Kwote ov tha dey

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 13 February 2005 19:51.

We at Memorial-Spaulding are committed to the creation of a fully inclusive school in which each and every child succeeds and each is challenged. We believe we have the opportunity to create, in Claude Steele’s words, a “wise school,” a school that is rigorous and satisfying for all of our children and for all of us. We continue to work as our children’s village of support to create a school in which all of the adults - parents and teachers, secretary and principal, custodian and nurse, crossing guard and lunch mother, aide and psychologist - genuinely believe in all of our children, and actively work to see that “smart” comes in many shapes and forms, and resides within each and every human being. We know that the context for optimal learning is a school which has passion for children and for democracy, an intolerance for racism and for prejudice, a commitment to the creation of an anti-racist, prejudice-free learning environment, and a genuine desire to turn the concept of “just society” into reality. We hope to be that school.

Ms Barbara Meyer, Principal, Memorial Spaulding Elementary School,  Newton, MA - demonstrating why we have to win.

Acknowledgements to the Birdman.



Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:44 | #

Birdman Bryant? How can you acknowledge such an anti-American, anti-Semitic, quasi-Nazi nut? Why don’t you just start linking to VNN and NATALL while you’re at it?

Jesus Christ, you guys have gone insane!


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:28 | #


A lot of JB’s stuff is off the wall, somewhat.  But this little liberal gem could just as easily grace JJR’s PC blog.  Why, if I would have acknowledged one John shouldn’t I acknowledge the other - when he does something right?  I think it would be mean spirited not to do so.


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:45 | #

OK… but it does give us a clue as to what you read.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:06 | #

Oh, you mean, Guessedworker reads forbidden things…  oh my what next? Maybe he has little pillow books too?


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:12 | #

You cannot be both pro-American and also support the views of Bryant. He is extremely anti-Semitic, anti-American, and downright crude. He sent me an e-mail once written almost purely like someone would write if they only knew ebonics. It was pathetic.

Let me ask you, do you support the National Alliance and sites like the Vanguard News Network? Do you support destroying the government of the US and conducting genocide against Jews and anyone else the NATALL thinks are their enemies?

If you do, then I guess that would explain your sympathy with him.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:45 | #


To hell with you. This isn’t N. Korea.


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:50 | #

Ah, so I guess you agree with him and support overthrowing the US government and conducting genocide?

I think North Korea would like you, since that’s basically what the National Alliance wants to turn us into.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:51 | #

You mean like Bill Clinton did in Serbia?


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:56 | #

I make no judgements on that conflict, since everyone was partly responsible.

Slobo Milosevic was the leader of the Socialist Party, btw. I guess you like defending [national] socialists.

...still waiting for the answer to that question. For that matter, answer another: are you a member of any far-right organizations here in the US, like NATALL?


Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:59 | #

I’m still waiting on your comprehensive rebuttal to Kevin MacDonald’s CofC?


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:00 | #

Unfortunately, I’ve been too busy writing essays to get to it. It’ll take a few months, since you want it to be “comprehensive.”

Still waiting for answers to my questions.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:08 | #


Honestly, the sites you mention I almost never read. If find most WNs confused and disoriented. Frankly, I’m not sure what their objectives are.

You seem to understand their objectives and goals better than I do?

Insofar as I understand their complaints: the anti-white agenda,multiculturalism,  immigration, and etc… programs of the western elites, I certainly think they have a legitimate gripe. Who can blame them for attempting to restore order in a broken world like ours.

Furthermore to dismiss their complaints may be deleterious to the health of both you and me.


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:25 | #

Glad we cleared that up. Wasn’t too difficult, was it?

Unfortunately, WNs continue to exist because liberal elites in this country control the debate concerning immigration and multiculturalism, and suppress moderates, who are subsequently driven to extremes and become parts of these groups because they offer [faulty] explanations as to why the elites act as they do.

Quoting material by them is even worse, even if they do have a point (like Bryant). I was reading John Attarian griping in TOQ the other day about Huntington’s new book because Huntington does not mention any of the racialist and few of the conservative anti-immigration texts. Attarian seemed content to brush off Huntington for reasons as simple as this… even though Huntington is a self-defined “conservative Democrat.”

