Too many Duggars?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 26 October 2005 13:21.

Liberals have their own disappointments. For Mark Morford it’s the fact that the Duggars of Arkansas have recently added a sixteenth “spotless white” child to their family.

And so he has written an article of complaint for a San Francisco paper. It’s a fun read, and something of an insight into the left-liberal mindset.

The article has also been posted here, and the Duggars have their own website, with pictures of the entire brood, here.




Posted by john fitzgerald on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 15:31 | #

Read morfords rant, and was taken aback by the tone of the piece. I think it’s too extreme to give any useful insight into liberalism, unless it’s the logical
end product of it, mass murder.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 17:42 | #

He’s just coming out and stating what many far leftists are thinking.


Posted by Mark Richardson on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 21:47 | #

Yes it is a rant. But it lets out some of the psychology behind the politics.

For instance, I was intrigued that Morford should accuse the Duggars of being “asexual”. Personally, I would never throw that accusation at a couple with 16 children.

But I can understand, from Morford’s perspective, where the accusation comes from. For him sexuality is meant to be an expression of personal autonomy, and therefore divorced from its traditional connection to marriage and children.

Probably a lot of leftists think this way, but Morford has taken this view so far that he can only conceive of a procreating marriage as being “asexual”.


Posted by AD on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 01:50 | #

He reminds me of Mencken’s Boobus Americanus, a sad result of a life without struggle, context or culture. He decries capitalism and the ‘money driven’ society totally unaware that he, in all of his degeneracy, is the very embodiment of it. He hates traditionalism and ‘whiteness’ too, he probably even thinks that the Duggar family represents what the world dislikes about America. That the last time the world liked America was when it was overwhelmingly white and traditionalist doesn’t compute.

He is like Marilyn Manson concert in Kabul. He is forever out of context, and his fight is redundant. A dead man walking.


Posted by Mr. Tudball on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 02:35 | #

Did Morford say he was a homosexual who wanted to adopt a child, but his state doesn’t allow it? Is his rant a hetero-phobic rant then?


Posted by stephanie on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:25 | #

i Think if you guys could have all those kids and not go crazy the go ahead!

                With love Stephanie


Posted by Keith on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 17:42 | #

Let them have as many children as they please. This is no honest opinion of anyone on the left. He’s incorrect in his thinking but it’s unfair to judge the left by his views


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 18:28 | #

Keith sadly misperceives the left’s views.


Posted by Alexandra on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 17:33 | #

I am really ‘iffy’ with duggars, I mean, On one hand I totally support that they are having sixteen children and managing it without having to have very much help, but I mean, other than that it’s really none of our business how many or how many children they WANT to have, it’s their personal life, not ours, and it’s not like the husband dictactes wether or not they have children either, which I’ve heard people say on other blog sites, he said on his TV special , “I leave it up to Michelle wether or not we have more,”. So it’s basically Michelle’s choice. But nonetheless, beyond that, I don’t know what else to say. It’s like those children really don’t have any friends that are ‘all their own’ . and Michelle/ Jimbob CANNOT SAY TRUTHFULLY they give EACH INDIVIDUAL CHILD 100% OF THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE. I mean COME ON. the’buddy system’ that’s basically saying we can’t raise our children so we have our older one’s do it for us. I can understand that you have an ollder child help get they younger one’s dressed and everything but they make it sound like they are basically raising one another, which is not right. duggars good or bad? I don’t know.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 18:30 | #

Alexandra, what do you think of the way in which, ever since around 1970, Western governments have brainwashed, pressured, and humiliated whites into not having any children or at the very most one or—God forbid!—two (... gulp! ...), MAX!, and deliberately tightened the financial screws on white couples attempting to have children so that just in case any weren’t listening to the propaganda they’d soon find out that having children would be personal financial hell—what do you think of governments of white countries running around doing all that ever since around 1970—not to mention massively promoting out-of-wedlock births so that the few white babies that actually managed to get born entered the world in the worst socio-economic situation imaginable—what do you think of the governments doing all this, then telling us that whites weren’t reproducing enough, their birth rates (or as anti-birth propaganda terms it, their “fertility rates”) were too low “for some reason,” there weren’t enough workers, so massive race-replacement volumes of non-whites had to be brought in from Somalia, the Maghreb, the Subcontinent, the Caribbean, China, Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Togoland, Nigeria, and so on to completely replace the white race with Negroes, Chinamen, Mexicans, North-Africans, and so on, and provide cheap labor for all the rich people who own companies and lots of stocks and bonds?  Do you think there’s maybe something a little bit ... fishy, let’s say ... going on there?  Hey just asking ...


