Gysi: normal Germans ‘Nazis’, death, replacement ‘fortunate.’ Dresden protests

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 October 2015 12:03.


Dresden, Germany protests migrant invasion. In the meantime, Gregor Gysi has promoted death to Germans.

Former apparatchik of the communist East German GDR government and ever the Jewish henchman, Gregor Gysi has been calling normal Germans “Nazis” for resisting their death through assimilation in waves of imposed immigration, calls for their elimination (death) as such -  to him, “a very fortunate” prognosis.

Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby prompt you to participate at the protest,“Live better without Nazis - diversity is our future”, on the 6th of June at 10a.m. in Neurupinn. We have to take a stand against the Nazis. Because of our history between 1933 - 1945 we are obliged to treat refugees properly. We also have to save their lives in the Mediterranean. There has to be a legal [unbureaucratic] way to get asylum in Europe. Countries like Poland - very Catholic by the way - have to be willing to accept [more] refugees. Oh, and by the way: Every year more native Germans die than there are born. That is very fortunate. It’s because the Nazis are not very good at having offspring. This decline [of Germans] is why we are so dependent on immigration from foreign countries.  - See you at the protest. Goodbye! Gregor Gysi




Oh, and by the way:




Posted by Wilson on Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:06 | #

Editors Note: this commentator, here known as “Wilson” but going under other names elsewhere is a troll whose strategy is apparently to divert attention to something he calls “Judaism”. We will leave his comment to make a note of the tactic, of informational noise, confusion, misdirection, whatever it is:


Thanks for the nice post.  Gysi is part Jewish.  The Judaists are behind the alien invasion. 

Inciting 3rd world aliens to invade Europe, where they will rape his mother and his daughters is insane.  In fact, most 3rd world brown people want to come to white countries for that reason alone—to attack white women, especially those who want them, like Gysi’s mother.

So why is Gysi so evil and mentally deranged? 

Hatred for mankind, culture, their own white race and other antisocial and criminal traits (including incest) are rampant among the Judaists. This is because they are taught from childhood the Torah (Old Testament) and Talmud by their parents and rabbis, which books state that they are “Jews”, descendents of Middle Eastern/African Torah patriarchs like Abraham (who was a pimp and sold his own wife Sarai as a prostitute to an African pharaoh). They worship Moshe, (anglicized to Moses) as their prophet.  Their Torah is replete with violence and barbarity. Yahweh and Moshe are mass murderers.

The Judaists beliefs about their identity, history and persecution are derived primarily from the Torah. These beliefs are mostly delusions because the Torah (Old Testament) is fiction, a pure myth.  This is obvious from Book 1, Page 1.  Only an imbecile would take such an obvious piece of fiction literally.

In fact, most Judaists are European Whites whose ancestors converted to Judaism in the middle ages. See Arthur Koestler, 13th tribe; also Dr. Schlomo Sand’s award-winning book reviewed on:
Also see:

Also see: The Fallacy of Biological Judaism, By Robert Pollack, on:

Their Torah (OT) is a “forgery” (See: McCabe) and “spurious” (—Thomas Paine). That is obvious from book 1, page 1.  The Earth is not 6000 years old. Cultures (unknown to the scribes) flourished much before. Written records and archeological evidence using carbon dating show man’s presence tens of thousands of years ago, probably over a 100,000 years ago. A million people cannot live in a vast desert (without water or food) in a hostile nation for 40 years—-and leave no trace.

Moshe (an Egyptian, per Exodus 2:19, and therefore African and therefore Negro) never existed. His story is copied from the older African myth of Mises. Exile and Exodus never happened. For eg., as stated in “Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho” (by Prof. Ze’ev Herzog of the Dept. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University):

“This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel….”


The Negro Moshe could not have parted the Red Sea, not only because it violates the laws of physics, and there was no Moses, but because there was no Red Sea to cross, since Egypt and Israel have a common land border!

The scribes who fabricated the Torah (OT) were negro barbarian criminals or “human animals” (—Hitchens) who lied about God and then made up self-serving lies that they are “God’s Chosen.”

When people see a mentally deranged criminal like Gysi, they wonder why Jewish mothers do not teach their children not to be evil or criminal and not destroy their own country?

Unfortunately, most Jewish mothers do not teach morals to their children.  Besides the above brainwashing, many Jewish women lead a secret double life.  Many Jewish girls and women are seduced and even raped by Rabbis (see the book, Sex, Lies and Rabbis) and their own male relatives.  Incest is rampant among Judaists.  (See the For some Judaists, raping their own relatives is Job 1.  As a result of the repeated sexual assaults, Jewish women become depressed.  Other become more sexually promiscuous and start accepting this.  This is proven by the fact that most Jewish women do NOT leave Judaism, despite being repeatedly sexually abused.


How could such a morally decrepit mother teach morals to her children?  How could such a mother ever teach her children that looting by doing insider trading and destroy this country by flooding it with 3rd world aliens is wrong?

