On diverse enjoyments Since last weekend’s events in North Cronulla we have once again been treated to the enlightened thinking of some visiting liberals. It tends to be a frustrating experience. Stopping these people from displaying their faux-morality long enough to answer a fact-based argument is really very difficult. But it has ever been thus. I remember how, back in the 1960’s and even as late as the early 1980’s, Conservative thinkers agonised over the tendency for the educated young to look to a radical left that was all noisy protest. A great many students were weak and were simply swept along with the rebellious spirit of the times. But be they weak or strong, we are surely reaping their whirlwind now. However, before one gets too down-hearted, there are some signs that today’s young view the modern liberal-left establishment in much the same light as my generation viewed the old establishment ... something to be opposed in root and branch! I guess it must be sheer hell - far worse than the mere boredom we suffered - to sit through years of excruciatingly earnest, Pee-Cee educational pap. As evidence of this happy trend I offer the following essay, “On diverse enjoyments”, which arrived in my in-box a couple of days ago. It is written by a young man who is still in education and who had the wisdom and foresight to say some very nice things about this blog. His grasp of the real political currents of our time is vastly more sophisticated than and superior to that of our recent liberal visitors. I find this wholly encouraging. If there are people like this among the young, who will not have to spend years of their lives in thrall to liberalism but can really see NOW, the future is not lost. Our essayist’s blog-name is Alex Zeka. He lives on the south coast of England, and it is about this sceptred isle that he writes. He is to be encouraged. GW
The West sure takes diversity, equality and tolerance seriously. It has grown to be inevitable that, whatever harm “diversity” brings, the anti-racist crowd will demand more effort from the majority. Let us, however, consider what has been done for Britain’s sexual, racial and religious minorities over the past few years. Laws banning various forms of discrimination have been passed. European directives have been agreed on. A statue commemorating that great hero of the multicultural morality play, Nelson Mandela, is due to be erected in Trafalgar Square. The new, super-egalitarian Commission for Equality and Human Rights (pdf) will have enough resources lavished on it to lift every single Briton above the poverty line (if it isn’t raised, which it will be). “And quite right too,” the diversnic will reply, “we need to amend for past wrongs done to these minorities.” How could anyone possible object to diversity, they may well wonder?- after all, doesn’t it mean everyone getting what they want? If that is indeed so, if diversity and multiculturalism are indeed the panaceas to all evils, and the routes to political utopia, why have they never, in all the history of humanity, been discovered and tried before? Was it just the wilful blindness of all our ancestors? A shadowy conspiracy to defraud others of their rights? Just the fact that no prior civilisations - for all their genius, for all the Platos and Newtons and Saint Aquinases - could ever match the sheer brilliance of the collection of ex-Marxists and liars currently compromising the British government? Whilst I am second to none in my admiration for John Prescott’s eloquence and grasp of political philosophy, can it truly be argued that he and his associates, with one fell swoop, have surpassed and made obsolete all previous political meditation? Alas, to discover the real face of multiculturalism one should observe not its glossy propaganda offerings but its actual, one-sided practice. UK councils rush to celebrate every Eid, Hanukah, Diwali, Vaisakhi, etc, etc. Plans are laid in London for:-
... and, oh yea:-
Meanwhile, the Flag of St George remains furled and locked away in Hounslow:-
Too controversial in Britain’s prisons, too, where tie pins with the red cross on a white background, bought by prison officers in support of a cancer charity, were banned by the Chief Inspector of Prisons. A man with an Irish name had this to say:-
But that may not be the view of genuine English people. Certainly not the Londoners who responded to a BBC website poll on whether there should be a celebration of St George’s Day in their city:-
