Buttiglione, a Brit at the Dom and the dog that didn’t bark

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 31 October 2004 21:57.

There has been no shortage of blogging about Rocco Buttiglioni.  He is, or was, good copy.  He brought about a colourfully chaotic passage in EU life, and we should all be grateful for that.  No doubt, the focus will now quickly move on.  His honesty and principle will not be much remembered.  Probably, there was never much chance that he could succeed to the Commission.  But it was a stand worth making, if only to remind us how dominant, arrogant and wrong the left is.

That said, one shouldn’t get too carried away with Rocco’s heroism.  He wasn’t proposing to expunge cultural marxism from the face of Europe.  Quite the contrary -  as a modern conservative politician he was a realist on social policy in the same way that his more or less post-socialist persecutors in the European Parliament are more or less realists on economic policy.  And he wanted that justice job.

So, with this post I will not pile more words onto the mountain of them blogged about the erstwhile Buttiglioni crisis.  Instead, I am going to ask you to make three leaps of the imagination.  If nothing else that is, as my foolish generation used to repeat ad nauseum, something completely different.

Buttiglioni, a traditionalist Catholic in a marxised political world, operated through the medium of a chinese wall in his waking life.  “I may think that homosexuality is a sin.  This has no effect on politics unless I say that homosexuality is a crime,” he told his interrogators from the European Parliament.  In the political sphere it is not unusual for public and private to be kept apart (a feat accomplished more successfully in continental Europe than in Britain, btw).  These days it is an all too necessary separation and it applies to beliefs as much as to moral behaviour or the collective will of the party, cabinet, Nu-Labour cabal et alia.

Still, imagine for a moment that we live in a world in which Buttiglioni had no need of such artifice.  Imagine that he could test his views against his peers’ or against the prevailing zeitgeist without the world collapsing in on him, without even the most arch-socialist, mixed-race lesbian Equality Advisor and proto Euro MP running from the room screaming.  Indeed, imagine what such a solid, reliable world might be like.

Firstly, and most obviously, it would be a world without arch-socialist, mixed-race lesbian Equality Advisors, without marxists full stop … middle-class liberals, too (a minor distinction, anyway).  And, therefore, it would be a world without the special sins these damaged creatures have created for us.  Our groaning burden of state-enforced, social-revolutionary strictures would simply not exist.  Our Jewish friends would have to thicken their skins like the rest of us and manage without laws against hate speech.  Our petty minorities would have to accept the natural particularism of the majority in all avenues of life, exactly as it always used to be.

Right and left would obtain in some form.  But the poison of intra-societal warfare, ingested from twentieth-century Judeo-German political philosophy, would not be the stock-in-trade of left-wing politics.  And nationalism - the greatest sin of all in our world and, therefore, the key to our freedom - would be an unexceptional issue that is just there in the background, like woodsmoke in the air or the sound of waves breaking on a pebbled beach.  Accordingly, society would be ethnically homogenous as our - and every other - people desire.

Of course, such an implicit sense of nation does rather argue against the model of denationed, globalised bureaucracy to which Buttiglioni was apparently keen to nail his schizophrenic colours.  But this being an exercise of the imagination, I shall ask you to avert your eyes from that and say no more about it.

On the social front, Buttiglioni’s firmly traditional idealism would see men and women completing one another’s lives through marriage and protecting the interests of their children above all things.  Abortion as a means of birth control would be illegal.  Welfarism as a lifestyle would be replaced by the disincentive to negative choices afforded by personal hardship and social stigma.  Those unfortunates who desire their own sex would be neglected benignly in return for their discretion.  The indiscreet would earn common disapproval.  Crime, which I rather suspect would not include private sexual acts between consenting adults, would be punished according to its nature.  And so on …

Understand that I am not proposing this in any absolute utopian sense.  I am asking whether it would be a better world than the one in which we live.  Would it, furthermore, be a better world than the one we are likely to be saddled with in, say, another four or five decades?

Imagining, I’m afraid, is what things have come to for conservatives.  The aching question which attends their toothless, grovelling subservience to the left, appropriate only to the most cruelly beaten cur, is: how the hell did this rank disaster ever come to pass?

