Hyperinflation within a year? Hyperinflationary collapses occur when the mercantile powers-that-be have taken over, and so debased, the economic foundation of a civilization that they are reduced to doing the only thing they can (without actually abdicating to legitimate powers that are likely to punish them): “printing” money as a last resort before they bolt for the door to avoid their, otherwise, certain demise. There is reason to believe the start of the hyperinflationary collapse of Western Civilization is imminent—as in within the next year. The powers over Western Civilization have already debased its economic foundation by handing over its technology, hard assets, territory and human capital generators (mainly academia but also social entitlements and prime women) to non-Westerners and, with the possible exceptions of Japan and South Korea, non-Westerners are more resentful than grateful. The only thing keeping the West afloat is its combination of nuclear threat and demand for its money as reserve currency. The supposed “need” for a “Western market” is a chimera based on the demand for its money. For example, if Westerners can’t really compete on any basis but delivery of natural resources like grain, trees, minerals and young whores, it isn’t in a good position to demand much without the threat of nuclear war and/or reserve currency—and the US is decreasingly capable of producing the young blonde-haired, blue-eyed whores so demanded by the rest of the world because the powers over the West have convinced their potential mothers to not have children with men genetically capable of so endowing them. Much as they might subconsciously or consciously want to convert the West into a slave society, they can’t even do decent human-husbandry and keep the breeds going they like to sell for the highest value slaves produced by the West: sex slaves. They went the way of Portnoy’s Complaint, drooling over their livestock, and forgot that the livestock need to breed too. So we’re left with the reserve currency status and finally nuclear threat for support of the West’s currency. Reserve currency status means people demand your currency because they are confident it isn’t going to inflate out from under them as they use it to settle debts during international transactions. Reserve currency status also means demand for your currency is more than doubled over what it would normally be. Put these two things together and as soon as any major customer of your reserve currency bolts for the door, you’ll have nearly 100% inflation as the money that was circulating converts to a more reliable basis. The only thing left then, before simple hyperinflation, is nuclear threat. Don’t make me laugh. Merchants are cowards. Merchants fundamentally hate and fear military power because deep down they know that they are lying to all those men putting their lives on the line. The propaganda says the military men are defending their country. Really, the military men don’t own much of anything. The merchants do. The big lie. So the last thing the merchants really want, as long as they’re thinking they’ve got it made, is for the power to really rely on the military. They’ll do it only in the most extreme circumstances but really have to concede major losses over the populous like they did after WW II when they let the returning GI’s have low interest, low cost mortgages on houses that could support families, secure, cradle-to-grave jobs that could pay the mortgages on a single salary so the wife could have children and not become a resentful, family-destroying monster, and even make movies that portray men of their ethnicity in something other than a unrelentingly negative light so the young women would be inspired to have children with them. This is what produced the Baby Boom and it really strained the tolerance of the mercantile class to see this happen. But, surprise! It turned out ok because there were lots of nubile young women to herd into the colleges and cities during the late 1960s and 1970s. All they had to do was reverse all of the conditions that let the WW II warriors keep women of their ethnicity to themselves and—BINGO! Party till you demographically collapse! But they never really learn—they aren’t that thoughtful really. They can only allow the creation of wealth like the young women of the Baby Boom generation—and they only allow it when they’re threatened by military types who might otherwise realize how they’ve been betrayed. So do they really have a “nuclear option”? Not without sacrificing something they cherish more than anything else—even life itself: Control. In the early 1980’s they could put the kibosh on inflation by simply raising the interest rates—but that was a time when the highly educated, naive and exploitable Baby Boomers were entering their jobs at inflation-depressed real-wages and creating the demand for real estate that would carry the merchants through the rest of their sellout of the West. These days the West doesn’t have anything like the young Boomers to exploit. Young Mexicans just don’t do the job nor do young Asians. The businesses that try are failing to get the results they got from Boomers during the 1980s and 1990s. The merchants ate the Boomers and thereby ate their seed corn. So now, how long before the first sign of dollars returning from overseas as reserve currency? Actually, this happened during May. I was there. While in Russia, at the start of my month-long visit my hosts wanted payment in US dollars. At the end they wanted payment in Rubles. It caused a bit of hassle because the agreement was that I’d pay in USD, and they had even assisted me in doing a wire transfer of USD to Russia so I had USD to pay them! Then the Russian central bank started raising the exchange rate and sending signals to dump US dollars. That’s when they wanted me to do the exchange from USD to Rubles myself— they didn’t want to take the hit. So I had to, in a foreign land without much in the way of leverage, demand that they honor their agreement to accept USD, which they ultimately did because they probably realized I might not be able to pay them. Now, Russia is building pipelines much more cheaply than the US and doing so via routes that bypass Western trade bottlenecks. No wonder Bush is in Russia.