Elsewhere the culture war grinds exceeding small. Tom Forrest, the owner of a guest house in the Scottish Highlands, was targeted by homosexual political activists for refusing to accommodate a homosexual couple in a single room. They haven’t dropped their trousers in his guesthouse yet, and he is determined that they never shall. But he will have to break the new equality law, due to take effect late next year, to stop them. Being a party to sodomy is not just allowed now - it’s compulsory. A little over a year ago the Commission for Racial Equality published a study of what it termed “passive apartheid”. Real apartheid as pursued in South Africa, of course, was a very active system of racial segregation. So what could passive apartheid possibly mean? According to the report, members of various ethnic minorities were choosing neither to live in nor visit the countryside. Note what wasn’t alleged by CRE Chairman, Trevor Phillips: that minorities were being chased out of villages by bloodthirsty mobs, that jack-booted fascists were wandering the streets of every isolated hamlet, vigilant against any intruders. He wasn’t even claiming that rural Britons were utilising their ancient freedom to associate with some but not with others. But Phillips is informed by the culture of a “right to be offended”. Under Hate Speech law, for example, an offence is committed if the “victim” feels that one has been committed. Just so with the minorities’ apparent perception of rural hostility. What the above show is a willingness by government to invade almost any institution or transaction in a monomaniac pursuit of its goals. Do not be fooled by the talk of rights: these are not the rights of the American Constitution or of the Magna Carta. Those old rights were limitations on government power, “immunities” as Edmund Burke called them. The new homosexual and ethnic - and whatever - minority rights are aggrandisements of government power, suppressing rights of association and freedom of speech. If you think freedom of speech is an academic irrelevance consider that the mobs looting Lozells would have become uncriticisable with the passage of the Religious and Racial Hatred Bill. That many in the government pushing this agenda through were once classical economic Marxists is significant. Their creed has shifted only as far as Political Correctness or, to give it its less flattering name, Cultural/ Frankfurt School Marxism (of Herbert Marcuse and Institut für Sozialforschung fame, or rather obscurity). Even its official name should give us pause for concern, for it implies that something can be factually true but politically false. Are we to ignore reality in favour of what our rulers want us to believe, and become their willing dupes? The reality is more sinister yet. For the Marxists have never given up on the dream of a wholesale reordering of society. Rather than production/industry they are using immigration and the destruction of the relationship of Man and Woman as their instruments. Ordinary people have grown accustomed to it, of course. They laugh and assert that it could never work, that it is doomed to failure. Perhaps, but, like every other utopian social experiment it will go down in flames rather than quietly. The British borders are controlled from abroad; its army has become the auxiliary arm of Washington’s. The ancient provisions of the Magna Carta (habeas corpus, double jeopardy, right to a fair trial by jury) have been either abolished by dictat from Brussels or are treated as inconveniences by Westminster. One can be charged with a speech crime against which truth is no defence. A good half of a man’s income is now spent by distant authorities in Westminster. And we are told how lucky and free we are because we can sodomise, abort and degrade Britain’s heritage and indulge in other diverse enjoyments (pun intended) to our heart’s content! Alex Zeka Comments:2
Posted by Andrew on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 02:56 | # Don’t you just love that expression, “Equal opportunity and Human rights” that is the warrant that Leftoids need to have equal opportunity do destroy your privileges and you have the right to accept it or be banished to a gulag, and move your nation to bubbling festering cess-pit. I just read a leftist version of what they have done to promote equality in society: Health –Education- Security-Law and order: I tell you I had to empty the bucket on several occasion it made me that sick. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 03:54 | # Hearty congratulations to Alex Zeka on an excellent essay, one moreover which is better than 99% of the opinion pieces one sees in mainsteam journalism today written by established, seasoned, “mature” journalists and “thinkers” and that is not an exaggeration! Your honesty, Alex, and your grasp of the issues place you head-and-shoulders above the rest in knowledge, wisdom, and even ordinary common sense! Very well done! 4
Posted by Phil on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 10:48 | # Superb essay. Kudos to Alex for grasping the whole picture. 5