Attarian, usually a very astute paleoconservative observer of such issues, completely missed why Huntington did what he did. He wanted to write a critique that used nothing but mainstream sources instead of sources constantly being watched by groups like the SPLC and ADL. Why did he do this?

The Bell Curve is a good example as to why. Remember when The Bell Curve came out, people didn’t necessarily have a problem with the text until some liberals went digging into the source information. What they found was that they had quoted some individuals who had written for Mankind Quarterly, which was edited by a former Nazi, Roger Pearson (moving from the far-left to the center is acceptable in today’s political climate, however moving from the far-right to a more moderate position is not). Because of these sources, the leftists were able to attack the book as “racist” and “Nazi-ish.”

So, being that Huntington is very smart, he avoided using sources that could have some taint on them by using only mainstream sources, thus making the same argument as he would have made before with sources that couldn’t be as easily attacked.

By quoting people on the far-right, all you’re doing is delegitimizing yourself and your ideas. The immigration problem in this country isn’t going to be fixed on the fringes; it’s going to be fixed on the center. Therefore, we must do like Huntington does and completely disregard some sources in order to have our grievances become part of the mainstream. If we don’t, then the problem will never be addressed and we’ll simply be delegitimized.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:29 | #


I see no merit in casting aspersions as argument. I will give you a proper reply which I think, as an honorouble person, you deserve.

It should be perfectly clear by now that this blog is open to anyone, anyone from Alex Linder to Abe Foxman, providing they have something interesting or useful to say and say it with respect. 

In other words, I perceive that the interests of the people I care about are served by the maximum open dialogue.  They are not served by obedient self-censorship.

Now, I certainly agree that JB is exceedingly disobedient to a degree which, frankly, can be embarrassing.  He invites criticism.  My view is that, for all his imperfections, he needs to be supported, not demonized.  WN in general needs to be supported from the mainstream right.  Why?  Because it is the last seat of the surviving racial conscience of our people.

Even if WN’s are flawed individuals with tiresome obsessions, even if there are some genuine psychopaths among them, nonetheless at this point in our long history they are the only groups saying publicly that we should survive.

I am not too proud to acknowledge JB as the original source of the Barbara Meyer story (actually it was Fox News, but JB linked to it).  I think there is more harm in closing off the JB’s of this world than ever there is in thinking conventionally all one’s life.  Right now the convention is that we should be marxist anti-racists.  Do you support that?

In closing, I would just add that I linked recently to a Ask Guan board.  Now they are crackers.  Zoologically amusing, though.  But the link did not imply that I read such matter because I “support it”.

Finally, for the record, I do NOT support the US government, either.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:43 | #

we must do like Huntington does and completely disregard some sources in order to have our grievances become part of the mainstream. If we don’t, then the problem will never be addressed and we’ll simply be delegitimized.

This is a superficially reasonable point of view.  The problem with it is the underlying assumption that a liberal mindset of a liberal political elite operating within a liberal zeitgeist can be changed.  You have to change the whole damned shooting match, Arcane, to change the detail.


Posted by Arcane on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:46 | #

WN in general needs to be supported from the mainstream right.  Why?  Because it is the last seat of the surviving racial conscience of our people.

See, that’s another problem with WNs. They don’t give a damn about this country; all they care about is their race.

You act as if conservatives don’t ever bring up the fact that the proportion of white people in this country is declining or that birth rates in the West are much below levels of Third World immigrants and those outside the West; that only WNs recognize this. On this, you’re completely wrong. The other day I read Roger Kimball in The New Criterion (a publication many consider to be neoconservative) praising Teddy Roosevelt’s writings on “race suicide.” John O’Sullivan, John Derbyshire, Victor Davis Hanson, and a slew of others over at National Review and other conservative magazines constantly harp on the immigration problem, as well. I do not know of a single neoconservative who doesn’t have a problem with the amount of non-European immigrants in Europe. Even imperialists like Niall Ferguson and Bernard Lewis talk about it, and that’s not mentioning the extraordinarily popularity of people like Oriana Fallaci in Europe and her glorification by conservatives in the US.

And I have never been a “marxist anti-racist.” I have always been anti-Communist [and anti-fascist, anti-Nazi, anti-Islamist, etc.]. I’m a cultural nationalist.