It is quite likely that Gysi’s mother was raped by many relatives and many rabbis.  That would explain his mental illness.  It is also likely that he himself was sexually assaulted and that explains his depravity and barbarianism.

In summary, by relying on the insane rantings (Torah) of a gang of mentally deranged black criminals, and raped by rabbis, Judaists themselves become mentally deranged as evinced by their hatred of mankind, low morals, rampant criminality, narcissistic delusions, pedophilia, incest, negrophilia, alienism and hatred of whites, (i.e. their own race).  Brainwashed and raped all their lives, worshipping the whore Sarah who was sold to a Negro pharaoh, Jewish men women become whores and sluts, and turn to negrophilia, rapistophilia (loving rapists) and other barbaric behavior.

Now you know why Gysi loves 3rd world rapists and murderers so much, he wants more of them.



Posted by German normals responding to invasion on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:16 | #


TTsays: What took them so long and why don’t they start at the top. They should drag the wicked witch from her lair.

VIDEO: Irate Germans Attempt to Block Buses Full of Migrants

Posted on October 13, 2015


by Paul Joseph Watson

[image: germans block migrant buses]

*Citizens chant “you are ruining our country” as police force them back*

A video shows irate Germans attempting to block buses full of arriving migrants as police force them off the streets.


The clip begins with police officers pushing back German citizens who are preventing the buses from entering the town.

“You go against your own people, you go in front, we pay your money, our children – their future is ruined – you are ruining this country. Do you have any honor left in your bodies?” says one of the men as the police get more aggressive.

Some of the citizens begin chanting, “Our own people should come first,” before openly goading the police by yelling, “Go ahead and shoot – shoot your own people.”

The officers again order the citizens to get off the street before threatening to get their batons out.

On Sunday, German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said that the country expects to take in more than a million migrants this year.

Support for anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has climbed in recentweeks, while support for the governing conservative bloc that has overseen the wave of migrants coming into Germany is at its lowest since the last election two years ago.

In light of numerous reports concerning rapes being committed by migrants



in and around refugee camps positivity towards the influx of migrants has waned.


A recent poll conducted by broadcaster ARD found that 51% of Germans were ‘scared’ about the arrival of 200,000 migrants a month, compared to 47% saying they had no concerns. These figures have changed significantly from just a few weeks ago, when only 38% said they had concerns.

Meanwhile, another video shot outside a refugee camp in Augsburg shows a deluge of trash that migrants have dumped over their balconies.


Posted by German normals torch bio-warfare shelters on Mon, 19 Oct 2015 17:59 | #


German normals torch refugee centers at a rate of 1 per day

Each day for seven days a “refugee” center has burned ... German normals are suspected.

360 attacks against shelters for “moderate, harmless and gentle Muslims” ... i.e., shelters for bio-Islamic warfare on the people of Germany have been torched counting 69 year-to-date.

German newspaper Bild reports:

Police in Germany reports an arson attack on a planned or existing refugee accommodation . This year there have been about 360 attacks on refugee shelters - 69 of which were arson attacks . In just the past seven days, it burned seven times . Incredibly : In all seven cases, an arson was confirmed.


Posted by Pegida marks anniversary with more protest on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 06:21 | #

At least one person has been seriously hurt after thousands of people massed in the eastern German city of Dresden to mark the first anniversary of the anti-migrant movement Pegida...


Carrying placards bearing images of burqa-clad women crossed out, or slogans referring to the German chancellor such as: “Go [Angela] Merkel: you give the Judas kiss”, Pegida supporters gathered in downtown Dresden on Monday, the birthplace of the movement. One of them, Hannelore, told AFP: “We are here for our children and grandchildren. We are proud to be here and that many people are here. We are glad that people have the courage to speak out.”

“Pegida is not a brown-shirt movement. Never,” said the protester in her 60s, referring to the Nazis, adding: “Frau Merkel is driving our country against the wall.”

In the meantime, other German normals have been more confrontational with the PTB and their plans..

.. protesters gathered to demonstrate against the arrival of migrants at a newly opened shelter in eastern Germany have clashed violently with police in a sign of growing tension over the record influx of asylum seekers expected this year.


Posted by Multi-culturalism fails in refugee camp on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:18 | #

Multi-culturalism fails in refugee camp: Dresden, Germany


Posted by "We are not a stage for xenophobia" on Tue, 05 Jan 2016 18:11 | #

Pegida activists brave the cold on January 4th in Dresden

...might say, we are not a stage of ‘xenophobia”


Posted by Arab/Refugee Crime Swamping Berlin on Tue, 12 Apr 2016 08:39 | #

TNO, “Arab/Refugee Crime Swamping Berlin”, 11 April, 2016:

Extended criminal Arab families dominate entire neighborhoods in Berlin, and are now recruiting new members from the “refugee camps”—and the German capital city’s underworld is now “lost” to them, the German Die Welt newspaper has reported.


According to the article, police have started putting special surveillance teams outside the “refugee homes” to try and spot the recruiters and the new recruits.