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 19:45 | # Yes I should have said “any children with men genetically capable of so endowing them”. Corrected. 3
Posted by Stanley Womack on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 22:22 | # I’m very envious. A quote from the first linked (“they bolt for the door”) article in Haretz: “The Institute for Policy Planning of the Jewish People had organized this gathering. It had a somewhat ambitious aim - a strategic debate about the future of the Jewish people. In actuality, it focused on three issues: the challenge posed by Islam, the situation in Israel, and the weighty question of whether the Jewish people are on the rise or on the wane.” Cn you imagine “The Institute for Policy Planing of the White People” meeting at a fancy resort on the East Coast? 4
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 23:54 | # You may be envious but I’m not the least bit surprised when I ran across this other line in that article:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:03 | #
No it can’t be imagined, and the group who’d be first and most aggressive and tenacious in attacking such a thing would be the Jews in whatever form: as Jewish or mainly Jewish organizations, as rabbis of congregations, as newspaper editorials, op-eds, and slanted newspage coverage, and as individuals—college professors, pundits and columnists, TV comedians such as John Stewart, and so on: the whole Jewish community acting as singlemindedly as bees in a hive would swarm out and attack it, first and foremost. But Jews can organize such policy planning in their own interests, and get away with it. The Jewish Question—and there is a Jewish Question—comes down to ethnic warfare in which it’s the diaspora Jews against the Europeans, the former opposing what they perceive will keep the latter ethno/racially healthy and strong, opposing it out of the usual motives animating antagonists in ethnic warfare (pure ordinary jealousy which is aroused to high pitch when “the other group” seems better situated or more privileged than your group, etc.; pure religious dislikes and hatreds otherwise known as bigotry and prejudice—yes, a great many Jews harbor a hatred of Christianity to a lesser or greater degree of intensity but of course are loath to admit this; and so on), the more aware and patriotic among the latter noticing Jewish attempts to weaken and harm it as an ethno/racial group and resenting that, calling attention to it, and making moves to oppose it. The Jewish Question is naught else than the Hindu Subcon/Moslem Subcon Question, or the Greek Cypriot/Turkish Cypriot Question, or the Bosnian/Serbian Question, or the Ulster Prod/Ulster Catholic Question or, to a lesser degree, the Russian/Ukrainian Question, or the German/Polish Question, or the French/German Question, and so on.
Jews acting as individuals and organized groups are one of the chief reasons the West is on the decline—they’re one of the five or six or so principle factors, and as far as race-replacement goes, perhaps tied with one or two others for first place. The above excerpt helps to illustrate how the lack of Jewish alarm over what’s happening to the West stems from their not considering themselves European or Western, and more and more for many of them—especially in the new generation—not even what is called “white.” So, more and more we see that the Jews don’t consider themselves Western, European, or white. It’s natural under those circumstances for them to begin exploring closer cultural ties with places such as India and China as they reject Europe, white people, and the West more and more completely. The Greek Cypriots don’t let the Turks get their way when the Turks try to weaken them; nor do the Turkish Cypriots let the Greeks get their way when they try to weaken them in turn. Neither should the Europeans let the Jews, who feel intense enmity towards them, get their way when they try to weaken them: it’s done out of the same spirit of ethnic antagonism, hatred even, as with the Greek and Turkish Cypriots between themselves and should be opposed the same way. The Jews are going to try to harm Europeans at almost every turn: they don’t like them, resent them, are jealous of them, hate their for their past persecutions of Jews, and so on. Europeans shouldn’t let Jews harm them. It’s that simple. 6
Posted by john ray on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 04:26 | # What a lot of rubbish! JR 7
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:21 | # There is a minor distinction between “now” and “starting within a year from now” that JJR seems unable to comprehend. To be more precise, now we have just enough inflationary pressure to cause a slight rise in interest rates—which is par for the course. This is likely to remain the status quo until the adjustable rate mortgages held by the landlords start driving large numbers of people out of their homes and/or landlords to default. This hasn’t happened yet—but rents are creeping up. The disparity between rents and new mortgage payments are high—rents remaining low mainly due to the inertia of all the children of boomers that weren’t born so landlords could have a few more dollars of real estate equity for their retirement. I really wouldn’t want to be a landlord who relied heavily on real estate value for his retirement. He might not have much left after his part in the collective genocide produces the much delayed reaction—not even his head. 8
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:08 | # <a >The UK Guardian Reports</a> that:
So now even the origin of all those $100 bills (and their electronic counterparts) floating around the world’s economy admits the money is likely looking for a way to go home before they’re worthless. 9