One can pick one’s fateful moment from a medley of possibilities.  Little Tommy Hobbes suckling at his mother’s breast is a good one.  Frau Hitler going into labour might also do, especially since, to my mind, it was the excesses of Nazi Germany that “did for” nationalism in old Europe.  After two world wars in a quarter of a century all the continental nations were defeated in fact and in spirit.  They fled from nationalism as the cause of their sorrows, never thinking that they fled only from themselves and towards transnational oblivion.

But why did the victorious, un-European British also flee?  Our nationalism was no synonym for an absurd racial supremacy.  Racialism, anyway, was entirely separate from nationalism, and given form and tempered by our experience of Empire.  We had no war guilt to bear, beyond the fact that RAF Bomber Command blew the crap out of German cities a propos the designs of “Churchill’s Jew”, Lord Cherwell, and to the chagrin of his nemesis, Solly Zuckermann.  We did not behave ignobly towards our Jews.  Indeed there is said to have been some discord among long-established Jews when newcomers with a very different experience and an overt hatred of the gentile washed up here from Europe in the 1930’s.  Where, then, was the moral necessity to cast our gentle, conservative brand of nationalism into the fire and our own unique claims to identity and to our homeland with it?  How did our national will come to be so enfeebled?

This post is not the place to answer for our enfeeblement at the level of the general population.  That is a story about secretive and undemocratic government, culture war and globalisation.  But it has not yet, thank God, been finally written.

But a door to enfeeblement was opened early among the political elite.  Personally, I believe that it was the Allied occupation forces in post-war Germany that fashioned the key.  They did so via a process aimed at the establishment of German collective war guilt when the very existence of such guilt was much in dispute among the Allies themselves.  In the end it was the subject of an arbitrary political decision by the Americans.

Establishing as indisputable fact what could not actually be shown to exist required a heavier punitive model than the public school decency and fair play of the British officer class.  Accordingly, a special morality had to be brought to bear.  Specious and vague in its universalism though it was, it held Germans to standards of tolerance and humanitarianism that no people had been held to before - and were certainly not extended to them by the occupying forces.  German national feeling was utterly crushed beneath it.  Unfortunately for us, it turned out to be contagious.

So picture yourself standing amidst the ravages of Allied bombing and before the great, miraculously untouched edifice of the Kolner Dom.  It is May 1945.  You are a German and you are alive and, insomuch as any German can say so in these times, you are free.  At least, you are not in an Allied internment camp.

But you are not so free that you could skip the film they are showing all over the city.  Bergen-Belsen, shot by a sergeant in a British film unit.  Not pretty, no not pretty.  Really, not pretty at all.  And you are not so free that you can avoid being herded to stand here, in front of that great stone wedding cake, while a high British officer steps onto a wooden dais with a microphone planted in the centre of it.  Beside him is an army interpreter and behind him the City Mayor, a small, thin man new to you, and the Bishop, very grave and as grey as Dom stone itself.  About you and stretching away into the cleared spaces and the dusty streets that lead to this place are thousands of other ordinary Germans waiting dumbly, as ordered, for something to happen.  There are better places in the city to assemble.  But you understand that the Dom is the symbol of German spiritual continuity.  It was always bound to be here that they brought you.

The officer stoops toward the microphone and taps it twice with his right forefinger.  “People of Cologne,” he begins, satisfied that he will be heard, “I am not here to listen to stories of how you did not know what was going on in your country.”  He pauses and looks to the interpreter, whose routine monotone contrasts sharply with his own ringing clarity.  “You should all now have seen,” he continues, “film of the type of atrocities that have been committed in your name by your fellow Germans.  They did not merely murder women and children for you” … pause … “They did not merely destroy them as vermin are destroyed” … pause … “as beings of no consequence” … pause while the meaning sinks in … “They were of consequence.  So first they had to be debased and de-humanised as you have seen” … pause … “They had to be made into the sub-humans of Nazi propaganda to prove to the murderers and to you that extermination of the Jew is justified.”

You look about you.  Everywhere is surprise turning to shock.  You can almost feel the last vestiges of intellectual energy dissipating from the crowd.  This is not merely about the consequences of defeat.  It is much, much worse than that.

“This could not have happened,” the officer goes on, “without the support and encouragement of all of you.  Whether that support was tacit or active makes no difference.  You are regarded by me and my fellow serving soldiers and by every decent, tolerant human being as no better than criminals.  There are many standing among you today who will find out what that means to their cost.  The time of reckoning is at hand.”

