in the form of Cameron, Clegg and Brown as potential future saviours of our wellbeing. Intersting times indeed. 15
Posted by Armor on Sat, 01 May 2010 02:10 | # Melanie Phillips: “So now the cat is well and truly out of the bag. For years, as the number of immigrants to Britain shot up apparently uncontrollably, the question was how exactly this had happened.” And the answer was: Jewish activism. “Now we know it was no such failure of policy. It was deliberate.” Indeed. “That nearly one quarter of British people might vote for a neo-Nazi party with views inimical to democracy, human rights and common decency is truly appalling.” When the English get their country back, I hope she’ll be the first to be ejected. 16
Posted by Wolf on Sat, 01 May 2010 06:38 | # 17
Posted by Bill on Sat, 01 May 2010 09:30 | # Saturday morning muse. I’ve been saying for sometime now that this British general election will be the last of its type. This is a defining moment in British politics and the clamour is for change. (Sound familiar to you guys across the pond?) How will it change? In what direction will it all go - I have no idea. So what do I mean by this and in what context? I’m not sure what I mean, it’s a gut feeling, a sense there’s a storm brewing, people are disenchanted with their lot, there’s menace in the air, the democratic political system is failing the people, the politicians are seen to be to be not capable of delivering what they, the people want, (change?) despite the cradle to the grave welfare state, infinite consumer choice and endless porn. Trouble is, the people cannot articulate their frustrations as they have been robbed of their ability to think by generations of media conditioning. This feeling is not confined to Britain alone, trawling trough the American scene my feelings are reinforced, something momentous is happening and it’s all to do with the feeling of the direction in which they, the people are being led by the nose by the political system. The people of the West are enjoying unparalleled wealth as never before, and yet they have never been so instinctively disorientated. I’ve always summed up the reason for this state of affairs as simply we humans are not supposed to live this way, it is only due to the one off freak conditions of our high tech civilisation that has enabled humans to defy the natural way of things. Perhaps (as I believe) what I am writing about here is the first unmistakable signs that we human citizens of this high tech civilization are are seeing or intuitively sensing the first signs of civilizational collapse. Unsustainable is the buzzword of the 21st century. I cannot pretend to have any crystal ball knowledge as to how this defining moment will manifest itself as there are too many variables in play but the feeling of something big is going down on a global scale is palpable. We here on the Internet are privileged to be in the vanguard of this conversation and are well placed to see how, in the real world, it will all unravel. Meanwhile, the political charade and the progress of man is being acted out and is clinging on to the last vestiges of privilege and power, how long it will take for all this to play out is any one’s guess, hundreds of years? Who knows? Fascinating stuff. 18
Posted by Chris on Sat, 01 May 2010 12:55 | # Posted by Armor on May 01, 2010, 01:10 AM | # </b>“Melanie Phillips: “So now the cat is well and truly out of the bag. For years, as the number of immigrants to Britain shot up apparently uncontrollably, the question was how exactly this had happened.” </b> And the answer is: Jewish activism. Perfectly correct! But also, aided and abetted by indigenous Marxist indoctrinated self-loathing traitors who shall be called to account for their crimes in the not so distant future. Incidently, I’m of part Jewish origin, maternally. The author of this piece of hate mail below is also Jewish, I’m ashamed to admit. They forget that not all Jewish people are traitors against the homelands of INDIGENOUS European and British peoples, and their heritages, cultures, belief systems and ethnic achievements, and some, like myself, have put their money where their mouths are by actually joining the British National Party, and getting actively involved both inside and outside said Party. 19
Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 01 May 2010 16:59 | # Bigotgate claims another scalp. The Guardian betrays its Fabian roots and endorses the irredeemably middle-class Liberal Democrats Much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments on the ‘progressive’ left who take this as evidence of the final, totemic abandonment of the WC - the other W is conspicuous for its absence - by the liberal elites. The ugly proles will now embrace the racist and fascist BNP they wail. 20