Posted by On Holliday on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 14:50 | # “James Is that an argument? Although, unfortunately, I do not believe in an imminent economic collapse (i.e., within a year), I believe that the long-term prospects for the USA is, in a word, “nil.” Manufactoring outsourced, a service economy staffed by incompetent, poorly educated, lazy nitwits, an increasingly dumb and diverse population, and debt held by China, the nations’s foremost strategic competitor. James’ details may be off (or, maybe not), but the general tone is, in my opinion, sound. “On the ground” here in America the picture looks grim for eventually there will be nothing that dumbed-down brown America can produce that China wouldn’t be able to produce cheaper. 10
Posted by Steve Edwards on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:24 | # I think James’ instincts are about right, but his claims of imminent collapse are a fair way off. The US will not have an outright Soviet-style collapse, because it’s fundamentals are sounder, but that’s not to say there won’t be a serious recession. Keep in mind, lest anyone be tempted to toot China’s trumpet, that the Chinese economy is very precarious in many ways - their financial system is near-apocalyptic (with non-performing loan ratios averaging near 20% - an utter disaster) and they have an incredibly unwieldy government industry sector that is sucking up a lot of their savings. While this isn’t good for the USA, on rank zero-sum mercantilist grounds it isn’t bad either. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 19:36 | # I cannot believe that the West (all of it?) will suffer a hi collapse within the next year Hyperinflation is generally an alternative to depression. It is made much easier when the monetary basis is decoupled from hard supports like gold. Now that the West is off any sort of hard support it is more likely that a Great Depression kind of scenario will go hyperinflational. Moreover, the Great Depression did affect all of the West. And no I’m not predicting the West will collapse within the next year. I’m suspecting that hyperinflation will start within the next year triggered by the loss of the USD’s reserve currency status. The Soviet collapse was different due to differences in the underlying fundamentals but to say that Russia was fundamentally worse off than the US is to ignore the immigration disaster that the US has suffered subsequent to the demographic collapse of the population that built the nation. 12
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 20:04 | # I’ve done enough economics to know that when you go to fiat for support of your money, the demand for your money is fundmentally grounded in its role as legal tender and the main demand for legal tender is payment of taxes—so if you can’t credibly increase the collection of taxes commensurate with money supply increases, you can’t support the fiat currency. This is what the money markets ultimately must look at. Increases in government expenditures are not the only way the money supply can balloon—and I’ve already pointed out why I think the money supply in the US will start to balloon within the next year: returning USD from abroad due to a loss of reserve currency status. 13
Posted by Mark on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 20:34 | # High levels of debt leads to deflation, not inflation. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 21:39 | # High levels of debt needn’t lead to inflation until there are high levels of default. Personal bankruptcy rates have been steadily increasing over the last couple of decades and the current personal debt rate is being supported mainly by real estate equity against which families have borrowed heavily to pay for essentials. When the interest rates increase to keep down inflation this bankruptcy of equity will lead to a vast increase in defaults and personal bankruptcies. At that point there will be a crisis. 15
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 04:38 | # J.Bowery-I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you are wrong,but the negatives outweigh the positives.My 401K is down 18% inthe last three months,my house insurance has doubled,gas is $3 plus,the new Fed chairman can’t grab his ass with both hands,any solution to the US energy problems is at best 5-7 years ahead [refineries,nuclear plants,new oil sources,etc.] Add this to the fact we are 3x our GDP in the red,and your scenario is NOT without merit.Add a spark from the rag-heads,or N.Korea,and you’re right on target.And unless positive action is taken soon ala illegal immigration,Iraq is going to look like a dust-up outside a Brooklyn bar.Cheers 16
Posted by Wanderer on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 20:29 | #
Written in July 2006. James Bowery proven a prophet! That is exactly what happened (at least as I understand it). Wrong about the hyperinflaton, though. Inflation by year [However, during the “run-up-to-the-crisis” window of October-‘07 thru October-‘08, inflation averaged 4.5%/month ...the highest sustained rate of inflation since the 1980s. Still it was nothing like the mid-1970s to early-1980s sustained 10%+ inflation, which itself did not qualify as “hyper”-inflationary, I’d think]. 17
Posted by Divisas on Tue, 17 May 2011 07:20 | # foreign currency exchanges or divisascan be a good way to obtain funding for good causes and major humanitarian projects and their patronage should be encouraged by all Governments and major banking and financial institutions. 18
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 17 May 2011 07:43 | #
Btw, where is that prophet? Perhaps the bum has landed a job somewhere, at last, and started doing something useful to the society. 19
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 18 Mar 2020 02:54 | # The crisis didn’t unfold the way I thought it would, but unfold it did, and within a year.
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 19:30 | #
To not have children or, if they have any, to have them with Negroes, Mexicans, or other non-whites. This is assured by means of propaganda tools generated by those who control Hollywood, television, and college educations.