What did he say then?  What did he say?  You want to turn to the men and women about you and shout out, “Criminal?  Me?  Would he have been satisfied, then, if I had got myself shot as a traitor?  Is that what I should have done?  Or is just being a German enough to damn me?  Well, fuck him.  I’ve nothing to be ashamed of.”

Perhaps the others feel like you.  Or perhaps they are still filled with high hopes for the occupation and expectations of liberality and a relaxed, un-German way of doing things.  But you can see as you look about you that something else is slowly sinking in.  You are not alone in your reaction.  Still, you say nothing.  You understand that silence admits of shame.  But an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach tells you that you will be silent again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

“Though you are no longer our enemy,” the officer is saying, “you cannot be our friend.  We do not consider you fit to associate with decent people.  I have ordered that there shall be zero fraternisation between my men and a single one of you.”  Then he pulls himself up to his full height and announces with particular clarity, “Now let there be no doubt … the disease that was Nazism is dead and gone forever.  We govern in this zone and we will establish democracy here.  You will not be permitted to develop your own political expression.  We will rebuild your political life but we will also limit and control it to those ends we, not you, deem appropriate.  Germany shall never again be the belligerent.  We shall make you peaceful and productive.  We shall re-educate you all, adult and child alike.  No German will think or feel as he or she thought or felt in the past, not a single one of you.”

And that, dear reader, must suffice to show how, when and more or less where the blow to the British body politic was struck.  It was felt first as a troubling suspicion that tolerance, if it meant anything, must surely apply to all.  Expressed national sentiment was its opposite and might be the seedbed of genocide anywhere, including here, just as it had been in Hitler’s Germany.  No matter that this special Jewish-American morality was designed solely for the latter.  No matter that what might be lost by us as a result of it had hitherto been a centuries-old bulwark of the nation.  No matter that our nationalism was synonymous with identity, pride and love and with a commonsense understanding of human nature.  No matter that it was not Nazism nor anything to do with it, for God’s sake.  No, a historical process was in train, irresistible in its momentum and attended by a marxised left quick to insist upon its moral authority.

It is the left today, still, that is delivering-up our sense of being to an unwanted cosmopolitan future.  But it did not originate the process.  Neither, really, did “the Jews”.  We did it ourselves.  The context in Britain was difficult, of course.  The old political elite of the right must have seen the socialist straws in the wind in 1944, when Parliament passed the Education Act.  The world was changing.  Their ways of doing things belonged to the past.  Everybody said so.

One way or the other, the elite lost sight of what unites us or became too faint-hearted to fight for it.  The ideological grifters of the left, gentile and Jew alike, were eliding our island nationalism with the worst excesses of the Master Race.  Perhaps a few faithful Tory souls were chafing at the bit.  But in the end they capitulated, probably concluding that they couldn’t fight it with memories of the war still so fresh.

To compound this, over the next decade or so the old paternalist elite resiled from most of its remaining beliefs.  They were inexpedient to a Party searching to remain relevant and in the political centre.  True, it hung on to its electability for another three decades through the application of Keynesianism, corporatism and a deathly silence on Commonwealth immigration.  But that only validated the left’s social egalitarian prescription, which proved to be killing to paternalism.  By 1975 a neoliberal revolution had taken place within Toryism.  But on social issues conservativism lapped at the bowl of liberal-marxian universalism, equality and tolerance.  By the mid 1990s, once the Labour Party “modernised” by adopting neoliberalism itself, the Tories ceased even to be worth electing.  And so, today, this modern, post-socialist left – or call it liberal, progressive, marxian, Blairite - can talk confidently of the postnation, and not a whimper from the benches opposite will be heard.

It follows, then, that we are actually living in the age of the post-conservative, a most cowed and nervous animal.  The saintly Enoch was the last Tory to loose a really good rasp of defiance at the minority-mongers.  Probably, the rest now view even the possibility of barking as a deeply regrettable personal flaw as well, of course, as a sure loser at the polls.  Bark and be damned in the media.  Bark and be distinctly uncomfortable in the presence of one’s dusky-hued constituents.  Bark and be everything the political foe on the left and, worse still, in one’s own Party says one is.  Bark and stand down at the next election.  Bark and be yesterday’s mutt.

