Where is our own fully-funded anti-defamation organization?
There seems to be serious resistance to using a combative approach to name-calling against our young children along the lines of Abe Foxman and his crew at ADL. But ADL, ACLU, PAW, and SPLC specialize on a daily basis in a revolting brand of hate speech that has to have a serious negative impact on us and, more to the point, on our young children.
We began Resisting Defamation in 1990, and took its Syllabus on-line a few years later, but intelligent European Americans have not embraced the cause. We’re not pleading that our version is the only possible version, but where else on the Internet is there a site that attacks back against editors, columnists, and writers who engage in the most repellent smear attacks on us and our children? We need ten, one hundred, one thousand web-sites bashing back.
I mention intelligent European Americans because IQ tests are more-or-less normed to our continent-of-origin, so there is a possibility that fully one-half of us literally do not understand the need to speak up. And probably a huge share of those with above average intelligence find it embarrassing, shameful, too costly, or beneath them to speak up. Why should this be so?
In our local experience, we have materially stung white-bashers, changed behavior, and gotten people who smear us fired from jobs. Just like ADL. But where are the writers and thinkers who will resist defamation across the North American, Australian, and European continents?
And with our “theory of slurs,” there is no need to whine, discuss your feelings, or claim hurt. Our approach looks at labels as to whether (1) they are contemptuous, (2) they are based on a supremacist claim, or (3) they act to smother our Euro-diversities, histories, heritages, and cultures. Still, the larger minds among our kin find the concept of speaking out to be beneath them.
It seems that common sense, a ready-made vocabulary, and proven techniques aren’t persuasive to our natural leaders, so I will appeal to authority to get some action.
I imagine we are all aware of the remarkable work of Wilmot Robertson, and the authority and prestige carried by his name and writings. So let’s take a look at what he said about this phenomenon of silence toward hate speech.
In his book, “The Dispossessed Majority,” first published in 1981, twenty-five years ago, and in his Chapter Ten, “The Decline of the Majority,” he says:
“There are aggressively censorious minority organizations, principal among them the B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League, which monitor the printed and the spoken word for the most subtle anti-minority allusions. Should any be found, the owner or editor of the offending media and, if necessary, the writer, advertisers and stockholders are so advised and admonished… The Majority, to its great loss, has no similar watchdog organizations.”
Think of that and then think of all the ink spilled, all the electronics hurled through the ether, and all the writing about high-minded theories, but only one anti-defamation Internet-based group is in existence for all of Euro-diversity. Why the reluctance to tangle with the dominant media culture and the corporate entertainment culture to protect our children? I’d really like to hear from posters as to why they decline to take Wilmot Robertson’s advice to form “watchdog organizations” especially to secure our Majority Rights.
Stanley Womack
Posted by Levelhed Ed on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 22:10 | #
Mr. Womack-
You’re work is invaluable. I’ve been reading posts on MR for the past year, and finally you have provided something practical in which I feel I can act on. I’m sick of the immigration debates, namely because my surrounding neighbors are Mexican, and they are passionate, jubulient people who barely speak English. We do our own version of sign language. And although I’m a proud and vague descendant of Scottish people, I’m sick of the highfalutin Euro Culture that is expressed on this site. I believe the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls; now there is your organization who speaks to me. Great job.