Was Cronulla left unprotected?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Thursday, 15 December 2005 11:46.

All week I have been asking people I know this question: Why were convoys of Lebanese men allowed to drive into Cronulla and other Sydney suburbs smashing cars and shops and bashing local residents? Surely, these large convoys must have been noticed by the police. Why weren’t they stopped?

My work colleagues gave me some unconvincing answers: that the police couldn’t be everywhere, or that the police could not have stopped the cars.

But now a different answer has surfaced. The Seven Network claims to have a police report instructing officers to stay away from Punchbowl Park where the convoy was gathering in order not to “antagonise” the young Lebanese men. The convoy then moved into Cronulla unimpeded by police.

I can only hope that the media pursues this incident vigorously. Who was responsible for the directive? What was the thinking behind it? It was a decision with serious consequences: it left the residents of Cronulla unprotected from a serious attack.

Police tactics will be different for this Sunday, though. A force of 1500 officers is being organised to patrol Cronulla and surrounds.

Meanwhile, there have been four attacks on churches in Sydney, the worst of which was an attack on a Catholic primary school during a Christmas carols service. Shots were fired into cars and parents abused.



Posted by Sam on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:39 | #

mark the punchbowl incident occured on monday night, not sunday night.. the cars on sunday night went to maroubra not crounulla…  the police didnt interfere with the gathering at punchbowl as they could not detect any crime being commited.. its not illegal to be in a large group….check ninemsn news headlines for verification…


Posted by Phil on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:42 | #

Ah the joys of multiculturalism. So much enrichment run amok.


Posted by Billy on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:48 | #

I do not get it.
What happened on Sunday was bad for the whole country, made me mad, like iwish I was that Copper with his nightstick, (poor bugger) imagine being put in that situation on a Sunday afternoon
My point was, only Sunday has being reported in full, around the world etc.
The Stabbings and car smashings and window smashings appear to have been justified as fair retaliation.
Was it not this extreme behavior that caused Sundays protest???
I do not get it.
The Lebanese use the media far better than the Anglo surfers it seems.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:00 | #

The media may, of course, not be sympathetic to white dissent.  No matter what minorities get up to, they don’t threaten the governing ideology and the Multicult.  The surfers do.


Posted by Phil on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:11 | #


Having seen a good cross-section of Australian opinion on this on various sites (including the responses at Nine MSN), I have come to the conclusion that most white Australians are now beginning to “get it”.

And the important thing to understand is that in the Multicultural state, the genuine grievances of the majority have absolutely no avenue for redress while the majority loses its ground with every passing minute with more and more immigration.

I hope there are political parties in Australia that can responsibly represent this growing resentment of the majority. If they do this well, they will do all of us in the Western world a huge favour.


Posted by Angela on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:23 | #

I wonder if Cronulla residents and surrounding areas have begun to realize the effects of the last week on their local property prices? I dare say they’ve dropped by at least 10%, about 50-60K, or even 20%. If there is no further problem it may start to recover in 12 months or so. These incidents may precipitate an unprecedented level of white flight from Sydney. This fact offers an opportunity for political leverage and a potential problem for the state government, if word gets around.

One topic I’d like to see discussed here as a topic concerns the advantages, if indeed there are any, of a white headspace in a multicultural country. The disadvantages, primarily individualism and selfishness, are known. I’m wondering if these characteristics could be turned to an advantage?

For example, a few races (and not from Oceania or Europe) appear to have an instinct to herd. Although this puts them at an obvious advantage, especially when belting the daylights out of a stranger with baseball bats, it also must have limitations? It means a member of the group is mostly tied to the physical and temporal movements of the group. There must be a lot of waiting around for others to turn up and so on. Obviously this would not be an efficient use of time for getting meaningful work done, although in an “r” type environment it may indeed be very good for getting one’s genes passed on. Thus whites as individuals may be an easy target, but perhaps difficult to displace as a group because they can and do live anywhere and everywhere.


Posted by Angela on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:41 | #

OK, so a political directive has caused the property prices of Cronulla and surrounds to plummet. The Sunday meeting had no effect on property values, just boisterous sons and daughters. But the effects of Monday, Tuesday and the cops standing back had a huge effect. Not safe to go there anymore so who would buy? Not whites, that’s for sure, not even a cartoonist with the australian newspaper.


Posted by Phil on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:48 | #


That’s a good question re: property prices. This is a phenomenon common to the Western world and many places have witnessed such drops.

Actually, what is happening Cronulla is nothing in terms of magnitude. Many American cities have been basically obliterated by racial egalitarianism. Even if one used chemical weapons, one couldn’t have flushed out the white population better.

Here is one example.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 16:36 | #

To Aussies:

For my part, I want to express my extreme joy at seeing you defend your interests. I only wish I could have joined you in the fighting. Really, it is so wonderful.

I for one am convinced that only by violence can our plight be addressed. The politicians only respond to such pressure, otherwise they are contended to ignore us - except if we don’t pay our taxes.

I’ve heard rumors of more fighting this weekend. You guys have my lasting respect, except for the shirkers hiding behind the keyboards or those whose “self respect” won’t allow them to be seen with the wrong “sort”. People who blow wind like that are phonies and cowards… you all, in contrast, are real men.

Go out and strike a blow!


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 16:52 | #

It could of course be, Geoff, that committing and enjoining people to commit physical violence is against the law in just about every civilised nation on earth - and most of the uncivilised ones.  Your comment is actually illegal and I ought therefore to strike it down forthwith.  I will allow it stand solely as an example of a sure way to fight for one’s cause from inside a nine by nine cell.  Let us not have any repeats of this.


Posted by Geoff Beck on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:00 | #

Quite respectable, of you.

Aussies, go out and strike a blow.