But for our third leap of the imagination, let’s play with the idea of what kind of canine it would take not merely to bark despite all this, but to bite a few left legs?

Well, imagine a conservative who understood, first and foremost, that the function of our country has been divorced from the interests of its people.  Imagine a conservative who understood that the ruling elite considers us collectively guilty in very many ways … that it has assumed absolute control and means to re-form us into a (quite literally) different and, of course, equal people.  Imagine a conservative who understood that we cannot practise our politics to useful effect unless we openly espouse our own worldview and our own interests.

Our worldview is not universalist.  It is particularist.  Therefore we espouse particularism.  It is not predicated on civic values like respect for diversity and tolerance but on nation and country.  Furthermore, we are not transnationals nor will we ever want to be.  Therefore we espouse nationalism.  We are not cheer leaders for multiculturalism or diversity or inclusiveness or any other term that means egalitarian since we are not marxists.  Therefore we espouse freedom.  Our people are not raised up by moral relativism, welfarism or by the professional victimologists of the rights industry.  Therefore we espouse social conservativism.

If we do not do so we cease to be, first, conservative in any real sense of the word and, second - in time - we shall cease to be an identifiably English people.  It is as stark as that.

I will finish on a disturbing and dangerous irony, which Sean Gabb touches upon at the close of his prodigious Free Life Commentary linked above.

The deeper we get into the racial-egalitarian mire the more probable it is that a reaction, if and when it comes, will be closer in character to the German model of nationalism.  The left may wind up creating the very phenomenon it most despises, known by the very name it so readily hurls at its opponents.  It would be only fitting, I suppose.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 04:29 | #

Guessedworker develops a very important point:  the claimed equivalence since the end of WWII between normal, healthy nationalism on the one hand and vilest Nazism on the other is part of what’s brought us to the current situation where it’s considered the moral duty of white countries and white people to go out of existence because of what they supposedly risk doing to non-whites if ever their “inner-Nazi” comes to the fore, or however the implicit reasoning goes.

Any love of nation and love of race which the Nazis may have had was not one of their bad points, but one of their good points.  It’s normal and healthy to love one’s nation and race.  This clarification needs to be repeated in no uncertain terms whenever and wherever the opposite claim is made and whenever and wherever people who are nationalistic are likened on that ground alone to the Nazis.  This Nazi monkey has got to be thrown off our backs once and for all.

The importance of the ideas set forth in this piece cannot be overestimated.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 04:38 | #

In my post above, I wrote, “Any love of nation and love of race which the Nazis may have had was not one of their bad points, but one of their good points.”  A better way to have put that would have been, “What made the Nazis bad wasn’t their nationalism or love of country or love of race but other things entirely.”


Posted by Tim Scott on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 15:25 | #

No one today could seriously challenge the virtues of rational environmentalism and the risks associated with smoking.  Both of these were precendents set by Germany.  Nazi Germany and Hitler seem to have been afforded almost God-like qualities and the opponents of healthy nationalism and particularism selectively edit elements of Germany to paint their opponents with a broad brush.  By any standard, Germany went as far overboard as Napoleon did with his lip service to “Equality, Fraternity and Liberty” used to justify military conquests (justified or not).  We are hardly a generation removed from 1945 and the question remains: did the monarchies or modern nation states win out in the long run in Europe?  Without the Valhalla of a workers’ paradise awaiting them the post-Marxists are, in effect, sapped of fighting spirit and crumbling from within.  Does anyone remember the threat of sanctions leveled at Austria only a few years ago for voting for the Freedom party?  Progress is being made but progress is always measured by decades.

The idea that post-Marxism will produce a 1933 National Socialist-style backlash is not likely because the conditions of 1933 do not exist.  Russia is not arming to the teeth in preparation for an invasion of Europe and “world revolution” rings hollow to the tune of failed welfare states.  Only nationalism can offset the social costs of running a modern nation state.  Countries in Europe will begin to go nationalist within 10-20 years.  Not in the expantionist military sense, but in a pro-European cultural sense.  In the long run rear guard immigration policies by opportunistic politicians cannot prevent this.  The demographic changes needed to change this inevitable nationalist reality from occuring cannot happen fast enough.  There is still hope and many reasons for looking at a bright future for Europe for realistic reasons.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:23 | #


You are the most generous of men and your carefully chosen words are always carefully read by me, for sure.  I learned from Johan that you hailed originally from his home country (and I don’t mean Belgium).  His next post will be along when the Court of Appeal pronounces on November 9th.  Meanwhile, many thanks for the support you have given to him and to my efforts at Jim’s blog and now here.