Posted by pete on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 20:12 | #

it’s not about left or right.
it’s not about religion.
it’s about selfishness.
it’s about collecting humans.
it’s about adult’s who should be responsible.
it’s about overpopulation of the planet.

guess what… god doesn’t control how many children you have.  you do.


Posted by chris chambers on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:30 | #

Jesus, are you right wing nuts for real? When is this crap going to end? When clowns/cultists like Dugger are in charge? Oops…they are. Sorry…


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:55 | #

And of course would still say that if the Duggers were black or muslim wouldnt you…


Posted by Ana on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 20:54 | #

I’m in total agreement with Pete. It’s NOT about any religion or lack of it; it’s NOT about right or left; it’s NOT about black or white.

It’s about responsibililty towards the planet God gave us (whether you believe in God or not, this planet is precious), and it’s very finite resources—which we use much more than our share of.

That’s all. I’ve no problem with the Duggars whatsoever other than that. Because that issue affects me and all of us, it is very much my business to complain. Otherwise, they seem like nice people.


Posted by joanna on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 15:27 | #

I think you should be more concerned with the third world, uneducated illegal alien invasion we are having.  They are bringing down the standard and sucking our resources dry in schools and health care (just to mention a few).  I know, I am a teacher in California.  At least the Duggars are raising their children to be educated, moral, and they aren’t taking handouts to do it.


Posted by jc on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:48 | #

I agree with Joanna.  The Duggars are raising their children to be people with high morals.  They are teaching their children to be responsible citizens that obey our nations laws.  Unlike the illegal aliens that are flooding our borders everyday.  If you want to live in this country, come in the legal way and for heavens sake LEARN THE LANGUAGE! Quit using my tax dollars to pay for your illegitamate children to get free health care and a free education.  The Duggars are better providers for their 16 children than most Americans with 2 children.  You don’t see them pawing their kids off while they hit the Clubs.


Posted by tracy on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 05:36 | #

I would like to know what business it is of anyone elses how many children any family has. Honestly, what pisses you people off? Is it the fact that you are all feeling threatened because they can actually manage 16 children and you can’t manage the few you have? All I am hearing is a bunch of jealousy! Michelle and Jim Bob should be an insperation for us all. I don’t know when the last time it was that I saw a family that were so careing and that ran so smoothly. And what is this that they are being born to take care of everything also that the they use the buddy system. I guess it would be better if their children where like everyone elses. RIGHT? They could go to a public school, join a gang, smoke some weed, drink….. Or they could continue doing what they are doing and repopulate the world with people that are actually decent. I guess if I went out and shot someone in the head you would all comment me. Where as, you would SHIT all over anyone that was decent and wanted to do things that where outside of todays “norms”. Well wont it just blow your tiny minds when I tell you that I plan on having a house full of kids as well! Maybe you don’t see what we see when you look at a child. Children are the best thing we have walking on this earth. Or at least they used to be until people like you went and screwed them up. See I don’t think that having 1 or 2 children and spoiling them to death is a great benefit to our society. Believe me, I have never seen one turn out half way decent. At least not with out a lot of hard work on their part to reverse the mistakes that their parents made by giving them everything that they ever wanted. The real world doesnt work that way. Kids that are given everything that they want have an imposible time living in the “real world”. Why is it do you think that in todays society that the average age for a child to leave home is around 24? They can’t live without their mommy and daddy because they have no clue what responsibility is. Also one more thing, Michelle was 17 when she married Jim Bob. Well I was 16 when my husband and I started dating. Although we didn’t get married until 2 years ago, we made a vow to at 16 that we would be together forever. And we have been ever day for 8 years. We now have 2 children and I already want another one and my youngest is 6 MONTHS old. But let me tell you all something, I couldn’t care less what you people think about that. IT ISN"T ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAY!!! Everyone that is setting here bashing this family are nothing more than a bunch of selfish, self centered, heartless, idiots.
I think my point has been made.


