I don’t think the left will learn, but ...
The cause of the month in Australia is refugees. The left are pulling no punches in their latest campaign. Over 300 activists have descended on the private home of the immigration minister, Amanda Vanstone, in Adelaide, and there have been violent protests outside the Baxter detention facility in the north of South Australia.
Which makes me wonder if any of these left-wing protesters are aware of what happened in Paris earlier this month. The left there organised a large protest by high school students against education reforms. But things didn’t go according to plan.
The student protest turned violent ... when up to 1000 young immigrants showed up, some with clubs, to beat up and rob the protesters. One young Tunisian immigrant admitted “I didn’t go for the protest but to take cell phones and hit people. There were little groups running, agitating the crowd. And in the middle of these clowns, little Frenchies looking like victims” (see here and here for some very interesting reports).
The racist contempt the “casseurs” showed for the French student protesters, and their willingness to violently disrupt a left-wing protest, might be something for the Australian left to consider as they agitate on behalf of illegal immigrants.
Posted by Stuka on Sat, 26 Mar 2005 15:18 | #
Bring it on (as Bush would say)! The more clashes (like the one in Paris) that occur, the better. It’ll bring things to a head.
Incidentally, was the counter-protest in Paris a spontaneous attack by Arabs and Negroes, or was it a planned and organized assault? I wonder… If the latter, then perhaps it can be seen as one of the first skirmishes in the coming race war in France & Europe.