“It is an amazing sight,” Die Welt reported, describing the appearance of “luxury sedans outside refugee camps. They certainly don’t belong to the refugees. . . .[but the] refugees have been discovered by Berlin’s infamous Arab crime families.”

Police told Die Welt that the criminal clans are selectively recruiting in the refugee camps, and are on the lookout for “young and physically strong men” who are then used for “dirty work” such as burglaries, trafficking in drugs, and violence against competitors.

“The word has spread in the underworld scene,” Die Welt says, adding that the police, the prosecutors, and everyone else knows about it, but do not know how to stop it.

According to authorities, there are between fifteen and twenty such clans in Berlin, most of whom came to the city in the later 1970s from Lebanon. “They control most of the organized crime,” the head of Criminal Investigation for the State Criminal Police Office, Dirk Jacob, told the newspaper.

Jacob said that they “demonstrate their power by carrying out mass daylight raids” on public events such as a recent attack on a poker tournament at the Hyatt Hotel and on the KaDeWe supermarket.
READ 200,000 Invader Crimes in Germany

CCTV footage of an Arab mass criminal attack in Berlin.

Public prosecutor Sjors Kamstra told the newspaper that the “refugees come here, are unskilled, and have no money. Now, they will be shown how to quickly get money.”

Police revealed how the Arab crime gangs go to work: they tell the “refugees” that even if they are arrested, the worst that will happen is that they will be sent to German prison, and that is “still better” than “back home.”

The best of it, from the criminal clans’ point of view, the police said, was that the “refugees” are all young and do not yet have criminal records in Germany, making them effectively “unknown” to the investigators.

Police also told Die Welt that it is “extremely difficult to penetrate these extended families. These are solid structures that can only be cracked through lengthy and costly investigations. If a member of a family of a competitor, for example, is attacked or injured, we have to secure an arrest with only hours to spare, because the clans quickly turn and manipulate witnesses who are either bought or threatened. After a few hours, we will learn nothing more.”


The police also revealed to Die Welt that the clans “dominate” Berlin’s crime scene. The prostitutes in Schöneberg are controlled by a single family, often with violence, and any “independent” pimps must pay 50 percent of their earnings to the Arabs.

Large sums of money are also made through extortion by offering “protection,” the police continued. “Hardly any hookah bar operators are spared.”

One of the latest tricks being employed by these criminal Arabs is to run smaller car rental companies, which lease vehicles from major manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz or BMW. Then, after a few months, the companies “close suddenly, and the leased vehicles are stolen.”

Many of these high-horsepower cars are then used for robberies and other crimes, and if their registration numbers are noted, they lead nowhere because the care hire company no longer exists.

Another “business opportunity” seized upon by these criminal Arabs, the police added, was to buy or lease properties and convert them into “refugee shelters,” for which they are paid exorbitant rentals by the government.

Prosecutor Kamstra revealed how much some “refugees” are already earning from the criminal clans, saying that it was not uncommon to find €150,000 Euros in the possession of “asylum seekers” who have a welfare payment of less than €1,000 per month.

The police, who also suffer from a personnel shortage, struggle with the fact that the nonwhites use smart phone technology to avoid wiretaps. The challenges are near insurmountable, Die Welt says, concluding that:

“Against the police are opponents who act from a closed ethnic and family-like setting who run the city as if it belongs to them—and all this makes the battle to control the clans one which the police cannot hope to win.”


Posted by Cottbus protests after spate of migrant crime on Tue, 03 Jul 2018 15:24 | #

Voice of Europe, “Resistance: Thousands of Germans protest against Merkel and migration in Cottbus “, 3 July 2018:

        The protest in Cottbus - Image Credits: Zukunft Heimat

After several migrant related incidents, the people of Cottbus took to the streets on Sunday, to protest against Merkel’s migration policy.

  Mehr als 3000 Demonstrieren in #Cottbus: „So empörend die Verfälschungen und Unwahrheiten auch sind, die von #Merkel und ihren Medien im Zusammenhang mit dem EU-Gipfel geliefert werden, sie sind ebenso ein unverkennbares Zeichen der Schwäche. Merkel wird fallen!”

  — Zukunft Heimat e.V. (@zukunft_heimat) July 1, 2018

The march was organised by Zukunft Heimat, a German community organisation, and took place throughout Cottbus, with demonstrators calling out, “Merkel must leave”, “We are the people” and “Deport!”.

According to Zukunft Heimat, thousands of citizens were protesting against Merkel’s open border policy. “We are a lot, our numbers grow and we will continue to protest until the 2015 open border policy stops”.

The repeating protests in Cottbus have become a symbol of national resistance against Merkel and her destruction of Germany, Zukunft Heimat reports on their Facebook page.

“It’s good to be here on the streets again,” one participant said, “otherwise you could go crazy in this ‘Merkelised’ country.”

German media say the protest in Cottbus attracted more than 3,000 people, and many predict that they will not cease until Merkel’s reign comes to an end.

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