I don’t think you understand that you’re simply delegitimizing your ideas by promoting people on the far-right that agree with you while ignoring those in the center that do. By this I mean that there are far more people in the center who hold grievances about immigration than people on the far-right, thus increasing the chances of being able to develop an electoral coalition that can actually influence politics.

And since you don’t support the US government, then what do you propose to do to fix it if you’re opposed to creating an electoral coalition?


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:03 | #

Another thing about WNs: many of them are pro-Islam and anti-Western.

After the 9/11 attacks, many WNs praised the Muslims who attacked us. To quote Walter Lacquer:

Billy Roper of the National Alliance said that he wished his followers had half as much testicular fortitude as the suicide pilots. Tom Metzger of White Aryan Resistance (WAR) declared that 9/11 was a victory for Walhalla, because the enemy of our enemy is our friend; and he also wished that his comrades were as brave as the Arabs. Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American Nazi Party was quoted saying that a dozen-and-a-half very brave people were willing to die for what they believed and that it was a disgrace that among a hundred and fifty million white Aryans in America, so few were willing to do the same. Martin Lindstedt of the Missouri Militia declared that he wished the Arabs had stolen a hundred jumbo jets full of “Talmudic Khazar mamzers, criminal regimeist whiggers, niggers, gooks, beaners, etc.” and crashed them into the Supreme Court, Congress, the FBI building, all fifty state capitols, and the TV stations—he would have called it a damn good start. Other spokesmen of this camp recalled Blitzkrieg and the exploits of Otto Skorzeny, who had been the commander of Hitler’s praetorian guard.

There was a little problem. The attackers had not, after all, been pure Aryans. But William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, the bible of American neo-Nazis, overcame this difficulty. Not all people in Afghanistan were greasy, black haired, swarthy, and hooknosed. Some of these people were of Aryan origin, following the Aryan conquests and colonization of Central Asia thirty-five hundred years ago. The terrorists were obviously the descendants of the Aryans.

Holocaust deniers such as David Irving and Robert Faurisson in France pleaded that they had been right all along. Irving compared the killing of innocents in New York by “nineteen intelligent and virile young Muslims” to the killing of innocents in World War II by Allied bombings. Like Faurisson, he believed that it was all Israel’s fault, with one imaginary Holocaust leading to a real one.

Thus, the great majority of American neo-Nazis took the position that the terrorists had been right.

The National Alliance said this about the Islamists:

The enemy of our enemy [the American government and Jews] is, for now, at least, our friend.

Many WNs praise Nazis, as I’m sure you know. Some Nazis thought that it would be a good idea to convert Europe to Islam. Heinrich Himmler liked it, and many of the SS spiritual advisors thought that combining Nordic blood with Islamic values would be a winning combination. One Nazi said that Hitler was the new Muhammed. Some Nazis were even anti-Western, opting for Eastern spiritualism; people like Savitri Devi. Check out a book called Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke for more info on this sort of thing, along with Srdja Trifkovic’s essays.

From my discussions on web forums with many WNs, they have no problem with Islamic immigration or growing Islamic power, as long as they take out the Jews while they’re at it. They hate Jews more than they love Western Civilization. It’s sick. That’s WNism for you.


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:07 | #

Check out this essay by Trifkovic:

Western culture and civilization means nothing to these people.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:19 | #

The public schools of Newton, Massachusetts are apparently run by individuals who are so psychotically radical-leftist that pupils there aren’t learning basic arithmetic or history and must enroll in private remedial classes at great expense to their parents.  These Newton, Mass., public schools may well be the same ones (I haven’t kept the reference) where, according to what I read a few weeks ago, teachers consider that to claim there’s a right and a wrong answer to arithmetic problems is racist.  Everybody got that?  I’ll wait while you read that again ....  It is racist to tell children to whom you are teaching arithmetic that two plus two equals four, and that it doesn’t equal five, or seven, or three, or twenty-two.  You have to teach them that it can equal any of those others apparently, and if you refuse to teach that morally criminal lie (morally criminal, given the fact that you are supposed to be their teacher), you are racist by the intellectual lights of these radical leftist psychos.

