White slaves A new book has been published detailing the slave raids on Europe from 1530 to 1780. The raids were carried out by corsairs - North African pirates - who delivered their European captives to Muslim overlords to work as galley slaves, labourers and concubines. Although most were captured in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France, there were also raids as far afield as Britain, Ireland and Iceland. In fact, in 1631 nearly all of the inhabitants of the village of Baltimore in Ireland were captured by Barbary Coast pirates. Professor Davis, the author of the book, claims that white slavery has been minimised or ignored because academics prefer to treat Europeans as evil colonialists rather than as victims. Comments:2
Posted by Geoff Beck on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 02:17 | # I remember hearing about this book, some months ago. It seems some controversy surrounded it… hmm there must be truth in it. Anyway, the slave trade is quite alive and thriving in the USA. Loads of Mexicans and Russian women are being imported ( through Mexico ) into the USA. Most are sex slaves. Since the political class doesn’t care - as long as their business friends get cheap labor - I’d expect the trade to expand. Perhaps White women can be exported (via Mexico) to Asia. Well, that’s where all the money is! DO YOU HEAR ME SENATOR BROWNBACK OF KANSAS - YOU PHONEY - YOU WORM, SACK OF CRAP! I SPIT… 3
Posted by Mark Richardson on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 03:27 | # The way left-liberals see things, if one group of people in society has economic or political power this is because they have combined together as part of a “will to power” over a victim group. The aim of politics, in this view, is to restore justice and equality by deconstructing the power structure set up by the dominant oppressor group. That’s why left-liberals have such a doctrinaire attitude in stubbornly viewing white males as oppressors, and other groups as victims. To put this another way, it’s difficult for the left to recognise instances in which a so-called oppressor group, like white men, are actually the victims of a so-called oppressed group, like African muslims. It upsets the whole theory of an entrenched, immoral power structure in which the will of one group is imposed on the other. What we need to insist on, in opposition to the left, is that it’s natural for adult, white males to have political and economic power within a Western society. This isn’t motivated by some abstract will to power over other groups (women, ethnic minorities etc) but by a normal leadership role exercised by adult men within their own societies. Such a masculine role does not always confer privileges (as the left would have us believe). It requires men to make sacrifices on behalf of their families, and in defence of their communities. That’s why it’s not difficult to find instances in which white men are not privileged oppressors at all - a fact which has to be overlooked to sustain the left-liberal, politically correct view of things. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 04:20 | # “DO YOU HEAR ME SENATOR BROWNBACK OF KANSAS—YOU PHONEY—YOU WORM, SACK OF CRAP! I SPIT…” Good for you for saying that, Geoff! That and worse badly needed to be said about Brownback. The biggest moral criminal in open borders is, of course, the head honcho himself, Bush. But all the connivers in it—Brownback, Cannon, Dreier, and so on, need to be called all the disgraceful names that fit. If I may, I’ll enthusiastically fill in the ellipsis in your last sentence: I SPIT ON YOU, SENATOR BROWNBACK OF KANSAS, YOU COMPLETE SWINE! 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 07:46 | # ”<u>Suppression of Historical Knowledge</u> “The campaign of defamation against European Americans has included the suppression of knowledge about the invasions of Europe within historical memory, each of which had a profound and continuing impact on the shared memories and perceptions of Europeans and European Americans. “African-based Arab, Moor & Berber Invasions “One centuries-long series of brutal militaristic invasions was the African-based Arab, Moor, and Berber crusades and slave-takings for 700 years in southern Europe that ended only 513 years ago with European liberation in 1492. Millions of Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and Sicilian Europeans were slaughtered, enslaved, and sold at slave markets in Africa and Asia. There were no fewer than four major bloody crusades into Europe by Africans during this period, each followed by new slave-taking and massacres of indigenous European peoples. “These invasions were far greater ‘crusades’ in terms of duration, bloodshed, and oppression than all the papal-inspired crusades into southwest Asia. In fact, none of the later European excesses in Africa can rival the terror and cruelty of these invasions into Europe. This 700-year period of oppression and slavery is an excellent area for historical research from the point of view of the indigenous European peoples. “Asian-based Mongol Invasions “A second centuries-long series of plundering and butchering crusades was by the Mongols of Asia and lasted for 550 years in eastern and central Europe. Millions of Europeans were slaughtered or sold at slave markets in Asia. These invasions did not completely end until around 220 years ago (about the time George Washington was President of the United States) when Catherine the Great of Russia wiped out the Mongol-installed khanates (kingdoms) on the Crimean Peninsula. Dozens of European principalities and cities were destroyed by Mongol armies as they converted the populated plains and river basins of eastern and central Europe into grazing grounds for horses and cattle. “This 550-year period would