Well, if we really are in the prediction business ... I don’t know about 1933 but the monstrous soviet system is already here.  It has its tanks parked in our minds, not on our lawns.  It enslaves us culturally.  But it will also increasingly enslave us economically as our population quits the browning cities only to be taxed to support them.

I give cultural marxism two decades more before the system collapses.  I may not be around to judge the disposition of forces at that time.  But you are right that non-whites will not be overwhelming in number.  There is good reason to be hopeful in that regard.  But by then the real enemy may have transmogrified into a transnational power elite that, although it has been stripped of its ideological justification, may not be so easily stripped of power.


Posted by Laban Tall on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 22:42 | #

Peter Hitchens asks the same question - how ?, and concludes our WW2 occupation by our allies, and the subsequent realisation of our relative powerlessness by the Brit elite, followed by a loss of said elite’s self-confidence was the answer.

I keep coming back to religion and original sin. The Brit cultural disaster seems to march in step with the decline of religion. Yet the visceral emotions which drive and also reflect religious experience are still there. When I look at, for example, much environmentalist literature, I see the primeval Eden and naturally sinful man.

Similarly our natural tendency to racism, homophobia etc, so bemoaned by the cultural left. Christians already know they’re sinners - they don’t have to invent new sins, there being quite enough old ones to go round.

Again America is probably the most religious/Christian of the advanced nations - they also have a deal more national self-confidence than we. No coincidence I ween. But only the Christian half of America has that self-confidence - the secular half are worrying about Kyoto and our failure to reach out to France ...


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 22:45 | #

The deeper we get into the racial-egalitarian mire the more probable it is that a reaction, if and when it comes, will be closer in character to the German model of nationalism.  The left may wind up creating the very phenomenon it most despises, known by the very name it so readily hurls at its opponents.  It would be only fitting, I suppose.


There’s something more to the secret of the domination of the left.  I don’t claim to have it figured out yet, but I think two essential parts are the leftist domination of the media and the treachery of our western elites.

As you say, we are culturally enslaved.  So far, the Internet seems to be the only weapon we have, the only lucky break we’ve had in a generation.  It isn’t toppling the media, but it has certainly given us a way to circumvent it.

Unlike GW, I do believe Jewry to be the driving force behind the left.  It isn’t the entirety, not by a long shot, but I think it’s the brains of that particular Frankenstein’s monster.  It’s such a complex issue, I don’t want to make it sound simple like most of my fellow WNs do, but I think it’s cowardly to ignore or downplay Jewry’s role.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Nov 2004 01:03 | #


I’ve only read reviews of “Abolition”.  Hitch could be right about the Allied occupation forces.  But what I was trying to explain here was how the elite of the right found that its “old school” morality had proved inadequate to the task of guiding Britain and her Empire in the world.  It had to be ditched entirely for governing the British Zone of Occupation.  So the elite suffered not merely a crisis of confidence, as Hitchens suggests, but of moral purpose.

Well, of course the hotspot for moral purpose was occupied Germany and the morality we had to enforce was of the tolerance/humanitarian/collective guilt type, which I do not think had seen the light of day before.  If, rather than keeping itself aloof our elite did imbibe this junk morality, then capitalation to the left was scarcely avoidable thereafter.

If I’m wrong, fine.  It’s just a theory based on my knowledge of WW2 history.

The broader issue of religion doesn’t help with the elite, of course.  But what you say is true.  Ordinary folk fill the gap where religion stood with some wierd and wonderful things.  Even politics.


You’re talking to a monk here, kind of.  I’ve taken a vow of silence on the Jewish question.  Prof MacDonald may jump in if he sees the thread and feels so inclined.

I do, however, often dwell upon the “tikkun olam” aspect of the Jewish faith.  Among secular intellectuals, too, there is a widespread belief that, with their intelligence and detachment they are uniquely placed - they even claim a right - to improve our society. 