Arcane, the way to fight the ADL and the Southern Poverty-Pimp Lawless Center isn’t to cower before them but to stand up to them and call them by their right name, which is foaming-at-the-mouth genocidal white-Christian haters and totalitarian anti-white-Christian ethnic-cleansing advocates.  If you think you’re going to score points with them by being nice you’ve got a lot to learn.

By the way Arcane, speaking of taint-by-association—the site you blog for,, is maintained by the individual calling himself Godless Capitalist as a site for anti-white non-whites, essentially anti-white Subcontinentals and yellows.  Does that taint you, by any chance?  (I don’t think it does—am just teasing.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:29 | #

Arcane, you also say somewhere above that it’s the liberal left who favor the current Bush policy of race-replacement levels of massive anti-white ethnic-cleansing population-transfers (please don’t call it “immigration” when it’s no such thing), but that’s one-hundred-percent wrong:  this policy of Bush’s is ardently favored by the entire conservative establishment.


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:30 | #

About the “anti-racist math,” TangoMan at Gene Expression has written about this extensively:

About the ADL and SPLC, I’m not trying to score points with them, I’m trying to avoid them. All you want to do is attack them by flashing around Kevin MacDonald and then pulling out friends at the National Alliance, thereby making their day. I wonder if you actually want to change the debate in this country at all.

And if you believe that Gene Expression is anti-white, you’d be wrong. The only things it’s really opposed to is creationists (IDiots included) and those who integrate the “blank slate” fallacy into their worldview. And it’s run jointly by Godless Capitalist, who is currently away in another country working on his studies, and Razib. Both are non-white, but very pro-Western. As a racialist, I guess you don’t think you can be pro-Western and not white. But as my examples above show, you can be pro-white and very anti-Western all at the same time.

Gene Expression is the single best blog on the net, by far.


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:32 | #

You did not read anything I wrote if you believe that the entire conservative establishment supports Bush’s proposed immigration policies. Please go back and read what I said.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:00 | #


I also once believed, like you now, that the left could be beaten by principled argument, and that an appeal to deep convictions beyond the pleasures of consumerism and job stability could sway the electorate to our cause.  But I don’t think that way anymore.  The electorate is too suggestible, and the opposing force is too all-embracing and long-established.

It had its most telling victory over a hundred and seventy years ago and has had many others since.  We are not facing a bunch of successful leftist plotters - moderate Bolsheviks.  We are facing modern politics.  It is liberal, in toto.  It cannot deliver outcomes unassociated with the advance of liberty, however that is perceived.

Even if your clear-sighted Conservatives manage to gain control of the US government they will not effect change on the required scale.  We had radical Conservative governments in my country right through the 1980’s.  They never confronted the immensity of the issue.

Naturally, I agree about the limited focus of WNism and its potential for self-harm.  Mark and I have both debated at length here with Wintermute and ben about that.  But why should I join in the game of demonising these guys.  It’s not my game.  I don’t see Jews demonising Zionists or Muslims demonising fundamentalists or Mexican-Americans demonising Atzlanists.

We must be unafraid to spread our net to include all reasonable people who understand something of our collective plight.  And there are many reasonable people outside of the present party system.  Do not make the mistake of judging them all by bad examples which you encounter.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:16 | #

About the NR crowd:

John O’Sullivan was purged from NR because of his racial and anti-immigration views. Because much of the public is so inflamed by immigration NR is attempting to rehabilitate itself on this issue. But until they get rid of the half-wits like Poneru and Goldberg nothing really changes at that publication.

Hanson believes that half-savage Mexican mestizoes can be turned into Euro-Americans - he is a big advocate of intermarriage as well. I find the suggestion these savages can be taught manners and civility highly questionable. The Jesuits worked for centuries to rid them of their pagan superstitions - turn your back on them and they’ll cut your heart out.

Derbyshire…  he’s ok. I’m surprised they haven’t fired him for his numerous statements of heresy concerning the war.


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:48 | #


It’s not my game.  I don’t see Jews demonising Zionists or Muslims demonising fundamentalists or Mexican-Americans demonising Atzlanists.

So I guess you think you should bring yourself down to the same level as those groups that you list by taking up their own politics?

I’ve always thought that WNs were hypocrites by demonizing and Zionists, since they basically want the same thing, just for white people.

We must be unafraid to spread our net to include all reasonable people who understand something of our collective plight.  And there are many reasonable people outside of the present party system.