Posted by sharon on Thu, 17 May 2007 16:25 | #

Just wanted to comment on several things. First of all shame on you! Those of you who have nothing better to do with your time than criticize two very loving parents. How horrible for them there children are well behaved and not out beating 90 yr old men senseless like we all saw last week on t.v. . Come on people if more parents would step up to the plate and pro parent like these two our society would be a lot better off as a whole. I don’t care if they have fifty children if they can love, care and provide for them more power to them. I say some people are just natuarals at parenting an obviously they are. And as far as the comment about them being asexual that is one of the most ignorant comments I have heard in a long time. Listed God created sex! The devil just perverted it. Along with our help of coarse. There is no better sex than in the institution of a loving marriage. I know because I have had both. My husband and I have been together for 15 yrs and we have an awesome sex life. So sir you are so misinformed. I am sure the Duggers have a pretty great sex life also. Simply for the mear fact they still want to have it! Despite how undoubtedly tired they must be. As a matter of fact it must be rockin!! I just wonder if Morford has such a fabulous sex life that he would feel like a night of unrestrained lovemaking after washing 25 loads of laundry, cooking three square meals for 18 people, homeschooling 16 children, cleaning your 7,000 sq ft home and looking after all those children all day as well. Even though the children do help her out its still a lot of work. So lets face it they have a mighty flame somewhere. ASEXUAL my butt or should I say Morfords butt.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 17 May 2007 16:36 | #

Here’s another happy brood, father a lorry driver, mother a size 0.  And pregnant again.

Anyway, a lot of very pretty recessive genes there.  Good luck to them all.


Posted by Cir on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 08:05 | #

Why assume they have a great sex life, sex is not for pleasure in their world, it is for making babies, so enjoyment is not important

Their beliefs are that sex is to make them babies, nothing more


Posted by lise on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 20:00 | #

I came from a big family and I was raised by my older siblings oh and I might mention I was raped by them too!  My parents were very religious and they were so busy making us perfect children I was pleasant and well behaved at all times. That was drilled in us just like the duggers. those kids are going to have culture shock in the real world just like I did.
I don’t care how perfect they seem as parents children need to learn to get along in the real world not be sheltered to death. That will be the undoing of some of their kids been there done that..  Children should not be raising children this family should be the poster child for birth control not praise for being a baby mill.


Posted by Dixie on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 18:55 | #

I am not normally in the habit of reading (much less responding) to blog sites.  I am a “Duggar fan,” so to speak.  After reading the blogs of both sides of this issue, there are a few things I believe each side is missing because emotion runs so high when we have a little box we believe the world should fit into.
There are good points on both sides, which need to be embraced (in turn) by BOTH SIDES. 
YES, we have a precious planet with finite resources.  That is a fact that is not going to disappear or go away by closing our minds and sticking to our defensive and selfish ‘wants’ from either side. 

One person mentioned it isn’t anyone else’s business if she wants more and more children.  I implore anyone with this attitude (on either side of the issue) to take a deep breath and be honest with themselves and really think about this.  On one hand, it is not our business what any person does with their life.  On the other hand, when the outcome of the decisions of each and every one of us affect us globally, I beg to differ.  Decisions made that are selfish (not as a petulant child, but in the sense one is not thinking about how that decision affects those around them or even 5 or 10 years from now) ARE the “business” of every living, breathing soul on this planet. 