be an excellent area for historical research from the point of view of the indigenous European peoples. Unfortunately most studies are from the point of view of the cruel invaders. Europeans have never visited such horror on any Asian country before or since. The viciousness of the Mongol invasions is shown by the fact that they engaged in the first recorded biological warfare. European merchants at trading posts on the coast of the Black Sea were driven out when Mongols hurled dead bodies of victims of the Bubonic Plague (the ‘Black Death’) over the trading post walls. When the traders retreated to the Italian Peninsula, the Bubonic Plague followed them and led to death by disease of up to 50% of all Europeans in the mid-1300s. “Asian-based Turkish Invasions “A third centuries-long series of marauding and vicious militaristic crusades into Europe was the Asian Turkish crusades and slave-takings in central Europe for 500 years that ended only about 85 years ago with the collapse of imperial Turkey into its present boundaries. These crusades took the Turkish empire all the way to the coast of Italy and the walls of Vienna. Millions of Europeans were enslaved and sold at slave auctions in north Africa and southwest Asia. This is an area that needs historical research and documentation from the point of view of the European victims. “One depraved feature of the Turkish empire was an annual slave roundup throughout the Slavic nations and as far north as the city walls of Moscow and Warsaw. These were no simple, mercantile affairs like the Asian Arab slave-taking expeditions into the east coast of Africa. These were well-financed and state-run roundups of young Europeans (and the murder of their parents in many cases). There is nothing in European conduct toward any other peoples or nations to compare with this systematic and centuries-long depredation of central Europeans. The Turkish crusades put any excesses of the papal crusades in southwest Asia in the shade. “European Diversity & Lessons “These invasions and oppressions explain the diversity of nations and tribes that provide such a rich texture to the European diaspora, and give insight into the lessons that these historical crimes taught to the victimized Europeans. These lessons provide the necessary context to understanding the last 513 years of history. Without understanding the European historical experience, European Americans lack the knowledge to resist the contemporary campaign of defamation.” 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 07:54 | # Sorry—if you click on the link (at the first sub-heading) in the excerpt I posted above, it won’t get you to the excerpt. On the page that comes up, you must click on “Introduction,” at the left margin. (Strangely, I now see, there’s no separate URL address for the “Introduction” page.) 8
Posted by Effra on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 15:15 | # Slavery is, or has been, universal. The term encompasses many social arrangements. Michael A. Hoffman wrote a juicy work some years ago called ‘They Were White and They Were Slaves’ about a disregarded aspect of early days in the Land of the Free. 9
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 19:50 | # One tidbit I found about American slavery was that based on a cursory examination of the statistics, blacks were more likely to own slaves than whites (at least at certain times). This cannot be explained away with the altruism excuse (former slaves buying their wives to manumit them) either; the numbers don’t bear that out. I always get a kick out of discussing this with leftists and sticking in and breaking off the etymology of the word “slave.” I also enjoy the Mongol (mountains of skulls, cities full of women and children put to sword and fire) and Islamic invasions, to which Leftists have no equivalent answer (except the defensive and relatively pathetic Crusades). 10
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:09 | # Mark: I don’t think it challenges a Leftist’s ideas about race-conflict or “will to power” at all. I think rather that it challenges typical absolutist Leftist thinking about whites as dominant villains and non-whites as subordinate victims. This goes to the heart of the deceptions that are Leftism. They want to seem as though racial justice is their goal (and for many if not most, it probably is, at least in a self-deceptive way), when actual Leftism entails ensuring that no fact that could change this white villain non-white victim mythology is ever acknowledged. Anti-whitism again proves more accurate a description of Leftist racial thinking than racial justice, at least to my mind. On a tangent, I think many white Leftists are unconscious white supremicists: many seem to unconsciously assume that the entire world is populated with white people with different-colored skin; many seem to assume that the non-white man needs the white man’s help; few question the bdsm-like Leftist mythology of the white man as the perpetual (inevitable?) cruel oppressor of the non-white man. 11
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:11 | # Er, “supremacists.” I even checked the spelling, lol. Post a comment:
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Posted by Stuka on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 01:55 | #
Professor Davis, the author of the book, claims that white slavery has been minimised or ignored because academics prefer to treat Europeans as evil colonialists rather than as victims.
I reckon that’s an accurate assessment. ‘Whites as victims’ simply doesn’t fit the agenda of the anti-White Left. It’s not useful.
It’s also why white victims of hate crimes committed by non-whites are rarely given their day in court, let alone even mentioned in the press in case (horror!) it triggers public sympathy.