Well, I agree, but then you don’t think that people like me are reasonable, either, since I don’t buy any of your Judeo-skepticism. There are very few people on the far-right that can be classified as “reasonable.” Certainly no one from the National Alliance, White Revolution, National Socialist Movement, Aryan Nations, American Nationalist Union, White Aryan Resistance, etc. can be considered “reasonable.” The only individual who I can think of on the out-of-the-mainstream-right is Jared Taylor, and Taylor doesn’t ever say anything negative about Jews and considers them to be just as white as himself. I’m sure you would disagree with him on that…


John O’Sullivan was purged from NR because of his racial and anti-immigration views. Because much of the public is so inflamed by immigration NR is attempting to rehabilitate itself on this issue. But until they get rid of the half-wits like Poneru and Goldberg nothing really changes at that publication.

John O’Sullivan writes for National Review all the time and is now the editor of The National Interest. I don’t know how you can say he was “purged,” other than the fact that he doesn’t do much editing anymore. Ponneru is something of a libertarian conservative… I like what he has to say, so I don’t see any problems with having him onboard. Just because he supports Bush’s immigration plan doesn’t mean that he can’t write for National Review.

Derbyshire… he’s ok. I’m surprised they haven’t fired him for his numerous statements of heresy concerning the war.

I doubt they would ever fire him; he’s too witty and writes about too diverse a set of topics to want to fire him.

<blockquote>Hanson believes that half-savage Mexican mestizoes can be turned into Euro-Americans - he is a big advocate of intermarriage as well. I find the suggestion these savages can be taught manners and civility highly questionable. The Jesuits worked for centuries to rid them of their pagan superstitions - turn your back on them and they’ll cut your heart out.<blockquote>

I just won’t respond to that. I have many friends who are ethnically Hispanic. One of them is graduating with his degree in aerospace engineering this December… do you have the brains for that?


Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:53 | #

>  I have many friends who are ethnically Hispanic

Oh sure, some of my best friends are Hispanic too. A few of them are rocket scientists. Not!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:54 | #

About the ADL and SPLC, I’m not trying to score points with them, I’m trying to avoid them.” —Arcane

So’s everyone, but you can’t—they’re constantly on your back for the offense of breathing-while-white-Euro-Christian, and won’t get off till you shake ‘em off somehow.  Regarding Abe Foxman, I went from considering him a paranoid nutcase four and five years ago because I didn’t believe there was the kind of anti-Semitism out there he kept claiming there was, to partly sympathizing with him starting two-and-a-half years ago, as a result of seeing not a few genuine, real-deal, scary Christian anti-Semite psycho types posting at View From the Right and elsewhere, to my current view of him as a perpetual agitator for the weakening and what amounts to the destruction of white-Euro Christian society, which is absolutely intolerable no matter what his excuse, and which, since he obviously should know better than to do it but does it anyway, likely reflects elementary anti-white-Euro-Christian hatred on his part, the exact mirror-image of the elementary anti-Jewish hatred of the genuine psycho Christian anti-Semites.  He’s on the moral level of the genuine anti-Semites he’s charged with defending the Jews against.  He’s actually harming the Jews by the way, but the Jews who like him and contribute to him are too thick to realize it. 

“All you want to do is attack them by flashing around Kevin MacDonald and then pulling out friends at the National Alliance, thereby making their day. I wonder if you actually want to change the debate in this country at all.”

I haven’t attacked anyone by flashing Kevin MacDonald, whose books on the Jews I haven’t read (the portion of his opus which I’ve read consists of two articles published at, both excellent by the way).  I don’t know what the National Alliance is—never heard of it, but I assume from the context of this exchange that it’s a Nazi group. 

“And if you believe that Gene Expression is anti-white, you’d be wrong.”

If you can’t see the obvious I’m not going to dwell on it.  (I’ve never criticized Razib, btw, and have no criticism to make of him.  Though I don’t know him personally at all, I consider him an extremely nice guy and a gentleman—who happens, incidentally to have no particular interest in the immigration/nation-state question.  He has no personal interest in it one way or the other, but he’s fair about it.  The other individual is a third-rate intellect and anti-white bigot who has this constant neurotic tic of extreme insecurity about his math powers (he must be pretty bad at math), is mentally unstable, and is a moral dog-turd.)