Posted by John S Bolton on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 12:30 | # This prodded me to think of how diversity starts off as biodiversity, and then is propagandized into mendacious association with life and pleasure. There is diversity of life and pleasure, but not of pain and death? If one is to promote the valuing of diversity from the valuable, a dishonest coupling of diversity with life, is advisable to hide from sight the diversity of pain and death which necessarily comes to be valued, under diversity in general. Valuing diversity then turns out to mean valuing not biodiversity, but thanatodiversity. This happens because that which is actually good for life does not need to be valued just for diversity’s sake, but the deadly things need such a misvaluation, to gain ground by such deceptions. If this be not so, how can it be that diversity to be valued, on the strength of such propaganda, never means diversity from what is actually bad? 6
Posted by Tournament of Champions on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 13:40 | # This prodded me to think of how diversity starts off as biodiversity, and then is propagandized into mendacious association with life and pleasure. Also the vague & false association with financial diversification, which is Good. The term “diversity” is no doubt the result of the polysci application of advanced marketing. Consumer parallels in Virginia Slims or Kools, anyone? Buy it, feel good, die early. Quite possibly the word was carefully selected and then trial-tested to gauge gut reactions, a Rorschach test of some sorts. That’s how professionals would do it (I think). To see how controlled the controlled media is (and how lemming-like the non-controlled media generally is), just observe the universal and immediate post-invasion adoption of the term “insurgent” for Iraqi rebels (the term used by newspapers for “insurgents” in every other conflict around the world). “Insurgent”, of course, is not positively associated by the Everyman with anything, whereas “rebel” is. Witness a similar stripping of the negatively associated “civilian casualities”, replaced by the meaningless “collateral damage” in Gulf War I, and now by the even more superior dead silence. Clever cooks, those **** be. They run the country cuz they’re really, really good at what they do. 7
Posted by Johannes Climacus on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 16:20 | # So, the worm turns, and the hunter becomes the huntress! The jackbooted octopus slithers out of its kettle as the spectre of Fascism raises its shrouded head over Europe once more—in agony! 8
Posted by Alex Zeka on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 21:03 | # MH: Thanks for the praise, and I agree entirely: MR should not turn itself nto an X-rated site. FS: Better than only 99%? 9
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 23:31 | # TOC, another good example is how quickly the media caught itself saying “refugee” in reference to Katrinagroids and immediately effected an industry-wide switch to “evacuee.” 10
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 01:58 | # I think “collateral damage” goes back to Vietnam at least. Also I think the term started off as a precise militray term meaning damage to non-targets (buildings not people) and has been (cynically) twisted to mean killing civilians as if it were a term actually used to mean that by the military. 11
Posted by Tournament of Champions on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 16:07 | # the media caught itself saying “refugee” in reference to Katrinagroids and immediately effected an industry-wide switch to “evacuee.” I did kinda vaguely notice that at the time, and felt it was overkill. But lets Rorschach it: Refugee- third world, poor, teeming, often non-white, smbody who got his ass kicked in his homeland for whatever reason, Evacuee- normal ppl who have suffered a misfortune not of their making (elicits altruistic reaction) Yes, a good switch. Any group who wants to survive competition with these guys will need their own bank of psychological warfare experts. 12
Posted by Matra on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:02 | # If I’m not mistaken they were called refugees right up until Jesse Jackson claimed it was racist. After that the media fell into line. Post a comment:
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Posted by Martin Hutchinson on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 02:33 | #
Nice essay—makes the very good point that multiculturalism is today’s dress for vulgar leftist egalitarianism, the ideals (though not the practice) of the French and Russian Revolutions. As the essayist points out, the worm is turning (as in the US last night’s House of Representatives vote on immigration demonstrates.)
Now if we would just grow up and stop alienating people with anti-Semitism or disgusting them with repetitive and distasteful pictures of rape victims (however much sympathy one may have with the victim herself, there’s such a thing as self-respect) or indeed frothing about rape in general, we might get somewhere.
I have NEVER read the News of the World or the Volkischer Beobachter, and I don’t intend to start—let alone to write for them.