Posted by PF on Sat, 01 May 2010 21:09 | #
I also get this feeling. The ranks of commentors on American racialist sites swell, and become more articulate, but beyond that in the real world there is a feeling of exasperation that is radicalizing a lot of people. Many deracinated whites, whose loyalty is to abstract principles of Constitutional Freedom or Austrian Economics, are becoming radicalized (in their own way) against the ruling system. Almost everyone is getting nervous and agitated vis-a-vis the res publica, although they often seem not to know why when you ask them. A lot of the old ways that lead back to places which we would want to get back to (if we wanted to support the status quo) are now boarded off. Can’t get the nice fuzzy feeling and innocence of the 70s, even 80s mostly-white society anymore. That complacency and happiness arent on tap anymore, its run dry. In its place there are indoctrinated people, stupid people, drunkards, liars (those who know and claim not to) and the numberless legions of the silent (those who know and claim nothing). Happy, healthy, well-adjusted white people who are thriving ... dont see that many of them. I wonder if our culture stopped producing those people after 1975. Its probably a testiment to the alienating nature of aracial pop-culture, and the decimation of social capital when white people are socialized without the spirit of history, group loyalty, and traditional norms. Clearly, pretty undebatebly, we live in a dystopia of sorts. Its also clear that we created this and fueled it at every step with our own thinking… which we havent revised?. Some realize it lucidly, some not so lucidly. This is something I posted a while back about ‘atmosphere’ in fin-de-Siecle Vienna, before the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire: 21
Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 May 2010 16:52 | # How did he do? 22
Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 May 2010 17:16 | # Prompted by the above. Indigenous or white? Which has more mileage? Is white off limits? Waycist. This is the nettle to be grasped. IOW’s, are whites racist and beyond the pale by definition in the eyes of the British establishment? If this is so, the elites are racist bigots. 23
Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 May 2010 18:09 | # Fred Scrooby on May 02, 2010, 03:00 PM ‘Nämä viestit lähetettiin, kun olit offline-tilassa. In this comment by Fred, Auster over at VFR said….
When I wrote my comments above I had not read Fred’s post. The World’s Left are all singing from the same hymn sheet, whiteness equals racism. (Surely, this must tell us something.) Sorry for the cross thread topic which is not disimilar from my own here. 24
Posted by Bill. on Sun, 02 May 2010 18:30 | # There used to be a comedian on the BBC many years ago whose catch phrase was, “It’s being so cheerful that keeps me going” He might have written this. Happy days. 25
Posted by R CROSS on Sun, 02 May 2010 19:20 | # Why is there so much hysteria over “bigot” when camerons “ghastly filth"passed with little reply?surely we should have “ghastly filth"tee-shirts/ 26
Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 May 2010 19:54 | # David Cameron addresses the Black vote. This video is reported as being withdrawn from YouTube. 27
Posted by Gorboduc on Sun, 02 May 2010 21:18 | # Thanks Bill! The Clegg vid. underneath is worth watching too: both the nauseating sanctimonious creeps begin with the identical words, “I’m really sorry I can’t be with you tonight.” ? ? ? ? WHO WROTE THE SPEECHES FOR THEM? SAME GUY? So what’s this BLACK VOTE? I thought there were no such things as races: they were invented by Whites. I’m off to the hustings soon: if I don’t come on here for a couple of days. it’s because I’ve been arrested. If it’s longer than that, I’ve been stabbed. I shall be taking along GW’s little questionnaire of a few weeks back, supported, as Fred suggested. by the U.N. Declaration. 28
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 03 May 2010 13:56 | # So, how did the hustings go, Gorb? Gorb ...? ... Gorb? Post a comment:
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Posted by Bill on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:36 | #
This is the nub and it is not being done. There’s shed loads of stuff the BNP could be lambasting the establishment with - but they’re are not, open goals are going begging and I cannot figure out why.
I really do think the BNP have blown it. Again!