“As a racialist, I guess you don’t think you can be pro-Western and not white. But as my examples above show, you can be pro-white and very anti-Western all at the same time.”

Wow I’m so glad you’re educating me, Arcane.  What would I do without you? 

“Gene Expression is the single best blog on the net, by far.

If the specifically anti-white posture of the site, a posture staunchly maintained by one of the bloggers, were changed I’d go back to reading it regularly.  As it is now, I don’t soil myself by going there. 

As for conservatives and Bush’s drive to change the U.S. into a non-white country:  there is no strong, explicit opposition to it coming from the conservative establishment.  Don’t cite examples supposedly to the contrary which would be too wishy-washy for the Teletubbies audience, please.  We’re talking about frankness and explicitness.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 02:04 | #

“I’ve always thought that WNs were hypocrites by demonizing and Zionists, since they basically want the same thing, just for white people.” —Arcane

Arcane is right.


Posted by Arcane on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 04:25 | #


...The other individual is a third-rate intellect and anti-white bigot who has this constant neurotic tic of extreme insecurity about his math powers (he must be pretty bad at math), is mentally unstable, and is a moral dog-turd.)

...If the specifically anti-white posture of the site, a posture staunchly maintained by one of the bloggers, were changed I’d go back to reading it regularly.  As it is now, I don’t soil myself by going there.

Dude, when you cool it with the feces. It’s really quite disgusting, crude, and pathetic all at the same time. Perhaps you could explain to me what “anti-white” comments this individual who is supposedly bad at math (let me just say that I laugh at the idea that he is bad at math, especially knowing what he studies for a living)?

BTW, as I said earlier, the individual whom you are talking about is not blogging anymore…

And if you think our banning of Nazis like Wintermute makes one “anti-white,” then I must say that says more about you than it says about the bloggers at Gene Expression. Being anti-Nazi doesn’t make one “anti-white” any more than being anti-Black-Panther make one “anti-black.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 05:15 | #

“But until they [NR] get rid of the half-wits like Ponnuru and Goldberg nothing will really change at that publication.” —Geoff

And don’t forget Rich Lowery, probably the biggest, most obnoxious half-wit of the whole half-witted bunch.  (Lowery link gleaned from View From the Right.)


Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 05:25 | #


When was it that O’Sullivan was fired from National Review as editor? When he writes for NR today it is as a freelance writer.

Do you remember?

Arcane seems not to know of this? Chronicles Magazine has a history of the purges at NR and of course the playground for children it has now become. I can’t seem to find the article at Chronicles.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 07:14 | #

Geoff, O’Sullivan was fired by Buckley in the mid-nineties for having taken a stand against immigration insanity.  I’m not sure of the year—possibly 1997 but it might have been a year or two earlier.  (I wasn’t a regular NR reader at that time, though I had been from the mid-80s, when I first discovered the magazine, to the early 90s.)  The official statement made at the time was that O’Sullivan had “resigned to write a book.”  Peter Brimelow of course was also purged.  Buckley has never explained why he favors the forced replacement of this country’s white majority by a non-white one, the change to be brought about through a policy of forced excessive incompatible immigration (in complete disregard of the repeatedly-expressed wishes of the people that it not be done) until the transformation will have been completed.  I’ve seen speculation about it’s possibly being a wish on Buckley’s part to not displease the neo"con” friends in his Manhattan social circle.  Imagine the kind of man Buckley must be, if that’s his reason for wanting the race of his country to be permanently changed from white to non-white!  How can anyone stomach him now (he whom I used to revere)?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:38 | #

Just a quick observation on GNXP.  It is by any measure a fine blog.  Razib and godless have quite extraordinary energy and are passably good writers.  It is scientism, of course, and racio-politically it is pro-cosmopolitan and right-wing.  They are unawares egalitarians.

But neither are deep or subtle political thinkers, perhaps recoiling in that regard from the imagination required for the task.  So their politics are rather conventional and dull.

Nonetheless, GNXP is a fascinating and compelling addition to the spectrum.  I would like to be able to reference it if I blog on IQ or hb-d issues.  But after I made my exit from the threads godless turned it into a door-slamming exercise and asked me not to reference.  So I don’t.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