Posted by Robert on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:27 | #

News Blackout as of 12-14-05 (CE)

The first few days of the “riots” were vigorously reported on the AP here in the states (front page stuff).  as being perpetrated by unruly mobs of “neo-nazi, racist white males” and uprovoked attacks at random on perfectly innocent people of middle eastern desent. (muslims - who werent called by name in the french riots) who were simply going to the beach and not causing any trouble. (they never do, or its not they’re fault if trouble happens either way, After all, ethnic europeans MUST be sensitive to their intolerence, violent nature, and cultural impositions) even to the extent of the extinction of our culture , government and very existence. 

But now that the “rest of the story” has been leaking out, Suddenly the entire story here in the states feel into the informational black hole. (deafening silence, cant find info even by query).  NOBODY, not FOX,CNN,NBC,CBS will even mention it. they might have to admint they were wrong or report the facts and truth or somthing, Damage control you know.

Every one of every race gets to proudly proclaim and celebrate it with monthlong events, postage stamps, and various protected status. EXEPT WHITE PEOPLE OF EURO DESCENT THAT IS.

I am extremely satisfied to people of MY race finally stand up to the arrogance, intimidation, insults, and assaults of these so called innocent middle eastern men (muslims).  Perhaps someday it will be so here. what will it take. They call us every insult and infidels, say they are going to convert, ensalve, or cut our throats someday.  Fly planes into our buildings, plan and scheme for ways to kill our civil population with WMD’s and we continue to lie down and take it..



Idaho, USA


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:40 | #

its not illegal to be in a large group

It’s just illegal to walk around with a tree branch.

Whites get fast-tracked to jail, non-whites get a pass.

Why am I not surprised?

I’m not surprised for the same reason no one will be surprised that there’ll be no calls for welfare and quotas for the white Aussie unrest.

I’m not surprised because the emperor has no clothes, and everyone knows it.


Posted by Phil on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:47 | #

One word: PANIC


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:51 | #

Geoff, what you’re missing is the fundamentals:

Before we can do anything there has to be a we.

Framing the whole thing around violence is a great way to make sure there’s never a we.

Simple, isn’t it?

I for one am concerned ONLY with creating a we; the bigger that we the better.  Once it has achieved critical mass IT may decide how to best to proceed in its own interests.  I don’t presume to decide in advance it’s best course of action.

The converse is also worth considering: no large scale revolution ever succeeded without large scale support.

In other words, you’re proposing we put our foot in a trap.


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:53 | #

The Lebanese use the media far better than the Anglo surfers it seems.

That’s a really naive statement, if Australia is anything at all like the rest of the west.

The media is in love with the Lebanese and couldn’t care less about the Anglo surfers.


Posted by Calvin on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:35 | #

“Property prices in Cronulla will plummet”  Property prices would also plummet if the Lebanese were allowed free reign in the area. People don’t buy houses in areas where gangs run amok and women live under constant threat. Let the prices drop. White Australians should just take advantage and move in in greater numbers. A community ethos of proactive resistance to Muslim violence will make Cronulla a highly desirable place to live.

Speaking from the UK, I can assure Australian readers that it is true that little of the violence which preceded the protest was reportted and none of the Leb retaliation was reported. The five thousand White protesters were, indeed, described as “White Supremacists” and “Neo-Nazis”. Five thousand Neo-Nazis? Hitler only managed to raise 2000 for the Beer Hall Putsch.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:58 | #

I concurr with Calvin’s comment upon British media coverage of the initial rumble.  I saw it reported on the ITN lunchtime news in exactly the terms he describes.  I felt ashamed for the people who wrote the news-script.


Posted by Andrew on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:39 | #

That would be a play on words. :Cronalla unprotected:
Australia has been unprotected for 30 odd years, Cronalla was a stand point. Sydney, like all other towns and Cities are under siege by Middle Eastern Gang’s and Moslem influences. WE are IN A STATE OF OCCUPATION: White flight from homes and suburbs, (By Force in most cases). Girls Raped like dogs on the street, Day and night, these scum have no discrimination of what time of day it is. White Australians being murdered and bashed to death and the Government and police don’t care: Unless it is a Anglo committing the crime. If that is not bad enough.: Some Fwitted dick head awarded the Security contract of Sydney Airport to? Yes you are right, Middle Eastern Crime gang syndicate. Remember two Mainframe computers removed from Customs offices a few years ago? Security company in Chester Hill has its 28 Glock semi-pistols robbed at gun point, have a guess, Yes Obliging security is a Middle Eastern Crime gang Syndicate, and it was not white Anglo’s doing the robbing, NO, they robbed themselves, Do you think police followed it up in the courts? NO, and why do we think that is:
Is there a Major conspiracy involving the Federal Government and State Governments, or is it just a coincidence or do they have senior Bureaucrats in Primary positions. Have a Guess: I think it is called Equal opportunity employment?


Posted by Andrew on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 20:08 | #

The other side of Property price issue is the Local Business decline, Socialist looters have no respect for others efforts, when these businesses go bankrupt , and in the area, then where do the looters steal their goodies from, yep, they move on to the next suburb.And that has and is happening as we debate it.

The Idea of British law and principle as it was intended many years ago have been totally disgorged: Now we enter an era of free for all and Debortiary, not many here would not realize what that means. Our values have been annihilated and not by our doing.

Islam is a Looter Ideology, as is Socialism or Communism, Where are our Academics ready to define the real meaning of what has taken place, or are they to chicken and have already secured their part of the Loot, that answers the question, Economic and Honor value have near disappeared, Now that has gone there is no Economic value or Honest transactions left, only criminal activity: Understand now what we are facing.


Posted by Jamie on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 11:25 | #

fuck lebs ?

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

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