Tamsyn’s multicultural nightmare
Tamsyn Lewis is an Australian runner, currently preparing for next year’s Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. She is undeniably attractive, and gets a fair bit of media attention here in Australia.
Earlier this month, Tamsyn revealed that she is still haunted by a nightmare experience which occurred in England in 2002, when she was preparing for the Manchester Commonwealth Games.
She was short of money at the time and so decided to base herself in the London suburb of Brixton. It was not a good choice. Not only were two people down the road murdered and her neighbour held up at knifepoint, she herself suffered two attacks during her brief stay.
On one occasion she was at a bus stop when a man leered at her. She told him to go away and he smashed a bottle and threated to cut her and kill her with it. Another time, she was walking along the street when a man tried to pull her into a parked car. She fought him off and ran away.
Brixton is, of course, one of the more multicultural suburbs of London. We are always being told how much our lives will be enriched by the multicultural experience, but clearly Tamsyn does not feel at all rewarded by her time in Brixton. She remains frightened to this day by her experiences there.
Posted by John on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 10:08 | #
Brixton is filling up with queers and yuppies atm. Many of our coloured frends don’t like the rising prices and are moving out.