Example:  The no-smoking policies now being adopted by many states.  Smokers think it is “none of our business” when or where they smoke.  They are being irresponsibly selfish by not thinking about the health or well-being of those around them.  Smoking within 10 feet of an asthmatic can send them into a fatal spasm.  It may not be any of my business if you wish to smoke in your home, but don’t dump your ashtray in my parking lot.  They say it is none of my business if they want to smoke in a restaurant as they drink their coffee ... but it IS my business if your smoke contributed to the cancer that killed my brother in 2005.  (He was NOT a smoker)

When a drug-addict has a baby addicted to crack it affects not only the people paying taxes to support the foster care system and welfare and socialized medical programs to care for that child, but is ALSO condemning that child to medical problems as well as being a social-outcast ping-pong-ball in an already bursting system.  When an animal-rights activist breaks into a medical laboratory to let out all the furry little critters because they are being treated inhumanely, it IS our business.  One of those cute, furry things can be a carrier for a deadly disease that wipes out an entire city population before it is caught ... how could they know.  (I AM a tree hugger and such myself, so this is not railing against the group - it is merely an example of someone holding onto selfish belief system that doesn’t take time to think about and evaluate the long-term consequences.)

If a family like the Duggars are raising that many children who are NOT IN ANY WAY DEPENDANT on any type of social system for support (like welfare) it CAN be a positive effect globally.  Think about a future of 17 additional families who do not turn to welfare for support.  I understand there are people from large families that had sibling rapes and such, but the size of the family has nothing to do with that.  I was molested by a relative and I come from a very small family with each relative family having only one or two children each.  It is the character of a person, not the size of the family.

I believe it would be wonderful if people would live within their means.  The Duggars are in fact part of a tiny minority in this country that actually DO live within their means.  Their life is in fact none of our business.  If you choose to have a child, then you better be able to support that child yourself.  Don’t go to the state and cry because you don’t have enough money to feed, clothe, and shelter him or her.  If you already have a child and are on welfare, then by golly you should NOT have another child because it is some kind of a “right” to you.  Get off of welfare and do not have that second child until you are personally able to financially support that child.  Or if you are not on welfare but would then need it if you added another child to your family, then THIS IS OUR BUSINESS!  The problem comes when someone brings a child into the world they cannot support.  I don’t WANT your business to be my business.  I will bring you food if you are hungry and hurting, but I couldn’t care any less if you were starving simply because you don’t feel like working.  HOWEVER, that child you cannot support THEN becomes a social responsibility/liability to the rest of us.  THAT makes it OUR business.

The welfare system was originally developed to be a temporary help to widows and orphans after the war.  IRRESPONSIBLE SELFISHNESS is what has made it swell into the social, cash-hungry monster it is today.  The Duggars ‘get it.’  (the point .... not welfare.)

If you are a mother or father reading this and you are feeling angry and defensive, take a break and take a breather.  You owe it to your children to be honest with yourself.  Yes, there are many occasions where TEMPORARY help (like welfare or food stamps) is needed.  This is not about that.  This is about the people who milk the system on purpose and are lying to themselves about their own motivations.  The Duggars are NOT one of those kinds of people.

This is in fact a small planet in the middle of a huge problem.  Population density IS a major culprit in that problem.  If people continue to have large amounts of children, they are in fact condemning those very children to a life of desperate need and gnawing hunger.  Unless you are honest with yourselves, you will not see the bigger picture.  The Duggars are still not part of this problem in a broader sense because those who are self-reliant will not be the hungry or starving part of the poplulation.  It is the poor and middle class who live beyond their means that this will grossly affect by having too many children, too much debt, and relying on credit cards for purchases because they haven’t any control. 

I do not personally believe people should have huge families such as the Duggars because of this overpopulated, burgeoning planet.  I do, however, have much respect for them and their sense of responsibility.  The base of their ideas and lifestyle create an excellent model for living.  The economy would be stronger if people would take back personal responsibility for their own support, growth, health and well-being.  This planet “owes” us nothing ... stop taking advantage.


Posted by karen on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 19:48 | #

Here way my reply to this as—-ole.

I am a conservative and dead set against abortion.  You have now given me reason to believe that there should be some circumstances in which abortion are necessary.  I never actually thought that I would say that.  If was your mother that made the mistake, she should have aborted you and all your liberal ideas.  You and your liberal friends are why this country is the way it is.

What makes you think you have the right to write an article like this.

Karen Calle

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