We would help ourselves, I think, by refusing this assistance gracefully and pursuing our own ethnic interests with a clear eye and singular determination.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Nov 2004 06:00 | #

Thank you, Guessedworker.  It’s rather I who thank you, and Johan Van Vlaams, and other commentators at this site and at other right-thinking blogs and web-sites for all your invaluable contributions to truth openly and publicly expressed. 

By Johan’s “home country,” I think you must mean Flanders.  No, I’m an American, one who came to love Flanders and Wallonia (and also the Eastern German “cantons” of Belgium, and Brussels too, considered by many a separate and distinct region—I love that whole country) from having spent time in Belgium.  It’s a wonderful country and, in its way, a great one.  And yes, I’m very much looking forward to seeing Johan’s next post.  I think his next one will be, as you say, about the appeal, by the Vlaams Blok Party, of the outrageous judgment against it by a prejudiced liberal élitist French-speaking judge.  I certainly hope and expect the world will see, when the appeals decision is handed down in a few days from now, how well and how faithfully little Belgium’s courts do justice.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Thu, 04 Nov 2004 19:35 | #


Several posts have mentioned the decline of Christianity in Britain.

I’m an American and I’ve just started reading Maurice Cowling’s “Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England”.

I find the book fascinating. The internet has little information on Mr. Cowling, other than he is an historian at Peterhouse College, Cambridge.

Can anyone comment on this man?


Mr. Cowling has written a very interesting article on Winston Churchill and WWII policy:



Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 05 Nov 2004 01:28 | #


Thanks for the links.  I’ll check Cowling out.  His political interpretation of Britain in WW2 is, as he clearly intends, challenging.  I tend to distrust those who will challenges on others’ positions.  Such people have a habit of derogating these positions to the level of treasured assumption or conventional wisdom.  Cowling does both and throws in a charge of dogmatism for good measure.  To my mind it’s a dangerous conceit to do this.

A few other quick observations:-

Cowling is wrong about the student revolution of the 1930’s.  The development that carried critical theory into our daily life did not commence until after the war (with the Communist Party Historians Group in 1946).  He dates the rise of economic socialism to the mid-sixties, which is too early I think, but entirely misses the cultural pathogen.

I cannot understand why he links the decline of empire to the Labour Party.  India’s rising desire for self-determination was the blue touchpaper.  It didn’t need socialism in Britain.

Cowling is stretching a point over Singapore.  The Japanese attacked at Pearl Harbour because the window of opportunity to do so existed.  Churchill and Britain were entirely peripheral to the decision to attack.

On occasions I have cross-swords with net-Volk who believe, like Cowling, that the Western powers should have avoided conflict with Hitler.  So what of Denmark?  What of Norway?  When does one accept that British interests are compromised?  Neither neutrality nor isolationism were our foreign policy.  The former is fit only for small nations without enemies.  Large and powerful nations may be isolationist but they sign over their foreign policy to more active participants.  That was unthinkable to a global power like Britain.    Sometimes war is unavoidable.  I believe it was clearly the case with Germany.


Posted by Laban Tall on Fri, 12 Nov 2004 00:37 | #

Just to say anyone who thinks the Jews are the driving force behind the left .. well I think Guessedworkers vow of silence would be polite here. I may not be posting much if that’s where we live ...

“The Jew, due to his universality, is of necessity pacifist and internationalist” as Churchill said, paraphrasing someone’s book. But he ain’t no more.

“The “disenchantment” of the Guardian is largely due to the limits of its liberal philo-semitism once Jews could no longer be loved primarily for their victimhood. When it became clear, after 1967, that the creation of Israel had given rise to another set of victims, the Palestinians, Jews could no longer be unequivocally embraced.”


I posted on the issue of left-wing anti-semitism way back at

“For those who hate ‘stupid white men’, use phrases like ‘hideously white’ to describe an organisation, or complain, as a recent Guardian piece did, that Poland is an unbelievably dull place due to its all-white population, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict poses few dilemmas.

On one side, dark-skinned people with a strange religion, who blow things up and are very angry. On the other, white-skinned (they don’t know what a Sephardic Jew is, never mind a Falasha), educated, Westernised people who read the Bible and have the only functioning democracy in the Middle East. No argument, really, is it ?

For what passes for the Left in the post-Soviet world, the Jews have outlived their usefulness.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)
